Newspaper Page Text
I -- I ''A t . r tf. A. PLANTS, Editor. "Independent in All Things Neutral in Nothifig.' T. A. PLANTS. Publishers a. E. Mclaughlin 70LUME III. POMEROY, ; MEIGS COUNTY, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1860 NUMBER 2 wv i m 111 111 ii j in 111 tr - in hi - in in in in business crnrds. A. PLANTS. h. rHK. PLANTS. PAIXK, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Pomeroy j 0. Office in Kdward's Building. t.lIFIS P. B. BTiBBKRT. BCR3IAP A. STANBERY, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. Of fice on Front street, at the head of Steamboat Landing:, a few doors cast of the Gibson House JWroytO. 238ly t. S. KKOWICS. C. II. OROSVKKdR. KNOWLES A GROStESOR, i At' Law, Athens, Athens County, O., - will attend tlie" Several Courts of Meijrs County, f. fen the first dav of each term. Office at the ''Gib" House!" , 2-16-ly ;.-' MARTIN HAYS, Attorney-at-Law, JIarrisonville, Meigs Co., O., will promptly attend to all business that, may be entrusted trf his are, in the several State fttuHs Of Ohi0,and in the U. 8. Court for tlie Northern and Southern Districts of Ohio. 8-3 W.a. SOLNEN. MWIICD. OOtDEH TOWItESD. Attorneys at Law. W. R. Golden's Office in Athens, (X, and L. S. Townsend's in Fngeville, Meigs Co, 0. Prompt attention given to the sollectioR of claims, and other business en trusted to them. 2-4tt-ly PETER. LAHBHECHT, Watchmaker & Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jew elry and Fancy Articles, Court street, below the new Banking Ilouse, Pomcroy. Watches, Clacks and Jewelry carefully repaired on short notice. -1-1 - W. A. A.ICHKR, Watchmaker and Jeweler, and wholesale and retail dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Front street, below the "Reming ton ' House,'' Poroeroy. Particular attention paid to repairing all articles in my line. 1-1 T. WHITESIDE, Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes, three doors above stone bridge. . The best of work, for Ladies and Gentlemen, made to order. ' McQ,TJIGO 4k. SMITH, Leather Dealers and Finders, Court street, three doors below the Bank, and opposite Branch's Store, Pomeroy, O. SUGAR RUN SALT COMPANY. Salt twenty-five cents per bushel. Office near the Furnace. 1-1 C. GRAJiT, Agent. . POMEROY SALT COMPANY. Salt twenty-five cents per busheL 1-1 DABSET SALT COMPANY, Coalport. Salt twenty-five cenla per bushel for country trade. . W. COOPEK, Sec y. ISAAC FALLER, Clothier, Grocer and Dry Goods Dealer, first store above C. E. Donnally's, near the Rolling "Mill, Pomeroy, O. Couutry Merchants arc ic pcctfully requested to call and examine my stock of Groceries, as I am confident that I cannot be undersold. 1-23 ' F. ITJIASf Painter and Glaiicr, back room of P. Lam Tsrecht's Jewehj Store, west side Court street, Pomcroy, O. 1-1 JOHN EISELiSTIN, Saddle, Ilurness and Truuk Manufac turer, Front street, three doors below Court, Pomeroy, will execute all work en trusted to his care with neatness and dispatch Saddles gotten up in the neatest style. 1-22 M. BLAETHER, Carriage & Wagon Manufacturer, Front street, first corner below the Rolling Mill, Pomeroy, O. All articles in his line of business manufactured at reasonable r:tec, and they are especially recommended for lurabilhy. " 2-0-1 y P. E. lit M PUKE Y, Blacksmith, back of the Bank Building, Pomeroy, O. Farming Tools, Shovel Plows, Mattocks, Hoes, &c- on hand and made to order. Horse Shoeing and all kinds of Job Work done to order Jan. 3. 3-1 JtlCHU. STEWARD. JOUS P.0II.L1LAS. STEWARD & CIL.I.IL.AN. This firm have located in the old stand of B. F. Stivers, on Front Street, a few doors below Nye's Saw-Mill. Horse-shoeing, Ironing Wagons and Buggies, and all kinds of jobbing -work done in s satisfactory manner, at moder ate rates. - 3-ai-ly. r - S.W.ROSS, ' Tainter, Glazier, aud Paper Hanger, Pomcroy. Paper put on at from 12J to IS c'ts per bolt, according to quality. Orders left at TeUyraph Printing Office promptly attended to. 17-2m ' WBI. RUST, Tailor, Front street, a few doors west of Court, Pomeroy, O. Men and Boy's clothes made to order; also, cutting done. . As I have a JNo. 1 sewing machine, my facilities for doing work are complete. . 3-20-1 y i FRANK COOPKR, ' - Stone MaSon & Bricklayer. Residence in John Lance's Building, near the Catholic Church. Dressed and Rubble stone work executed in the best manner also, Bricklaying Cementing, ,&c done at reasonable prices. . Work war ranted. - 3-24-ly A. KOHL, Dealer in and Manufacturer of TJmbrel .as. He holds himself in readiness to, make Umbrellas to order, or repair old .ones in the most substantial manner He will falso buy worn-out Umbrellas at liberal prices. Shop on Linn street, north of Smith's Shoe :Stere. - He would also inform the public that he pre pares a SALVE, which he will wan-ant equal to any in uso, for the cure of Felons, Catarrhs, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Cuts, Salt Rheum, Ring Worm. Rheumatism, Whit Swellings, and many other diseases of the kind. Price. 25 cents per Box. Jan. 3, 18t0. 3-ltf- . THOS. II. DAWSON Jlolds himself in readiness to repair Accordeons and Flutinas. Keys inserted, and instruments put 'in good oYder. Charges moderate. By leaving orders at George Ioachim's Store, a few doors above Donnally's, they will receive prompt attention. 3-30-tf EirTo Teachers. The Board of School Ex. .miners for Mcies County will meet on the first Saturday of each month, at the Court Mouse, in Pomeroy. for. the examination of -Teachers. Examination to commence at 10 o'clock A M, and continue till 41 P., M. -- E3"No Teacher need apply at such exami- nntiim who has a certificate valid for three .months from the date of said application. t By order of the Board. - 3in. I860. II. C. WATERMAN, Clerk. BLANK REPORTS can be procured by ap plying to the Board, or at the "Telegraph"' of- oe. JOHN ELB EN, M. D., TTOMOSOPATHIST. AND HYDROPATHIST. XI tenders his professional services to the rCitisiens of Pomeroy and vicinity. OFFICE, in John Geyer's Building, (for .merry Jacob Neitsling's,) on Sycamore street, yearly opposite Lowry s lia Miop, Fomeroy, (, Office Houes Till 9 o'clock A, Mi from 1 in 3 o'clock, and from 7 to 8 o'clock P. M. Office Prescriptions, ri'0m 23 cent upward, ifpr casn. iw" SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTOUY. fnHB SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE ' 1 in unnnnnee to the ciUens of Pomeroy and y icliiy, that he has opened shop on Sugar R,.n nMr tha Tannery, where he will manu facture, and keep constantly on hand, any r iticle in his line of 4uiaBi and we feel assured .(ktecan give tisf5ctB to all who may lavo us .ww - N B .All orderB attended to as oon a pos romcroy, l-l.-i tf rUBLIBHED BY I T. A. PLANTS & CO. OfBce la Brst tory or "Kdwarbs' BriLMKn," neai ihe -Susar Ron Stone Bridge " Pomerny, Ohio. m . m All Bufitirtt of the Firm Transaeted ly V. K. McIiAI.'GHLIBi, Business Manager. To whom all applications for Subscription, Adver tising nixl Job Work should bo made, at the office. TERMS OF SUBRCKlPTlO.v in adtrancn. : ::::::: $1.50 tf paid within (he year, : ; : : : tf not paid withln'tho year, : . : : 2.50 JO!4 paper will lit discontinned nntil all srrenr iecs are paid, except at the option of the publisher. RATER of advertising TIME 3w 6w 1 75 3 25 7 00 3 in 6ni 1)111 I yr One sqnnrp "TOenis. Two squares. - -One-fonrth rolnmn 1 00 3 00 5 no 9 on 5 on P 00 141)0 18 on 9 00 .1 00, noi ii no 12 50115 Dili Ono. half column - 7 50 9 00 13 oo if. 00120 oo "25 on !!ts no Tliree-fonrtbs do., jto OOilJ 00 15 00i OOtSll on une column. us noils oo'ia on "5 ooisj 0014000 Lefts! advertisements charged at rates allowed bv 1 w. from which 15 per cent, will be deducted for advance payment. Casuut r transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Advertisements not havinfr the number nf inser tions marked on copy, will be continued nntil for bid, and charged accordingly. THE LAW OF NEWSPAPER. I. Subscribers who do not jrlre express notice to 'he contrary, are considered as wishing toeeiitiaue their subscriptions. 3. If subscribers order tho discontinuance of their papers, the publishers can continue to send them un til all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their pa per from the office to which thev are directed, they are held responsible till they settle their bill, and nr ler the paper discontinued. 4. If any subscriber romoves to another place wilhont informing the publisher, and their paper Is ont to the former direction, the subscriber is held re sponsible. , 5. The courts have decided that refindnir to take a new sparer from the office, or removing and leaving ' called for, lspriim facie evidence niiitenlioniil ! it nnca fraud. TELEGRAPH JOS OFFICE In connection, with our Newspaper Estab lishment, we have a complete Job Office. We are therefore prepared to execute PtMl AND ORNAMENTAL JOB WORK, Stich as Posters, Programmes, Bills of Lading, ill Heads, Business and Visiting Cards, Blanks, &e. at O X -v X x o o as . Vie call the special attention of this commit-j uity to the above proposition, and desire an in vestigation of our work and prices. T. A. PLANTS it. Co. HIRAM O. DtNIKL. WW. T. RATHRl'RN. DANIEL & EATHBURN, 33 J. IS3" Si: 3D JS , BANK BIiOCK, Pomeroy, O. Collections made and promptly remitted; Busi ness paper discounted; buy and sell Exchange, Gold and Siiver Coin, Uncurrent Money Land Warrants, Jfcc. F O R E I G N K XCIIAXGE For sale in sums to suit. We are prepared to draw direct ou London, Liverpool, Swansea, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast, Paris, Amsterdam, Baden-Baden, and other cities in Europe. Also, Australia. - - - m I I Money received on deposit, and interest al- lowedon time deposits, at rate agreed upon. Jan. 17. 2-;-ly MARBLE WORKS riTHE undersigued would respectfully nn-; L nounce that he has become the proprietor of the "Premium Marble Works," of Racine, nnd will continue the business under the su pervision of Mi-. J. L. Wallar, at Racine, with a branch at the house formerly occupied by Judge Irvin as a law offii-e, at the west end of Sugar Run Bridge, in Pomeroy. By a prompt attention to business ami the produc tion of superior work, lie intends to merit, and hopes to receive, a liberal patronage from the citizens of Meigs and adjoining counties. Call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. . J. V. oMITH. Sept. 7, 18G0. 35-tf "ALFRED NESMITH, (Late of the Firm of Stevenson, Bowen & SL-sinilh,) NOW ffl T II M. WILLIAMSON, & CO. Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in D R Y GOODS, 425 Market & 414 Commerce Sts. ,. ' Bet. 4th & 5th North side M. ANDERSON, C. POTTER, March 1, '5'J. Philadelphia. CHOICE C0THINft. Z . Ij . Ml S N E U y JAS just received a fine lot of MEN AI30 BOY'S CLOTHING, Consisting of Dress, Business and Overcoats, of the latest styles and of every quality. Pants, vests, Shirts, Cravats, &c., on hand, at prices that cannot fail to suit, either at wholesale or retail. Store under the "Gibson House," Pomeroy, O. Sept. 28, I860. 38-6m SAW & PLANING MILL. DAVIS & BEO., Mason City, Va. D EALERS in Lnmber in the rough, urn! Maiinfartti- rera of Flixiriiiir, Culling and Weatberboardiua'. Pl.inine of all kiuiU Uono, aiH lumber aawurt to or.U-r; ulso keep constantly on baud Sash, Doors. HliiKls. i.ath ami hhi.izies. our cash iirices for Ireiued Lnmlior are as follow: Yellow Pine Flooring per thousand - $26 00 White " " - - 99 50 Hilinz - - ... W)(,n VVutuerboardinK per huudrcd fuet - - 1 25 All order addressed 10 rotneroy r. v. will receive prompt attention. f may Ij, '60. 19-ly A. SEEB OHM, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, D1 EALER IN OILS, PAINTS, BRUSHES, Varnishes, Dyestuffs, Perfumorj', "-and Fancv Articles, Front Street, I'omeroy, Ohio. Prescriptions carefully put up. . Jan. 0. 2-2. The Cheapest Store in Town! Corner Front and Sycamore Streets, POMEROY, Oil IO. SIMON SILVERMAN, Wholesale aud retail Dealer in READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, GAPS & NOTIONS, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, and anooxsxiXBs, Invites the puplie to his splendid stock, which he has recently received. It is unnecessary to particularise, but I wi)l aay that my stock is well selected and will be-sold at prices une qualled, Jan. 24, 1860.-34-tf. J. B. HAMPTON, 9 S ft MANUFACTURER S1 OUTH-EAST CORNER OF COURT AND Back streets, opposite the new Bank Build ing, romcroy, O. Juuc JL, o'J.. -J-J.y LANDS Returned Delinquent by the Treasurer of Meigs County, in August, 1860, on which are charged the Taxes for 1850, with a penalty of thirty per cent on said Taxes. Also the Taxes for I860. Owner's Xamet. R. T. See. Lot Xo. Aeret. V. ' Part " ' " " d o. ' Bedford Toictukip. Bttig, George , same , Uelin, James , Clark, Eber , Downard, Daniel , Downard, Prestley .13 262 262 640 640 .113 .13 Jl3 9-15 31 2 19 19 J13 640 040 Kirkcndall, Samuel-. Marsh, Daniel......... ;is 15-14 25 262 13 13 64 Ol Mcy ay, John a 1 640 Marshall, SamueL........... Parsons, Amos ....same . Ryther, Phebe Sewell, Samuel 13 251 640 18 18 24 10 30 640 640 13 18 2G2j 13 13 131 640 Walker, Ansel- 25;40 Walker, Samuel Webster, Gilbert G same-.. nmoi 13 14J202j 2(2C2 20-2l2il2 13 13; 12 12 Young, John J. Chester Township. Ashworth, Thomas' Est.... Beck, Prestley Buffi ngton, Joseph F.: Bears, Charles... Cane, James' Est same... Cartwright, Hiram. ......... Farmer, Dudley L Ferren, Henry.. Gilbreath, Thomas , German Lutheran Church. Hood, James , Johnson, David R Kimes, Jacob , Kimes, Sarah , Myers, Silas.. , Morris, Morris- , 34 640 11 6401 121 0-15 18 262 12i 0401 12 12 12 3W40 3 k 3 26 2 641W 12 24 28 64') il2 262 12 21 20 262 12 33 641 131 lo-21262 12 17 1 640 12 640j 12 12 1640 36 '640 640 12 12j 13 12 Reinschild, John..... 21 -27262 Roash, Cornelius" Est... Scheibelear, Eli..' same Smith, David. same- Cohmihta Township. 4 84 64CH G40 .84 12 12 12 15 35 ! si 640! 262 262! Bratton, Adam and others .1 16 33 640j 640 H rooks, John W L" B.-atton, Adam.. If 262 Chase, Abel. 15 640 Goff, James C Gregory, James Haning, Ira C McCan, Patrick Perry, Russell Queen, Samuel Vale, Eli White, Samuel Ward, No hum Wood, John same, Lebanon Township. Decker, James and Wui. Decker, Thomas F Fitch, Madison L... same Ours, James Seeley, Solomon B Wells, Jaiues.. 15, 15 17 040 0401 640 15, 1 2!) 0-15 12 1640 is 202 15 15 15 640 lo 8 640 il5, iir, 15! 21-22; 21-22 2t2 262 31'. 640 ill i40! 3::j'40 22640 21!610 3(ii640 160 117H 100 100 112 I4:t ill same 11X1. II1VT? ........ :il in 14 U.iKH) -iOlGlOj ;;(i'G40i 141 same Ward, Nalnitu Woodrutf, Susan Lrttirt Toirush'p. Kasterday, Martin Bousli, Beiijainiu B... Smith, Calvin ,:i2 .12 .11 . 11 .11 ,11 C1!M!; 15.0.11:1001 2:il 2741 Wij 2l',i 2(ii 21Sj 2!n 12(l 12l Sjiyro, Edward '2f,'Hi- 2i;'i;it) St,' 1UU i same , Sayre, Benjamin Olive Townthip. Brooks, George , Bull, James Butnngton, Samuel.... same same.. sume BulKugton, Saimiel.... Buchanan, James ......same Bean, Jacob Curtis, Josiah same same Cowan, Mills Dcwoltl Calvin 2!f.)lll 3ltli4ti I2,l"() 12 l'Mli 32!40 llitiltl 122 123 5 ISIconi 27-28202! 3t;' 2M4 2'. 010 30 040 27-322i2 21 221202 30 23 30 3d 16 10 Kiileneire. Jacob and SimoiiiH 23010 Green, Ebenexer, jr Hill, Robert ' Mclntire, Joseph McNeil, Rasselas... same 1 McBride, Thomas B 11 3 34-331 640 '11 262 iojom 3-Ui 100 3-!)l 12! urn ill! II 'll "ill 102 115 23040 Pinnell, Henry M III 3--I 'ill 31 10-241100 35040 2)lG40 139 Parker, Adonijah Pigot, Edward Reed, Samuel Stout, Alexander same . Sheilds, James Jr Smith, John M ......same.., ......same Skinner, Wm P... Sedore, Nancy Tribbitt, James H Turben, Jean Baptiste... Talbot t, Adaline L Talbot t, James H... Orange Township. Blackamore, Joseph Carter, Bazil.... Cole, Charles...'. Greene, Ebenezer Jr Halsey, Barclay Pfarr, Sophia. Slmler, John Rutland Tourtuhip. Bradshaw, James M ..... Bradshaw, Gilbert , Bing, John. Bellows, Benjamin Est.. .same Braley, Joel 3 11 !ll 15262 21-15262 J11 in 'ii 1 160! 155 3564IH 35040 35040 n 24040 n 21-22 262 ll in in ii 11 040 32 35 35 640 640 640 112 640 112 I12 '12 '12 !l2 6i . 12 ' 6 40 040! 640 202 27 262 202 il2 20-21 .31 30 30 16 4! 640 114 040 14 C40 6401 262' il4 14 10 33 640 2 640 6411 Bickle, Abner Braley, Cyrus Bachuel, John W Comstock, Ketuni. Chase, George W 114! 33 30 !14 0401 640 640 ,14 "!14 -!l4 17 29 23 640 Chase, Knieric 18 23 0 3 640 Dixon, Louisa Jane...... 640 Giles, Miron S 640 640 Hunnewell, Hill and others Hysell 2d, Wm Est...... 14 il-l 3040 7 640 Hysell, Nathan 14 Maguire, James l!04i !14 .same !14 18640 4G40 101262 Murphy, James Simpson, Daniel W 14 114 same 2i64( Titus, Nicholas' Heirs........; iUI 'l Salem Toivnslup. I Brewster, R 1I 20 640 il5 115 lis: J15 31 040 Barrett, John - 12 18 S6 14 82 040 640 640 Coukle, John same ,. Chamberlain, Wm U Cline, Wm C 262 640 640 640 Davis, Quinoy A.-., 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 32 Davis, Lrastus K. same. Dyke. Henry L..... 31 18 6401 19640 Dyke, Simeon 81640! 21-2ffl2C2' 1415 262 Davis, uso J Edmundson, Nathan 15 ......same 864ffl Johnson, James. 15 8!640 Lynch, James 115 115 Sweet, Jacob, 15262 1 a'Ald Strong, WilUwd,, 15 15 Turner, George.. 22621 Williams, John's Est, 15 15 15 21-37K62 80640 same . Wright, Hugh.-.. 15 8064 Wood. Joshua Sabxbury Township. Ashworth, Thomas A3 8! 6401 i . 9-10262 83640 l?l640 3640 same Archer, Benjamin., Jenklnson, James.... McNauicCj M L 13 13 IS A UST OF AND TOWN 262, 49 3045 2 411 south-east part 31 2 19! 40; 70 252 ....south-west of 240 a in 44l .'..west hf of north east qr 420! north part of north west 60 50 19 394 .south part of north 100 a 1 65 J 40 C20! i ........east lir or north Sil . - .north side ef Berth west qr- v . . north part of south thirteen a of nineteen acre lot west of 8 w qr north west qr of north east qr all west of road in south hf of north west qr south east qr of north east qr ..east part of west hf south part of east hf ex Brickies' 20 acres in south west part .cast and south of north west qr ef south west qr house lot north of creek on east side of section - west end of frac ex thirteen acres north west corner ....... .south east corner of frac , east end . . . cast part of north west qr 25 336! 1 2 1 116 40 20 31 18 199 24 40 252 5 36 25 48 327 110 866 8 25 115 23 7 251 1 P6J 28J 864 81 81 119 34 70:11101, 11 40 14 north east qr of south east qr 40 266 north and west of north east 80 acres 65 329 north of east 100 acres in south hf 16 124 mid on west line. '..,... 44 343 south part of 67 a in north east of frac 49$ 218 north west of north east qr & north eaat of north west qr J 119 lot 6 orchard lot 50 465.. the part east of Chester and Racine Road 21 238 w of Road near n w cor of s hf on Tp line 46 471 north east quarter of south east qr 55 302 south west part 80 385 north hf of south east qr I 160l house lot near Adams' mill , 100 1007 ....south eaat port of son! east qr 80 934 west hf of south west qr 24 51 33 8G 17 1 1 36 16 GO 288' south of east hf of south 32 4j zu i4o west or nortu nr 125 169 nnd 1-7 of 881 a &n ofs ou iw norm pan 01 east zuu acres 35 3 3 16 55 252 50 acres west of south east mi ton . - f 104 toi near center 01 irac 23Ai 134 north east corner 53! 358 ...nnd of 80 acres south west of north east qr & n w of a e qr ...south west qr of south west qr 3S 40 202 3 651! 484; on east une north west qr of north west qr north hf of north west qr H s e qr of s w qr& s w of seqrex 10a w side ....north east qr south hf of south west qr south part of north hf north west, qr of south cast quarter south part of west hf und hf of mill lot in north west of s C qr west end west end of cast 200 acres und hf of mill lot in u w of s e qr 40j 188 80; 752 80! G32 1 GO! .752! 80 638! l 33 3 29 101 541 188 12! 40 1( 3t 1323;i07O: ! 2G5! 62; 41 8(r 04 6, 2g; iH 36 I 27 159; 1082 , 7 83:-tj , 7l' 73!i ..south cast qr except one ncre north west ..west of north 100 acres of south west qr 22 21 .soutli pan. ot section 21i 8(1 25: 75! 588 j, 25i, 431!. 142i. 4241. north part on the river ex soOh of north west qr east hf east side of north 75 acres north part 36! 4.": (JTi 17i t i! 73 71 12 HOT. .. i 4!:i XilV. y i i , 174!. south end 30 :ig north west of north east qr s of n 100 a ot'n w qr east half house lot in south west part n part except. 60 acres 11 e of Tom's run north pm t of south 199 acres 111 section north east, of lot 6 & south cast of lot 7 ........north cast 5 acres out east hf of south west qr except dower north hf of n east qr . ' north east of 30 acre lot tout h part of 30 acre lot 30 acre lot except 8 acres north east and IJ acre's south west north of Forked Run and iu north part of 30 acre lot 22 nc;-es north cast cor of west 265 acres of n hf ex 20 a n w south east of south hf of n east qr north point south part of west 182 acres .lot 0 and north of lots 4 and 5 " north of Shade riTer south east of south cast qr north end und 3-7 of west end south side of n 200 a in east hf north west of north west qr east hf west hf of south east. qr :; Leasehold Mill Lot West part of east 34 acres ' west end east hf north west of sec 120 rods south and 65 r east south west cor below mouth of Guyan north of north west qr s e qr of n e qr ex 5 a s e north end ' ........north end west hf ........w and n w of s hf Mill Lot in a hf n of Shade river ...south of Shade river in part ...south hf und 4-7 of west end n w qrof se qr &e hf of n eqrofs w qr , w of e 215 a of n hf und $ of 320a s J of n w qr w ofe & s e ofs w ?r ' undjof 320asJofnwJ wofsj&seofs w i ;o 1053I 53 1 bii; 174 392 -27i ii 2S2 2't 71.2!, 32 11 44 44 9.1; 80: G-j 29 212,1031 29 4 218 30 20' 109 31 100: 382 20 4-7 118 100 430 328 50 131 m 20 40' 858 3481 G0l 1741 217 18 811 300i 175! 328i 3721 262; 672i 80 56 251 80 35j 50 8O1 231 29i 27 2b 801 ' 120! 3S sr 2'1420! 28! 182:' 320!ll04i 35 3-tj 155! 64 4891 135 4701 213J1108, lOOgi 584; 35 24 30 11 82 35 35 3 6 12 1145! n of e hf ex 33 a e side s e of n e 10 a n w of n e qr w neofncqr 8 w part in n e part eof Shade river nepart s w part of e 210 a of s hf in s w part of e 210 a of s hf n 70 a of Lot I ex I a jof40aw&sof nw50a near mid of frac Jof Mill Lot in n eof n w qr in n e part of w hf of s 220 a $ of Mill Lotinne of n wqr e of J McElphatrick'a land s of 41 a s w of n w qr whfofneqr n w part of sec s e of n 300 a ...:.. of s220aex I3?eend n220aofehf und hf and 40 a dower in 150 a s e undqrofllO a s of se qr & 8 e of 8 w qr s 189 J of e hf ex 25 a to Phelps w side ,....:.MiII Lot s part of n HO a of w 240 a s e corner of frac uudhfofnw80a 159 435 363 758 6 33 33 14j 105J I 513 403; 40j 10! 254 30 90i 30 10 16 75U092I 4 5 35, 39 2i 23 5 266 557 294 33 23 33 18W 407 172 30 20 17 20 80 4201 553 600 720 945 832 095 29 2 75 18 .23 4 791 6 220 95, 27.V 500' 164i!2072 I25i11030' 21 go! 454! 95!' 3701; 2 40 80 2G w hf of b e qr .8 eqrofs wqr .8 part of 60a s w ofs w qr e of s w qr ,I40aneofswqr&nhf of 31 40 202! 12 18 30 13 31 141 42?: 251 1601193 131 li m 880 84! whf und hf of Mill Lot .....8 60 a of w qr ex nnd hf of ... n part of w hf of n w qr ,,..,w of s 130 of s w qr .....n w qr of s w qr whf of s wqr e end ....,w end 324 82 430 31 108 13 19 31 424 a 302 801 404 667 31 1 78 8 693 3 8 18 6 18 7U end ofs I50a la see 801 504 756 930 504 ..shfofswqr ..swlOOa ..w part ..eof near 100 1231 60 331 32 06 48 730 306 538 806 ..........s end - w part e hf of n w qr .....,,-shlof s qr 30 . 80 80 S7J 651 301 8 12 33 17 1231 A -to No. 7 Radferds Surrey l-0 w hf f a hf 1 461 23 3111 ftf n a mm h 1 m .f . . 27W . . l - m. V VI D, IJI ..s wf section " rart of w hf ef a W- qr 41 211 LOT 46145 7;58 3150 7' 2 6139 8i29 north of east 1 ex ten a on south west side of creek or ' I of north west qr . - 14'30 ,63 3 7 0:89 305 426 C'33 1703 3: o 14:71 114 1:75 I 29:76 3;44 Si 8 6;57 221 6; 8 : 4 2:81 7i"i 3M7 660 0'88 12:84 361 i4;40 14;35 east qr 5:55 2y6 3112 200in e J ex eleven and one hf a n w in sec 1548 qr and fire acres a e of s w qr S'.'Jd 4. 6 5!75 !l4 8;73 2'. 2 10;88 12127 9'.i8 7; IS 7:ro 279 16I94 5:39 5178 1030 5 39 1747 U.tCJ 963 7:41) 4'47 6;62 230 7; 8 3 acres n w 5!64 ! 173 I 714 5:01 ll!C4 10'tio 3; 6 17'55 t 5;l too 6;50 21 33 UiCA 1! 7 56 9145 18:82 2'5'J 21 8 6'34 2;C7 o: 1 7:23 18114 6H4 11164 2l74 4:00 5;50 2160 Till 3'2U 5158 5'62 7171 8:U5 16IV11 2',36 2i:49 3:55 10! 9 6:76 16103 8:01 I 1240 4j 9 9:21 9164 15;3l 961 4'69 I t 1:69 1)70 25:a 3;52 9!56 3;72 310 7:43 253 5;93 822 8:7G l7:8! !l8: 4 in! 3 171 722 35:00 22:43 1:43 7:41 1:59 636 5!61 4 91 2;33 439 " 40a sw of s e ar 18;19 13:54 Mill tot 3,68 0'48 liT8 7-46 5:30 7j21 9162 1150 11:90 8:96 17-07 15.56 813 13187 5:35 8188 13;32 t I 25HI9 2048 4143 8j85 388 R.T. Sec. Aotl OUyer, John.... Price, William.. Roush, Jonas......... Smith, Isaae I5 Sutley, John R Scott, John's Est Thompson, Aaron Young, Frederick. Voting, J antes. .13! 22 262 ,!13 .'13 ,13! .13 22-21 202 - 33 1001 040 33 100 .13 15-2l!2C2 .11 t. 8:64(M 13 !l3 IS 040 C40 - 18 22 10 Segno Tovnsnip. Allen, E P.. same , .'14 Jl4 !14! 14! '262 640 same.-- .(Hi same.... , !14 7 1604(N iijj04y 24 C40 17640 Figley, Robert Hampton, Bradfield........ Howell, Wm Hysell, Owen .' Hugginsj Margaret Morrison. John ,14 14, .14 16;G10 ' 8;'640 20C40 83;640 .141 14 '14 Pierce, Jonathan's Est... 14 22i202T Pullins, ML&G A Smith Riggs, WAJ Stanley, Jackson Whittemore, Wm H 14 14 i(40: 4 1640 (14 10 '26 11a 14 262 Sutton TWniAjp. I j Ashworth, Thomas'. '12! "2Gj 12! 12 C J40I Aumiller, Jonathan & Co..! 12' 2 C4(H 8arae. 12 2i 640 Aumiller. Ephraira & Gco...H2 2 Broderick": Patrick l2! 2 Otener's Xamet. 160iH97j 4 1001203! Duskey, Daniel !13l 6-c!ioo Joy, Benjamin's Heirs 12 11640 1-7)100 Lewis, Daniel '181 Quillan, Amos' Heirs jl2l same ....!l2j 301 293 294 16 85-36; lOOi 35-301100: 16k40! Roush, Jonas 12; Roberts, Samuel 9 .Jl2! 9, 160j 1,2 15 Sands, John & Martin 13; Self, Georee W's Est !12i 1-7 100 301 16 LANDS AND TOWN I0TS (Continued.') VILLAGES MILLERSBCao. Owners' Xamea. S. Val, Description, Total Am'l. 9 cts 3 00 38 9 1G8 11 Martin Samal sama LETARTV1LI.E. Ilsyinan George T 8 e4 ' 3 84 1 07 same . . Burns' Addition to Letart. MoCownn John 23 S5T 5 31 9 70 C 2fl McLaiii William 11 M 8 S41 Sayre Henry REF.DVILLE. 6 MSB " INDETENDEXCE. Kecd F B 33 Johnson Charles sumo Morsfl A I Warner George 41 42 H 4 S3 ll 1 M .lso : 33 25-2 ' 12 14 IOO 1 IS4 Horton & Dabneys Addition to Pomcroy. Fisher Henry 116 84 . 3 98 Dabney's Addition to Pomeroy. Casltne Peter 4 210 Plants' Addition Diibm-y Chas W 9 - 7 west side 4 20 2 OS 5 01 5 75 .- 14 3 3U 4 62 8 1 7ri 1 2t fig same sume same sajiie sit mo wi in o same 10 11 2H 42 70 51 165 T29 320 . 33 ' 210 mi ' 373 ' 41 34 34 jfejxxi . snine GriinesKdw li 210 Horton Thayer 4H 920 70 t on e line by 100 olf S2 111 same 215 MO 3 2d r.loyd Edward 6 360 8 04 I hress Jacob jr 3 m Plants' Addition 2 85 Wcisonbavh Henry27 810 8 85 MIDDLEPORT CORPORATION Coalport. Pnwson Wm 58 273 e 'i 8 37 Golden George 60 21 of 30 X 100 ft w McGhee's 2 10 Smith Anrilla 55 . 168 w 5 02 C. A. MATTHEWS, DEALER IN . A. BRAD L E Y' S tovbs:, And Manufacturer of .- Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, OF EVERT DESCRIPTIOX, SVt HuPP'b Old St4s,xxc3. niDDLEPOBT, O. I H AVK just recelted a laree assortmci.t of Stoves which 1 will sell lower thau ever, coneist i ii(f In part, of Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With ao asSortmeat of Coal and Wood ponton stoves, Of EVERY DESCRIPTION. G HATES, FIRE FRONTS, ODD PLATES. &C. WATER SPOUTING, . Roofing and Jobbing of ALL KINDS, done on short notice. Persons iu W8Ht of anything in tha w.-iy of Stores Tin, Copuer or Sheet lrou Ware, would save money bv callinr on me. JTrOJd Copper, Brass and Pewter taken in ex change. . may fi, I860. 19-ly FALL W1MTEB COOPS. JUST RECEIVED, a complete assortment of seasonable Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Books & Stationery, Hats, Caps, Bonnet, Trim mings, Notions, Hardware, Queens-ware, Stone war, Grocevies, Oils, Manilla and Cotton Rope, Cord and Twine; Wall and Window Papers, Clothing, Shoes, Comforts and Oil Cloths, Nails, Glass, Steel, Musical Instruments, and any other Goods that people want. Oct. 10, 18G0. 40-tf WM. II. REMINGTON. L. I). M0 0 HE, Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufacturer, Middleport, O., KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND will manufacture to order, all of tho Tari- oub articles usually manufactured la such es tablishments. He calls particular attention to his Harness making, and "defies the -world" en fanoy mounted double or tingle Harnett. Pe not fail to rive me a ealL in my shop oa Rut land street, at the head of First street, in Hok's Building, up stairs. (Jasn pata tat au kwcu oi Hides, Skins, HcH at tne mgnesi maraet price. Jnne 21, '69. -25-ly ' PEACH GROVE KUaSEHV. T1 HOSE who want Peach Trees 3. come soon, as we have a tew thousand not yet sold, of the finest growth, and the largest assortment in this vicinitv- over 100 varieties, and about 30,000 in all,ratisg according to quality, from even to fifteen dcdlan per 100. Apple, $10 per 100. Pear, Cheery and Plum at tha oaual prices. M. W. RUTHERFORD & CO, 4 miles west of Rutland, Meigs Co., 0. Nor. ?, '60. 13-101 I Xb, Acre. 17 70S .713 i .'.n e of fraction - z ....secof ....Tannery Lot ....ehf of w IOOa ofs Wjr & lot in s ....s side of w hf ,...n endof hf of ne qr ...wofelOOaofshfofshf a hf of s hf of w 90 J a ...nwof e 100 .. .6th Lot w of Sts to road ...8th w of State road n w oa w line ...n of a o qr 18 384 85 38C 1 84: 2 164 . m 86 123! 36 U 18 30! C04'..- 6913271... 80! 706 ... 20J 1551... 18 i 23 16 16 10 f.3 340. 11'. U. 2451 220i- 2 24 40 i; It - 28 n oof s v 84ains wqr 554 262!... 208! 360... 741'..-, 644'.... 437j"..,. 853:.... 971.... ...w part orne qr . ...nofnwqr s e cor ofs wqr ' ...ehfofneqr ex I4aae &I5t nofe v.n & wof e 80 a of w 162 a ..n part of s 120 a in s e qr ..wof sw qr - : : ' " .. w end of n hf ex 28 a w ..part of 4 a Lot near Harrisohyilie 40! 25 33 .28 18 51 09 7 '83J 4! .100 0 715 13 20 12 12! 123J-1264. 80! 325:. v hf & s e qr of n w qr & 8 a on n of s w qr' s hf of n e qr Mill Lot inshfef nhf ofneqr .... ... W hf ' - t 2 I ': eend ......On township road s Line s wqr no's 3, 4, 5 ft 6 Warner tract ex Lots off s w part -....s part ex S a e ft 1-7 a to Cobb n wof e 60 a of Lot 2 - - ' s eof n 77a .......60 by 60 ft front of nw cor of D DeWoIf s Lot . lj 161' 80i 407j 33 201 3-5 61 8j 1601140 2981 1 77! 151 43 C-7,17701 3 4 130.. 403.., 102:.., 555i... -12 16 "f n of I a s part MIDDLEPORT CORPORATtfiS Sheffield. Golden Gaorjr Marray A U tame xi., Mine same tame to WiS Hot 3 90 W " 33d 3 ? 41 AOS , 78 Oil 168 3 SI 03 Ms, or lower half 1 70 W74 1 acre s of 61 & 06, Joining Behao' AdrfiUoti 44 49 6) ft front of alley, aud Xo 01 S3 O'Roarke Alex'r 25 SH0 3 90 Koitp Jonas Webt Jane Ann sum MIDDLEPORT St 52 w CRd off - 6 09 59 424 9 63 H 3 S ft toatli ef K IS CORPORATION Addition.' BeharCt Murray A II samo 29 30 310 3 93 rOMEROT. Ashworth Robert 539 CroaliyPeVH 159 Heoils Martin 2" 5 Kastmaii Kmiik 4 124 German. V P E St Joint's Chun Ii 7 en 3 ft w side 5 i 4iiu:8ft uu.Mulbcrrvst K 8C 330 . 13 (l 2SU 25 ft on Condor, w 7 54 4c3 w fi . ,8 4'J 155 S 83 10 1 20 ft on front, sl.t ? 0 07 . 8:4 . 28 JO 940 v 24 63 67 of J of back part 1 45 hW 5 8tf liM 5 80 fr .i 25 ft X 50 feet on Gutlirie G S samo Gnthrte G S k -A M Morre Holt Horace C 1 90 s F3 54t 54 i i Lovell Jusenh snnri ! Low ry John M vpaiuure i-i 10 -7 874 . . IS 57 Kime snntu same S( 5 55 07 7 ft onfiycamore s of 1 19 3 "0 " 01 11,1 IH 437 The part occupied 8 50 420 sub 4 3 437 7 ..59. 129 59 ft Parrel! Jnha 304 skiiic 329 same 3i3 with dwelling Root Perrj , 163 Hhfrr John' 3U5 Schaff John 39 252 ib 9-tn on o .IV SUrkey William 241 470 Mih 2, 45 ft on alley A mi on roHii 163 336 snb2A-3 -25 240 255 G7 sub I. 140 ft on 13 98 Stafford Jena Welsh John Weeks Edwin 9 HII 3 31 1 C3 8 28 Aihans road same 255 H,l acre bet lot 19 and rorporatioti lino Nye's Addition to Poneroy. Ashworth Thomas 4 Laahain Flutcher 20 5 3H e 40 1 FOR ALL. 11HE subscriber' having just returned from the East with an elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, , Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., - Will offer them .to the pullio at ten per cent advance on cost, for . CASH OR RE A DY PAY. In this proposition there is no humbug, but an adrfial fact, which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices. ..... We will enumerate a few articV;, giving prices, as an index to the whole stock: . Best madder prints 10c per yard. Pancy prints... .....a9o " Good I bleached muslin....... 10c " I bleached muslin... ....8c " Latest styles best delaines Id to 20c " Cashmeres. .T.. 16c " " - Bonnet ribbons from 10 to 4rtc" Fine French wool delaine 50 to 75cu (Usual price, 75 to $1.00 ") - Ladies' heavy kip shoes ,.,$1 per pair; Ladies' calf. -. 1 2o " . Ladies' best calf. 1 25 lo 1 40, And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive cash : for them. From this date we positively dis continue die credit business, for .good sad suf ficient eause. We respectfully ask an examination of ear stock, nd if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. R. B. WILSON, Jan. , '0. 1-tf . Middleport, Ohio. FARM FOB SALE. THE undersigned offers for sale a Farm of - either one or two hundred acres, (to suit purchasers,) with about 70 or 80 acres of it cleared and under good, fence, and containing plenty of good water. There is also a new frame House and a large frame Barn on it. The place is situated about two miles from Roberts & Tidd's Landing, Lower Long Bot tom, Olive Tp., Meigs Co, Ohio. . for further particulars inquire of IL COCKS. Terms easy and reasonable. Oct. 12. 40-3m HENRT COCKS. PIANOS! pianos: 1W1LX furnish Pianos nr Melodeons as low as per sons ran buy them In thi- cities. 1 will put np, kerp in order kll Piano or Mulodenns sold hy roe, and guarantee them for two years. Time given on good security. 1 deal in tbo following make of Pihiios: J. &. C. FISHEK, New York; ' HAI.LKTT At DAV IS, Boston; HCJUT8MAN & HIKE. BuB.; BOA RDM .AN di UKA Y, Alb.; CHICKKKIMG. Boston; And GEO. A. PKISCK'S ftfnladenn. Give me a call, or write- to m before ron bay. ' All lelterssddressed to P. BHCTIEE, Pouiaroy, O., will meet w-ih pnmpt attention. - -Oet, 19, I8H0. 41 ly. COALRIiiJE MILL. TBS gCBSCEIBEft DESIRES TO IS FORM the Wheai-gTOwers of Meig and adjoining connties, that he will give, in exchange for an bushel of good, elean Wheat, 42 pouads of Flour. ' Parsons wishing large lots of Flour made, ean savo it aanufae tared at 40 eents per brU offal to go to the owner of tho Wheat. Persons residing between Farksraaurg and Gallipolis, by sending &va bushels of good clean Wheat, I will give on barrel of Floor, pa,y Uis freight on U samo both ways, they finding tit barrel July 26, '6v-304f , w LOTS FOB SALE. OH BU0AR BTJS, NAnOJl'B WJ$, W Csnrw Run. AppUoatioa to be mads to M. Heolard, Esq., Pemefoy. Aug. 16,53-t i5. W. rOMEROV. Part. : ' bXjiRioJHritiic;'"'1 ; " Briedei. tB ) - ill 9aate' A44ttioa Jones Philip t 128 WalU CUvarf . a ! f . " ' " TAQXXttXX. 7 Sterens WlUum s s k f 13 :-! Lewis Daniel 3 379 . seme 4 41 earns HS ' ; 7 Kt same . t 42 M t W Iff .'5 7M -?s: 3 Pt 1 31 9 iS I 33 IO 1 W ' -4 M S53 It M t !4. rr CARLETOXVILLS, Baydea William 19 S07 - STRACC8E'. Broderick Patrick "4 42 - 5 . Indian Amos 7 42- ' : same B 84 , . samo 10 f4 -. aame - 12 - a .. - same 17 m , , aama - - 65 10 ' . . . urns 69 84 same . :. 70 . 480 . same 7l Pi Thomas Uartd 14 420 - : r. RACIXE. Adams Harrison 18 ' same 15 Curtis Abner ii Congro Harrison 56 same 5-1 Dunham Amanda 23 same 26 Hnly Solomon 28 Ihli Christopher 55 I.allance J B 5 Laugkeod Joseph 55 , e7MyeraAdiUo 84 " 156 .". I115 106 n 3 M ,T1 J 90 to 3 10 S4 I to 105 TTotri Addiflo 13 WoiPe AiWiUem -6.1 Woirs Xd4)Ua ' 1" 26 X 3 f w earner S4 Myer's Addition 9 all except 26X34 ft. a w coruor t o 4 91 13 ttt PUcHer Mary 69. 852 Statk ''r Onto, Minns Conrrr, as:- 1, AARON 8TIVERK, Auditor of said County., ds hereby certify tltat the fnraeotng li,t correctly oopled froes the list returned by the Treaenrwf said Cnnnty la AasruX, ibOo, and as eopieiBto then duplicate of 1880 for said Coonrr, and that the amomtt aunexed to each tract or lot is correct, aud dOctt-, lated as the law prescribes. Xotiee is then fore hereby fir en that the aeeerat , tracts and lots in said list contalued, of as wuc-k thereof as will be necessary to pay the taxes and . penally rharjrerf thereon, will be sold by the Treaa-' urerof said t'ounlv. at the Court-house in. the Usaj of Pomerny, on the second Monday tn January, 1861, ' between the hours oi la o'clock a. H. and 4 o'clock . p. M. of said day, nnlesa said taxes and penalty bo 9 paid before that time. AAKOX 6T1VKKS, . . A od itor t H sla Coantf. Pomeroy, Dec. 14, I860. -4 , , . Exclusively Fire Insurance, w POMER OTA GTS NC Y. BlANHATTiBl- ' ' mi imvuncz company, No. 63 Wail Btaroet, Kesr York, ; rVfORPOTlATKT, 1R$r - . vTM. PTTT PALMER-, reaWeai.'-. A SCREW J. SMITH, Seereiary. - ; ;; DISKOTOHS VY. P. Piurca, Kisun t. Morr, Rem 1. Loan, W. P. Morr, Wai.W. Fox. . ... -Esnrra 1. Mmsui," Ricsuaa Tiasrs. -Taoais Baksak, Reaairr B. Mirrraa, . Taosa W. Pmu4M, Pmt Coon. " ' Hisif ium'sin, 1 Aowdsto W. Wuij Stum Cou.tjs. M.anTatH, Jnw Cwu,, . Jokw H-(Wuto, ' Josra C. Qmmm, t-J j s-.-i Csoivsa. r Eacx B. Tkta staunch old ConiDaav havins ruTlv eewinlie with the ! of this Ktata, enatiaae te iosmra skt . safer classes of pmperty Against Vns r Damee y Y(ret at as low rates as other irst class fttaet Campanlea. Their policies are free faeat imamieaf rrrae, (bee . sroiding urteTia, bHTinj bad eol.7 ons lawsuit durinc a business of - - - - THiaxr-WIKB YT,A K3. Partirular atteutiaa circa o the tjtaarauee of lt . Farm Property, Isolated Dwellings, '' ' and tbelr Fnrnitare. Policies issoed for the teres of . ONE, THREE, or FIVE YEARS, . LOSSES eqattaMy sxtjttetad aow prosiptlv paid ia Cash at this Asaac. t - - ': - - i-- Xf ESTERX B&ANCH OTTICE, No. 1 Superior Street, - Cleveland, O, . 8. S. COB, Geaeral Agent, i . JOBJT tEWELt, Assistant. (Apr. 54, UO Hi:ir r I iuc suoscrtuer oas again re X sumed her Millinery busi- ness in the room oeenpied as a Grocery and Notion Store, by Martin Hecox, one door west ef W. A. AicheVa Jewelry ft Watch Establishment, where she will be happy to wait on all her old customers, and as many new- ones as possible. - Sbs hopes, from her long n perience in tho business, to please a large ma- c ority. Her assortment, though small, will be ;ept up, and eomplote work; dona on short no-' tioe, and warranted good. , a IX G15S0S. . . Pomeroy, Sept. 24, 18JU. 38-?n SALEM CENTCU FOOG o aoxv FFEB. for sal their nsoal supply ef 0' Grafted Appls Trees, coiwstuic of about ifty choice varieties. Prico-s.Tea Dollsrs per Hundred. . ; , Salem Center, Meigs Co., Ohio, Oot. J3, 1SC0. REMINGTON iiouq. F At' . D. UIHK1.DABF.EU, , apr-oqprlowtpjr,. . tfre, head of Steamboat frtna'inj. Front Street, Tonicmj, 014' 3 Y': -i;. 4ft 7M f- t I. I. 4