Newspaper Page Text
4 t v- -" fir a.. V; I 1 POME ROY TELEGRAPH, -sr PLANTS. EDITOR. rapttal, have utiarcpreetited and libelled tSSTLTJ until, no donbt. inanv i ' A!??.t'iy; wMtUpubhcan papers, have come to DC-: - 5i ,arri - , ., . . ,, ;t$f to "plague their inventors. This 1 . .j2 . :M now oeinz iiiusiraicu ill evrifcioi .. the homh. DemagopcH, and lists, for tho purpose of inflaming 1 , , 1 , . . tmioni6ts A.: - K a nnnn 1 i on li -x iln.: tK.h nsrttr n nl.Wlrrr.d to tlie instant lib- - X rtion' ot the 6laves,. and placing them abcLJ equality with the whites. Houirh the press, from ths stump, T . 1. 1 .,,!,- VT . . . ,r ' frioat ,"T. liW, ie-4&-M -HttiW an ticoiwg&S prpe.t option of the n, all the Southern las if to detonsgafent in- --: 3 avhig thtOJnion. Havs: 5? r'Wrt of Ohio wilfisyrapatiwe jrith the rases, at least, tlere N -truth fin the dJ?iT iZi jru.ges,.and after wRk, u- incorporate them tittle .Man.. went t Mae,., to-.n appearance. Amidst tne mauntss prev at l'frow diatifijruiatiod Sothero politicians, j M r, ... found occasionally who is reUv to drive ' nianlyffii-e.s and tcndoriug to Capt. D. F. j WnniJtll, ' 1,5:Li i.i i-iih t flt:,k., 'ii,t.i.rrra and love was :h there U nelj J r?V . ; WtWZ jhead foremost totUlloweSt rob-1 Sg Mr Bpnt 11 w.ri,,l,t It returning .sanity.- Ihe reckless Deuia- . Iqsm otter eism feu tukeu pfo, and o-iiacru u t l" r . I dt,ntlia such sfSQtince - may bo ! awl constant effort to promote the comfort X so" ,Ve l,,s gno,-l way, and i-weseiflvmy wsm t detain him bi..w; eoeuM of the North, for petty partizan Maying it strongov and firmer thin ever, with bouth I arolina? .Wo know it has aeptns. -ulu ."V.-1 ! and collveilience ,0 !lU L p,lsscngerS: I l. T01!'1 Cei'h" 10 w "rt! '.mm"" as But the .!. cx-eit.-d us in reng.h- j,j.ut.i ui n.u ii kv,uj ta.uii .1 . i- .... i... k ,t. . v i .... -l : found in the N. X. Dav-Book. Ihisi r ,.. . .f. ! Electrotype, and many othci-f.whosel!tinction v.ti-.i n. ...rt.,ut.. .nrth.. . , fy 11- J : . . l . i i t i iiiridiin m uouuuuco me ij v. u i -iiIJ:1tv almom m.-om-eivHblc. ,va i; -i,r p t!,.- eatem l.eserve, and the Northern Their T,avo 1,V; caupht npjj Asjrthi property, uherever he may take it, ' "on ot the State, as tanatica. 1 n nab ILnW-.-Ji...'"' Tik nrt,.a. and an equality in tho tariff laws, or, been the case for many years long bc- -swm mill l.u ill uutnre unoi oovm 1110,1. . , , .j . 'iSVi U torn, form, and at some time, the I t,0?S ?d SffSO as to i cultivation and .ntelligencef ' their sa .v- : . . i 1 masc slavery; ou venal, ana. Jtie repeal eerior educational advantaces.t.were- not f . 4.. . w ww.v ..... . - , Lbftft infi4ftirDii in in ih nriiara will TP. - - - - ; k 'ITr , , 1 r -.i suppose that WSenate Chamber, and even, from therv, ' J. i. , Ifbidcut's high seat, has this most infa ftneus and known falsehood been repeuted: TO-lrk the rult- . i,'7 tSt ' :3ts effect-upon the mtelltgeut free - ftSrt of the country is seen in the ore twieJming majorities given to the llepub- ?;-r-L j:J.. I- ..11 lUea Sto loo A 1 ... , , , t 6 . V A. ' tikS ilinni u-uer fnr the Futl'.re. U , : . . if gel Northern operators have received "i . , , . . ft hrd of tLcir "erftheco cyJ in the contempt of th6 people tfiey in their aspirations rfQl. th offices they d ' . ' -J J.' r'''u-Y'li fill i f " (WelSeAW pMAOi i suuti uietrns'. ... :ais j 'perhaps, ecvereeiough jiIaJiB8B for themf bu8tAbEtfloTithern accom JJieos are notij? to gl on soiialifj. VhifCaUaiiti. i4-dcaU'eva'fao- Jt uhite men of thJr se(ition,'th"ey iem ' Qhave forgotten J,T)e great fao"&at Aere was in their "midsi arlothef ' class jhjeh woullJ6ccaionailiyheap st$ii tatemcnts, andrjiin-.hjo.h they would f?e1 the deepest ppjib!e !a jeresCfr'i jen the slaves"! i 7,, ' "' r,!!rl m There is not probably a slave in the Jiwon who has not heard from the lips their masters, or kom those of their w clasf , who Lave 0 2ieard, that "if Lincoln was elecfeS- thty tccre to be free.'1 $Jj ide fid4&af t vague' enough'', in' A'Tn!nds of most of iliern. but stilt the i iM ia there, and imniantad bv the slave. fciyeraBthemkelyeijJ by thejr false'state ieytf .trjijeP Moh and purposes of the Kpufelic9Bs The peoT, ignorant Vlkees have believed 'ail tMs, and - mean f , rfpthfi,r;vltprflniised .lkem. TJitji'Mi'i'i'ftoR'w elected Tfai&Uelb't&ai ifii -llpobiican party " re f eady trf a i d 'theni j 4,1 ay f.j n&ue SoJftitWliWgte .-!;.s!ae;, in1:; thapa-MiTfJInlxij late"' 'message; gnres the world tfrtfythgRbfe gouth people lie clown in terror and rise up in fear.CCflA'til&li 6Tt&iViiaWII thtng we'kJajro.6eanJ j ,h fallowing clear cofte&nnShatJf thVslaUg ahout Lincofi was knowfifd false, and also 3 now returvmgpon themselves in thefearfuJs.pprehensioi of a s'erjile insurrUfction. "TVVe- would suggest, how ever, ttit, wnfla thy arifiisabusinithe aiindsgf the poorijnegtes, they nyike a elea&Sbreast of it and undeceive their worse iuped . fol lo were. If 'this were done tSe disunion fury- would eeaa in a weefe The fijlTowinervis the article from t& Star, referred tor uWvwish tomigj'est ihe propriety of all Blave,fWBertfttyii:qnlH! paips to frorre.c4tlasfryfaJs) wrpf fission now pre vailing among this teoesaTjout-fhe election of iucv,lt il ge'nexjJlysba lievecr by t.ilTe that theywePe."'to least they th.kMhow.or othetnefiff 8 Deen D Urh S,R" Vine ' v-ifltiI'J"! .54 tan waa tarrett'arf ftherd here on VI IU VWIHI V 1 CrVTVII JW im " TjCTMT T MaamietatMta. of--tcjf4n -ro-r-.-!-"' r . . theyrjMniboQ Ue alaveT;14tlestiJr csnnoLTa-aOY,way thW, v7L-' We would re glad to hear BHxpres.-' irion foflHeiT-ort the aabject, and have made thi3.T5Tat4rKilii4tattefi of Boafe lareotlftd owvexi. ivjn-Hii. I .- and aljifl a strong cheek, kept upon them, fO iWfiWe-i v . . .... mam passive while ."weTiave . bo .much, 11.3 CcnvejrtiM ef Bcruth'Ca'rorlfriahaar pnsstfiLtn5f'rviniiwsIy,'fflfl .eydtanee,-,;d;s-solving tfierWe'mftetesr The leading lecj'red that, their objr.''ar38dntiDti ef the Union at theorcekl,iaieTrbtiW afHtheif pttrpo?e:hCi that-4b Admiaittwtijion wonld etfer m rej8taTxo5 ScGiIIbS QeMUCt be fore lTlIVnTLl r of the steamer Members eirYrllrTrtli( ?nd fcrave W-faW wase'rped to men, tWWrM :.: 'S$& withtio . nd finaitiirntasFafe" JTewtDfleans m111 m ing has leeWSife ?lWtftJne. to H " foAwPib&Weitr jbespierre, UjiU3cIJef Merlin, turn chano-e theircVtfHd!tio'n,,Ly nrr" Lincoln Th Pdi ear atyt tuBeawhen I pile underrtheix terrafac deounca,tions ,r iVif 'UaiI etpectWnitj tffidtconse-j'Wc cehkl tioft carry irras into! the? na.-' ji .' -. . - "v - -n- r would xeivrLrrs atiheL-j KDertttoitr- Ustoiiaye tes'e4n-lheW:wkajAw wsL lo t;c" s-r eL? 4:Vl1l!;iJl7. f Ir'K'K'v'f lloVr itCM Akp Wil)oe'fiii.cAf.AJ? They expet tethlliMwahsf guaidlinlhrer4 Kng1an'drJrancefrto uu an 1 vi uirm nie TU laitt '01 estdU- 1 irkxhjfjh'y IfisOa tf ijuil4eirnmis, when it Bebflmer ftei w lie. That- will be tfeeii final stopping ! earyT even artheyrrelalt lutiil' by kepTrnp Jon. xiuea ot liobuity are . ure is a goou wucuik ivtat the efftfairy' want? " ' ?- 'Ifnt-ieF: atei'iltfA IKob of them." ENCOIIIAGING. The correspondent of the Cincinnati ; : JSnjtnrer, writing from Washington, S . mo18 Pla,n,-V sPcak'g. ' e tradc- , v. iu. r - i., v,. r KernisTt roabC. - . ' ... . , 1 nl-4J m tlta nnMnlliM. aP tliA ..An.-fiin . ot lino, is1' 10 uavr uuiverssi ipitt4f "'' -i- free tray 6. Jklhete. shgnt. vouoessions I- j 1 -fll f v . . 1 . 1 , . y i : - k 13 1 f the people submit? 'or Unibti! '".Wont I iki.lif .mtllJnaf vr..x, t -n tl. TTntl ft w , . . -r 1 .. - : tp aVf :...,.. - iriUUnjrV;ep&JLdcrs, and twenty. nine an'fr hVee'UfVrrEr- millions are f vlitiui aro' sOrVilgar as to work in some they have ?rty "righfs-which th6 ;sla fftPoW'fesp$cti!; is' simply. aosurd i's lav6 hdfders.-of courae want 1 -ir a .v . . . .bviorc .slaves, and:itiufan. open insult to their dignity to hare men "free"!' who k&TS Vi JtVn.-A,R4,espccially if "their i labor is so rewarded1 as to ewable -them al5luTri prVpci fnJ-educate their r f jjh t-. .... . . hilA-erf. 'Bart thw krstory of the conn' v: v ' -m -iri .1 try snows luat-proper "tariff laws en- tMilSl: aora I tnanminf rAA1 rvr r -nn tli a I l- v. -v i , insuring good wages to the laborers. BuW ay ageP fa'borls an' i'lisitlt gjthe slave hoWer: TbdrefoVe Tied jftnds that the tariff ahal. be repealetl, nd fre -trade ' iaitituted. This -will .ra A : J r -v , i ir. f t : a rtMedr'ttrouWeiB part, as it willre duce the wapres of labot to the merest living pointand many will notbe! able to at all.' This, of course will b'riu them oa ra .-pretty fair equality with the slaveSj-and'lie slave holders will no longer be inirtllted with the spec tacle of the children ,0 working men going to school and learning to read '.'abolition" papers. When this "re form" is brought about, Republicanism can be put down, and the way will be open for , the next step, which, as will be seen, is, that "the slave-holder, shall take his slaves wherever ho pleases. V ' ! Under this fast comInS I VS;UV Hilt be a Slave State. With all Republican papers suppressed, agitation would ease, and L3'tieh Committees would be on hand to Taang all who were suspected of harboring rcbellidus thoughts against this most just and De m ocrattff' rei2rn - With these concessions we are assured there is a hope entertained that the Union may be saved! Cannot some good, "conservative" gentlemen get up a meeting in Ppmeroy to inaugurate the new movement nere.' uen are tounu elsewhere who are willing, or at least tirti?7to1WtheTn)n?eior ifi AhejjiaV If iey haanysyiiiaJ uierstiimrejjfcxcjji give njitsjea efit of a "freejajl.' yto3leds! '"'ri THE SPIRIT OF THB SOUTH lo w i ng, wii choice SBke: f tsnf Ithe i Y1A ks - burg Sun of the 8th inst. How long can peace be mantainod when, not, onlys sin gle individuals traveling on husinessire treated with"; a iavagq brutality which would disgrace a tribe of cannibals,, but the owners and officers of steamhbata, on the great rivers of the country ai o to be made the victims of the ' lynch 'clubs'l which- rule ; in theShtve. .States?,; We could fill the Telegraph every week with accounts of outrages perpetrated ,.by these bands of outlaws. !iri ' The account". given' ',1a' the Sun is as follows:- -1 rf..i- f; i . 7 J1.,' ! "Oar city: is getting to be a rather hot pjlaceTor those who aTe prone to. side .1 1 . 1 . - i . "ra. st Kept by, certaJB mMnkA,aif..i ui . VJr. quentiy ( deprived of. the pleasure of a. personal aaquaintanoe with its Captain, which.was gcfttd.J'dr him. The -tame 'committee have their, eyes upon Capt.;'Sam Moiit- gomeryV of the Louisvillejiacket James' Montgomery,- who is understood, io'-liave' vbeen notified to leave iew Orleans by fw Ar:nJ1"rtr .'i'fi i ot nic i.inr.oin nrnnn 1 1 'T ltr .t . . i . ii We need not eay that the same com- mittee Tiave their eyes upon a boat re-. -cently built by a Rlack-Republican of fctu Louis, and in honor '.of Juincoln b election named it Abe "J'jijephC ? If said boat stops here at our landing, of course nothins; will be doneijvith V hut we'will not eay str nniek in regard to its offieerS.T -' ft. . :;l.r1.-' .-'J t'L'lrl L' i. ' r xiie particular iwtawr uitrn ; io - ucais waujZUSSL ItuiUuaie lor the purpose ; of still fucthei exasperatinjr therfeeiDizeiPf- the Sojkk srg focAQK-Uto4 -purpose, and we wouid-pardon much the I hapr btfre-Wae n vi 1 1 j iu u-u wuu ua j x. ita uixaiai uv uux i : K)v fvQtlmr&ovea$atXia TOli - ernnient nnon such tin n cm erf as will j . i. iur VlKilanpe Uemmittee' w'ere 1 tional hall of Iesioratiun. and Parlia- nlea - dZELJ5Z& :Aidm)yft$m' m aa" fidrlMrfifittoahly (?)-editor gets down on his the wise is spffic icient. Wrvreia fcaiiiei cjt4 Mayi PJra1- 9-f; lieiv baling harshjy by 1 all? jKpfeBV5la wr!:, i'i vf ui tOTimrwiru IS IT TIII7EJ Mr. P'Th, Senator i'ruO.'&'kwtliiiiks, or at least sum, that in case, of a disso- of the por- lore the Republican party was yrgaft..etl-i ti . i .l:. i tbA far-t. tV.t tli Vnrtl.Arn nnrtinu of the 1 ' ,. , I 1 J 1 t.. 1 t. i. M. 80' easily made the unthinking accreuta .t, ....... i iCi . ; of . mer' party, as tTiose40ton4 otith'c State settled thy people' wliahad 'iio these'-advatiUiges in'"tTicIr e'tates; doubt the tinrewass fliatiy years ago, tli at .there" was'a "great' d4ffednce between the feelings of the two extremes ofjthe State. , ' '..,.. ' .'"' . But Mr. Pugh, and' h&efas of pdli titjians, have overlooked a great facet ;-in our history. ! Our common school sys tem has been vastly improved,;. It. has extended th'rouhdut the whole' State. iWucation hast greatly advaneed .Pur people have become homogeneous.' - We have now, and for raaS- yeaTsf have bad in .Southern Ohio, as, ; good schools as thc5$e on the Reserve. . The yo,unger portion of our people, jbaye -reiipediihe advantages, of these eenoolsj' abd ouy poj .ulatj'on now. will. n'pt a couipa.r- isrirV with any other -porticyn of Ifhe'iState. "V "have, ia fiit, ''Become pne. . people, :i By wholly ignoring tfie' progress thuk made,', certain poIiticUus. of uhe. f'1 -otd bgy ' pe thi nk'the popTcTof Sou th e r n Ohio stand e$e ,74 an ae aS But a referemrev"tcr'ttie-vote at tho late election ought" to convince Mr. Pugh of his m istake".'KT,HeWeltrAn Re serve does not' stand afo,neT!'no'w.Iu ''tittle Meigs County, with hej 1000 ltepubKcan ma jority is a fact iniour nistory whiqh a United States Senator (is iardly excusa ble in not remembering. What say the people of Meigs vCoupty? , What is the response of her neighbors, Washington. Athens, and Gallia? Are we, of Souths em Ohio, so1 desperatelyt in love with slavery that we will divide our glorious State for the -sake of tying our fortunes to the tail of the n ul.lifiers:? . ' No, Mr. Pugh! you are quite behind the spirit of the times. , Southern Ohio will stand by the Union as it is. And if South Carolina goes out for the 'sake of free trade in ncgrops from-Africa, she will deceive "herself ".very .'-much if she relies on much sympathy from any por tion of the noble Bucjkey State. Pictures can sometimes be drawn with the pen as well as the pencil. One of the truest and most life lite was drawn by the immortal Tom. Benton a. few; ,days before his death. It is the scene in Ccjngress.oh the passage, of the "Kansas- Nebraska bill, whic'h repealed the 'Mis souri" Compromise. Benton, although tM-'foS wls'arf Irenes, trfStmltd a patriot. He foresaw the consequences to the country of this perfidy, and prepared himself for afpeechr 4 the subject which would hvty. thrilled the country and probably have saved its from the scene offttifeniteasoiEMj'w to rampant. B4t"JhCwas: not'. permitted to make fe- speech ' The v;diunioniss held the coii'tepf .oJ t'fie.-i'.-mocratic party wicliiuled the Congressgd ruled it with atf fnsui-ting.disregard of "rules" and "rights" which' aroused the utmost tiiE!; alii the following is the picture as; he draws it in his, -last work-on earth a scathinsr review of the Dred Scott Decision. He "There was ai'SMiritue aHaase, and if a few of U3 could. have had. a chanee at the bill, Cthe-Kivnsa- 'Nebraska act. Jit would have beensmashed injo, atoais. ,auu tup ojpBiitjy a jcaowiage ot tne e-niy - mecmated crimes. 15 ut ate. tifrannu vrevnilea nreater than wax i t Vt6y oft JnrrotK wrtfvtjr wiase k&bjajgjjVrtgUncs4debateyctrhla rit5t beeiitlr?lysffefit-ed nientcry rules signified inothinar.atrainst n;i'nxn'blsmaj6;ity;'.''s6me.' eubdaedi by their fearst some reduced by the Ad- wiiriisr.rhtrniv como'loT-,arirtliisT T,. IV.. 1 Win, anddrinkin-and nlnnder leWslaH tion; alTiw2n ,aloBgy. the furios nullrffersHs h6rtrJli Atlmtnistritron' had surrendered' the government; i The fraudulent, use of the rules? and the fa tality of having all 1 questions of order decided against us, without rights or favors in the presence of an inexora ble majority, which, governed ty party machinery, drove on to their object re gardless of law, decency, or, shame." Senator Vdt . j t i la, 1 th.&. juune -of -,Bepubli canisjn--rof .iilFiii mil il A merjean ,citizej3$hip4M -uananity at I largei-HR,fi ithanuriaobJe -.(Senator fojrt.iver sentiment of the North.,- Stephens' hig;fr53tfsefe6Ji-'3hrtlie Seu"te "of lheHcj1 has .?neered every one here. j i 1 awle.maniy.'fur - re'achiBgstatesmanshlR.:!'' IkthiHitWUi aujripiMiilies what he calls a "neutral Jile-tjme. If we liad a'TewrBntyre-such benater.aBa Rfipreefiiibitiyfisthe JJjjion puptisa , tn- Bpeecg . -rqp our- tioxtyans arc rclicTcd of the Dclinqturnt Lfst. " COSTKHPTIBLE There are depths of whielti, WIS, TUB U X I) EIISK5 5Lfit)cib! sry few are willing to deseed. Rut'1 e stcamer, 3 JZ . i: ' cent tj'ip Irom liiieroy to;Cmcwj- very few are willing to descend. IMilZrJ? KL Tub Amaloamatk,, Iurf- -There ,r..r n'' " ,"0, J "iiiid lonsjfrare'trvat lnindiviaaatl u PaPer " PCrnaps Uie I"" j i sbvery-sfceeJitNaisipeu iRia I lie streams 01 vitupeiaiiou poureu out ! upon the people onhe Free States has lift pjilhSr fcVeH 4 0fitftvC4Willas i.i 1 But the dirtiest thing we have seen in is an article in a late number on "thl snWt of the sufferins in Kansas.- The aiiBarjUleled drougiitin ttialcory a a trh e w 21. totaiyTcut bf the crops oV the last year. The jsuffer irtjj hi:floTSe(taac"lifi'tf osf iiiteaii. .lit is AaIafihjaiFO'tfilTdabifabW -evidence? that there are at least : 30,000. people there in a state of absolute destitution. Starvation doing its daily worE bf death. - An ppeui.has Wen nde to the humanity of the country for relief. The subject has been named by nearly all the Governors of the States irf heir late proclamations for a day of thanks giving, and even Buchafltir?Torgf:tting' his hostility, calls the attention of Con gress and the country' to the fact in his late message. , .. . . But the editor of the Day-Eookt in the rankling of party malignity, and, with the hope no cjLoubt. thatv ihei Cau drown the voice of raerey'in the hearts of his readers, and cause another pang to the tortures of the famishing, with fiendish atrocity, publishes to his parti-, a ins the preposterous lie that the whale lJung is got up by the Republicans to get ittSnci with which to purchase arms for whicU to purchase arms f of the South." .If, !,'.' -w--'. '' " fltt invasion is'-Wehavea tetter opinion of human liature than to believe tjjiat "'even.thti habitual readers of the Day Booh gutt so low as not to feel a glow of in dignation at the perpetration of such an; u1trage. They might tolerate the floTod' ipif daily falsehoods in hope of partisajji garn, but when nothing is to be effected fi vr - 1 tar. ! n?n 71 i v- b4it the gratification of an niti.amaaipjece.dvig , them-, . there . js. a deposit ia malignity, in-.rtlre-conteHiplatto"h of the suffering of thousands of our kind, it is not possible to believe that he can find nianv s vmpa thing. Srrcli' exhibitions of irredeemable wickedness may be useful, however, as showiijL; the possibilities bf human depravity. ,,? - -. A Sew Way to Save the Union. The New York Herald has solved the great problem, and given to the world the only way iu which the Union can, or ought to be preserved. It is snb- stantially that Lincoln shall immediately UKn n nrnr-himntion rr-.nmll.-itino-utterlv P1 rf-nmtl-lLino uttPrlV - t T.--77 w arid forever ail connection with,- and sympathy for, the Republican party and its doetrines- -that he shall pledge the Sni'i'ih tint Vin will nnvir nnnoint. .in v , ,. ... Republican, or any one will recoinineiui a. can iui a i'uiuuu to change the Constitution so that slaves may be held in all the States and Terri- J tnV, ,1 that tl. Smith shall fa.VAr - nereaiter select tne 1 resident ana viec,iti,0 rnrmf:nn t- ,mi,mn ttI,;,.!, ; President, and that no law of Congress shall be of any validity unless supported bV the South. ' ... ,,The Herald thinks if Lincoln will do this, that the South will not dissolve the.Uuiou until the North.has: had time to comply with t.ho dqiiuiud.. Aud that if the people of the North will promptly cteAn.esee in these reasonable and iust - 1 ft 3 n n Gr" ' ' " requirements, thc South will consent top ln t remain, but not otherwise. Would it , which is always accompanied by a- sore not be well to consider the proposition? . ness and swelling of the throat, let the A Center Shot. ''-' i Ma . Sumner, in the debate yesterday, made a dead shot. Jefferson Davis had declared that Personal Liberty bills were not the reason for the dissatisfac tion at the South; it was the deep hos tility to slavery existing' in ! the Free States; and he tint on to make what he ealled a diagnosis of the causes of our troubles. This afforded Mr Sumner an 'opportunity to offer a most authorita tive piece of testimony, in the shape of ,a private letter from Andrew Jackson, written shortly after he had put down thenullifieatian movement of 1833. in which he said, in substance. "Take care jsf your in Georgia. ' Thc tariff .lias , been a mere prpttxt fTh,eir real object is disunion and a- Soutlierm Confederacy. Their next pretext tcill be th stfavery or negro question." When thiaextract was read,as it was in Mr'. Smnner's most impressive manner, a rndst intense interest prevailed. Jeffer- sofl'Davis and the rest of the nullifiers listened with painful attention, and j when? the reading ended, it seemed as if j they kad got through a surgical opera- j. tion.' ' It was like dashiny: a bucket of . cold water in their faces, and ihey did not recover breath enough to reply for the rest of the day. Washington Cor respondent of the Jew York Post. - 1 BfiThe editor of the Charleston (S. C.) Courier publishes, under the head j UI . v.pillli' '1 jiuin, an gAl. HLb; of a letter from the acting editor of the j World to a prentleman in Charleston namely: "You think we - - do not realize . the ! pain which if causes at the North. It is still our conviction, in spite of all j that you see, that, finally, there will be ; no disruption of the Union; that co-ope- j ration is improbable, and secession im- j possible, though South Carolina may ! vote herself out of the Lnion. Besides,! there:will be conciliation, and an un-! piistakable expression of the conserva- S f Tere spoke as true a specimen of the as ever eat dirt! The ed neeiand whispers: " didn't vote fur l :riwi A. .nmM ,jnM. sf r - !vv:' J FlZ' I,-.. , . e.puitor nas snown nimseil a very "rtbWailed dog, and ought never toco .. p 6xl without a collar with his master's ' name 'on. Steamer Eugene A Card. tbfft passengers nerva s-U, KlizarilliKys MiWriVuG HeVd CiT,ci.Uj - ;' ! y."-: ' . y " u ui u B HKlxird, (j-all.polis O; Hiram Hn.dlv G W Todd, FlOminir Co. Kv: J At Bradley. Gram VnllM nll. foruia; Ijuox Volts. Adams comity O; J H ShOtfiiiakur. iik y:iuiHia a, airt;iiii n r a ;i!r, l "I m-l n na I i O j J hlnidreiison, Portsmouth O; ThosMoehbi-er, .Moscow O; Sn.iiui-1 D Gilinor, Cincinnati O; Th s Foster, This bcitis the wisliaud in Jorju.uBi.t of tn-cnty-aix uijiih ui u.u inuunmiuii DIPTHER1AI W HAT IS IT! A SIM- Withh tSa last past twr yearaf the public attention has frequently been oarfedljo.XhlsTdij'casep bylparagfapS' tell of a remarkable mortalftv from it in ih- tensively in California, lu the autumn of 1858, it destroyed nearly two hun dred children in Aihanyr.N..3L; in March, 185D, it produced great constern ation in Orange, Connecticut: it is quite prevalent at the , present time in West- 11 " T-'.Ti -rv' V-. U every, week in Philadelphia, ew Y ork etui. uwoiAii, aiiujsuuic bdoca ua xs vui.ui i uva during the last year in all parts - of New EngUt.rid'; .but it has been epidemic so as to. attract the public attention ia only a .few-plaeea. .. i - i . - In this city thrjre were a. few cases in August, 1858, and five persons died with the disease' during the remainder bf that ' t a '' ''" '"r;""! '' ' ,. , : -,. "",ihwii uii-u ui diptheriaj and-daring the present year it has been present in' the city nearly all the time, not, ho.wver, assuming-an er. idqmifi ejiaracic. . x ,i-It: haa parssed? over, all portions tf Franee within the' hist- thirty-five years1, r j thrjghOut'EngTand during the past Isfx'br.eight yedrs, causing 'ivJarge mor- 't '" ' : -. ttn...r :i :.o - taiuy among niiurcn. . uu ia in . ; hWe find the following description in One 6f the City Ticgister's reports: l ;' " "I)rplie'na"is i' diseise of childhood, tbq .greal'e'i ppiio'.pf ifs" victims,-like tiho-SftiOf. ca.rltt,tiaar, being. between two mid 4wlre-yenrs'bt'Tige. ..It ebtoniences ttith flie ''Usual Sj rmptoms of a' cold and wfth'chkldef able fever: "Simultaneously w tid t leaeC y fnp J oin's, a h d b 0 ui e t i m t; s spirtsy of fat whitish.. or . greyish" white pienibrane' tfpbtith'e tonsils'and: back part of the'tno'uth!" This membrane in- greases. .with great rapidity; the fever be comes. of a. typhoid character; there is great constitutional ... depression; the bie'ath1 becomes' eseeedinglyrfcotid, an'd in s'qme cases the glands about the neck become enlarged- ..When death takes plaoeifc is caused in -some cases by the extension of the; false membrane to the air passage, producing the effects of croup; in. other cases it is caused by ex haustion, and fever from the poison of .the. disease, In some epidemics a ma- j ority of the fatal cases will die appar- leutly from croUp; in other epidemics, cutiy liutll tiuu ill uihci 1-111.4111 ica, ... f. ; . T . ;ine larger portion win cue irotn ie epidcmic,u tho'ey.of Albany, in 1858, a few oases i 'occurred in the prtn and ! summer, but the ereatcst sever'it v of the 1 fliin-itp wis in :()itohor and N'ovemlier ' . f aa . P Scarlatina Or' crUD,. .though If htlS SOUIO, re atmn -to those diseases which at times I - - . j j cause doubt in the minds of 'superficial ! observers. ! Fill 1 j1.1l"-.t.- !. - : 08 aiHUC Uy. WIUc.l It IS KnOW'R ! frnm.oiher-eomMhiiita of.the throat is 1 . . '.. . - . ' ... j creases gfaddtilly until the patieut is i literally 'strangled to death. It is some - I ompanbd byu.beration and .,,.,. e ..,: and at othors by neither of these symp- K . . . . - . . -J ' 101ns, yet 111 eiujer case it is eijuauy iatai. To.'rr,ejitj.tIie.;i'fprmiUio this mem - branc; would, therefore .s.eetn " equivalent ! to curing the disease, - and this in most '"stances may ; bS .done-in the following patient Use at' 3intple so!ution of salt and water, as a gargle, every' fifteen . miuutes. At the same time moisten a piece of fa niei with a solution of the same kind, made warm as the patient can bear it, aud bind it around his throat, renewing it as pften as t,he gargle is 'administered, and , in. the meanwhile spriukling fine salt between.; the; flannel, aud the neck. Use inwardly some ! tonio or stimulant, either separately, or ' if the' prostration be great, use both 'together. The treat-, ment as, seen, i3..ex.tremely sitn plesnd if sed inithe earlier stages of ithe dtsease.'wilf effect a complete cure. Providence (R. I.) Post. , , , 8Natnre tells usthat w'e raje; like c5egVhebls '"pushing each "othev along by filling up-mutual voids. Cincinnati 'WKolesoio-Mai'lcfet.1 . .Cir;iiiiATi,;Dec,' 21. Flocr A dull and. heavy market, and. the demand limited. Sales small at 4 lOQ-i 25 for superfine, and 4 505 -5. for exf,ra... ,..(, , J tloGS-Therq was a moderate demand at 85 to 5 25, and whilst some holders were disposed to fciko tlvese rates, others contended for higher."''' . ' GROCERdJis No cliansre' in the mar- j ket; the. demand i quite moderate. Sa-les of Sugar at' G7c. at 29O.30c. and Coffee at liA(vl31c. (jlL Linseed ' very' dull: The last SaiC Wt we heard of was' at 53c. nr . oil. i:i.i tvixjSAT A ite receipts euntiiiuu imnt, ; and' but little offering. There is a mod- erale demand at tH)c$l for prime red and white. Corn Ear is firm, arid in good de niand at 33c at the lower depots: shelled j3 jn fair demand ;at 353Gc in bulk, Oats Tho market- continues dull, and the demand limited. - We quote them at 26c in bulk. RyE Tho' demand is fair, and the market. stead v t 57f35So for prime. 1 I J w Barley There is a moderate de mand for the prime 'grades, hut inferior samples.afcjjull, andi.-not iwanted. : L We ,piote; pr,ini,e jajlat ,7Q73ft..: 1 '. ti liAY-H--lia miitrbetiis dull and heavy at $13 50(l-i'per ton for prune Tmo-; thy; in baleis.'bh'iirfiva.t''" ( - LilEESE rne aeruana is nmjtea, anu and dull. nuata llal3c, and choicdjat lie. Apples. The-kkaiand ie moderate I SlfJl 50 per"-BBl Y6'? fair to prime "tt !tern. and 81 im&ttfW York pimgg demand iiuliMxted 'nXnfi'nd tA.thki Wa.1 ti'ad.f "We t'l miote1neNehaickkftt f l."i0t;"40 t 'per ' bbl fronstore'J'' ' ' 1'; '' -!-Alilllil-lt.-l-JiiP-"'-'i. uoc. iii.rt.:rtIlW. ---f,iiTlTlVTSrrrTOiir-f- : nrins nominal at au. ior . it xv,.- mil ' - .ri ' i i f r : wr T ..-.rvi -r inmlmav be-cikcn aL airtimos wirh. -ntrrmct-Snfptv llor I Vr i . ,!1ftiv i. vi t i -without -.making aiij-cjiftngu of diet; and the absence. K 1X3KEZDN HamburgndlOr L.;l). toales tenders it Und 'Pf- P ! 100 boxes W..R: fn Jots; at 9c., L. j,, chiidret,.; ' - - " -. !j! fj) T( jv t0 1 Butter The" market' is "unchanged , v- , JB VrnnvTPwwiJTTai '" ' ' ; . S ' b tv ft .rmatft iair to crime atr ' ,-t - -t MISCELLANEOUS. moa iwage until theyeems "native and t coin- to the manor born." 'ardly Realized. Hl-Vdr'n 'orrible 'eadacho this hafternoon, hand I Stepped hinto the hapothecaries, hand says hi to the man, "Can you henseme of an 'eadaehe?" nTdesTtl.a-ae'fdryT'relWecdin says in, liana upon that e gave me a Cephalic l'ill, hand 'pon me ?ouor it cured me so quick that I 'ardly realized I !ad 'ad an 'eadaehe. ' llftaDieuEja tie forkcisigiby which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the uatiiraifUAte buajn, and vjfttrcd in this light it may be rodkeefonas a 'safeguard intended tb giv'e iiotice-of disease which might otherwise escano attention, till ton him to ha neglected. Headaches may be classified under two names, viz': Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common and is the precursor of a great variety , of diseases, anioii5 which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all . febrile diseases, fh its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach constituting. tick Jieadachc, of hepatic disease constituting bilious Aeuiael,e, of worms, c9n3fip:vtion and other disorders of the l.wels as well as renal aud ut.ev.ine affections, lliseases of Ihe. heart a re' very frequently attended with Headaches ; Anannia and plethora are also af fections which - frequently occasion- headache. Idiopathic HcadiicJie isaIso very common, being1 usually distinguished by the name Ot-ntrv us hiadailie, sometitnes cotaing oa- -suddenly in a state of apparetly sound. hea.Uh,' hhdp6s6ra-. Ling ni once in niemai auu pnysioaj energiee, lind iu her instances.. it. comes' on 'slowly,- i heni-alded by depression. of-spirits r aeerbitv 1 of lemuer. in mosLinstauceftitlia nam iBitit he j front of the head, over one on both eyes,--and Biiuviimva .'l-VVUJXIJlg .. UlIllilH ''UI1U91 VlirS" class may also be named jvVjjrai'ff. v ' !For the treatnieiit.of either-class of Hondaehe. the Cephalic Pills have. been, fenrid a ieure'tihd .safe remedy relieving, tlte roost- acute flpaiwin 3 lew minutes,-aud by.ita subrla power erai-, catin? the diseases of. -aliir-li' Hpmlnnli'p i!a One'rring index. 1 ...hi.-h- ' ; ' ' ' ' . . i'i ':! , . IBbIdokt. jjissire wants2 you folsenil her a box: ofr. Cephalic' Glue; no: a- boftlttor rrep'arfed nils,' but rtn". Jhtnking; 'that's nbt "just! it ! nai .ther ;.but pej-bajW ye'ii fte'ttfthct 'knowing at lit is. Ye s'eeht's--nr!Th-crea,a''aiid 'cYohe wh witu tticyticlt rtqadaclro, -and warts sbtnc mcfrc of'ihit same 11s TT!kiiTOrf-nr hirfn'rH:" - -'" ' a iiiQsjCiclt irqaaactrc, -ancf watrts sbtnc todj-e o ..JJruggift. oxi imt- mean- Spalding's Ce phalic Pills." ;.; . Bridget. Ochl sure no-w aiid; rju'vi sbd it, hCvS.'s; the tjuartlier ami grre mV'the Pills ttnd d:cin't,beall day.about it atthln;;'' '" ' . itt,r . . Tr -j. - J -Constipatiph or Costiveness. "No one of the -"many-ills- fteshis "heir to'1 is so prevalent, so. little wndersfiniodi' atid so' much negleffed as Cos.rivene3s.' 'Often originating & carelessness, 'or sedentary lbi fs f it fs regarded a3..a slight disorder f too little coftseqUence"io excite anxiety, while in reality it is the pr'e carsar and companion of many of fire - most fatal and dangerous diseases, and unless early eradicated it will bring -the sufferer to an un timely - grave. ' 'Amoug -tho lighter evils ' of which costiveness is the usual attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of-like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases such as Malignant Fevers," Abcesscs-; Dysenlary,- Diarrlicea, Dys- 1 j Hypochondriasis, lUelanc'h first indicate their preaeiic pepsia, Apoplexy; iipiiepsy, fai-alysis, Hysteria, nchoty- -aud - lusanitv . uiu.i,.iic oiu hi iiie syaie.u d f "'"'s '"i""'"- diseases named. originate in Constipation, bnt ; all these conditions it. follows that the distii-dcr : should receive immediate nrtentton whenever 1 11 occurs, and nft pcrsoH should lieitteet lo got thc, is5,li,,8 r.-o,,r,W of .V.Ji..UIL :.r flnnm... ,.i., 1 , -- ...iviviu iwi. -tv iittuxiiii uitr. 1 - r - . . A Real Blessine.. . . C? - l . -wrs. .tones, no -,y is that ; lieanncJie .' ...... : pill you sent cured me in just twenty "minutes, 1 and I wish you would st-nd more so that' I can h$& can I iHuziciun. 1 ou can pvx tnem at any Uiuz- , EistSi t a 1 tor Ce ihiilic I'll.'s. T find Mifv niivoi- j fuii, und I recommend thein in'all cases of Head- t acne, ; Mr: fnim. I si nd. shall tell all u hall send for a box dircetlv. iy suflerin'S'fi-rcnd?. foi- thev are a mii btrteini. Twestt Millions or Dollars' 'saveb. Mr Spalding has sold. two million's of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue' and it is estimated that each bottle 3:ves at least ten dollars worth of broken furniture'thus matiiig an aggregate of twenty millionsof dollars reclaimed from t.Or til loss by this valuable' invention.. Having made his Glue a household w;ord, he now prpT poses, to do the world still greater service by ciringoll the.aching heads with' his Cephalic Pills, and if .they are as good as '-his Glue, Headaches wild soon, vanish away like snow in July.; 1 " ",'".',;.'."'.;," ' ,. "" il"OvEE excitement, and tlie mental crt re and anxiety incident to close attention to busi jicoa i oiuu y, ure among ine numerous - causes i.of Kervows Headache. The disordered state of mind tincl body incident to this dislicssiiigcom plaint is a fatal blow to all energy," and ambir tion.i 'Sufferers by this disorder qiin always obtain speedy relief" "from these distressing at tacks by using one of "the Cephalic Pills h'en ever:the symptoms' appear. It quiehj the overs; tasked .brain, and soothes the strained and jarriag nerves, and ' relaxes' tlicteusipn. , of th Stomach vrhich always accompanies, and aggua vatcs the disordered conditioqi of the brain, -: CURE . . . .itT ... CURE - Q NepvousHeadache CURE k- 5V By the uso of these. Pills the periodic attacks of "Nervous or Sick Hjadiicha" may be prevented; and f t-ikjit at th e co.nmenccnia jitof an attack, imme diate relief from pain and sickness will bv ohtuiouil. They seldom fail in. removing the "-Nausea and Headache," to which females are so subject. They act gently npcn.tba bowels removing Cos tiveness. . '.:..,.' - For Literary Men, Stndenti. 1'olicate Femafes.and all persons of sedentary .habits, they are valuable a a Laxative, iniprovlug the appetite, giving-tone and vigor to ttje digealire organs, ,-iud ruitofing the nalu rual elasticity and Etceirgth of Jtrd-wholn system. ', The CY ftl A L1C PlLLS Breth' Yesulr-'of rohgiti vestrgaTtioa and .carefnilj- ondnct-ed- experiments,' aavuig. Uen in use "njany- yers; dnring-'whipli time tlicj, Vja prevejito4 and relieved a jrasf; aihount or loin a tiA ui fTii rt ltw lAirr If Mri-iAht - rhmttrtrS t - tin,?j )hd nervous ijstenixir from adorahgea state' of tiWomach. :,, ""' ''-.' r. Tliej v Wtirelv. regetable tntheit-dmposItibp,! h Prico'SO Cexits. Altor.oadffaddreea;tc;A - . , !VItEiItlf CVSVX fDiKOT" ; ' JtS Ccdtar Street. New Tork.. Nev.?rr, iew.-46-iy. ; - .GF ;: H - I awKIOHUlMC u, u ill v OTpmr, wityw, uoiiii v.oihiu- II ' 3 h.-Ur..!. B..J' I- ''... ,H i C.wL ..u !, ,". 1 a':. Soli bv"n- Eaisls'amCalt other Ikiatersin.Medlcioes.- fertti es- A Box wilt "e sent bjmH prep&id-en teeoipt of the I DIED, l At. tVn rpsiilrnnp of H. Kni'rlit. F,sa.. iii Chos- "" " to.. M,'n.i PnnniT nn Tliiirsiliiv mornincr. Deo. J. W. I.KWIK. Uar; dufrtiscmrnts. Recelvei's Kotice to the Creditors of 111 ur doc it 6& Nye. j 1 N pursuance of an ordr of the Conrfof Common t l-flraa of .Uie CoiuiIjlaX -Me'cs. Ohio, made at Him JsoveintiRr lrni ihcrenr. A. I). IRijO. notice it hcrt-ijy rai. totliC 6:eral urediUirs of the IuCh Arm nfjlnr- doctc'A' Ktb- trt brhrir le fore The rndprsignftd und 1 make proor their respective cluiins and deniamls sfrainsl s:.).d MarJOfJCii.Ky.fln nr hcrnro 4.1n- 15tU iJofJFATaHrJ Hext-i jt, ,. CA KTRiKIGHT, Reci-iverof Ihe assets of the lat tlrm of Mnrdock &Ni-f ; 1 'f Oeeomner-20', tBS0.-32-ei.l Stockholders' Meeting, HE stockholders of "Suear Run Salt Co.." L'1 win meet t their Office, In Poraefoy, on the First -Mouday in January, 1861, at 10 o'clock'' A. M., toelect five Directors, to serve during the J'ear, and transact such other busi ness as may be brought before them. Dec. If, 'GO. Ol-tt C. GRANT, Sec'y. Stockholders' Meeting. 11IIK stockholders of '-Excelsior Salt Company" . will meet . t -the-ailicc of the "Sugar Knu Suit ('o.,- 011 Monday, Ihs Plh tlay of January. 1841 . at 7 o'clock p. M-. for the purpose of electing five Direc tor, to serve for. the ensuiiis year, and to transact such other business as may be "brouirtit before them, lcc.H, It-GH. in-tt . ; C. GKANT, Scc'y Stockholders' Meeting. T II E stockholders of the Poineroy & Athens "Telegraph Company wilt meet at the office of the Sugar Run Salt. Co., on the-1st Monday in January; 1881, at 'J o'clock V. iI., to trans act such, business, as may, be-broujjlit before tliein,., , .1--, ... i a- GRANT,- Prert. Dec. 7, 1800. i8-3t ; ' " ' '"' - - -Tir - ilj-Tt , f I; ().. PUBLIC INSTALLATION, Q D I) EE L L 0 W S' S U P P E R. TIWINERAL LODGE, I. O. O. F., t"-- will have a puhlie. Iiistajlatioja at Jan. 1, lSGl,-to- which all are in-i'tb'd'v1--' i'i dii m.-;i--iit nl There will alio to 3BUPPER after the ceremonies of Installation, for those who enjoy a social re-union of that kind. . Price if .Tickets. to.:Supper, :kl.00 pr couple Oysters-extra. All persons de-1 sirous of pnrchamg Tickets lor feuppcr, are tefifueeltid Mdo-JjerbteUke 28th . .-Ticketcan be procured of Ian. E. Smith, at- Patten & Smith's Grocery, or of' R. L.CTirtiarthe Drug Store. Let atl atten'd Fdie"TnsfalTalSon"and SuppcFr. A social meetmgrof lhagood people of Pouieroy aHd--vftimtj-j'is-certainly desi rable a at'least'onc a year.' ' ' J. R. Hampton, 1 ' 1 A: E: McLAtfGiitiXj'fCom. L. Paixe: .;. , ' . ) WM. M. PR ALL, XT 3ST D E H. T JL ZS: OS 3R. , .fOULD resperlfully inform liis nil V--i-Tisiomers-and The pubtle generally, Sa that ho is still m:.mifaeliirin". aiyl kee-n coiut.intly 011 handvCOFFlSS of all sizes' and qualities, which -i;l""Jl caunoi ne surpasseti 111 execuiion. . e aI.o litl--a up an elegant . .' 33Z 33 il -R S 33, ll -whi,-h 1 respectfully .your attention, and would ncsmence. nu uarr a Kuu, a few doors norlfc of j Nye's Saw-mill. i'ec. '-M, -G'.i. 5l-'jm. Travqlpig Ageats , Wanted! ; f" rKKMANKXT KMPI.OY.MKNT. T1TE will employ 'Agents to sell a new and Valua- j ,Yl -.hie .article, either 101 roinuiissiott or at . a lib eral s:ilary. Husiuess Itot.oraUle, useful and ltlcralive. .The article is required in everv faiiuiv. ! I' or parlicillars and coiiijletu instructions, enctoje 1 h.... , . o. I.;., ujuuhxg e vv., j isimp aim ailtli Hep. fil-jl-Ol ;1USTUK. .l;n JS, Ma. p ip f r r r . r SEVEN TEARSr The seven years of unrivalled success attending the 'Cosmopolitan Art ASMOciatiou'' have made it a household word throughout ' every U.Wr lAjfcarVijirjsf IhlB popjitrtr I sjtrttjli yi, o er Tiife'e HunatedT Thousand homes' have learned to appreciate by beautiful wort! ol'r im their walls, and choice lika-atnru onahcir tables, the great beu- uuisuciiicii iroui ueeoiiiui a an oscnoer. .Subscriptions' mre lo-w burns received dn a mtio unparalleled wilh'ttiat rffarty pYeViods year. - ' TERMS OF- SUSCRIi'TIO& ;' Any pucsfn can become sr nysmbirby sfibscribiig Ti.KEi DL,Rsi f.ij- wk'.cl aii. they vf.ll rrfeliive. 1st. The lare and superb steel'en'gravrng, 3i x 38 inches, entitled,. ; ; 1 , -, J : lT ." FAL5TAFE , MUSTERING i HIS :" "" ' RECRUITS."-y-..y.t ii ' 2. Oui. cop.y enyiyear, of that clejrnfW illus trated magazine, . ' ' - ..i ' - t "The Cosmopolitan Art -Journal;" ' 3d, FoY.iliniaioH3, dyrin? tH seuVltp "The Gallery of! PuMv iW Broad tcrtV, iVeto- York." In itoliieTabive VjenefrtJ. tlwrewill be given to subscribers, us grateitous premiutna, "jvjf r Fle Hundred Beautiful Works of Aril cKpi(.listiuM'i ptifafiinrrt irttlrMes, YerT4r4, o.tllaiiedca..:4o4nuig n-triily inUioMol KaueeV. Tub .Scrr.RB,. K.NiiaiVj.vo. which every subscrllier will receive, entitled. " Palstaff Mustering his Recniits,' is Obo of the most beaiiiiful and popular eugrnvines ever issved ru-this eouiitry.- Il isdmie on steel, iu Him 'iiii'iiuu slipple, aid isprintedou liea.y lite paper, 30 by 33 inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls of eii.ier the tibiary , parlor o otnt-e. its a a 1 gee! is the celebrated, scene of Sir nihil Kaistaff receivingi iu Jiucico shiilliv's o.liee, tlie recruits which have been gathered for his "raggiid retciuieiO,'.' -tLcout.l- not be furu ('.mil bv the lia la t'irtefaiia'u Jif e sloltir. a 1 1 iv-. The '-Art Journal'?, is loo wu.ll known to the whole country to nejd" eomineudatiort. ' It is a magnificently illustnileil'm iirnz nu of Art, containlus Ksaysi Sli ri;;8, niiis, liofsipt ike-, by tho very best '"writers in A nierica... Tub tii.grilving is sent" t-Vaiiy nart oT J the couiLlry by mull, with sal'e.y, being packed in a Su:i -riptions "will be leceired nntil the livening 1 of liie:( .t of January,-I861; at which time the books will cioje and the premiums be given to subsi rib.-r-'. '.No person is restricted to a higle silisiription ThesK remitting Fifteen Oolhlrs; are entitled to five .11eiMt1.5rsi.ip4 and to one extra engraving for their I.-. Subscriptions from California, the Canadas. and all Foreign Cetiiitriee.niiist Ve $3 Slibstad of S3, in order to ilefmy extra "postage; etc". For further particulars send for a copy of the ele gantly illustrated "Art Journal," pronounced the hi.idsomkst m&gaz.nb IN AjftvairA. - It coiilaiiis Cata logue of freitiiums, and numerous superb engra vings. Kegular price. 50 cents per number. Speci men copies, however, will .be s.Mit lo those wishing to subscribe, on receipt or IS cents, in stamps or coiu. Add.esd, ii. L. LERbY, Actuary C. A. A. 546 Ltioailuay, N. Y., - -VI gd&scripiwiiS-' received and Ajricarded lij JOJIN Q. EX Op,' Agent for Middleport and vicinity,' where 'specimen Engravings and Art Jour nal can be seen, y , . - . . ! Dec. 20, -GO. 51 3t 1 ii H ; 7 i i if Tfrf Gpods '& Carpet Store. JitlliVtSlMmT 0 &'C0. VSsV4ttr',ht3'-atacf .1M itiU Fourth ftteeti .eaooctisasdi t q j .. if'Tlfi (fa.A ft l1v jC" .' tH'lDI T'TTttfT iC vK ' ..i!-.-.'v"yi Are'LoWopenme an extensive and complel.;j i -; ' - asso'rtmcnt or " ' , ,. AND AMERICAN" si fT'TTTT n " K T n -.Fst.miiiejf. eMeJJKeepBrs, ?Ueai.boaJr -- : - " . . - " , (. T9wnerr and 1'ur.ebasersy geneniUr; ia:.y llopioiid upon anduijr'the -rest class ofoods, : - at prices, as )ow as. they, can .be pur chased in the' Eastern Cities. " , pt. M,'le.a-M-Sm ' -" .-; T i.!." 1. 1-1!"' -,,i .,,,(.- v t-" !" .f SW5CIAI -NOTICES. jfJJ'IJii. KifHATtMo.Vs Kii-.-rrj H m; iiitt-rs is uio-t ccrteiiily a Tuable fatnily iiieiirin;, it 1 nidi- snnght for, and every day alforJi new proofs of the peculiar effects of tliis r.-pa ration. In c-.-if-s ln-r.-a "tlisorderttd condition of th.i .-.lo.naili. lii-r n.i'i bowels, is co'iDbined Willi irri-: t it.-l-ility, iicrvn-.: weakness, und 4,nt''.is-- ni -laii' li -dj its v-auvta artf moat benef! and wonderful. Sold ty! 1. KliED.aiul drupijists p.-ncrally. ITJpCoiintry dcali rs vi.itiiijr our -i ! y will bear irti mind that the folwrt In ar j the tvres lo Bud pure- and geuuiudrugt ami l;iilu i.u-1 genuine medi' cines as Perry Davis" Fain killer, Or. Richardson- Sherry Wino Bitters, and pr. Weaver's Canker anf Salt Khenm Syrup and Cerate. Any drnpplat deal'--In auch pure aud food iuediciu4 mtiAk .rosper and to use them warrant hoalih. ' Soldoy A. SEKBOH.M.and D. KKt'.D. 5t !w. Fresh Cera ajid Worxps. These are aceidcnit which all lire subject to, more ii.ajrttcularly the i:.e- chautcs and operators iu factories. This class should never be without Dr. S. A. Weaver's Cerate. It will1 relieve foonor uiid heal all such "Juries' quicker' than any ariicfe ever made.', fey Jiavinjj, it by theui- for immediate use, much llmu fud.suffprij.g ..may bt saved. It is sold by inedlcloo dealers Riierally. 5l-Sr. ICPMIMSI Elt.S OF THKGOSKEAorall denom inations, have used Wllsju's Celebrated Headache' Pills as a remedy for the jrcneral indispssition and! drowsiness which so 'frequently atteuds their ardo--ous calling, aud hundreds of them have home vol untary testimony of the (treat relief they hare ejrjfc.'' ricuccd from the use of this medicine, for iudigesliuir;. NervousUeaarh, and aindlar ilji frefiarcd and' Bold by B. U. FAHA'KSTOCK 4 Co., Wbnl ! Druggists, and- Proprietor of B. L. KAHSE--TOOJi'S VKR-VIFCGli, So. 60, corner Wood and' Fourth Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., and D. KEKD, Pora croy, Ohio. ., 3I-Im. -' Home Testimony. ' Blcc Cheek, Adams Co.. O., Aug. l.-i. ' The. Poniclc llear Sir: I hare not the tinin to rite you of ihe benefit couferred by yotfr Scandinavian Blood Pills aud , Blood Purlaur I took them for a disease of the throat, and they not only 'benefitted it bnt my general health, also. I am now act.iallv bet ter than for eiorlit years. Thev cored Miss Ellen Waite.-ef Ju-pl(.tor'LiertHw(tMnt and weak nesa of the Spine. Mrs, lilizabetti Cross was cured' of terrible shooting painsr is tle toinacli a.od tide,, had baffled the efforts of several eond Fbyfi ei;tni.' Tha'vklne f yonf tneiliclnes eonld' We estab UsIhhI by ny aweuiit.of he, in this viviuity.. Yours KespaetfiilK-. VV3I. SHAW. irrPtRHlfef T'rtTit.fJoS: thfre is no medi- X!lnextsinrt relii.blA 4H tvre of -efofofav Tetter,, k., ii leera, ypiultlier idisorter.i I .inanimation . of tho Kidneva. Leucorhi-a, and like diseases, as R. F. WlliamV Compopsid Rvrupor Sari.-iparilla audi Iodide of Pottissuim. ' -' " ' ' v if. . r DTP THE GKF.aT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIK' JAME QLi Rlik'SttitwA'Ao FEMALE PILLB Fr'eiari-ct frort) arescrffjliouofSIr james Clarke,. ST. D.', PiiysicianiTxtriiorhiiiary to.'the (Jueen. This well kno i. medicine is no imposition, but a-. aurp 'arid afe' rctiieay Jiir ' Jc'maiepfillcuHies and' Obstru'ctmhs'; from any causa whatever arid altho' a powerful rejyl Ji, fou(as nthlus; hurtful to- a powerful reyy fou(as nthlus; hurtful to- tbVtiViuVu.t ., ,,;f i .,.,..!;;., ,-,lto married Ladies it lspectiliarir suited. It wlll.v hi i abort time'lTin'ou' Ihe monthly' period with' vnVo"V'tIo,i'.-f 1..,., ,!,.'f !o -i-jn.-i -!. rectilartfr." " ! ' ' :'"r ' - In all c:is.e p( Jerrous 5 ail Snal Affec'ione,. pains in.thBacV and iin'lis,' peaviiiess,,. Fatigue on' slight exertion. Palpitation, oij tho .Heart,, I ownesn of Spi.its, Hysterica, Sick Jlijdache, iVUites. aod1 all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered' systoflf.Hhese-Pflls'wftl'etosct i earefVirb Wit other iiie'. ris liave failed.' - it--- .'" These Pills liav never been. know nto fail; where the directions on the second page of pamphlet are well observed: ' "-'t' -' oHMVH For full- particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the Aeeut. X. B,-rlnp ilollariidVpostige-tauspt enclosed' to any mllioriied agfent.wlll insure a bottle, ecn--tainingf over .10 pills, fey riturnJn'aJl.f t-'ii-'.- Full direction aceompariylTi? each package. Sole Agent fer tile- (Jrfitei: 'fltte nd Canada. -f;-;. ' ' 1 . i-. nJ6'.Wl!. ' (Iite 1. C. Baldwin i Co.,) Rochester, X. Y. For sale by J. P. P-.VKK. gUlfUS', KCKSTKIX Co., Cii.cinnati, O., fi: KEEP, Poineroy, O. 1 1-y. TT?" We reTer our. readers to the advertisement" of Messrs. CHURCH & DUPQNT, No. I9 Broadway, Xcw.York. The -Blood Foo is one of the creates! medicines of the agc,iuid U rai.idly drivins out ef the market all Ihe qiiack unrriimsof.inolcrii times.,. Its efficacy is so treat, and it superioriiy so Jnsty acknowledged, that it i found dittieult to supply the ' immense and increasing; demand for the. article. Ilr. Eaton's celebrated -Infantile Cordial, isa meil icino prepared , by -a -resyilar pliysie;iin of eminence ilr his profession, and one who hasdevote d his lifeto' tlte peculiar phases of Irifaulilo diseases. It is n ' Immbuft, but medicine which commends itself to-' those oniy who can appreciate it." Apilachicola, Fior. Times. - . - jrytieo Advertisement.' ' " -" . i" .' f.-&iV3, ,,- THF-'llEALTH ASD LIFE OF WOMAN Is onnUmtiiP.y iu peril if she is mad cnoiHih to n?it-'j' Lect or niuli rent those sexiui) irregularities to whica-two-thirds of her sex are more or loss subject. - llr. CHKHSKMAN-S FILLS, propnrod from tfi. same formula which the inventor, COKNKLJUS L. CHKESK.MAN, M I)., of New V-rkvhus for tweotv years used successfully In an crtended private prac lice iinmedtDte'e relieve oHIiohv pain. all distnrb ances of the periodical "discharge, whetlier arising1 from relaxation or suppression. They act like a chartn tn removing, Ue.paio that accompany difli cultVir immoderate mentr.iatioii. and aite the ooW safe arid reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache", pains io the Lnins. Back and Sid, Halitalia.i or The Heart, SerV9ns Tremors Hysterics, Spasm, Broken Sleep, and other unpleasant and daogorpus vffects of an niiiiat'nral rondiiion or the sexual functions In the worst rases of Fluor A thus or "Whites, they effe-.-t a speedy curej '- "'- ' TO WIVES AND ItlATUOXS, Pri C1iecsetnnn"'s Pills are invnl'uhble,' Ks tn'cjr wilt . bring on the monthly period. with regularity.' haiif who have been disappointed is Ihe use of ether pill can place the utmost confidence in i)r. Cbeeseniau'S Pills doing all that they represent to do." L,;iIi43 JUusi ilivju- i n ITIlml There is one cendilioH of ihe female vstom in whirifl the i'ills cannot be Kike u itliout producing a PK C DIil A K ' K KS n liT. Tire1 condition referred to ia rRwiaNrt-th reeulW Mwcmaiaoei r-'udi is the Ir resistible .tendency, of the juediciue.te lealore the sex.i' functions to a uoroiaj con.lition, that even the reproductive power of i...ture cannot resisi it. ' Ekplieit directions, staling when, and when thev should not be used, with acli Box the price Ou'i Dollar each Box, cauUtHtug Crein 40 to 50 pills. A valuable pamphlet, to be bad free, of the Agents. ' Pills sent by mail promptly, by enclosing price tuMir Aeciil: ld bv tk-aegtatscenutallv. It. U. IIUTCI11MGS. I'ltip'r, i ... .20 Cetisir St Itttw 1 01 k. For sale tn Prtlneroy v, lli RKEI td a. StB Bt.H.'O: Middleport, by HUGG4. COE., ',. .-, Pec. T, 1U0. 18-y " .' - )- j - t Administrator's. : KaUm, "VT"GT1CK is hereby given that the tmcler8igi IllN has beci apnointed and duly qualified as ' 'Administrator on' 'th'' estate of Daniel Brickies, "late of Moics Conty; 0,i deceased. 47-;;t - H1EAM ALKIRE, Ad'mr. P031EH0Y AND CINCINNATI SIDE-WHEEL " '- fcEJli WEEKLY PACKET, D. F. SAYKE, Captain, Leaves romeroy every Monday at" 10 a. m., and Friday at 10 a. m. ' ' -' " Leaves Cincinnati every Wednesday and Sat urday, at 4 p.m. Dec. 7, 'C0.-48-tf O. On CARY'S COUGH CURE OR PKCTOKAL- TROCHES, For the Immediate Relief and Certain Cure of ; Coughs. Colds, influenza,- Astbma, HeuTsencss, Whooping toush. Catarrh, Bronchitis. Diffl fait .Breathing.. Eras Throaty &;e, . , Relief lFcrran.recf' in Ten Minutes. . For Mi. list rs, Public Speakers, and Singers, these TAfcLETS are Indispensable for Clearing aud Strengthening theToice reiyoring Jinarsenu-s, &c. The-r?asa wHh'vthidttlriTroviuk-ig easily carried in the jipvket, requiriug no ircpurationt al ways ready fur use on all occasions, hot' Unhid o change in any climate; containing nothing Injurious to the most delicate constitution .shorn. I be suffi cient reniumoaii:ition to. all to give them a fair trial.. Price, 25 cents per box. ' ' Per sale W all Pniggists.-' Prepared by H. G. O. CAKT,v8ville,hi6. - , Hec 7; '0.f-48 3n-.I ' TT- J. , ,. 'f '" ., l,! J , " Snrlff!a Sale, , -. James S, Crii es vs. WW fc! dt HughEnad. vfriue of an order of salo tame directed from tne l'-nurt of Cwiuilon Pleas of Meigs Couoty, l wiH onVrtor sole at wiWie aucxiuu, at the door of tfre C)Urrt-hJsis,in.t;oiii.;lVivk U,elock. At M., TJ,ie-trj(h day ofZamarffA. 3: 9tiV - I the raHo-iHS uretcrmea lanusana teue.iiiiia,To n il: Oi-gUfuipgat Hubert-Love's south-east comer; thence west 103 mU along said Lara's - lino 10 d tiiOjutoa j turner, theiiol sni M rod .' .iaaiiil Lj Us's south eat eoru.eri tU(,-iice,eit along Samuel "Lyle's aa-l Isaac Couft niirtfi line 18J fods to lint itlaM Of be- ' giiriiig,nrsed ta'HO;adrea..aiam pr loss, ' and lytup. iu! de lon fi, Iowa n, rai.i'l5, of the Ohl I VouipiiuvVs rui;hasejan.d being the same land that ' aaia Itoivl Toaghtorj;ohn-Polot: eseut JS acres. I of the east eud of sai4 lot rumiuigjjlrar croas. T. , i be gold as the properly of Hugh IJ.unU at the suit of. Jauaea S. G4mus. .Appraised , at $l,5Ml. Terms of sale, cash: - ' ' ' ' ' - J. J. V 111! K, S.-M. V -Dec. 10, Tt00.-'50-5t . 4.3ti Important females