Newspaper Page Text
POMEROY TELEGRAPH. FRIDAY, t t i s 1 t)ertJtr S3, 18GO. BuThe steamers Eugene, tiostona No. 2, and the Vomcrmj ' YhurJ 'limt, will ac cept our thanks for late papdrS. gey Bo not forget to 'attend, the pub lic Installation and SuppCr of the Odd Fellow on New Tear's night. It pr oni isca to be tfrrand affair. " " jggWe issue a lew days in advatlee 'joliho regular time, In order that the aUrtchf of the office may. enjoy- the Holidays. The next paper will not be issued till the regular day. '-l V--- - - ' - ' - " . I: ?Bga.If our readers will have patience week or two longer we will be relieved -: of th delinquent list and some other -advertisements which occupy the first page, when wa will give the usual mis cellaneous matter. . Congress. ' An v abstract of the proceedings of Congress is . ci'Owded out, but there - taa been 'notlfing done of any iinpor ' tance . except, the passage of the Home stead Bill through. the House by a fair majority. How -it may fare in the Sen ate is yet to be seen. The Pacific Rail road Bill has also passed the House. was announced by Angel Messengers CLAKIfc'S LI VEU TILLS mat trio Dromifed Messiah, the (irpnt ifim best rtmoATiva and purifier strong the peo 'Peliverer," had made his advent in the little village on the neighboring hill side! Their mission, accomplished, the radiant host; in view of the-fulfillment of the old-time predi;tion.gave utterance to their .interest in the event in strfins of Celestial me'ody as they sang to gether, "Glnry be to God in the highest.' on earth, peace and good will toward men." But men were not prepared to receive a Dispensation of "Peace and good will." The Jew desired and the Beman feared, an earthly conqueror. , And " as the strange and improbable story" of the shepherd's was noised about, , a slight sensation was produced' in Judea, while the rest of the worlcl slept on, V Herod, fearing there'might be something in the shepherds tale; or more probably, that the Jews would tise it for instirrcctidliary jrimnlaliits. where an external plieiftioh is neces- purposes, with the recklessness of a ty rant, ordered the indiscriminate murder of the children that he might make sure of the destruction of the dreaded ri.u AcrtrTED and recommended by eminent PHY SICIANS. DR. Cr.AUKE, the inventor or these pills, is justly disliiiguislK-d ftr his eminent abilities and sci entific research. KorfltiSyeaM, in his xtMisive prac tice, lie experimented in bringing the great desid eratum of a remedial agent to act as a direct puri fier ii pci n the human system. In this he has been eminently snccegslul, as the numerous certificates from celebrated physicians show. They nro ex tremely mild in their Operation, at the same time powerful and effective in removing disease. They never give pnin, as do most purgatives, but allay it In all cases; they are more speedy In their relief than any pill now offered. The proprietor is pleased to announce that lie has perfected his arrangements for supplying the trade to the fullest demand. A fresh supply Just received and for sale by D. REED, Rjracroy, WELDOS ,St. BESTOW, Chester, BRAXCH & PAYNE,. Rutland,. and. I). JOHXSOS, Tupper'a Plains, J. SCHAFFKR, Mlnersville, and , , X. V. XVALKER, Prop'r, PitUburf, to whom all. orders most be ad dressed. . ,. , ., , HepU il, IStiu., 37-3mj THE OKEAT ItEMEDY. '!i-t ? -tHK Cta-KBK4TED SEHHS8BB LJNIMENT, ,l?tf ELX Iuiotvii ajid accepted, a thekmost .efficacious ; T 'Caatl' r''fc r.jiuedj ever discovered, &K all . lOu'We expect tr leave home for Col umbus beflore the next paper is issued Our readers will be kept advised of the . . doings of the' Legislature and other mat rrV-ot'interesife;.bxeS.a'co'-re8Pon !dence tluriug bur stay, in the cityl .We shall al36,.asvfar a? possible, embody in . our letters, such , Uo.ngressio nal and other .tojttttefs i as.'Ou;t.tim:e '.will', permit, 'To-rlajs jsVatinryf rsary of the gra nd- . 't!veBi-in5 all '-our world's history. ' jar"JrH.biekwardy away in the unre . ... fded past-r-long before the action or i!bstisie4 of taea F oommunities be-' .:aki'tMrUiroQ2c esjSoOu7ierlf8Viu of atVgolden -, Zjg&t iflu 'yf'bhH, love,; Ahl , purity a'pd "peace "were universal upon earth, and the - I'.fuXXnailtiiats.rValked. io sweet com "mubion and "Held high tcohverse'V with Ai)gels;,bafing..with their 'celestial visi tors the spiritual joys of Heaven ; as well 'flS.-'the 'faatural Qelights of their ' Eden '' Home. ,.;? : " jBflrt how long this primeval state con tinued, 1 neither tradition nor historv brings; ti3 -1 aiiy report. The -, sad and mournful fact, however, thai mankind did fall away from this blessed estate, need no-argumenfc to prove. If it did -we need; but unroll the blood-stained rec rd,of tbeirace since the dawn of authen tic his tor 4 to- open our eyes to the con- flicis of the'-world -without, or look upon Vhe Jarring discords of the world within US, pi, be too painfully (ionvinccd. -As : man! receded- from ''his state ;o tappy iriiipeence, the spiritual '- part off his nature became weaker, "and the sen supus stronger, until he finally became "KO-'-wrroHjr a-bsrjrbvd-in- -merely natural tbinjitlfte ferrfoiotTii? bfrlgfh, aiid closiiis Hl the avenues of his mind . r- .: r . , i iagainst f aU - spiritual influx, .beca me , wholly "of the earth, earthy." Selfish ness tec.bming, the .ccnfroling inlpUjlsc - of his. heart, sought its gratification, re gardless , of the rio-ht3 or happiness of others:' Mutual regard and loving help fulness was banishedfrom society, and ravirite, -ambition jealousy, hatred, .re venge, cruelty and all uncharitableness .fomid homes in the perverted affections. An eels could no longer consort with man, aud, the evil passions which: drove "them a-way called to his -bosom eonge niat epirita'wtich. found inliis lusts a fitting1 habitation: ",-In ;th ngj darkj and- dreary ages which succeeded, he-Bank farther and farther jnto mere patural jsjnruntil the fact of his immortality was almost lost from bra speculations and wholly so from hrs rational eonvictions. But although man thus turned hmiself away from his Cre- -itoiMtft wfnlere3 far ;fiom his Father's housee ctfuld 'nbtget beyond the reach ofMi' Father' love. r.,--' . . And hence, during "lis long aposcy, by the-ministry of "Angels "whercMthat Tiras' poseiSle Otji inspired' TWpliets and Seers, ly t?iV 'ise of Correspondences" inI?)rms a'ni'cermbhies," by the syro- all the means which could be employed by Infinite Vy'i&doinTie was held in con junction with bis Maker, i , : .-j - But af! last' every avenue by which Divine; influejices could reaeh his soul, being closed and the race about to per: ish "When there, was no eye to pity and no arm to save," 4,The s E verylast-i-ng 'Father,"' that he might coine nearer to his unhappy children and open up a 'new way Vof access1 to; himseir' became manifested" in the formvand person of the Christiaa.'s-' acknowledged "Re deemer." - Promise, al-: propheey, and occa sional''4latn from - 'the world beyond Tpbt-falls :from the confines of the Spirit Land" had kept alive a vague peetancy of a coming" Redeemer and the ransom of the race from its deep de gradation. But so obscure had become the perceptioa of spiritual things, that tbe hig"hst aspirations of the best of menlookedorily for a temporal delivT ertrfqr a mighty earthly jKiflgl- The nafure of the , disease, jwa, not compre hended and wen were not prepared to .accept the provided remedy. ,:; Eighteen hunered and sixty years ogo;i one. For a time there was "weeping in Rama," and then the world sunk into its old routine. A few years later, a singularly benig nant being, with a dozen humble follow ers, who evidently did not understand their master, was seen in tho villages and along the highways jof Palestine, teaching the new doctrine of the univer sal brotherhood of man, and inculcating the love and forgiveness of enemies,, in stead of retaliation and war. "He went about doing "good." .. He despised none on aecount of their povertyj their ignor ance, or their misfortunes, Like the sun shine and the rain, his yearning' compas siop fell alike upon all. His was an exam ple the wprld had not seen before, and in addition, to the "notice thus attracted, startling, .tales' were whispered about, JJtalJjam. his..piejU&&LhjQ.rd weat out a power wholly -supernatural and ley'dad ihsf ; grbyjfece-'of'f rhVTr tA-ex- ert. The iiultitudc came to hini'in un counted thousands and nu'ng i)pbn.!hi9 words in transport. - The deaf, the dumb, the( blind, the halt, "the maipied-the sick and the possessed, were brought' to him in crowds, and were healed. .The hungry throngs were fed from his hands with food procured, they knew pot how or where.. Even the portals of death itself unlocked at his word and acknowl edged his power, while the winds and the seas obeyed him. . , . Bt the mind of the age conld not comprehend the .Man or his mission. They were ready to "take him by force and make him their king," because they thought his extraordinary powers would enable them to subdac their enemies and minister to their pride and love of dominion, by making the na tion of the earth tributaries "to them selves And when he refused their prof fered scepter and proclaimed that "his Kingdom was not of this "world," imt ! consisted in a life of humble stlf-denial of .internal purity of thought and j purpose of a ' new birth" and a regec j crate life, moulding the. disciple -into .. sary. Endorsed ana prescribed" oy mstingnisnca physicians.' Equall good for maa or beast. FOR KHKL'MATISM-- t.Hl G&MEStfEB tlitlMERTl FOR BURNS . Use Gemumk LiftiMtKr! FOR SOEK THROAT Use Cexesses IaxUtEitr! FOR EKUISES Vtz Cenessee LiNiHtxr FOR SPINAL AFFECTlOSs- Usk Crxsrcsme Liniment! FOR CRAMPS, A Nl" ALL ACHES AN1 SDRES Uss Gcnessee Liniment, A fresh supply just received, and for sale byY). REED, Pomeroy, WELDOS dt BESTOW, ChenUr! BRANCH & PA IKK, Rutland, D. JOHNSON, Tuppcr'a Plains, J. SCHAFFEK, Mlnersville, anil Storekeeper throughout the country. ' ..... . . X. C WALKER, - ' Proprietor, Pittsburg, Pa., To whom all Orders must be addres3d.' Scpt.-SI; 18li0. 37-3m JljA Gret Kembpt Jio Hcxbuo. The humbug or Patent Medicines U well ui:h exploded, and all except those who inako money out of their worse than useless nostrums, are hearty glad of it. . Out of hundreds of Various kindso! Worthless trash thrown upon the world, by tho cupidity of unscrupulous quacks and individuals, it is difficult to glean that which . i r'eajty sfntftJedTijo jrierifjroih its healing Rropecl.iesuiiesRWB knoty, jt1' Pfsonalsobsei;va lloojiti buacflaiu! efftfeii ofoaaoimv if, jus' acquain tances. Of this )asl js que. wbidi wo can. speak con: fiucntly and with pleasure. vo refer to Williams' Sarsaparilla and Iodide of Hotasjiiim. . We Have. seen it used by uumsrous persons iu our iuid4, with , the most happy results, and wo can nama instances, In which, alter everything 'he had been tried with out avail, iU, performed, a rciaarkublo jcurs.j Vo bnrefao fatth id Rcteat MdioincsIii genenrf, but tills ls'ah"exception that $o riiakb w-ith pteasarfr, irrbaib a. sense of justice to.tlia projirielor, who ha given to tho world snch nn luvaluablo remedy for several of the worst diseases to !iicn Beah is tielr. ' We trust Its sale may be-large andwida,for it is really duserving, and will bringrolief to many au nnfortunato sufferer; Nashville Piter. . . Sold by 1). KEED.lPomeroyj WKIDOM ic BES TOW, Chester, BRANCH A PAYNE, Rutland,!). JOHNSON, Tupper' Plains. Nov 23, 'CO -2ui PEBHY & A V I S VEGETABLE JPain Killer. WE REG Tn f-AI.J, THK ATTKNTION OFTHK ("JBIilt'TO THIS (jt.'NG TESTED AND L'NKl- V ALL ED Family niodieiiic. The Pain Killer is a nun-lv vegetable cmtiouml. and jJiiltil is a most ctlicienl Remedy for Pain, it is Eerfeialy sa'e medicine even in the most unskilful a'nds. For Summer Complaint, or knv other form of Kowcl Disease in Children or A ti ill Is, it is almost a certain cure, and Im.i without doubt been mor't successful iu curii.g the various kinds of ' f lioIOra than any other known remedy; or even the most skilful physician. In indln Africa, and Cain,, where this dreadful Uea UCvor more or i'ilr-alentilha or WATCHES, JEWELRY, FACY AND VARIETY (JOODS, AT THE OLD STAND OF . LD .OFF-AT' COST! MEfflf 1-FAIN KII.I.ER, Is consrrtorwil tw.-thoi rmttvoii.jas wcl!a99ltiiTopcltn;' rufiilubUriiktaoa aliiuates, ' ' A Sure lScmedy. Asa Tonie fitt- tlie Stomach, It if unrirallod. few doses will rilieve severe cases of : IiiiIigeKtioii, -. : , and it is often a porfectcure for Dyspepsia' in its most aRrav.itcd forms. Its tonic and stimuli t'ng properties, aronsiDp the nvstera to vigorous ac lion, render it a most effectual cure for . --. -' routs nnd Coughs, ' I i when used according to directions. For extornal application it i unsurpassed br any medical preparation krown. Khetimatism, and Neuralplc Affections ara quirklv MlioVed and often cured by it. Any soreness in tho Muscles or Joints can be relieved by its application. It care instantly tho most violent Tooitiache. It should always be kopt oor at hand, to be used in cases f severo Burns ov Scalds, If applied immediately, according to direction il will give ins ant relief, and prevent blistering. ; It is peculiarly adapted to the wants of Sicaiuboalmcii, - anit others traveling on onr Western Rivers. l. r'Directious accomptariy e:frh botlfe It has been testeil iu every Variety of climate-, and by almost evctry nation known to Americans. Il is the almost constant companion an'd inestimable friend of the missionary and the traveler on jea and land awd no sue should travel on our Inks or rivers without it. , Sold by dealers everywhere. The public M illeaitiouSiia they get the gen uine Pain KilJer, as poms unfiriucifiled-men use that name for their own worthless compounds: in so uomij iney uecoive ma community, and infringe Ui"ll llie --1RADE :1.RK-' OI rerry Ui! li. PBICES-25 Cents, fiO Cents and 91 Tor 3. N. HARRIS i CO., Proprietors for tbo South and Uihrinnalii Ohio. fiold'wholeuaiii hitd retail by A. SKEBOHM and D. KEKL), Pome ruy, O. July 31, JKoU. 30-Iy ,-,. i -. - On Court Street, a few Doors below the Court tlouse,' POMEHO Y, O. rIIIE subscriber takes jiloftBure In inofrmlng Lis numerous cvstomera, ffr'-. -- and the public in general, that ho has juat returned from, the city '. with a, tplcndid stock of goods in the above named line, ali e-f vcliich be will so.l at a Hvin&profif I . '." - kt,o-, jet "cr 3vi xf tjg bout it: HaTfbtild rftH cspeciaf aftentt&rt tj his stock Of fin' v f....;..;; i .... .. - j i WANTToyii risir asd jp fifk gOow suit, Wrc'EH muJ ' iLave everjtMng in the JUry, .Uoods liner F'rX'iii,; leanest; Merinoes Cober'es. Alpacna, whUe gooU,. Mrown juil PleaeLecf 'Kil;,- Ciie6t; flannel Tlkino-n - o I :.--i Cloths, rasiiDereSt.Saiin.et3. Jean Tvtebds, &'?. . i i. Jt'.rr lj ' i . ' 1 ' , ' . if.,; which L will tell at city pras; lo ,tff liis Jargi wilt pf .OTaeteij' 3oods,.oirwt:t ,;.r -jU . :A . i,;du miiS. . V a: - '' a cics.iQtpf r,, M lbd ..3e..,,a,(; M(i.,a, .iit.i, u iqBNr .Fb'b 'tJii w'"!i?:i for Ladies aridGehtlenien. Van T,-S and VnrOtrA rrJ iw " T') '3' ":'1 W,VW&9l Ilair IlruBhcs, fihTj-CuUciT riatols, , j iS i . ' . r, , . , . ; -, - r ii. -ai-'f Ti:-.-i--l "1 il 3 -f,t i 7 ' In Silver, Steei nd Gerian ftlrVrt&neSff uftcd'for alf ikVi V-,p a ' Rv o j Tress IIoop Adzoa,-Broad-A-iS'Compat&ss ,aad ?vnivef of aU kindiv. - . ; . - f J;;,i -.4y ? filf-fiif-f bit f v !,.' t-i e- t , .tnttil ffit'mi !. - , . . ... , , . .- ', ,1 ..- i - He also keeps coaatantly on hRnd a well selected stock qf superior Gold, .sW&pard'g and Dawson's, Wafren A Hyde's make, which he' warrants to iriTe satisfae'tidn.' ' lie invites the patronage of the public,- with the assurance that customers, shWreeeire the worm oi thdJr money. An examination is solicited. : - .. w -' tineJHjJ Notice to the Tax-Payer$ of Mcig$;piinty; 1-3 : BUY YOUR - G-rocerie Where vou can get them Cheapest. S., IffifERIAl CL A I M S ' THE APVANTACE ABOVE hinted at, together with the quality of the articles, over any other establishment in the county. Itemenibcr the place Mayhugh's Building, four dOors west of Court street, oil Front, Pomerov. S. SILVERMAN. April 20, 1SU0. 10-tf DR; WEAVER'S ; , CANKEiV l'& UlT BHEUM FOIt THE CI RE OF Canker, Salt Kheiun, Krysipclas, Scrofulous Dls- , eases, Cutanioiu EriiifliiriS, and every kind , -i ; f Disoasa arhjine from an impure state of ihe Blood.. : , Tlic most CflecH ve Blood Purifier of the Kineicciilli Century. It is tlie preacrlptfon of nil educated physielan, and all who ara alllicted with? any of the above named diseases should use it without delay. It will drive the tlisease.ffoui tho systoiiHaml heii once out on the sklii) a I'jw applications of ' DBiWEAVEH'S CEMTE, OINTMENT, and yon have a permanei't cure. The Cerate has proved itself to be tha best Oint racat etcr inv-ntil mid w here once tissd, it has never been known to fail of perfectinfr a periminent cure f OM KoreS, Tetter and Kinirwnriii, Scald Menu, t'liilliili.iin atld Frost Bitesj Harlier's Itch, t;liaiped Pimples AMOXG Ihe article- to he found constantly on hsitul t 5. SfLVEKMAS'S Grocery, aro So lrls. liilussej, for S'ile cheap. I 16 tf S. SILVER.NAX. C) X Packs of CoFoo, for sale ch'np, by CO 10-tlj . KILVERMAX. 1 f IiIhU. Sugar, for surlj t Unp. bv IU lli-lf. " s. s ) ni'ia s'oo r.iigtisi, oia, ror sale cneapr. ov O fio-tfi SILVEKM.ix. UJi'KH.MAX. bpsei Germaii Soaji, for s:ile ehiap. lty v j iin-iii S. SIM'UKMAS. es on the Kae, and fir the Ccri.te is tha lliinjr requir-d to euro. It should be kvpt iu the liolise of every family. Price of Cerate, 25 Cents per Bottle. Sold by must dealers In Medicines. J. 7S. IIAKKBS A CO., I'ropi Ictoi's for ycstcrn States. .. .. . , - - ' v C'incimmfl. Ohio, -To whom alt order's for above- Medicine mav be addressitd. SoW l.y D. HEED. Poinoror, 0. ' . July 31, 1860. 30-ly ..-? j- , 3S??s."srjxr'js PULMONIC WAFERS!! The nHjriiiHl .McIii in KsiaUIUUotl in 537, nml firtJ f n rtit'li tli fe tnti 'vcr hitrfdnfiC(! undr the na!io : 3 n o o t3 -3 p CO ... 'fj t-3 - -5 0 a e-f -i (-" '030 o r.oi tQ 5" Kit r r2 ZC i-i 5. S o pa c C3 . C3 2 ' I Ml t , I I t I I I It I .. I & - ZM 3 3 ST f t . :-j . i t I . 4 X, o - -I II I '..- Ill) I - l'- I I I I !..'"' I I I I C3 re . cao oo je oo co tjq oo (jc cio j3 cc oo co . cp Q c p,o.o ooo o-q? o o ei-s 'i u .suoijrjodon. pur flditjstuioj, jo saiut: sesoiaiifl anudiayr 'Vu-touaV, i-..-. in -. : iti i i ; - "f" f't Prv' f t T" t" i t M.-t ft r-l - i i i- (-:' O O. O O OO-C. 0 0-000000 1 li l.l ! tf'-'liu !!! w cc srArca w cc s cc co cc- w cc c; cc ' : ' -11- I V I HMM M.Ml 1- ?' f ? ? ?rr rrr'y ?. ? ? ? ig&mm g g g g,gg' win iv uiiuii m ja iii k . jtx .. - st allllKui .trs .. ;.;i. i . i . ufl h L 0:? t ntiJoWl Vih ..,T CO CC CC .CO.i'J W C 1 U l i i - i i r i i r- cn ore.-' e,i ii Cyi w ck i j!& I-?-!-- " .aiA wff li li Ii li li W li 14. K w M ti H M t i .tl .v .,) a SPTievj , uru m.hw , ' v-s !:Ma -sw w h f " r-" ? '" Xti,t phfi'jT ; ' ' ---nrnj' K; !i i ...nt y '.'ni,'. tf-' tS tS to e- i-i --' -! --j wtt ; -' i io i I I I I I I O OU-1 O O CP o o I - : i to - a 1-3 l . o CP I-- i : " ; . fci i-.. s. - . . . .. ; 1-3 - . li) cc -. . , U W -4 -t M - t J . I . I I I I I B1 I ' CO W W t; M 14 14 M I . i MUW to CP' C J S O O CT Q" VM O cc- i ti-.-.' IU. .'; f t l! g.!8- xnx ssnoij jooqog pus looti-ig sfp-qny puc -jj : xbj4 HoiKaotiao; C) X Imwo Toltnern. ditfefeut H'lalities. for sale I ' ReHei Asthma, CrnnctiiUSi JiflttcuFt UroalUiiit. O .h-ap.hy IB-t S..SII.VEKMAX. til: i - Wx's t-f.MoAr--V?J, ,:s - - Cf boxes Oiindy, for sale chuap, iiv 0 iT boxes Stnr and ))ollar Candles, for sa'e chonp, by iJO-lfj . ,S. SILVERMAN. 1 f brls. Nn.'s 2 and 3 -Mavkerel. for s:ilc cheap, by ixJ m tf . -S. .SILVERMAN. Ii) brls. Whito Fish, for jiaio cheap, bv yJ - B.SILVEK.MAX. r:A kegs of Kails, for sale cheap. lv rJXJ 16-lf S.S1I.VEK.MAX. 4).T boxes Starch, for sals cheap, bv - 16-tf ., SStLVKKMAIf. gross Matches, for sale cheap, hy iG-tr . s.siLvSkPaX 4rfYl worth of Queeusware, for sale cheap, bv spOUU . s. kh.vkkmaSt. TIMES OF HOLDING COVKTSt a oneness with Lis LorJ, they found '-hi j 40 ' (m-uv-''"' ,X ' s!!sji!vekm . R.-ivino-s Tmril1 iinrl niiinvnf" il Tiin-ny ! : : ,-. - ,, - ,, , i .. 1 Mrt nrtf 'iear-eeRal assortment, for sle diate iollowers "walked no more with 1 x UV,UU" cheap, by nun. , . nuu . ucuaut; uis tcauuings-ariii his life were a rebuke to the-proud Fhaiisec ttnd the haughf? y Iioman,the priest and the politician united tonecuse hiin of blasphemy against God, and treason to the State, and by false wit nesses secured his crucifixion with mal efactors. But some day the fact will be learned that to murder and advocate docs not necessarily defeat a cause. No doubt there was a chuckle of triumph when the mangled body was placed in the tomb,'and self-satisfied, "conservatives" congratulated each other that the new "fanaticism" was so happily desposed of. Little did they know of the omnipotence of the new ideas, which -they ; thought they had "suppressed." "The irrepress ible conflict" has been goiDgon ever since, and although truth has been, hated and the right trampled upon, although the Herods and Pilates of all the sges, hava cemente'd their, friendships f.undeiKthe crosses to which great truths have teen nailed, yet is the truth ever triumphant. And underwits babnr, marf las -feen slowly aad painfully Tetracing his steps back toward the point from which he started. And although he. lias a; long and wearysome journey yet before him, full of conflicts, temptations and trials, yet in view of what has been accom plished how doubly sure seems to be the promise of "a erood time comin"-." Then, while we all remember the event of which this is the anniversary, let us remember, also, the character and exam ple of him whose birth it commemorates. He spent his life in doing good His followers should imitate His example. And how better can this be done than to "Remember the poor and needy, the fatherless and the widow in their afflictions?" or.' Pulmonic Wiifor-." in this or liny other rutin ! ! tr: otlu-i l'uhiioi.ic Wafer are counterfeits. ) I Ito jrcniiiiu' can bo known by Ilia name ot'MiKl AS being stamped on each WAi'EIJ.. liiiYAN" Pulmonic Wakkrh Relieve Cotiirhs, Colds, Sore Tlir'i.t, Hoars'-neas. 1 lit o p; a t4t4MKW(;t"Oa)C"O00OO o a i -i - o u, oo Ci c c; X " sasod.ind a joj xb pjo. c c 33 5- ' -S . ': ':" sr .' S3 I I wS - o IH-, i -OB " POMEBOT EETAIL MARKETS. Corrected Weekly by "Grant $ Bro'i, Millers, and ration $ Smith, Grocers'. Monr.iv, Dee. 24, IC(1. Wheat....!.... 90(,TiS1.00 bush. Flour ...Whit Wheat Fam, 56.00; Red do. ex tra, 5-5.50; Superfine, 5o.2j. Corn,. Oats.....,..,.,... Potatoei:.;'....'.. Green ' Applet, nutter.......';.;. Cheese.'.. ,.'J0c. "btisli. .Soc.fShn; ..;.80(a40c.'''-T ,...46(2)60e::fe-1)U.' 15c. 3 fl. .::.fl(&12c'.'ro. iifJc'.Wdox ..'.-......40c. feal. ..00ra75- $ g&l, ...V.f,9c. 13-jb. ..17(S18c-.ife ....OJC. f5 " 810o. m'glkty A conrpafty f "humble shepherds j Rirup...;.,::.,;:.:....v..v... watoW tlifllfloeks 'f ia quiet groups ctfteZ. iktj grec' pasture on ..thai Kie:::.:: Thei to,,,lJ;e?erve.K trj,e,,anxLoAacement of ..the ; Pickled Vork.,..,,.... .r,.v.I.;.-..,...i5Jc m, -...v .... . . - .i otc8 (smoked. ic. p " mgjBil thd ?ro.J:Il was wrapt in the H!trns,.1.,,.........v.v............,.v.,.-....15c. oWWidtt Of" dotxbla 'Bhniber a' natural 1 Crackers..v.Vi-...ret. irhoicsafe 5f?. ,;;. - - , ' . : , . j Hoop Poles 6.00 li 1,000 and still profonnder spiritual sleep it Pa1t retail 25c; wliotewle c. "f bn6h r sinstf iWiiarivJ WAemplalive , Fi8h'(Cod),...i..V'?.....'.;T..':.' badTprepared tbeui, dfafl others, f; To . S CZirrfi o iw Court qf Common Pleas and the IMstrict Court tcitkin - and for the Counfy of Meigs and the Slate nf Ohio: The District Court within and for tho Seventh Ju dicial District shnll be held as follorfs, to wit: In the County of Washington, on the eighteenth d-iy of April. '. Jn the County of Ietgs, on the twenty-second day of April. In the county of Gallia, os the twenty-fourth day of April.' : ' : . In the comity of Lawrence, on the twentv-gixth day of April, i ; i j 'Ll?- ' ''if i i ': ' In tJioieonnty-of Pike,on the twenty-ninth day of April. J !ii U iti' JiH i In the County of Scioto, on tho thirtieth day of April. .', ' :i ' : '' " '' V' ' In (,ha County of Perrr, on thefbtfrth day. of gep- teniber. . .... In the County of FalrfleM, bn the sixth Jay of September. - In ihe Coonty of Hoeklng, on tho eleventh dJ of Septeinbor.' " ' ' ' ' ' ' In the Coonty of-A4Uen,'n the thirteenth day of ReptonjBer.' i ii- ' ' - - ' ! In the Countvof Vinton, on the sixteenth day of STtevnber, an ' ' -"Iti-tiv-vouniy or Jacicson, on me nineu-enin (lay of "September. ' - The CoHrt of Common Pleas shall be held in the severnl counties 'of the Sovneth Judieial District as follow, to wit: . First Subdicision. , - In tho. County of Perry, oii the twenty-fifth dav of February, the sixth day of May., and the thirtieth day of September. '.. ... , " In the County of Bockine.on the eleventh day of March, the twcnlietbt day of May. and the foartoe'ntn day of October. In the County of Fairfield, on tho twenty-fifth day of March, the third day of June, and the twenty-eighth day of October. - Second Subdivision . j ' In the County of Lawrence, on -the eleventh day of Febrtrary. tho thirteenth day of May, and on the twenty-third day of .ioptembur. '. In the County of Vinton, on the eleventh day of February, the thirteenth day of May, and the twenty-third day of Septcinber.. In the County of Jackson, on the twenty-flfth day of February, the twenty-seventh day of May, and on th.e fourteenth day of October. . In the County or Pike, on the eleventh -day of March, the tenth day of June, and the twenty eighth dav of October. ' In the County of Scioto, on tho eighteenth day of March, seventeenth day of June, and the fourth day of November. Third Subdivision. In tho County of -Washington, on tha twenty flfth day of February, the twentieth day of May, and the tenth day of October. In the Comity of Athens, on the seventh day of March, the thirtieth, day of May, and Urn ttveutv Brt day' of October. . In the County of Meigs, on tho eighteenth day of March, the tenth day of June, and the thirty-lirst day of October. In the County Of Gallia, on th twonty-flftli day of . March, tho seventeenth day of June, and the elc.vevth day , of November. .-- . . IN TESTIMONY WHKKEOF, We, the Judges of the Court of Coiiiinou Pleas within and foi the said Seventh; jTudtciitl UjisVJct, )tav HermlnW gej our liauds this nineteenth dav of September, A'; D.'lh'tiO. ,V II. C. WHITMAN, ;S- - ' 'Wi W; JOHNSON," I-' ' ' '-1 I-.:.J?'VLliY.J HK STATB OF OHIO, VfEIGS COtJTV, SR. I, "Rodney 'Downing-, Clork ef Hie Cmirt of Com mon P4eas, in inl for; :iid-; County .! State, ilo hureby certify that the fucejroing; Is a true copy of the times or holding tho Courts iii the Seventh Ju dicial District, as entered of reeoid In this oflice. : IN TBSTJMOAi'Y- WHBltKOF, I have hereunto so. in) nana una amxeu me wtai oi saiu Coartt at Pomeroy, this 3th day M Ueeem- ur, jiif. leuu. K; uotiu, t-ieric. Uuy, 7, '00. IS 65 NOTICE. WHEHK.VS, my wire. Ann Williams, lias left my h-eil arid boara without uiiy just cause or provo cation, tliis is, therefore, to warn all persons from harboring oi trusting her on my account. .,. DANIEL WILLIAMS. Mlnewlllc, Pec. 0, 1860.-50-a; Relieve Spilling ot lilo-ul. Pains invllie Clicsl. Its' PfLsiosio W.irr,8 Itclieva Int ipient CiiuMiplion, Lung Oiscascs. , ;' R.tjrHs'I Ii:i..Mii-i!: W'Ariit-j- ' f -Keliexe Irritalion of tin-Vvtila and-Tiinsils. Kilty's 1'l-LMOXir W.trERS Kelicve th above - Complaints in 1 en Minutes. BryawS Pulmonic WArtns Area Blessing to all Classes and Constitutions.' llltVAX(t I'CLMOSIC AViFKRS Ate adapted for Voealiits and Public Speakers. . , .. llRris's Pulmonic tVina'a Are in a si in pie. form and pleasant to thj, Uste. . L ' Brta)c"8 Pulmonic Wafers Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lastiug Cures. BryaX's Pulmonic; V-avebs " Are Warranted to give satisfaction to every one. . No family should be wilbout a box of Bryan's Pclmoxic YVafiiu iu the house. No traveler without a supply of Bkyan's Pclmohio Waturs i - : (- r- r-- iit hi pocket.- f-.-r ? ' ' Stf person will ever object to give for" ' Bryan's Pulmonic W'ArEm Twenty-live cents. ' JOB MOSKS. Pole Proprietor, Roc'he'stof Jr. Y. Sold by J. Kk&ti, Pomeroy. . 3-31-lyJ COMIEBCFAL; COLEEGEI Cc3ixa.333.Tc-ti.s, O. . ,rTiHR:tH WO Ujcm MIM-R-iN veaj.cjr-TTJ-si.-. OENTS. ot ilUs IdsrtRttuiflT a re dril & ii aULHio routine of business, has gained for if tlie proud dis tinction oP "I J '." TKe ' 'Business ; Man's College ! Tho course of Study rs rull:h'rid tlioronghTy' practi cal. All the late forms ami improvements' are fh troduei TBltS'Facitrty itT'frimrRrttee ftny one, aftertjiey have completed tlie course, to bo.'fully qiMiilfled to keep tlie Bonk of any Business Honsii. -. Daily Lectures iVlelivered tn -Boek-keepingt peji-manship,- Co'ninierelat Calculation, - Commercial Law, Peiilie. 1 Economy, Elocution, ie. s-.. ' ri - - : . r 5 'A- . i o i j... . :! O' MW-- 1 1 j-t - -.tBS'i ii ' r..! is i B - .j;!t!' ..''l - t;.i O -' tX 00 ft "? 2 'ST S' . a, 0 5 'C3 f o': U i: . - k U BclWi 'Vices; 'Ahvifa, Ftl.i Jto'rVe" Ksspsj '?tcts al JDy';-.lbeiMV Cast ap'J German HiffeT. Utripgy 'pringa :aid AteU, AVagefl' A'fels," Woodwork fbr JJng- gics. -ana nggy Tcnmminga -ot all tinda.- A r.- . : . .1 woiildV:0fWatfentioii"6f Builderi to'mV' larff' Bljrids allHadc bf clear White Tine. -..Alao. '-ntw i i -? T' i J. !U illlilU. .-((inVK JTt'Hiii-.'fJ J-.;i . ' ' ". j v.i .'iV'M ,i'.j Sii I 'siri itti 'ir -tv -r- ; .tfl t F 1 .1. i.". .'in - - , . ., -, -. . , t .- ::, foata, rAntCjf pd MitS tU id-aiid JuraYstfn'g.'Coci'lUti '?a1f 'Ki5kr:'arey Jd. c.oBipk-te stock of Cusjom-Bidtt Meti's.and dtVirkiid Hip IJoouj tarld Siioesr; ChildreiL, Miases and Jdie Siiocsp'f all Kintl,. I keep a fares-; stock fct Cordais iof s!'! Bo:i- e lfrt-f . Doors; Sab :Vutiaa j"! 1! ;:t I; it., "V I fi,K 'Vt! n-,i'--t ! iH.i' -'iwi IV jt 'fm'iit T.i.;-.--i.t -k.rt r i U ill. ,'flfi r If Vou Want a gsb3 fit'tiriijToat, Tahts r 'Vest, sleail. I'haii a JatgeOot'ef r'iece Goods 'for ranhUfrtturing pu:rpo4eS.,''Wb'rk dons tipia; istjrk, and, warrinlya, good; er lot bhu f.nvui vkjics iu.r!tLca;3-iiiiwiAluaitfIIu Vilfc UU SOLu WltUOUL XeSerTe.ttL COST, 4i.Jr-i--.Mi.lja-S n.TdT rllW-Wl-ti . V d-tlAril .'Ul - ti ntt iunf r i,ini I Twt M .k a i'iit!':!i'jt l.-.J .liiif! uitctt; in w adl froa'. ill di:t itin.'.-mst sHMij vc" Kim ll!? pt. 3 ' o. 2. , a. S? ' P g'& o 1 r so ST X -. -a. r9 - .jfJ - -'iii i -t iii-j t .itKif r Ul .16 ' i.a--'- : -v l)!t; I-!1 i.l ' n'i;..;j I:-! Jiiifi .7'. it 7s) 4i !K TCl ttii i ."! oil JiiT .'fUiil IB'i t itt-r . sj- c til't ific t't i: t..;' I1 t , ' Would rtripecifilliv call tLe'aUeuLion of ' V ever invented iff -t- s? HjrasB.JL...jira 'Mi I !i - -31 SSf U5H jA-.: ( -! : H-i Jit t ..(' ul'.,.3L. Tlie of the gn and amokei ariaitts frooj. tlia coaL Jy 'wliicU ' " ''.'-V..v , a :H H, ' -3.. t - 5 - K j: ; iv-.i: iu per cent ti iuei is saveu, ami a royve intense ueal t mown ta tne ia.-. . v2 .bottom of the Oven.'-' "' ! " .' " " ' .' ' . !: ' -t-J: .V ' fn ii.p?'s gwaly-iirrrro.ved "flaifcurtiin'g Sfbfe,! WVislf ' 1 ' p'," ' it ii'stiasilTUJidcrgtood that h is not our design otise? ' -'!,"! " J b n .. i : I u -7;. ;.-! -:r -.: -t,.t c- 1..--V. .. , ... A ' . ' :..! ff-tl f.. .i: .- 1: t .1 v '5 fS" VI1 In disppsing of theui,..but 1U WARflAKl every $toe ire sell to -be nhat. it is reprtseatedi ,.. 'Wt8.not pi", only pauerii tre proposecjling, ffe h,ve jihe.ioast iwproedpaUBi;BS,of-,-. .wpab.v. cooio NG .;"S'r6YES.- t a, l MHUioat dvelirnsiman tbe'sacrits-of ihe ditfcrsfct BaiternS.-tra irlU .mm pelade our notiee by aitnouncing,UiB.t pvtr ,::,,. ,.,,? 1rt. (.y.-v- 't rPARt AND. OFFICE iSTOVESi ! ( ii i..;i-vi.)- :-'! 2 -'tli.lj ; -j v - T 13 Ii M B : - ' Far a full and Ttnltmltett ConrtC) iiO. StuOentscnn enieratuny time arid re vie at pleasnre .The usual time tocoinp!te the course is from 8 to 10 wee s. . ' Good boardinft can be had at '53 5n per vreck. Cost of Hooks, liiploma, $i. For full particulars, address MrCOY A CO.. olumbuS. O. B A L T I M 0 EE FOR SALE By THE CAN, At Sam. Silverman's, Front St., West er Com t, i POMEROY, O. 41-t.f NOTICE. To the Friends of the Union. I sincerly rct rn thanks to my old customers and friends for past fvnr, and hope for a eonlinttiition of the si mo. Haviufr jiiKt completed- machine for tlie inaniifiictnre of all kinds of cractcers. i am now prepared to sell at as chinpas can be bonlilit lii-any other mnrkot.- N-n. P.-rsons doins biisinfss on the -rivr, either atove or below Mirfdli-piirl. enn h supplied oy send ine thoirorders by-aiiy ot the Packets alhe nil laud herev " Orders .will bo -filled on the shortest notice. My wholesale prices for the present are. .'"i - -Butter Crackers, per brl, - - s?o per Soda do., - - --' - 6?to : Sair-d do.-, " - i - - 76 ' " I also manufacture snperior article of. '','.'.,"TSToa.3it !Eo-CTriosr!S. . ,'' . All orders for Bread, Crackers or Veait Pqwders promptly 111 lvd...: . ,. ' JOHN G. EXOS. Front St., 4 ilfor tielow Kennedy's Drug store, Mid.lleporU Meijs Couiitv, Ohio. Dec. 14,?()t 0 Int. -, Z ".; C- C . s ' ! . - T - ', - Fresh Baltimore Oysters. THE most superb Oysters ever brought to Poire -roy are now daily arriving at Hio "BJlieT'd s'a loon," on Front street. I will continue t'S' receive them- throughout the season, everv day, fresh from Baltimore. Price, $1.00 por can; 50 cent per half can. Also, served up Id good style at the saloon. Dec. M, lo.. y.-it AUGUST US A. TBK. DR. $. O. HiCgRDSQNi SHEKHY ; : -v 4 a- 1111 MJt m. K. I V 1 73 t Tlie Cdshrated Keic England tiemtilif ' ... p()R .-. H A3 3 ITU A T, COXSTIPATIOX. Jaundice. Fever and Ague. Gcu- ral Debillly, and all otiKer Diseases arising: fi-osn . :i Disordered S t o in a' c li , - Liver, or Bowels,: ' s ti eta as '.'.'. Acidity of the Stomach, Indigestion, Hnrlhurndf boss or Appetite, costivencss, Ulind and Eleedins Piles, Disgust of Food, Sonr Eructlons, Sinkine or . Flutwriiiti ofc-Ua- JZUmI Alia iitoaiaclw-jAUiiuflsA'f vision. eiiowness or the Skin and Kves, Pain in the Side, Bm k, ChstoT Limlfc, aid in nlFSajfr-s jvhero a Tt'N.lC. is iiecessary."- s , i The Sherry Wr4 Bitters" a'rS preparfd1f n rt-eu-larly educated Physician of note ami posilioi. They are tlie-uint -t '- ' ' - 4 -r - , Pleasant and Valuable ' Tonic :Of Ihe'dayl Tllfj- are Jusi wliat'ii-rsons re quire when recovering from protriic'tedllli'iess or in the Snrineof the year, when a Medicinal Tonic is required. . They are lurvsly. recouimeniled. by Phy- Mcians tiiroua tuo west, unu .tne -prnpneutrs -are daily in receipt of Ieurs.notins: cures bji thevr.ute. Tbomaa StaWord or KloMubiviUa. Htm rv Count) , Ind., writes us, under date uf May 4thv l8CU. thalfr throe years he was afllit-led with Kttrvoua .liebilrtj', of the ino-it-positive character, uU coul4 getga i lief, until lie ssetl the i- .-, ...;.-) - . .-.; , Sherry Wine-Bitters : . Wbich ' sobp cpmpieteiy 'rentqred .him, and" ts now in robust hualili. . . .' . , 0fia .df,the BKEATES'X .CURtS tVjiR iKSQJf, was that.c.T. Geo. W. Uoffih'atii He.rwick, Sonf'c.i Count',' Ohio. - H-e llafl been nfltii ted with Kncnma tisrit in all ifs ritrious' forms' for abntte twcnity-Trs. tie'(ad used everytliln' recoroTuehdeff tyiTfie kitl of Physicians, but pot no permanent. relil4. ttnffl the Bitters were Irttroduceif, mid three lott1f! enieil him. He writes us two years after hfs- rutrvand says; "I have no return of the couiplaint," and further says, think and believe that- in Hheuiuit tisin. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, a-nd Kiilney Af fections, or Dropsy, it is a Specific certain reiiredy.v Sold by dealuis in niedicines generally. . . . Irice, 75 Cents per ltotlle. J. -X. HARMS & COij Cincinnati Oliloi General .VRcnts for -the Southern and Westtrn States. Sold bv Pi KEtiDt I'o.nero j Oi July 31, l(f50.-30-lr Bradley's."- Stoves. LIVE OLK. (WIDOW OF THE LATE PETKR BOOT,) WOC1.D respectfully Inform the old customer; and frinilsTf her late deceased husband, Mint she will continue earryinjr on the ". TIN AND STOVE BUSINESS bv tlie aid'nf K. K? feTA RCHF.Rl who will act as ,mi Agent and, Clerks ami who will always.. b?. foiuid resdt and willing to accommodate mv'cuslouicr., . Twill sll jfor Culi or Produces a fl kjuds Of, '. . Stoves, Tin Ware, Copper & Ziuk, and,"iu fact'.'evc'rytlilns usually Vc'pt In turn; Safioj lishiiients. chiipr,tiiaH u i;aii,buv.uv-ere Jse iu in..-County. -, . 't'. . t . t I alM taktt -Copper;. Bra, ,Q4(f Me.V4. tvet. OH Silver, Haps, die,, and gtye iii, cxehiing,. anj kjuuj id Ware you ina' want. .'.,...,. .-'" Water Spoutins;, Itoufing and J !- iinar ' s'-'"S'ry'M'i; ' ''3 C.-WSSSSI v i.i $; X rtV'-r fcmu'i 'Arlit1.M- vS'-S< Ittad- & V -aiilie, li'"-p!isC J VlM4 Agov , ' . j. lt'ilt'instie, Xtuu-ilKCc'.c, if ' . i ;:. . Qtsuu.:o:i c if. ; .. VVj 25cta. 1 -3J!-UM .! XVILBON S PlXIiS Vejnii Trs.ilj I l.t.....l ...t. tlialw.l tin. In nu AasTailillv medicine they arc-pcfrticiiliirfy imai"iM'.'d--sitnilc and liannlMn, but lilshly wwlfclnal in tHeur'eom. Muatloa. One Pill a dns4, ifith siild tot or tain ffjuctav lu robujit man and thydjlleatp clutd as then, alike, witji evury' asracmca of cntiat safety. Wth'tT'ilsbiV's fitofrlMli & Hi.'luncl theonis her ewn j;UvHdn;-? jVyhrfve proved thenstolre aaasciBC, Djiovt without-a. rij.-UArjtbefrflpwlngaCijctlo J,ag HBAAIB) t'l!VKB & ASV ' ' BTSPEPSIA, tlTETt C3MPIArt: -CortiTetteBffioosnesaavs-ilraliit; jCstlTnoaa, BiJiouitaeMi.JfflW-aJgisU Sold by Druggists & Sealers votytrhra. , .1 IB:E.PAjR.H1 :BT i ti . v! B. L. PAH3TESTOGK8 COi'' Importers' tVWHfclesae tjggists .Jto. 60, corner Too aaJ 4 Ste. . ,- PiTTSDURCrM, PAr sclk tnopBirroas or q B. L. FahrtestoWs Verrriifuge. c ' Cftri'l' be Wat; rftWn qudlifv',' or fa 'ciicpnes?, a'Ai We dclv cotrjetitlon. ! ' :il. ." '. . : ' ' '.':' " ' 1, t J-:. V. li. ); .'.yi:t I i'y 1 r t k v it-,7 ; i - - a, am. WiM-.laf itirit WntaTRv-b liaia. and we'rtsfrettfftirrVintflArWViuEfX! i'llitii U4 -X.l 7'.iUr:M05 silt ltdtf 5 .?..;( VVB '-ill bflR ifn1! Iti t'tr.. :liJ;;Rfil i-M ,lt!-'ai' .- 'if ' '(.J --' . J-iti.i :dl I'.- -oht 4"t ryiU ;!'" JO-.fe-.-J 4-.iisil iic.rf t-iJlMl '.! i -ui) '.iiitlti' 1 ''''' rt-ftT!-, .' t". i In ul ! Wfi-xtJM.i -ti; -rAIu: '".:. l 'ti ' : -J ' 1 J ; lv i i 3 1 tl .?-- 'hsd -ii i W att&tiafct our licavy utocV of SiV n t iUik-eep-eteisvtlT ttt bind. 'iiHSt ':1J U'ilUfit . tint IjJVUIl .' . TUtt UOil' itl : i;l iif'tli feiltltal iKIttltti ilil- t)K lilt;'!-: Vi jf-iit; '-i.liiTUT;ii.,i'i To Tub Gii;t?Ksa-oy MEtcjiP'Ajbi!risot.'owi,itiR; i wVit, lir- Jtif't " i -; K-nz e -i'A li'-'"- :m -ii.) i '.iihi-i ; tfiot.1 U'laa abo-ie reiatls.;irt deiuthBtta'te (evoU, in a certain 4cgpef tlj?. al.ure pf ;.tic business tntprtd. tp J)n3reo(itii , I he; tnWe in ia T s lo.oe aone, nattfnuiy suggests .iweii.r io yeu jauy on crsait? .Then ,you havjqtaiutpl been was ting yBuf-titne 'h teadtng iiur' card. ' Ve,cmmot ec!L a our prices without "losio i. I Z j. 1 jMtA t. -r J.-. w4.l. jt.l- t V- . iA.-. . 'f Al , 'f .r uninuji Hire tia-ic win-ufi. ft tr iia'c iiiciTj-iic: cciicnuc-j is seil exeiusiv tft t 'I f . Tt i ' - AM 5langc;f QMs Jirmat, rcUr,rjf. nM; dlii Her, 'tc; at itfit highest market .value. . .. .." r .. .. :, u . It ! l-i: .;.iMi..- i- t jt-'n Jj-.Ci - i , "t fast ixpeh-ieiWe lias proven tie beneficent remits of tho. cash fyctc'.tobotb'-yufbtrKr and s'oiltr.'a'ria it isJlor'tiie'bencfiV0f oitr custontcrsrT-KV.can' b".Vrniu.'b. flieatrpr-rra'dtlig- for .' otir ow'u-t.'wlHJ oaif BUY and SKL& PreaerAi-tha.t wa ailotit tbi vifiPTri , ' - ?! Ve'reap'octfully; iiyvita yoi taicall'aJulafit ttfpfoVcnicrft in onr "Ttoo,, triietjief 'you Vf,I.k0'? RSt kit .it : . !K r.-"-1' ;. - a. r l lt (A : 'ttai .iidJTu yiiilif) Sl:ta.;i:i ii-lilW ti ioJIv'tl-it'Jui 'illB -iTT ..'uly 31j lf6G. 30,-ly , SELLING OIT AT COST : HA3 a large5 lot of Kifllcs, of his own iu'nur factui-e, ob haml, -which he will SELL OFF JT COST, " as he de?ijns closing up his' busirtcfes. They aracf the test waftufactttrci ntlart-anti r be such urtjoU-3 ati- representoU' at ihe 'time of jyJc. , .Call at his Sltop, opposito Ilottuti'a Coat yartl.'Porueroy'i'O. , j "'Sept.-28, 1S1.0. S8-?TIn , A- HA.VtJ.. 5 f i -Jct IV i.? vVtix-.JL:Vt!; C H J N A . . ti li iV,...3.4 Li-'. AXI tt'' ItrK'inviie tlie attelitiftn ef btie.'tiiir larce aittl V well slock nf Wiir now on1 haml. to a hieh wewill rcfcif riHaWiops 4iflHrtlMpiTfls'rUa W,llavc na licsilniwyjn aaving tluit ei wilt -and do'.s(-Tl. e:6ofstIe! a'.l iuaTitieji pr wafuTowijr'triiip Win v mo Hi btia yi oti)-AVljaltrf nark e t. L u -j:; t All order" earefttlly snlecd aiid well iiaeltffd. V:e SoliariVd ai1iTlialiyh'f rm3 iS-Tj. V '?Fr..iit street, Kirtsin-uUi, 0. . H AVISO frm. d a partn'rs'itp under the above name. and bavins pirrWiisud the "Crystal Mill." :.. f.J 1 ......... .1..;.... it F.nnl..rll. fniuivtl.i. ... .. .-Li . ', - .nit. I -.'':l'"'."l iwiiiit oi an .ibil uqb? on saorfr uoiic-!.. rw-..j. T,.nn...f, i tine. vve wilt pav ilia anyihins in the way of Stoves, Tin. Copper or Mien I - '. r.-rmt Iran Ware, wubld itave uinney by callinc on 'me, jit the Brick Shop, First Street, between Coal andfiito. Stroels, Aiiddlepurl, O. . . ' """ -,- .. I1AXNAI1 .BOOT,,, Jiov. 9, "GO. I4if - . . , -..,--, ou vm a.i. i M 'fk'sWii .!' f .!.'ti ; I''T . j i e at nw If 7. '.-13 GROG RRIEprti AltO Slntr nf IM-.ta. Tf.Tttii.l via, hr WinTPr f"r'dr1! Wr,;i wi! Snli'.ini -V'i'-l'w :te by trcquctit mUiitons iurhij5'ilit-. j-easaii,)-' J am prepared ia -ofitjt .if'i'y Till Stock io tHfcaWrli ani wb'icli 'wIT I'esojSXorAH' pis patrons, titutc;a ?t-m-1 1 1 r i rtt, tlvrt tnr.l I rnri " '" ' ' ' ", . j ( ?i-., jo''- ' - ' ''' ''i'Vi,.''!-'. SiV- in A ' b"'!ij,J..;'''-.1 a JVill be cpnductcdtt heretbfoffe, tiuder tl 6uprifafon of Xt&tiwbb'riUjtf, assisted 1'j a'aco'mpfrte'ftiwdrklBcti'a'd' any ia 4ba cotiiityt :;JAVrythig!iB: tb--'iy of IMaalu'' 'Catting or lfeaij-'ibo' protiuitly, 8-itrrdsdtut.; 1 .,-- , j-, - j -:i r .f .- ii.; v ''.J'.- .t . , ( ,, . U r-tt i'tr-'i-'''' ''? "-''V' .'u'i! '' !' j '" r-ii . .:..,. . . n a,t tinies'Lq -liaridj together sjtafl fefotk? WrbthiWf- lacrcs'csttniltj. :J,', ' -f . . , ';!; ? '.';,r; tiTS :'- --r,r 't .iiji. f sav't irlU iLoLliesitale'.tp. remind Xuu; ihmHiv:Ati wt -r,-i;i,iu-uijAU i.-aj. ; 1 r- C.r tL-ll-nj, S-W :Vti.-.rK 5rr . -a , ? .v..iM., tobbvi, iijv . .anil J.':j aCJ e-soar tljcm fii;i'Jd 1 -.Tsr m-jp' tw-'Ss?i- ,.,a.i . 8S' a . WOOL CARDING, . AT THE ' ' , RACIN.RWOOLEN FACTOllV.- HAVIKG put in new macliinery,' e aj-e prepared to do Wool Carding at 1 cents pr pound. ' " ' , All woi'i -warranted, wLere the -wool iscftaa. Wool or Lard taken in pay for work. July 3? 1860.-,-2&-tf THOS: EG AN. and utlinr "G.ralnsran?d"hope by strict attention to business to merit and reciv a e;ood pntronir' u ,-, '-' J ,. trf ' Itcgufar Maftts' ' tacFrfrifttrT J. ; ItTiAafcYoaUrf l t O" I.eavos r-tnennit evert i iin iay,ni n cjor! i. . pnH'lFonpiy'en fe:it?nTl'y at fuocto-k a;1 Leaves Marietta etferjl KopdaJ at 8 acIoa-, a;,. Leave foir.eray every Tuejiday at 8 6'cliick ao. M''X 'Jfi$t'U Miwi-fiilTO-atcii K : ' P. t yvtUKt c F c ALL KINDS," jKT Ci -S rte-7'f;l-.rlfe; tel5k'"J SilwIftsetf'lfjVfcaMiria lAuonaV :r4iV Vttke W, rrr.rr- Ma.ll ; J" T0 i T'f I IS Ml.i Tt -L SL' i'J PBl!l I1 1 :: ..ll. S . s. ... ' J ' i " Pf'jjiv1 oe?n-e. anyir.jng ;n. onr ippc. e ciusjut-o. tiaui gona aurorx J(WapSim xVy?rt5j;,T 'nT-r.i:rt'W?filciVt.?tV-i V'-,'m a,.A "kiiA.t-.r.: 1TW. VaB . " r: " , -: , - - - ;- v ?v. CD. ' -13 tf 1'o'ueroy V tatf-goat. .-Uticlcs; Cl&cVa ffoTri J2.00 to 12.00, of cve sf?o-?d tlcsf ription; Eye Gl&n mild For freight-or pasea apply J!? ". Bpamnir Wat5lis,' Cioeks and- J cwcIrrJ 'ln tx the lest laaituer, rromi 7y jvuruat 4, icou. a-iit-u