OCR Interpretation

The Fremont weekly journal. [volume] (Fremont, Sandusky County, Ohio) 1867-1877, August 02, 1867, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038229/1867-08-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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T H EF-R E 12 0OTj8 M A
eej .a A '"l a
by y? j,c-y A.
CilectisiB for AJvBitiajy'sSIIF
One'vear.-ia wtoer .'
Sic months.- - - - - 1,00
-Three moatbsJOiAl n jal i.A J WnartnaW
Business .Directory.
II. 51. SHAW,
the Dental Prvfaaioa with MomBt
.M inO '4Mn MB-M M ht M Jl -. . i 'i
Ilia eer.teep.'rTii lTWf Krrf to wi-t frdln vrlnTi tooth
inffrmlageompleUeete torn perand lower jaws.
rektbjiea.rte4 on pirot, pr ., r Bilrer plate,-rric-UB:ri
-tf-Sc i.ilviriUr.f if?
iil rittioJT,omu. Tft;
KNTHT.will fe in hia olie, at Clyda,
to a-vrWiiJ,ni.':ic raqaitttia lriaVi .'..'.'f
TQfaattoq HatiflFaction guaras'wrHl io all 0Ms.
Rooaia at tha old atani, Oct27. 43tf
Hal rnif a
i " .: . J -ri
HY8ICUK AND SI'KCEOM, No. 4 (aeeond
laor) PaJtiar Jk E4av!nav block.
FSDR- HinOlNS villattoad to -nral te
tiocln aMcateaSvmRmd will gin npoefal
ttmtloa to Dyaauai rlbm0f M
j as. c. iiauui.;ton, 91. i.
a a-tiiia a a m paig;ia awn itmmwmB-
XX OOira orar Bstta' Store, ooramr o( Froat uid
From f to 10 a. ra., from 1 to 3 p . aa., aad in tba
X Eriranaxhai aim mraly-arldiyiuMt4fa
cared, unit s it tea oi; - t 8tm-., .at
I oror Loabor1! Bata4 Cap Stora, aaxt door to
ti.a-'t UraUl 0r I H.J IJ i I
. rKKUONT.OHlO. octSO'U.
rroHcgoFATHio pavsiciAN Anwma&aoti.
Jl OJu kmmn From 1 to 3 r.M. SatoHara, from
IVA- u. to 3 P. a. Particular att?atioii pard to Dia-
mm it tn Throat ana i-nojin trrtitijt, iaMari
d 8I, aoeotid Coor, ,
FKivttu LlaTJ I AprillSM-j
If. YtWCte W UltT II , 51. XI.,
T)arSlCJAN ANAtAURGEON. Offioa, Shono'a
X BlmkrTaa raatUBior, Front stnet,
PS.-ilCIAS ANO SOKUEOS, baa ebaotd hia
..i ii.. t "il'rJg"J"ttff".iptthA
UoarroraUonai Cbufch"
aMMMtFattTaafcaaTaMaMtetg- La WtaWtJaVI
T-ROUGISTS anddoalerain PainU.Oils, Djaltulta,
J WiadowUlam, FaUnt atadiciBM, raucy Aru
aiM, co Front Ktrart, .VI 79
T-vRUOiaSTS and OaaJaaa) af fclaUTUBk, Fatoat
U Modicinea. Wall fapr, SUtioo.rjanouaa, ,
Uid atand. Roaliiatafa aid aifialnTaaal wtoimkfit,
J. Ii. GKIiE.VX:
iV attend lo Lcj.l isuiiaaa inmaunT--j
iiutnareoanttoa. J'artiovrfcr Atvcttfr? innif-io -tbo
illoetioaof CUiiiilit'aVatlaliiiirtiataOt aaaji.lifcai
1 -l Poaatoalelaima prmnall r attadad to. OFF1CS
Front, coraor room.p-jaira, Tjlar Blook.
A Ttut An; i. 1-siEli.QR it l4 W,t
V o-r D. Garvin CoraTSloPa, eofaor rront tad
CrhaoO, idkufit Q Q J
la aUHJalLUaH l al WVFTT
A TT0RVKT9 A" I A, OaW in
vDrtiiiaiT nfllil rR&vll
mun. 'A. rowtai
Toaaioaal oemaaaa fn B!lnafcytHl-ac;M!iiit taaB
tiaa. Odaaarttwadmarai
ii. w. whslow.
A atAsyAwjmataaiwaBaa i ja-.Aj
aadadjoiBiBg twaaUoa. opacial attaatioa
araoanaf aokdier'a ray, biu;,iiw x ibwvbi.
Ur-ioa Saeoad Story Tykar'a Bloak.
a T-Airsi-lf.A-W aVf-NftaYT PoMie. Anw
HtlioTiBada(at tor eoUacboa of ail kiada of
Miutan,aVaaBtylaaa rawioauj "J
A aaoa. Saa. aHtemfQ.Uooti--5iiJ.
for all kiada of War aad Patent Llmna. T
at . "-IF Al aTI T
MJSRCHA T, Doalera ia Dry Gooda, Dreaa Oooda,
HooU and shoaa, Bala an(U.ra, i'rci!, tc.
VoraarAf rtfftlbi anuj-nt Sir"1 SJ i 3 f
t W AVar.
TvSALER3 ia Dry (ioodt, Krdy-Mad Clothlnj,
V aWaoaii
T-vKlkghl m etewdat tr.
Ji Voa, m Oauei,Vdlei ftmcifoea.aa.,'
.Mfciio?t finuwir t
-pvEALCBS la Dryeooda,8hawla kCloexjs White
1 ) eooda, HoaijaaatA'oavaBneBh Daanketa,
ftjUonA,aloroniaircl, w
,ih Baflt11llaTaaT-f - t t-' t
rrWn "?"
T-vlAUtS,! lroJ (irajceriw, UaafcXaf,
I 9 Boota aad BDoea-'MerohantTailoring, excFront
CM reel. ja&auni, vnwi
aa aea T lee in - .
FA. C. 8.U1T1
TtiUR i-VDl (ijU,i;ineaUcA, Drithv
J Dhv 7 . ta'J,,!i i- 'ii S
ttuaiarr'T trBti.TiT..T.1b.nu Helm a new Block,
BUtaAitterf laidMlrAWmatftW IWIree -
- " ' . I "
AlAII VV a Vi) 1
w. w v, m r. m. mbj.
door norm oi xaiu.uaj amu,
liOBEIlfa df ju6VJ
.KiT RStnlMfWarr; Salhr; tftSrearXgricmrl
I f tarai Implementa,
A. .n.l m,nnru.tBnn Of I
a iaaa wai ai tot,
L 7 ZW-bLV
TrTrtLteiLB aad BCT Al fcixhhrr in er.Afnrfra,
W Crockery, Lainpa, iiu r'nUtrea, to, Jading
at neim'a aew Bicek, dtata atraal, .
X ceouy rebiudud loraialKd.
TBANK .GL'B&X.Fu(itaa. .
r1 ried nana foam aria
ofiad taaBTaaBaaiaaaBaapaD a emava jasFBni?fsHrr'.
aate ooraar of Atate and Front Streetv
"Tit tEMUA. jag, aiat IfloaV. Me.fi
KE3SLKR A WWM,pbV Jrfie9
carried b aad bmbs e tiaer(e efVamrg.
Bituateoraer Front aad rttate Street,
YosBg America Dining Saloon.
OY8TEB3 ir the CAnand half pan ciilw,a haal
ebt'oe w lo tl aaa be'ingbt eJarwbere-y
Comaaa'JW.'-! A . (
Fremont, Dec T. 18ie ttf
p'laawiMaefaiijg'- ' i
T0TOMAeal emdAetRTyt ..T1WTWcvi
I' Vam aawiVHJatea, aa j" 'r "L 7t
. r i. tirji r :.3dau. Ml Ml
w raataale.W Hrrra."' " "
T 0CK3a!TH A CUTLER. Rpaira Locka, Cloeka,
j Sawiag Mahiaee, TrunkarTnT'allaa, Ac, Ac
tTriada iiarreoa'l lntramenta, Raiora, Knirea,
Bbaara, aad all kinaa o" amaU edge too la. Ail work
attended to promptly and aatiafaetion guaraateed.
Shop oa Croghaa Street, Snuab aideywar of Perry
Cloaa'a ttreaery,
J JOB PS.: 9fU aaari itery I
ieldBlot, ' - M M ,1
kmmmtnmmm.frry.Ammiim " riii e, 'mlm4
j e.i k v "'""" a" i
Established 1839. Vol. XXXVIII.
n '
.xsvOl Iri
iy .iL.
lU?fUl Hfltf
u y, a
,P!Gli!U 'STHAHOimr
7 y.?
ii ; w.-'t j-J-
fi TNai
afu-. V' X
ridJ ; vk.iqof
; T.Ttie .".iiaia 1 )ia rH) In
ni mi'
i,A .j.vi j,...nu TI .-iTI 5 :'
Vi A '. a-- :J -'- II-i'T v ? ' . , .... ,
iy :.y -ir5 im : j-w-i 1- . .... ,
it,.. ."V' ,: I -"' : ; . . ( I I .f 1 ta !
; ..-ilirf.-:-
.1 w 't0
I I! .
Ml'" ,MJI W,t ifliW li:tl 5ii pT
T:! i .-i-if-'r aji tsitil bwin m
't ll
r If-, m ll Ttm ..i.i'la r.l
btTl i.."i -, u -A In
:i.i.lm fi t .' -.o ' ,
.i'ia.n m ... J, I- ; . ri ..
-9i Hii
7'f HOll5rfj3. JlO
uo : . . .
!! 111 Jff?lq
I v
i if?
W si? I SIS
H (699 BROADWAY Vsw York.
ere atoarded iht kvikert vrtmium at tit
IfMd't Fair in London, and ix Aral vrtmi-
at iht N. Y. Stat Fair lCM6, mni
fcWa.bratM for colag taa boat work, aaiaa; a mak
aaaatlor a soul, for tha aaaaa thread tkaa aay olaw
aaaotiiaa, aad by tha totradvectea af taa moat aa-
praasd macaiary, wa an bow aMa to an paly tha Terr
eat aatchiaaa la the world.
. .
rr ait Mrtatarevotrt. Comm
ander the iaaaaealiaua - -. - w kJ
Pro-ideal at the Caeapauy, KL.1AS BDWL
Jr tha arlgtaal laTralar af tha Ovwlaa
Tiay are adaptad ta all kiada af Fmaaily Sew lag,
eado tbe aaa at oQaaaetraaaie, Draaa ltahara,TaUata,
Kaaeifaotarara af hhirta, CoUara, Mkirta, Cmaha,
aatUlaa, Giathiag, Bala, aaa, tTeaarta, aVaeta,
dhoae, Bare aaa, Saddlaa, Uaae wood a, Umacallea,
Paraaola, ate. Thar wrrk aoaallT wail aaaa ailk.
ltaan, woolea aad eottoa goada with ailk, eette or
Uaea thread. Thar will aaaaa. aailL, nthar. haaa.
alli oord, braid, bud, aad BorlormeTory apeeara at
eaartag, aaaking a beaatiral aad perfeet aUtch, alike
ia udea ol tha arUclea aewad.
ViUh invmtUl by MR.efiOWB. and.
mate of t$iMaet.tnt,it 6v att fVHictt aru
I ... a .
aumoie, ana au oeumg MacHwt art tutgtct
to lit principal inttnUd by kun.
Ta ia gowiai Machine aad aamalea at 1 ta work amy
Be aaoa at tha mam of tha A teat.
"lira -1AG43IK CUXMORS.
jr"BmmiBg,TackiBg, Draaa aad Cloak Maklag
ia tha boat aijleal tha Ages t a raaaaa. M lmP
r, -a ft af- 1
WtM.t-aA)!-Ai.V'-4-LH.IV - , i ..
rim ttovTEutoHHA mmav-
12SoneriorRL.CW.lanW tl -
I). M.SUMEUVILLE, Gen. Agent.
ranch Office 221 Summit St, Toledo
lUrcb tS,19o-. Tl6ol2yl.
3 A rmKumn
.'.) ,f a.el.r.aiaa1
FKtaonT, Ohio, Hay SV iter.
. 1.. jAcaatm: oar: I hara aaad Urn Fraraac
Bewtng Haobiaa for Bra rear, and bad M ia erery
3- .rrarrEUAjrfcrcs
ffloity, darDUity,,aaa af maaagaa.aat. aad giaat
FixaoaT, Oaio, Bay 28, UIW
blk. J. L. Jai asoa: Sir.- Wa tha andaiWaanaf t
hart each pnrcbaaod aad aaad a Floranaa Bawtag
Mabiaa,aBdbaditaimpla, reliable for all kiada af
work, heary, BMdiam and light, aad not ttahia ta gat
eutiof ardor.
W ahaiiifally
the riar-
J. H. Let-her,
Fremont, 0.
J. Ir,l. T. P.o
J. R. VarctfolbJ efydajll?
William Elay,
aXig. Dr. Good son,
Bellevue, 0.
SSL! 0 OlaskyBiaS
it Crardoer,
Norwalk, OM
Mori roe rill e, 0.
ni o
alas icent for J
U. JACKSON of Baa.
puaej lor the aaieof
anos ana itwiooeon0.
atrbubwlag fcleorated kwttnfacturara:
Stelnway & Son's, New York.
Wn. Knabe &. Oo. Ealtlmora.
Emerion & Co.. Boston.
8S Bboot) taoia
lid will aell a Piano from either of Abe atraea a
Mo. 2. FABim A Ba Block,
1! b
Laiii r.untj
aVh Vaw- V aMaV ft.alw AUV
mk .i 1 1 1 1 iv a k i . I-: a mii t-i.vn a -r a
UAA AJAJ A UitAAJiAU Atfl UUriTAaaaaaM ar fj
AU EWSwaaWtewbaactaraRWrlorawtp 4
V iav Asad 4ea .mple 'of work aad air- I
f i - I
FltiKLE sAIID . LYorj'iJ
Thai oiiLT Maehia ao peram ed tbameatlr irac- ftp
factio. i. graatMd or the Sjeh-e H
Where we bar ao Ant a aaamyi bfaaaine. win w
aoBt eery low ariea, aad a Local Aeat aaooiated
athdmoatfaTorakia aena. . 7'
fcUrr .n rdl.a f i riv -
J -'aXa. ft LTOJ1 . B. C
nauua ju a vn aa A3, ajaj .
M kaoAapTATa iIW Jfl
5 r.a&p-fa-r.'FiUa.m ,
,r t A ' F A
t 1 Jjl ISli i'itel ljj Jl C(j .
x4tP .fa
If , f If t fe I
T4fl Pf ar Wpt tWaaaAja J,
wblcA w ha.rw rerelrael far tbe poar f I
' i-.werectfallTak ' - ' !
a aaa I laaana aflh aa aaa l .,r-t I
n i n. m m am
if YQayATrirjBwg
iUhenp Boot and Shot Store, and uv
. tW t&'rter fkatt.;Ji.k.ii3('
ilf ye
ge to
t tha beat aaa toa aaaaa fceoniaei jfkJla
iryoe eeat the
baataawa ar aegfohaata ia a-
l j
If yea want a alee (It go to- ,r.
oa n vgo ae o-..y- rn-Ct
raw want taa new atylaa ka; Wtartr aacSavher,
Ifyoewaat Elcelaior La4ieBobta,ob? 'f
. ' i . .. J
I--, .rt-t
a (ira an pain for all irhieh prwr eWeetiT af
ter reaooa4e veer. fUtialaoUoagurAateadlaetery
eaaa. Meadiag doeja aa abort aotiaa. Laatbaraad
wn&Aif A'ik-
1 cJTl 2 tium Haj-a BumMh
" " " Btata Street, Freeaoet. 0.
;,nrwT looY i? trwjd niicl
Aaotlon and BajalorvptSalja
! rrri I i
r AvtsnaA.d tiSmrisr&ifji
aU""-aa weeanaa-' aeei -
I'falldraml Ifhaea at 10 cantata
Wlaaaatt yy raa-l Jai iCi "
i.aaiaar . ia
A ?
Idkew araod klo-rehld Bhfa. " 'X7S
I4lte Mature,; J,l
Jl-Nt I irHae4 al-V J, H l; W S. j'
UW 4 Preach telfBeeHa,
Caadaen BameVi, ,9
Ff earn' BeiTy Jtaota. , 3.0
Wa bare aadaMi KrlS.laVBj--iTliaaiBg
IW -aTa I aTW-an-h mmmm uaj vw XVW A via
Jhatweoaa im m m
td'?li5iiL SISL,,Z.'X '.OA
' iJSl ' X L UMrJS,HllUJ !
BersIriEsr ose ia. Neatest Style.
Der Culam Baop dee tha (neat work at tow,
poeaa. Satiamctioa gaaraateed la erory caa. tii! 13
rraaMaiaaUyltewlfastL , X ,H 1 I r; 1
.qoi8 fuT tejQ
Twf'TJ TW" 11 r! lie
t-flA ,1 il l"
Kara aa apaaad tww aad tqlaadid iteofc of
g ' t. i
i s
"2 r-
Oaratock la tha Urreat aad laaatin the eity, aad
aawe haTaboaghtarary article at ready eaah prtee
wa tatead ta glre the people af Baadaaky aad ad-
ielalBa Cnavatiea a 6 BAND BEJiEFIT. So call at
r who ar ia waat of a esrariag for.Ue
i-jnaer f et, aad wawfll aal! yoattoodict
INvJjI hUT JrKtbauBI I
V aaitaVtaf-talaO &
mm w-i
Of Leather & Findings
la tha eity.
M a U kiada, aad KEFAXR1K8 dOBaaaahOTt actio.
At the wll-kawa ataad f H. Leaher, N.
Baeklaad-a Old Block, Fraaaoat, 0.&
SnUth, 8homo DcwJ
1 Din; iin;isl
lnnense Stock.
rj-JJA io
OUB lauacaa atock of Cood ia now la ton,
carafally (elected la tha
ii on) w; !)onj.v
aad aaaafaetand to ear order,
aafl good goods
We a; prepared to
ii18 iuol I oivJy. voVl
ajiieaper taaa any mi
S-oej Hoil.; Irt Obio'.1'
r I
aoaadaat of onr ability
to ami. yoa,
ill "' Tlt n.j t t4
r t
;t tiaih I ! oif Villi fi-.'trlf
i mi
DeM U ifcoVt bo.'ta'tlwt' abm'a't omr'old fUad
HOeyr A MEHtJ.
Frwaeat, a. 1ft, itete-trrl,
... .
Vilt ,V 1
Oar Stock ia large, fnlL aad completa, aad embreooeaTcrrtirar tm the war af atadtciim. FioBHetaTt Ar
ttiolee, Ferfnmery, &e.,nemAUy foend Ln a Dreg 8
WSflS &id LIQ;U0ESj
W ahall eedaaror to obtain tha
Baecial care derated to baring Dre-Staffa. ladlroaatl Yiidir.? wtrfa'nf t? git ooa e'oYOTaV'Bacl
ar. for n,.... remlahed rratia.
f "
Paalnti r our fMoimUr.
Oar Stock nnbneti
pair 4tlra la Jvwvtt's
.aa a o .jm (W aWtmiAat Oaf -
h( i !
iwmhM4nMttmnmmi BliiUBdMr
HIHa. a C A 4 1 tLf-Jk Hi a A lilltA me at
.i4 ;
,'f1rTT(m,r;t', m a at f
M CC !9xi7alef , WeUewaehBairrClirti
l.uV i .t.K l-.l'
rnir. i r-.i
ia of Wall Paper ambrace the eboiemt pftteraefRmt oa Mb sajt AtotW auai
.tc..hat...tl. j
-a a. JJliwfe'S ' V?
la America,
f dTmrto Doalefl at pnbUi
a atT-a. bea etiT 1
). ml le l ;
r A !
alete Aaaortamat of CAP. LZTTEK ADD
M Taa White Load;
lSBbULiaeeed Oil;
17 Bbl. Lubrication Oil
2000 lb Colored Paia.;
ta0 lba Whiticg
10W lea Freaah
1000 lo Bai soaai
VW 1AWB VHe e-j,
Frempnlig s
f frT.i o n
il inrl') ;nr- '!') !;(
IKI.tr I "
areowl vw'i
(One XMr iVolrt li
W V-!t I
?j btaaiearer oixaiaSa jal
1N UM aWia3 1
fl,tvrf.ii ."'' 'A 'SPTWTlTTi ' AfORTefKNT OB". "T. " '
'l M-IO H .w
V) Mv.nl W laem i" f'mi aril
tAjX itj
; a e ie'
piece ;GoocLfcfito Hats4 & Caps
Gents Fiirnishig QooXxviuka aiid Y tUisesi. .7
'i.J ) S fl.1 Xi ! ' 'I" " ,"i Bt.
' k A " V-r r a ; e!,l lnaA,Bt..-..T .Jf ,.o." ' ''I
Mv iii It.. - t.ii ir.
ia la f'-4 ...' i B adi e
!- -r.Ai) 'A la
n,-s-i ai !
t ir e f!i t)"'
. ''(.J.: frar. irLTaf ' I W" T"' " ' "
f 4oce U) oraer, ana s manner unsur
f trtFt
.n .r.o
FuMOtrtiAyla, 1866011.
-aik faiftiA
.fttaO 'aMait1l
enlMMeaWMUta. Jtayiar wnim a J e
.e nM a w..l-n!
. t ) i:n j
. vTaa rtrti tut wa mIT &txa iTjna
in: ZsLi' :JtnCM 4LA.alU AV'.-aJj
it-gtii a
.eaaM jlol
i 11 Itn r.' .in
'itl 111. lUUi.. 1u.Ua i
tinl. lie. ja celUiur..,ta best: txada -ia
YO.'i !f,NfuscT. JT'i.lAAi.A Vfc ILi.fAaeVltUl UBCeVUBt. JUS CU.W, 11 Jl .;,
jg ... ,, Jtuij.M-i-iSyiMUvItlfl.tylO) and' keeps the: best. swrtetl ,;';'
V. 11 w
(.11. iriw
Q 17 i
w""'" " HJ ca!th'esTieHkI'AUi!rition tniim BLmVnf' '" ''
dT .aniJli... ! ja.mmr
, ,i - .iaeil fc.a i!i-n Hf
'"rj U'.',a.' A.fufl Avl'AjotTipTete; assOftmeTit of
Oants' rnrnlsMji g Qobdi Hata and Gaps, Latest Styles, of all
approved, JShapev, -Iwoiv
" "" "l8 "wen:8eledaartt
.3 ' slid sen him before Tanrimw
,0..-1.V,i rfW--i-rf
May 1, 1667; (20tf)
tore.; "j. ( ..r-,- - ..tiJJ
pareat wine and beat Liiquora.
WajiUa4tee4 iil.tMan ,nn.ii.i wjit ail
V "", . T " ' -'.'-'.
I BVfl amf BJ atJ VhafttlM PtalAl Me Tlal'A f 5 taM I EUl -i t
I nU nf
mii of lha lMt and mnal aontilar brantJp,
Par Watte L-vd. ThiaU aamVriMFMt4 BiMtrVo Td Iff ftaw rraaad-
hart-fca, tlWlM4 for twatxtj-lr rrara. rrwek aad 1'arlor MutiM
'llb9taxVT bV7 JsdW piX JT
a 1-
-j aai
liJV, M .
Uat i.Kv4 aaio i iaii ita tvvI U
al waifiaw pwjl aa'4rTtowt prtera'
I 1--- rta - w y" t-t (u
oils jl -4
(pJ ! ' ', 1
I - ft nt tem . ni TMit y(WB4i i ami Ihw -a
nrioM are iftr to aerfttftf mb. aaarthaH
1 ' - " ' '
aad Taatb. aeaatea hrjarge nriatr
j a ? p.- - - -z.
v.. MO ! .,(. .i Ht-F Ay
Ochre; -
atmmp.ee". . -mt in.iri i a.'.aniT -
lXTxfl fjrtSaWifrBFaa)iB7eaitt trKUH
ijiw Im-jTot oi I'mI -jrotiw ol.ioo'I
jvarf L;i .ti 9-u tvti.i fjco wibnofA
if !" T"-.l- l"f! '-n rjl
I'l.i asiiii
y5 hra Jrwmi.h it )i'""Ia ninian
o j ii
! -jofili fit tiill ti iit.
,'. TVatf
.7 "A
.' r.s a i!ltAji- 11 .'.
"( '..i I'fl .'A
IVattdmal Bask,)
Aim ii
a rt,i..
rt.-eV.,,.J:A(l'.:aatI014H' t"J t .i HT or I
-'. ., ...1-1- -S - ...i;.. '- -raw '
1 3f afa.-W B ,9l0't''"1I "
al" l,fii:
a- '. -. .'io
ta gc r , r. r- 4 art r " ' r
gVaMtanft ftrfnaWlf !( T e
aT i , , i.
.l --ll'itoa PiiJ I i'.
it .ivA i J!J.
. I lire
.(n.-ia -i
nrsjf toT3 ft it a tfj
I IT-i iIrF )A f .-.) tiJ W J '.;'..3
1Q -warMtl ,i d mTdl af) Pf'w j
a 4rBi em i
-xli a r
:Ti i ".'1 Ml n
rremont, V.
H l iM. aM
.TOf bl i
IV.. Jaa.i "eH uu-'
TowiiH DobH yoa know! ; Sitoply
. . a.. 7 . . .
' Beak Caller in S;tn!kuslAy
i Bllli 11.11 tl
"nH JMaterials Also a large suprIjs;;
y.-nm ur - -,c-.- iiai 4,gi
A . If TfiU-. f i;T 'i '1 e .' htr4
Bpjii. Afe.tery. tow rate, i . ,Tim
the best stvtV and fully wsprantAVl, '-CaB
icmr Mrtrirnr anit aUawliavA -Jam 'i
,-7.J.C;-- 5".J"- !lT.dala.
V . V aT
I aT J f f
TV A 11 I'illi -
tl levnr
Ik. Afttr omof Cm toa-atW, ' --
; oA Aer fat hnal atranny waataer,
; j:rA travel Mfaa feaetec : r!..Vi
j r 'wrroa ar awditae kaaalvi
-s'-.Wnf taue jaiaaaJT ka-aaaaeelt
ilf aaery-araat ee aiaaagiiia jrefal 1
t ....Stran-araj oAi.,-.j x , , j., ,
AVterJiUdbood'a aiaviaa jr, .
After care, aad blaajx, aadavaiae,
Cnonael iikiJ, nd wido- girea,
!(. !
After mutual prayer to Heavaa,
Child and parent netrce rterret
Wbn they jSu r tVanfr9 ftL'
.'. t
Slring8ra yet!
""Alter trife for d6Wi, "
".!"AKr title of old frienda, " ' '''
jl i After JaAhion fiewe nd feooVt; i" '
;ij After cbflerfol lfrurretier.-' :
:al Hamrte aV heatatMi eVraa ha ej.'"'!
Ae tbeabetrBBgTyet. "
.11 .)1 BtraDBrt yetlit Hi f.t T-i,i-f
' wiiLraBtraraBd biUartampMte-eeaa 'M
.') AUUielotMetiie af aaaut n:r. I -.1 (
N atiir bw nawAtii Iiwa , ...
..T jOiaXle nto ciacla dram; - :
'! Oiroien (ml toaoa waea met, i..t
Iieror misle endanger yet.
,..-Strajlgrytl vi,.. i !.(.
. , 'MTill it erexroore be Urns , ,
1 'r3piriU gUllimperVronaT" '
e i-ShaH we rer fairly BlafreV ' '
&ftt to oatl,A aaed ta aaadZ '! -r,
Ar Ise boaoda, eternal art ,. ,j
. JToj retain n' trDger jet?
.( r
-. ll K.;tatTnewyU
TTnto aomethtD olhfrr -"hichwr
" t?od fcimaeK war terad the beat" ""i
' Were aaasa awmpathlea amt;' -
. JlaeA absTo tb atraia ajra frA t .i
,Of Abe world of ateuma yett ,
Poetry. STRANGERS YET! R. Monckton Milnes.
'wWlsrtuW tue oT remoTin yotjr ef'
,. Wnt, tan. jfl.U ...
it V
'What it the tase of trooioff auucL
ri flL .1 L A 1! - -
.A. J II. MVIlliWWI W la.'Jl I
it li. -.P..! l-T. . . ...' ;T jh -l 'ib Y.-'l.
"Tbiit ta the fcaVof yeSi rrayin t eet, '
if d ft-4 ieteoet to1 Wear It? '
W bat ia the rue of your dwalliirf fcr two;
If Ton nerer iuteiid to har it?
-in i - n..il. a.tt aad -t'l "IT
ii m m. wr ma, m nui, , r
' If yon nerer foteod to lead ft ri '
What U the ef y raadiar fJirmt,
' -H yoe amtrer tnteotf aoaaaalttl.l y i
IBriTejouKlwetiUi... ;i'l .-.l
, By plain and hill . ,.. , ,
By Voodand tuixm,''"1'- "'
i- Kat,Jer,,Bf dreera! ' 1 :!-, )..! .
- .Sweet BMtdM all laaieiiuliar yeaLy
Ml) Troe, heart beat er er trua.! a i
Miscellaneous Selections.
Authentic "Injun" History.
Pocahontas and Captain John Smith.
!' Jnj. , celebralod aVakliemai .SisSC ','tlU
UVMic of wboM liia by. rtcumnta
histonc erest of ao little, nlereat earoral-:
to Smith at that, tiinwwM the; aarlieat
etUeinA'rcinaa, Grant, Wio(t tia Jateat
eflier tbei fcTe-badia-thar State,), jnd,
stands at theead of &nUi. ianul J i thja
reuntrr W informed tfcU tier ia a
36ha Smiia lyripg w ooe,,of the. Western
gUte. Jbht he couldn't hr been, thta aaiaa
man that settled Virginia, becauaahe weald,
hare been too young at that ti", (1602) to
settle anything. , JL eonldm't.JuiTa awttlad
for hit board, eran., Capt.. fimith founded
Jamestown,' -which, wa totaDy afontdd.
(likeiany of U ttffecdOe about hial) jip
that period. Eeiiia Tiirf; Jamewf owa
at rt Va atnrtaff a etnirbar of, InAilm
willaB, ao that they nrr arAaae oaclutfain J
w aatei mat ne cotua tv aiuig tatt
deaenpuoa .tiuictar. roa..ay wnua JBn
lirine atthat time. . ift atartcd aa maai
that the red roen hearios of it thremgh tha
daily papera, (line ludiea were ao4 fed in.
those ddy i) detArituDed to hec. hi , tptar.
tp .in i-.. j; '-. .W",';"i ' 4
Smith (Deenlated a eood d'al w con J
VurcoAeu u ta in aiaian fum aiuviava .aa-
Jamestown, tha great gzjsa-i-oMtbar at hat
airam not barinir re baea dUel
d. In one of hia tripe ia Harolv of AtltWe
tn-KTiaaaed cmn tha dOBrtsiooa ab. JClnc
'tTuwhatan, a rwawfarpbiftF1. jrmmpm,
eutrenebaienUo'n the Jamee, cad. (peg Uuaat-
ned Waahinrton. Smith bain at aotaewbat
over-loaded with. corn' fall into n ambnav
X atiit was r-arrtured by' Pewhatsa'
safareamdeaatfoBiatr ealef.' ARrl
bntil nearlDg. an wntcn ao witaeaaaa were
ezamiaed for the defense, (Smith, deeaanded
jury trial.' but it wa refused,) he waa
condemned to die. " Ee Was asked if he bad
Tthior to .amfr--whM n death
auld PH he pasaad Bpatvhias.-i Ji aWtd
notbin?. ia rautiuiar.oiT bisaaatAV waaia
aviooaly-. iatetMia cWitbi Aha iaiaaWKtcJ
Viratnia. aad awht latartl aer aaajiujasioa
into wWUBWavn TlMB had. aa, Aw-
eWisadbawM marthea to-tte faAaw-af
execution., , Theawtoa aooloar aa waaea
plssa hia haad, whitoaaatmct peiaSMt to
thm auoat bidaoos mann. arwAngtag .
eVufiedalub, aod. tiUot dAabolacal .,
ianoaiaariA la avisA ItMa.i y :" jut I iUr I
i Joha erased oa the aeWtiaris aBadjaanaj-)
ed, fwbaalor,ged Woe of thaetrat ftoi-
lies W " irginia, rae aaveeM lamtues aaa at
aerivail from EagUad yet,d ha aUdo't
atara worth, a coauMal. - lwtaraa with
gtaaatxaaty thsA-w naJd h
ma sarage,: asked hi it there W any
mar b Wold Uk to capd te aMaml3y,
and eraa aaTared te tak oaavrawaf aaa littat
mciueattoaA ba deurad. tai Jaatwev toe Aaaa.
Be imatesliately betbottgat htm -t aa "Aa
adea)tiBsnraBca'i policy, ahich- weold
aaraabetrt the same tiaa he dad, and aateket
ins 6ift kUlxrpr(oBly ,3UJ,nad,)
bothsfwhieh hoesifdjtohraAtohia
betrothed. Powbat! BaWBtsed .'ta-eaad
theaaby thoaest atanc. .fapUia Saattb
tbaw walkrA arinly. the, Vloaat -wiUtast
iheUt a A.tkea. nlanaal kaa ' J iniaa it.
sad, bade, la ibbasIwa; to mash! , At this
BbsaaBntthe fotast rang WatAva acraam aaa
beautiful ladies firldtuted into Aha! midst
nf tha tbraOC.. in i.'l ra. rr.i'M tn n.t fml
.ialaieiag her pars.ol to pratMt Aha head of
South rem toe tmptetaourig mo . aaa ca-
clarjad a a-J.ifiK ll .T iniir rl
vlVsiolrr.'.d anan. atay ,dhy. Aaad! Sb
eoiiido't aUyit hsraeli, bee aheniid&'t
aaaar aay ataajo . Slay bieAaad Vrrwia a cm.
main a h-o-w-t-icg wilderaw (Prqicmgr
ed bowls from tbe .eiarragoa.tr Spare: kirn
ratify ;ttt,JMBtiUiaml asseadnUnt,
aad Airgiiu reiil,oaf atsea ta. taf
Unrua, ,,lt w ,n !!-wi'iud full lo bnu-rTHj
oms icootW.aJea ! sbeata-T
Vererl'' and roahrd oa Smith with' tbenr
aarTtaf fraie but. Powhatan - iatarfeted.
-Spare b" lifa," aaid he, "the Great Spirit
wills it. (TBBt put smito. tn oraM sptru at
osce.) " I" commtrto' Ha' JaenWace td 'Th
ohaxroy- 01 wrwaiB in" " iaaaaa aw
irginia. , loaai e' ffF ri ". vjm n
i fctt -nrs7&niW'1a
Virgin hav'Sf Taee wioaUy ran tMtaf
the State of: vjrguia rrieea usee wee
.Moaa the water ,aa a Bawaai7aea aa, tha
P.i-aa aiXDoeilHea. aaa :rowaeiaa ma
Injun KxhibitWa far years Ar with rreat
Chips from Emerson.
T "'A good conTersationalisl 0, wbJtt; a
treasure on a rarny aay.
Two stages were traveling in France, one
aa,' with' accidents" Sbnaqer aaaraj, bad
Mi.aa.eta. ra tha other Boa of tbe pa8a
gers recollected theae. things. One etheir
naaena-ara waa Madame de 8taeJ.''J''
I , . . . l it, ...... t a. ,A
lie taw enors -aa eraauiw
m'end we make it cteaawr to arlTea..
t'ooTorssUoo iaa game in whwb all
- . ar. ahieaa AraarM TAa tj tnTW- '
71 Kat anakas life sweet and tolerabw :
btrt t-A- thoae wbo, aeminr that eewti-
wctajt.-e. try to. imitate t.itbey tore
ta J-ou by .P7 h"rT;
a eawaiLrr regimen I ; atu aoey aiaia a
Aatefnlby tbeir kfferoaa of H.
Ia ill n Imaail i utU tl ,vU
Forcing aatatV?
i costs too. much ; what is
lost ia the reaction ao tbe
"i" Wl'
a Xtiawettoi Aaatf "
bie minaljBAhaemre TaVt, beTOBal Wbtfib
tba wisitor ebaald aet bb sllw4 ! iBramiB,
wrthaat qBit bam. T
General Hayes Military Record.
it) fuD .retreat,. enfoTcerant;,ar.
-Mm iceitl aalT .?
i 3en
I'R. T. t?Aali aa BnJ.BMa4MB.IneL.
hi (ioremaorj ia W'DtrVef d)Mr- dad era
brad a laWT." fl aaertmer. f w Mrentaoaj
year peaKfe o f Cmeirmatt, aad mow tw are
Wot ad City Sefceftitr? aH - 'anaatrt!
wtjoka iia patrtean. ) ad t&erotit7ali
tfee aataPtoa Wfottr tbevbawA af kit
Catratctaac breaterfrB tha7rdaAMr farm.
'TU- 83d bJo lefcoirt W aarawee) mti
vrow ;& m-amn ilBarwa Ootorari
yriUiaeaSt atoaerawiUrVsy M therm
fwUastBjatolaia:aatl K, R. Haaafhri
Majrav-. BetW taking- Aa -wdW, raecranej
araa xprewaLea Brapadiaf ClwenJ rata)era:
la away, ai Oo. gcaauDda waa arvrjaiaradi
t tA-aeraaoA Uayaa aewaed ith-
regiraeat fcr9k the war. - It took tha Acid
1 "eat Virginia. ia Jnjy, where it at once
taw into actire eorvice. , ,
aertrl tlaj next aeaaon, It was trantrfemd in-
oraT to Washiogtoo, wnen It joirred Mo
Clellak'a artn'. Then on the tooTement which
dwlnrinatad in tha batt'e of AntictaTa." iThe
ennMnt waa in the adrsm-e at Sotrth Moan.
un, Th fonowino arcaont of rbt riart in
thev batOetJU taken frottf-WhHela Tleid
awthMmirrr niatorr ihititTed' "Ohio' in the
rrarf- ai9Jo aJt i mM .'eirf .ti t
'Af k. aTM.f,'J Tbli!jL.i X
i - " v..,m,,. 1 1. iiEiiimii uuvi
4"mn. tjoi, nayes, t;upf. Bctmrara CormDntr
dirlsroo,) wn the) rirtt rnfaiStteogaeerJ,
hetngHba adrtrnee of the etrltroin (in tAat daV i
It w oTtJerVd rt trl earfr lifrar' to advance
f an '-eafreriaeiited road1 lradimr' ritr1 th
montrtain, and te attack the ejnemy. ''PoT
rniiiHuwir waiia: Tne enenrr. m treatrr
rpwrraf force owred aernrctirw tire o'f
mnAMty, grape tori canister into otrr rank
t relT start raorrri. atrd iffrerr lrort anaee
wa enweriwreia. rjoi. nilu, uapi. OKiiea, ana
Arfewam, uoo, ftrtter and ti mrtn were ' eacft
adlT aenerf f Col. HrreV-ar brokaa
CroK Skilewahot fhrrnn.tlw afciw, aim am
tntataar : WilAda etfrjpuUted, J and " Of er1 one
trDdPeddcad" and wounded lay upon the
aaa out of tne tnree himdrad actl fifty who
WBWt-iDtO' AV-troa.' 'Trja 'tctomanrr now de
Tolred UDOe Mai. Oomlw. and rernaiflad with
kim frata that timefcrWard. The enemr
tihlf eari ejT iVqa 1lr iaadt taa
grejiment changed rront on. nrat .company.
UetrUmant Ool. Hat anon after ism made
Ii epearaaea inn) tW Betd, with hi wentad
il-4i latin. BalAAaWli. aTaaalMm
aTtraacea af the. where eommantL , aotrl car
ried oC ' Soon after the remainder of the
cAarn a lar aaaiber af the ensair
kiuea with tbe ttfenat.i Durvnf tbe re
ajaiadaevof that dT UM7riaritfoiebt with
ita atiriacoew iTbtraev 'broeni Aargea-were
ay aneruaiemt auranw the eKrr, t
aacaef which the amy waa drire. erith
aewf aasat blnrraar tlta 4Iar Twoatw-
tAi4 IwjaVBterrySUuV oi Wawaai ahnoet'ne-
UUad oea th field afterward
diael led thaeri wcJ.i'ttBlFaei, anaa
were unaccounted for at the roll-call after
yiaaetiom. ; The eajanef tha tegiaaeajtware
rWdlad, aad that b7wtwd.:irjee7riad
awat by aaa 111 aaa taUetevM irf-..Mt
I At JaTtaWataW atoe MfcJ lOOgnA WttB tb
a-aawwam' Jejrrawoa mma aaw arl arybjv
Waicat itaaet withattiAUaa4ry.'B the
8thtJ Xobr th aataaea t waa aadeaed fvf
retawj wttA the awanawhi cliTiarati to -weet
Tirgmia aVrriTirig' aV Clarke tutrg,.. Oo).
SraaiaiaBi ayaa ejaaeiiotad.'-etad 'Lwat.Onl.
Bay Waaeaad. Qoiaaea ejaaaeht,
wbKk at iaewd v-tie --Kaaawha-. Valtey
during that wtote awd tlw-DUowTaf ran.
Bar, ezpenaocing all tba turoaitlpw mt aa
ti rWawrehjar.and tekhiTaVrt ia the anaaeff.
olBaiiawf Itaataaeu aarkta.o't "a !
I Sa May, 19S4, taw3d awwaiai the oattlef
of -tT-eaaatjaama llApae. to t&i battle
at tara related ia Dm maam twoktaM '"- -
Ii' kWton&mint' fthe wir Sn
the right of .the flrrt trfigtrde; Abott noon
tkr weraf erdered ta rbarire fhe enema" whh
oEcnpted the flrt ereatof fie mountain, with
aba"; fafantrT',1ohind Tiewry rjon
tfoctcd. breastwork.' Tha hill t'laelf wjm
thickly woded atecpanddiflieiiKof' aacent
and wo skirted If f atregta t-f Water two
to Tnree' fcat" dee. Thw approach' wag
threaeh i hemwtliul meadow Are or titrm
Jrarl wa-Aa-w-rle. ' ' :
T At Ih trord of 'rxrnjmAn-3 fteTeaf mehl id-
jaTeed at doobajiek acroe tne tneadow,
ndeT Tfiry hrsry nrer'bf Ttrnrketry ' and
ar tUlary, to the foot of the - moo ntarn across
taeatreaaj. ThererrtufenradTanced afaadi
ty to thia-aaUttwiibdajBwfc Ore of
tManetay; aad,tnraAort mute, a bunoa
Aaieult wma mad vboa tb eDetxi; ' .'works.
earrying tlwra, and capturing twe piece of
aTtilWy Which wera brought .o?vUie field
kyJLieuMnanl Anjtin. ., . 1.rrwf .
ITha enfTDT Ten. back to Ola second crest
dV ridga of the mounUiD' where a doter-
atiaea atiempt was njaae to lurm a Un, out,
. . 1 . . r L j p
SfW B Ihort sttnezle.be .was diira Jrain
An' miki a atand. but Jinsuecessf uTI. Tb.
If liig via uiv iita a iui.itsatKaHt'1 . uioruo
sArnrtrle at tha rung waa of Uie firecesl' de
driptioD. . , The rebel artilkrymen aUemptV
seel to fcload their 'pieces, when ear lice, was
sot saore than ,ten. pc diataat, Priyate
toet,tX.Q. I,recujt, e!ghteea years of
Age, waa the first to react, the gaiis. . Wifb
4 boyish tbout, b sprnDg Trent . tbe ranks
and Sungbiihst orertbe rpnzzlei f one , of
After mack aerere marching 'and. skir
auahinsf the regiment. On 'the 8th of June,
Jjoioed Gen. Hanter'e 'Sbeoanxloah Valley,
sad snared it, territla BaJduiips. Omitting
the b'Slory or mncn marrbing and. nnting,
We came to tbe battle of Dpeqaon, ef which
the same bookj glTW'j.thfowinasrra-
W?e: ' ' . ... ''t , v. . - . e7,
I .After (be asdal Amount of marchiDr and
eonnter-marchlng,, from the llh to tba l8th
oC Septernber, the battle of bpequpu' was
bnght on the 19th, Qeri. Croolt'seomiiiand
was ia reserre, but WM'wsry soon, brought
into 1 action and gent , to , the ' extreme
right of the' line lo maie a JUnk attack,
Hares' bqead had tbe extreme, right of tbe
Infantry., The position" wai, reached under
corer of aa alneoaimpenctrable growth' 01
cedar, crossing a ss ampy.ttream. rHare the
dtTtsion ,-wsa halted .and, Jortne4-r First
Brigade (Hayes' J in; front, and the second
f Johnson's) in the rear:. Throwing out a
light line ' of akerausheTA, the brigade ad-
vaneea rapttjiy to toe (rout, omioj inc ena
tny s cayalry. The pational caTalri.at .the
fire, tha crest of a slight elevation: was reach-
led, when the enemy's Infantry line came io
ta yew, oH diagonally to toe lenirQpij aaa
aeopenea a oruii iiiiiiwr uni,. v , . ,, n
Maying fcrwsrd eouble-qaick aadsr this
ttw brigade eaed athick iug a4 odaf
bnahersatog lhrough which it oame pn
a deep sirugb. ha-ty or itj yards wide, and
nearly waiat oeap, wiui aou muu at ao (war
toaa, evergrowa wjthts,thick bed of moss,
nearly atroog enough to bear the, weight of
a aaaa. It Beemea ttrrpossiDJe to get wrougn
it, and the whole Rpewas staggered for, s
sxxnefit. : Jnst them- Col. Eajes plunged in
wlta his acewat aad aiw a shewar of ba
Urto-andaVUsiWrtAi hia. home- eoetiBje
down, be rode, waded, an4 .dragged hi
war throvnzb the first man. over. Tbe
Tweith-tbird waAlmniediatefr' ordered by
the right flank and oe-r taaslbogk St tb
same place., ,,4 or nasmjermg, through. Uis
enorass men were suffocated and drowned,
af ill tha regiment nluiurad throueh,' and , f-
tera paaae loag enongh te pertially reform
tba liae, aharged forwaritagaia yeUing aad
oVrrtor baaeeayv- 8beriii'a aid.eavalry
kepeiBTiounatvTigiit aaeiag- passed
aanrl tae aaagara wraryura tne cdb
nr was driven from cover charged and 'eap-
tored a large uambsr of prisoners. This
plea waa followed tluoagbouA the battle, by
which the cavalry was rendered very effec
tive. In one of these charges Col, DovaU.
the etiviaroa conlmander,' was wounded ' and
sad tnca tee field, leaving OoL Hayea in
anawhiiiHw arsar armrvwnera expoaiog
liiiaanlf m kliaaly aa uaoal. i Ha fwaa ftrst
aver the alans-h r bht Adjut QeTjarai 'w:
everelT waaadedi asea war drownng all
around him. but be aaoe wirougn it au aa ti
h kadacharmad li,
i40iA -m;J ail
TTo rtaaitnawavnlBgia deasBaatrWawe a
nroBiised- SAmetlung must be done to stop
lu. san.-juitratml fir that IS CUt-
U" - r
lior tbe force ao nreaoiuuy- o-"a
Km Saxony rifles In thr rag i of twelve
i .r. T.Untmajit McBrtde was or
dered forward with them to kill the enemy s
artillery horBss, iaTJlsln ht. They mov
a sJLm r.idlv eadeF eoyer aa maehia
u.1- .AtAbaaratahaA adrsrse drop
Jjot, teams dietely . another ia billed ;
nsaic eem to acisa th artillery and they
nmberins- no. ' The infaatrt take
Wa alarm, and teW eemmBacw rnnnuiw or
o. urrw.hioenlav, i Tb whole, line tisaa,
with a tremendous yell the men rush
b..iU.llw In the bressworka : and .thoa,
without Afernptnt; to are aoii buus "
eneroy ran is swer coniaaion wi nmun
mhirA' hab 1maa bovarls like
Icleud ea the flaak, eweeptag aowi eath
reaml and TBiBxthmm bd tha
njgna Daiuangs were captured and a large
Bomber of prioiera. ' ' In i "gray baaks"
eoraa looked aa a riaaiastaa -Ma aula"
The enemy 'e artillery in tha Star Xort waa
bli'eed to step firiDg And fait back,' ancf -tn
t'tttlawaaataaaci. : ,5o7.i v-w"j
.' The regimeot was at Ih sffair f Iforth
lfowntain, Sewtrmber 30th, where it ehaTjrud
with tad. adTgada the. oeany'a aiilnajca).
Bent, carrying them, and tbea it waa ta
8hrfdsna army in fats fcriTIiaat' Ttete-nea ta
lhyaUey rf V4rgu,ia At tr ad af liutv
aerncr, i;,j. Hare. Waa pcoeooted t a
Bngadierabip. ' Thoraia o better- mnrtary
tecord of ftetrkrlic aerrice, Jnd af rkhfrj
and ancceasul discharge of dot j ja all the
tret than that-' of Eayea, aad hi
military Tacord i roaa'ataot with. tbH who
character of the man; He colored lie. ear
ri berau Iris' beari ia the ea-tae.
MUirary ambition, or the army apirit aarar
hennmbed hi ympthie with tha'apirit
that animated the peona. Ja poiilteal artV-f
(inL. Uea. EAm n. a.beliaTaa jn-caoait-
righttto all msnndhe isMcoDatiiatadasUi
beliera that bb rirt want tbevway
Bopnlar aueceasi and to seek it im jt-tibm
way. otnciBiean trazeue.
. f rr . ....
" - - - ' - - --l
A Little Nonsense.
A c'orste ' lariirti beer iB-rerhirAed byhft
biabiipior aUendicg A bl. the urane "re
plied, "My lord, I wore a mask!'; Oh, well,"
eepried the bishop, that pnta 8 new racwoa
?.!!";.. mil J...it .:I-!n AAMtxM
Wee to tbe maa wba sara about a Ab
ject ill that caa be aaidl'' With printed dis-
aoanavaa Wlte' peiaxaaal coaopaaooatup, tt
ia better that jeur friend should rerret tba
ahortnee of your risit than he should yajra
atthelengtlu '-f ;iti ti 'j -3
A fe2ar a raae boaase; WA tofKof
about Ihe traqk with .naora liquor Jthaa. M
muM Mirr- " " " ' "-
H(Ua, 1 wbafa the eaa) Itewt 1a at
tap who bad been raa agaioatv,, ,, a i,, i
-Vby. Wby.-hie-1-trhT. the faiG. a Ii
ot ny aneaoa aarw taset amttrab Jttej
J!-rt Wfy fn-t-.TO oW the
Re. Vf' W'Sf iPJianB', ' trL
at tamuy drouovepitunlrtg tawasta
prcyer. mm ntue aoa.ionr year af air
eajreriyrhrraired,'-Can w ask God for any
iBisg we wnmr .i TLiertaanly, traa'har
swer. unancmK aoon after to caa taa
cbiHVeler- roota the father' aw hia aa
bis kaeaa., Urawiag reaar a Wwwaw bAck
by bearing tne youpgster close a is petiuow
jkaj. I-"'!'!1! ffl l r. ,r.:uiJ ' A i
ABdrJeaAvs, Qod. Araakd bt mataar A
nte some dougbnpta." ......
John Phtenjx put up at the Tremont
Hou Boatt,' :aad left nht -loots atr tof
thnav outside tha door of hie lwa IThar
they stood aneleaned in the moraiag. ,
i -i ae paopie m uu awase,' Be aja,ar
TE-yhoaestr.Tay hcu f stood enat m tttt
night, and fat) on ha touched them I"
i The tome eartniri Joha wnt 'to- -live
tkes.Ua, .when Vra. Smithl wa' iadTrta-
ed to. appear ia fwo piece. After the per
foraaaoca hedamsadtda retdraof hi aoeoe-r,'
for h said tft-a. Siuthj, a jjam ad, ,V dure
agtmin periormsoces.
,:nr'I 7 t J!' l vol '1jJ'B- IAJI1W.,
A soldier who. in going front Salti-Eor t
ack Island, had met with four aceideota,
a thphcieMairNbia area taat , rami i
pletely turned prac Making . hia, way
thnrutrh a window, and kafurnr. ad rprirht
poeatkaai he inotad a-aanl IM Baa tsataUy
: 1 . eWL.. : I- .fc.:eM TJ.
. m 1 1 new. Miiwa ie, aeuet ue
thought thia was a way they had oi fcop-
pnHVat .':1 mw.. i''ol 1w (
A plain gpokea wtra prBh- dUTtf
the fbilowing from his desk) fl woold
sfinontrce to the eoogreganoa taat, prociabiy '
by toisuk WM left bt thia rietin;
opuxe, this morning, a maU cotton BmbxeUa.
much damaged by time and rear,' sad 'of aa ;
eaceedingly pal blue . iaalor ht tha Blew
whereof waa taken A rery lanr black, ailk
umbrella; and t rreat beaaty. Blnamavawf
this sort, hyetbers arid sutue, Are tUaf
little tod common.'' . ... . '
Lincoln's Home.
A correspondent of tba Ciaoinati ftraaaar-
citd write from Springfield, 111, about the
hnaM of th ' late-' PrarideoC ad foUeww,
Speaking of Mr. inca-da'a.ymaadtha
.1 l.ir oa...
T . J ., , t
The rawrtyiB!' ao tae ''ettnoTrwarsr' B
present mm their moUaai,.,MIt ia eocapted
by a tenant first admitted to posaeesioa upon
the aWnartura Bf tbe" family, Mev-' TUtoai,
President of the Toledo, Wabaah. andr taraat
Weatarn Kail Road, oririnally from New
rlamptbira, but for eiht year prerioua to
Ibfir, a resident of Cleve.And,"OEio. ""
With sincere kindness Mrs. Tiltoaand her
mother ' leccrrg all who 'come, and the
lttapaq is in amicaUiahAnd, for hardly eve
less than three or four a day, aad aeeaetimea
twenty, called.1 86oW-tlu' are" for 'early
trataecorawbetete bBaaktasA, J IsJii:
lies Ai registar. whe
W l.l
r -MaT erth oca-eaa
.whoaah abtAnra lektVllhr
qamea. Many or these signatnree are oy
enldier. haWsirfiedi "liatbBry A.' rat
BUiuos." ventaole ,loby,t "ctet-
Tille'a Typer," a bishop, of the African
Hethodiat Emacepal Obarch to km' aiasvaaJ
ha atfed a : . On,-oC, tha . Aaaaraara, amoag
tii million, of tbe same .class who moura
e loan of the raoet rihleow TkT-tbat aa
ruled a nation in modern times. Th beat
all waa, God waa with him, and' he died
martyr to the caoaa, or fJoet- aad- Uewdisg
UBapitw.f .; r uU I 111 '
Mrs. Til ton says many colored soldiers
lavai eaUedVanar sosae havev baea affaetod
STaoto.toara.,.. i,,tl .l'lf
Another visitor, a lady from Iowa,' first
iaked fiermiaaieaad thea uBaapoaed IbAtot-
fowWjuButoaerosuei , fc,,,,, t,,,,,.
"A ges to come, and mea ebsjl cry,
B ehold a name divine and blest ; "
.'JK eeed in light that cansot diav.' j
:-A'J t,
A ndn immortal ionor dreat. . ,
H entsfoTth, secure from blight or blame,
, A grew ing awae small crow -thy ihead. io V
, M arty red in freedom's holy name : ,
L Irin? to freedom's eaoae thoorrh ' dead.'
v Intrusted, wrlh Anstia'-sal, .rtilJanl
. N one aver ruled wita wiser sway ; .
' C hampioa of right, we deeply feet c rK"
O on toes in thee j . thy form We lay ,.-(,-
L ow in the dark ; wet from thv tomb
fl w kop arid jeys and hamBaiibloxABaVt
.la a nlaia biacl'fram) lie A atsalr.paaea
sf bloed-atained cloth, and, berieslb, upon
the paper on which it rests, br written the
aama of Xaura Aaej ii Jhahbiedistan as
from Lincoln 'a death wound, on; part of the
dress worn bV the Mtrea into whose lap,
taartattal night. said -the i pe5t jMtaad
brain of the martyr. , Tbe relic was left .by
Mis Keene herself.'' -Tbe rjtreaf, Barnnm
baa tried in vain to brrj'ctfering for it sav
er taVraaiddiiUira,1 1 Stm SaxiO a.
The Soul's Register.
irlwldsFccnlatof;Ui y
Ealicsof eariation niay exist foraa iadef-
intte time ia a latent state, ta tba very
order which tbev were oria-inallT imDresaed:
and sa we cannot rationally pnpuwa. aha t
Tern, state o mjo own u ac. u any oma
ae than a a stimnlu una net eontribotea
to maka itevaa wrebable Aha all theaghie
are in. themselves, imperishable; and tbJ if
tKo ;ntllipRnt faculty should be readared
anprafieaatT, ja wnm rwaarweanay t
o . . r ,
a- different aad proportionate cjganixatoa-T
the body celestial
Inatead' of the body
tiisV-to hriag blorB-TrW
;iva experience of ita whole pastajBst-
And this, tbisi psrchsa-fcjthr
book taf jadgaataA wwsbbbb aaaatw
ious hieroglyphic eyery aie wars . reeoro
ed! Yea, In tbe Taty Mtttre or m living
spirit, ik atay be esesa psMtMa m bbubi
h .hnuU pass away than that a sia
gle acts single thought, should be loosened
oCatathiAil afnitfttff I fi''Ke .wti ;ia;
The Soul's Register. Base Ball on Its Travels.
Tbe coaUgiwcaaraetAW'ef thabato 'hsflJ
epidemic receives a new Ulustralion ja a; raw-
re pon irom a nuoxiiujiAjJouriMH. aa mnmmtm
that this "national nnreJ' baa been aatural-
ixed even ra the Soudwicb, Islands, , an d
grand match Is reported, which, took place
on tbe Esplanade at Honolulu last moo lb,
ia th presence ot nearly tne wnoie p if'ur
tion of the town.5 There was a BOTepiaode
on thia occasion, 'wbicb 'bas not been, in
troduced Into tbe pam elsewhere.
runner, who wsa unable to men tine of in
bases without being put out by being touch
A with tbe ball. 1ut out" gallantly on S
bee-line up-townoUowed by bis antagooiaU
a full cry., It waa a sttrra ehsse, and
threatened to be a lonA one, but by a happy
thonght one of the antagoaists .mounted a
saddled bone, standing near by, which soon
attlad tha contest, aad the crowd retaraed
to first poaition, wkh tba foot-ball TJleyer
ou V srwdiBg to rsC.' '; j
A bint to Amaricaa pTaysrs; Hava a Bars
ready aaddlwi, and baadUy- plaoad duriaf
the game, m oreravre 'wgwaa-jrar
The Soul's Register. Base Ball on Its Travels. Charles Dickens as a Reader.
I Ta lull.7irf Biimira!2e rlascrir.-ioej of
Isading by Caar'aI. tCK6ii i takds arena -'
4 latMar turn a wilkiiawa Aouricaa -acaor
toaabee-ef ib tlwwtricaj pntisnios mv,
Boataai. Oar rader Will join imtitking
tita g-mt!eDMn to wbom it is uured for
feAaif fMote fiobliet. ,tn. ; 1
Lesson England, Feb. 11, 1867.
I If r aTTiw, ie I Laeaj itiaiurgid frata
the amjowaTaanr ther jrett-trua f toy
Hi. I hara heard Cbariarj Dic'caae iwad
hi toai a met atiS Jtegic? id icy ears, two)
my 7ew aio porecea wius ts tinat l't rroea
aawipad tear. ,1 bad aererel dayi looked)
fcrawd to til (rent wiih great Bape, nn-
Sartaia UfiSntio, aad aethas atwarw
and a Hft eTcWjeisJOeV Ajananvto teU yaw
haw cjaaurnsedJ hnra. taaa. To bee-in with,
be rery bersoeU art'eanaoeof t2j ciast, wad
aa bjeaArf tk ntacCat osrkmitj ta aaa) ttamt
4 wawaaaTAaWaWA tOTlaa T Aa5W
aTajJS'e?efyf rey '.".amiiod bjbjobi the li 41
trtwa Wiare aaa; my ket waaia my kMoat,M
aad I waa aw fairy eeWJ touted with She right ,
T IKi man, that i ea-uld ksr aeei-pted taat '
pleaadT aieea aa ar aaataiaa-ieBt. Tberw- '
W a alight baas of ieattaotios from tba aa
BieroTi aabt rwry amtaionabie) b-maa; btrt it "
Would bar dan yo gwad bad yea seea how, ' '
with a look aod a looz paaae, he eUsaead
and aohdacd ewea the aaaghty austraerst
to wheal Mr. Dieksaa is "not a-asrUe-mem.
H was fArir hard thw Ee Waa wiih his
Chriatataa atory of "Dr. tlsrisoid whiefc I
aaa aappy ta Bay, IkadaoAbcMar nad (thoa
had a aaaaW piaaaar) aad I .caaaot pra
tBad to daarifb anw graeef'illy and chArm
mrly he reeled from the harocwooa to tha
arriooa parts of the rtary, canstag a laogh or
dniwinf a taar at wuL Hc arenred himanlf
k enjoy tbe good feoioto, and at Uetp pansvd "
tobtofrb witathA rsKtst. wianiarof facwA st .
4 gxxf point, or V iP way s tear as he1
told of tie retnra afN8ophy and hew ehild.'-
Bao yaw b4 taa anna aiina Be iaww tnta"
ttttwerde, mwA,awjkflaw.giiw4
new aaaaafsffAa thaatcry. - - "--rw i w ft
Lftar sa iiihiaaaaaim ci WrrantWer ;
retafnad -aad ieam-arT-iaeTTcied tba
rial frota lPk5aVwicav"'.-ila tBrota ' of
each eaaraei-waa-apitBJ, and a whole"
kbing want es witAtae peatesa eat&e)BtaaaR '
The readiBwaeetiuaid ahaat twsAhonta aaer 4
sj half in all, aad I aaaje yaa 1 awrarrqased
jhat lefacta -af tiaaa aa- araeAblj" -eefaeev f
?oming 3owwtilB-hkde)rDSf m0 dooW.J
waa at ad aai t ami it, aad I eaw-Aaat fa -hia
siurtalaewea at tha ataosjivg-aaa, and waB .
half taaaptyt t rash la Bad. f him aa'
AnaarisAn hng, witA a -tigari The -ra-rrate
I earTtagre waare aa aaatwm samastaea far
arjamw a mm ea Atege3 run, asm tMaaam
os fVeadilly it ia thaaa aubabaablaeitw J
i taraaisat ia Xeadea, and I ywrwCb yaa
ctouid bare been by any oe to aawaaaarad J"
tay'emjoyMaV-"I e)hiaagh al yearaftaa
uuacagn the arrii, axa wry auatf- uag
lavek to the tiaaa we read "Little Dearti"' i'
torawyta-teIattlwAsaa. raaionWTta aai
ia tntjioov at tWaV 4 X1v; '' 2ra, l
j CriticaBy (peaiiag. I aaewld say fast atj. "
rHekene ntnut mm eicaTatasBiat.- Bia roic
.lack mo4mtUitm,4 ia hanh ia tha upper
nptaa; hia yiwat aseaiA raasatats ia taa entha
aiaaaa efta wajcfc aat raada a awrtaia ntcili-
If af si'imaiuB aJaawAthe anemia aad yaa
and af cawrea a tbwetfatawid9e af the
aabieet: W itaaaV aaa monavii Aia jaata at
ailjhataiaitaa tea at iaiyThd aediapce
waa a traaseedaeia eaa, aad rerT part z toe
rkat ball waa S.ied, aad the toilevtee of the
aobiLitywwrwrery ise. Altogether, neither
Marly er myaaif will aaaa forget thasawawM
rdng piaasuia.- I aaold aeAge to bed wita
t fitting down to Bar .to yoa all I felt ea .
seeing aad haariiig a asAa we bath to mock
The Webster Family.
Daniel 'Wibrtes, at Be X-rfl rftireatT-eix.
ttat aa tha' career of hid Suoa ''was QAwninr.
paazried1 ttiwdanfateraB' Key. XTJ jak Flotca
, of Hopkintaa, Few Hsjrrrmiuiv lady:,
who, aawording tw-Mra. iisa jBocrwiizuaoar
Lea, rjiiemJa high order of asiitd, anrt-
ad witta atick BWilaaw' SA anpaaltiaa, '.-
eFUkeTWaowia TaalnA-bora of thia
fr usaTrwaiHl a- eMdiSrhaj ajaTs-jatra.
ee,t"at ui s- t vara at kmtt year asav
was' wawdarfuilT" latel' :eant' and a moat
BrwN-bh coaaaauiictt. "Tiew waa Bia eaa ha
ee much . dnrmraf as tae itttla fibaata,. her
Btotbee'i friende eacurtantiy eetrajn; for hex,
aad dghUow tbeoaaivs with her Sweet '
uaspiyvaai,tf iataa9TBTe9BaB,at. j.
lewaa, bar tntaauia aagwiiy.- Atst : ynausa;
teal seesaed to dwell very seat tha aatoor of
her beiog. " STotaniT did Heavaa Be above
Iser i ker mataey,- bus so new Lost Qod
BnaaalaTsya TaiA Aar. T'ABothaW raarniiarity
Waa the teadernsaa aba leil lor the poor and r
taa happy.' Seggarsweaw frqunt at -thia
time, and beg7ugana daTeT to davarwaaaoSi ;
ibrbiiiiled. Graaa wanl4awrei aensral that
aa akee . for charity chMilti b aant awaw
eynpty. " Bb weald bring ta leraelf tate
ttn t ussftiis taa. ur waaaiware awpyijaa, ,
ebaamrt. theea with tba minhatrationa, of .
her own fittk hands and the toader eompae- ir
sioaaf bat large 'grey tL.- If her mother t
ever rsfuaad, those eyes wwold fill with ,
tears, and awtraldnige their requasta eo 1
ranseveringty that tivrre waa. resirting
1 This child thas intaVwartitja? at aa ssa thna
early, tbllowed la q nit ' nabraka a prot -
aioa-th AccatJA-f WebsWs father, who. ;
lived only to hear hi bob a aiat voice in poo
He. af hi -amtber. -f bis eistera,' aoel the ' -n
dVjerktAT,of hia brother, the effl.irtod aos.! t
lwotaer, and parent, with a grief peat eonso.
lstiaa.rsrriri tohewiasw. ; Thoa were bers t
to ki there, Charlea, Julia, Edward, and. '
newjaar. Bat the arrows of tha Archer
st ill ftaw thick abtvrA AiAa.-AotbaT tiild
U buried, a soa. Tkm tbe amiable mother.
hie ckildrsrv aad ofttciou abarer' af bia
eys and tnnnjpbs. Taea teat Only and
-law4bwfjBw whaeabaauwia bia caffia.
With "a white forehead, a tiaged cheek, a
oomplexioa clear as asv-Biy Jught! ' A
aaar fraeaav nr. tyersta. strtnes aaognter ;
for the little Qraea, hia nras-bera.aad that
aawreake. coeaing to tba a Tjf hr who "
tnasivs toeaid actirrginOisajm wayk ,
tba aaase part la tea jamuy circle ta loved
arid lost. A e-raatteee-aAer take alar the "
aaaeaf Grace, aadltTtrrg taaUka ara and ','
poaaeaaed of similar toreim am, nam bar the
third !aot permiUad tomcaerrw tha- aaiae of '.
OtalajaerrUed wia .TiW fTali th eoldier n
ton ia the fieida of Mexico. Eal aooa fol.
fcwa theaccninljahed saatof aad only davgh
tr ff .leerinweae : etuAd atoadl .ia turn araia,
tad aootbad ay who pieaaiiue, tba boner- , ,
d, kcricked avther kiaaaelf ewuld die.'1 Aad
i ayat the ScrviTef baraUfei, tboagh tall- k
n surely sa tb patriot parent woid hava
wiabed, if need tWba might fall a wfUinar
aaevVaee taesltari f.Uiat Cakm a pas
-ne broken aad disbaaored ajagatenta be -
the hi
na-toight not aeaota taaena ia aaa.
ee psasid and rone are taey aiL rar-
Whea tbe'eageaeies of tba war necessi- .
ted tbe iaaoa of frwaaback TirroTcy,leirio-
ratic pcUiticTsrai BeWtwJBiy worked to a-uxke
tha pabiifl believe tbatH.wrreJdis a abort
aa be wort hi as sa Cob federate ahinplaa
W9 ''The Wish wwdoubUeas ntther to tbe
tnareght, hat atAaks to oar Tsesvri4TaaraBea,
(he prediction waa not. verified. But tba
fiendish ' 'detersunatioa ta smontplisk ear
fiasaeial, aad taroagh that etrr political roia i
is not extinet, and the Praetdeat aod tha .
Peoeasacy swa lo be eo-orjeraUng ia aa' -atooreadepiMaUlBtambrrajsiagmA.
to the fineaeesV .There is certainly . a wide
Md-aere- fiJ mssehiaif, bat is wet'hs a 1
kKanvtrona tort of a patriot wbo weald take
advantogeef Hatexnltbi It? Why dose'
tba Daaaaaatk party deaaaad that tbepublid
buth shall ha vwlatod, the aatiaasi serruruiam
paid in gieeabacka and th country dalnged.
with a wortalaa curreacy, if its purpose ia
kswr-as aacnmptfab -yaaajiiatil -aWBadiatioat
Aad why is iwpadiataua dearired, i3t.it ia aot .
for tbea purpose of )pmiiiuiif those whose
crfidawaM ia aadi avjpTjs af tba Go rent
asent hsa beea maaifiaited- by furniabing it "
with tbe Tsaana to carry aa tbe wart We
pad a fahaddy' snatoetwe-yv' bat if there am '
Boca arwtoeaaciaa, who eriaed them? 'Ware
tkr awaJaWaaSatWtk
by Aba PeaBacrstof . Aris4oeracy . or ao
BSTiitatiBify', tba aai meal secatiuea are sacred '
wbivh we ar aBaotly attsraat tav
fuliiil and which caa ia A naagaea be
siTaatod Wtthaat i bitaWiUrtauJog of faita,
wycAaynsa laaBBtli, aaqrpa;, atat ardi;.
for all future tiata. ,W aassi meet aur
yMigsriosbS. dofisF for dallAF, sad laligiaosly
avoid the Imiemjkimt ewradiatiaav pra
poaad by the TJeuw aunty, if via deeira. aver
to-be trusted BfaijBi a Itta), or aJhroad.
Vdoitan (tam at .-"I'sil i.o i i
aAAXue rr gaoeaj-jatnre wtu oe re-
partrl. AiAtaAog eta 'aKaj to wrttiris;
iJratT ewa htetOTy, The plant sad Tibbie, go ..
atuadedby thetr 0wa badowf Tba rock
teares tss ami tr aaa aa aaa motiatartr atda,
tha riy ita bed. t theara tWaAioWva
footbrinta la tba strata ne, tha fern and th
lrai'tbairsiedaat epitmpb ta the coal.- - The'
AUing droa nsakea ita epitaph ia tb sand se
atone; aot a footstep ia the aaw or eloag the.
ground bat prinA bgJ eimwrtere aore' ' .
im latbtiiur-a map ef its asarca; rrary act of.
maa uscrioea itaelf oa, Ui aseraorieeof ita
teiieWa, aad ha his awa fa- Jb air 4s full
of Beuads; the aay of token,- the; ground, is .
all BBemoraada ai-?Qattrree, and every object
mmemroV aWwiAb AutttaWaicb apeak ay
.-. frr :fcc-jiaa
EaAger for'taWfU j a) ise a, btUanW i
ellaTjiWAatiBf,. ; t

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