Newspaper Page Text
THE -JOURNAL. FREMONT BANDUS-XT CO., OHIO. FRIDAY, June 7, 1872. TCWSAXD CCUXTY ilATTEES. Readables. "Joe to." Sunday night wat cold. Judge Pillars ii a poet. . Mud-turtles and frogs are ripe. We are crowded with job work. . Court is in session at Norwalk. See adrertisement of stray colt. Carpenters and builders are busy. A paper mill is talked of, in Tiffin. Go to Dillon's for a good oook store. Eggi are plenty at ten eents a doxen. Wednesday was a quiet day in town. Dillon sells gardes trellises Tery low. Xapoleon has started a "drunk" fund. See adrertisement of "Bridge Sales." Ma. Geo. M. Tyler is Yisitiog in Iowa. Ban am will be here Friday, July fith. Fiatt Brush adrocates woman suffrage. Danoe at Ballrille last Wednesday night Flatt Brush is an attentive Grand-father. Tan's latest lore is the Cincinnati Enquirer. Fort Clinton wacta a 110,000 school house. Gen. Jack Casement was in the ciy on Fri day. Steel hay rakes and rerolving rakes, at Dil lon's. The Tiffin Etoek Fair is in progress this week. Strawberries are selling at fifteen cents a quart. Street swine are not as numerous as in days of old. ihe old buildings, in rjellevue, are disap pearing. If you want a eheap basket, yon will find it at Dillon's. The "destroying angel" was in the eity, last Saturday. A. serenade band is to be organized at Fainesville. Dillon has the best double shore! plow ia the market Does it occur to anybody that water is need ed in this citjf Quite a coolness hat existed in the atmos phere this week. Bro. Hopley of the Bucyrus Journal is both modest and moral. A young man In Tan Wert spends one dol lar a day for drinks. We are indebted to Mr. E. Loudenaleger, for lata Memphis papers. Geese music isn't heard as much on the streets as it used to was. . Our eity will be quite largely represented at the Tiffin Stock Fair to-day. The Board of Education advertise for pro posals to build a school house. Every family in the county should hare the Journal during the campaign. A Tery aSectiDg boquet presentation occur red on the street, the other day. West & Dana hare moved their office to Hidbard's Block, on State street New time-table on the Lake Shore road, went into effect Sunday, June 2d: Fostoria had a fire, a runaway, and a moon light hugging exhibition last week. Tan went to the bottom of the Sandusky, on Tuesday, but failed to stay there. Mr. and Mrs. John Tyler left yesterday for a summer's visit in Indiana and Iowa. LiKhtuing made informal calls at several residences in Seneca county, last week. Milton Neff's horse ran away on Monday and demoralised his buggy somewhat The Firemen's festival, at Fin dlay .last week, netted the Steamer "boys" about 1100. The Croghane went to Woodville last Satur day and beat the Jayhawkers two to one. Keep your seines out of the river, unlets you desire to test the law on that subject A. B. French, Fsq., of Clyde, is going to build a handsome residence, this summer. Mite Society at the M. E. Church, this (Thursday) evening. Everybody invited. Canfield Hedrick A Bristol have the best $30 steel tooth hay rake sold in Fremont The residence of James Miller, near Fort Clinton was burglarized one day last week. Mr. Nellis, of Elmore, suffers a great ca lamity in having the ill-will of the Courier. Clymer of the Bucyrus Forum prefers G rac ier to liberty or death. Mistaken choice that Go to Dillon's when you want anything snade in the tin or sheet iron line. W. W. Downs Esq., of Atohinaon, Kansas, was in the city over last Sabbath. The sil ver wedding, at Gen. Gibson's, in Tiffin, hut week, was a grand affair. The latest style in dresses, must have been suggested by looking at a demoralised rag' baby. The election for Postmaster, at Findlay, last week, resulted in favor of Thomas E. Adams. Grounds bordering on the street, present a better appearance, since the hog law has been in force. School Teachers wishing situations in the Union Schools of Fremont see "Notioe to Teachers." Dillon sells the best cook stove made in the world. It has taken the premium at forty State Fairs. Delegates to the Philadelphia Convention, will bring home stuffed specimens of Jersey tnusquitoes. E. H. SimkTns is agent for Lyons' Celebra ted Kitchen Furnace, something every family should have. We are going to Tiffin, to-morrow, to view the city by daylight, and inspect White's treat ise on ancient biscuit Sam Smoyer, of Tiffin, caught a butter tub on his nose, one day last week. It disgusted him with the business. A railroad employee fooled with Tom Gran ger's bears, in Clyde, last week and came out of the fray badly mussed. Hon. J. F. Topping started for Denver city, on Monday night Mrs. Topping will remain here during the summer. The foliage of shade trees and shrnbbery, that adorn our streets and grounds, never look de as beautiful as this year. Don. A. Pease, Esq., and wife, of Toledo, were in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Close, during the past week. Tan trots bis black Terrier, against Quitter's cream Long-ear, at the Tiffin races to-morrow, but stands no chance of winning. Mr. P. Close, has constructed a fountain on hit grounds on Birchard Avenue, which adds materially to their appearance. Mr.' Win. B. Sheldon, had his left thumb mashed, while at work about the Car Com pany's grounds, on Thursday of last week. Orvin Pittenger, of Tiffin, a young man highly esteemed in that place, died at the res idence of hit parents, on Thursday the 23d nit Deputy Sheriff, Moore, and ex druggist Young, accompanied Tan on his diving expe dition to the bottom of the Sandusky, on Tues day. Bellerue is interesting herself in the pro posed Chicago and New York Air Line Bail toad. Why don't our citizens investigate the matter. gFindlay voted on Monday seventy-eight thousand dollars for the extension of the L. E. & L. Railway. Every rote was In favor of the tax. Eleven persons were thrown from a wagon, and seriously injured, between Tiffin and Re public, one day last week. A fool of a driver was the cause. An outrage was attempted on a young lady, in Tiffin, as the wag walking along the street, one evening last week, but her cries brought assistance, and the rilain fled. The Perrysbnrg Journal has such an affec tion for the Bowling Green Sentinel, that it copies each week most of the Sentinel' i local matter, with slighting comments. Two white horses, drawing a big foot on wheels, in which were seated three well pre served specimens of Sandwich Island Mum mies, paraded our streets on Saturday. One or two of the boys tumbled off from juildings, at the fire on Friday afternoon. One was struck on the head with a chain, and aeveral were tumbled about rather promiscu ously, but no one was seriously injured. Some mothers joy in pent came near fit ting himself for an infant funeral, with the tensest kind of intense delight at the content of a love letter which be greedily devoured at he passed along the street the other day. The colored youth whose passion for inno cent pastimes lead him to steal a gun and tun- frf ether trtteJet tamettsu tgo was Wtd V fore Judge Greene, on Wednesday, and found guilty. A alight dose of lock-cp will be ad ministered. Amateur musicians, from the country, visit town every Saturday, to practice on accord e ons and jewt-harps at the musio stores. Dys peptics, not too far gone, might be cured by loafing around within hearing distance, at such times. Tiffin didn't get up a new railroad project, last week, but will after the fair. White, of the Star, will be sent to New Zealand, in the interest of a Tiffin and New Zealand under ground and sub-marine railway. Such a road will help Tiffin. The Northern Ohio Dental Association held their annual session at Put-in-Bay last week. The time fixed for the next meeting of the Association is the second Tuesday in June, 1873. The officers for the ensuing year are as follows; B. F. Robinson, (Cleveland) Presi dent; Charles Buffett, Corresponding Secre tary; J. E. Bobison, Treasurer. A countryman named William Whitney, in a state of despondency, fired a pistol at his head in Toledo, on the 29th ult, and succeed ed in instantly killing himself. He was man 3 years of age, and had been former! very intemperate. Nothing was known i to the immediate cause of the rash act, but bottle of whiskey in one pocket and a vial of Costar's Terrain Exterminator in another, would lead to the conclusion that he had pre meditated the deed. . Wilber F. Dunn, a human monster, living near Ataumee City, several years ago took little girl ten years of age to live with him. and soon began taking improper liberties with her, which were continued up till a few days ago, when he took her to a saleon in To ledo. Her father who had been widowed bat married again, and had taken tho girl home again became alarmed at her absence, and getting some friends to join in the search for her, found her at the saloon. After hearing her story a warrant was issued for the arrest of Dunn, who was found locked up in a pri vate room in the city, and he was taken to MaumeeCity where, in default of bail, in $-5,- 000, be was sent to jail to await his trial. No punishment would be too severe for the guilty wretch. Recaption. As cur plant has again made its debut we shall hold a public reception ev ery Saturday afternoon. Thanks. We acknowledge the receipt of late papen from Perua, S. A., sunt by Lieut. S. L. Wilson, of the TT. S. N. Look Out. The measles have scarcely left us. The white hat fever is raging to a fearful extent, but happily it is not a danger ous malady. Not bad. Dan Juue's advice to a coupli of betting men, who were anxious to make i wager the other day, was to "put up beer and let him hold the stakes.'' Thanks. we are under obligations to Mrs. P. Close for a beautiful hanging basket of choice plants from her green-house. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." Birthday Party. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sheldon, gave a very pleasant party at their residence, on Arch street, on Wednesday even ing, m Honor ol tup birtnday oi tneir son Harry. Comprehensive. Price, who attended the Dental Convention, lost week, says as the resultof his observations, that Put-in Bay is an immense bowling alley, completely surround- ed and partially submerged, by a vast expanse of Catawba wine. List of Letters remaining in the Fremont Post-office, uncalled for May 6, 1372: A. J. Burt Daniel O.poer, Mrs. Mary Dearwatuter, Hobert Duoum, John ivaner. Samuel Loisest N. T. McHan, Mrs. Henry Sagely, it. v. Steele S (Jo., Urs. Tibbie Wan- namaker 2, Miss Treasy Wasmer, C. Wright Btraberry Festival. The members of the M. E. Society are arranging to hold a Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival, at their church, Thursday evening, June 29th. This will probably be the first of the season, and should draw a good attendance. Who Knows? We have been asked a number of times, recently, if our eity would oelebrata on the fourth of July. Does any body know? We don't It seems however as if we might burst a cannon or two on that day, with considerable propriety. ArmBroken. On Friday of last week, a young lad about 15 years of age, by the came of Steinberger, was thrown from a wagon while driving near his homo in Ballville Township, and had his arm badly fractured between the shoulder and elbow. The Fremont Journal 1b urging upon the farmers of Sandusky County to organize far mers' clubs. That is right The advantage of these clubs has been fully demonstrated in this county. Our intelligent farmers would not do without them. Sandusky Register. Promoted. Every body knows Queen H. M. He has been employed on the Lake Shore Road, ever since it was built, and most of the time as engineer. He has recently .been ap pointed conductor of a passenger train, which is a just recognition of his faithful services. Would Run. Ex Sheriff Eusseli's gray mare hadn't made fast time for a year or two until Tuesday, and was spoiling for some ex citement Consequently it improved au excel lent opportunity, and struck off with au open buggy, -which was not materially unproved by the splurge. Runaway. On Sunday, as a man named Taylor from Greeneburg, with his family, was riding up John Street, behind a pair of mules, the long eared beauties frightened at some thing and lit out in a hurry, but brought up on a vacant lot near Buckland Avenue, with out any serious results. Died. Mrs. Cole, wife of Capt. John L. Cole, living near this city, died quite suddenly on Monday evening, at the age of 6S years. Her funeral was largely attendud on Thurs day at the family residence. Mrs. Cole was a woman well known aud highly esteemed by all the older residents in this vicinity. Revenue Notice. By reference to the notice of the Internal Revenue Collector, to tax payers, in another column, it will be seen that the Deputy Collector will be at the Fust National Bank in this city, to receive taxes, Wednesday, June 12th, and at Clyde, Friday, June 11, for the accomodation of tax payers that vicinity. Looks Bad. Those piles of brush and rubbish along the river bank opposite the Gas Works, on Front street, do not improve the appearance of that part of town, aud the place should not be made a repository for all the debris that accumulates at other places. We call the attention of our city au thorities to this place and hope they will see that it it cleaned np and no more rubbish al lowed there. Disturbance. There are a number of boyt or young men, who have been in the habit, lately, of hanging around the room oc cupied by the temperance division, and by their loud talk and in other ways, disturbing not only the meeting, but occupants of the of fioes in the building. These young men are not members of the division, and have no business to be prowling about and creating disturbance, and they will save their reputa tion, whoever they are, by discontinuing this practice. The Fishing Interest. The members of the Sandusky Valley, Fishing and Shooting Association, held a meeting on Monday even ing, and arranged to bring suit under the law of 1871, against certain parties who have per sisted in fishing with a seine in the waters of the Sandusky River in open violation of law. The association has endeavored to stop this without resorting to law, but have found it impossible and will now proceed at once under the law. A petition was also prepared and signed to be presented to the commissioners, requesting them to notify owners of dams, to comply with the law. Carner. Our citizens have been bored so much of late, by worthless entertainments, that they have grown cautious about patron izing every show that comes along. It was due to this condition of things, that the B p Taa Winkle Company were not more largely ptrojiw on Friday tad Saturday evenings. of last week, though on the last evening the inclement weather prevented many from go ing out Mr, Carner, as Bip Tan Winkie it good, and seems to fully appreciate the spirit of that rare creation of eccentrio humor. In the character of Solon Bhingle, made to fa mous by John Owen, the ability of Mr. Car ner as a comedian it made even more fully apparent, and those who failed to witness his impersonation of this character, missed treat. We hope the troupe may return here at some future time, although the encourage ment for so doing was very meager. The Great Industries of the United States. ThiB is one of the most valuable works which bat yet been offered to the Amer ican public, embracing, as it does, an interest ing record of the rise and progress of each art discussed, and also a lucid statement of the modes and processes of manufacture in each. The great diversity of interest treated makes the work an encyclopedia of useful knowledge, and an invaluable instructor, while the interesting style in which the sub jects are treated, relieves it of the dryness of a mere scientific treatise, aud engages the at tention of the reader. It ia a work for the inventor, the mechanic, the merchant, finan cier, and farmer, whether young or old. It is a work ol i,juuu pages, and contains more than 00 illustrations. The agent Mrs. H. M. (Justin, has commenced canvassing for this work, and will call upon and lay its merits more particularly before our citizens.. In Style. The delegates from Sandusky, Tiffin, Norwalk and Fremont to Philadelphia, went in oil the impressive style that the great occasion seemed to demand. A palace coach, chartered for the round trip, left Sandusky on Monday night ' The Great Western Band was taken along to play Watts' select hymns dar ing morning and evening devotional service. We understand by private telegram, that the organization and departure of the company presented a very imposing spectacle. An in ventory of the baggage showed, that it consis ted of twenty-nine gallons and a small hand satchel, which one member had with bim by accident A preliminary meeting was held in the lumber yard near the depot, and the or ganization perfected by electing Clark Senter, Chaplain and Spirituous Adviser; Balsley, Superintendent of Corkscrews; Yerk, Histori an and Store-keeper. The Norwalk delega tion went into a committee of the whole, to forage for clean paper collars and provisions. Mack had gone to New York iu advenes of the party to contract for hymn books and sec ond-hand speeches. He joined them at Phila delphia. Before leaving, each member was photographed, bo that each man could pick himself out on the return. The last report from them is from Washington, wither they went to serenade the President, but on going up Pennsylvania Avenue, were overtaken by a fog and lost their way. Sv.rr- : aid Schurz will probably "investigate" tho situation to day. Real Estate Transfers. Furnished by W. W. Stein, County Recorder: J. G. Bruggnr to J. V. and T. S. Vogt, i 1-2 acres section 9, York $2,000 Hannah Harley to Anna E. Burk, 20 acres in secuon 34, Washington 1,000 Wm. B. Van Norman to 8. P. Wottriug, lot N o. 3o0, Clyde l,3o0 Cxeorpe R. Brown to Saphronia Newton, lot io. ckm, i,iyue 485 300 Paul Leibold to Charles Klussman, lot Of? D.I, Cuas. Klussman to Anna O. Loibold. part out lot 22, Bellevue 300 Harvey Gray to Edward Steffy, 80 acres' iu becuou i, ureen urees: 2,600 900 1,000 2.S00 4,000 J. R and H. Pease to Board of Educa tion, lots 1423 and 1424, Fremont William Weeks to Josephine D. Robst, lot 147, Clyde Frank Grover to Dinah GuinaU, SO acres I , i urn Pauline E. Canfield to Anna L. fism. field, out lots 207 and 208, Fremont Charlotte E. Smith to A-lam Mehlintr l. UiU nn T? . of w iv nun 11V, i 1 CH1UI1 u 3,500 900 G50 Isaac Saarp to Joseph Dillensuyder, part ot lots you ane Sol, Fremont Adam Melding to A. H.Miller, 10 feet off east part lot 109, Fremont Chas Thompson to Maitiu Berlin", lot i. u. uoo, x rauiout 600 William Blank to Rudolph Peters. 40 . a ur . ii ' iu ocvuuu a, v, UUUVUIO 1,000 315 James A. Drown to Joscnhino Bab- cock, part of section 36, Green Creek, Josiah Alatz to Solomon Harsh, lot No. iuu, xieuevue 375 1,400 Albert Gachwind to Jacob Halbisen, 20 uuios in secuon n, xuiey Peter Basore to Daniel Wilcox, 1 acre in secuon m, ureen ureelc 200 FIRE ON FRIDAY. FIRE ON FRIDAY. Four Barns entirely Consumed-Scarcity of Water. The most exciting fire that has visited our city for a long time, occurred on Friday after noon of last week. It was first disenrnrari in a wood house attached to a barn belonging to Mr. J. Valett of Toledo, and situated on the alley extending from Main to Clover Streets. xne oiarm was immediately given, and the firemen and citizens hastened to the spot, but the building bemg dry as tinder, aud filled with combustible material, the fire spread rapidly to three other barns standing near,and for a time it was thought that the residence of Mr. S. Seargent, v. hich was but a few feet from the fire, must certainly burn, and it was stripped of every article of furniture. The house of Judge Greene was also endangered, but by great effort both were saved. The scarcity of water prevented the department from rendering as efficient service as they could otherwise have done. Four barns, with a quantity of hay and grain, and a couple ef setts of harness, and other articles, were des troyed. Two belonging to Mr. S. Seargent one to Judge Greene and oue to Mr. J. Valett. Mr. Seargent's furniture ' was considerably damaged by being taken out us is always the case when furniture is handled at a fire, and we belive that it is only uuder circumstances of the most imminent peril, that it is a favor to the owner to attempt to remove furniture from a dwelling. How tho tire originated is not certainly known. Two oi the barnB burned were partially insured. By the exper ience at this fire we are again reminded of our helpless condition, on account of scarcity of water. If the property of our city ia worth protecting, this subject demands consideration. Tbe question of introducing the Holley Sys tem of Water Works is being agitated at the present time, and we hope will result in adop ting some 6ystem that shill prove efficient From the White Pine, Nevada, News. A WIFE SCALPER. His Terrible End-A Cousin and Protege of William H. Seward-Gambling, Forgery, Flight, Murder and Death. Iu the issue of April 18th, we published an account of the scalping of Mrs. Purdv bv her husband at Government Spriugs, Utah, on tbe 9ch, and also her death on the 11th, while on her way to Ogden with her father and broth ers. .Furdy escaped after committing a deed that would haug him, and was traced to the Fiimore road by the officers. He was sur prised aud captured in camp near Lake Sevier. Xbe officers laid over two days to recruit their animals, and started with their prisoner for Government Springs, and intended to take him to Salt Lake City. About half wav be. tween the Springs and the city a party of twenty armed men sarrounded them and de manded Purdy. The officers saw that resis tance was useless and delivered him up. He was taken a short distance from the road, aud, alter a short examination, sentenced to be shot Half an hour was given him to prepare for death. He acknowledged that his object in marrying the woman was to possess him self of her property, and that his intenton was to kill her when he learned that she had ex posed his operations to her father and broth ers at Ogden. He stated that he was born iu Auburn, N. Y., and that his mother and Wil liam H. Seward were cousins. Mr. Seward maintained aud educated him at his own ex pense. When the war broke out he joined the New York volunteers and took part in several battles. In the summer of 1863 he was sent to Washington on important business by the remainder of the brigade. While there lie gamuiea on lus own money ana several thousand dollars entrusted to him by mem bers ot nis regiment to be delivered to their friends. Becoming desperate he forged Sew ard's name in a check lor 1,000 and received the money on it from Corcoran, the Washing ton banker. He left the city in disguise im mediately aiter receiving the money, and af ter many narrow escapes from arrest reached Omaha. He spent oil the money he had in a few months, and went to Denver, Colorado Territory. He next turned up at Santa Fe, New M.ixico, and married the daughter of Manuel Zapata, one ot the wealthiest ranchers in New Mexico. One of his wife's brothers detected him in a swindling operation, and in a difficulty between them be killed his broth-er-in law. He fied the country and reached the line of the Union Pacitio Railroad, where be continued np to tie tint pi going to, Qg- i den. After giving the above account of him self, he told the party to finish him as soon as possible if they meant business. When asked if he had any message to send to his friends, he said he would send a dispntoh from hell and let them know. He wat shot and buried on the spot. NEWS ITEMS. A man in Wyandot County hot 6,760 sheep to shear. The Leader thinks that Cleveland is to have large rubber works, by the side of the C. & P. Railroad, and near the House of Correction. The Cleveland Paper Company's paper mill, recently burned at Monroe Falls, is being re built Heavy foundations are already laid. Mr. W. G. Williams, a well known mer chant of Cleveland, was drownod on Tuesday evening, it is thought by bathing after the heat caused by rowing. The Secretary of State, in replying to a let ter from General Banks, says: "No American citizens are imprisoned in Canada on account of complicity in the invasion of Canada." Miss Laura Sweeney, of Xenia, who lately prosecuted a lady in Xenia for slander, and gained a verdict of 11,200 for the same, was married yesterday to a Mr. Morton, of Bur lington, Iowa. Miss Ruth Shauh daughter of Peter Shau!, of Urbano, committed suicide by taking strychnine, on the evening of the 26th inst The cause was interference with lore affairs by her parents. Two thousand acres of land hare been leased in Belmont county near the Noble county line, ana a ieaa ana silver mining company orga nized to develop the territory. Wheeling cap italists are the originators of tbe enterprise. A large portion of the village of South So lon, Madison county, Ohio, was destroyed by fire late Friday night Nine of the finest res idences, a dry goods store, grocery and other buildings were burned. Loss (20,000; parti- ally injured. The Conference Committee on the tariff and tax bill have agreed on a report They place whisky at seventy cents, which covers every thing except the ten-cent stamp on the barrel for the rectifier, and fixes a uniform tax of twenty cents on tobacco. A detail of theNinth regiment visited Bratt- leboro, Vermont, on Decoration Day, tnd strewed flowers upon the grave of Fisk, their late commander. It is an act of grace hand somely conceived, and will be appreciated none the less because of the blemishes upon the memory of the dead man. A week or two ago the New York Herald began to speak in rather kindly tones of the Cincinnati nominatiou. The Herald is always wide awake for pqpular indications, and thought at that time there might be a possibil ity of Greeley's success. The momentary ex citement is now over, however, and the Herald says that "looking over the whole field of po litical movements and probabilities, the indi cations are that General Grant will be Presi dent of the United States till 1877." Three hundred of the best citizens of Ply mouth, Richland Co., recently assembled around an old and dilapidated market house, hich occupied the most conspicuous position in the city, and at a given signal, the unsight ly building was soon leveled to the ground. It is the intention to erect on the square thus va cated a handsome fountain, which will prove a "thing of beauty." and be effectual in reliev ing the thirst of those who might otherwise seek to quench it in a stronger fluid. NewOrleans now claims the honor of having given birth to the legitimate heir to the throne of Spain. It appears that old Ferdinand YH was a much married man; having had no lest than four wives in succession. One of these died in giving birth to a son, who was smug gled to New Orleans, where he thrived and grew to nineteen, when he married a beautiful Creole. The son of this wedded pair has now appeared iu Europe, and claims his inherit ance, to tne great disgust or Asturias, over whom he maintains precedence. He is famil iarly known as the "White Count," and the question now arises, Who is he? Spain is on the verge of another revolution because Serranno has insisted on releasing the captured Carlists instead of shooting them. The brutalities of the Cuban Generals evident ly fulfil the Spanish ideal of dealing with revolution, while the generous elements of 'on old soldier is too much in harmony with the ideas of most oivilized men, to suit a race on whom their American conquests conferred greatness and a certain ineradicable brutality at the some time. Blood thira tineas is too in timately associated with priestcraft and ig norance to be at all likely to die out in Spain for some time to come. It is a remarkable fact that the most power- ful railroad corporation in the United States the Pennoylvonia Railroad Company has in charge of its affairs a set of men who are phy sically at death's very door. J. Edger Thomp. ton, the President of the company, has gone to Europe in a rain effort to recover his health which has been utterly undermined by his ar- duoas labor. His friends scarcely expect to see him return alive. Colonel Thomas A. Scott who is acting as president,!! very weak, and has often presided at meetings of railroad boards while on the sick bed. Henry J. Lorn- beort, the second rice-president, has lost the use of his faculties from overwork, and hat been placed in an insane asylum. Henry W, Grimier, general passenger agant, has resigned on account of ul health. Our Canadian neighbors do not intend to be without the means of public defense, if such can be improvised out of her citizens. The re port of the Minister of Militia for 1871 has j ust been published, from which it appears that Fenian raids have done something toward perfecting a militia system in Canada. Two artillery schools are to be established, one to be located at Kingston, the other at Quebee, both of which are to be placed under the com mand of officers in the royal artillery service. At these schools it is proposed to thoroughly train such young men as are designed for of ficial service in the militia. Two military dis tricts have been established, ono called the Manitoba and the other the British Columbia, and these two embrace the whole cf British North America. The noiniual strength of the militia forces at the close of last year was 43,' 3 men, of whom 34,414 officers and men at tended the last annual drill. The whole re port shows the militia service to be in a strong and admirably efficient condition. Fer bargains in White Dress Goods be sure to call a J. Ryan fe Co's. Their stock is im mense and their prices low. 23tf Go at once and buy one of those priceless gifts for your wife, the Summer Furnace, price on!y2. 23-26 E. H. Sixxixs, Agent Wash and you'll be clean, if you use the DOLLAR REWAR SOAP." l-ever, G. F. BUCHMAN, Agent. Testimonial. PLYMOUTH, O., June 1st, 1872. DR. H. W. LIBBEY: Deae Sib: I write this to you to let yon know what the effect of your Remedies wat on me. I had a spasmodic trouble in stomach with canker, dyspeptic, exceedingly prostrat ed, great want of vitality, &c. The first few days I commenced taking your Remedies, I felt well stirred up, and was inclined to give up the use of the medicines; but my folks in sisted that I should keep on. I did to, with the happiest of results. I can now eat any thing without distress. I am strong- and healthy; all of my difficulties have been thor- ughly removed. I cauuot speak too highly of your treatment. Though I was somewhat prejudiced at first I am now a firm advocate of Dr. Libbey's treatment How strange it is that people will not accept the truth at once and be benefitted by it. Many would rather die scientifically than be cured by Dr. Libbey. r or my part, x prefer to live. Yours, of Miss E. Drosbeeee. Dr. Libbey may be consulted for two days nly at Cooper House, Thursday and Fridav. June 13th and 14th. Ve have our own opiuion of a man, who will let his wife roast over a red-hot stove, on red-hot day, doing her ironing, when for 82 he can purchase one of those cute little Sum mer Furnaces, which heat the flat-irons, and leave the stove cool, se that ironing becomes a pleasure rather than a work to be dreaded. to Buy one at once. E. H. Si Kins, Agent To remove Paint or Tar from your Cloth ing, use the "DOLLAR REWARD SOAP." G. F. BucHMiX, Agent Youngman has a big stock ot Hats sad 'Caps, which yon can hoy cbwp. This is no intoxicating beverage or doc tored liquor, to lead the tippler on to drunke ness and ruin, but a strictly medical prepara tion made from roots and herbs, suitable to any age or condition. At a family remedy, Simmons' Liver Regulator it equal to an en tire medicine chest For Sale by S. BrCKiain) & Soir. Truth and Poetry. Milton puts into the mouth of Lucifer, in "Paradise Lost," these memorable words "TO BE WKAX IB MIBKKAJLI." Never was a truer sentence written than this supposed to be wrung from the Arch fiend in his impotence and agony. Every victim of nervous debility, or of that depres sing languor which is one of the accompani ments of dyspepsia and biliousness, can terti fy to the misery of mind and body which they involve. The motive power of the system is partially paralyzed; the mind is haunted by anxiety and foar; and the sufferer is as incapa ble oi applying nimseii energetically to any kind of business as if he were under the be numing influence of catalepsy. This terrible mental aud physical condition need not how be endured lor forty-eight hours by any Human uemg. x'ihtatiu2t .ditteus is an absolute specific for all the torments which deranged Ptomach, a disordered liver, and shattered sivrros, superinduce. Chaste Ice, and Pure as Snow. Ane in-T-int Sozodont is a scientific com position w i s purest and choicest ingredients of the Oriental vegetable kingdom. Every ingredient is well known to have a beneficial effect on the teeth and gums. It removes all disagreeable odors, even that of tobacco. speedily removes those ravages which children sustain in their teeth, owing to improper use of sweet and acid articles, which impercepti bly destroy them. Spalding's Glue, the stickiest thing out Wanted: Two experienced men to sell the Domestic Sewing Machine. - The most popular Machine now before the people. Live men make from 25.00 to 940.00 per week selling this Machine. 22 tf L. Lbpfelxah, Look Out for Them! Parties in the employ of certain tewing ma chine companies, are traveling through the country pretending to be repairing the differ ent kinds of machines. Their rtal business beiug to canvass for and (peak favorably of the maohiues sold by the company employing them, and to discourage parties from purchas ing the Domestic Machine, by all means of misrepresentations. Don't let them attempt to repair your Domestic machines, or meddle with them. They will only do an injury, that beiug their real business. If there is any thing wrong with your machines, bring or send them in to my store. I always keep competent men to adjust and repair machines, and do it Free of Costs in all cases, where the difficulty is not the result of accident or care lessness. 22tf. L. Leppelkan, Anderson & Co. have just received a large and choice collection of Green and Hot House Plants, Hardy Roses, Geraniums, Terbinas. Basket and Tariegated Leaf Plants, from Oak land Nurseries, Springfield. Ohio. tvatcu out for chills and fever, and pre pare the system for resisting its attack by using Milhoft's Anti Periodic Every bottle is warranted, for sale by Thomas, Grund Lang, who are the only authorized agents. Anderson & Co. have some choice Cu cumber Pickles, for sale by the dozen and hundred. DEAD BUGS! Now is the time to save your Potatoes, by killing the first installment of Potato Bugs. To do this effectually, use Paris Green and buy it of Thokab, Gbund & Ltxo. Ladles, when you want a nice, light, sub stantial Carpet Broom, go to Andebsos & Co. The Tie which the tier in tying a tie; and new styles of neckties at Youngman's. S. P. Meng has received large quantities of Spring Goods. The corner room in Tyler's Block is jammed full of Boots and Shoes, and Hats and Caps, all of which ia being sold at rock bottom prices, every person it invited to oome and get bargains at S. P. Meno's, Tyler's Block. Lanmaus' Llquied Bluing it acknowl edged by all to be the best in use. It has no equal, and is warranted to be free from acid, manufactured and sold by 22 tf Thomas, Gbund & Laxo, We Keep Louisville Cement always on hand, the best for all purposes in the mar ket, and it only costs (2.25 per barrel, at our office near the depot, or at our Frear Stone Works on Water Street where it can be had in any quantity without the barrel. We also keep the famous Cement. 21tf D. L. Jtob ib Sow. Castoria a substitute for Castor Oil a vegetable preparation containing neither Min erals, Morphine nor Alcohol. Ic is pleasant to take, does not nauseate, and operates when all other remedies failed. Dr. Pitcher has exneri- meuted fifteen years in producing a nreDaxa- cion more efficient than Castor Oil, without its horrid taste. The Castoria regulates the system; cures constipation, stomach ache,croup auu iiabuieucv, uuu juiib wunuB. AC aoes not distress or gripe. By its quietine. soothinc eueci u prouuee natural sleep, ana is particu larly auapieu to crying ana eeuiliur children. We desire Physicians to test this article,and wiu lorwara inree Docues OBATIS to the ad dress of any oue so authenticated. Insist that your druggist order it for you. It costs but aJ cents, aud one bottle will tare many doo- boraouis. zl-24 The cheapest Paper Collars in the world for sole by Dryfoos & Bro. Scotch Suits, very cheap, at Youngman's. Youngman wants to see yon at his Cloth ing Store. Happy the man who lives just, fears not, and buyB his Clothes of Dryfoos & Bro. I have one hundred thousand well burned brick for sale, which I will deliver on short notice. 20-22 Oscab Bali,, For Party Kids, for new style Kid Gloves, for the beit variety of Kids, go to Wm. A. Rice & Bros'. Fancy Dry Goods House. Dorr It Sou have just opened a fall line ol U. T. K. Fiue bhoes fur ladies, misses aud chil dren, manufactured expressly for the fall trade fhey are the bestin marketandinthe latest style. Don't waste your money in buying old Shelf-worn Goods, when you can get nice, clean new goods and new styles, at less prices at S. P. Meng's Boot and Shoe, aud Hat and Cap Store. Call and see for yourself. For real Laces, Lace Collars and Handker chiefs, at half their real value, go to Wm. A. Rice & Bros'. Notice the large sales of Dress Goods Black Silks and Summer Silks, that Wm. A. Rice & Bros', are now selling so cheap. Wm. A. Rice & Bros', have just received all the latest styles of Parasols at reduced pri ces. Come and see the new style handles. Wm. A. Rice & Bros', are selling Clark's and Coate's best Spool Cotton at 7c, Th Cause of Temoarence finds some its most insidious and dangerous foes in the many so-called "tonics" and "appetizers," made of cheap whisky and refuse liquors, fin ished up to suit depraved appetites, under the name of medicines. Dn. Walkeb's Califob nia Yikeuab Bitters are none of these. not a beverace. but a genuine medi cine, purely vegetable, prepared from Califor nia herbs by a regular physician. For all dis eases of the stomach, liver, kidneyc, bladder, skin and blood, they are an infallible and un rivalled remedy. 20-23 500 pieces Brown aud 'Bleached Muslin, one shilling per yard. A. Rice & Bbos'.. if For Fancy Goods, Bows, Ribbons, fcc, go Wm. A. Rice oc Bros'. For fine Dress Goods, Party Silks, Wed ding Outfits, go to Wm. A. Rice fc Bros'. For cheap medium and fiue Ladies' Cotton Hose go to Wm. A. Rice & Bros'. Tbe Celebrated Buffalo and Cleveland Boots canys alwa be found at Dorr & Son's. Staomo icCo.m is the only house that sells the Buffalo Waterproof French Flip Boots. Call and see them before you buy. S3tf Farmer look to your interests, and buy a Boot that will wear you from one to two years and keep soft. Callfoxtht Buffalo Boot, lold only bjlhamtwCo. Mtf, OXOE MORE, FRIENDS, WE GREET YOU! ermon Arc receiving Eai large mm mm AND New, fresh and attractive, di rect fron the manufacturers. Oar prices are everywhere re cognized to he the lowest in Fremont Thankful for past liberal pa tronage, we solict a continuance, and promise in return the low est prices and the best goods in the market HBRLION 8c. WILSON. Odd Fellows Block, Front Street, Fremont. k Wilson daily from the additions of SUMMER SfTf s Mm mm JUAN AND WIFE. Essays for Tonne men. on the great SOCIAL EVILS and AllUSEa, which interfere with M ABEIASK with sure meads of relief for the erring and uufortuonte, diseased and debili tated. Bent free in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 8. Ninth St. Philadelphia. Fa. Rubber Point It beautiful, durable, elastic, economical, and will resist water better than any other Paint manufactured. S. Buckland & Son have been appointed agents for Fremont, Ohio. 17tf Every one that has used our Tolu and Wild Cherry Balsam, for Coughs and Colds speak very highly of it, end recommend it as being the best Cough aud Cold Medicine pre pared. Sold at the Prescription Drug Store, 75o per bottle. 9tf S. Buckland tic Sox. Spring Suits, at Dryfoos & Bro. The place to buy Tea, Sugar and Coffee, is at the Cheap Store of P. Close's. Ot all the sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are those of the man who didn't buy his Clothing of Youngman. . . Youngman ia crazy, at least so one would think, by the quantities of clothing he it sell ing. Dryfoos 4t Bro. still have a few of those cheap Hats left. Leppelman still offers one dollar to any one who will inform him where any Howe, Singer or Weed See wing Machine it left on trial, providing said machine is not already sold or bargained for. The Domestic is the King of all Sewing Machines. Do not buy a Machine until you have tried a Domestic. It will sew any kind of thread and any kind of goods. 14tf Go early, if you would secure the best bar gains, at the Clothin j Store of Dryfoos & Bro. Ol man, know this, that if thou woulds't acquire much wealth, buy your Clothing of Dryfoos & Bro. When you go to the postoffice, stop in at Youngman's and rest. ' Hats aud Capt, Allthelato styles at Menu's, Tyler's Block Fremont, Ohio. The beet of Type, good Press es.andexcellent material, enables us to turn outthefinestwork, atliberal rates. felieino A. Co. sell the celebrated C T.E. Shoes for Ladies, Misses and Children pair warranted. 33tf 8 homo Sc Co sell Burt's fine Boots and Mtf Shoes. Bill Heads, on good paper, printed at this office onshort notice and atreasoaable prices; Sale Bil Is printed at thlsolfioe, at an hour's notise. .Caution. Every genuine box of Dr. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS bears the signa ture of FLEMING BRO'S., Pittsburgh, Pa., and their private United States Stamp. yTake no other." The market ia full of imitation. For best Pictures, finest Styles, and best variety of Pioture Frames, go to Harris's Photograph Booms, opposite Cooper House. Utl Shoemaker will find the very best Sole and Upper Leather, heavy and fine; also every description of Findings at Dorr ft Son's. Everybody in need of Boots and Shoes, will save money by calling at A. Hoot's. Oil Table Cloths. . Splendid imitations of Cedar, Walnut and Marble. This is a choice article and for sale cheap, at J. D Moobk's. lltf Those who have desired to have a neat Oil Cloth table spread, can now be, accomodated. Beatiful imitations of Marble, 'Walnut and Cedar, at J. D. Mooas's. lltf Burl's Silver Medal Fine Shoes. A full assortment of thoae magnificent goods made by Edwin C.Burt has just been received. They Wear longer than two pairs of other fine shoes, keep their shape, and look neat and nice until completly worn out, we warrant every pair. For sale only by S. P. Mesa s, Fremont, Ohio. Before you Dye Your carpet rags, call at the Prescription Drug Store of S. Buckland & Son, and get their valuable color receipts filled, and you will be sure to get a good and lasting color. Iowa, NebraHka, Kansas, California. Advertising aloue doos not produce success. The thing which is advertised must have in trinsic nurit, er else huge advertising will eventually do it more barm than good. If you hare anything which you know to be good, advertise it thoroughly, and you will be sure to succeed; if it is poor, don't praise it, for people will soon discover you are lying. Such is the policy of the Bobllnotox Route, which runs to three great regions in the West 1st, To Omaha, connecting with the great Pacific Roads. 2d, To Lincoln, the capital of Nebraska, aud all that beautiful re gion south of the Platte, filled with B. It. lands aud homesteads. 3d, To Saint Joseph, Kansas City and all Kansas points. The roads are splendidly built,have the best bridges, fiuest cars, the Miller platform and coupler, and the safety air brake (to prevent the loss of life that is every where else happen ing); Pullman's sleepers, Pullman dining cars, large and powerful engiues (to make quick time aud good counectious,) aud are in a word the best equipped roads in the West. So that if you desire to go safely, surely, quickly and comfortable to any point iu Southern Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, or ou tho Pacific Roads, be Bure that gou go "By Way of Burlington." All who wish particular iuformatiou, and a large map, showing correctly the Great West, and ail its railroad connections, can obtain them, and any other addressing General Passei'ger Agent, B. & Mo. B. R. K., Burlington, Iowa. Married. May 30th, by Bev. II. Long, Mr. Chablks F. GntBiK and Mist Elizabeth Smith, both of Fremont. May 10th, 1872, bv the tame, Mr. Hevbt F. Hstsb and Mist CabolX5 Sxtts, both of WsAhirjgtoa. Township. SPECIAL NOTICES. How We Vued. to be Physicked. Who does not remember the time when spring purgation was considered indispensable to sum mer health? No matter for wry faces, the inevita ble salts and tanna, rhubarb, or calomel and jalap, must be administered. These "spring medicines," the youcgrters were told, were to keep them hale and hearty during the summer. We all know now that this was a fallacy; that new vigor, not depletion, is what is required at the commence ment of the summer solstice . As a preparation for the enervating effects of oppressive summer weath er, a courie of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is high ly expedient. This famous vegetable preparation has three prominent properties: It renovates, pu rines, and regulates all the functions of the body. It is composed exclusively of pure vegetable pro ductions, viz: The esseential principle of Monon gahela Bye, and the most efficacious tonic and al terative roots, barks, and gums known to medical botanists. Hence, it is an absolutely safe medi cine, and no tincture of the PharmacopuBia can compare with it either in purity, or in the variety of its objects, and its comprehensive results. Hap. pily for mankind, the theory that it was necessary to prostrate a patient in order to cure him, is for ever exploled, and the true ph-hsophical doctrine, that vigor is the errat antaeoList of disease, has taken its place. Hostetter's bitters are an inrig orant, aud hence it is the proper medicine for the feeble at this most trying season of the year. Be sure that yon obtain the genuine' article, as there are inuumerab'.e vile imitations in thn mar ket. Look to the ornamental italf, the engraved label, and the name blown into the glass. Hes tetter's Stomach Bitters is sold in bottles only. N Eli VOlS DEBILITY. Thousands anf f er from It. A weak, nervous,exhausted feeling, no energy, animation or vigor, low spirits, confused head, weak memory, noctnrnalor involuntary seminal emissions, with lossof power and threatenedimpotence. Theoon' sequence of excesses, overwork ot indiscretions. This is nervous debility, and it finds a sovereign remedy in Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. twenty-eight. Thousands have been cured by these simple sugar pills. They tone up the sys tem, arrest the discharges, dispel the gloom and mantal Aaptession, and rejuvenate the system. PricegJforapackageof tlve boxes and a vialof powder, which is importantia all old long-stand- ingeases,orlpersingIebox. Sold by all first classdruggists.andsenttoanyaddreSB on receipt of theories. Address HumDhreva'Hnacifln t,. eopathicMedicineUo.gdbj 6 roadway, tiew York. THE GREAT FgSNCH REMEDY. DELAJfAKltE'd SPECIFIC PILES. Prepared by Gabasoikbe Sc Dui-ont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Paris, aud highly recommended by the entire Aleuioul .Faculty of France. Are the very beat remedy in all cases of Sperma torrhoea, or Seminal Weakness; Nightly, Daily or fVemuturei&uuBsionB: Sexual WenknoaMnr rM. potency;; Weakness arising from Secret Habits ana oexuai wti jie(uuco oi tne uenital Organs; Weak Spine; "Lime" or "Brick Dust" deposits in the Urine; Milky Discharges," 4sc, and all the ghastly train of SvmDtoma avinin from Overuse or jLxcesees. They cure when ail other remediesfail. Full directions in each box. Price 81 per Box. Sent by mail, securely sealed from all obser vation, by enclosing price to the Sole General Agent lor America, JOB MOdliS, IS Ooxtlahoi br.,w i or, rampmets of Advice sent i'ree to any abVresa. BttVAJI'SPlLSIOMt; WAFERS, are unfailing in the Cans ol Coughs. Asthma, xlaoxcuiTiSj&oaxTuao&T.iioABSKKxss, Ay irLiI.L.A iiubainmu, uuifuuil 1OHSCMlTlOli Diseases or ihi 1c:gs. Tneynave no taste ol medicine, and any child will take them. Thnn. sands have been rusto.ed to health that had be fore despaired, lestiiro ly given in hundreds of eases, jx single nose reuere in Tex ilistrrxB Ask for HaiAh b PUiaiDNlG WAfiiftS. Price 3d cents. Sent by mail for o cents. Ad dress JuBMOoiOd, 18 Courtlandt Street, New York. RAILROADS. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE CONDENSED TIME-TABLE LAKE SHORE RAILWAY—GOING EAST. . , A.M. A.M. r.H. ieave loicco 6.45 10.65 1'reiaont 7.44 12.1 1 Arrive Cleveland 1U.5J 2.4j 5.50 7,15 GOING WEST. Leave Cleveland i.ii Premunt a. 10 Arrive Toledo lu.i5 6.US 7.40 7 11-35 l.UU LAKE ERIE & LOUISVILLE RAILROAD—GOING SOUTH. Leave Fremuntat 9:10 a.m., 6:55 fostonaac 10:39 7:1s Arriveatx'indiayat 11:40 8:00 GOING NORTH. 1:4Vv. " fostoria at 6:ii 2:46 ArriveatFremontat 7:40 4:10 Trains leave Cleveland M. A. x T.H Lake Shore, East. Laxe Snore, West Do. Sanuusky I' Atlantic (i. W. Do iahonmg br'ch Pittsburg Wheel'g C.C.(J.X. 6:45 7:ul 1:2S 8:40 6:55 10:55 1:60 i;35 6:55 4:30 3:45 9.45 1.1:15 10:05 6:50 Trains leave Toledo a: m. 3:00 A. M. 6:50 8.15 A.M. 10:55 11:15 P.M. P. at. Lake Shore East 4:50 Do. Mich. Dir. 5:10 8.00 12:21 8:05 11:15 k:20 Air Line ll:05 6:u0 loledo x Detriot 11:20 4:45 Toledo W. W. 1 Dayton etiliohigan 11.15 5:15 13:;0raJ:i:i-Mt)Jo FREMONT RETAIL MARKET. PRODUCE. Omonsper bnsh..... ..75 Butter l-.c Stats 12M CireenApples (1.25 DriedAppw;sperlb....8e DnedPeaches.. 15c l eathers per lb 74e Beeswax perib 25o Lard, by the keg ic at retail oc Tallow perib ;c lie tail ac Wholesale, le n 001 peri 0 60c GRAIN. Corn.... Oats,... I 60c 45c Bye 65c ...J.)4.J,C I SEEDS and HAY. seeu u 30 Timothyseed..j.0oa4.O0 Hayper tonts.otaliuioc FLOUR and MEAL. Spring Wheat Flour, per I Whit Wheat Flour Dr .'i-r'i, fol bbi Bed Weat Flour, per Cornlealperowt..1.75 UVI) ..... Qf.W I FREMONT WHITE LIME. ....... ........ - FREMONT WHITE LIME. SHINGLES, PER M. I I'm 1 300 500 Oak.. LATH, PER M. 2.75 Pine,. GROCERIES. SUGARS. 1 Whiteperlb 14al5 per COFFEES. per (iround;oSees,...20a30c Java.... I COFFEES. TEAS. Y.Hyson..;5c.41.00al.2j I Jpan o Imperial Jl.uOal.50 Ounpowder,...J1.2oal'50 Oolong, 75c1.25 I MISCELLANEOUS. Eiceperlb lft12-.c lauieSaltpersacklOaJJc Mackerel per kit . . .SJ.oo Coare s pr bbl " 30 White Fiohper bbl.$8.50 j MEATS. .J4.75a5.00 r-'o.oo POKK-lVr oil BBEJf-Perlb FOWLS. Turkeys perib .... Dressed (. hickens. 6c ..10o Geeseperlb fic ..Ic Dressed Ducksperlb 12e -li-Ji Oeaseperlb...Gc " Turkeys... SMOKED MEATS. U'c I Bacoo lvo he I Dn.lSeef Hamsperlb,. Shoulders.... LUMBER. 114 ...iinii 20 WhiteAab Poplar Black Walnut. 20 SO f'ottonwood.... Pine, clear Pine .common., Toledo Market. TOLEDO, O., June 6, 1872. Thefollowingverstueolosingprieet: WHBAT-I1.J1X COEN-lH OAT8-42K ALT l.WialJ.M; THI THE LOCATION, AND WHERE READY FOR WORK. PAEKEE'S GALLEEY, Fist Door from the Post-Office, Fremont, Ohio. PHOTOGRAPHS. And all other Styles of Ficturos known to the profession, are made at onr liooms in the latest and most approved stvles. VV e woo' ' call particular attention to our new stylo Hem Tp37EX3.cito, Call and sec specimens, particularly our BERLIN HEADS. If you have Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Scars or u mo otruu neaus irom retouched JN egaaves, and your features in tits picture will bo as fair as a child and at the same time every line, feature and expression will be preserved to the fullest extent. COPYING LNTD EiSTOLRGING Sone in the best manner, finished fi-if Give as a call and we will nleaae von. cloudy as well at pleasant weather, and as good WORKS' any Disiijruration whatever, it can all be avoided in India Ink. Witsr or OH Colnr. a Bna Tnn far fJ rant T,otn. hV.. and cheap a at any other gallery. SPRING OF 2S72. S. BUCKXAXD Jc SOS offer to the people of Northern Ohio the largest and best selected stock of WAL.I PAPER ever exhibited Iu Fremont, Ohio, which will be sold at prices to suit all. Onr improved method of showing Wall Pa per enables the purchaser to select paper with better judg ment than can be done in any other way. lon't buy before you have seen our styles. S. BECKLASD ic fO.V. A WORD IN REGARD TO THE Sewing Machine Business. THE SEWIXO MACHINE is one of the greatest improvements of the age, and at this day and age of the world every family must and will have one. This fact appears to be perfectly understood by all Sewing Machine Companies, consequently every company is making every effort in their power to put their machines forward, and to make sales at rapidly at possible. They employ every per son they can get, and three-fourths of those employed are not fit for tbe business, conse quently the country is now overrun with men and boyt representing themselves as Sewing Uachine Agents.and everyone claimingto have the best machine, when, in fact, they know nothing about machines, consequently the business has become a nuisance it is over done and overrun with unprincipled agents, and almost every farmer dreads to tee one stop at his gate. But to lay all prejudice aside, the New Wil ton, it the only First-class Machine in America that it sold at a reasonable price; price with in the reach ot every family. The New Wil son stands to-day at the head as being the best, the simplest, the easiest to manage, the most d arable, and by far the cheapes L The Wilson now costs $3.00 more to manufacture than any other machine in America, and is sold for 125.00 less than any other first-class machine. This simply because it is not in the "Com bination." This machine is sold for just what it is worth, while all others are sold from 1 25.00 to toO.OO more than they are worth. The undersigned hat been telling the Wil son for one year at his Grocery and Crockery Store in Fremont, and has sold Five Hundred Machines, and nearly all have been told in Sandusky County, and I have never yet had an agent out soliciting sales or boring the peo ple to buy. Every machine has been ordered. This, I think, is the largest sale that has ever been made in the county. This fact of itself is certainly sufficient evidence that the ma chine is a good one. All other companies have drummed and bored the people nearly to death to sell their machines, and in very many instances people have bought simply to get rid of the agent- Now, we claim that the proper way, and the only way, to buy a machine, ia to go town and see and try all the machines and select for yourself buy a machine in the same way that you buy a dress, or a set of dishes, or a dollar's worth of sugar. "There are now some six or eight different kinds of 8ewing Maohines represented in this city, try them all, select for yourself, and do not be hum- bugged by agents, and nine out of every ten will buy the Wilson. P. CLOSE. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving tbe hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color, with the gloss and freifineju of 1OtilA. 3 Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can ba saved lor usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous, and injurious to tne nnir, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither wl nor dye, U does sot soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich, gloss lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer fit Co., PBACTXCaL AXD AlUITTiClL ChZsORB, LOWELL, MASS. j PBESCItFPIION DRUG STORE OF FBEMOA'T. S. BUCKLAND & SON have fully established themselves aa be ing the orliy reliable place to have Prescriptions Compounded ia the City of Fremont Dr. G. A. Gessjteh has the ex clusive charge of this Department, and prepares all the Tinctures, Syr ups, Pills, fcc Our Store will also be found the best place to have any Recipes for Dyes, Medicines, tc, prepared, always keeping the very best articles to be procured. Our stock embraces more articles than any other store in the city. We are sole agents for the cele brated brand of Beynier, Bauman k Co.'s Pittsburgh White Lead. The very best Lead in the market, being the purest, whitest and finest ground. It is the cheapest, as it covers more surface than any other Lead sold. If you need any Paints and Oils don't fail to call and see cs. In Wall Paper we have the largest and newest selected stock in the city. Our improved style of show ing our samples of paper enables parties to gick out paper with better judgment than they can possi bly do by any other plan. Don't fail to look through onr samples be fore yon buy. BCCKJLAID'S r - COMPOUND ELim OP C0ITJHE0. An efficient remedy for the vari ous forms of indigestion, generally known as dyspepsia, and a tonic ia low states of the system resulting from acute diseases. It is the very best Tonic in use, and the best bit ters made. Try it. BUCKLAND'S HORSE, CAT TLE AND HOG POWDERS. A good and worthy article. To keep stock in good order nothing can equal them. SEWING MACHINE OIL, tie very best that is sold. BUCKLAND'S TOLD WTT.n CHERRY BALSAM, the best lem edy for Coughs and Colds, 75 cents per Dome. 11 you iave a conh don't fail to try it. BUCKLAND'S CHAMPION CLOTHES BLUING is the best Bluing in the market Ten cents a bottle. Our Lard Oil, Mecca Oil, Ne its foot Oil, Castor 00, Linseed Cil, nd all other Oils, are the best the mar ket affords, and we sell them at the lowest prices. By always keeping the best to be had, and selling them at a small profit, Has enabled us to fcuild up our large trade,' and we sludl con tinue to do so. Any one needing articles in our line should not fail to give us a triaL S. BUCKLAND & SON. 7,000 la Cash aaJ Other Falable m J- T? Ti; YT T T T T Q Will D0 distributed to tbe Subscriber to tbe Weekly Enquirer, The Firtt Week la September, 1ST j. All two-dollar subscribers received between the 1st of April and th 1st ot September, 1S72, will be made participants in the above distribution. Ibere are over liuo Premiums, tne first of which is -ViO in Cash, and oyer ICO o:hsr Cub Pre miums of from fa to tlOO each, and forty of thmn evlebrated Stem-winding, Hunting -rt Watches. Beud tor specimen eopies, list of premiums, terms, c. Address FAKAX it irfcLEAX, 10-23 Cmnnmr.), Ohio. To Everybody that Expects to Build. Be it Known That D. Ij. June c Son Keep always on band JHo, 1 BUILDIfJGGTOr.C! FKESH LIILIi;! Alau Watur Lime, Calcined Plasrer, tLetatenng Hir, Blasting Powder aud Btuety Foaa, wiuaa Uiey ell lower than any body else dare to. Oiii ie aad Store Rouae near L. 8, & 1. 3. &. R Depot. 2ino D.L. JTOE SON. LOW CASH BATES !j IHE Ciiarter Oil Life Insurance c OF B1STF0OD, CCTT, Issues policies of Lift Insurance on all the ordlurj plans at lower rates than other mutual eompaciefl and pays annual drrldendt lncreasiaj yearly. Xha plan called DEPOSIT INSUHANCS, T; lately introduced by this oompeny, ia superior (D. any short term Endowment or Tmtin plan, at it nxea a large surrender Talue lor the policy at tha end of any of ltacoiresA years. URS. D. S, CAHFIELD, ' A&enft AT FREMONT, OHIO, 9 v. J C