Newspaper Page Text
JTholesale and Retail TOBACCO AND CIGAR J. Earing P. ELDERKirJ, an aanroally large stock of the CHOICEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, &C, Is prepared to offer EXTRA ETDUCEMEXTS FEOM HIS WAGOXS TO COUKTEY DEALERS. , vi. ootralK brand ar LorHUrd'tCwrtt ..-OThrii-. Rice. Lowell fcCo.'a, of Ci " innati.WH Kdge and Old Con?-; A2atUI' Silver, Golden and Diamond Crown He hat the Best Assortment vf I in the Market at the Lowest Prices. The MlebnUd Monogram Park is universal favorite. J. V. ELDEEKIN, Baasel's Block, Front Street, Fremont, Ohio. JFiS E MO NT NTJRSERYI ESTABLISHED H-T 1858. SPLENDID STOCK OF TBEES 0S HAND Th'rterTiexperieno in the nnrserybusi nees here enables me to select each Iruit and Ornamental Troe, fchmba, raes,o.,asarees Meiallv adaoted to this locality; which is an item of much interest to planter. The tree now off-red to-be public are new, growa on new ground. Meeslow. Oaliand see me at myaew stand, on Bnckland irenue. Fremont. Jnnary,l.72. 40 m c5-mcip.J3S;ii,ciDTir mews: The First Through Train for H R S HO MO'S MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE, BSTABXjISHMSUT ! I H. It. SHOMO. ; .... s. yM - J 7f i M r 11' J i i 1 -:: : shoes mm m$ II. R. BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS Which were bought for cash, and will We have the atrencv of the Shoes for Ladies, Misses and Children. While our neighbors are marking no rents to pay. Call and be convinced that you can save 25 per cent Hats and Caps, &c, of H. R. SHOMO. Remember the Place, Next Door to the Post-Office. ' mnmtunmm mum SHOMO is now opening his immense AND CAPS, GLOVES, BOBES, be sold 25 per cent cheaper than Canda Rubber Boot, for Men and Every pair warranted. up their goods to pay big rents, we HAT & CAP X fci I stock of LEATHER AND FINDINGS, any other house in Sandusky County. Boys, and the renowned U. T. K. Fine are marking ours down , as we have by purchasing your Boots and Shoes; H. R. SHOMO. Canfield, Hedrick & Bristol, DEALERS IN Jl IRON, NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS AND OILS, SADDLERY AND CARRIAGE GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We have a large and well selected Stock of Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, faints ana uus, Which we offer at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. WHEELING NAILS A SPECIALTY we keep no other kind. WE AKB AGENTS FOE THE Improved Dayton Steel Tooth, Self Lock Horse Rake, Having the Highest Wheels, and Better Made than any Rake offered to the people. When the teeth are on the ground for raking, they are locked firmlv to their nosition. and the pie that a boy of ten summers can operate it easily. By a Blight change in the lock it will rake the roughest meadow as clean as any other rake will "even Ground, as each tooth is independent of the others. We have the best $33 Lock-Lever Rake sold in town, and what others say of their Rake is applicable to onrs. "WE ABE AGENTS FOB THE WORLD HOWER AND RE1PER Which can be seen at our Store. Both and not found wanting. Also Agents for the bpnngflela Separator. We are selling the OLD JOHN LONG pattern of FOSTORIA PLOW, (made by Bonnell & Bro.;, botn Cast ana ftteei, ana we warrant mem to cive better satisfaction generally than any other plow 6old in Fremont. As tbe season advances Farmers snc-h poods as thev need for Summer use. Fostoria Cradles, bythes, Hand Rakes, Grind Stones and Fixtures, Horse Hay Forks and Rope and Pulleys, Double Shovel Plows of different styles, including the Bettsville Double Shovel Plow, dec, tc. Last but not least, the largest assortment of Children's Carriages in the city. CAnrlELDi HtDKILK. & cnlolUL. THE DOLLAR JEWARD SOAP. ' The only Soap in tbe world that washea Flannels without shrinking them. Waahee with hot, cold bud, aoft. or salt water. Eemovee Pitch. Tar, Faint, Crreaee, Printer's Ink, Sweat, Leather or Fruit btaine. Fnrjenor to Uaetue boap tor Tonet purposes. Agents wanted. &ena s-ceni stamp lor L.ircu lax aad Fnoe List. RAPPLEYE Sl KNIGHT, Manufacturers, 1681 and 1533 Hidffe Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa, C. F., BUCHIV. AH. Agent for Fremont. 11-36 9 ana a iiui line oi operation for unlocking is so sim AND BUCYKUS BUCKEYE, machines have been fully tested. will find our store well stocked with REASONS WHY! HOUSEKEEPERS SHOULD BUY NONE BUT THE um-jtoei wfu iuw.) ! H FI! K l. They are 25 per cnt less in Dries 3. They can be closed many times more rapidly, 3. They eaa be ooend more readilT. , Tbe covm are lined to prerent roat, and may oe usea many times. S. They are Warranted Reliable. n. Tbouaaudsul iamilies bare used and prefer them SPECIAL AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. WHITE FOE CIBCCI-AR AND TERMS. COHANSEY GLASS MANUrAO'SCO, 49 North Third St., PHILADELPHIA. Hannfacturers of the celebrated "Cohantey 4 Bredgeton Brandt Wtndoto (ilati, Bottles, &e, MONEY OAKNOT BUY IT! For Eight is Priceless!! Bet the Diamond Epectaohs Will Preserve It- IP YOU VALUE I0UE EYESIGHT oea xexsb PERFECT LENSES, Malted topether, and derive their nam "Diamond .uni.nt -M thulT Tl All DM EN HII AKTI Rtt t rau Xb7 will l&fet maoy yearn without change, and : rft warranted lupctior to all others in use. I . MANUFACTURED BY J. E. Spencer L Co Opticians, NEW CXUTIC5. Kone genuine nnlsas stamped with oar trade Dark, for .Wtfcy EMj?onsible Agenti throughout the WlaUVil L. LEPPELMAN, Jewsier and Optician, is Solo Agent lor BEMONT, OHIO. ftta whomtbeyoaa only be obtained. Ko Fadiazasmpkyed. LOTS FOR SALE Tie sabseriber offsn the JoUowicff lots for ' sale, situated tbreo-foortht of a mile noitb f Lot tbs Freroontoorpnratioo, on the wt side 5 :at river, 12 Ida of 1 sere each. 4 lots of 4 acres each, a..o a bunas and lot eontaininsr 13 acres oi land. 2 beae iouaxs finery Situated tor residences and will be sold on as liberal terms m any lands around Fremont. For particulars aail on me at mrnocneaxth. pnn . jjAD.BALt; ; r;, FOB BEXT. -ft 00 Ta 59. IB raoing; ann txnm m . - Rcirreei, for- arly OTr.pied by William aUtj.-aati I ' fiJP i ; NOTICE TO TEACHERS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. TEE BOARD OF F.XAMTvr.BKfnK,mfl,,.w County will meet applicant for eertiffcates at the High School Building: In Fremont, thefonrth 8atnrday in in earh month, also the second Saturday of April, Jane, September and UIg-h School Bailding- in Clyde, the second Saturday In October and May. Meetings willbe-rinprcimptlyatlO A.M. W.W. KOSs; I- & LE-LAN:ot I Examiners. Igchumy & Doncyson, Manvjacturen Dealers in Cabinet Ware! Cer.Frontdb GarrieonSta., FREMONT, OHIO aTeconstantl yo n b an d a 1 arg a a tl well selected atocaoz Parlor & Chamber Suits, Marble and Mahogany Top CENTER TABLES Extension Tables, Dining Tables, IouDges,mvans, ate. Weareprepared toexecnteordercfor airk!'" work Un a manner ' ' Wot to be Surpassed In OMo! stther forbeautyor durability. Wesmpioynone catthe bestof workmen,andaseonlythbestma cerial. OallaadexauiDeoaratoek. . SOriCE IN BANKRUPTCY. TK the Eintriet Court of the United States for tbe Korthera Dutriot of Ohio. Ia the matter of Bonier Overmyer, Bankrupt. In Bankrnptoy. To whom it may concern: Tbe undersigned hereby Svee notice of his appointment a aecigneeof omer Overmyer, of Heesvills, in the Oo -nty of Ssndasky and hute ot Ohio, within the district atoreaaid,who bs been adjudged, a bankrupt on hia own petation by tbi Distnot Conrt of said Ts&tJsri Ols lfi-i Aum . IX. . 1 Q4 1-' , WKa.T;iSJ4',VjMa; GENERAL Thompson Hardware, Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper Ware, &c. ALSO SOLE AGENTS FOR OOATBS, GBAY & CO.'S Lock-Lever Hayi Grain Rake OVER 300 SOLD IN THIS COUNTY. x The Attention of Parmers is Called to this Bake, Which is considered the most simple and durable, besides the cheapest and best in the country. It has been thobuchlt tehted by til 6 most praotical farmers, and has in every oase given perfect satis faction. Complete in Construction, No The teeth of the lock-leteb baxje are made of purpose, l emperea in on; e&cn tooui tea tea fit us iactory, ana in passing over uneven surfaces, Reatlily Adjust Tltemselves to Their Places. Cast Steel Spring Coils, made with the body of the tbe Held, much stronger and more durable than the raaes. l he rake can Be instantly regulated for anv wnicn is aone oy moving me lever joricaruoti uin post on ine jroM cross-bar, Aetnetiltini ot tbe rake is done by the driver's weight, only tbe slightest effort of the hand is required to raise ant lower the lever discharging the hay. The lever being down, the rake is held firm to its place Without Using The moment the leverage is unlocked the Bake is work the Eake with ease. You can Bake twenty iwenty-nve acres oi siuoDie, to pay lor me juute. The Lock-Lever Hay and Throughout tbe Eastern and Western States, and is wis ing i j Duy a nay aua urain Kane will nna it V, illi it tne farmer can rake nis grain stuDDie nalds Wholesale Successor to Meng and Altaffer. SPECIAL BARGAINS. After a Four Years' Experience I again Bolicit the patronage of the bounties. Witn my experience of tail Trade, understanding well the wants of the people of this section, and thoroughly jwsted among the Manufacturers, I can justly claim to have laciiities lor the purchase ot goods at .MUCH LOWER PRICES than my neighbors; and I here promise to undersell all competitors, and grive vou Deuer goods lor less money. JVly stock is complete, and I invite prices. A full line ofTjtica, Rochester, Lynn, Buffalo and New York iity VorK constantly on hand. I am sole agent for EDWIN C. BURT'S FINE PREMIUM WORK, wmcn is tue best and nnest work made. HATS AND CAPS in great variety MANUFACTURING AND notice by experienced workmen. Call and see me, corner Front and S3. GEE AT DISPLAY OF SPRING :o:- fJm O O T . Respectfully announces to his old customers and the public Generally that he has just received the LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES! Ever brouglit to this c?ty, which will Defy Competition! Call and examine my stock and prices, which I guarantee will give satis faction. No trouble to show goods. REMEMBER THE PLACE, FREMONT, O., April 5, 1872. EXECITBIX NOTICE. 'V'pTB is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as execu trix of tbe lest will and testament of Adna Groat, deceased, late of Fremont, Sandusky county, Ohio. m , A-eKQAf.fixerotrii. DEALERS IN Labor is Required While Rakiny. Bcfined Cast Steel, made expressly for this tooth, as these are made, have been found by use in small senarate wire-coil erjrintra often used in some kind oi ground by lowering or elevating tbe teeth, the Hands or Feet. relieved of its contents. A boy ten years old can acres per day, and save enough, usually lost from Grain Bake is Well Known ' acknowledged to be superior to all others. Those to tneir Interest to examine tbe liOCK-LEVEB. as well as bis meadows. Jl in the New York Wholsale Trade. People of Sandusky and adioinin? many years in the Wholesale and Re you to call and inspect stock and at lowest prices. REPAIRING done on short Croghan Streets, Fremont, Ohio. 2P. GOODS! IN BTJCELAND'S BLOCK. A. HOOT. WANTED-IOO.OOPVOCTTGMBN Whoare atfeated by tberesnltsof arivlDdiafptinn I fniwn..,, I. . n C :.l. 1 Jl '"I 1 toconsultlir. A.O.Smitband becomemen again Medicinesent and a cure guaranteed for thi ft! fling samof 119. OiBot, o.Tl Uichirasatrest. .only Giewda&(.aLybi, Go. I Retail 'hi. 4IH 'siata THE JOURNAL. The Valley of Death. A spot almost as terrible as the prophet's valley of dry bones, lies just north of the old Mormon road to California, a region thirty miles long by thirty miles broad, and sur rounded, except at two points, by in acessible mountains. It is totally devoid of water and vegetation, and the shadow of bird or wild beast nev er darkens its white glaring sands. The Kansas Pacific railroad engi neers discovered it, and also some papers which show the fate of the "lost Montgomery train," which came south from Salt Lake in 1850, guided by a Mormon. AVhen near Death's valley, some came to the conclusion that the Mormons knew nothing about the country, so they appointed one of their number a leader, and broke oil" from the party. The leader turned due west; so with the people and wagons and flocks he traveled three clays, and then descended into the broad valley whoso treacherous mirage promised water, iney readied the center.uut only the white sand, bounded by scorching peaks, met their gaze. Around the valley they wandered, Mid one by one the men died, and the panting flocks stretched them selves in death under the hot sun. Then the children, crying for water, died at their mothers' breast, and with swollen tongues and burning vitals the mothers followed. Wagon after wagon was abandoned, and strong men tottered, and raved and died. After a week s wandering dozen survivors found some water in the hollow of a rock in the moun tain. It lasted but a short time, when all perished but two, who es caped out of the valley and followed the trail of their former companions Eighty-seven families,with hundreds of animals, perished here, and now; after twenty-two years, the wagons stand still complete, the iron works and tires are bright, aDd the shriv eled skeletons lie side bv side. Springfield Republican. How Edgar A. Poe Died. The true story of Poe's death has never been correctly told. It is this In the summer of 1849 he left New York for Virginia. In Richmond he met Miss Elmira Shelton, whom he had known in his youth, renewed his acquaintance, and, in a few weeks they were engaged to be married. He wrote to his friends in the North that he should pass the remainder of his life in V irginia, where the hap piest days of his youth had been spent. Early in October he set out from Richmond to fulfill a literary engagement in New York, and to prepare for iis marriage, which was to take place on the 17th of the month. Arriving in Baltimore, he found that he had missed tbe Phila delphia train which he expected to take, and would have to wait two or three hours for the next train. He went into a restaurant near the depot to get some refreshments. There he met some of his old West Point friends who invited him to a cham pagne supper that night He ac cepted the invitation and went At first he refused to drink, but at last he was induced to take a glass of champagne, lhat set him off, and in a few hours he was madly drunk. In this state he wandered off from his friends, was robbed and beaten by ruffians and left insensible in the street ail night, ine next mornins he was picked up and taken to the Maryland Hospital. He was delir ious with brain fever. He was well cared for by the physicians of the hospital, but he was beyond the skill of the doctors. He lingered two or three days, and died on Sun day, October ith, 1849, in the thirty eighth year of his age. His funeral was attended by the Hon. a. Collins Lee, Dr. Snodgrass, Nelson Poe (his cousin,) and Henry Herring (his uncle ). Applclon s Journal. From the Philadelphia Star, May 14. An Eagle Attempts to steal a Child. A letter from Copake, New York, of a recent date, says : Jacob Docker, living near Rhode lake, about two miles from this place, has a little daughter, about three years of age, Yesterday afternoon, while she was playing in the yard, her shouts at tracted her mother. Going out, Mrs, Decker found a large eagle attemp ting to carry off her little one. Al most frantic with fright she eeized her child aud rushed toward the house. No sooner had she caught the child in her arms than the eagle showed hgbt It followed Mrs. Decker, pecking savagely at the little girl, several times touching her hair with his beak; but by running rapidly and shielding the child as best she could, she managed to reach the house in safety. Enraged at being thus cheated of its prey, the eagle new against the door and beat furi ously at ths windows, as if deter mined to effect an entrance, until Mrs. Decker fearing it might break in, hid her child in a closet for great er security. At nightfall the bird flew away. Early this morning the eagle made its appearance. After living wildly around, it perched upon a tree hard by the house, apparently waiting an opportunity to renew the attack. As soon as she discovered the bird Mrs. Decker notified the neighbors, and it was shot It proved to be a bald Americau eagle measuring seven feet between the tips of its wings. PLANTATION BIFIM S.T. 1860-X. Ihis wonderful vegetable estorative is the sheet-an chor of the feeble and de bilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and lan guid it has no equal anion stomachics. As a remedy for tne nervous Aveakness to which "women are especially suDject, it is superceding ev ery other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific m every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Beautiful Woman! HAGAJf'S MAGNOLIA KAf.'I Gives to the Complexion the Freshness of Youth MAOAJt's Magnolia Balm overcomes the flushed appearance caused by heat, fatigue and excite ment. It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, and so natural and perfect that no person can detect its application. By it' use tbe roughest skin ia made to rival the radiant texture of youth ful beauty. It removes redness, blotches and pim ples. It contains nothing that will injure the skin in the least, . . -n , AUttKDUA XAt,X IS UC6U Dy HU laSUlOUaUie . . , .1 ladies in A ew York, London and Fans. Itoosta 74 otnUper Bottle, and is told by all Drug. uAun He at oan is the the and ---r- anc A-f. 1 'TBaDeTYTMaPlC The Best Hair Crossing and Hair Restorer. Millions say "BUNETT'S COCOAINE." Your Druggist has it. CFREE TO BOOK AGENTS. II Complet Cancatsmg Booh of Hittory of N HICAGO and its DESTRUCTIOll Sixty Thousand copies sold. In English and Ger mani Price (2.60. A complete hittory; a book full of thrilling interest and startling incidents; iroiuaeir uiusu-atea. pteweaition jast puoiisnea irouirht down to date: full renort of Belief Socie ty, with Carlton's poem, "The Burning of Chi cago." Send 25 cents for postage on outilt. AddresB UNION PUBLISHING CO., C'bica, IU. A Century of Triumph over dyspepsia, liver disetwe. bowel complaints and varioua disor ders, has immortalised tbe BelUer Spa, and theee victories are now repeated throughout this hemis phere bv Tabrant's Effervxsent Selizrr Ap erient; containing all the elements and produc ing all the happy reaulu of the Great German ouring. SOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS IOWA AND NEBRASKA FOR SALE BY THE Burlington & Mo. Rier B.R.Go MILLIONS OF ACRES On ten years credit, at 6 perct. interest No part of the principal due for two years, and thence only one-ninth yearly till paid in fuU. Product wiil pay for land and improve ments within them limit of this generous credit. SV Better terms were never oifered, ure not now, ana prooaDiy never will oe. CIKCC'LAliS ffivinff full narticulars are supplied gratis; any wishing to induce others to emiarate with the, or to form a colony, are in vited to sk for aU they want to distribute. Aptly 10 tt.w,. HAHKlS,A,andCoinm'r. tor .low a ianas, at juruurton, Iowa, And for Nebraska lnds, at Ai nc o 1 n, . e b Cheep Farms! Free Homes' TUB LIKE Of THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND GRANT OF XS2fOOO,OOOACRES ra THE BEST FARMING k MINERAL LANDS IN AMERICA 3,000,000 Acres in Nebraska IBS GREAT PLATTE VALLEY. THI CARDEN OF THE WEST, now ion SALE I These lands are ia the central Dortion of the United States, on the 4Tst degree of North Lati tude, the central line of tbe great Temperate Zone of the American Continent, and for grain growing snd stock raising unsurpassed by any in tbe United States. CHEAPER IN PKICE.aiore favorable terirs triven, aud more convenient to market than oan fce found elsewhere. FREE HOMESTEADS FOR CTUAL SETTLERS! The Best Location for Colonies. SOLDIERS ENTITED TO A Of 160ACBZS. Free Passes to Purchasers of Land. Send for the new Descriptive Panmhlet. with new mars, published in English, German Swedish ana liamsn, mailed tree everywbr Address O. F. 17AVIS. land Commissioner, U.F. B. B. Co.. Omaha, Neb The Best Faint in the World Pare White and Over One Hun, drcu Different shades and Tints. This Daint ismadeoftheDurest and most dura ble material heretofore used bv Pointers. combined witn a large proportion or lnaia Maooer, which is cheimcaily united in such a manner as to form a smooth, glossy, firm, durable, elastic beautiful Paint, which becomes firmly cemented to the sub stance to which it is applied. BT These Paints are prepared ready for use, aim soia oy tne gallon only, RUBBER PAINT CO., CLEVELAND, 0 riOOB, EXEBGFTIC SALEsnvi JT wanted for the fastest selling articles oat. Eo- NEW'B ADJUSTABLE HUTTON-A10LE ODTTEB, pat. Jan. 30, 1872, is an improvement upon all tbe pat ent in that article yet invented. The NuaaEav Safety Pis is a staple article, and sells at sight. Our Universal Twine Cotteb excels everything out for its purpose , as lady or clerk will not be without one. Sample of the B. H. Gutter and Twine Cutter, 2x each; Safety Pin 10c: or the tnree lor auo. Aaaroos JOii.NSON & WitlTTLE AO. si Atwater uuuaings, uieveiana, O. LlGUTiMIVG RODS. Mum-on'-Copper Tubular Lightning Bod, with Spiral Flauges, is the most complete protection against lightning ever invented- Endowed by the Sdentine world, and by Wholesale Dealers from Maine to Georgia. Send for circular to ajivixa.i a ecAj.t renn. St.. Fitfsburirh Do AT V f ADD V U T Tfi tJ'P irrvn r.. - a. i a.v . . if a a an as Auuaimij J&U1) LU 91 TTi.a aL,B iV' vr w PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS $40, $50, $75 and $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP Shipped Ready for Use! MASITFACTUnED BY J. W. CHAPMAN & CO., Madlsou, I rid SEXD FOK CIBCULAK. iCTU! POPHAM'S HSTHMA SPECIFIC U I IliYlM. is warranted to relieve the worst case in ten minutes, and by persevering in its use effect a cubs. For sale by all Drug giststs, or sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of One Dollar. Address I. POPHAM &CO.. ATuiauelpnia, Pa. RE WARD F1 1 1 teats I t 111 f M sWs,4SL3U - V- i For any case oi Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that Da Bino's Pile Bemeiix fails to cure. It is p re- area sxpressly to cure the Piles and nothing else. oiu oy all Airuggists. nice, si.w U.S. PIAAUCO., N. Y. PRICE $290 rto Agents, circulars tree. (E.MS Wanted- Agents make more H money at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Particulars free. G. Stinson & Co.. Fine Abx Ptjblxbhzbs. Port land, Maine. G HEAT PIEDICAL, BOOK of useful knowledire to all. bent tree for two stamps. Address Dr. Bosaaauti A CO., Cincinnati, Ohio, CROGHAN Woolen Mills, SANDUSKY COUNTY OHIO. The old mill having been burned and a new one erected in its place, and fitted with ALL NEW MACHINERY, with all the latest improvements; the proprietor is now prepared to manufacture YVnolen Roodi, Double-and-Twist C'assimeres, and all ktyies of SUrippd and Piece Goods, 31AXUFACTUSJED A!T OH VST. has a largo stock of the above named styles on oanatnat ue wiu SELL OB EXCHANGE FOR WOOL wholesale prices, and give the benefit to the rnn.r 1 atbsr than go into tbe merket with them. Those wishing to avail themselves of this chance rave tbe jobber's and merchant's profits, which about one-third of the price you pay for your goods: Thankful for the bberal patronage received of Fanners heretofore, he desires to give them benefit between wholesale and retail nrices. rather than middle men in trade. a He will Manufacture by the yard, or Card Spin Tarn by tbe pound, and Card Rolls for customer. P, C. OGAM; BailTille, 21 ay 9, Nfn) foDtrttsementa. !tnMPVMA:r,EEAPliLY with Stencil and f,i U j t I Key Check OiitfiL-i. Catalogues, sam ples andfull particulars FBilK. S.Ji. Spenoeb, Brattleboro,Vt. I" I TS W Hats, Caps, Belt, Shirts, Badges. IHU Tmmnot.. -c fnrHervice an 5 Trumpets, ic, forService and Parade. V At. th old Manufactory. 143 Grand t. I hi N. Y. CALBN3 m BRO., late U. T. U.HAX.AUAA-, Send for illustrated circular. 20-23 AGENTS WANTED : (or "Confeni Life unveiled, br Edith O'Gorman, Escaped Nun. A brave, true book. One lady made i3iua week. WlbT ZBM Pub. Co., Cincinnati. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. We will send a nandoome Prospectus of our New Illustrated Famlli Bible containing over 43 fine Scripture Illustrations to auy Book Agent, free of charge. Address National Publishing (jo Chicago, 111.; Cincinnati, Ohio; St. Louis, ilo. WANTED iiii;o AGENTS for the HOP. BOOKS THE AMEBIOAM farmer's HORKE BOOK. In both English and German. For circulars, triv lnjr terms and fuU particulars, including" a luu2 list of practical testa ol the peculi ar efficacy and value of the work addretsa C. F. VEXI, Publisher, 6b West Forth street Cincinnati, O. q.r 1K rap rrs- WELLS' CftRBOLICi TABLETS. FORCOUGHS, COLDS & HOARSENESS. These Tnhlets present the Acid in Combination with other efficient remedied, in a popular form, forthecureof all THKOAT and LUIS (i disi-ajs. HOARSENESS and ULCERATION ot the THKOAT are immediately relieved, and state ments are constantly beintr sent to the nronnetoi ot relief in cases of Throat difficulties ot yeun standing; f 1 fTT lftV liontbedi-ceivedbv worthlesBim Vau AlUil itations. Get only Well's Carbolic Tablets. Price 25a per box. Bend for circular. JO. 11-15 JOHN a. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt S N. Y.. SoleAjrent for the U.H. TO AGEHTS EVERYWHERE. can he made hj Agents in cauTaatucg lor Youman's Dictionary of Every Day Wants containing 20.000 lie- ceiptb in every Department of Human iiilort than in any other possible way. From to MU a week insured., it is lor every Housekeeper, Fanner, Trade and Pro leas ion. It sella itself. Extra terms. Address F. M. Hkeu.139 Eighth tttreet, New York. KENNEDY'S HEMLOCK OINTMENT, The proprietor, has, hv the as- V sistance oi Eminent PhvEiciam. and - Chemist a succeeded in uriliziu? the m' mediciniil properties contain! in 'ithe Oil, Pitch and fietua ot the Hemlock Tree, and obtained a valu able preparation to be applied as a Halve or I'laater xor itneumatism Croun.Painor Soreneedot the Back Cheut or Stomach, Piles, Halt Eheum, Scurvy, bora, L k-era, Bun ions. Sore Corns, Frost Bitn. Chil blains Sore ll r easts and Nipples, UingwormisChanns ud Skin iJis easea of inflammatory nature. jU. u.iooajER, Agent, Wholesale BotanicDrus gist, Cleveland, Ohio. AGENTS VANTED! For the Uveal Book on the Far West ever written, B T UFFALO JLAND, Bv AV. E. WEBB. Just roniy. The niyateriee and marvels of the mighty Plains fully and truth fully described. Overflowing' with wit and humor. The Appendix A Complete Guide lor Sportsmen and Emigrants. Over FiltyOritf inal and Striking Illustrations of the tinest character. Send lor particuUrti, and secure territory at once, as ttiis li the greaieet chmce fur making monpy ever ohered Anenla. Address, E. UANNAFOBD & CO., Puo lishers, CCNCINXAn, 0110, or CHICACO, Llu The Best Paper! Try it. The Scientific American is the cheap est and best illustrated weekly paper published. Every number coutaius from 10 to 15 original, uu gravings of new machinery, novel inventions, Bridges, Engineering works. Architecture, im proved Farm Iinideinentti, and every new diheyv ery in Cbemiitry. A year's numbers contain 8-i2 pages and several hundred engravings. Thou sands of volumes are preserved lor binding and relerence. The practical receipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. Terms. 3 a year by mail. Specimens sent free. May be had of all News Dealers. PATENTS obtained on the beat terms. Mod els of new inventions and sketches examined, and advice five. AU paten are published in the Sei entilic American the week they issue. Send toi Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing and lull di rections tor obtaining Patents. Address for Paper, or couocnuu Patents, MUNN & CO., 37 Pars: Row. New Yuri. Branch office, eor. F. and 7th St, Washington, D. C. GIVESM AVAY, TO ASY BOOK AUENT, A $5.00 GREENBACK AND A SFECU1EH OF TOK GHEAT HIDUSTHIES OF THE UNITED STATES. 1300 PAGES & 500 ENGRAVINGS PRINTED IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN Written by 20 Eminent Authors includinx HorHce Ureelejr and John H. Chough. We want Agents in every town to solicit orders for this work, on liberal terms. It is a complete history of all branches of industry, processes ot manufactures, etc. No like work ever before pub lished. One agent sold 16$ in eight days, anotner 125 in one wee a, anotner zoj in two weeks. An early application will secure a choice in territory. Vnli if!ulars and terms will be sent tree, with a specimen of this Great Work, and a 3 ttreeu back. J, B. BURR, & HYDE, Hartioid, Conn.; Chi cago, ana lacuinaii, uiuo. JURU lianowerfnl Tonic specially adanted for use in Spring, when the Lanoi;iu and luunL ITated system needs strentgh and vitality j it will give vigor to the leebie, strength to the weak, ani mation to ine aejecteu, acuvicy to tne siuggun, rest to the weary, quiet to the nervous, and health to the intirm. It is a South American plant, which, according to the medical and scientihe periodicals of London and Palis, possesses ihe host ioweiuil tonic properties known to Materia Medica, and is well known in its native country as Having wonder! u curative quantise, ana nas oeen long uded as i specific in ail cased of Impurities of th Blood, Derangement of the Liver and Spleen, Tumors, Dropsy, Poverty of the Blood, Debil ity, Weaknens of the Intestines, Uterine and Urinary Organs. Dr. WELLS1 EXTEACT of JUEUBEBA It is strenvthenin? and nourishimr. Like tricious food taken into the stomach, it assimu- lates ana amuses itseix tnrougn tile circulauon, giving vigor and health. It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerrejr,and acts directly on the secretive organs, and, by its powerful Tonic and restoring etfects, produces tteattnyna ngQrou action to tne wnoiesystem, J UJdii V4.A.iAAJUuu,iOA'iatt-sti?iew I or , SoleAgentfor the United States PrioeOne Dollar per bottle. Send forcircular SCHOOL HOUSE AND LOT FOK SALE. .a. The Board of Education of the city of Fre- gj;;;! mont nave aeciuea to aispose oi oi tiie mJL John Street School Building and Lot. and pnrchace a site with more land, as tne aoove lot ia too smaii xor ocnooi purposes. The building is oi Dries: ana can reaany oe con verted into a comfortable dwelling. The proper- tywill be sold at a bargain and possession given the itn oi j uiy nexu i . xu v nxLi , Cleric ox the Hoard oi Education Frsmont, April bth, 1872, SPRING & SUMMER FRENCH AND AMERICAN SCOTCH GOODS FOR SPRING SUITS! FIXE BROADCLOTHS & DOESKINS! FAIN'CY VE J3 T I ISTGr 3 ! FULL ASSOK'niENT OF Gents Furnishing Goods ai BARENDT cc CO.'S, FUOXT ST., FKEMOXT. MR. BARENDT gives hia per sonal attention to Cutting and Fit ting, and warrants a perfect fit in every garment. "MI .if Jl JOHF.I VORLEY, MASTJFACTraEB iwj) JOBjEB OF Paper Hangings, AT FACTORY PR1CESI NO. IB PUBLIC BQTJABE, 12-24 CIaCVEIiAXD, O. BEAR in r.iiND THAT lfwr. Tin: WK sv o " -1' SI:- t. ----- W 53 AND RETAIL FURNITURE AT L0V;R PRICES THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE WEST. A. S. HERENDEN & CO., 114 Bank St. , Cleveland, Ohio. CARPETS. T. H. HOUGH & CO. 117 & 119 SUMMIT ST., TOLEDO, QHIQ, .PORTERS, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN Carpetings! Upholstering Goods and Materials! LACK GlrtailNg. WHSroOW SHADES, ScO. Wc ilusii'c to say to 3IECHATS Hotel Keepers, and others contem plating furnishing their homes, We will make it to your interest to visit Toledo. T. H. HOUGH & CO., 117 and 119 Summit St., Toledo, Ohio. AY. H. BUCKJIAN. T. H. HoUGII. THE WEED! TEE WEED! THS GREAT FAMILY SEWING MACHINE AND CENERAL. FAVORITE. Call and see it at the Crockery Store of J. 3D. MOOHE. Teat its qualities. Examine its work. Compare it with any other, and you will unite ia the gen eral verdict, that it is the best machine for FUNK FAMILY SEWING now before the public. litf. THE E-MIQUS The Lightest Banning! Si THE EASIEST TO MANAGE The most Noiseless and the most Curable of all Sewing Machines. It will sew with anything from a Fish Line to No, 300 Cotton; any kind of goods from Sole Leather to the nnest Nainsooc Kuslin. It will Sew from One Thickness of Muslin to Forty without change of Stitch or Tension. The King of all Machines! Don't buy a Machine until you hare tried it! LEPPELMAN WARRANTS THEM FIVE YEARS. ADAM! Tilt: INGREDIENT THAT COMPOSE KOSADAL1S are p'ililislied on every package, tliere t'lirc it is nu'a secret preparation, coiisueutly rilYSICIAXS PRESCRIBE IT 2 It is a certain euro for Scrofula, i Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuraa Skin Diseases, Liver Coni ' plaint and all diseases of the iiilood. will do more good than ten bottles jof the Syrups of Sursaparilia. I THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalis in tlieir practice IJbr the past three years and freely ! endorse) it ns a reliable Alterative and Biood Puritor. ;T)R. T. C. PUCK, of Baltimore. !DU. T. J. BOYKry, " !T)H. R. AY.CAKR. DR. V. O. DANNKLLV, ,1)11. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicholasvillc, Kv. .DR.J.L. McCARTHA, Columbia, iDR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomh, N. C. ' USED AUD EiTLOKSED BY J. B. FRENCH k SONS, Fall River, Ml1;?, 7. W. SMITH. Jackson, Mich. A. f. AVH! KLIii, Lima, Ohio. H. HAI.L, Lima. Ohio. ( BU'tX fc CO., Oonlonsvillc, Va. SA.Vf.. C. y. FAEDEN, Jlurfrees bor Tcnn. On.r ?5ac a'ill not allow of any e1. :-n '.cd rt ni irk- in m!.iiim to tbe 'i.":f-! jioa-j.ili-i. T- the Jlcdical i'; t.. v- t- 'ii.r.nrne a Fi:tl'F.x- ::n tf-.Ncrlort' a:ty tlicy have ever rt-r, ia t!..' tr. . aicnt of liisensrd (iM-'ri); nnti to thciil'.icTeU we say try Un- anilaru Mill be rostured t,j health. Ui.-a.!ji; is ""'lil by all Drujists, price l.."0 per bunic. Address :i cL2ii::r3 & co. a ; .Afiiaaarrtrrtaf CatwiMf, 1 Paitixum, ifa. 1 a4i'K simhia . siinLrBus ctjbautus. . HlJIPIlIaJE Y'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS a AYR i exper apt AVE PBOVED, FEOM THE MOST AJiPL experience, an entire succees: buople. romDt Emcient and Keliable 1 hev are th Beat s araily Medicioes in use so simple that mis takes cannot be made in nsinv them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and so emcientas to be always rciiaDie. i ney nave received the highest commendation from tne thousands who have Long used and known taem, and will always render sat- iuiuuub w uiwr wno try uiem. No. Cures. ViesiM Boxem. Cents. Fevsrt, Congestion, Intlammations..24 tl '"' Worm ierer, Worm Colic. .3 avpiner-ColieOTTeeThinrtf T.n.A .. j 8. lootbache, Faoeache....2i " llediaclie,8ickKaQa:he. ertwoSS " aTpep? ci'ous buimach ...JS ' suppresses ex Irregular ir mods... .25 'roiuse Period. uiies too.rroiusei'enQds.. " Croup, Cough, ditlicultBreathina. IS " Frupnti, 8alt Rheum, lirvMpeUs.iS " Hheuiuatism, Rheumatic tains... 25 " l ever Ague, Chill Fever, Asnes.SO " Piles, Blind or Bleeding 50 " Uptbalujrtandsore and Weak Eyea "J " ( atarrtt, Acute ort hronic Induenza4 " V Uotpinsl"Ciutrli,violentcoughs40 " Asltnua, Opprial Breathing JO ' Jtiscliiar-es,impaireanearing5U " Mcraf Hist, iinlurged glands, Hwellinns SO " tieneralDebUiiy, Pnysical Weakness 50 Dropsy and beauty becreuons 50 " sea Mckness,rJicjUiesBfromRiding.50 ' Kidney l)ifae, (iravel 50 " r v o u s Ie bill ty, involuntary oemuiHi uif'umw. .......... ....... .1 w 29. " Soto .Ioiltli, Canker 50 30. " I rinary W cak nes,WettingBedA0 31. " Painf ul Periods, iiyitena.......50 il. " Hut leriutc at chansre oi late 1 0O S3. " Kpilepsy, bpasmisbt. Y'itus liance.l 00 34. " liptbe; iu, L'lctrated Sore Throat... 50 Frice in viais, large sue 50e and 1 00 VA H1L r CASES, in Mororeo, with 33 large 3 dram vials, containing the above list, with book of directions complete, 110 00 20 " " " 00 20 " in paper case, with book 5 00 VETERINARY SPECIFICS. Case of lO 1-os. vials, in fluid, lOOdoseseach, with manual of directions, giving full account ol the diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, 1oj and iio, with full directions for nae, in neat wal nut case, complete... .-.flO 00 POHD'S EXTRACT, Cures Piles. Neuralgia, Tooths cue, Bleeding of the Lungs, Stomach 'v'ose, or other Organs, Burns, Bruises, Lameness, Sprains, Rheumatism, Jore Throat, Sore Byes, Boils, Corns, Ul cers, Old Sores. The Best Family Medicines known. Price, 6-ox. 3 Oc, Pints i, Quarts 1.15. t3 These Remedies, except POND'S EX TRACT, by the case or single box, are sent to any part of the country, by mail or express, free ot charge, on receiy t of the price. Address Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Company. Omce and depot. No. 5t3 Bboadway, New York. FOR b ALE BY ALL DRUUGITTB. Forsalein Fremont by C. R, MeCULLOCH LEFFINGWELL & CO,, LHP0ETEE3 Also Wholesale and Retail Dealers is FRENCH So AMERICAN SHEET WINDOW GLASS, JU iV AM E 1YT AL GLASS, Noa. 82 & 84 Bank, & 93 8t, Clair Sta., WARING BLOCK, Cleveland, - Ohio- BUIDIXG CONTRACTS A SPECIALTY. LARGEST AMD cue 2 Mil J MOUSE! llNr THE WEST. BECKWITH, STERLING &. CO. Are now opening IVew and Choice Patterns in Fine iing-iish bruseis, Anxminister and Moquett Carpets, with Bonlera and i&utra to match, uniika uvbuiug cioa ui ma viij. aiw ucw awjtca auu eulurintfa in Ingrains, Three Plies. Oil Cloths, 4cc Also, a beaatiful line of Lace Cortaixu, ti hades, Terries and lambrequin Patterns. Having purchased oar goods before the reoent advance, we are enabled to sell oar goods at ex- traorunaxy low prices, BECKWITH, STERLING & CO., 189 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio To wholesale Bayers we sell at Kanafacturert and New YorJt Jobbers' prices. Bar A fall line of Upholsterers' Goods. 12-24 FURNITURE BUY YOUR FURNITURE OF THE MANUFACTURERS! WE HAVE AS COMPLETE A FACTORY THERE IS I3f TIIE COUNTRY! AS OUR GOODS COST US FROM 20 to 30 PER CENT LESS THAN THEY DO ANY DEALERS! Therefore we can sell at PRICES! LOWER HART&MALOrJE 103, 105 3c lor Water St. Factory, 30, 32 & 34 St. Clair St., CLEVELAND, OHIO. PRODUCE, GROCERY and PROVISION STOKE. URIIIUi & S1KES, Having enlarged and fitted up their store in a superior manner, nave tilled it op with CHOIGE FAMILY GROCERIES! Wnich they are selling at bottom prices- They invite all housekeepers to try them, if they would dtc muuey. aaey maae a specialty of FRUITS & PROVISIONS, and always have the best of the season. They par Ihtnighest Price for Good Butter. and invite farmers who have a good articte to m. wemacaU. And those wishing to pun haaa GOOD, FRESIT, SAVEET BCTTEI;, will always And it at their store. Infaet.'thev everyming m tile froviaion anrf I...-' Traus. of th tt il ,i . Of r h. hMf ul! , ,KU1 . : . . ' a h " "a, oi l uuanu oi Aault,...2S i- J?J"?nlerrGT,p,I1s.Biuonsc,uo...a9 B. " lUsltra-Jforbm, Yomiting.... 2i J. " t onihi, Coida, bronchitis.. .77! '.2i asethtan.