OCR Interpretation

The Democratic advocate. [volume] (Westminster, Md.) 1865-1972, June 10, 1921, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038292/1921-06-10/ed-1/seq-8/

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Sunday School 2 p. m. Preaching
3. Epworlh League at 8. All are Wel
come. 1
Mr*. R. H. Caple entertained her
on. William Caple, of Baltimore on
Mr. and Mrs. William Isbills and
daughters, Mlaaaa Mildred and Eliza
beth,, of Elizabeth, N. J., are visiting
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph HVan uqd sister, Mrs. Chae.
Jesse Carr and Beulah Weaver have
the measles at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dull and family
visited Mr. and Mrs. William Mull and
fapilly, Woodensburg. on Sunday.
Mrs. Lewis F’owble and son, of Bal
timore. visited her sister, Mrs. Gar
field Weaver, recently.
Nicholas Mummaugh and family en
tertained on Sunday the following;
Mrs. William Caple, of Baltimore;
Mrs. R. H. Caple, of Flnksburg: Mr.
and Mrs. George Mummaugh and
Miss Bernlse Parks, of Pardonla,
■— ■ .
—OE A- ....
Valuable and Attractive Fee Simple Property
By virtue of the power of sale contained in the mortgage deed of Ed
ward A. Campbell ami wife, to May C Gardner, dated May IT. HUB, and
duly recorded among the Heal Estate Mortgage Records of Carroll Comity,
In Lltier E. O. t'„ No. 71. folio 291, etc., and duly assigned of record, the
undersigned assignee of said mortgage will sell at public auction on the
premises, immediately outside the corporate limits of Westminster. Carroll
County, Maryland, on
Saturday, June 25th, 1921,
AT 2 O’Cl/XJK, I*. M„ all that valuable parcel of laud embracing several
contiguous tracts and containing in the aggregate
8 Acres and 23 Square Perches of Land
more or less, situated Just outside of the corpora* limits of the city of
Westminster, in Carroll County, Maryland, on the public road leading from
the Baltimore and Reislcrstown Turnpike Road (now a State Road I to
Corbin's Mill* a few hundred feet from said Turnpike or State Road, and
with a right of way in the rear of said property through Schaeffer s or
Friendship Heights Addition to Westminster to said Turnpike or Stall
Road. The land adjoins the reservoir site of the Westminster Water Coni
pany, and in addition to the frontage on the said Public Road ha* a front
age on Colonial Avenue of said Friendship Heights Addition to Westmln
ster. The properly la improved by u modern, recently Lulit
Two and One-Half Story Weatherboarded Dwelling
with a GOOD CELLAR under the entire building: a COLONIAL TWO.
STORY PORCH ON THE ERONTt three rooms and an enclosed porch on
tlje first floor, and three bed-rooms on the second floor, with a bathroom
equipped with every convenience and a shower-bath; and with a porcelain
stationary wash-basin In one of the bed-moms; and convenient closets
throughout the house. There are water and electricity throughout the
house, with switches upstairs and down The house has been lately paper
ed and painted and there are open (Ire place- on both doors, and the IIOI'HE
flrat floor, laid over the original flooring The property Is farther
HOUSE dnd a LARGE < HII KEN HOUSE for raising chi, kens, which Is <ll
vlded Into five sections, told a large feeding room There Is eonne< led to
this building a EARGE POULTRY IKM'HE for general purposes These
buildings are arranged and equipped for the breeding; anil raising of
chickens on a large scale and with all the necessary ami convenient ap
pltances for he same.
There Is an abundance of YOUNG HR IDE TREES upon tin prcmlsA
and newly planted and GROWING SHKI Bill 111, with VOI NG PI t( H.
This property formerly belonged to Mias May C Gardner and waa pur
chased and lately occupied by Edward A. Campbell and wife it is hem
tilully and healthfully situated and Is an Ideal lo< atton lor a comfortable
home. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, or to his Solici
PosaeaMiun of the property can be given on the ratification of the aale.
TERMS OF KALE s One-third cash on the day of sale or on the rail-
Ucatiou thereof by the Court, and the residue In two equal payments. In
Biz and twelve months from the day of sale, or ail cash at (he option of the
purchaser The credit payments to he secured by the note* of the pur
chaser, with approved security, hearing Interest from the day of sale
Andrew Weagly
F. A, CRAWFORD, Auctioneer. Jun3-I*
Valuable Real Estate
situated in Freedom District, Carroll County, Maryland,
by the Attorney named in the Mortgage.
~ i ■
The undersigned, as the attorney ' Liber O. I (I , No, 7, folio -I etc by
named in a tfeed of mortgage from virtue of the power of sale contain* 1
Amanda J. 8. Wilson and Mary <’ (herein, will offer at public sale on
Barnes and Walter H. Barnes, her the premises, one-fourth of a mils
husband, to Union Bridge Banking from Oakland Mills and about one
and Trust Company, a body corpor- , ~
te of the Stats of Maryland, bear ""“ 'me-half miles from the slat*
Ing dale October 14th, 19U., and rt- n, ““ Hem Baltimore to Lib
corded among the Real Estate Mort-; enytown. In Freedom district, Carroll
gage Records of Carrpll County, in .county, in the Htuti of Murylandl on
Wednesday, June 15th, 1921
ut 2 p. m„ all those pieces or par-1 "Handy Bottom ”, ‘‘Bennett's Grlev
(eels of land being parts of larger I am -e". and “Peter’s Leavings’’, lyLgg
tracts of land called ■ l-ewls Luck .! .. *
♦‘That or None’’, ‘ Philip's Lot ”, "Wat- " ,ntl hon to each other, and t on
eon’s Trust”, ‘‘Wagner’S Trust’’, tabling
185 Acres, 1 Rood and 10 Square Perches
OF IjAND, mors or less, and adjoin-’ Terms of Kale:—One. third of the
Inf the lands of George B. Wade, purchase money to he paid cash on
Theodore 8, Clark, Columbus Parker the day of stile, or upon the ratlfiha
anri others. lion of the sale by the Court, and the
The Improvements consist of a six- -balance in two equal payments .it six
room dwelling house and a number | and twelve months, the deferred pay.
of recently built chicken houses, all ments to he secured by the notes of
In fair condition. the purchaser, with approved seciiri
i lhlrl . y a< ' re " °t this land ,s ( yi nn( , hearing interest from the ilav
In good meadows and pasture, with , ,
an abundance of water, and the prop- of Ba,e; or a 't ca h <*t the option ol
erty will make a line dairy farm, the purchaser.
Fruit of all kinds.
For further particulars call upon or i' A ‘ aH 1 , epos H or certified check
nddress the undersigned at Westmln- °t $500.00 will be required of the pur
sier, Maryland. 1 chaser on the day of sale.
George L. Stocksdule, solicitor. Attorney named in Hie Mori gage.
F. A. .Crawford, auctioneer. may2U-tt
1 and- Mr. Randolph H. Burk, of Hamp
■ stead, spent several days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. William Burk.
Children’s service at Emory on
Sunday, June 2(1. Come out.
Mr. Albert Stull and family visited
Mrs, Grace Orumblne. of Wesley, on
m i
Silver Hun, Sunday, at 10.00 a. m.
The new basement will be consecrat
ed for Sunday School and social, Pur
poses. Dr. Conrad A. Hauser,' from
Philadelphia, will deliver the address
Dr. Hauser represents the publication
and Sunday School Hoard of the Re
formed Church. The Children's Day
service will be rendered In the even
ing at 7.30. The acrvice entitled. "Tin
World Christian," will lie used. Every
body invited. Sunday School at !i.o<
la. m. Christian Endeavor fi.3o p. m.
n of
■! Canning Factory, 2 Valuable
Farms, House and Lot, 2
Wood Lots and Valu
; able Personal
I- In Pleasant Valley, Carroll County, Md.
■“I ' * '
10 By virtue of the power and author- Fannie K. Ylngllng, his wife. Indlrtd-
Uy contained In Go- Deed of Trust tmlly, hearing dale May tti, 1931, and
_ from Edward C Ylngllng and wife, recorded among the laiptl Records of
trading as E. C. Ylngllng A COW-1 Carroll County, the undersigned
pany, and Edward C. Ylngllng anti 1 Trustee will sell at public sale, on
Saturday, June 18th, 1921
at Hor lurk A. M„ on the' ’First" here estate and personal property, viz;
In after described trad of land, 10-. First. All that tract nr parcel of
Jested si Pleasant Valley. Cnrrol! I land known ns the "HOME FARM" of
Gouty, Maryland, the following real I Howard C. Vlnglmg, containing
More or less. Improved by
Weatherboarded Dwelling House
HANK BARN. Wagon Hhed. Corn crib,(HOME PI JtnS Of BtlwardV Ylngllng
3 Chicken Houses. Hog Pen. Garage and |.-< a led In Pleasant Vallay, t'nr-
Was|i House, Smoke nous*. Thai roll County. Maryland (About 1
buildings upon this property ere in ACRE of land upon which the Canning
first-class repair and condition. With j Factor/ is located Is reserved.)
running water at the house and burn
The land is In n high state of culli Second. Trad of lnd containing
vatlon and very productive. ThC. shout I ACRE, more or, less, tniprov
farm is what has been known as the ! ed by an up-to-date
Canning Factory
and Business, consisting of Office, ing MAchlnss which were leased and
fan House. Packing House. Hlnrsge are the property of Atlantic Can
House. DOxfio feet. Husking Hhed, 801 l Company, 'nils offers a splendid op
er House, Wagon Hcales and Modern port unity to anyone desiring to go
Machinery and Equipment for the into the Canning Business ns the
( aiming Business This property will Plant It ready lor operation,
be offered with all the Machinery and
Equipment located upon and iced in Third. All that tract or parcel of
(he Canning Business, save two Clos-, land containing
10 Acres and 29 Square Perches
More or less. Improved by
Frame Dwelling House
and STABLE. This properly Is a Stone Hoad, and now occupied by Mr.
very desirable us the land is In first Hi oil lamthei wood
class condition, (m ated convenient I >
Ghnrcbes and Reboots, on 16c rna-i | Fourth AH that WOOD I<OT, coo
leading from Pleasant Valley to thv i lafntng
More or leas, located ,* Myers’ IBs tract abounds with fairly grant t hesl-
IrHrt, Carroll County, Maryland, ad- h"* t,B<l
Joining the lands of Nathaniel Aepp, Fifth Another WOOD LOT <qm
Charles Grituan and Mr. Growl Tills taming
located near Pleasant Valle*, adjoin-1 If within a short distance of Pleas
lug the lands of Joseph Ylngllng. y „ , nd .honnds w.tlt fairly
Henry Helwlg and Krnevt Helwlg. ' “
Thla tract It desirably located, as H good limber of different verities.
At the same lime and place, the tin- (Water Wagon. Hied Corn Drag. Walk
derslgned Trustee will sell the (ol mg Corn Plow. Hiding Corn Plow,
lowing personal proparty, consisting Corn crusher. Chopper, Ensilage Gut
01 Itoraes. Moles. Guttle. Vtschtnery. ter. Gram Drill. Hay Fork and Hope.
Fanning Implements, *> , viz ; J set., of Hrrecbband*. I lets ol Front
Gears, Mason .Saddle, tl Bridles, J
a Head of Mules, good worker- Halters. 6 Housings, Check Lines, tl
Good Mllth Cows, h Hogs, 3 Foui end 4 llore Line, set Spring Wagon
Horse Wagong and bods, Falling Top Harness, 5 Hoisr Gollars, Folks,
Buggy 2 Spring Tooth Marrows. 2 Shovels, Axe. Del-aval Gresro Heps
Kcts Hay Garrtages, Com Planter, Bar j rator. Corn Shelter, Jookay Htfck,
Blmre Plow. Reed Sower, McCormick | Breast Chain*. lull of May, tad of Eat
Mower, Waller A Wood Mower. Me- Pont and many other articles nut
Gorotlck Binder. Horst Hake. Roller, i mentioned.
One 7 Passenger Overland Automobile, One 2Jon Republic
Truck, One Gasoline Engine, One Traction Engine
Wood Filing Cnblnet. Roll Top Desk,. Gallons Cylinder OH. Barrel nl Roof
-Blnu. Western Electric Light Plant ing Paint, lari of Backs. 3 Bags Hud
and Future*, 30 Gallons Mytur Oil. 161 Corn.
50 Shares of the Capital Stock of the
v Pleasant Valley Bank.
On the same day at 2 o’clock P M.ilhe following real estate mid personal
the undersigned will sell on the Karra I property, vis.’
known us Hie "Helwlg Farm," situate! First All that trad or parcel •'
y about I mile Khhl of Pleasant Valley, j land containing
; 124 Acres, 3 Roods and 17 Square Perches
e More or less, Improved by
Frame Dwelling House
|| Ht'K BAHN.YY tsy HOI HE,SMOKE Hi* laud In a high slate of cultivation
n HOUSE, WAGON SUED, CORN I RIB. and very productive. Thi property
Hog Pen, Chopping Huns* and other Is located on the public rond leading
outbuildings This Is a very vain- from Pleasant Valley to the Stone
kbit! and desirable farm, conveniently Hoad 'and bout 1 mile East of Pleas
located, buildings In good repatt, and ant Valley. ‘
t- 4 Heavy Draft Mules, 2 Excellent 6 Bridles, Wagon Huddle, 3 Beta Check
Work Horles. 4-llorse Wagon and Lines, Wagon Whip, T, Halters, 2 la-ad
bed. 2-Hnre Wagon and bed, (i Horse Heins, Forks, 4 Bel* Fly Nets. Hteei
Wagon, Manure Spreader, Disc Mar-- Roller, Double Trees. Single Trees.
V iHr ,® he “ r How* “>s• Forks, Lot of Hay In mow. lot of ear
2 Walking < orn Plows, Disc Drill, , . ' . „ . ,
* Spring Tooth Harrow. Corn Harvest- ( ftfn ’ JlKkey Ht,ck "- rea " l 1 "aln
n er, May Carriage, 2 Sets lireechbaiids, Hpreaders. Roil of Wire, Corn Shelter
4 sets Front Gears, t! Horse Collars, and other articles.
e ( .
X ; ’
TERMS OF SALE) I sale, or all cash at the option of the
y HEAL ESTATE Ono-thlrd cash nD PfUMfUTV git
the day of sale or on (he ratification .ItTi™ iTn BRr ? . A
‘ thereof by the Court, and the balance 8 1 W ' 111 u, ' tl,!r I * n ,y “ llar * “"J 1 a, J
in two equal payments of six and " u , m * ttkove J 4 Dollars a credit of.
k twelve months, the deferred payments *?" * ,v ?' P ,,rch *'l
to be sscured by the notes of the pur- Riving his ft- bet note with approv
- ■,, _ . ... , on secrulty, hearing Interest form day
chaser or purchasers,,with approved sale. No property to be removed
security, hearing interest Jrom day of until settled (or.
E-. O. WEANT, Trustee.
.1. N. O. SMITH, Auctioneer,
r ■ ■ i
The Johns
Hopkins University:
li A LTI VO HE, MO; |!
. ■ !
Entrance Examinations '
' n * < 1—
State Scholarship! in
Engineering Courses
' " • W ~' '. t ■ 1 1
; the School of Engineering, ae well uh
(or the College of Arts ami Bcicncirs.
will he held In the Civil Engineering'
Building, Homewood, Monday-Sutur- 1
.day. June 20-lfi,, 1821. beginning at 9
A. M. fitc h day, tinder the auspice* of
the College Entrance Examination
. Hoard.
NRBMI.N’O established under the pro
visions of the Uwi of Maryland.
Chapter 90. 1912, will now he receiv
ed If there la more than one appli
cant for 1 a particular Vcholarahlp. a
vcnspitlllve examination moat he
. tukfn Friday, September 22. IP-’I, be
I ginning at 9 A. M Appointment* will
( lc made aoun thereafter.
I ,
j Each Legislative District of lialll
i more City and each County of the
State, with the exception of Cecil.
Harford. Howard and tjoeen Anne'*
will be entitled to one or more echo)
arshlps for Ihe year 1921-19211, In ad
dition to those which have already
been assigned. In the lour counties j
, mentioned above, all the available
. scholarship* b*v* been awarded
Coder the provlalons of the Act of
% Assembly, ihe county slid City Sc hol
a rale Ip* In the School of Engineering
are awarded only In deserving stn
c dents whose financial circumstance*
are such that they are unable to ob
tain an education in Engineering un
tee* free tuition be granted to them
The acholarahlps entitle the bolder*
to free tnltion. free use of teitlcook*.
and exemption from all regular fee*.
I One of the sc holarshlp* In each Conn
i ‘ly and In erb l.eglalature I list rid ol
the City carriers also, the tun of
and la known as a "Senatorial Schol
r arabip" Senatorial Scholarship* may
be awarded for 1921-1923 in Balti
more City (Brat, second, third and
I fourth Irtslrlctal. Auae Arundel, Bal
timore. Calvsrt, Kent. Montgomery.
Brines George's, Somerset and Wash
ington Countie*.
Scholarship* may be awarded to
graduate* Of lecyoi* College. St
John'* College. Washington College,
Western Maryland College Maryland
Agricultural College. Mt 81. Mary'*
Col)eg*. Rock HBI College.
Three scholarships way b* sward- j
ed At Urge".
Applicant* should ddre* The
Registrar, The John* Hopkins I nl*
verslty. for blank iorm* of nppllea
lion and for catalogue* giving infor
mation a* to exarolnatlccns. award of
scholarships, and course* ol Instrur.
Mon. The next session begin* Tues- 1
day, October 4, 1921. I|
may SB4I .
Day Old Chicks
for sale and Custom Hate hing.
Apply to
. mi I 1* Manchester, Md.
| | ii. yMQV '■ y.s■■■■" , |
Private Sale !
i ( i
I I 1 will sell my residence on Liberty I
i street. Westminster, containing all |
. modern Improvement*, at private .
sale; also my farm, containing it"
. acres. 9 acre* woodland Buildings |
are all In Brst-dasa condition Excel- j(
l lent Brick House, barn WtxPO feet; IS.
ac re* ot meadow land, tenant house, I
just remodeled, I'9 mile* from West- (
nnnslur, on Sullivan Hoad. Ai>ply lot
or The Advocate, Westminster. M<l
N. fawn l> ed psysAAswsldcscW* Yit|**
E. A. Strout Farm Agency
51 West Main Street
Westminster, Md. i
apr 1 Bell Rhone 2IS
!| For Sale !
Modern Home with convenience*. I
marlS|tf hew Windsor, Vd. \
Orders left at Wolf* Drng Store !
j will rscelvs prompt attention. ]
Oraphophone* Repaired.
Telephone No. 16-M.
july 25 lyr. I|
I ■
Bx-Senator and Mrs. Wade H. H,
Warfield were called to Wheeling, W;
Va., by the death of Mr. Warfield's
cousin. Mrs. Martha HeVrie* Camp
bell, where they spent several daya.
Rev. ami Mrs. Claude Lcylleld. of
Rognal Heights, Baltimore, have been
'recent 'guests at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. John Harris.
| Mrs. Isiah Brown entertained the
Cadies' Aid Society of St. Paul's
Church, Thursday afternoon.
Frank Hill, of Baltimore, has leen
visiting his brother, Hlbridge Hill.
Mr. anil Mrs. Raymond Frloved, of
j Pennsylvania, have been guests of
'.Mrs. Frloved's parents. Mr. and Mr*.
1 Asa Hcpner.
The Ladles' Auxiliary, of Sprlng
j field chnrch. was entertained by Mr*,
j Cee Warfield, Thursilay afternoon.
Mayor and Mr*. Albert Hall, attend
ed the graduation exercise* of their
nephew. Mr. Kenneth Hgll, at the Na
val Academy, Annapolis Just Thurs
Mis* Fannie Joneg spent Inst week
with friends In Mt. Airy.
Work ha* begun on the new brick
building Miss Minnie Phllllnger I*
putting up, which I* to be a store and
dwelling combined.
Th* Home and Farm Supply Co.,
ha* moved Into the old stone store
building, and now will carry a large
supply of all goods in their line.
St. Mary's Industrial Rand was
tine last Friday night at the Lyceum
Mlaa Helen Hevtlbiss. of Cincinnati,
I* visiting her grandmother, Mrs.
Mamie Devllblsa.
Mr. end Mra. Jes. Whnitly, Hr.
spent the week's end with friends In
Mr Charles Read, of Western Mary
land College, filled the pulpit of St.
Pan)'* Church, last Sunday morning
and evening
Invitations sre out for the marriage
of Mr William Shipley and Mis* Kll|-
d Kmmart. Thursday, June I.V
Mrs. John Woodcock and Mra. Blh
elbert Smith are visiting their par
ta. in and Mrs. D. B, Hprecher.
The Idle baby of Rev and Mrs K
O. Pritchett continues very sick.
Mr. and Mrs Wm. II Rcnnett en
tertaineil Mr Charles Head of West
ern Maryland College for the week'*
Children's Hay service will lie held
her# Sunday evening, at "Mi
Mrs, Sarah .Mehrlng. of fteliysburg.
Pa.: Mr. and Mr*. John Wants, 0 f
Hampstead: Mra, Oscar Garrett ami
J. V. Went*. of Mnehnro, visited Lu
ther Went* and family, thla week
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bollinger and
daughter visited at HuffmaoevUle
Kuppenheimer Suits
"Th® highest clasa clothing made." 'Sf
* Schloss Brothers Suits $
'*.* The "CMIm beautiful." ®
Styieplus Suits J|
(♦) "'.The guaranteed i twthea." ffl
!§ Tin’ three line* represent the beat In style, In make, In value, ®
In luen'a ready to wear suit*. A
Boys’Knee Pants Suits
All WihH I Kiblilcldll aulta. sl3. • K \
Hull* from $7 to s!.'• In nobby patterns (or boy a. A C
Choice MutiiiiKn In our made to order department.
New Shirts, Ties, Hose and Belts ®
for Easter. 5 j
® Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr I
Curoll County’s Big And Only Exclusive Clothing Store 0 )
111 If You Aspire
|i| To Success In Life I
vl ,it can bo achieved,'but not without glB
• firm determination and some effort. Vl i i
Iljl The Starting M j
it Of A Savings Account
C vxyv*vyvx*x>oooo^<y>ocoooo
last Sunday. x * •
Mr. .and Mr*. Bdwjird 'Brown, of
Baltimore. visited here over Sunday.
Mr. and- Mrs. Clarence Ballinger,,
spent M.onitoyj at Baltimore. ' .
Our Butcher*. Kmory Bollinger and
*on, will conduct a meat counter m
Hyon' Htore, at Hampstead, each
Saturday and Saturday night.
Mr. and Mr*. John K, Miller and
Mr. and Mr*. Kverett Miller, spent
Sunday t Manchester,
Mr. Halton Sullivan accompanied
the following hoy* on a Ashing trip
on Wednesday which they greatly em
Joyed. They were Masters Harold mid
Kenneth SiilHvpn, Vernon Wcntr am,
George Redding. ■
Mr. and Mr*. Harry Brllharf and
*on. Austin, and Mr*. I.enh Barber,
visited Mr. and Mr*. Clyde Belter,
near Manchester, la*t Sunday.
9. H. Hare ha* beautified hi* home
by giving It a coat of paint.
Ml** Beulah Rodp la vlMitlng he
sister, Mr*. Renn, of Frederick.
! The following were visitor* of
1 Charles Gluts and wife Sunday: Mur
1 ray Slagle and wife, of Wbgtmiosttr;
Charles Futa. of Akron, Ohio: John
■ Clnts and wife, Raymond Ohlor. wife
! and children, of Tnneytown; Harry
'■ Clut*. wife and children, of Harney,
and George Clut* imd wife.
' Children'* Hay service at the Re
formed church, till* Sunday after
.! noon.
The following were entertained.
Sunday at the home of Peter Baum
gardner: Frank Alexander and wife,
i Robert Valentine, wife ond son, Car
roll: Calvin Valentine and wife, Ge<),
Ritter and daughter, Anna; Ml**
Ague* Kler; Peter Wllhlde and wits,
\ Norman Baumgardner. wife and
daughter. Mildred, of Tnneytown
Gregg Kiser la suffering from tou-
I aolitl*. ’ ■*
Raymond Hlckensheets, wife and
- child, accompanied hy friend*, nlfend
,ed the Anntal Meeting of the Church
■ of the Brethren, at Hershey. Sunday.
j The l.adi*C Aid of Deer Park, will
•! meet June :!0, t the homo of Mr. and
Mr* Jolin Heard. Smallwood
There will be no Christian Bndcav-
I or service at Heer Park. Sunday night
a* the society is Invited to Mount
Pleasant, (lumber, to a Union meet-
I ln there
Much Improvement I* going on at
thl* place, everybody I* painting and
' fixing up (heir buildings.
r (Julie a large crowd attended the
i Children's Service at Heer Pack, Sun
day. The collectfon for Mission*
taken up was over |2S,
Miss Klsa Barber, who is sick at the
1 home of her sister, Mr*. Geo. Mil lor.
ha* not Improved much. , tt . t

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