OCR Interpretation

The Huntington argus. [volume] (Huntington, W. Va.) 1872-1905, June 01, 1872, Image 8

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the iii xtin(;tox aH(;us.
Hnlurday, June I, IN1>i,
local news. __
M*. II. Jkvkimh, New. Agent, in the poet
Office Building, i« tho only authorized agent
for the sale of, and to receive subscriptions for, }
Thr //untioyton A rye. He also keep, on hand
the Cincinnati Dailies, literary papers and
magazines, as well ns an assortment of Kuvcl> '
opes, Initial Note Paper, Confections, Ac.
A considerable qnantity of coal is daily ar
rtsuig in this cily, from Coalhurg.
Trains w ill he running on the Chesapeake A
Ohio Railroad to tha Fulls of Kanawha, from
•ini after this date.
It Is said that no |pm than t*n business
houjes will he darted in tbix city within the
n#*it ten days. l*rt tty rapid progress for n
•Hie year old city.
Kinney A Van ('lev* will, in a few days, be
prepared to furnish the citixtns of Huntington
with a first-clan* article uf coal, nt their n« w
yard on Second avenue nnd Tenth street.
Mr. James M. Put huff ha- just erected it
neat and eotnmodious two-story brick store
room nnd dwelling house on Second Avenue
between Kighlh nnd Ninth streets.
Ice Cream nn«i Strawberries ay fashionable
now. Go to Snider A Bro., or Mrs. Will tarns'
saloons nnd get some. Their whereabouts can
be learned by referring to their advertisements.
Stolen.—Souie graceless scamp, who lmd
ceased to love the Lord and bo u Glirixtinn, en
tered the sleeping apartment of Mr. John M.
Cherry, on Third Avenue, and stole over one
hundred dollars in paper money from his pock
The scoundrel ought to he in favor of the
present Administration.
A It EI v ED.—The dredge hunt, of which we
spoke in»t week a* having been purehased by
• *««. Huntington, lor the purpo-e of dredging
Twelve Pole Bar and the river below Hunting
ton, arrived hero ou Sunday cveuing last, in
charge of Captain Davis, and in tow of the
steamer Mountain Belle. The Terror will
have work to do during the Summer.
Ladies would do well to call on Cha-e X
Young, at the Post Office, for their slio.-s._
They lino* a fine assortment of custom made
Gaiters, also fino Calf Boots. Those celebra
ted Goat Boots, mndu by Geo. Blake, can he
f »und there. They have a fine stock, are clover
and aceouimo Inliug gentlemen, and will sell
a* low as any home on the river.
L. Wise A Co. are in full blast with their
Clothing establishment on Kighth street be
twoon Second and Third Avenue*. They hare
a largo and splendid stock on hand, which they \
a«o adling low for cash. We trust they will
receive n share of public patronage.
Rnt.intft'1 Notice.—There will he a :4nern I
mental meeting ut the chapel of the Normal !
School, on Sabbath, Juno Vih, at 1»» n'.-lock,
A. M. There will be service at the same place
on Friday evening, June 7th, at 7\i o’clock.
On Saturday, at 10*$ o'clock A. M.,aod 7
p. M., the serviees will he held in Burdick's
liall. There will he preaching dti.ing the'
mrMing by Lev. Stuart iiubg, -#n, 1>. D., . f
Louisville, Ky.
Bdvrding Hoi sc lit KM'—On last Monday I
morning, abouto’clock, the two *i,.ry timing
hotel or b. arditig liou-u which wn- I,, mg in the
rWer aenr the wharf boat-, «>pp file the 1 reight
Depot, was entirely con*uni- I by fire, i-ciu.iiu
nicnled t» the building by the careless u e of a
• »sl oil lamp. It was the pi pcriy of a .Mr.
JJmlth of bistcrsville, and wa» a total |..«s; hut
W« bnvo riot It lined its value. Wy understand
that the boarders win# w rc quartered there
lost nil their effects, inelu ling clothing. We
sympathise deeply with the sufferers; but
would admonish them to I more mrerul in the
future. Will p.’•.pic never I. irn common . n%«
from the many warning* given, to low amof
coal oil explosion*! Ncv» r ui d-rt.ike to fill a
lamp while the wick i * burning.
p«*« TO Ski? Pm -On Tim 1 »v «t. , in/ to*l
we ha<| tho pi* i*ure of a \idt froto Judge .1 hn
( . Adams, of Franklin, £ifitn** n c**u..tv. Kv.t
an*i until lately, editor • f a Hetnorra'i- j riper
in that [ lore. Tw enty four years «]»■• w«* kn«*
the Judg- while a I* irdl Imy, in .\lay.sville,
Ky., and haw known him ever since a* a gen
tleman an*l i vrry particular friend. Wo were
truly ples i l to rueet him after many years *.f
ah* ii e, and t.. m o that tiiiu* had changed hi*
appearance f.*r the letter. Fame and Fortune
mu«t have both smiled upon him most hun’gnly,
for he hi*.« shared tho honor- of to hi*
•oti sfaot i«>n. and v as tin1 m*>st guy an*l festive
gentleman in hmaddoth that we have ».•»., in
Liuntingtoii ain* ** our brief residence her*
lie is now in the prnn** of life, and thor- are
future honors iu store f »r him. lie is n -w a
widower, hut tho father of < no of the m<*-t
f fte l young men t*. he found in any of tho
Ka-tcrn college-, l.i.n * may they t>*>ib lire to
eoj y life and it* hl*'«-ing«.
If? KTiaoToa |»orr Orrw » Nine ra**nths ag..,
fhe business of Marshall College p,*t nffine,
(now Huntington.)amounted to whom eighteen
dollars per quarter. As an evidence ol the
Chong#* in post office matter* here, w,.- have au
thority f..r «tatmg that oar worthy postmaster,
during the quart r ending May 24th, ha* sold
an thousand stamped envelopes and seven
thousand three-«**nt stamps, to persons doing
£usia< M at the Huntington p*.«t office.
There 4a oo longer any n-.ed of the country
vwerebatx# round about us, sending off for any
llroceriae. for there are several extensive
Wholesale houses bare at h m«. Among them
arc J. W Verlander, \, Doolittle, Huesel 4
Miller, Laidtey A Johnstons, Harper A Webb,
W. II. ! MU barker A Co., and Y T Mitchell
A •• u*r of whoa -'an fumi-h anything
In the Grocery line a* cheap as can he bought
elsewhere, (' me to Huotiogt"B to get your
g *'*ds all ye who de-ira to en*ovrge home ea
tarp rise*.
At It Ia l'i«T AflAty.—It give* a* pleasure
to announce that Carr. Ei stack Utasoa, At-I
torney at Law, after a few weeks absence to
Cul|ie|i|ier C. II. Va.. has returned to lua home
in this city, ami is now prepared to atteml to
any rails in bis profession. The Captain
ia deservedly popular in this place, and
throughout tho country; and, ag a lawyer
aud a gentleman, is the peer ofany attorney 1
in West Virginia, lie's many friends here
will greet his return, with joy aud congralula
Titans was a draud Tournament in John
ston s drove, below the city, ou r-’aturday lest, !
hut we were too busy in getting tin- first num
ber of the Auous lroui the press to go down to I
enjoy the siH.rt. The Catlettehurg hand dis
C"arsed sweet Basie, and we understand that
the performances were quite creditable.
/% gentleman who was pr.-cut inf-rat* a*
that the affair wa* a decided “nic'>• ” that
the Knights were marshaled by C/hi« f Marshal
Burke at 2 o cluck, I*. M., at-< i luii.-i by the
| Catlcttsburg Filver Cornet Band; that < »plain
II. < . Parson* delivered a beautiful charge to i
i the knights, after which the fan began with
tilting. Tlie successful Knights were,
'V. K. I'ar.oni, Knight of the Flying Cluuil,
first honor:
I. If. M itehell, Knight of Kim drove, s-ond;
Y. Johnston, Knight of Homewood, third:
P. Buffington, l.ui/ht •! I'lcu-unt ville, 4ih.
Mi-* .Nellie Young, of Huntington, was
TOWned Queen of Lota aud Beauty, with
Missis Nettie Love, Km in a McCullch aud
Huttie .Stoddard us Maids of Honor.
Mr. Kune delivei* d the coronation address,
, 'n *• ••‘"d eloquent an I graceful manner. Then
«;amc a dance in the Drove, in which many par
tiripatod. There were s large number in at
tendance; anil tho day being plca.-mut, every
thing passed off to the entire satisfaction of
! those who were in attendance.
♦ . ♦
m:w dim a stoiie.
1 Wr b,g leave to inf.,rm tho -it of Hunt
I inglon nml vicinity, that wo have opcncl »
hun.Uonic Hriig .Store in tho granite from
I l.uililiug on Third Avenue, hotwo.-n Truth and
Klovcnth afreet., mid will koop coualanlly on
Imnd a large mid well ,elri toil .luck of fro.h
| and roliuhlo I'li • inictl*, Itruga, M.dioinc,
| 1‘niata, Oil*, Yarni.h'a, T. ilet and l am v Ar
I tides, .Vo. Prescriptions will be compounded
it any hour of the day or night with care and
Inenf lies*.
Our thorough practical knowlcolge of tho
I Drug aud Apothecary businc.-*, combined with !
tho strict aud undivid- d attention which we
i pledge to our business, wu hope will indu<‘0 our
I fellow-citizen* bestow upon us a liberal *hurc
of their patron i/o. 1»'tjs£ Bkothkii.
ExntNHivic IlurTKK Tradk.—Messrs. Harper
X Webb, llrocors, on Third Avenue, are doing
a very extensive business in the butter trade._
Tiny hare mndo it a special feature in their
business, and, a- an nvid- nco of their success,
wo have only to state that fr in the 20lh of
April to the 2Htli of May, they sold, at retail,
over Jour tfioutoml jnoiuiinl
They have ma le arrangements with sonic of
the most extensive dairymen on the Western
Kr*erve for a tegular daily supply of their
hoico.-t butter. No other quality is shipped
I to them; and nil our citizen* can testify that
[ nono hut the best and freshest tuhle butter i*
j sold ut Ilaq.cr £ Webb's.
.1. Iln.H £ l o.. Wholesale I'lothing Healers
of fronton. Ohio, have one of the largest and
most com pic I > st*ek sf r 'thing to be mnd
anywhere, and sell to the trade as low as any
hou.-o ill t'iue nnati or any other place west of
ih.- mountains. The retail dealers will find it
to their advantage to purchase of them, ns by
,,oi,la ‘hey will save freight and tho delay*
arising from "hipping from a distance. Mr.
Ililb is a clet.-r and aecomin • luting gentle
man. and wI *l suit .ill who desire to purchn*< .
if such ft thing be pn tihlc.
ic■ \ t:ii mils.
The rli. i- falling ste.i Illy, yet them I. >li||
suffn i-n water for all the beats.
Til • park- •» Telegraph, Fleetwood ,|„.| Ohio
No. 4 are *• 1111 on time, making eonnrctien*
wiih the till ip.-nke and Ohio Itallreud. and
reee,,.. and <li-charge large lets of freight and
pa<"engers 1,1 mi wharf.
I Owing la -he large shipments of Iron at
points lie I w. the Steamer T- l.grapf, has mile
arrangement, with ('apt. I',,.
.1. I Pros-ley, l.y V.aieh, In ight and p,i..,n
gers earning to the rity l.y railroad and des
tined for port, hclow. will he r.,„,„yed
Inman, an .n iral of ruing train, and thus
make through ••ni.m-rtiou. Without .1 lay.
1 Tba Chesapeake eontimm- to earry ti,e mail
Hs-tween |ronton and OeHipdie, p» dug up
•v«*rjr tn<»m>nir.
We are phi .el t„ |,»rn »B agre. ment
has been entered i„„, f,y ,|„ ,, nf |(|#
Che.ip.-ek- an | Fannie Ougsn. that pm. an
end to lha Strife and rump.title,, w , -I, has.
for seme time pi.I. rl.t- l b-tw ,en them, ami
r'"',n< will, in tin. fiituri*. nvniilrtl. Thi« n
highly eomin... table, ae I will he »ppr„eerl l,y
tll» numerous file: I I.f th.. ,w„ heals,
i Tl" Oriole, basing laid „p f„, . ,|„,rl ,|me
to base her hollars repaired, was out again
yesterday, as gay a. a lark. Slit i. the trl
w rkly pnek-t h. tween Ironton at. I I- ,.y,
east lotielies at the Huntington wharf at 7 a. m.
Th. salt in n nf the K.tiswiia rrgiun have
bought the steam , t.ook iit for il„ pur|.
lowing salt out of h inswha riser,
Tha Faun,, Ifugan. the l,g!,t and life of the
towns between Portsmonlk and llnysndntte,
' eantmnoe to make her regular trips, an l is a|
way. a wales,mo Tisilor at our wharf. She is
n„l only a fleet and ra„drl b-.at, bm she worries
gentlemanly and ae..,,mandating nllioera and
or-w (-apt. Me turner ,S a So. I gentleman,
and the Mata, whose uarve w. tl«# a„t re mem
her. Is a sterling fellow. Wn are under lasting
obligations to both these gentlemen for past
fevors, and it gir*t us pleas ira to make this
aeknowledgement. Had we ten thousand
miles to traset, or a thousand printing estab
lishm-nfs to ship, We would be enotenl to do
both n hoard .ha model Portsmouth paekat
1»a /• If
The It in lit Sort of a Clothing store.
In iwssing along Fourth Aveuue last
evening in search ol something about
»h;ch to pen a ‘'Leal," we happened to
have our attention arrested by a good
looking gentleman '•landing in the door of
a new ami well-filled clothing house, at the
corner of Fourth Avenueand Tenth Street
and straightway heat our course to see
what "happy man" could atford to keep
! such an establishment in Huntington. On
nearing the door we we e pleased to recog
nize our old and worthy friend, Sam. I■ iu
EON, Ls<A, late of Manchester, Ohio, whose
reputation for selling goo I and cheap
ready made clothing is second to none in
this country. He has disposed of his
stock of goods at Manchester and built a
tine store room and residence at the corner
of Fourth Avenue and Tenth Street, in
this city, in which he has opened up a
heavy stock of the finest and best Ueadv
j made Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnish
j ing Goods that can be found in n day's
tui'el, all Uew, bright and attractive.—
I his stock includes every article in hi*
i line of trade from a fashionable neck-tie
t<» a 1 eaverover-coat, and the finest suits of
broadcloth are there in rich variety. ll<*
youths nnd bov*’ clothing are of the neat
est and most genteel style* and made in a
durable and substantial manner, and his
riipplv of gents’ coat*, overcoats, par t*.
' -t* and other necessary trapping-, ap
pear* to he inexhaustible
j That is not all. “8au»” is one of the
most genial, gentlemanly, jovial, and ac
i commodating merchants to be found be
tween .Sandy Iiook nnd sundown, and car
riis » heart in his bosom ns big as a buffa
, !u and warm a* a bake-oven. lie seen.*
i t<> anticipate every man's tran/s, and to feel
j«li*|K>*ed to supply them; and s uing a hat
j upon our head which did not comport with
1 hi* idea of editorial dignity, he at ones re
placed it with one of the finest and best
silk Hire that ever graced the brain pan ol
any editor in West Virginia. It wasinade
to order expressly tor our use; and our
good friend has our lasting thank* for the
beautiful present, with our kindest wishes
tor his loug life, prosperity and happiness
in this world, and eternal beatitude in a
world to come.
j Go to Gideons when you want to l e
f ruited in any description of clothing, and
I if you do not find them to suit you in price,
; lit and quality we are much mistaken. He
i will *pnre no pains to please and profit
von, nnd will give you such bargains a*
will induce you to call again. 1 Sam” is
no transient interloper—he has ‘ come to
-tav.’ lie has built and owns the proj»
erty in which he lives and carries on hi*
business, and it is in one of the inosll
beautiful and commanding locations in the
city. lie deserves pit "die patronage and
will becertain to r ccive it, at the bands of
a generous pe *ple
<Ym. Wim.iam S Kami, ok Kv—This
gentleman, (an old friend of our*) now of
Concord, Kv., called upon uh yesterday,
looking as bland an l* amiable as he did
twenty years ago. when sojourning in the
< ity of May-ville. He was. for a series of
years, a resident of New York and while
there, became intirnatcl?'i>i|tininted with
many o: ilie heavy capitalr; . not only of
that commercial ineiro|*oii*, hut of other
cities of the United States ; and, at thu
present i me, represents a money interest
of acvral hundred thou-and dollars, which
-e«ks an investment m this city and West
I lie ( otonel wii* on h>- return from the
S"ue Capital, in company with a bidv rel
ative of hi-, the w t-ailh v and nccomplslied
Mita. Davis, rebel of a late member of Con
-ress, and for whom he made
purchases there fi t t b-1 I ero to
•oe the moot ll urYh.ng young • iiv in the
I niv«r*e, wit» h view to making an in
vestment of H ' ir;»• H iiount. provide 1 they
can contract ul lair prices. 'I hi* lady,
alone, has a p • 11 >«»,0 :i„,l <
Hann represents other psrtie* who arc
• qiiallv \\ ♦* ars not withoni
1 hop# th.it h*- will .»oofi become h resident
'*( tin* city ll«- i* ju*l flu* man we wanv
ill % u\t« i on nuikFX
Cnrrrrl'.t WttLtf ky Ui.llry ,1 Juk„.lu,„.
Mutter |.» r pound. 25e
llv'n Mums, per pound, 12%*’
•l*i .■•idra, du du |u
Slinudcr*, do da 7«^
l.ur*l ila da
Potatotl per but. Mi
**<• pfrJot. |j
»<tT*n. peic*
r 35 ft tor
Old tf .eernment Java, S;t
Sugar. N f». raw, 10 ft 12'*
* ru-h- l. p u l-red and Orar.ulatcd, |f.',
>*rgnutit >.ola***»c, per gal., r.ij
•"/rup do do d» 1.00 ft 2.UO
T. *. Imperial. Y. II. and ii. P. I. *0 ft l.-u
Ittaek Teg pm pound, l,ut>
Ilaron Main* per pound, II
do Sidra, do do 10
d« Shoulder* do 10
Sugar cured city Hama. (4
lr»«li potato** per hu«. |,0u
Braga per pound 5
Hominy do do 5
Chena* per pound, 20
Hire do do 10
Starch do do |0
Soda do d»* 10
K«tra family fluur p*c 100 ft 8,50 ft 11,00
t.«*rn meal per bue. 75
Rutter per p.*ar»d, so*
p*r d*l«. 15
l.ard do pound, 1JU
Salt do bbl. | no
Tallow candle* p-’f pound, 25
Star do du du 35 ft to
Coal Oil. per gal 40
-- - - - '-**
^Wholesale & Retail Grocersg
and Dealers in all kit U of jj
0 «_Also Agents fur the sale of Kanawha ixilt.'toa X
E^ Third Avenue bet. 9th and 10th ste., HnmxaroN. IV. yA.P
U Ii'.I jIi- ,r|.| 1*1 lull
('onnfry Produce /aim in Exchange for Goods.
(Joods delivered in any part of the City free of charge.
Sen,ml Avenue between Seventh nml EUjhtl, afreets,
"-•v (Opposite Punenger Depot,) HUXTIXOTtWtf, W v.\.
Cifi.ee of the Central Land. Company
THie City of Huntington,
«.\ THE OHIO hi vi:it
!.eh,w'tbifmon!hU,nrilhi”lT, "'i0*!*'1 ,,n tl,e -<>uth bank „f t:.a Ohio r.ver, immediately
Of o’ mill ,0.1,! • f1""1"?'"’ !““Th,K n OonUige of nearly l .ur mile, ,.n ll„ Ohio, and
i in.oiM^.i, we‘ rr^:;:t!br,,,,'i'a rvfu"? .. i-« »• ...
! Tin, ,,r..»„nr L , n" -*'" ' f *r initnufnctin.i,g. mereunli.. mlier l.u-ines- pun.,,,,*,.
| M»!r.'Ta* U Ur° ... I-l—»»*l"»- W
1 r«.!l l"“ " “a,“'r ,','T htta Jir0tl U,,,‘ “O.n.en .'p.- l eonueothm with eighteenth, ,,
• it ciiort line, cmy lurvuiuiia low m.i,.. ..,,1 ,1 . . • *
thr*Mi 'h .in »iu. v.,..r . .. * 1 hr** •»»»<! the ml v» iita go* of economical on# rations
..... ,h™‘b •••• *■* ■-* .
■ voi!i;;;;ir.n;,wb;u3,::? wr,r;‘ rr"m .u» *.
RicKiuioiiil. i„ Virginia. ' ‘rgit.ia, and will be running during Ihe prevent year to
tt.1‘t "iM r>yf
principal machine. iininulM. i n/ - ... i . ' • "! "wl «»»•* ll, rc will be c>imI>Ii-Ii«<1 the
already b.-cn award. 1 an.) work 0/1 tlx °f f,h® ‘ - for which have
-ol riiwt-r Will nl-o I.,* nil I, .1 It, ■ • Important railroad c.nn.elioni with the
of innr at rlr . , '"""' :u"‘ ",l ,iD “ '">■ ft,r y»ra it will ho the termini.*
1 earh other -Iroao.. uuuuvctiug with the Cbc.apouko and Ohio Railroad and
, road will ,me c.i», and cheap a to the u..than,til,!, lie;.! „f ,1,1* ,4ri.nl Kanawha aud
! j! Inlmlaf'e,. wnteh ate k , an to t.e .up, ,,. r , .,|j „,!..*.. j„ ;k . l ,„r .T * ,
""V 1 • •'/ 1 "■ IW. which pr..».. ,0 I.e n \ulna 1,1,* .„h,n.uic (.., chare . L
diieing the beat uubii. ,.f * iron. i. found in uuaut.ti. , ... I ,tt.de, thatr.id.t
it axailablr. lit r«, tunbrr a»...iind* in gn .it variety and of i N.v a<. c -ibilu i
At u comn r cm! tin- City -f Uuntington w,il .. an important im.lt;.,„ on th«
Wka™, ....'•"•-l'-‘k. .. -lio li. ilroad.
«,lt torm between ... p of the Ch,-apeak, R„y and the great riv.ru of the » at
1 , { . *. i * d It W„l I here tore be, omt a natural aud couveuieiu point for
he 'Uter.ltange.aw , ateu.it c r-.ic.of th great utupl, of th- Ud and Soutl.weat, and tb.
proaui . ol ;l,i gnat umuuLud jn i / >ialc.d f the Ku.it and of fci p .
1' .invUi"K locality ean he round ihtifi the City of H„n,i„ .
li m, t1!'"!'. ’i i“"'i! ul b auty hr which the ,it. j, k„ 1,1 . :„.d it „ i„l. healthtol
I •li'iale tin prtob.r, h: ve. at g -.„t. laid ou, the eilv ap.u a plan intend d to «.*..« lor
.. large. n.duuliitMiu. and P.r.vmg , ulati, o every i.tl.l. , .Ra;,, .. ,.( ... ,.,. „.....
and ararogeiueni i..r toe palili ni-n ol tetined aud n.ltitaiM .. With lb... in
View, tin tv, ou, , anil Street, huv, all U-vn made of Mitiieieut width to ullew th, eultivatiou oi
ornuim niul trci >, anil leave abundant roxui f»*i roadway and -iib-walk-*.
I*a-li lot in,'1. I, 1 P.r a r* -id.'i-large .. to allow rj.. lor the cultivation of V gar
| do", trull tree, find -lirilhl.rry. On the lvein.— , wit. n, .1 ia »np|.I lot, will he ill !,.| for
I butler eh!.. I.t r. "dene,lot, will only h. , .Id rul.j,«i n,r-mdiiiou, nBich w..l forever pre
win Miirnixv j* in tlic \ i<miiy. 1
! A "f grade, for all th. Aten.,, and street, liar lxcn c.laklialrail upon a plan which
I ""V'T. T" "‘-'""'I ■ ..it ally "th , t -.1, at t . - >. i. ad.p . d lor ,.,-rh bait. ..... and .. werig*
In Miuciniral pa. l of ||IU nty, i».«• .<t.n .\ .r,uil 1 .-‘cliod ( Miir-inil ( u!ic-c i ..,t. imi\c
, .1.1 ing- and g un Is. nlicrr ri-nluii. Mill I,.,., j.n o|.|>« riunil> i .r llic ( d i atixn of their
w^tlXrlabliah’xepu, vtni'n. 1 *® ,9r brJ«bl' «f ..* *. modcrata c„", iu an luatitatiou of
1 . ' '"■* ’ I"' very from $U0 <t.Ji« .*:.,»• ■ rdin ; to luen.. Thera
nr** |,r' " mi |« but. nro not binding beyond tins ilnlc,
Iheitrie. of pay.m-nt are ten p r eent. on day of »archaic, aul the balance «,,|.,n tbirtv
'« ' P r, they may pay Ihlrtj i • ut. within thin*
' • * ,r"'“ '• ,f I’"' '• • r"1'*1 " "•ntr.iel I , • „ ,1 • ,| win I,,. ,r, I i ■ „ .11 „f tl, - r
..S„-»'F I" ' n;'"! "• /«•<[ from ,|„te „f p, , wt h iumr. .1 at -t» per . at. | r a
nuir. on lie t i-rr—l p »>tni-iiti*. and the remaining per c-m. in !«.» year* from dote of p »
' 11 ‘ ‘ * w ■ 1 '-’hr—l at ,i.\ | er eent. per anon i. If,...* pnrrliaite i. in i iv „n tin .a lei,a
eredit, a .. will la* given IV lie" ||,,. |,na! pay no nt .. inn | . ,,, , ... ., ,| in — urilli l lie lerui. . • •• I
ha* li pin n er i. r* ijulre.l tu l.uibl on the lot pur ,.,-e I wi t.. I .. ,| ,tc „f pur
el, ,,e, aud in certain .pccifli d part, of.he city nli,..rvc tin, re.tn.-tioni again.I ... m I
tn conform to -p. .*ifi.*.t regulaimn, regarding the cute anil luenti„n of the huiblin*.*. to i.e creel* t
Ihe intent ton ol III*-e r*.motion, and ,-■|fulaiiiin, ia to gun I agmi.t .... and
j »»hoy»r.. • npoii. no..I alino.t all of the md *r ...
I he prop -rty of the i'umpany nohraei* many ». ry ralu .hl -i.e, f.,r K .nn trie., Rolling
Mill., M . n 'imp . saw Mill., and manufacture* ul every ib ripto.n nr Iron an I tV.w.il
I lo re I* |,„ ..Iliar pl.ee on the Hliio r,vr pre.eming •„ tnanv advantage. f.,r the ...
|.r.... .. on the ttoi.l eg too, iv -ale, ,.f any ol the.n hiaiiel.,*, of uu-ilo-*.
a the . ,ty of lliiaiiiigion. Tl uiaiert.l .,,*,. i„ u.,limited .. lie, of .h. , I
peuko and Ohio Railroad, a, d it. Mu,radiate ncinily, from Wlo iie* it eati he IratuporUd •«
lluniiiigt >n at a ». *>• in > b ri.tn r.,»t. r
Individual, or cotupunii*, pr,.,...,ing to eng*g ■ in at , ,,f th. hr.iohc. of hit.in—. are pa
to Itlatly invited m c.amine lio* ptoperty. and th* a.lv t'ntagi it ..ft- - i„ th-e r—p.*»,..
..* ^ f-r..... f.rih,«„r, c.
I ' IV /, Tl* \ 1Hadroal t* fully op m d, tl,. h—t way of g ong to llunt r-g
,7 no.* i' v ,t. i'.,’|l *i { n'' V*1 .o •' I'>hio Railroad i , I'.iker-hurg. ttoi Virginia, a. •
y’urili'-r infra-(fintiuu will b*- irircn if ixti ii n i l - in ,r b« i.u.. . mSiK*,r •
»►* unu«:r*igtH-ij.
t* M (tmrriil Iniicrinli'nilrat,
J«>> II. oi.iit. Au. in.
....... . ... lll'MTIStlTON, Wwi . VlltlilNM.
JAMRo J. I HACi , &*ercinr\ nnH Trctniirrr
Wii.i.iaji Kthkkt, Nkw Vokk. n'JmO
In fUWrduk $ Hln^k '!</ vl.vio* IniiPtsn *Jtf>
ttnd loM »tr»‘€fs,
iu:jfTrj*»T<»N, wnT v.%.
Mr«. f.Ksii1 M. William* lt-«ir>** In inform
all |o%rri of Ire Oram that »h«« kr*|»s a jjoo»|
article <#u kan l. un i will !»*• plfi^il to *ui>| lv
iKrm m any quantity drain*!. Partin Jam!
families *u||>lio 1 at rrasonaM» rates.
Ilcgtilar Portsmouth, fronton, Biff San
dy, 11 iiiitii^iou, and (juyau
dott« Pj* Lot,
A.J Mr A I.UsTKH I'npHii.
h i.i XA mo f:r, A X, Ctwrk. I
f*ware« «5njan<1ntt« erery morning at 5 a. m I
Krturnmg, It-avr* P<iTt«moufb ai 1 f*. in.
»t th<- l<>wo>t jirlro*
Pertooal attention given to Undertaking
i \Si.H AM) 4 4M4KT*
Repairing d.»ne at abort notice. Call an t *c*
roe, on Third Avenue between Eighth A Nlnt »
street*, Huntington. W. Vu. mjfStf

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