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Break Between Carranza and Villa Causes Anxiety in Washington's Official Circles! HARRISBURG Sfillifa TELEGRAPH' LXXXIII— No. 227 TO FINISH STRETCH OF WALL TO WIfICLAY ST. By TOMORROW foreman Will Transfer His Force to Uncompleted Central Section SEWER OUTLETS INSTALLED Park Commissioner Grading Slope of Depressed Park in Southern End Foreman Williams, of the Stucker Brothers Construction Company, who has charge of the river front work In the northern section of the city, an nounced to-day that he would be able to complete the concrete steps and wall to Maelay street to-morrow. This section of the work has pro ceeded with remarkable, expedition during the summer under the energe tic direction of Mr. Williams and as soon as he completes the work at Ma clay street his force will be trans ferred to the unfinished section be tween Herr street and a point south of the pumping station at North street. The "stringers" are practically com pleted except for a short section im mediately in front of the pumping sta tion. where the work is somewhat difficult owing to the depth of the [Continued on Page 7] THE WEATHER For Harrisburg and vlflnltyi I'n- Kfttlfd. prnhnhlj- mhonfru, thin af ternoon: fair to-night and Frldayj cooler to-night. For Eafrlfrn IVnnnylvnnlii: *hov<rers and Romenhat cooler to-night; Friday partly cloudy; moderate, variable «lnd«. River The main river will remain nearly stationary to-night and Friday. A Ktace of about .R of a foot In Indicated for Harrisburg Friday morning. General Condition* A disturbance, central otT the Mid dle Gulf f'oairt. hss canned gen eral rains In the Gulf States nnd Tennessee. heavy In Southern l.oulsfnnn and Southern Texan. A secondary dlsturhnnce of slight energy, now central over Kast ern New York, hss developed to the southeastward of the disturb ance that Mas pnsslng down the St. Laurence Valley. Temperaturei S a. m., t|R. Sun: Rises, 1»t52 a. M.i net*, 0 p. m. Moon: First quarter, September HA, 7:30 a. m. River Stage i of a foot above low water mark. esterfiay'* Weather Highest •temperature, 02. I.owest temperature, H4. Mean tempernture, "S. Normal temperature, 03. MARRIAGE! MCK\SES Charles T. Diffenderfer and Bertha Gastrock. city. Isaac T. John. New Castle, and L«aura Gelger, Bloomsburg. * A Word to Retailers This is the time of all times for business men to pull together for the general good. North America is thrown on her own resources and new and splendid developments are under way. The manufacturer who is tak ing an aggressive stand for busi ness deserves help. The National manufacturer who comes into the columns of the newspapers in your own city with his advertisements is doing this very thing. And more, too. He Is helping you. making business for you, sending In quiries to your store. It is eo-operatlon and horse sense as well to displav the goods the manufacturer is ad vertising in the newspaper. It makes money for you. Late News Bulletins, WIRELESS ORDERED CLOSED Washington. Sept. 24.—Secretary Daniels to-day ordered the Mar coni wireless station at Slasi-onot. Mass.. closed at 110011 to-morrow. In consequence of the failure of the company to gi\e assurance that It would comply with the naval censorship regulations. RED CROSS REACHES FALMOUTH Ixindon, Sept. 24.—The American hospital ship Red Cross, under command of Captain Rust, which left New York September 13, arrived to-day at Falmouth, on the Knglisli Channel. I<ondon. Sept. 21, 7.55 A. M.—lnterest 111 the fighting to-day cen ters in Woe\re. says the Bordeaux correspondent of the Times, where the enemy 1/' making serious effort to -pierce the line of forts linking Verdun and Toul. Berlin. Sept. 24, by wireless to Sayvllle, 1,. I.—The official an nouncemeut Issued yesterday by the headquarters of the German army says that German heavy artillery Is successfully bombarding Troyon - les -Pa ronches, Camp I)es Romains and I,iourvllle (.). Washington, Sept. 24.—Rebate on the warm revenue bill began In the House to-day under a rule providing for seven hours' discussion. It was called up by Chairman Henry, of the Rules Committee, and for an hour's discussion of the rule preceded debate on the bill itself. Jersey City, Sept. 24.—Ten gallons of nitric add spilled from a carboy to the floor of the Krle railroad station during the commuters' rush hours to-day. gave off fumes which choked scores of persons to unconsciousness, made hundreds 111. stop|tcd traffic on the Hudson Tunnels for an hour anil packed the station with thousands who verged on panic till a strong force of police was summoned anil restored order. FIREMEN'S BIG WEEK WILL START SUNDAY. OCT. 4, IN CHURCHES Special Services For Visiting Dele gates Will Be Held by Many Congregations OFFICIAL PROGRAM IS OUT Efforts Made to Change Route of Parade Again Fail; Judges of Contests Named Official plans announced last night by the Firemen's Union at a meeting in the Susquehanna firehouse fix Sun dap, October 4, as the opening day of the big firemen's convention week, when in a number of churches throughout Harrisburg special ser mons will be preached to the firemen. Many out of town delegates to the Pennsylvania State Firemen's Asso ciation sessions will reach Harrisburg Sunday and it is the purpose of the State secretary, W. W. Wunder, to have his headquarters in the Chestnut Street Auditorium open on Saturday, October 3. Badges for the delegates, visitors and ladies' anxiliary members are ready and will be turned over to the association officials when they arrive in Harrisburg. Credentials must be shown in order to receive badges, but emblems similar to the official badge will be sold in the streets for the benefit of the convention fund. At the meeting of the Union last night another effort was made to change the route of the big parade, but the majority of the members de cided to make no changes at this time. Following this action, the mem bers from the Paxton and Susque hanna companies announced'that they would parade in South Harrisburg be fore the regular parade. These com panies will also give hand concerts at their respective firehouses. Judges Named These ,ludges were announced for the contests of the week: A. \V. Holman. Frank C. Sites, Jonas M. Rudy, Edward G. Hilton, & L. "Rickenbaugh. C. Ross Boas, Willis Nauss, George Toomey, Captain Frank E. Ziegler, Captain Jerry Hartman, [Continued on Page 10] CITY SEW GIVES HOUSEWIVES IIP ON BUYING OF POTATOES Says Dry Commodities Must Be Sold by Weight, Measure or Numerical Count If your huckster insists that he doesn't sell potatoes by the bushel or half bushel but by the basket, just tell him that you'll notify the city sealer of weights and measures. And Sealer Reel will surely get him if he doesn't watch out. Mr. Reel this morning issued a gen eral tip to housewives relative to the purchase of potatoes and other com modities, which are now being sold in the streets. The law requires that all dry commodities shall be sold by weight measure or numerical count, and not by the hox or basket. Furthermore the dealer must mark ciearlv on the bag or box the weight of the article it contains. And if the dealer doesn't, Mr. Reel says he 11 con [Continued on Page "] VOTKRS Every voter should bear these days in mind, if he wants to vote In November. LAST DAY To pay taxes. October 3. 1 LAST REGISTRATION DAY October 3. HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1914 Russian Infantry Firing From Behind Breastworks of Stone and Sand V Vi jwSS This Is a photograph of Russian infantry fighting in East Prussia It shows two of a company of soldiers fight ing 'rom behind temporary barricades of sand and stone. The Russians threw up defenses of this kind on their march toward Koenigsberg. VILLA AND C SPLIT; FIGHTING IN MEXICO American troops at Vera Cruz may be ordered to remain at seaport until latest trouble is settled; General Villa is ready to open revolution and march on capital with 40,000 men; 27,000 of whom are veteran fighters well equipped. By Associated Press Washington. 1). C., Sept. -4.—Gen- j oral Carranza lias informed the United j state,-, government he will not attack i General Villa, btU will order his forces; to he on the defensive and resist at tack. Tlie first chief's communication de- i elarod the national convention would he held as scheduled on October l,j when a provisional government would he established which he hoped would] he satisfactory to the I'uited States. Washington, D. C., Sept. 24. —Gen eral Villa's open repudiation of Gen era! Carranza's authority as first chief of the Constitutionalist army in charge of the executive power in Mexico spread a sinister feeling in official circles to-day. While officials admitted that the j situation was threatening, they were j not without hope that the rupture ' would not lead to a physical clash Once before Villa denounced Car ranza's authority, they said, and dele gates of the two chiefs met at Tor reon, where Villa again recognized Carranza as first chief. That efforts would be made to adjust the differ ences of the two leaders peacefully was generally expected, but just how FINDS DIN CLAD ONLY IH NIGHTGOWN IN MIDDLE Of FIELD Steelton Woman Tells Police She Ran From Men Who Tried to Rob and Kill Her Clad In nothing hut her nightgown, bruised and cut about her bare legs and' arms, and bleeding from nu merous lacerations, Mrs. Anna Pe trovich. a pretty Austrian woman of, about 30 years, was found uncon- i scions early this morning in the mid-j dl of a cornfield near Enhaut by! [Continued on I'nge 3.] Hold Examinations For Library Training Pupils Kxaminatlons for entrance to the I Students' Library Training Class were ! held in the Public Library this morn- I lug Miss Alice R. Raton gave the ex- | amlnations to ten pretty girls ranging i in ages from 18 to 22 years. History and literature were the main subjects taken up Only four or five of the applicants II will be chosen, ami they, will be given three or four more examinations until h their library trr-lning Is completed. The ! applicants will work In the library for , a period of eight months until a di ploma is issued, with which a position is readily procured In any public library i | of the United States. 1 far the United States government would lend its influence to the move ment was not known. That the American government will frown on a continuance of bloodshed in Mexico is known to both Villa and Carranza. In the strongest possible language Paul Fuller, personal repre sentative of President Wilson, who' has just returned from Mexico, told I both Carranza and Villa that the United States would insist on the maintenance of peace at its doors. Villa lias 40,000 Men Should lighting ensue, however, offi cial reports show that Villa has nearly 40,000 men, of whom 27f000 are vet eran fighters, well equipped. With General Obregon. commander of the strongest division under Carranza, a prisoner in Villa's hands, the first . chief would be considerably embar rassed, though he has several thou- j sands of fighting men in central Mex- j ico under the command of General! Pablo Gonzales. In the meantime, conditions through out Mexico, approaching a state of unrest on the parr ot toreigners and the inhabitants generally almost un paralleled in Mexico, is being de fContinued on Page 7] LIFE INSURANCE TAX FOR WAR REVENUES BITTERLY PROTESTED Representatives of Woods Agency Learn Even Europe Doesn't Levy Assessment » No European country has im- . posed any taxation whatsoever on life insurance, hut on the contrary all have co-operated with com panies. recognizing by decree and moratorium and consulting the importance of obligations and the value of service in the present crisis. That cablegram wired to America by the London representatives of the Equitable Life Assurance Society in [('oiltinned oil Page 12] Cold Weather Coming in From Western States Cooler weather is predicted for to morrow by E. R. Demain, local fore caster. A high pressure area collect ing in the Western States is working eastward with great force, and in some instances the temperature has fallen from 10 to 32 degrees. As far South at Santa Fe. N. M., the tem perature Is down to 40 degrees. Showers will prevail over the At lantic States to-night. BEY WILL ITM EXPRESSIONS WHICH ANGERED PRESIDENT Turkish Ambassador Informs Wil son He Will Leave Within Fortnight By Associated Press Washington, D. C„ Sept. 24.—A. Rus tem Bey, the Turkish ambassador, has informed President Wilson that lie does not alter the views he recently 1 expressed in a published interview and will leave the United States within a fortnight. The ambassador refused to discuss his action further than to say he had asked his government for leave of ab sence, which he was certain would be granted, and would leave for Con stantinople within ten days. The announcement of the with drawal of the Turkish ambassador, though not unexpected, caused a pro found sensation in diplomatic circles. Wilson Is Determined Coming close on another diplomatic interview yesterday of which the ad [Continued on Page 4] Have You Seen the Comet? You Can if You Get Up at 4 a. m. • Concerning the Delavan comet now visible here, a recent issue of Nature (London) says: "The comet is a naked eye object, and is a line sight even with a pair of field glasses or a small telescope. The comet has a very dense, almost stellar nucleus and a considerable length of tail. On August 28 the tail was judged to be equal to about four diameters of the moon and the nucleus of magnitude three." The best time for viewing the Dela van comet is between 4 and 4.30 a. m., when it may be steen with a pair of opera or field glasses in the northeast, about one-third of the way up to the zenith, a short distance to the right of the Bowl of the Big Dipper. The tail Is directed upward. Many natural ists of this city have been watching its progress. Wilkes-Barre Girl Is Dying of Grief Wilkes-Barre, Pa., .Sept. 24. Police here are searching for Mearns Arbo gast, to get him to return to the home of Mrs. Henry Ryan. 224 North Front street, Lewlsburg, where it is claimed that his fiancee Is lying at the point of death. According to a message signed by Mrs. Ryan, the girl's mother, doc tors have Informed her that unless Ar bogast returns to the daughter's bed side she will die of grief over his ab sence. The letter declares that Arbogast and Miss Ryan were engaged to be mar ried. A short time ago Arbogast is al leged to have left on a fishing trip and failed to return. Miss Ryan is said to have become seriously 111, and her mother states in the letter that her condition is now so critical that only a visit from Arbogast may possibly save her life. Wll-I- NOT PAY DIVIDEND Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 24—Directors of the American shipbuilding Com pany have decided that because of the falling off in earnings and present war conditions the company would not pay dividends on the preferred stock for the present. 12 PAGES * POSTSCRIPT. FURTHER SUCCESSES CLAIMED FOR ALLIES; BRITISH REACH CHINA Germans Say They Have Broken Through Lines of French and British; Russian Cavalry Pursues Austrian Rear Guard Inflicting Heavy Losses; German Cruiser Bom bards Important City in British India Doing Only Slight Damage; Zeppelin Airships Sighted Off Coast of Denmark Further successes of the armies of the allies which are attempt ing to turn the German right wing are claimed in an official an r.ouncement issued at Paris this afternoon. It is stated that the allies' left wing has advanced consider ably and Peronne has been occupied after desperate resistance. Peronne is seventy-five miles north of Paris and twenty-five miles north of Lassigny near wheree an advance by the allies was an nounced in yesterday's official statement. The position of Peronne indicates the movement of the allies' left wing which is much farther north than their main battle line. The turning movement of the Franco-British forces first directed against General Yon Kluck in an effort to envelope his army, ap pears from unofficial dispatches to have met added resistances from strong German reinforcements. The Paris announcement says that there has beeen heavy fight ing on the River Metise at the eastern end of the battle line where the allies have alternately advanced and retired. The latest German official advices up to early afternoon stated that the Germans were breaking through the allies' center. BRITISH LAND IN CHINA It is officially stated at Tokio that the British North China forces which will co-operate with the Japanese in the attack on Kiao-Chow have landed at Laoshan bay. The troops sailed from Tien Tsin ostensibly for Wei-Hei-Wei but landed at Laoshan, neutral territory in China, presumably to avoid complications with China. Cettinje announces that the Montenegrins defeated the Aus trians, capturing Pratzno, a town near Sarajevo, the capital of the Austrian province of Bosnia. An official communicaion issud at Petrograd says that fol lowing the capture of Jaroslau in Gallcta, the Russian cavalry is pursuing the Austrian rear guard, inflicting heavy losses. There is considerable doubt as to tlie exact situation in the eastern theater of the war as the reports from Petrograd, Vienna and Berlin persistently conflict. A dispatch from Petrograd to a Paris paper says that the Germans who drove the Russian invaders from East Prussia have in turn been defeated and are avacuating East Prussia to reinforce the line from horn, in West Prussia, to Kalisz, in Russian Poland. A news dispatch from Paris says that among the prisoners recently arriving at Paris, is a general of the staff of General Von Kluck whose army has borne the brunt of the allies' turning move ment on the western end of the battle line. It is announced officially at Calcutta that the German cruiser Emden, which recently captured several British ships in the Bay of Bengal, dropped a few shells while passing into Madras, an im portant city of British India. ZEPPELIN AIRHIPS SIGHTED Press dispatches, unofficial, report that Zeppelin airships evi- S dently reconnoitering, have been sighted from various points iqr Jutland, Denmark. The German submarine U-9 credited by Berlin with having unaided, destroyed the three British cruisers off the llook of Holl and has returned undamaged to a German port. Chief Gunner Dougherty, of the Cressy, one of the three ships sunk, insists that lie saw five submarines during the attack and that one of the five was sunk by the Cressy's guns. 'The German war loan subscription total $1,097,250.000. The press of Norway is making a deliberate effort to maintain strict neutrality. The indirect cause of the war is recalled by a report from Ams terdam that the trial of the alleged assassins of the Austrian heir apparent Archduke Francisco Ferdinand and his consort will open at Agram on November 5. German Forces Still Flinch Before Allies fly Associated Press Paris, Sept. 24, 7.05 A. M.—The formidable force the Germans threw against the aliles - left is stilt flinching, according to the official communi cation, under the unrelenting blows of the Franco-English battering ram. Even the famous guards in the battle of the Marne are unable to stand the pressure and are giving a little more ground every day. The diversion attempted in Lor raine having proved ineffectual, the Germans are now making a fierce drive in the Woevre district, north east of Verdun. The object, no doubt, is to cut off the army operating around Nancy, but the Germans already had tried to make an opening between Verdun and Toul, besieging Troyon at the same time. The maneuver con stitutes a grave menace to the allies, who are resisting desperately, and have thus far repulsed attacks with heavy losses. According to the wound ed. the Germans are losing heavily on their right. Admiralty Making Up List of Casualties fly Associated Press London, Sept. 24, 10.20 A. M.—The admiralty, in publishing a list of cas ualties of officers serving aboard the crulsesr Aboukir. Creasy and Hogue, which were blown up and sunk by a German submarine in the North Sea, says: "Not being among those saved, it must therefore be presumed that they lost their lives. " The list contains twenty-four names from the Aboukir, twenty-five from the Cressy and eleven from the Hogue. In the list of officers saved appear tho names of Captain John E. Drummond, of the Aboukir. and Captain Wilmots Nicholson, of the Hojcue. British Troops Land to Oppose German Army Py Associated rress Toklo, Sept. 24. The war office makes the official announcement that Hritish troops under Brigadier General Nathaniel W. Barnardiston, com mander of the North China forces, landed on September 23 In the neigh borhod of Loashan bay to participate in the movements against the Ger mans at Tslng-Tau. William Is Confident of Germany's Success By Associated Press Berlin, via The Hague to London, Sept. 24, 12.25 A. M.—A diplomat who arrived here to-day from general headquarters in the field told the As sociated Press that Emperor 'William and his sons were in the best of health and spirits and that the army w as confident the conclusion of the war would be favorable to Germany. Submarine Which Sunk Cruisers Is Uninjured fly Associated Press London, Sept. 24, 1.05 A. M.—A dis patch to Heuter's Telegram Company from Amsterdam states that the Ger man consul there, according to the newspaper Telegraaf, has been ad vised by his government that sub marine U-9. which is credited with blowing up the three British cruisers in the North Sea early. Tuesday morn ing, has returned to a German port uninjured. ANOTHER TRAWLER BLOWN UP London. Seut. 23, 1.53 P. M.—An other Grimsby trawler was blown up by a mine yesterday In the North Sea. The vessel remained afloat ten minutes which enabled all the members of the crew to escape except one deck hand who was killed by falling debris.