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Manufacturers' Pure Food Exhibit PURE FOODS "Made in Harrisburg" When you buy any of our food products you know that they have been U. S. inspected and passed. You'll be able to identify them by the Serial Numbei 291 which the Government permits us to put on our products only after U. S. inspector has thoroughly examined and O. Kd. them. Get acquainted with them at our display at the Pure Food Exhibit and for your thoroughly examined and O. K'd them. Premium Hams and Bacon, Dauphin County Lard Frankfurts Minced Ham Boiled Hams 291 Sausage and Dauphin County Sausage. If Your Dealer Can't Supply You 9 Phone Us Brelsford Packing and Storage Company HARRISBURG, PENNA. When You're Cake Hungry— Whether it he a little jumhle to munch on between meals, or a dainty biscuit for the afternoon tea, or a layer cake for the dinner dessert, you will obtain the maximum in quality, purity and deliciousness, if you specify Thorley Baking Company's CAKES All flrst-elass grocers sell Thorley Baking Company cakes. SMALL CAKES TANGO BARB MARSHM ALLOW COCOANUT HOP SCOTCH SPICED JUMBLES SENSATION JUMBLES GINGER SNAPS And many others DINNER CAKES CHOCOLATE BARS ICE CREAM CAKES ANGEL FOOD SPONGE CAKES FRUIT CAKES FANCY SMALL CAKES. Birthday and other cakes baked on special orders to your grocer or Thorley Baking Company 6th St. and Delaware Aye. HARRIJSBURG, PA. See Our display at the Pure Food Exhibit. SEETHE DISPLAY OF OCCIDENT THE GUARANTEED FLOUR Guaranteed by Its Makers to Make More and Better Rread. COSTS MORE—WORTH IT Special Feature Mrs. Jennings, an expert in domestic science, will give a series of lectures and demonstrations in the use of Occident Flour in the making of Occident bread, cake and biscuits. The baking will he done in a specially de signed glass electric stove, in which the whole baking process can be seen. Lectures every afternoon at 3.30 and every evening at 8.30. Tuesday evening—Bread. Wednesday afternoon—lllarult. F.venlnn—Rread. Thursday afternoon—Cake. Evening—Hread. Friday afternoon—Biscuit. Evening—Bread. Saturday afternoon and evening—Cake. RUSSELL-MILLER MILLING COMPANY MIJWEAPOMS, MINN. EDITORS BOLTING THE MULE TICKET Grove City Man Joins Henry Wil jk son Bergey in Throwing Over * Vance McCormick _* The editor of the Grove City Out ook, a Bull Moose paper as stalwart n its party affiliation as the paper of Henry Wilson Bergey was for the Democracy In Montgomery, has bolted he mule ticket and is out for the Re publicans. The paper wields consid •rable Influence and also shows the rend of opinion In its town. The Outlook says: "Ever since the political campaign jpened this paper has endeavored to lupport the Washington party ticket. \ % ' , V TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 13, 1914. At the time we thought it a weak ticket, but we made up our mind to support it anyway. When the trade was made by Bill Flinn and McCor mick to set Draper Dcwls out of the running for Governor, it was about as much as we could swa'low. But we even swallowed that. But since we have seen trade after trade made by the Democrats and the Washing ton bosses that were so flagrant and in such disregard of the voters' de sires that we were compelled to 'holler' enough. "We are disgusted with the whole kit and kaboodle of them. The Re publican party may not be perfect, but it never was bossed and bartered and sold like the Washington party has been during 'he past four weeks. Their party has hern stultified until it in a joke for it to pose as being the Angel of Reform. It is the worst bossed party that has ever disgraced Pennsylvania politics. No. th° Re publican party Is good enough for us. We are going hack to the faith of our fathers, and from now on we are a Republican paper. "The last chance for the success of the Washington party was given up when Bill Flinn mads it indorse Mc- 1118 For Pure Food gg|| Domino Package Rice Packed in sanitary, dirt-proof cartons. Free from the danger of contact with rat 6, mice, roaches, etc. It is the safe rice for your family. See Our Exhibit at Show Space No. 32 Ralph Goldsmith Co. New Orleans, La. At thin nhlMt we Trill give ample assurance an to the su periority of all "P. M. P. Co." product*, and explain the care tnken to letnre the heat possible milk and cream, nnd the nnnllnry process under which they are prepared. Certified Milk, Buttermilk * And Purest Bottled Milk "Nissley-Reist" and "P-M-P" BUTTER Tlieae "branda" are a household einrd, nnd to be anre you hove the beat milk obtainable, aee that thin label la on every bottle. fZL Pennsylvania jMilk Products Co. Harrisburg, Pa. Cormlck, a Democrat, for Governor, and made Draper Lewis withdraw. Just look at it. The Washington party asks a man to vote for Pinchot for United States Senator because he is in favor of the protective idea. It then turns around and asks the voter to vote for McCormick for Governor because he is a free trader. The voters of Pennsylvania are too intelli gent not to see that there is a nigger in the woodpile somewhere." WHAT'S IN A NAME? In business it may mean a fortune. Repetition makes reputation. There fore it Is essential that the name of your establishment stands out promi nent with the merchandise you have for sale. An attractive name plate not only serves to embellish your adver tisement but It makes the name stand out in decided contrast from the same ness of type In the group of advertise ments around yours. Sketches sub mitted on request, or engravings made from your own drawihgs. Telegraph Printing Company. Come to see us too We'll be g'lad to see you FOULDS' flavory, firm, tender Macaroni and Spaghetti, served daily at our exhibit, No. 13, Pure Food Show. PHD AGAIN HII AS A LOBBYIST Democratic Ringmaster Flayed by Senator Penrose in a Few Choice Statements Senator Penrose yesterday backed up the clmrge (if Republican State Chairman Crow that A. Mitchell Pal mer, Democratic nominee for United State senator, figured as a paid lobby ist for railroad interests before the Legislature at Harrisburg. Senator Penrose declared that Con gressman John R. Karr, of Scranton, in a speech on the floor of the House In Washington, had charged that Mr. Palmer has "corporation affiliations at remunerative compensation." "This is well known of Mr. Palmer," said Senator Penrose, "and he cannot •YOUR FAMILY EATS MORE BREAD THAN ANYTHING ELSE Be Sure It's Pure When you make a bread purchase, just remember that your family's health is at stake. You can't afford to drop a nickel on the counter and sim ply say "Give me a loaf of bread." It is a duty you owe to your family and to yourself to Demand Schmidt's Bread For years Bernard Schmidt has followed but one standard in bread-bak ing—pure ingredients and thorough cleanliness. True he bakes different breads to suit different tastes, but everyone must measure up to the same standard of Absolute Purity and Cleanliness There's a Schmidt Bread to suit your taste. Your dealer can supply you. See that you get it. SCHMIDT'S BAKERY Harrisburg, Penna. (See our different brands on display at the Manufacturers' Pure Food Exhibit.) GET YOUR WEIGHT FREE ON TOLEDO Springless Heavy Capacity Automatic SCALES » At Our Booth in Pure Food Exhibit. j.Bfat-aj g ca i eg suitable for manufacturers, Packers, Warerooms and all places where accuracy iJr* v. II and rapidity are factors. Toledo Scale Co. 313 Telegraph Bldg. B. F. REYNOLDS, Sales Agent • ' V VISIT TIIE FREE DEIWONSTRATION OF Minute { Gelatine The minute preparations arc named after the "Minute Men" of Fevolut Revolutionary fame, hence are not what some people think they are—preparations that can be made in a minute. However, they are the most dainty deserts that can be prepared and are the very best tapioca and gelatine on the market. Not only are they superior in quality, but they can also be made ready to serve much quicker than ordinary preparations of like character. TAPIOCA—No Soahinf. GELATINE—No Meamring Samore s cll ,a cins l "' Coffee Specially blended to suit the average taste. We want you to try it. FREE AT OUR DEMONSTRATION BOOTH C. F. BONSOR & CO. BOOTH 21 C. W. MORRISON, Manager. Read the Harrisburg Telegraph Daily For News of the Manufacturer's Pure Food Show deceive the wane-earners of the State by his misleading and insincere state ments. His activities in Harrisburg and Washington In behalf of corporate interests and against the interest of the wage-earners are a matter of record." While Mr. Palmer has denied that he worked against the two-cent fare bill and the Casey employers' liability bill, he has admitted that he went to Harrisburg as counsel for the Lacka wanna Railroad. Senator Penrose yesterday declared that Congressman Palmer's charges of irregularities in the registration of voters are unfounded and that his cry of "fraud" Is n sure indication that he anticipates an overwhelming defeat. Under the new registration law, the senator SRid. the greatest safeguards are thrown around the sanctity of the hallot. Tie criticised Mr. Palmer's fail ure in his speech to refer to the vaat number.of workingmen thrown out of employment as the result of the op erations of the Underwood-Palmer tariff bill, and he denounced the Democratic proposition to levy BO called war taxes to make up the deficit in the United States Treasury due to unwise tariff legislation. For Home Rule The "home rule" issue was strongly indorsed by Senator Penrose. "The people of Pennsylvania," said he. "resent Cabinet officers from other States coming here to coerce Demo cratic votes, to force them to vote for candidates for United States senator and Governor with whose leadership and policies they are not In sympathy. "They resent the effrontery of Pln chot In acquiring a fictitious residence In Pennsylvania to run for the Sen ate. when legally ho la not a resident of the State. If his vote were c lal longed on election day and the Issue were taken into' court, he could not establish a legal right to vote in this State. Of course, Pinchot Is a negli gible quantity In the senatorial con test, but suppose he should by any chance win at the polls, he would not be eligible to take a seat In the Senate. "The people of Pennsylvania gen erally resent the action- of other out siders like Colonel Roosevelt attempt- Ins to Introduce tactics of offensive Don't Pass Beardsley's Booth WITHOUT SAMPLING Vegex Pnrely Vrtrdhle Rztraet. For bouillon, gravies, soup stock, sandwiches. bosslsm and bipartisan combinations Kmu objectionable character x>i. Pr°P oß,tl on for the support of Pinchot. Bull Mooser, for senator, and . ormlck. Democrat, for Governor, nVn^vf 8 a , ' l "'' lrtlf(an <l<'al Of the most obnoxious character, which will be re pudiated by the intelligent voters of the Commonwealth, regardless of pre vious party affiliations." Enoch Brown Association Will Dedicate Monument Marking Indian Massacre Special to The Telegraph Chambersburg, Pa.. Oct. 13.—Mem bers of the Enoch Brown Association and of the Pennsylvania Historical Commission !.ave Jointly 1 erected a monument at the site of Fort McCord. on the farm of John W. Bossart, eight miles west of Chambersburg, which they will dedicate October 29. The design of the monument is in the form , a . C(,,tlc crosa with a Scotch thistle nt the junction of the transverse beam. The monument is located at the junction of the mountain roed through Yankee Gap with the St. Thomas and Wrasburpr road. It marks the place where twenty-seven pioneer settlers, men, women and children, were mas sacred, or carried off into captivity, by Tndlan savages April 1, 1756. In ad dition to the victims of the capture of the fort, as far as known, the Inscrip tion on the bronze tablet contains the names of thirty-three provincial sol diers killed or wounded In a gallant effort to rescue the captives at Sideling Hill, under Captain Alexander Cul bertson and Lieutenant Jamison. Appendicitis Causes Death of John Stover in Hospital Special to The Telegraph Stoverdale, Pa., Oct. 13. —John Sto ver dle<} yesterday at the Harrisburg Hospital. He had undergone an op eration for appendicitis. He la sur vlved by his widow, Lillian; one daughter, his mother, Mrs. Mary Sto ver; two brothers and one sister, Mrs. Mary Swartz, all of Stoverdale. Funeral services will be held at the home here on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Joseph Weirlch, of Mlddletown, pastor of Stoverdale charge. Carriages will leave the square at Hummelstown at frequent intervals between 12.16 and 1.16 o'clock to convey friends to the home. Burial will be made In the Stoverdale Cemetery. How to Banish Wrinkles Quickly If the average woman only knew It, It Is not at all difficult to preserve the youthful contour and velvety smooth ness of complexion. Every woman hates to see her face wrinkled or baggy, and practically every one has experimented with some sort of patent remedy In the effort either to remove such condition or ward It off. Asa matter of fact, the most effective remedy in the world Is one that any woman can easily make up herself at home, in a moment's time. her take one ounce of pure powdered saxo lite, which she can purchase at any drug store, and dissolve It in a half pint of witch hazel. Apply this harmless and refreshing solution to the face every day. The results are surprising —and instantaneous. Even after the very fl.-st application a marked im provement Is apparent. The wrinkle* are less In evidence and the face has a comforts Vile, smug feeling of Itrmswi that is most delightful,— Advertisement. 7