"I would rather a child of |
1 mine should lose a term at school =
=: than miss the opportunity of instruction 3=
=s presented by the Panama-Pacific Exposition." ■§•
—Marcus M. Marks, President. Th« Borough of Manhattan.
This Is the best time to see the grestest exposition. s
5 The crowded season has passed. Vacationists have nearly SZ
™ alt returned. You can travel now in perfect comfort. EE
25 Railroads and hotels both can now give you individual 5C
attention in greater measure than during the summer. ~
55 Moreover every exhibit is now in place and the weather 5S
55 on the coast is delightful. 55
San Francisco and the Exposition are atthetr best now. BE
You are going west sometime—go now, when you can S5
™ see the Great West— phi* the great fair. Also go via
■23S —the route which takes you through the most interesting 55
and beautiful part of the country, and which is the shortest, ~
S5 quickest, smoothest way west. S
Get the inspiration of these scenes: Rocky Mountains of 5
55 Colorado; Scenic Wyoming; the beautiful canyon 9 of the SS
55 Echo, Weber, Truckee and American P.ivers; Great Salt £5
25j Lake, over which you ride on the famous Lucin Cut-Off; =5
S5 and San Francisco Bay, which you will skirt for 30 miles. 35
55 Stopover (without extra transportation charge) in Denver, SJ
■55 Colorado Springs, Ogden, Salt Lake City. /
The cost of a western trip Is lower than for years past. /
5: It may never be so low again. You are going sometime, / V**"
= go now. The coupon will bring you full information. yCi,£," i
SS or ohMf'tiM.
S. C. Mllltmirne, G. A fit., I'nlon Paelfflc n. /bookttti tol»-
55 «., ni Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. /lira of CiWornia
F. T. Brook*, D. P. A., Soiithfrn Paelfle /'«! "» Eifw»iti«ii».
R. R.. 032 t'liemtnut St., Philadelphia, l'a. X
5 /Atom*
«g» vi.rit Ok! Faithful Inn. Yellowstone National /
SS Park Exhibit, Panama-Pacific Exposition SAddress
Dr. Surface Gives Some Ad
vice of a Startling Nature
to An Erie Inquirer
If blackbirds bother you, shoot rock
ets or Roman candles at them after
they have ceased chattering and gone
to roost at night. Pounding of tin
pans when there are no newly married
couples to be given calithumpian sere
nades is also recommended as an effi
cacious way to get rid of the dark
coated nuisances. These bits of ad
vice are given very seTiously by Dr. H.
A. Surface, the State Zoologist, in a
letter to an Erie county man who
wrote to him to know the best way
to get rid. of tl?,e pcsUferous black
Dr. Surface says in his reply:
"I recognize the fact that it is not
wise to recommend shooting birds in a
town, although if such a thing were
possible it would be very effective. Yet
there is another means that I consider
better, and also safer to your residents.
This consists in firing Roman candles
and skyrockets through the trees in
which the birds roost. It is remark
able what an effect it Ims on a bird or
animal to disturb it in its sleeping
place. If efforts are made to drive
these birds away as they come to the
trees in the evening to roost, they will
soon go elsewhere and be afraid to re
"I recommend that pieces of tin be
hung to the limbs erf the trees and
strings attached so that these can be
pulled by boys below In the evening
when the birds come there to roost,
and thus the latter will be frightened
away, and if that be continued for a
short time,, combined with shooting
through the trees with skyrockets or
Roman candles after the birds have
come to roost, you will no doubt, be
able to get them out and keep them
out. At best it will not. be long until
these flocks of blackbirds will migrate
southward, and they will probably
give you no further trouble until next
Fall, when it may be necessary to.re
peat the lesson."
Reading Detectives Defendants in
$5,000 Act {on For False Arrest
Special to The Telegraph
Reading, Pa., Sept. 21. Suit, was
flled hero yesterday by Joseph Weber,
for his son, Nicholas Weber, against.
Absolutely Removes
In di£estion. One-package
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
Bringing Up father $ # # # # #
|' 1 JKSMSSSS 1 >
V -«— V R UNTFE V/»TH FI"*ED R ——~' —1 0O«. N\ANTUVERIN<SI / , U I I T&\ V/ERE >
><b " A^ B<A y, / j
John Klein and his son, Joseph Klein,
and City Detectives Peter S. McGov
ern and Edward T. Hallissey for $5,000
damages for false arrest and Im
The allegations are that the detec
tives arrested Nicholas Weber, 20 years
old, on suspicion of the theft of SB3O
from the Kleins and released him for
lack of evidence half an hour, after
his arrest.
"Literary Burglar" Is
Ordered to Pay Costs
Special to The Telegraph
Reading, Pa., Sept. 21. —Arthur I).
Sheeley, said to be a member of a
prominent family of Vineland, N. J.,
whom the police style the "literary
burglar," was ordered by Judge Wag
ner to pay costs, amounting to SBO,
and further sentence was suspended.
He was convicted of entering the
home of Mrs. Minnie T. Nicolls, so
ciety leader. A note was left criti
cising Kipling's works in her libravy
and complaining because he found
only bon-bons to eat.
Sheeley, a tree doctor who did work
about many leading residences, was
found guilty last December. A new
trial was asked and refused. Since
shortly after his arrest he had been at
liberty under SSOO ball, furnished by
his father.
Pennsylvania Gets Trade
in Northern Manchuria
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Sept. 21.—Am
erican commercial travelers are now
penetrating far into Northern Man
churia, Consul Moser reported from
Harbin to the Department of Com
merce, that he is Introducing Amer
ican trade solicitors to Russian firms.
Recent orders th?« placed in Harbin
for American goods Include Pennsyl
vania watch cases, $25,000 worth of
Massachusetts shoes, New York roof
ing, California dried fruits and Penn
sylvania rubber goods, while several
orders are pending for railway sup
plies and other goods.
A Californian told me that the peo
ple there paid less attention to religion
than elsewhere because there was so
much sunshine. The climate was so
delightful that they weer outdoors
most of the time, and their Sabbats
were given to excursions, so that the
church was neglected. A less salubri
ous atmosphere would have been bet
ter for their souls. And in the king
dom of God there will be many with
cause for eternal gratitude that the
sunshine of worldly happiness faded in
time to lead them to appreciate "the
light of the knowledge of the glory of
god in the face of Jesus Christ."
Christian Herald.
There is a big difference between
being on God's side and thinking that
God is on our side. If we are on his
side we can't lose. If we think he Is
on ours, we may.—Christian Herald.
"""•■ ?>• &»
Here is shown Just a small section of the Island Park bleachers wh lch were Jammed by more than 4,000
wildly cheering fans during the Pennsylvania Motive Power Championship game between Willlamsport and
Philadelphia yesterday afternoon.
Competition Cuts Cost of Willlßmsport
Street Illumination
Special to The Telegraph
Williamsport, Pa., Sept. 21. The
Lycoming Edison Company to-day of
fered to light the city for the next
three years at the rate of $39.60 per
arc lamp, the cheapest figure in the
history of the city. The bid was In
competition with that of the Citizens'
Electric Company at $49.74.
This is the third time within 19
months that bids have been submitted.
The first were rejected by Council be
cause they were too high. On the sec
ond the city let the contract to the
Citissens' Company and th e contract
was declared illegal by the Public Ser
vice Commission because of time
clause in which to erect poles.
Special to The Telegraph
Duncannon, Pa., Sept. 2.—Tester
day the twelve-inch mill was put into
operation at the Duncannon Iron
Works. The entire plant is now in
H Tome &&Ljjfl
Mechanicsbur;?, Pa., Sept. 21.—After
several months' illness Charles A.
Mlllelsen died last night at his home
in East Coover street, of tuberculosis
of the throat. He was a son of the
late Alfred W. Mlllelsen and a native
of this place. He was a member of
St. Paul's Reformed Church and of
Washington Camp. No. 164, Patriotic
Order Sons of America. His wife and
two sisters survive, Miss Elizabeth
Milleisen, of Meohanicsburg, and Mrs.
Leo Lemon, of Springfield, Mo.; also
one niece. Miss Kathryn Milleisen, of
Philadelphia. The funeral service will
be held on Friday afternoon at - 2
o'clock, the Rev. John S. Adam offi
ciating. Burial will be made in Chest
nut Hill Cemetery.
Ebensburg, Pa., Sept. 21.—Becauso
a Republican and a Democratic jurv
commissioner admitted having favor
ed members of their parties in select
ing jurors, Judge Heck, of Strouds
burg, specially presiding in Cambria
county court to-day quashed the en
tire array of jurors for the balance of
1915 and ordered continued the case of
Bertha Lewis vs. W. I. Stineman, a
breach of promise suit for $50,000.
Special to The Telegraph
Williamsport, Pa., Sept. 21. At an
inquest to inquire into the cause of
his Infant daughter's death to-day,
Leon Eck, 21 years old, of Cillomsville,
was held responsible. A charge of
involuntary manslaughter will be made
against him. Eek, who was bartender
in a hotel conducted by his mother,
went into the room where his wife
and week-old baby lay on the bed. It
is charged he grabbed the baby, swung
it In the air and threw it across the
bed. The baby died on the following
day. He is in the county jail.
Paris, Sept. 21.-«-Curlous affects of
war on arteriaf circulation was the
subject of a report made last night
to the Academy of Sciences by Dr. A.
Moutier. Whereas the normal arterial
tension Is represented by the figure 15,
in almost all cases of soldiers return
ing from the front it is found to have
fallen to seven or eight.
The Hebrew Athletic Association at
a meeting last night, started plans for
the organization of an orchestra.
About thirty members were present.
SEPTEMBER 21,1915.
Te!!s How Her Little Girls Are Kept We'l and Strong By Using
This Old Fashioned Med.c'ne
Teutons Begin Campaign
Against Serb Positions
Berlin, Sept. 21, via London, 11:05 J
a. m.—Official reports from Austrian I
and German sources and dispatches
from the Balkan capitals show that
the long expected Teutonic campaign
against Serbia has now begun. Aus
trian and German artillery to-day is
bombarding Serbian positions south
of the River frontier at various points
along the hundred-mile front between
] the mouths of the Drina and Morava
This action undoubtedly is intended
as a cover to the throwing of a force
across the river and the seizure of a
bridgehead whence the new "steam i
roller" can be started. Just where a
crossing will be attempted Is un
Bryan Makes Effort to
Rent Washington Home
By Associated Press J ;
Washington. D. C., Sept. 21. A
four line "ad" in a local paper to
day discloses that William J. Bryan,
former Secretary of State is done with
Washington as a place of residence.
The "ad' is as follows:
"For Rent Furnished. Calumet
Place, Thirteenth and Clifton streets,
N. W. at Premises. W. J.
Calumet Place is the old home of
Mrs. John A. Logan and is one of
the beautiful residences of Washing
ton. When Mr. Bryan came here to
be Secretary of State, he rented the
place, it is said, at $4,000 a year. The
contract for that period, 't was said,
provided that he should not sublet,
but apparently this has been changed.
23,000,000 HORSKS IX USE
Cleveland, 0., Sept 21. The 23,-
000,000 horses that are estimated by
the government to be actively at work
in the United States are declared still
a powerful factor in the industrial life
of the country by delegates to the
convention of the Carriage Builders'
National Association which will open
here to-day.
A Doctor's Prescription more
than 50 Years in Use. Free fro#!
Alcohol or Dangerous Drugs.
Builds New Strength
The two little girls whose picture is
shown herewith are the children of
Mrs. Delvida Fortln of Brunswick, Me.
How Mrs. Fortln keeps her children
well and strong she tells in her own
words In a recent letter and gives per
mission to quote as follows: "My chil
dren have taken Father John's Medi
rlne during an attack of whooping
cough and afterward when they were
pale and run down. The medicine re
stored their health and I am pleased
to endorse its value." (Signed) Mrr..
Delvida Fortln. 26 Oak St., Brunswick,
Me. Thousands of mothers praise
Father John's Medicine as a tonic and
body builder and for colds, throat and
lung troubles, because they know of
Its value through many years of suc
cess. Father John's Medicine is a
pure food medicine— safe for all tho
family to take because It does not con
tain alcohol or dangerous drugs.—Ad
Office Training School
Kaufiitnn Bldic.. 4 S. Market Sq.
Day School and Mcht School
Call or send for 32-page booklet—
Bell phone 694-R.
Raymond Hitchcock In "Tlio Ring-
Tailed Rhinoceros"
The Colonial presents a great
achievement in their photoplay policy
in offering this mirth-provoking farce
in which Hitchcock duplicates his
stage success of creating laughter in
the "movies." The story of the Ring-
Tailed Rhinoceros" has to do with a
young man who is about to wed the
girl of his choice. His father tells
him that unless he forsakes his old
companions and keeps off of sprees,
he cannot Wed his daughter. Carter
(Hitchcock) makes good on his prom
ise until the night of the lawn fete
when their marriage is to be an
nounced he meet? his old friends and
as a result, they enjoy a glorious time,
the adventures of Hitchcock and the
Rhinoceros being a dream.
To-morrow and Thursday the Colo
nial will offer the celebrated Danish
actress, Betty Nansen. who will he
seen In Wm. Fox's six-part drama,
"The Song of Hate," inspired by Sar
dou's "La Tosca." Supporting Miss
Nansen are Dorothy Bernard and Ar
thur Hoops and a clever cast. —Ad-
London, Sept. 21.—Commencing on
Field Marshal Von Hindenburg's. latf#
coup, the military correspondent of
the Times suggests that since the re
cent changes in the Russian higher
command the wise strategy of Graud
Duke Nicholas seems to have lost favor
and instead of continuing their order
ly retreat the Russians held on too
long. This gave the German com
mander an opportunity of which he
availed himself fully and the great
cavalry raids of the American Civil
War have been reproduced in the Vilna