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Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart i • Substantial Savings Are the Theme of This Budget of Friday Specials ' r \ - \ / 1 Nn FriHfly Spe- Men's SIO.OO Over- This Is National Baby Week This Is National Baby Week B °y s ' and Gir,s ' ) Women's Boudoir coats, $5.00 > Sweaters Slippers cials Sent C-. O. Men's and voung men's , . . fgk f 1 - 00 sweaters in navy, $1.50 suede kid boudoir grey Scotch mixture and 1 1 " e tSaby. red, white and grey. Friday slippers, colors tan, green, D.j Or Mail Or Scotch plaid overcoats, only 480 red and black. I< riday only, quarter lined with velvet lAm the oungest Institution in the pives. pomeroy & stewart 950 'Phr»nf» Ord prs collar, sizes OJ, 34, 35 and World *111(1 flip <drlp<t M&C? Al S ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, riIUIIC v/ 1 UCi 3 40 onlv, from our reeular c oldest. - 'MaPvlMmB ' . street Floor. Kear. C'li i M stock ot overcoats, rri- f " ' rilled M Mk _ _55.00 The Earth Is My Heritage when I come into K Women's Vests - —— Men> Floor, being and when I go, I leave it to the next 25c white cotton ribbed Cotton Dress Goods / : : : * A K generation of Babies. MB* vests, fancy lace 12j4c dress ginghams; Skating Scarfs a , , I jsHNK. yokes. briday 0n1y...1.j0 stripes and fancy plaids. Anwira skatinc scarfs ill / \ m u' i t- l""' Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. I'liday only, yai <1 ....8 */^0 f , \ s r . c:i | My Mission is to leave the Earth a better », . jHHHR street Floor. . assorted colors, \allies to 15asement Specials . , . Mjfc., v 12 Vic crepe cfinuhams 111 51.50. Friday only . .."J.jC 39c glass jam jar with sil- P' ace • lan lound it. fancy plaid and fancy stripes. Eiderdown caps and scarf ver plated top and spoon. Men's Cotton Hose ' Friday only, yard 9c skating sets; SI.OO value. Friday only 2.»0 With mv million little Brothers and Sisters M 'ls 20c fancy crepe in solid Friday only, set 29f Goc Colonial glass water I can do this, if the World does not impose '.f 'jt|i seamless, assorted" colors! shades. Friday only, yard. Dives. Pomeroy^ Stewart, tumblers. Friday otfly, tbjju too many hardships. Hilar* |" ill Friday only . 50 75c inverted gas lamps. \ G W I need Pure Milk 'iild Fresh \ir ind Phv '' jP* Dives, stewart, grounds, neat rosebud fig f w—. and the Love and Care of a Mother who does MP* wll yt Omen s iieuwcdi C ant j (jQ c j ar ,r C wire . m Sj| 4-1 \ 20c ratine suiting in solid An assorted lot of misses' waste paper baskets. Fri- 1101 spend lier time in Cabarets. Jp ; m'p Men's Union Suits I shades. Friday only, yard, I Friday only ><* 75c decorated chop plates. I Ilen 1 j in j a little J 'jfffjll w'h bed union suits, medium /c grey prints; neat styles. Dives, pomeroy A- Stewart. Friday only older I shall need bootl 1 ■iiitffflf 'll weight. Friday only, SI.OO !• ridav only, yard ... .V/it ' SI 98 green and blue 4, in which to fL X ' W Dive., Stewart 25c madras shirting; 32 . Learn the Lessons of lA ~;. AgOT »*,: -hi«c B| s„„ds f _ _ . . % 011 iv <|t| i -ite. '' •-'V .JmHfeM with colored stripes for pa- DreSS Irimmmgs ' ' ' jr - % s ' * n jamas and gents' shirts. Fri- Fancy braids gimps only 4 t rons 1 w »nt to live, laugh, work and play. U Women's Hosiery day only, yard vzyrf 20c. Friday oniy, yard, .tf gj 9 g a i um j num water 1 want to hear good music, read good books, ,ll I'f' 0 ! Il0 i S,:> ' tas ] lionet J 'f 01, choice lines of styles; 32 Dives, Pomeroy & stewart. pails. Fridav only, $1.49 cpo hpaiitifnl nirtiirpc - black, white and tail, broken inches wide. Fridav onlv. street Floor. Sl4» l't ft la Deauiliui ptCUUes. L | line ß. Friday only 19<- yard "...10^ glass bath room mirrors. I want to build Houses and Roads I" *'' > *< | J f Dlve8 'str l Slf°Fi^orf tewart ' u,ves 'SaTemcnt & stewart ' Friday only and Railways and Cities. | Dotted and figured veil- Dlvea - Po B S„l. Stewart ' ' 1J , „ ( v ings; values to 50c. Friday f • want to walk in the woods, bathe in mLnildren s Hose Groceries only, yard So — s the waters and play in the snow. Si? 10c and 12 cotton hose, 5 lbs. sugar for 31c with Dives, Toilet Goods jy. ,d SI.OO worth groceries, U°£TL"7". , "" i ' V »•'" helpyon X, UVou ~,, MSBST' ' ' Drapery Good, ' day Z7y !™T. , , ' CI or Manicure outlit. !• ridav .. . and ecru; values to SI. ?. «UsT 2,ic to 29c net, scrim, col- 5 cans peas. Friday only, I'riday only, yard 3JO • itm } oui Hope lam the l»ab\. ored border elamine and oth- ' 119^ Dives, Pomeroy «st stewart, itcli liazcl. peroxide and cr drapery goods, i'riday 5 cans pineapple. Fridav atreet Floor. buttermilk soap. Friday lir „ r T~T~ — 1 i. onlv. vard 10<; .„»! ' onlv .K' Women s Cloth Top Children s Pajamas Black Dress Goods ' • CL CI m -I* .• » . 7- i i i , Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. 5 can s ready made SOUp. , u ,1 Royal shaving powder or Shoes sl < 0 Kewpie counter /oc black moha.r; oO inch- \ 1 loor ' Fridav onlv " tql Women S Handkerchiefs stick ; Fridav onlv 9e S3 50 patent colt shoes soiled pajamas; sizes 4, 6 es wide. Friday only, yard, I uday onty ... i.»< Hemstitched cotton hand- „ with fawn cloth tops, bu ton an f 8 ' Elliot. Friday _ v 3 lbs. nee. Friday only kerchiefs. Friday only. 6 K,.^L' S ° U Jr r -H? ,'l i'-il and lace styles, high French ° nl - V 480 black diagonal serge; Curtain Comers for 1:! <' " n a_\ on v ... hee]s Friday only, #1.9.» Divt>s - M ro^ lo * o . ste *' art - » nuMes \\ide. bnday only Sample corners of SI.OO to 3 lbs. pea beans. Friday Rolled edge and hem- 15c pura liquid soap with Dives, Pomeroy & stewart v j . $3.00 Nottingham curtains, on l. v stitched one-corner embroid- sprinkler top. Friday only, . street Fiooi-, Rear. /oc black gramte cloth; .->0 some 3 vards lonsr. Fridav 3 lbs. prunes. Fridav onlv. ered handkerchiefs with ' r - % inches wide. I-riday only, onlv each i£9c'' •*^ touch of color; values to 50c Condray's French tal- Coat Sweaters >' arcl «WV T, 1254 c. Friday only. 3 for cam powder. Friday only. f » Men s and women's $2.98 . M~k Panama; 54 ' lbs ' " CaC " CS - F "^ . Women S Rubbers he coat sweaters rol , inches wide. Friday only, > onl y One-corner embroidered 25c cucumber cold cream. 60c rubbers, storm and collar; naw and maroon yard $1.04> 1 pack Not-a-Seed Raisins. handkerchiefs. Friday only, Friday only Hp croquet cut; all sizes.. Fri- Friday only" $'2.19 $125 black serge; 54 Takl* fnvorc Friday only 12<t P 25c Tu-bo-lax. Friday (la . v on, - v Dives. Pomeroy & stewart, inches wide. Friday onlv 3 packs seeded raisins. , DlVeB & r «rf wart only 9e } v ! cushfon tops Jnd Friday only 39* Large hand mirrors, round ' inches' wide. Friday onlv, tinted runners. Friday only, 3 pack currants. Friday r—~— and oval; values to $4.00. / Women's Sweaters I var(l cach only Embroidery Friday only *I.OO, Misses' Shoes ... „ $2.00 black granite cloth; Dives. Pomeroy & stewart. 2 lbs. 30c coffee. Friday Cambric corset cover em- Dives, Pomeroy & stewart, I <>-> m nnt( , nt rn i t ci in es ■ omens all-wool coat 54 inches wide. Friday onlv, *■ ' on 'y broidery. .7 .nches wal, wwnmug™ ) J-°°„!»>. S rt'l m" , 2 lbs. 25c coftc. Friday Friday only, yd I.K- made on narrow width lasts. Fridav onlv' s'2 19 *2.00 black sdk and wool ,• n fnffc only 48^ Swiss embroiderv flounc- Colored Dress Goods Friday only 930 ' crepe; 40 inches wide. Fri- Linen CllftS 2 lbs. 20c coffee.. Friday 3WISS enu>roiaer\ nounc V,olorea uress UOOOS - J D i VCSi Pomeroy & stewart, day only, yard $1..10 Balance of Cook's lllgS. 27 inches Wide; values - n rliuronal V* Dives, Pomeroy 4- Stewart. L Meiib Store. J3«ti«tucc i v.. ok _.c on ly to 39c Fridav onlv vd • I aia gf>nal Clge, ) street Floor. Rear. V f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart linen Cllfts. Friday Only, .)< 10 , ,-v pO c c„„ n to i-liu.iv uui\, inches wide; navy and V J v street Floor. or 3 f or u cakeis u • r - S°^lJ brown. Friday onlv, vard, C" — _ \ ' Friday only 29^ Dives, Pomerov Stewart " 39<- r , j , £< L ' s Boys' Shoes From Dlves ' P Me , !vs°sto^ e Stewart ' 10c" cakes Babbitt's soap. — 1 59c navy serge; all wool; Lnildren S dhoes The Jerauld Stock 7-~- N ■ Friday only 39? fI•1 oo . . JT - vard 4i) > calf and black kid skin; solid One hundred pair $2.50 35c black mercerized sa- Muslin ,oao Fridav onlv 39C Laird & Schober Shoes leather soles; sizes 6to 11. shoes for boys. Friday only. tine •36 inches wide Fridav soap - trlda y onl y •/ • Seventy-five pair of Laird ij: Friday only 95? $1.49 only', yard ... '29? 4c unbleached muslin 27 La Superba Italian oil. & Schober shoes for women , N ' d - -'J 1 ' Dives, Pomeroy & stewart. Dives. Pomeroy /k stewart, 50c flowered saline; 40 niches, b riday only, yard, I< riday only 21? in patent colt, lace and black * t street Floor, Rear. street x ioor. Front. inches wide. Friday onlv, ~ , , ~ Six packs crispy corn suede, button; $6.00 value. 85c navy serge; 42 inches yard 25? . 6 /4 C bleached muslin, 36 flakes. Friday only .. .25? Friday only $2.85 wide; all wool. Friday only, v V 20c black saline ;36 inch- ,nc ies> - ' "day only, yard Pound shellbark meats. Dive,. Pomeroy & stewart, - vard Jewelry and Silverware Wight Gowns es wide. Friday only, yard, 2 Fridav onlv 55rt Street Floor. Front. , . . r , Kitf* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ' " v • SI.OO naw serge; inch- 23c shaving sets. Friday J- ONV neck and short sleeve Basement. Two packs pop-corn Fri es wide; all wool. Fridav onlv 10? night gowns with embroid- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, I ~> I Women's Shoes From ' onty. ery cd,e. Friday only, 35, , =lll2 '' bag Vtann T t 1J , I $1.50 and $2.00 mixed suit- ?"!> b ""° n hooks. Fr,day Div... ; Long Crepe Kimonos <lav . a J y The Jerauld Stock ings : 54 inches Avide. Fri- o„l>. eacl ...... * , V Plain and figured long Two packs noodles. Fri- One hundred pair wo- day only, yard SI.OO 2ac 50c je\vel cases, Art Needlework crepe kimonos in pink, light . ,J. men's tan button and grey ci-j; nitmrrs- a' i.mi, pin boxes and pull " u > SncnpnJ«»r« Stamoed children's einf blue, lavender and navy; $1 a ?... * , top patent colt and gun Sfc Friday only_ iOf Men Sham Tresses nnk and value. Friday only . ..49f Three P acks cornstarch. metal shoes• formerlv S4 00 w, de, all h«i le». ''da\ 2?c and .ioc small hand Men s 19c heavy police , -X i 'r a Friday onlv 11^ Friday only. only, yard *1.(») mirrora and reading glasses. suspenders. Friday July, plaids; 50c value, fnday Three packs Baking soda. $1.25 gabardine; 43 inch- Friday only 14* 1 »'/it onl > *>* '> ' Friday only «* street Floor, Front. es wide; all shades. Friday $3.98 silver plated three- Dives, Pomeroy & stewart, Colored rope floss; 30c Two packs table pepper. ' onlv, vard SI.OO piece carving sets. Fridav L Men's store. , value. Friday only, dozen, Tnt-cot favors Fridav onlv - 90 , „ , . on]y $l5O 150 ~ t * / New shredded cocoanut. Men's Handkerchiefs ; W si)cvaTue. 'Mdiyinly! All linen handkerchiefs, Friday only, yard .. SI.OO 3 SOc-m-nra Finish ,< Friday only i9O ]b 250 hemstitched. Friday only, $1.50 navy serge; 50 inches 25c gold filled cuflf links. i n and white! D,ves ' second" Fioor Stewart ' Reading sausage. Friday wide. Friday only, vard, I*riday only 150 Friday onlv 350 , j n D "~ teSttA.*— * '*«•«» $5.00 gold and silver party D 1„, P „,„„ oy * Outing Cloth and Uomet d a vo»l° g lb 13« ' $2.00 navy serge; 54 inch- cases, br,day only ..»!.!)» 4c light outing cloth 22 Wash Goods Remnants Two nounds'laVd Vnot de es wide. I-riday onlv, yard, Rogers solid nickel table inches wide. Friday only, , , , , ~ I wo pounds lard (not le > 3 ■«« rr J t. .j , ,/ ______ „or,i 'in. 1 Remnants of wash goods livered). Friday only, 250 Men's Gauntlet Gloves «i 7- -U. r . Ar\ ■ rua - ° Mpn'« Ipwolrv ' in 2to 5 yard lengths, pon- Sunshine biscuits, assort in, . . . "J 1 ? s poplin; 40 inch- 11 • en S Jewelry 5 C unbleached Doinet, 25 gees, silk muslins, linens and ed, box 2UO , V J, " w " jcej } ? au " t " u "le, best shades. I ri- 10c beauty pins and hat 25c watch fobs and tie inches wide. Friday onlv, poplins. Friday only at Sunshine Takhoma bis let gloves. Friday only .70 day only, yard $1.49 pins. Friday only 2 * p i„ s . Friday only 90 yard ...30 Half Price. ' cuits, box 40 I Men'a o St4)re. f wart ' Hives. Stewart. l>i\es, Pomeroy ft Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Por.ieroy .t Stewart. l mr . btieet 1 loot. Men s store. Basement. Street floor. Basement. * \ \ V v - THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 0, 1016.