Newspaper Page Text
House-Hunting Season Is oi-It's tie Want Afs Bnsiness to lent louses IDeatbs J\l4>HS On March 28. 1916. Phoebe, widow of the late George W. Jacobs, in her 79th year, at the residence oi -her eon, George W., Jr., 2116 Cneit- Ntiut street. , . . \i*Jativeß and friends arp invited to t aVend the services on Saturday morn ► ill*, at 8:30 o'clock, at her late resj r de|ce. Further services in Carlisle ► Sprang* Church, at 2 o'clock. Funeral * parly will leave Pennsylvania fetation \ at 9:48. r" i Lost and Found : liOST Open-face, silver, Elgin 'watch, with Initials C. h*. G. on back. Finder notify or return to Charles, '<;iessner. West Falrvlew, Pa., and re fceive reward. > LOST Waterman Fountain Pen j I" either in the downtown district or Thud | L street car, Wednesday evening, if found i P please call at Mrs. Abe Shandlcr s, .30 i Charles avenue. LiOST On Saturday. March 25, ; Presto-bite gas tank, on State, Road between Harrisburg and Middletown. | Keward, if returned to this office. Help Wanted —Male 1 PRESSMAN Man able to handle Cylinder and Platen Presses. Must be suber and industrious. State salary ex pected. Kurtz Bros., Clearfield, Pa. : WANTED Expert automobile me- i 'chanic; steady Job; good wages. Cris- | pen Motor Car Co., 413 South Cameron, j SHOEMAKER WANTED - 1820 North Third street, over Gordon's Shoe j Store. ; WANTED A butcher with some ex perience. Must have good reference, j Rpply 226 Chestnut street. . | WANTED Three good boys, age 16 to 18. who have had experience in farm work, or who are willing to work for khe Siglei Hoys. Apply 601 Walnut »ireet. 1 SALESMAN Good, reliable man Svanted tn sell stocks of a good corpora- j tion. Address 0., 3941, care of .Tele graph. ! BOWMAN & CO. Require at once Experienced MEN TAILORS For Women's Suits and Coats Apply at once to Superintendent, Fourth Floor. "ANTED Several young men to k in bottling works. Must be ref unded, and only those willing to •K need apply. Keystone Bottling | rks. 142 South Cameron street. OOLMAKERS Sixty cents per j r, 18 hours per week, ntfon Satur- Box SI6, Wilmington, Delaware. | i'ANTED Druggist, Q. A., or one ing had experience in drug store. , Ircss V., 3815, care of Telegraph. RMY OF THE UNITED STATES j N WANTED Ablebodled, unmar i men between ages of 18 and 35; zens of United States, of good char- i Dr and temperate habits, who can alt, read and write the English guage. For information apply to rutting Officer, Bergner Building, & Market Sts.. Harrisburg, Pa. WANT a live associate in my real | ite business. No capital required, I you must be CLEAN-CUT, CAP- I -.E and a WORKER. Apply to A. C, nig Real Estate, 26 North Third et, Ilarrisburg. ! WANTED A porter, white or col- I tored. Come at once, well recommended, I K\ ith references. Dr. U. Phillips, Den tist. 320 Market street. ' WANTED Men accustomed to' run. j liing sasoiine dinkeys. Apply to Robert | Grace Contracting Co., Milton, Pa. ! AVages, 20c per hour. ¥~ WANTED Two or three men to j ■iv irk in stone quarry. Will pay good j Swages to right man to operate same, gti. A. Howry, New Cumberland. Phone j |;;4i»R. ; WANTED Punchers alid helpers for boiler shop work. Address Box 744, Coatesville, Pa. ' WANTED A stair builder; ml'ldle- | age man, sober and Industrious; one with experience, who can read blue ! prints; good wages and steady employ ment to right party. Apply at once to tlie Wohlseu Planing Mill Co., Lancas- j . ter, l'o. WANTED Experienced boarders; steady work; good pay. New Ideal Hosiery Co., South Foui ieen\h street. WANTED Boy over 16 years of i age to assist in factory, ilarrisburg Apuarel Company, over City Star j laundry, State street, rear entrance. j WANTED. AT ONCE Family to j ivoik stocked farm, near Htrrisbur™. Address Box C, 3842, care of Telegraph, i PA PERH ANGEIiS WANTED AT' ONCE. Apply to A. M. Blake, 225 North North Second street. WANTED Good man, handy with tools, who is not afraid of hard work; I permanent position; excellent opportu-i nity to advance. Address X., 36tib, care 3f Telegraph. TOOL HARDLINER WANTED—First lass Tool and Die Hardener on tools 'or all around production work. Re plying, state what experience and vages expected. Drigga-Seabury Ord Company, Sharon, Pa. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring niil or lathe hands, who can work from blue prints; also tool makers. Ad- Iress, or apply. Employment Depart ment, Westinghouse Electris & Mfg.'l -0.. Hast Pittsburgh, Pa. LEARN to become a practical chauf eur and earn $l5O to S2OO per month. ) A'e give you practical lessons at your \ iwn home. We send you a $5,500 j with instructions, to practice on I ictween working hours. Write for 'articulars. Auto Transportation | 'raining. Corresponding Department, \ !.»-27-29 North Cameron street, Harris •urg. WANTED 4O able-bodied neu between 21 and 40 years of j age l'or piece work. White or :olored. Apply in person to agent, j ■farrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division tiect, Harrisburg, Pa. Help Wanted—Female V."ANTED Settled white woman i ') cook and assist with downstairs >'ork; no washing or ironing; must i ave good reference; highest wages h aiu Address J.. 3817, care of Tele- i i graph. * w.v jvi J REAI ESTATE TOR SALE •' 1 ' | «2i> ItOKM s«. S I 2-story brick house—six rooms.—i ibatli and steam heat—front porch.S (Lot 15x00 ft. Price f2,UOOi ' i «76 Schuylkill St. f 'l. house—six rooms—.% ! ibatli—Spencer hot water heater 5 • | porches. I/Jt 28Hx78 ft. Price, *•„>,«<»»> : ■ Building Ground ' Southeast corner sixth and Wieo-S - Pnisco street lOO ft. on Sixth—4oo? t rt. on W iconisco. a r Look this ground over as a site? i (Tor your building operation. ? ! MILLER BROTHERS&CO.S ' ! KKAL ESTATE !' i ilnsurance Surety Bonds'! j • Locust and Court Streets Ji j FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 31, 1016. Help Wanted —Female WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. BOWMAN & CO. Require at once MILLINERY SALESWOMEN Experienced preferred. Also milliners. Apply at once to Superintendent, Fourth Floor. BOWMAN & CO. Require at once I EXPERIENCED ALTERATION HANDS For Women's Suits. Coats, Skirts and Dresses. Apply at once to Superintendent, Fourth Floor. BOWMAN & CO. Require at once EXPERIENCED FITTERS For Women's Suits, Coats. Skirts and Dresses Apply at once to Superintendent, Fourth Floor. ; WANTED Neat, middle-aged white lady for general housework; two in family; good wages; must have ref erence. Apply 1537 State street. WANTED Young couple desire willing, young, white girl for general housework. Reply A., 3835. care of Harrisburg Telegraph. | WANTED A strong, steady girl ;to work in starch room. Apply Troy i Laundry, 1520-26 Fulton street. | WANTED Girls who can sew, to j assist in alterations. Apply Collins Co., 29 North Second. WANTED Girl for cook; must be experienced and have reference. Ad dress G., 3789, care of Telegraph. WANTED Saleslady for Saturday. Apply Collins Co., 29 North Second street. WANTED A cook and a chamber maid in small hotel in York. Experi enced chambermaid not necessary. | Hotel Victoria, York, Pa. WANTED Operators, ex perienced on power sewing ma chines. Jennings Manufacturing Company, 414 State street. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators, also i trimmer# and learners, to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City | Star Laundry, 414-416 State | street, rear entrance. Help Wanted— Male and Female WANTED—Wc have openings for 12 more bright girls and boys. 1 I Apply, Silk Mill, Coiner North I and Second streets. Situations Wanted—Male | WANTED - Colored man wishes po- 1 s sltion as porter; experienced. Address R., 3819, Care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as salesman or 1 collector; two years with wholesale ' grocery house in city; best of reference jlrom last employer; acquainted with 1 i city and country trade. Address Salcs | man. care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as chauffeur by ' young, married man; can do own re- " pair work; references furnished. Ad j dress P. O. Box 6, Enhaut, Pa. WANTED—MiddIe-aged man wishes ' work of any kind; has had experience ' as houseman and caring for invalid. Address 1501 % Derry street. City. ' i WANTED Experienced salesman desires position; can furnish best of 1 reference. Address X., 3934, care of | Telegraph. | WANTED Position as public or ' private stenographer, or clerical posi- 1 i tion, with chance of advancement; can \ furnish BEST of references. Write D. • ! R. M„ 717 , 4 i North Second street. Bell " i phone 151} J, WANTED Young, married man 1 j wanH. position driving Ford car or j truck; experience and references. Ap- J | ply C2O Hamilton street. WAITED Young man desires po- ' sltion as stenographer and general ' i office work, where there is chance for " advancement; good references. Address ■ 1' ■ G., 1415 Liberty street. 1 Situations Wanted—Female ! | —- ____ i j WANTED An experienced nurse wishes to take care of an elderly per- I son, or be companion to an old lady. * t Address 2026 Green street, Aliss Thomp- i i son. I I I WANTED Stenographer, with i knowledge of bookkeeping, wishes po- I | sltion; experienced; can furnish refer- ' ! ences. Address R., 3944, care of Tele graph. j i !i . < I WANTED Young, white woman i i | desires position for general housework. 5 i Address L.. 3816, care of Telegraph. i" i. WANTED Young lady would like ? to live with a seamstress and do her housework and all of her spare time ■learn to sew; can give best of refer- " I ence. Address Box 483, Steelton, Pa. r I WANTED A position as house- ' keeper for young widower; will not go f in large family or In the country Ad- " uress May Smith, General Delivery r- , 1 WANTED Day's work, or wash- " ing and ironing, by colored woman < cfty ° r wr,te * 3412 wllllaras street] | t WaNTED —.Colored woman desires I day s work of any kind. Apply, or ad- I dress, 512 Brown avenue. r WANTED —By colored woman, I dan s work of any kind. Apply, or ad- 1 dress. 1204 North Twelfth street, City. 1 WANTED A young, country girl wishes position as nurse; Is experi- , enced. Address M., 3937, care of Tele graph. a WANTED Colored woman desired jj work by the day. Address 315 Necta rlne avenue. WANTED —By middle-aged woman s position in small family for general 1 housework; no washing. Address Y. 1 3667. care of Telegraph. I Real Estate For Sale s LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk- J wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. = front up to one-half acre plots i sewer water gas —electricity, j _ S2OO up. Easy payments. sc; trolley. Keeney & Simmons,; * Agents | J Real Estate For Sale^ i'OR SALE Two vacant houses, boflh new bricks with impiovtpnents near the park—s2,Boo and *JUOOO. See these before buying. Edgiar B. Lerew, 4 Worth Fifth street. MANUFACTURING OR WAREHOUSE site for sale; plot, 60x126; South Cam eron, between Market ajul Mulberry. This section 1b fast develioprinig into a commercial locality and will ajll be built up within two years. I iia"v*j a choice plot, bought it right file years ago, when no one else wanted it, I can and will sell it right, or I will build you a building to suit your busfciess. A. C. Young, 26 North Third Street. Bell 713 J. FOR SALE 2%-storiy single brick house in New Cumberland; 10 rooms; all Improvements; slate roof; lot 50x 175. Prlae reasonable. Jtames A. Davis, New Cumberland. 231 KELKRR STRiiIET S-story brick dwelling, 9 room(v bnth and fur nace; lot, 17x88. Briwton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut stjroets. FOR SALE ljn Halifax, Pa., a brick "house, pressed brick front, 11 rooms, writh fruit trees and all outbuildings. An ideal summer home. Lot 80x201 ft. Apply to C.. C. Metzger, Hali fax, Pa. RIVERSIDE AMI) ALLISON HII.L New houses Slteam heat gas electric lights brick construction all other Tmpwo-veiments. Prices only $2,800 to »:i,3MV .Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Bulldlixg. FOR SAUE Three houses, 239, 241 j and 243 Sou*h Frqnt street, Steelton. In quire 1419 Alark/jt street, or phone 2953j. FOR SALE - Seventeenth and Park, large 3-story bilick; 6 bedrooms; paved street; price, $4,200.00. J. B. Macßon ald. 1319 Markett. FOR SAUE—Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill amd Atlas stnsets, in blocks or tl»i whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of tfiarrisburg Telegraph, city. FOR SAI IK 23 acres. 11 miles from Harris burg. Good house and bank ; barn, modeim chicken house, capacity,' 11.000; hog nen, all necessary outbuild-! ings, 140 fruW trees, strawberries, rasp-! berries, etc. Soil adapted for melons, fruit, truck, etc., also chiokeres. Will include one .borse, one cow and all nec essary implements. Price, - nvestigate. >lo agents. Address X. Y.. 3820, care of Telegraph. j FOR SALE! J3B North Thirteenth street. Threeo-story brick house, is now I offered at a reduced price. This | property has all conveniences. Inspect; It. Bell Reality CB., Bergner Building. : LEMOYNE- -flemibungaiow house brick 6 rooinis bath gas elec tric lights steam heat large porches Bergner BuiMiing. FOR SALE,. "CHEAP Lot south east corner Logan and Oyster Point,' avenue 19. Camp Hill, 50x160 feet. Ad dress Box H. 31838, care of Telegraph. 220 HARRJIS STREET 3-story brick dwelling), 8 rooms, bath ajid fur nace; Day winjiow on each floor. Brin ton-Packer Cqi., Second and Walnut streets. TWO SMALt. FARMS FOR SALE on easy terms or nent, near Llnglestown. House for reunt. Main street. Lingles town. Apply }n person, M. W. Hess, East End of Ungleatown. FOR SALE A three-story brick dwelling, 8 rootnis and bath, front and back porches. Nq. 1913 Gpeen street. Price reasonable. . If sold in ten days a special price will '.be given. Inquire alt residence. FOR SALE .Beautiful, new two and-a-half-storv brick residence in one of the finest locations in the qity, 1001 North Seventeenth street. Cornibr lot. 60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attic. I Hall through center. All improvements. I' ine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Slngmaster. Gettysburg, Pa. LEMOYNE— FOR SALE Two-«tory frame, all improvements, price $3,lOQr. 3-story double brick on Hummel avenue, price $3,900. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice. Lenioyne Trust Building, Lo moyne. Pa. {jell phone 319& J. Real Estate For Rent FOR REJNT House; city steam; hardwood floors; newly painted inside and out: ruewly papered. Call at 113 1 South Front street, or Dr. Park, 32 I North Second street. FOR REST 1827-411 Penn street; I two-story brick factory building. 75 ft by 39 ft., in Jirst-class.condition. Equip- I ped with elavulor, titeani heat, electric] light, gas and toilet on both floors This building is particularly suited, for light .nanufactuaing-purposes. Apply to M. H. Plank, 3a2 Forster street, Har risburg, Pa. FOR RENT 2348 Herr~streei. with plenty of room ' for • raising cMckens SIO.OO per month; also two good prop erties on Atlas avenue, all ments, $14.00 per month. Inquire J. K Kipp, 2203 North Fourth. FOR Hi:NT No. 1435 Walnut St ~...522 00 I No. 536 S. Seventeenth St. ....... 2150 No. 1713 Revere St. and Garuge.. 2&.~00 i No. 118 Nagle St 9 00 J. E. GIPPEE, 1251 Market St. FOR RENT 207 youth Front ! street, from April 1; also three rooms! on third floor of No. 9 South Market Square. Apply to 232 North Second 1 street. FOR RENT Store room at 12/19 ; Market street. WSll be decorated ajud i lighted to suit tenaoit. Rent, $25. J. E Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT lll4 Capital streot, 4 rooms, with hall and bath, $12.0U per month. Apply J. S. Sible, 256 Flerr street. FOR RENT Three-story brick ; house. Fifth sitreet. New Cumberland all modern improvements; one stquare from trolley. B. H. Ritter, New Cum berland, Pa. FOR RENT —Large, now double i brick house at Oyster Point, Camp HUI. Rents, S2O anid s2l per month. All modern improvements. Two minutes' walk to. street car line. Will be ready about April 1. West Shore Realty- Co., Baer & Rice, £«moyne Trust Building. Lenioyne, Pa. 3ell phone 3198 J. Kt RNISHKIJ HOUSE FOR RK.VT Near Capitol Park, for five months from about April fifteenth—comfortably fur nished, seven-room house. Very reason able flgure to amall family. Address M., 3932, care or HaJ-rlsburg Telegraph.' CLOVERL.V HEIGHTS Sycamore Street, 1724, brick dwelling. 9 room* I bath, steam heat, gas and electrkc ' lights. Rent, $23.00. Rohrer & Sua, Bergner Building. ] FOR RENT Two-»tory warehouse, i 3 Cowden street, near Market. Ele««- , tor. P. R. R. siding. Possession at < once. Bell phone 899 M. C. F. Gohl. 1003 North Second street. i Real Estate For Sale or Rent J 12-ACRE FARM FOR SALE 01. RENT ! •ear Linglestown. Wll' sell cheap If H wold at once. All necessary buildings | In good condition. Call Bell phone ' ■ :nsM\v. IJ Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED TO .EXCHANGE gent's gold watch for rugs. rowboat or any thing: I can use. Address G., 3933, care of Telegraph. WAaTEL) Boarders; comfortable home, with best of cooking with right parties. Apply 123 Linden street. WOULD like to hear from all ama teur entertainers for performance in May. Give description of act. Address F., 3843, care of Telegraph. x WANT to buy a row of brick houses, 8, 10 or 12 in row. State location, rent, lowest price to H., 3943, care of Tele graph. OLD FALSE TEETH and old Gold and Silver. $1 to $lO paid for old, broken sets of false teeth; higher cash prices for old jewelry, such as rings, watches, chains, spectacles.etc.; any condition; also good crowns and bridge I "fork. This week only. Drop postal. Will call. Address B„ 3917, care of Telegraph. j WANTED A used typewriter desk; ! must be In good condition. Call 8690 I either phone. WANTED Reliable family of adults would like to rent an upright piano. Must be in good condition and cheap, or will store gratis. Call Bell phone No. 30V6M, after S P. M. WANTED Old Machinery, Boilers, Engines, Motors, Automobiles unlit for | repair. Highest prices for large lots Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinc and all old materials. F. R. Laverty. Bell phone 761W, Harrlsburg, Pa. Apartments For Rent 3 RENT Apartment, Derry ] Block. Fourteenth and Derry streets, i Apply H. B. Harris, 1511 Vernon street. | Phone 926 M. FOR RENT Second floor mountain Apartments, Mulberry and Derry streets, fronting on three streets; hard wood floors; steam heat; electric lights, window awnings; pleasant view. Rent, $30.00. Apply Fountain Market Co. FOR RENT Small, up-to-date fur nished apartment on second floor, with ! privilege of an additional finely fur- I nished room if desired. Call 131. State ! street. Bell phone 3594 J. STATE ST., 1814 For rent. April ! 1. second floor apartments, four large, I light, cheerful rooms, bay windows in three; hardwood floors; tile bath; large, enclosed rear porch; steam heat; gas range; refrigerator; very complete, In cluding two bedrooms on third floor? | ; use of large lot in rear., Kent, S3O. I Apply A. S. Miller & Sons, Eighteenth 1 and State streets. FOR RENT Two or three-room J apartment, furnished, second floor; also two third floor rooms; all conveniences; private family. Apply 1315 Swatara street. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR I i RENT near Post Office. Four rooms and bath. Modern in every respect, I convenient, completely and newly fur-| , nished. Including piano. Rent reason- | | able to desirable couple or two business J women. Possession on or before May 1. Address M„ 3928, care of Telegranli. FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment, two large cheerful . rooms and bath, in excellent lo cation. George E. Etter, 703 Kun kel Building. FOR RENT From April l, apart- j ment in the Sixth Streot Bank Building. I Apply at Bank, Sixth and Maclay streets. FOR RENT Apartment, 1419 Ver non street, first floor, electric lights, gas and steam heat, stationary laundry. I Apply Baptistl. 1208 Chestnut, or Third and Chestnut. Bell phone 624. FOR RENT 927 North Third I street; city steam heat, electric light and hardwood floors, second floor, five rooms and bath. S3B; third floor, four I rooms and bath, $25. Apply at No. 931 North Third street. 10? SOUTH FRONT STREET 2 sec ond floor housekeeping apartments, containing 2 or 3 rooms with baths and kitchens. Possession April 1. Ap ply to Brlnton-Packer Co.. Second and j Walnut streets. I WALNUT ST.. 204 An apartment with six room? and bathroom, balcony In the rear with dumb waiter and clothes drier. Terms reasonable City I steam. E. Mather. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Neatly furnished sec- | ond floor room, next to bath; terms!' reasonable. Apply 118 South street. ' FOR RENT Two large, attractive, j ■second floor front rooms for rent; all' conveniences and use of phone; gentle- I I men only. Apply 813 North Second I street. j FOR RENT Second floor front j room, nicely furnished; bay window; : I steam heat; use of bath; private fam j ily; square from Reservoir Park. ; I Breakfast if desired. Address K., 31142, I care of Telegraph. . | j FOR RENT Nicely furnished room i lln private family; all conveniences;!! | steam heat; gentlemen preferred. 231 1- ! Forster street. j FOR RENT Furnished and unfur- I j nished rooms; also two or three fur- I i I nished or unfurnished rooms for light i I -37\v keeping. Call 209 State, or phone - | FOR RENT Large, third floor front room, furnished or unfurnished; very ] j suitable for light housekeeping; vapor heat and use of phone. Inquire 1119|- | Market street, or phone 2953 J. FURNISHED ROOMS Large, fine : < I furnished, well lighted, steam heat, 1 hardwood floors; handsome bath at- ] tached; good location; moderate price. - Apply 415 Cumberland street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished I : rooms, second and third floors front; ! < city steam; central location. Address, or call. 715 North Third street. FOR RENT Seconcf floor front 1 room, facing Capitol Park; stationary!" washstand (hot and cold running j w »ter); electric light; city steam; use! "J.Bell uhene and large bath. Apply | 1 410 Noith. : i FOR RENT—Chestnut St., 107, splen did furnished rooms; also two adjoin- j' Ins: rooms; all conveniences; desirable j' location; centrally located; private fam- | l Ily; rent reasonable. Apply Mrs. J. A. ' Durand, above address. |" FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also parlor and I parlod bedroom; city steam; Bell phone. ! J il9 North Sixth street. STOREROOM FOR RENT Fine " large room. 231 North Seond street. In- i . quire 217 North Second. For Sale—Miscellaneous 3 FOR SALE English Pitt bulldog 5 for sale; nine months' old; fine disposl tion. Big bargain for quick buyer. Apply It. H. Herman, care of McFall's Store, Third and Market streets. BICYCLES and parts of wheels J bought for highest cash prices. Rebuilt 1 wheels, $5.00 and upwards. Guaranteed 1 repairing, quick servloe, reasonable j prices. Phone us. Save money. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. SALE, CHEAP A handsome 1 solid mahogany dining and bedroom 1 suit, Colonial design; brand new; must 1 he seen to be appreciated. Address M. = O. P., care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Slat top sanltarv desk, - bx4, quartered oak; golden oak chiffon ier, with mirror; two chairs and table; e good condition. Mrs. Enos Moore, 53 t .Soiuh Second street, Steeiton. For SaJe—Miscellaneous PUBLIC SALE EVERY DAY Auc tion Sale Saturday, April 1. 10:00 A. M., at Scheffer'g Old BOOK Store. 21 South .Second Street. Household furniture, beds, springs, mattresses, bureaus, washstands, chairs, tables. Also rare books, stationery, etc., show casea, shelving, counters, electric fan and safe. Open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. FOR SALE Solid walnut book case, with roll-top desk; dark oak china closet, one bedroom suit, gas stove, re frigerator. 36 North Nineteenth street. | irnß SALE 45 shares First Na tional (Newport) Bank stock. Bank statement mailed on request. H. W. Wertz, Executor. Newport, Pa. FOR SALE At a bargain, small Grocery Store In fine location, doing good business. Reason for selling, leav ing city. Only Interested parties need repl- Address X., 3925, care of Tele graph. 1 FOR SALE One complete course in (Salesmanship, $10.00; one $400.00 piano, I good as new, $125.00; complete stock (and fixtures of small grocery store, $75.00. Address 8.. 3940, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Typewriters bought, sold or rented. Harrlsburg Typewriter and-Supply Co., 40 North Court street. BICYCLE BARGAINS Special for to-day and to-morrow, $5, SB. 10, sl2 land sls. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third. FOR SALE One single motorcycle for sale, in good condition. Apply 1317 Derry street. BICYCLE TIRE BARGAINS New tires, 98c each r.nd upward. See them j to-day. Will not last long. Special to advertise our new store. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third. 1 COLUMBUS ELECTRIC, good paint, good tires, fine appearance, SSO. Must be sold by April 1. Keystone Garage, 912 North Third street. FOR SALE Large ice box, suitable for hotel or boardinghouse use; good condition. Aply 9 North Front street. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS | SIO.OO up. Remington, Underwood and S. C. Smiths, rebuilt like new, at at tractive prices. Geo. P. Tlllotson, 211 j Locust. I FOR SALE Lntlre household fur j nlshings will be sold at reasonable 1 prices to quick, cash buyer. No dealers' offers considered. Call at 133 Sylvan Terrace. ONE EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLE, j 1914, 2-speofJ, with sidecar. Presto lamp, F. & N. tandem, speedometer and horn, extra tire. S2OO for quick sale. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. FOR RALE—FuII line of Walker's store lixtures; used eight months; can be seen at 1231 Cowden street. Inquire 1200 North Sixth. AT GABLE'S, 113. 116 and 117 South Second street, 5.000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. J FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Two credit checks for $250 and $225, being Third and Fourth Prizes in the Winter Contest, for sale or exchange. No rea sonable offer refused. Address AV., Drawer "V." City. FOR SALb Beautiful oak folding bed, two extension tables, child's crib. Apply 627 Emerald street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be 1 secured at the Telegraph Business Office. | AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L. ! primed and glazed, at (1.30 per set J Also other sizes. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the 1 Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap -1 ply Job Printing Department The Tele- I graph Printing Company. For Rent 1 FOR RENT Storage rooms, Derry Blocjc, Fourteenth and Derry streets. Apply Hi 13. Harris, 1511 Vernon street. FOR RENT Storeroom, 252 ! Hamilton street, rent sl2. Chas. ! Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, ! 1002 North Third street. j • FOR RENT First-class soda, Ice cream and confectionery store, with up-to-date fixtures, with an established trade, doing a nice business. Good rea- I sons for renting. Inquire, or write, to I L. Sllbert, corner Sixth and Harris i streets. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general | purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Business Opportunities FOR SALE A grocery business. Good opportunity for a hustler. New section of city. Address X.. 3914, care of Telegraph. BARBER SHOP FOR RENT Fi lie location—business part of city. Four chairs. A good chance for all right party. Address X., 3840, care of Tele graph. IF going In business, Join me ih Patent Business. 1 want partner with Ford car and $300.00, or $700.00. Half interest. No experience required. R. Horst, Jr., Pen brook, Pa. ANY Intelligent person can earn .food lncom? corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798* Lock port. N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five yeans In the mall order business, began -with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells ho«w. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. Business PersonaJs MOVING WE move pianos carefuUy. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co.. 2? North Fourth street CASH PAID for good cast-off Ladles' I and Men's Clothing, Shoes, Furniture and Carpets. Please give description of goods you want to sell. Send postal to C3C Herr street. GGNERAI, HAULING PRACTICAL men, with yeurs of ex perience. Motor trucks that are good and dependable. Reasonable rates. Apply Ensmlnger Motor Co.. Green and Cumberland. Bell 3515. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. EXPERT PIANO TUNING $1.50 Bell 14$ Winter Piano Co.. 23 N. Fourth St. HAUIiINO R. A. HARTMAN, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. FOUND What you have been look ing for In good work, at Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street. We call and de liver. Both phones. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate j security In any amounts and upon any ! terms to suit borrower. Address p. O. I Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 437-446 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE IN 3-story brick bultdlnsT. rear 408 Market street. Household goods In. clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to I*. G. Dlener, Jeweler. 408 Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. |1 to 98. Wagons, 76 cants per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 4XI . Broad street. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 4 liens and 1 unrelated [ Cockerel, nice, large S. C. Black Mi norcas, SB.OO. I want White Rocks. Black Pekin, Polish and Black R. C. I . Bantam Hens. Ben. Kllnger, Millers- ! i burg. Pa. Automobiles FOR SALE—I9I3 5-passenger • Cadillac touring car, excellent ; condition, electric starter and lights, fully equipped. Apply, > Harrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race Street, Harrisburg. : FOR SALE—One 1916 Oakland 4-cyl- I Inder touring car, one 1914 Chalmers,! , 6-cyllnder; one Dragon touring car, big : bargain; one Regal touring car; one , 1%-ton truck, solid panel body. Auto Sales and Distributino- Co, J. L>. Ferry, No. 125 South Eleventh street. 1 FOR SALE Good four-cylinder roadster; 30-H.-P. motor; first-class - running order. Will sell for $2lO, or ex - change for a 1914 Ford. Would make 1 1 splendid delivery truck. Address 3939, ! . care of Telegraph. L FOR SALE Roadster, standard ■ make, in good repair; two new tires; 1 ■ 1 electric dash and tail lights. Owner • will sell for $125.00. Unusual bargain. ' S.. 3818, care of Telegraph. i —— I FOR SALE 1914 Chalmers Master - Six, five-passenger; will sell cheap. Ad , | dress Augustus Wlldman, 2206 North 1 > Third. I FOR SALE 1913 Ford touring; 1913 I Overland touring; 1915 Ford delivery; 1914' Saxon runabout, very good; 1913 • Chalmers touring. Above cars are In J good condition. Hudson Sales Agency, i 1139 Mulberry. Bell 1396. » ' FOR SALE One 1912 Crawford - Touring Car; tour door; new top; new i ly painted; Presto Light. Call for dem l ' onstration. Comstock's Garage, Me- I J chanicsburg. Pa. ;j /Notice . j TWO HOUSES to be erected. Con ! tract for same to be let by P. Vaseloff, 332 Franklin street, Steelton. Pa. ; Financial LOANS sls to S3OO » on personal property, real estate or > approved endorsement. THE ENTIRE COST ON $25, Four Months, Only $2.88. I SSO, Four Months, Only $4.80. $75, Four Months, Only $7.68. SIOO. Four Months, Only $9.60, Or arrange for longer time and smaller payments at very little > extra cost. If without bank credit and pressed for fujrds t*» meet im mediate necessities. Consult us. C O-O P E R .. T I V LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut St. Legal Notices I*ROPOSAIJs FOH SIFPI.IKS AXD 1 PRINTING NOTICE is hereby given that sealed 1 proposals for school supplies will be received by the Board of School Direc tors of the School District of the City ' of Harrisburg. Pa., as follows: I—For General School Supplies, con sisting of Tablets, Lead Pencils, Ink ' etc.. Drawing Supplies, Commercial De l partment Supplies and Printing. J i Bids are to be in on or before April I I 4. 1918. and will be considered by the I Committee on Supplies on Thursday I afternoon, April 6, 1916, and by the 1 Board of School Directors on Fridav afternoon, April 7, 1916. 2—For Janitors Supplies, Coal and Wood and for Physiography, Machine Forge and Wood Shop Supplies. Bids are to be in on or before April 18 1916, and will be considered by the 1 Committee on Supplies on Thursday af- ) ternoon, April 20, 1916, and by the Board of School Directors on Fridav 1 afternoon, April 21. 1916. uy | 3—For the Laboratory Supplies at the High Schools. Bids are to be in on or before Mav ' 1916. and will Ije considered by the Committee on Supplies on Thursday af ternoon. May 4, 1916, and by the Board !of School Directors on Friday after i noon. May 5. 1916. « ; i The successful bidders will be re , quired to give a bond tor the faithful ' fulfillment of the contract. Schedules of the various lists of sup , | plies may be procured at the offices ! of the School Board, 121-123 Chestnut , Street. Harrisburg. Pa. ' ; By order of the Board. D. D. lIAMMELBAUGII. Secretary. i NOTICE Letters Testamentary on i I the Estate of Howard S. Robeson, late i of Harrisburg, Daupliln County, Pa., de | ceasetl, having been granted to the un dersigned residing in Harrisburg, Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. ELIZABETH S. ROBESON. No. 1628 Green Street, Or to Executrix. HARRY M. BRETZ, Attorney-at-Law. Estate of Rt. Rev. John W. Shanahan, late of the City of Harrisburg. Coun ty of Dauphin, deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to | said estate aro requested to make pay- | ment, and those having claims to pre sent the same without delay, to REV. JAMES HUBER, Hanover, Pa.; REV. A. J. McCANN, Danville, Pa- Executors. Or to their attorney, JOHN T. BRADY, Harrisburg. Pa. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Regina Gardner, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County. Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned located In Harrisburg, pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. CENTRAL TRUST CO.. Executor, Harrisburg, Pa. ' Camp Hill | The Suburb of Natural Beauty; go out with us and Inspect our new addition, "Cooper Heights," with Its concrete walk, electric lights, water and gas with ita line build ings and bungalow sites. We will help you select a lot and build you & home. One hundred bungalow designs and plans to select from. West Shore Realty Co. Baer & Rice Lemoyne Trust Co. Building Lemoyne, Pa. Bell Phono 31U8-J BETHLEHEM STEEL FORFEITS RISE Trading Becomes Listless; Rails Quoted Only Occa sionally fiy Associated Press New York, March 31. —Trading be came listless with the progress of the session, the first hour's turnover barely totaling 100,000 shares, with greater , apathy thereafter. Soipe of the better known rails were quoted only occa- I sionally and others not at all. Bethlehem Steel promptly forfeited its Initial rise but sugars continued to advance, South Porto Rico gaining 10% to the new record of 205. Jewel Tea also scored a new maximum on its advance of 2*4 to 83%. Bonds were steady, with considerable activ ity Ili Canadian and Anglo-French s"h, a larger block of the latter changing j hands at 95 %. NKW YORK STOCKS ' Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square. Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila j delphia; 34 Pine street, New York, | furnish the following quotations: New York, March 31. | ~ Open. Clos. { Alaska Gold Mines 19 Va 19 % Allis-Chalmers 28% 29 American Beet Sugar ... 71 % 71 % American Can 60% 61% , American C& F 68% 68% American Cotton Oil ... 54 54 American Ice Securities . 28% 28 j American .. 78 V. 79 j American Smelting 110% 100% I American Sugar 109% 109% I American T & T x d 2.. 128% 128 i Anaconda 86% 86% I Atchison 103 103% I Baldwin Locomotive ... 104% 104 % | Baltimore & Ohio 87% 86% I Bethlehem Steel 460 494 |B F Goodrich 75 76 ;Butte Copper 89% 90% California Petroleum ... 23% 23% Canadian Pacific 166% 167 |Central Leather 53% 63% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 61% 61 % Chicago, Mil and St Paul 93% 93 Chicago. R I and Pacific 17 17 Chino Consolidated Cop. 55 55% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 44% 44 7* Corn Products 20% 20% Crucible Steel 89 92% Distilling Securities 46% 47% Erie 36% ,36 % Erie, Ist. pfd 51% 51% General Electric. Co. ... 167% 167% Gt. Northern, pfd 12i% 121 Gt. North. Ore, ss 43% 43% Inspiration Copper .... 47% 47% Interboro-Met 16% 16% I Kennecott 57% 58% Interboro-Met. pfd 72% 72% Kansas City South 25% 25% Lackawanna Steel 76% 76% Lehigh Valley 76% 76% Maxwell Motors 71% 71 Merc. Mar. ctfs 16% 17 Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. ... 68% 69% Mex. Petroleum 108 108% Miami Copper 37% 38% Missouri Pacific 5 5 National Lead 67 67 New York Central 105% 103% NY N H H 64% 63% Norfolk and Western . . . Northern Pacific 113 112% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 56% 56% Pittsburgh Coal 26% 27 Press Steel Car 52% 52 ; Railway Steel Spg 39% 39% Ray Con Copper 23% 24 Reading 84% 84% Republic Iron & Steel .. 50% 50% Southern Pacific 97 97% [Southern Railway 20% 20% |Studebaker 14p 141% Tennessee Copper ..... 53% 53% Third Avenue 61 61 Union Pacific 132 132 U S I Alcohol 152% 153% U S 'Rubber 51% 51% U S Steel 84 84% U S Steel pfd 116% 116% [Utah Copper Sl% 52% Va Caro Chem 43% 44 Western Union Tele .... 91% 91% xWestinghouse Mfg ... 64% 64% Tejtas Oil 190 192% j xEx dtv %. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE j Philadelphia. March 31. Wheat: Firm; No. 2. red, spot and April, j5].19@1.22; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.17 @1.20. Corn Firm; . No. 2, yellow, local, 79%©80 c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local, 7% (Si 78 %c. Oats Firmer; No. 2,. white, 51®' 51% c; No. 3. white, 48%®49%c. Bran Firm, Spring higher; city mills, winter, per ion, $25.00; west ern. winter, per ton, $26.00; Spring, per ton. $23.00®23.550. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 7.10 c; fine granulated, 7.00 c; confectioners' A. 6.90 c. Butter Market firm; western, creamery, extras, 38c; nearby prints, fancy, 41c. Eggs The market is higher; Penii.svlvnniM and other nearby ur»t«. free cases. $6.60 per case: do., current receipts, free cases, $6.45 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.60 per ise: western, nrats. free caht». $6.45 per case. Live Poultry Firm: fowls higher; fowls, 18 %© 19 %c; roosters, 12@13c; Spring chickens, 14@20c: ducks, lair/ 20c; geese. 17®19c; turkeys, 20®22c. Dresseu Poultry Market firm; turkeys, fancy, 31c: do., good to choice, 27® 30c; do., fair to good. 25® 26c: do., old totvis, 2.5 c; fowls, fancy 20% ® 21c; do., good to choice, 19®20c; do., small sizes, 16%®18%c; old roost ers, 15c; broiling chickens, nearby, 22® 26c; do., western, 22®24c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy. 19® 22c: do., fair to good. 15@18c: Spring ducks, nearby, 18®20c; do., western. 12 ®18c; geese, nearby, 16®20c; do., west ern, 15(H) 17c. I Potatoes The market is firm; with a fair demand; Pennsylva nia white, per bushel, $1.3001.40; New York, per bushel, $1.15®1.20; Maine, per bushel, $1.20®1.26; western, per bushel. $1.1510)1.20; Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 65®75c; Jersey, No. 2, per basket, 30® 40c. Flour The market is dull; winter, straights, $6.26®6.50; do., patents, $5.60 (if) 5.85; Spring, straights, $6,40@5.65; do., patents. 45.700)6.00; do., favorite brands, $6.15®6.65. Hay The market Is firm witli a fair demand; No. 1, large bales, $21.50022.00; No. 1, me.uu ■■ bales, $21,500)22.00; No. 2. do., $19.00® 20.00; No. 3, do., $15.00® 16.00; no grade. $10.01)014.00. Clover mixed, light mixed. $19,009 18.60; No. 1. do.. $18.50® 19.00; No. J. CHICAGO CATTI.E Chicago, 111., March 31. • Hogs—Re ceipts, 20.000; slow. Bulk of sties, $9.15 09.30; light, $8.8509.35; mixed. $8.95® 9.35; ,» heavy, $8.95®9.36- rough, $8.95 ®9.10; pigs, $7.00®8.30. Cattle Receipts. 10,000; vreak. Native beef steers, $7.5®9.80; stockers and feeders. $5.85®8.85; cows and heif ers. $4.00®8.75; calves. $7.25®9.26. Sheep Receipts, 6,000; weak. Wethers. $8.50@9.15: lambs, $9,250) 11.50. UNERAL SPRAY AND DESIGNS J N«iv Camh "la -il loral C«. New Cumberland, Fa.