Newspaper Page Text
12 | PR|f I■ FAPEIRS i Near the Young Women's Christian Association Charming Spring Suits and Coats At Prices That Cannot Be Matched SUITS at COATS at $ 14 .50 K3 $6.88 Tou'll he amazed A variety of styles, at the price, and wo SSMfc'Vv\ materials and colors know you will surely 1 t hat are reallv worth pay more for Suits Bf .H \ double. Low operat iike these. Every J ing expenses means style, material and W ' V hi* savings for you. color, in all sizes. [yf y A t I B/ , >"-1 COATS at S XJIX SBL t t QQ O $i qr n' j I .\\ '1 V• U U 15/ \ \ \ 1 Belted and full f J I \ ' \ / flared Coats, in Beautiful copies of \y,J / I \ f every wanted mate imported models, ia \U / il \ J rta ' Hr| d shade; styles of one or two 1/7! ' \ many lined through of a kind. See these /-- h_ ollt with heavy Peau Stunning Suits if you f/\ #T ]\\\ de Cygne. One of intend spending S3O ifvl / / )} r\ many unusual or s3i> for your new If \l/J Eif' values to lie had at Spring Suit. Jf S ' "(he Woman Shop." t \ \ !SI 1,14 WAISTS, at ... «J 1 QQ ! SI Mi DRESSES, at. . . d»Q QQ Crepe do Chine, Wash ' I Crepe de Chine and ' Silk, Taffeta and Mannish I Taffeta; magnificent styles and Two Ministers in Panel of 60 Jurors For May Civil Court Two ministers are among; the sixty j talesmen drawn to-day to serve as tra- I verse Jurors in Common Pleas court i during the week of May S. These are! the Rev. Clayton Albert Smucker and! the Rev. Robert Runytan, but the lat- j ter has been removed to another pas- ; torate at Flemington, Pa., and, of course, will be unable to serve. The! list follows: Claude K. Etzwiler, Jefferson town- j ship; William R. Matehett, Millersburg j; borough; Charles P. Witman, Lykensi, borough; Ray Bowman, Rykens bor-j ough; William Cooper, Jr., London derry township: George D. Toomey,j Seventh ward, Harrisburg; William D. Lenkm, Rower Paxton township; | Frank Witmer, Penbrook borough; Joseph D. Ross. Fourth ward. Harris- j burg; John B. Shaffer. Millersburg | borough; Karl Sline, Mifflin township; Fred M. Tritle. Fourth ward. Harris-j burg; Abner N. Keller, East Hanover! township: Robert G. Speer, Huinmels-I town borough; Howard R. Boileau. | 'Fifth ward. Harrisburg; Prof. Charles! HOW TO PROLONG LIFE - By adopting a simple diet men like! Conaro have lived to l.e 100 jn:rs of' age. but with our complex diets of! to-day, the vitality of the aged is taxed to its utmost endurance. A simple diet, j Iherel'ore, is conducive to a long life. | and if the vitality becomes impair- j od and weakness seems apparent, our local druggists, George A. Gorgas, Druggist, Kennedy's Medicine Store,' :!21 Market St., C. F. Kramer. Third and Broad Sts., Kitzmiller's Phar-! macy. 1325 Derry St., Harrisburg, Pa., have in Vinol a reliable, non secret remedy which contains .lust the elements needed to restore strength . lo weak, feeble old people, and pro long a healthy, happy life. P. S.—ln your own town, wherever you live, there is a Vinol Drug Store, i Rook for the sign.—Advertisement. STATEMENT OF THE DaupliiitDepositTrnslCo- Horrisburg.Pa. MARCH 30, 1916. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash and Cash Items $166,005.30 Due front Banks .... 540,506.15 ' a l"tal $300,000.00 United States Bonds, Surplus 300,000.00 ■l% at par 150,000.00 Undivided Profits.... 29,967 22 Loans and Invest- nmnoTKn „ ' ments 2,601,551.33 DEPOSITS 2,860,208.95 Building 50,000.00 Due to Banks 17,902 27 Overdrafts 15.66 $3,508,078.44 $3,508,078.44 Trust Funds $617,358.74 DIRECTORS DONALD McCORMICK, President. HENRY McCORMICK, Jr. JAMES McCORMICK, ' ' JAMES M. CAMERON/ J - G- BRADLEY, HENRY B. McCORMICK, JACKSON IIERR BOYD. ROBERT McCORMICK, Treasurer-Secretary. J. A. GRIESHABER, Assistant Treasurer. ———i——————^ ' What About Your Wife? Are things arranged about the house to save her extra steps or useless exertions? Are there plenty of cupboards for dishes? Are there enough shelves in the cellar for canned fruit? Are the windows screened so she may breath fresh air without being annoyed about flies? Maybe she would be interested in having flower boxes for windows and porches? Better buy the lumber now and get started. Lots of times we have odds and ends at our yard that can be used for small jobs around the house. United Ice & Coal Co. ForMter and t'owdejt Street* WEDNESDAY EVENING, A. Ellenberger, Susquehanna town ship; Harvey W. Rouch, Highspire borough; 'Charles Rong, Wiconisco township; Wilson A. Rhoades, Derry township; John S. Weaver, Seventh ward, Harrisburg; Milton D. Bona witz, Upper Paxton township; Samuel Shaffner, Highspire borough; Rloyd Polston, Third ward, Steelton; Curtis Schwalm, Washington township; Wil liam Gotshali, Sr., Second Ward, Mid dletown; E. Ruther Cunningham, Eighth ward, Harrisburg; Alonzo K. Ravanture, Swatara township; Benja min F. Glass, First ward, Harrisburg; John T. Griifln, Eleventh ward .Har risburg; Irwin Slioop, Huininelstown borough; John H. Hoke, Rykens town ship; John 11. Fox, Derry township; John H. Greenawalt, Hummelstown borough; John W. Cory, Second ward, Harrisburg; Clayton Albert Smucker, Ninth ward, Harrisburg; George Mor rett, Fifth ward, Steelton; William T. Hollands, Thirteenth ward, Harris burg Henry Runkle, East Hanover township; John A. Fackler, Rower Paxton township; William Brennan, Williamstown borough; John Remar, Tenth ward, Harrisburg; Curtis J. Crego, Fourth ward, Harrisburg; John Dinger, Williamstown borough; Ralph S. Etter, Highspire borough; Robert W. Runyan, Second ward, Harrisburg; Charles E. Etzweiler, Millersburg bor ough; R. L. Durr, Third ward, Steel ton; Thomas M. Toomey, First ward, Harrisburg; Harvey G. Gtpe, South Hanover township; James S. Smith, First ward, Harrisburg; Alden A. Hunk, Eleventh ward, Harrisburg; Harry E. Force, 3rd ward,Middletown; Enoch Young. First ward, Steelton; H. K. Maeyer, Twelfth ward, Harris burg; Charles Baker, Highspire bor ough; George O. Rooniis, Halifax township; Charles W. Koser, Fifth ward, Harrisburg; Charles F. Dickey, Seventh ward, Harrisburg; John A. Ebersole, Third ward, Middletown; Robert D. Wilson, Ninth ward, Har risburg.—n mliln K ( on anil Return— Se\t Niinilny An ideal Sunday outing under ideal conditions, Pennsylvania Railroad. Special train leaves Harrisburg 7.U3 a. in. Attradion)^^^A ° i i it i " • , VKre/„em„anq *r>- THEATRICAL. DIRECTORY ORPHBrM To-morrow, matinee ami night, "The Blue Ribbon Belles" | (burlesque); J'"rlday night, April 7, j Combined Musical Clubs of Penna. | State College; Monday and Tuesday, April 111 and 11, "Pollyanna;" Wednes day, "The Little Minister." MAJESTIC Vaudeville and Moving Pictures. Motion Picture House* COlX)NlAL«—"Brigadier Gerard." REGENT—"Madame Presidente." VICTORIA—"The Strange Case of Mary Page." PLAYS AND PI.AYERS A small panic was barely averted when a full-grown cinnamon bear be ing used in the making of "Davy : Crockett" broke loose and rambled Into j the offices of the Pallas studio. The women of the clerical force climbed to the highest points reachable. The 1 blonde hello girl made an unbeatable record up the stairs to the second floor. The bear didn't know whal it was all about and was finally rounded up by I Justin Farnum. assisted by others, whose united and combined efforts re sulted in a safe return to the trainer of Mr. Cinnamon. Mary Anderson, of the Vitagraph ' Western Division, just received a letter 1 from a man who saw her in "Bill Peter's Kid" and was greatly impressed with her smile. He ardently declares that at one time her smile while thinking of the hero (William Duncan) is n re production of the famous smile of Ihe "Mona Usa." His suggestion is that she might play that character In a pic- j ture written around the painting. Little Mary Pickford has an ogre. ' It is the modiste who makes her gowns * for the Famous Players-Paramount 1 productions. Four-hour sessions in the pin-laden hands of dressmakers stand- j ing up for fittings are an important I part of the Pickford daily program. LOCAL THEATERS I'enun. State Musical Club* From C. C. Robinson, director of the ' Musical Clubs of Slate College, comes word that the clubs will deliver a "whale of a program" at their i on- I cert here Friday night at the Orpheum Theater. He calls attention to the fact the clubs deliver their program in a professional manner, lar king the usual I Rah-rah style assumed by many college organizations, though losing none of I the vitality and dash that is peculiar to the college man. "Pollyanna" "Pollyanna," the glad-hearted comeilv of optimism and good cheer, will be presented at the Orpheum on Mondav I and Tuesday. April 10 and 11, with the original cast. It has the importance i of an all-star organization and includes Patricia ColUnge. as the glad-girl; Effle Shannon, Herbert Kelcev, Jessie Busley, Arthur Forrest, Maude Granger, Helen Weathersby, Maude llosford, I Master Bobbie Tobin, Lorin Raker and I Harry Barfoot. The "Pollyanna" stories by Mrs. Eleanore H. Porter have been read by hundreds of thousands all ; over the world. Their joyous spirit and ' dramatic incidents have been preserved 1 In the romantic comedy devised by Catherine Chisholm Cushing. author of many successful plays, including "Kitty MacKav" and comedies for May Trwlri, i Henrietta Crosman and Billie Burke. Anna Held appears for the first time ■ upon the screen in "Madame l,a Presi- j dente," produced by "llmlnme tlie Oliver Morosco l.n I'renlileiite"' Photoplay Company, J at Regent and released on the : Paramount Program. I The look of mischief that lies in the I eves of Anna Held—as she hursts . through n halo of roses and enters the film feature, is the personflcation of the spirit of this picture. The domestic tangle that happens to an unsuspecting white-haired judge af fords this talented comedy star the chance to provoke a riot of laughter. Starting to get revenge upon the judge, in wounded pride. Anna Held herself is entangled in the meshes of AMUSEMENTS r --•> To-day Only LEWIS WALLER In "BRIGADIER GERARD" A Fhf-refl Urn HI II of Timely Inter*!. TluirKilay One Day Only Iteiiiieited Return I'luKaKOineiit of BILLIE BURKE "PEGGY" MAJESTIC LEONA LAMAR The Girl With 1,000 Eyes See* All—Known All—Tell* All. To-ilay'M nintlnee for Ladle* only! Staice reception to-morrow after noon. Sealed (inentlon* Friday afternoon. Sew MiirroiindlnK NIIOW to-morrow. t MaOneeN, Hie and I ."»«•; K\enioj£*, I <7.30 to 10.30), lOe, I.V, 25c. 1 ORPH E U M FRIDAY April"? I TUESDAY April 10-11 TL P L: ] KI AW A I:HI.A\<;I.R & C;KOII<JR 1 ne Combined POLLYANNA 61 Men-COLLEGE-60 Men I\\ I'll I THK UIIKiIWI. (OMPA.W I'HICKS 2.V to «2.00. Seal* to *I.OO SKATS NOW Wednesday, April 12, 8 fis CHAHI.ES KItOHMAN I'ivwita ■ a 4 V M In J. M. II \lt II IK'S ('OMKI)Y MAUDE THE "LITTLE AHAMC MINISTER l\ I f fl lllil SKATS OS SAI.K MONDAY JL il/1 ftlVAh/ I'HHKS—r.itc to *s.oo MAIL oniIKHS NOW. IV HARRISBURG ttffjjSfta TELEGRAP t the handsome young Minister of Jus tice und is finally raptured. T.cona I*aniar. better known as "the giri with a thousand eyes," is appear ing; at the Majestic l.rona l.mnnr Theater with im- I'roim Sensation mense success, lit Majestic I leading: a variety hill of clever enter tainment. this young; woman, barely out of her teens, is at once mystifying and entertaining;. At the theater she is telling people their names, their ag;es, the month they were horn, the date of the month and the day of the week. She is telliiiK people of their friends and relatives in different parts of the world, of their friends in the war, and others of sickness and the nature of their trouble. Miss Umar is pretty, entertaining; and a most unusual arlist. The supporting Keith aits in clude the bander Brothers, eccentric comedians, who are scoring one of the lauKhine hits of the week; also the Shannon, Annts company, five clever people appearing in a scenic novelty playlet called "In Uove's Garden." The Two Carltons, splendid gymnastic comiques. and Amy the pleasing singer of pretty songs, complete the roster. Helen Gardner, who appears In three separate and distinct parts in the won derful production, "Tlie Sfor.v "The Story of Sylvia of Sylvia Gray," is shown at the Gray," Victoria Victoria to-day. It is doubtful if ever any Harrlsburg audience, either In a legiti mate play or a motion picture play house, has seen any one star play a triple role. The eleventh episode of "The Strange Case of Mary I'age, fea turing Henry B. Walthall and Rdna Mayo, a complete play In itself, will also be shown. "The Gulf Between," a three part I.ubln production, portraying mod ern society life, will also be presented to-day, together with "Napoleon the Great." the famous monkey, in a jungle comedy. To-morrow "The Gods of Fate." a thoroughly good drama, featur ing Rosetta Price and Richard Buhler, will be featured. "The Brigadier Gerard." with beauti ful Madge Titheridge and I>ewis Wal ler, the well-known "The Brigadier Kng;lish actor, will be Cierard" Todny a lied Feather fea nt Colonial ture that is hooked as a special attrac tion "t (he Colonial Theater for to-day only. This play is the dramatization of a famous French play by that name and the action of the piece, which is a society drama of the better class. Is laid in the days of French chivalry. Picturesque settings and gorg;eous cos tumes greatly enhance the production. Three one-reel selected comedies will complete to-day's program. These fea tures include "Cupid at Cohens." "On a Still Hunt," Vogue, and "See Americn First." Gaumont weekly. For to-mor row only the Colonial will present a re turn of Hillie Burke in her sensation ally iwinuitr screen play. "Peggy." This play has proved the most popular tile Colonial has had and in each instance that it was presented picture lovers were turned away, unable to gain ad mission. Sounds Warning From Invasion of Robins > By Associated Press Pittsburgh, April s.—Speaking to a delegation of scoutmasters of the Boy Scout movement here lasl night, John Phillips, State Game Commissioner, sounded a warning from what he termed an invasion of robins. Mr. Phillips said the woods ami fields of this entire section were filled with more robins than he had ever seen at this season before and unless mulberry and other trees were planted to give them food they would attack fruit, trees and become an expensive nuisance. Robins are protected by a State law and have rapidly incerased. while the trees upon whose fruit they formerly fed have gradually dis appeared ns the forests were cut down. 6,000 MKX <JET RUSK St I^ouis. Mo., April 5. —A wage in crease of 10 per cent, has been given to all employes of the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company, it was announced to-day. Between five and six thousand employes are affected. AMUSEMENTS L„»° CHESS cr .cl TY #r p ICTU RES MJMARZ BOOKED THROUGH ICATI^^ l Q ||^l£a^hlJUp MM COMPANY or PHILA. R W MM HEARTHE *25000 ##HOPE-JONES UNIT PIPE OMAN MM EQUAL OF 90 PIECE ORCHESTRA MM Tu-ilny Only MM HEI.IiN <; AItnVKK mm The fuiuniiN screen JM iirfiMt iiltiys three <IIN- M Mint iinrtH In f "THE STOHY OF SVL ' VIA till \Y" 'l'lie llth Episode of I "THE STH A\ «E (ASH ■ OF MAR V PAGE" unit "THE fil IJF BETWEEN" T«-dny nnil to-morrow, Pnra ■iKiunl Picture*, presents \.\XA HEM) In "MADAME I,A PRESI DE.VI'E." A nimrkllnK French Imee uf mat RL 1111111 In I InntcleM. I'roilneeil l>y Oliver MiiriiNeti Co. BELGIAN ACTRESS TO PRESENT BOTH SIDES OF BELGIAN QUESTION Mile. Artois at Tech Auditorium Tomorrow Evening Will (Hoe Interesting Illustrated Lecture liaitrrlirh Drulsrhr Hotsrhad EUBAP3T CedarhurSt, H.T.,den O.Aogu.t 1918. WASHINOTOS, D. O. J.Mr. B 10892. Eu9ror Exzellenz gestatte leh air die dureh lhr outlges Eintreten fur Wahrheit und Reeht in Auswirti gen Ac* berelts bekannte Ueberbringerin dieses Brle fes, Frau Philippine ARTOIS, wirnftens zu espfehlen. Sio beabslchtigt, ihre dankengwerte T&tigkelt in In teresse unserer gerechten Sache fortzusetzen und wfir de bezflglichen Rat der Deutschen Rsgler'ung gern entge gennehiren. loh wsre Euerer Exzellenz sehr dar.kbar, wenn durch Ihre Vernittelung die Wunache von Frau Artol» erfiillt werden kSnr.ten. rf) _ i Seiner Exzellenz dem Kaiserllchen Staatssekretar des Auswartlgen Ants Wirkllchen Geheisen Rat Herrn von Ja go w BERLIN. Imagine if you can the stern fea tures of Count Von Bernstorff, the German ambassador to the United States, furrowed with the strain of heavy responsibilities. The count is deep an thought and perhaps the thoughts are not pleasant ones, lie may be dwelling on the uncertainties of the future and wondering what fate has in store for his beloved Father land. Or he may be chuckling over the latest note coming or going. He hears a knock at the door. He looks up, and there on the threshold stands Mile. Philippine Artois, the little Bel gian actress who is now in I larrishurg on a two-fold mission, to try and set right in the minds of as many of the Americans as she can reach in her lectures the true picture of the rela tions between Germany and Belgium, her native country, and at the same time to aid her fellow countrymen and women in n financial way through the receipts from her illustrated travelogues. Vou may wonder, perhaps, why the Count is introduced into the story; the truth is that had Bernstorff not been disposed to give Mile. Artois a passport into her native country through the German lines, Harris burg might never have been given the opportunity of learning the true state of affairs from a Belgian, and a mighty pretty one at that. One of the two ways of reaching Europe from this country without danger of being tor pedoed is over the steamship line be tween New York and Copenhagen; that is the one Mile. Artois took when she returned to Belgium iast Novem ber. Inasmuch as the Germans abso lutely control affairs In Belgium, cen sor all their plays and newspapers, and do not allow mail to come or go through Belgium territory, it was necessary for her to go through Ger many to reach her home, which is close to the zone of lighting and within a few miles of I,ouvain. Translated the letter reads: "May I recommend most heartily to your Excellency the bearer of this letter. Mile. Philippine Artois. who is already well known in the otttce of Health Insurance Law Favored by Physicians Dauphin county's physicians, includ ing: some of the best known prac -1 titioners in this city and surrounding 1 towns, enthusiastically advocated and | endorsed the "health first" move ment by declaring themselves in favor of the health insurance law. Inciden- I tally, the physicians who comprise the ; Dauphin County Medical Society will work toward securing the passage of the proposed bill at the next Legis- I lature. | The bill was Interestingly discussed I at last evening's meeting of the Dau- j ' phin county society and these discus- j sions were led by Drs. !I. F. Royer and ' j F. D. Patterson, chief medical in- j spector and chief of the sanitary enui- | neering division, respectively, of I he- State Health Department. : The health insurance bill, in brief, provides for compulsory sick insur ance benefits for all engaged in ■ manual labor and other work. The ] proposed bill is to work exactly like j | the workmen's compensation law. Sectional Meetings of Natural History Society Dr. George C. Potts, president of tile Harrisburg Natural Society, has an-; nounced the 'following sectional meet- , | lugs and the speakers foj- the sessions: Tuesdav, April 11, Geological section., | addresses by Professor Percy 1,. Grubb ; on "Voleanos and IJiva Sheets of the; \ Southwestern I'nited States" (illustrat ed). and by Willis Whited, on "The General Geological Conditions Affecting i the Foundations of Bridges;" Tuesday.: I May Professor .lames I. Tlamaker j wlf SDeak on "Some Geographic Ob*er- I j vations in Alaska." arid Professor G. N. IC. Henschen on "Coal in Alaska." The Astronomy section will meet Fri | day evening, at 7:30 o'clock, at the water works plaza, unless inclement j weather conditions interferes, in which j case it will meet in the llarrisbursr Pub lic Library. At R o'clock on Friday I niriit the annual session of the Penn sylvania Audubon Society will be held j ill the Technical High School Audi- I torluin, when William 1,. Bailey will j give an illustrated lecture on "Bird Studv With the Camero." Members of 1 the Natural History Society have been invited to be present. RATII'Y R Ell REX I>UM By Associated Press ' Jackson, Miss., April 5. —A constl- j i tutional amendment with initiative and referendum provisions, voted upon by j I the people and adopted two years ago, j j has been rutisfied by the Mississippi Legislature and is now a part of the | ! state constitution. SCHOOL St'I'ERINTFNDENT DIES By Associated Press Allentown. Pa., April s.—Francis D. Uaub, for twenty-three years superin tendent of the schools o' Allentown, • died at. midnight of Bright's disease, J aged 65 years. The shock Of his wife's \ death three months ago hastened the ! end. Before coming to Allentown Mr. ! Baub taught school in a number of I towns in New Jersey. IIVHK NOT TOHPEIIOED j New York April s.—Two American seamen who arrived on the French steamship Espagne from Bordeaux to APRIL 5, 1016. foreign affairs through her spirited zeal for truth and justice. She plans to continue her activity in the interest of our just cause, for which we owe her thanks, and will be glad to follow out the counsel of the German gov ernment thereto pertaining. "1 shall be very grateful to your Excellency if, through your agency, the wish of Mile. Artois may be grant ed. (Signed) "BERNSTOFF. "To His Excellency, the Imperial Sec retary of Foreign Affairs. Iteal Se cret Counsel (literal), Herr Von Jagow." The above note by Count Von Bern sstoff to Herr Von Jagow, who is secretary of foreign affairs and head i of the German police, was written by the count at his summer home in i Cedarhurst, N. Y., last August, for the purpose of allowing Mile. Artois to reach her Belgian liotne through the German lines. Mile. Artois is of the opinion that at the end of the war, whatever may lie the outcome, Germany will give Belgium its independence again, be cause the Belgian spirit Is smouldering and the civilan uprisings which would surey take place upon the withdarwal of German troops would make it mighty uncomfortable for the Ger mans who would remain. She thinks Germany realises this. Harrisburg is the fourth city visit ed by the dainty little actress since her arrival on the steamship Amster dam, Holland American line on Feb ruary 26, 1916. She previously visited New York, Brooklyn and Philadelphia. It will be an education to be able to learn through her combined lecture and pictures on Thursday evening of this week the exact status of affairs in the countries which she but re cently left. A special matinee for children at 3:30 o'clock in the after noon.will be held in Technical high school auditorium. The price of ad mission will lie ten cents, while the evening prices arc twenty-five and fifty, the latter for the three hundred reserved seats in the center of the auditorium. Seats are now selling at Hose's and Boiler's drug store. day denied that the Danish bark Clau dia. on which they were members of the crew was topedoed by a submarine, as stated In H maritime report sent out from Copenhagen, on March 26. 1 Better Than Castor Oil BlacJvburtVs ■ <^ascaß|yalPill| 1 Pleasant to Take I for Costive Bowels ■ MERCANTILE APPRAISER'S LIST Continued from Pnge Eleven. I Sheesby, H. F„ wholesale feed : Wagoner, F. D.. tinware. MIDDI.E PA.XTO.N TOWNSHIP. Fitting, M.' ('., groceries, l.ebo, John, produce, l.ebo. James M„ cigars. Logan, A. C., groceries. Alader, Airs. It. Al.. groceries. McKee. 11.. groceries. Shoop, S. T.. feed. Schaffer, I. 1... eoal. ; Specie Howard, groceries. Strickler, 11. G., meats. Svvelgart, Michael, merchandise. Wert, \V. VV.. tish. MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. Koppenliaffer. F. 1,., produce Miiinich, 11. 10., produce. Miller, .1. A,, meats. Itomberger. Mrs 11. A., general store. Komberger, 11. 11., meats Itomberger, J. R. produce. Shoop, Dnmmon I!., produce. Stein. P. 10., produce. Weaver, Oliver, produce. Weaver, G. A., Seeds. IIEIOD TUWNSIIIP. Garmnn. Samuel, general store. Luken, George, general store. SOI TH HANOVER TOW NSHIP. Fasnaelit, John, cigars. Fasnacht, Uriah, meats. Fackler. John, groceries. 11 ess. W. K., meats. Hetrick, D. A., merchandise. Isenhourer, Israel, stoves. Kaylor, Harry, cigars. Keller, Wm., feed. Challenge Fence Co., fencing. Landis, O. A., meats. Miller, \V. 1,., saddlery. PellTer, H. P., groceries. Bapp. Ella J., general merchandise. Itlioads, S. K., meats. Sim kespeare, VV. M., general merchan. disc. Shakespeare, 11. A. Shiffler, Geo., produce. Stuckey, J. P., produce. Zimmerman, Gabriel, produce. SWAT Alt A TOWNSHIP. Attick. Geo. VV., milk. Aungst, Win., groceries. Benney, Airs. It. N., groceries. | Blnk. A. J., store. Bishop, W. J., milk. | Bomgardner & Bro.. meats, j Bonitz, Anthony, produce, i Bonnymeads Farms, produce. I Dunn, Thomas, cigars. Fisher, K., milk. Frey. Geo., groceries. <»eary, Evans, groceries. ✓ Groenawalt. c. W. milk. tiifnifr, W. H.. cigar*. Hell Iff. H. C., cigars, nackmnn, I* 1», groceries. F. J., produce. Jones, H. meats. Kempf, I\ 1,., groceries. Kline, restaurant. * Kline, randy and cigars. Kramer, H. groceries. Kramer, R. s., groceries. Lingle, .1. Il„ milk. li 0 !? I '' v. tt? ar ' B - s ''., groceries. McKinney, R. T„ tobacco. Morris, John, groceries. Parthemore, I'. 1., milk, la'i.l. Klmer 0., groceries. Perk, John H.. pool. Peck, John H., cigars. Rupp, C. F„ milk. Rutherford Bros., coal. Rutherford. Marshall, coal. Shearer, Geo., milk. •Schmidt, ]_>., supplies. Stikl. V., milk. Soloman, 1., groceries. Sjtanffer, H. fc., meats. Stengle, C 5. A., merchandise. ' Stein berger, Geo. W., feed. Tittiger. Joseph, produce. I omaslc, l''rank, cigars. > Tomaslc, Frank, pool. U'aidley, Anne IT., confectionery. Wigind, H.. groceries. Wagner. Chas,. milk. White, 8., supplies. Yoselowitz, J. F. M., groceries. SISqtEHAJOA TOWNSHIP. Bates, R. E., produce. Bogar Lumber Co., lumber. Bollinger, U. U„ cigars. Culhane, Mrs. J., groceries. Creamer, C. M., produce. Cramer, F. W., produce. fori. C. W„ groceries. Cover, M. V.. meats. Hare, J. H., produce. I'ry, Paul, meats. Ouglass, R. 1,., cigars. Frederick. W. .1., meats. , fackler, J. G„ cigars. t° Gill, J. E.. real estate. / Good, O. 8., produce. Gruber, S., produce. Marlacher, ,1. A., pool. Marlacher, J. A., cigars. Hariacher, J. A., restaurant. Harlacher & Bonltz, cigars. V Hawkins. K. C„ meats. Ilain, Mrs. A. F., grocery. * Hepford, D. G„ produce. Ilepford, W. I-., procure. f lless, D. B„ meats. lietterinan, Mary J., groceries. llicks, W. N„ produce. Hoffman, Jl. u.. groceries. Hoover, J. C. & 11., groceries. Horst, L.. IT., meats. Horstlck, E. M., cigars. ilorstick, E. M., pool. Kramer, J. S.. milk. I.oser, H. A., groceries. Magaro, Lewis, groceries. Mahargue. D. B. A., merchandise. Manning. H. C., tifilk. . Matzinger, W. J., produce. McNeal, B. R.. meats. Meadowcroft, Mrs. E.. groceries. Meckley, S. J., produce. Messinger, J. G.. groceries. Miller, J. F„ groceries. Miller. .1. 11., milk. Miller, J. P. & Son. groceries. Miller, W. 11., Mrs, groceries. Myers, W. H„ milk. Ort, Chas., groceries. Orr, I. G.. groceries. Paxton Flour and Feed Co.. feed Ross. Russel, pool. Reiehert, H. I*. produce. Ross, Russel, restaurant. , , Rudy, H„ Jr., meats. C Ross, P'issel, Cigars. Rudy, W. W., Jr., meats. Rudy, W. W„ Sr.. meats. Runkle, C. E., groceries. Schmidt. Chas., produce. Smelt/.er, Saml., milk. Hmeitzer, .1. P., milk. ,/ Schmidt. S., groceries. >. Snow, Mrs. Katie, produce. ,/ Sponnenberger, F„ produce. V Stahler. 11. M.. cigars. Stabler, H. M.. pool. Stuttevant. Mrs. L. L.. milk. Trimmer, R. E.. paper. Trullinger. R W„ milk. Turns, ICph., cigars. Wevodan, W., produce. "Wenrlch, W„ groceries. Zigler, John, groceries. UPPER PAITOX TOWNSHIP. Bufllngton, F. D., produce. Bufllngton. Andrew D., produce. Fraelick, Frank, produce. Freeborn, M. K.. groceries. Hummel, C. C.. tobaccos. Hoy, C. A., supplies. »- Hoy, J. J., produce. Kanler, J. E., hides. Zenker, J, Kd., produce. Zenker, C. J., produce. T.ebo, J. C., meats. Lebo, G. W., produce. , Miller, S. D.. milk. Millersburg Milling Co..wholesale feed. Millersburg Milling Co., feed. Novinger, G. W., produce. Orndorf, Nelson, coal. Itenn, Alary K., merchandise. Snyder, C. J. & Son. feed. • Seal. J. F„ produce. Spotts, ('. E., merchandise. Spotts. Benj., produce. Strawheclter, .T. Jr.. produce. Strawser, J. W.. general merchandise. Wltmer, J. 8.. milk. Weaver, Lanton, produce. Weaver, A. M., produce. WASHINGTON TOW NSIIIP. Bonewitz. Geo. A., milk. Burrell, Geo. H., produce. Cample, H. J., milk. lOardmer, Geo. W., produce. Feidt, W. A., milk. (.rood, A. D.. merchandise. Gunderman, M„ produce. Johns, J. J., milk. Koppenheffer, T. M.. produce. I.enker, C. C.. produce. l.ebo. Chas. C.. merchandise. I.ubold, H. 8., produce. Row, A. D.. cigars and confectionery. Schlegel, A. J„ produce. Sliadle, Clayton, cigars. Smeltss. .1. F... milk. Snyder. 11. 11.. general store. Snyder, N. 10., oil. Swab, Isaiah, meats. ITlsh, Jiicob, produce. Yam, D. W.. produce. Veager, Lewis & Son. feed. Zerbe, Jonathan, cigars. \\ \ t NE TOW NSHIP Dlmpsey, Austin, groceries. Ilarman, F.. merchandise. Jury, J. K„ groceries. Keller, Aaron M., produce. Kelter, Aaron M.. wholesale produce. .Miller, Jos., wholesale produce. Shoop, Ira It., oil. WEST HANOVER TOW \ SHI P. Ashenfelter. candy. Buck, J. W., meats. |.'ox, Geo. \\\. merchandise. Lutz. \V. 0., Keneral store. Hess. 11. M., meats. Schubaer. J. IS.. groceries. Itadle. John, supplies. Sehnffner. A. M.. general store. . Stmkey, I. 11. produce. Shertzer, W. is., groceries. W ICOMSCO TOW NSHIP Batilorf, J. 11.. stationery. Hatdorf. Mrs. A. M.. shoe*. Davis. Mrs. lSinma, confectionery. Deltrlch, Wm. \V„ groceries. Deitiich, W. \V.. pool. Ootid, A. A., groceries. Dodd, It. 10., merchandise. lOsterline, J. It., feed. lOrdtnan, A. 11.. milk. Fetterhoff, T. J., candv. Fornian Bros., clothing. Ilarman, ISdw., stoves. Hoffman, Andrew, cigars. Keen & Bros., drugs and hardware. Kel ley, Wm., groceries. Kerwln, J. L. groceries. Kissinger. \V. 11. & Co., merchandise. Kolva, \V. T., pool. Kolva. W. T„ cigars. Koffenhaver, F. AL- son, meats. Long, John J., notions. Mace, Harry 8.. groceries. Messner, Kd., cigars. Messner. Kd., pool. Miller, Saml. 10st„ merchandise. .Miller, Adam, groceries. Mucher, Geo. M., cigars. Murphy, John J., cigars. Pontius. J. It., cigars. Prout. J. S., drugs. * Bow, Goo. \V.. merchant!*** 1 tow, .1. Allen, pool. Bow. J. Allen, cigars. Sehadlo. W. I*-. groceries. Smith, Geo. \V„ cigars. Umhoitz, lOdmond. cigars. Welker, Benj., cigars. Wlest. \V. 0., groceries. Warner, Jacob, confectionerj • For the purpose of hearing anpeals. and to correct any errors In appraise ments. the County Treasurer and H. I'. Long, Mercantile Appraiser, will be -it tile County Treasurer's Office. In tlej Court House. Ilarrlsburg, PH.. April 27, 1916. from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. o'clock. H. T). LONG. Mercantile Appraiser. Hlghspire, Pa., March 26. 191*