Newspaper Page Text
TVl'fl /Tilly ° lU i m ' nf * * s P rett ,y ma , de U P as ou two ave ta^ over—you're TTTT _ Then pick your home to-day! Make a rrp -n n 111 \ t0 Cr , C OU , W , ould rather hv f— for W ] both of one mind—you know you ought - (ThfiUDlP payment on it! Pay the balance like ... y° u ye looked the town over before j[ \ to be paying into a home and not to a ]|I]I]I(L rent if needs be—but live in a home in- U(t W V deciding. landlord. stead of a rented house. . ii o ©eatbs ENRICH On Saturday. April 29. 1916, Laura J. Eshenauer. wife of Uriah Wenrich. . „ Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at i o'clock, from his late residence. 1631 Derry street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Lost and Found LOST ln eleven hundred block irth Third street, black worn purse r.talning bills and door key. Reward returned to this office. LOST Between Harrisburg and invllle, on the pike, tan hand grip, arked "P. K. H., containing personal fects, also rubber apron. a ., udson • Sales Agency, 1139 Mulberry reet, Harrlsbur»r. Bell phone 1..J6. LOST Red sweater between York irings and Dlilsburg, Thursday. Re ard if returned to 58 North Thirteenth reet. , LOST White aigrette, Wednesday t<-rnoon. on Front to Chestnut to ld street. Reward if returned to 301 >utli^Fr£]^_ Help Wanted —Male WANTED Two boys, 17 or 18 years ' age. to learn trade of hosiery nia line fixing. Must be clean, Industrious id serious. Parents' must guarantee lein permanent. Moorehead Knitting WANTED Carpenters for concrete irm work, P. & R. Extension, Paxtang, a. James McGraw Co.. Contractors. WANTED Carpenters at Wildwood, N. J. Good wages. Address M., 4010, care of Telegraph. WANTED One good vuicaniser. ill pay good wages to right man. Call 12 Reily between 7 and 8 o'clock even g. WANTED Boy, 16 years old, to isist In our factory, narrisburg Ap irei Co.. over City Star Laundry, State reet. Rear Entrance. BOILERMAKERS AND HELPERS ANTED. Wages for B. M., $3.60. and !.70 helpers. Nine hours work. Open lop. Apply Jas. McNeil & Bro. Co., wenty-ninth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED Men who desire to earn i'er $125.00 per month write us to-day >r position as salesman; every uppor mity for advancement. Central Pe oleum Co., Cleveland, Ohio. AGENTS —Sell raincoats. New propo- Ition. We deliver and collect. Cooper ow earning $65 weekly. Sample coat ee. Comer Mfg. Co., 854 Postal street, ayton, >jnio. Laborers wanted. Apply to larold A. Jlipple, 100 South ameron street, or room 15 llar isburg National Bank Building. BOYS Send names and addresses f ten boys and 4c postage for a Tusco ean Flip. It shoots beans, peas, etc. ireatest funmaker out. Union Specialty 0.. Dent. H, Newark, N. J. SILVERING MIRRORS s4 daily at orae; free Instructive booklet. G. F. edmond, Dept. 268, Boston, Mass. SHOEMAKERS WANTED Three utters. Women's work. Steady em loyment 50 weeks in the year. Good ages. By The Xenia Shoe Mfg. Co., ;enia, Ohio. WANTED, .AT ONCE First-class rafstman of general steel mill experi nce. State age, experience and sal ry wanted. Address Draftsman, P. O. iox 759. WANTED Laborers for scrap Iron ard. Apply Williams and Friedman, outh Tenth street. I WILL PAY any honest man up to 50 monthly for part of spare time. No j amassing. No capital. Write to-day. oorhies. Desk 155, Omaha. Neb. GOOD MONEY made at home knit ins hosiery. Machines furnished on ime. We buy or sell your goods. Easy j ltd constant work. Wheeler Co. (Inc.), 37 Madison, Chicago. WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn i o become practical chauffeurs. We ive our unlimited course for SSO, easy I avments. and guarantee 30c per hour | s soon as competent. We have 30 cars I o overhaul during the Spring. AUTO I TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL. 25-27-29 iorth Cameron street. MEN WANTED Steady work. Ap ly Lalance-Grosjean Mfg. Co. WANTED 4O able-bodied nen between 21 and 40 years of ge for piece work. White or olored. Apply in person to agent, larrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl ania Railroad Company, Division treet, Harrisburg, Pa. Help Wanted —Female SEVERAL LADIEB to travel, demon- | trate our goods and sell dealers. S2O 0 S4O weekly. We pay railroad fares. Experience unnecessary. Duchess Co., >ept. 166, Minneapolis, Minn. 1 Extra Good Values ; In Real Estate • Splendid Small House For $2,500 "I ' J 2235 Jefferson St., a two-story? with seven rooms—bath and/ Jfurnace—front porch. Lot 15xl00{ pl'eet. J ! Don't pass up this proposition? [without a. look at the property and? neighborhood. You're going to\ •be pleasingly surprised. •« J : 1715 Resina St. J This property must be sold to? cseftle an estate a reasonable? [price will take it. £ J Three-story brick with eight? Jrooms —bath and furnace—front? jiporch. Lot 14x110 ft. Price $2,000. J J 10x110 Feet 5 ■ Desirable Building Site ? J West side of N. 16th st„ about? [thirty ft. north of Boas street. We? Chave been authorized by the owner? ito name a quick sale price of $2,300 J C X. Second St. Dwelling ? f In the 2200 block we have for? jsale on very easy terms a desir-5 ?able house. % \ Particulars at our office, or by? •letter only. C J 22-Acre Farm ? / Four Miles East or I.fnglestown ? ? Level, slate and loam land, aiit —134 fruit trees—-6-room? house —frame bank barn—S ?summer house and outbuildings. ? f owner living? ?' n Philadelphia, horse and lmple-5 Jments will be sold with the farm 5 £ Prtce $2,400? i ;MILLER BROTHERS*CO.:j f HEAI, ESTATE J jilnsurance Surety Bonds? ,■ lioeuat and Court Streeta \ SATURDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG I TELEGRAPH APRIL 29, 1916. Help Wanted —Female WANTED Girl, or middle-aged woman, for general housework. Apply at once, 107 South Second street, City, second floor apartment. FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to SSO per week. Railroad fare paid. Good rich Drug Company, Dept. 520. Omaha, Neb. WANTED —r Girl for general house work. Reference required. Apply 1612 Forster street. WOMEN WANTED Full time sal ary $15.00. selling Guaranteed Hosiery to wearer; 25c an hour spare lime; per manent; experience unnecessary. Wear proof Hosiery, Norristown, Pa. WE teach our students to read and write shorthand; also transcribe rapidly on a blank keyboard by our touch method. Bell 701R, I-larrisburg Short hand School. 31 North Second. LADIES We will pay you 30c an hour for your spare time. Home work. No canvassing. Send stamp. System, 82, Altoona, PA. WANTED Woman for housework; must understand cooking and sleep home nights. Apply 1208 Chestnut street, or call Bell phone 624. WANTED White girl, between 13 and 16 years, to assist in kitchen and store. Address J.. 1068, care of Tele graph, or call Bell phone 887 R. WANTED Experienced sewing-machine operators, trim mers and learners, to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. WANTED Knitters and transfer girls. Apply Dauphin Hosiery Co., 164 North Front street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Ten thoroughly experi enced operators on power sewing ma chines. Jennings' Mfg. Co., 414 State street, City. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Girl to help with house work. Apply F. E. Wingard, Enola, Pa. WANTED An experienced white woman for general housework; umall family; no washing. Apply to 615 North Front. Help Wanted — Male and Female WANTED—We have openings for 12 more bright girls and boys. Apply Silk Mill, Corner North and Second streets. Agents Wanted AGENTS Here you are; the best selling household specialty on the mar ket. Big profits. Particulars and cata log Free. Madison Specialty Co., Box 425, Valparaiso, Ind. AGENTS make $5 to $25 daily. No experience. Free catal6g and samples. New goods, tjuick sales. Big profits. World's beaters. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, 111. AGENTS Sell our celebrated popular price household necessities. Experience unnecessary, easy sales. Outfits and automobiles furnished free to workers. Flo-Voro Co., Omaha. Neb. THE Country is Prosperous; get your share; increase your income by devot ing all or spare time, others are. The Mail Order Business is the modern way. No canvassing. Ambition more neces sary than experience or capital. Book let free. Pease Manufacturing Co., Inc., Dept. 109, &S Broadway, Buffalo,N. Y. BIG Kansas Conipan- will start am bitious people in fast-growing mail order business; any locality; make $3,- 000 yearly; spare time; no canvassing; no experience, we furnish everything; new, unique selling methods free. Eye stone, President, 41 West Seventh, Pittsburg, Kansas. WASHCLEAN smashing agent's profit records. Women, hotels, cafes, laundries delighted reorder buyers. Lifetime business. Abolishes rubbing clothes. Only steain bubble cleaning process known; blows out grit; saves clothes and labor. Big protlts. Sample, particulars, free. Washclean Co., 310 West Seventh. Pittsburg. Kansas. SENSATIONAL GAS SAVER Saves S3O yearly; fits every g range; won derful demonstration; costs 20c, sells 50c; agents getting rich. American Gas Reduction Co., Transportation Building, Chicago. BIG PAY AND AUTOMOBILE FUR NISHED agents placing samples of new necessity with automobile owners on our GUARANTEE credit plan. Whole or part time. Orclo Manufacturing Company, Louisville, Kentucky. AGENTS—SeII raincoats. New propo sition. We deliver and collect. Cooper now earning $65 weekly. Sample coat free. Comer Mfg. Co., 554 Royal street. Dayton, Ohio. HURRY! Sell GASO-TONIC, the mys tery of motordom. Equals gasoline at 3c per gallon. Eliminates carbon. Dol lar an hour profit. Sales guaranteed. Beware of Imitators! GASO-TONIC stands alone. Has no equal. Chemists baffled at its composition. Details free. The White Mfg Co., Dept. 40, Cincinnati, Ohio. PREE SAMPLE No Splash Water Strainers sell themselves—no talking—■ experience unnecessary. Profits big Send 2c (mailing cost). L G. Union B'llter Co.. N. Y. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay Write for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest Ofllce. Dept. 244, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago. New York, San Francisco.* SIDE LINE, pocket samples; 10 min utes, $lO commission; high-grade men only; no other need apply. Advertising Novelty Co., Newton, lowa. WANTED Salesmen "We atart you in business. Steady work, good pay. Complete outfit free. Write for special terms. Maney &• Sayre, Inc.. Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y. SALESMEN Vacancv May 15 with old house. Permanent position. Cover Pennsylvania. Staple line sold on ex ceptlonal terms. High commission. $35.00 weekly advance. Sales Manager, 63 Suite. 800 Woodward, Detroit. Situations Wanted—Male WANTED Young lady, with full knowledge of stenography and type writing. desires position. Accurate and rapid. Willing to start with small sal ary. Address G., 4014, care of Tele graph. WANTED Position as salesman: acquainted with all grocery trade in city and vicinity, will accept position In department store or as collector; best reference. Address Salesman! care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Strong, young man, 1# years, wants work of any kind; ran furnish best of references. Wm. Krebs, R. D. Route 2. Situations Wanted —Female WANTED Work as second girl, by young woman; can furnish best of ref erence. Inquire 1734 Wallace. WANTED Middle-aged white man wishes position as teamster. Address 1.'41 Kensington street, City. WANTED Middle-aged woman wishes position as housekeeper for re spectable widower. Born and reared in country. Can give best of references. Address R., 4013, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Young colored girl wants day s work. Address 514 South street. WANTED Young colored girl wants light housework; no washing. Call 388 South Fourth street. ■ 1 WANTED Whitewashing, cellar cleaning and odd jobs by experienced man. Charles F. Summers. 508 Cow den street. WANTED Young, white woman wants position for general housework. Address M., 448 Cumberland street. WANTED General housework and cooking; can give good reference. Call at 362 South Cameron street. YOUNG GIRL, would like to be adopt ed in a good home. Call at 808 East street, between 6 and 8, and ask for young girl. t = Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 1854 AValnut, 2',4-storw frame. .$2,400.00 1818 Swatara, 3-story frame.... 2,200.00 1760 .Logan, 2Vfc-story frame... 1,325.00 1762 Logan, 2Vs-story trame... 1,325.00 1735 N. Third, 3-story Apt 3,850.00 225 S. Nineteenth, 2-story brick 2,750.00 2029 Penn. 3-story brick 2,600.00 418 S. Seventeenth, 3-st. frame 1,850.00 644 Reily, 3-story brick 2,800.00 1!»19 Green, 3-story brick 3,860.00 BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Building. FOR SALE Corner Hamilton and Green streets, fine storeroom aud U room house; all late improvements. In quire L A. Michaels, 226 Hamilton street. FRAME HOUSE, new, eight rooms, bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, ce mented cellar; lot, 25x125. For sale at $3,000. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing. $525 WILL BUY a desirable cottage at Mt. Grutna close to the auditorium— frontage of plot is 50 feet. Price is re duced for quick sale. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. TWELFTH ST.. N„ 43—Brick house for sale, at $2,200; seven rooms, bath, gas, furnace, porch front; cemented cel lar. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. WALLACE ST.. 1317 For sale, frame house, seven rooms. If the price is not right we will make it right. Get our list. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. PENBROOK—S2,7OO will buy a Pen brook property; frame house, electric light, plot 75x150; also other suburban properties at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. PROGRESS LOTS FOR SALE ft. plots; high location, near school house. Also 86 ft. on Raysor street, near trolley. Apply to John L Ream, Twenty-seventh and Boas streets. Pen brook. MT. GRETNA cottage for sale, or would consider exchanging on city property of most any kind; a location for a garage preferred. Box S, 3812. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Large, double house; lot, 60x150 ft; concrete walks all around. Price, $3,30n. Call, or address. Albeit Garman, 2007 Butler street, Penbrook. Pa. I FOR SALE 2',4-story frame dwell ing, located corner of Hamilton and Lo- I gan Streets, Camp Hill, containing 8 ! rooms and bath, electric light, gas. fur | nace, hardwood floors on first floor. Lot, i 60x147. Price right and terms easy. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. FOR SALK Locust Street, Camp Hill, water, gas, electric light and granolithic walks on street. Price, $480.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Lot located on Trlndle Road, Camp Hill, 50 feet front bv 300 feet deep. Price, $550.00. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. i FOR SAL.E SOUTH TWENTY | NINTH ST.. PENBROOK, NO. 222—2 V, - tory frame, 7 rooms and plastered attic; ( porch front and side. Lot. 24x180. ; Price, $2,200. H. C. Brandt, 36 North 1 Third street; i FOR SALE PEFFER ST., 216 ! 3-story House with frontage of 19 ft., 8 large rooms and bath, gas. This prop property is near Second street, and can be sold for $2,900.00. H. C. Brandt, 36 North Third street. 1612 FORSTER STREET story, brick and stucco. Beautiful neighborhood. Lot, 25x110. Price. In cluding fitted screens, storm windows, hot water coll, cabinet gas range, shades, $3,800. Apply on premises. FOR SALE Desirable build | ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, ! Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid ; opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F, R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, ! city. COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE ABOUT %-acre of ground improved ! with house, stable and outbuildings '4-mile from Bowmansdale, Cumber land County 51,200. Miller Brothers & Co. FOR SALE Five-room house, with basement: also cottage, 18x24 feet; chickenhouse; good well water; apples, cherries, peaches, quinces, apricots, grapes and berries; along river; 5-cent car fare from Square; all-night ser vice; 10 minutes' walk from car line; good fishing and battling; fine location for summer home. Price, $1,300: S3OO cash, balance to suit purchaser. Frank I J. Harro. Bell phone 3192 R. ■ FOR SALE New bungalow on I' - j acre plot, one mile from Penbrook, at ! Raysorsvllle. on Union Deposit Road. ! I Will sell cheap and allow part of pur ! chase money to remain in property. C. ' M. Pannell,. Secretary, 151 South Fourth street. Steelton. FOR SALE N. SrXTHRT\ 2456 3-story brick, 8 rooms and bath. Large lot, rear drive. Price, $3,000.00. H. C. Brandt, 36 North Third street. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk-: wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots —- sewer water gas—electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, Agents. FOR SALE Beautiful, new two and-a-ha if-storr brick residence In one uf «he nnest locations in the city, 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot, 60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attic. Hall through center. All improvements. Fine lawn and shrubbery, sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Singmaster. ! Gettysburg, Pa." I N. SECOND ST., 1800 block 52,500 cash and the assumption of a first mort gage for balance, will enable some one to take possession of a modern 3-story brick residence. Ask for interview. Ad dress C. O. 1)., 4011, care of Telegraph. Real Estate t or Rent . HOUSE FOR — 9 rooms and bath; all Improvements. Call Bell phone 3020 R. FOR RENT—Seven rooms and bath, i with all Improvements, located on Mar -1 street and Cemetery Lane, Camp Hill. Inquire next door. FOR RENT 2365 East Prospect; --story stucco; 6 rooms and bath; front porch and all improvements; $14.00. In quire lrvin Johnson, 2111 Swatara. Bell 1897 J. FOR RENT Bix-room house, 2163 Logan street; all Improvements; front piazza. Rent. Eighteen Dollars. In quire Kendall Optical Co., 228 North Third street. FOR RENT Houston summer home. Inquire A. J. Houston, Mechan | icsburg. Pa. | .. FOR RENT | -No. 1713 Revere Street and gar- I *«f® $25.00 ?V, 0 \.. 1u00 Walnut Street 25.00 68 N. Eighteenth Street 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE. ____ 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT —Large, new double brick house at Oyster Point, Camp Hill. Rents, S2O and s2l per month. All modern improvements. Two minutes' walk to street car line. Will be ready about April 1. West Shore Realty Co.. Baer & Rice. Lemoyne Trust Building, ; Lemoyne. Pa. Bell phone 3198 J. | • ■■ U Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT A good six room house, with electric light, along Philadelphia and Reading. Suitable for summer outing. Inquire P. O. Box 67, Grantham. Pa. Farms VAUGHN One to five- acre plots; Charleton Sta tion, on Llnglestown trolley line; gar den soil. Purchase now and raise your own poultry, vegetables and flowers. Price only S2OO to S4OO per acre. C. B. CARE, Care's Grocery, Llnglestown. . escrip tlon at 409 Market street. Harrlsburg. 1 Apartments For Rent t APARTMENT, 1118 North Sixth street, 5 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences. Apply First Floor Apart ment. FOR RENT Second floor—unfur nished; modern improvements; sls with fas, $12.50 without gas. Apply 1217 Swatara street. FOR RENT Second floor, 4 rooms and bath, city steam, centrally located. Apply H. W. Miller. Bell phone SIR. or State Highway Department. FOR RENT 927 North Third second floor; livingroom, two bedrooms. | dinlngroom, reception hall, bath and kitchen. Third floor, three rooms, bath ! and kitchenette. All conveniences, in ] eluding city steam heat. Apply 931 j North Third street. j FOR RENT Nice, cool, corner, cozy I apartment, strictly private, consisting of three rooms, gas, range, water and cabinet in kitchen; rent moderate, ln- I quire 1323 Wallace street, First Flat. 1 FOR RENT From April l, apart ment In the Sixth Streot Bank Building. Apply at Bank, Sixth ana Maclsjr j streets. Rooms For Rent WILL give furnished room and use jof kitchen to 'arty without children, i who will care tur house. M., 4035, care i of Telegraph. j PLEASANT second floor front room for rent; gentleman or businesswoman preferred; home comforts; phone. Ad ! dress R.. 4016, care of Telegraph. j Furnished rooms for light house keeping, use of phone and front porch. Electric lights, very desirable location. Rent reasonable. Inquire at 525 North Fifteenth street. FOR RcNT Furnished rooms, for light housekeeping, with private bath, steam heat, electric lights, gas and use of phone; centrally located. Address J., 4012. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Nicely furnished bed rooms, front room second floor, front | room third floor; all conveniences; I pleasant location; terms very reason i able. Address 1932 Park street, Harris burg. | NEATLY FURNISHED third floor [ room for rent. Apply 118 South street. ! cky. | FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond floor front room, with board; mod ern conveniences; gentlemen preferred. | Call 411 Walnut street. ! ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished or | unfurnished, with ~as and use of bath, centrally located, sleeping or light ) housekeeping. 427 Boas street. City. I STOREP.OOM FOR RENT Fine , large room. 231 North Seond street In* I quire 217 North Second. | UNFURNISHED Single or com municating, with kitchenettes, for light housekeeping. Strictly private. All conveniences. Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privil- i eges. Easy payments. Janltress ser- ! vice. Inquire 429 Broad street. Dally ! Inspection invited. FOR RENT Two communicating second floor front rooms, furnished or unfurnished; suitable for office or llv- Ingroom and bedroom; all conveniences; j between Pine and State. Box K„ 4053, I care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms on second floor, suitable for light housekeeping, modern conveniences, 1 near Reservoir Park. References ex- j changed. Address J., 4008, care of Tele- I graph. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with all conveniences. Including bath and city steam heat, $1.»0 up per week. Ap- ; ply 101 Short street. FOR RENT - k - Very desirable rooms, j beautifully furnished, some with hot j and cold running water in room. Terms 1 1 reasonable. Apply 801 North Sixth j street. FOR RENT Parlor and adjoining bedroom, furnished complete, for two ! gentlemen; use of Bell phone. Address ; 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT —Third floor front room, I facing Capitol Park; stationary wash stand; hot and cold water; use of bath; I electric lights; city heat; Bell phone; j gentleman preferred. Call 410 North 1 ! street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, | all conveniences, including use of Bell i phone. Apply 1015 North Front street. Board and Rooms FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with board, if desired; references exchang ed. Inquire 929 North Third. WANTED We want the people of Harrlsburg to know that we are serv ing the best 25c Dinner in the city. The Home Dinlngroom, 123 South Second street. Boarders Wanted BOARDERS WANTED Reasonable rates and good board; all conveniences Board vance. 141 South Front Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED Small house, with lot, or small farm, in suburbs. Must be fur nished and within 30 minutes of city. Address ,M.. 3673, care of Telegraph. WANTED Second-handed motor-' cycles, Prestolites and parts of motor- ' cycles for highest cash prices. Davton 1 Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Belli phone 385 R. Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED Good, Christian home wanted for bright, 12-yenr-old girl. Best of reference required. Address H„ 4017, care of Te egraph. SIO,OOO at 5 per cent, on Improved Real Estate valued at SIB,OOO, privilege of paying off SI,OOO per year. Address M. H. C., 4015, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two men roomers; breakfast served if desired; references exchanged. Call mornings or evenings, 47 North Seventeenth street. For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE—Typewriters, cash regis ters, rolltop desks, Buick car, motor cycles, rare books, jewelry, safes, book i keepers' desks and furniture. LIVE WIRE EXCHANGE, 1008 North Third I street. BICYCLES BICYCLES Prices to | suit your pocketbook. Open a charge account. Pay a little each week. Day ton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. I BICYCLES and parts of wheels i bought for highest cash prices. Rebuilt i wheels, $5.00 and upwards. Guaranteed ! repairing, quick service, rtasonable j prices. Phone us. Save money. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. FOR SALE Nice Shepherd Collie, female (dressed), young, sensible, friendly with children, $5.00. 321 Peffer street. MACHINE TOOLS AND LATHES 10 (New) 18" x 8' Bend Engine Lathes, 30". 36" x 10' Powell Planer, 24" Wal cott Geared Shaper; 7% and 32-H.-P. Gas Engines. Everything in machinery. Low prices; write or wire, to-day. BAIRD MACHINERY CO., PITTS BURGH, PA. FOR SALE T*Vo Iron beds, with ' springs and mattress. Also one cot I with mattress. Good as new. Call, or address, 2539 North Sixth. Bell phone | 2S73W. FOR SALE One No. Aultman stone crusher outfit, complete, 15-H.-P. engine; International make crusuer, elevator, new belting and tools, nearly new. All in good running Oder. Will load on car for »nuu. W. L. Roberts, Marysville, Pa. ' FOR SALE Five Indian motor cycles. All prices and models. All re built. Apply Heagy Bros., Harley- Davidson Dealers. 1200 North Third street. CIGARS Why pay two prices for j your Cigars? Give our Cre-Malta & I trial at 75c per 50, postpaid. Snell & j Co., Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE—Dctroiter canoe, 'new last season. Apply 2117 j Green street. j FOR SALE A pair of heavy gray j horses .account of having too many to I carry through the summer. J. B. M'ont ! gomery, Coal, Third and Chestnut. i FOR SALE Motorcycle. 1915 I dlan, electric equipped; one electric coffee grinder; all practically new. Ap j ply 1512 North street. FOR SALE Monarch pool table, in good condition. Address J. R. 8.. 3000 North Third street. Bell phone 2381 R. FOR CHEAP One Torsion Balance Scale, with weights. Address M. 8., 4009, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Two furnished flats, for roomers. Best location In city. I Cheap rent. Guaranteed $45.00 profit per month. Must sell on account of sick- I ness. Address 0., 4060, care of Tele ; graph. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS SIO.OO up. L. C. Smiths, Underwoods. ! Remingtons. Smith Premier, etc., at at ; tractive prices. Geo. P. Tlllotson, 211 ; Locust street. 1 FOR SALE All the counters, shelv ; ings, stools and tables from Cook's De j partment Store, 308 Market street, Na ! tional Cash Register atid mirrors, i Bought by S. MeJtzer, 513 Watnut | street". BeH phone 282 J. j BUICK RUNABOUT Good condi tion. Price reduced to $l5O for quick sale. Mt. Pleasant Garage, near Four teenth and Derr. Ask for Mr. Haw thorne. FOR SALE Reed baby carriage. Price very reasonable. Good condition. Apply No. 1339 North Second street. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South ! Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence, j Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ; ware. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors. Sash, Shutters, | Mouldings, Porch Posts, etc. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be 1 secured at tbo Telegraph Business | Office. FOR SALE—One Premo Tank j Developing Outfit (for size 2%x ;3J4 pictures). Also printing out fit for same. Two printing frames, graduate, etc. First reasonable offer takes same. Address, Box i A-3808, care Telegraph. AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era i ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme mak*. ; AT GABLE'S. lU-117 South Second street. 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo. 12 L. Also other sizes. Also doors and shut- J j ters. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Storage In private : rooms. Also furnished office, with large show windows and cemented base ment; desirable location; suitable for repair work of all kinds. Will rent offlflce or basement separate if desired. Terms very reasonable. Inquire Office, 429 Broad street, 10-12 A. M. FOR RENT—Offices suitable! for a doctor or dentist or general, purposes. Light, heat and at-1 tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, j 711 North Third street. FOR RENT Storeroom, j Hamilton street, near Third j street business block. Rent sl2. | Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third | street. =============: | Business Opportunities ANY Intelligent person can ;arn -rood Incomv corresponding for newspapers; I experience unnecessary. Send for par. | tlculars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock port. N. Y OIL SIO.OO invested with us has I made others S3OO in less than six months. Let us send you our maga zine. ".Profitable Investments," six months free, which tells how to make your money make you independent. The Hoffman Company, 407 Fannin street, Houston. Texas. i WE WANT A SALES MAN FOR HARRISBURG, ONE HAVING AN AUTO MOBILE, A MAN TO BUILD UP A TRADE OF IIIS OWN; AN UNUSUAL OP PORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN OF ABILITY' A.l'.i GOO. ADDRESS. ALCKMO MFG. CO., NEWARK. N. J Business Opportunities MOVING PICTURE ACTORS. you Intend to act In Moving Pictures, save time and money by reading booklet sent FKEE on receipt of two-cent stamp. Associated Film Producers, 680 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. BIG OIL BOOM predicted. We know a most promising low-priced stock. Wells now producing. Write for details. Fitz patrick & Co.. Specialists in Oil Securi ties. 48 Broad street. New York. UNLESS you have brains, ability and from S2OO to S7OO in cash, don't answer this ad. Sales manager wanted to open i office, organize and -lana"" salesmen. | Possibilities Unlimited. Manager, 1827 | Lytton Building, Chicago. Business Personals ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 North i Court street. Hair cut. 25c; shave, 10c; massage, 25c. Halrcuttlng given special attention. Everything thoroughly sterilized. P. D. Richwlne, Prop. B. J. Campbell, FEATHER RENOVATOR. Tenth and Paxton Streets. I CASH PAID for good cast-off Ladles' and Men's Clothing. Shoes, Furniture and Carpets. Please give description of goods. SEND POSTAL TO 636 HERR STREET. NEW and second-hand furniture bought and sold; we pay the highest cash prices and sell at reasonable prices. S. Gold, 1014 Market street. Bell phone 4085 J. White Detective Agency Trustee Building, 8 N. Market Square. All lines of detective work handled. Bell phone 127 W. MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. FURNITURE, second-hand, bought at highest cash prices and sold at rea- I sonable prices. Phone and we will call. Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street. Leather traveling bags ana suitcases (drummers' samples) positively at the | lowest prices in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and goods at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at subway. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell - 1960. HAULING l R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable , and National Transfer Co. Movers of flianos, safes, boilers and general haul lit;. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and 1 Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. ; 2603 R. storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private ' rooms for household goods, $2 per 1 month and up. We Invite inspection, j Low Insurance. 4"7-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company i STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Prl i vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. «11 Broad street. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE S. c!~w! Leghorn Chicks, 10 cents each. Heavy laving strain. J. Nelson Yost, corner Race and Water fctreet, Middletown, Pa. I- S. C. W. LEGHORN EGGS FOR ! HATCHING lo for SI,OO, delivered, i Good laying strain. Satisfaction guar | anteed. West End Poultry Yards. Box j 123. Loysville, Pa. EGGS S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs from j selected breeders, $5.00 per 100. Breed- I ing stocK for sale. Also three Cypher incubators, cheap. Locust Grove Farm, j Mar'-svllle. United phone. Musical EXPERT PIANO TUNING $1.50 Bell 14« Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St. | WE BUY any kind of talking ma chines and records, or trade them ln on new up-to-date machine. 315 Broad j street. I NEW UPRIGHT PIANO ($350.00 value) for $225.00. Ten year guaran tee, stool and scarf. We are allowed to sell only a few at this price to get them introduced. Big reduction for cash. 315 Broad street. Automobiles FOR SALE Five-passenger tour ing car; electric lights and starter: overhauled; painted. Call Bell phone 100. j Legal Notices PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH, Governor. A. W. POWELL Auditor General. R. K. YOUNG. State Treasurer. IN compliance with the Constitution and the Laws of the Commor.wealth ot Pennsylvania, the Board of Commis- I sloners of Public Grounds and Build ings Invites sealed proposals, in dupli cate, for contracts for furnishing such j supplies for the Executive Mansion, the | Legislature, and the several depart j ments, boards and commissions of the 1 State Government as described, and be ; low such maximum prices as fixed In I the schedules for the year ending the 31st day of May, A. D. 1917: I Schedule A: Paper and envelopes. Schedule X 3: Typewriters, adding, ad dressing. and duplicat ing machines. Schedule C: General stationery, ma hogany, oak, and metal lic furniture, and gen eral office supplies. Schedule D: Engineering instruments, blue print paper, and laboratory supplies. Schedule E: Miscellaneous books. Schedule F: Brushes, towels, toilet soaps, glassware, mops, brooms, buckets, rugs, • fuel, uniforms, rubber Roods and cleaning supplies. I Schedule G: Hose and fittings, carpen ter, upholstering, paint ing, and hardware sup plies. Schedule H: Conservatory and garden ers' supplies. Schedule I: Lumber, general repairs, I and removal of dirt and refuse. Schedule J: Light, heat, and plumbing suplies. As the various classifications of the Schedule will be bound ln pamphlet form for the convenience of bidders, it is therefore desired that ln requests for pamphlets the bidder Indicate the sections desired by using the letters as set forth above. No proposal will be considered un less such proposal be accompanied by a certified check to the order of the Stato Treasurer, or by a bond In such form and amount as may be prescribed by the Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings. (For form of bond see schedule instructions to bidders). Proposals must be delivered to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings on or before twelve (12) o'clock, meridian, Tuesday, the ninth rtsy nf May, A D. 1916, at which -Hmr proposals will be opened and published ln the Reception Room of the Execu tive Department at Harrisburg, ana contractu awarded as soon there- *ter as practicable. Blank bonds and schedules contain ing all necestary Information may be obtained by communicating with Samuel P. Rambo. Superintendent of Public I Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa ! By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. I L. W. MITCHKLL j Secretary. * Notice The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Blubaker Coal Company 2! 1 L ? at the office of The W. O. i Mfgf. Co. Harrisburg. Pa., at 12 o clock. noon. May 1, 1910, for the elec | tion of officers and such other busi ness as may be properly presented. ROSS A. HICKOK, Secretary. Legal Ivlotices NOTICE n,.«? m her . eb y Riven that the An- I U. Me^ U ? K .°C. U l6 Stockholders of I n*ns^J#o land , Valley Telephone Com- W,» f . Pennsylvania, for the election k i and the transaction of such hlfn£« «. i leSa a !- may la Wully come r.?n™ V "? t ' e V, nK ' wl " lje held at j?® " fflc ® ot the Company. 227 Walnut Mnnflav St i Pennsylvania, on Monday, May 1, 19X6, at 2:00 p M O. K. KINESI Secretary. ,v ?l ia state Highway Depart- Sfn 'hi i j B, a " Sea l e< l proposals wUI t>e received at said office until 10 y 15 - J 1916 . When bids will bo publicly opened and scheduled, and con tracts awarded as soon thereafter as , fO l the reconstruction of 1«,- £-3 lineal feet of Reinforced Cement Concrete pavement, 16 feet wide, situ « °" d .Concord Townships, and 14.6..5 lineal feet of either Rein forced Cement Concrete or Bituminous and Reinforced c ement Concrete pave ment. 16 feet wide, situated in Birm lsf&? I wi»k Mr & bein S portions of ?«« e .i Hl,? . h y ay Route No. 131; and 4,250 lineal feet of Vitrified Block pave !> nent ' ,i ,> ,eet wide, in Nether Provl ?v" c ?n^? rn ,! hlp -i a J' ln Delaware Coun ty, 10,344 lineal feet of either Reln i^ ce n Cedent Concrete or Bituminous and Reinforced Cement Concrete pave "'TV- ] « feet wide, situated in London Grove and Penn Townships, and 17 795 lineal feet of either Reinforced Cement Concrete or Bituminous and Reinforced Cement Concrete pavement, 16 feet wide, situated in Pennsbury and Ken nett Townships, both in Chester County being portions of State Highway ROUIB No. 131; also. 4,390 lineal feet of Bituminous pavement, 16 feet wide, situated in Whitemarsh Township Montgomery County. Plans and speci flcations may be seen at office of State Highway Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, and 90: i Hartje Building Pittsburgh, Pa. Full particulars and information on appllca- Robert J. Cunningham, Stale Highway Commissioner. NOTICE niw".?.TI CE hereby given that an ap- Plication will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva :iia. on the 24th day of July, A. D. 1916 by Wm. B. Bennett. Trustee; Augustus Lutz and A. H. Fraim, under the pro visions of an Act of the General As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. approved May 13. 1876. en titled, "An Act for the incorporation and regulations of banks and discount and deposit" and the supplements and amendments thereto, for a charter for an intended corporation to be called KEYSTONE BANK to be located in llarrisburg. Pa., for the purpose of car rying on the business of banking under the provisions of the Act aforesaid and the supplements and amendments thereto. The amount of the capital stock shall oe fifty thousand dollars, to be divided into one thousand shares of the par value of fifty dollars each SCOTT S. LKIIIV, Solicitor. Harrisburg 1 , Pa.. April 22. 1916, CAPITOI. PARK EXTENSION COM MISSION In re Condemnation of premises No. 516 State Street and Nos. 509 and 511 North alley, llarrisburg. Penua. To all persons in interest: IN conformity with the provisions of the Act of Assembly, approved June 16. 1911 (P. L 1027), notice is hereby given that, on the 22d day of April. 1916, the Capitol Park Extension Commission filed atupng the records cf it» proceed ings its report in the matter of the condemnation of the above mentioned premises. SAMUEL C. TODD, Secretary. CAPITOL. PARK. EXTENSION COM MISSION In re Condemnation of premises No. 51$ State Street and No. 513 North alley, Harrisburg. Penna. To all persons In interest: IN conformity with the provisions of the Act of Assembly, approved June 16, 1911 (P. 1.. 1027), notice is hereby given that, on the 22d day of April, 1916, the Capitol Park Extension Commission filed among the records of its proceed ings Its report in the matter of the condemnation of the above mentioned premises. SAMUEL. C. TODD, Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR THE SAI.E OP* WASTE PAPER—OFFICE OF THE IIOARO OF COMMISSIONERS OF PI BMC GROUNDS AND HI II.DINGS. HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA SEALED PROPOSALS for the sale of waste paper, for the year ending May 31, 1917, will be received by the Super intendent of Public Grounds and Build ings at his office in the State Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa., until 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday. May 9th. 1916, at which time the proposals will be opened and published in the Reception Room of the Executive Department at Harrisburg. Bidding blanks, and all necessary In formation can be obtained at this office. SAMUEL. B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. 1,. W. MITCHELL, Secretary. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY THINGS YOU WANT AND WHERE TO GET THEM Artificial l.linbs and Trusses Braces for all deformities, abdominal jupporters. Capital City Art. Limb Co. 412 Market St. Bell Phone. Dressmaking and Needletrark Moderate prices for everybody.- Miss Q. M. Green, 210 N. Third St. French Cleaning and Dyeing Goodman's, tailoring and repairing, all guaranteed. Call and deliver. Bell phone 3296. 1306K N. Sixth St. 11 Fire Insurance and Heal Estate J E. Gipple—Fire Insurance—Real Es tate—Rent Collecting. 1251 Market St Bell phone. Photographer Daughten Studios—Portrait and Com merclal Photography. 210 N. Third St Bell 3583. Tailors George F. Shope Hill Tailor, 1241 Mar ket. Spring goods are now ready. Tailoring. Cleaning, Pressing. Ladle*, work a specialty. Steve Wugreneo 107 Locust. Signs and Enamel Letters Poulton, 307 Market street. Bell phone. Prompt and efficient service. Simon N. Cluck. 320-326 Woodbine St. Bell phone 1317 J. QIIBBER STAMQP |JI| SEALS A STENCILS IIV II MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ || II 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II Try Telegraph Want Ads 17