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MANY RESIDENTIAL SECTIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT IN VICINITY OF HARRISBURG ONE OF THE NEW TYPE HOMES IN BELLEVUE PARK ■ • v . *» -ia L j| ■ f rj ., ,j$ "ras." rr- "***- ~■■ in JL ' V£*4K - J ' ;®SR3S One of the pretty houses recently built in Bellevue Park, the attractive residential district being developed n the East End of the city by the Union Real Estate Investment Company. Equip Old as Well as New Homes With Modern Conveniences Many of the homes that are now' being constructed for both sales and rental purposes are being fitted with fixtures, wiring, etc., for electric light ing along with the other "modern con veniences." Up until a few years ago a house was considered pretty well pro vided with "modern comforts" if it contained furnace, gas, water, and the range. Now provision is made for the installation of electricity not only for lighting but for connecting with the electric range and so on. Wh\le the electric idea is being fol lowed In the newer houses, a similar plan Is being carried out in many of the older dwellings by means of a wir ing campaign conducted by the Har risburg Light and Power Company. Certain inducements are being offered by the electric light company whereby FOR SALE Wayne Cottage PERDIX With Plot 87x120 IK / \ rj 3 Minutes Walk j J From Station i >■ J ■ Sleeping porches, good well of I water, dry cellar, best of nelgh ■ bors. Five thousand dollar bun- I galow within 200 feet of prop |j erty. Summer rentals make this better than a ten per cent. In vestment. In order to induce quick buying will quote a snap price that will mean a saving to you of at least S3OO- —or will ex change on city property if your price is right. Salesman at Reidllnger's Store, Perdlx, all B day Sunday, who will show * I Wayne Cottage, also two choice Perdix Lots. SPECIAL BARGAIN EXTRA. ORDINARY A choice Residence and Busi ness Property at Pyne's Corner, West .Fairview, established gro cery and lunch stand, five living rooms and store room. A good place to live—a splendid busi ness stand. Large lot 54x200 feet. See the property and make best offer. Will exchange on city property. POSITIVE CLEARANCE SALE of Suburban Building Lots right at the growing end of Harris- Wi burg. Just Fourteen in all; lo- |l cation Plan Four of Edgmont. L! Ileal bargain prices. Where on I earth can you beat it? SNos. 102 to 108, Inclusive, at $lO H each. No. 60, large corner lot facing Haverstlck road, BNO. No. 110. large plot facing Hav erstlck road, .S9O. Nos. 00, 91, 92, 93 and 94— 510 each. Easiest of Easy Terms, $5.00 per lot—then SI.OO weekly. I For marked map and addi tional Information apply to A. C. Young Everything in Real Estate 2(1 N. THIRD ST. Hell Phone 71S-J I III# For Sale No. 206 Walnut Street Fronting 39 feet B inches, ex tending through the same width to Locust street. Applications For Renting First floor and basement may be considered. Floor area about 5,272 square feet. Including show win. dows. APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 Market Street i L « SATURDAY EVENING, the owner of the old as well as the new dwelling can obtain at less than a reasonable cost tip-top equipment for electrifying his home. The "cam paign" has been going on for several weeks and will likely end on June 1. Carpenters Deny All Workmen Are at Work Emphatic denials are being made by members of Carpenlers' Union No. 287 of this city, that men are all working. The agent of the local union said to day: "One week ago 110 men were call | Prospect Hill Cemetery | MARKET A\l> 20TH STREETS I This cemetery Is soon to be en } larged and beautified under i prepared by Warren H. Manning. 1 Lots will be sold v/lth the per-' • petual care provision. Prospect Hill Cemetery Co. Hermau P. Miller, l*rexl,len« LOCIiST AND COUItT STItISIiTS OKI,I, I'HOXK toon fr=~= ~ HAVE YOU SEEN OUR ATTRACTIVE BRICK HOUSES ON LEWIS STREET. RIVERSIDE? These beautiful homes have all Improvements and are equal to any 94,000 House, but ive are selling them for ' $3500 12 PER CENT. CASH, Balance in Easy Monthly Installments. E. MOESLEIN REAL- ESTATE Bell Phones 1085-R; 280-M 122 NORTH'STREET Call us on the phone and make an appointment with our represen tative: he will be glad to slioxv you around. ' - = V | INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN A PIECE OF REAL ESTATE \\ It is the foundation of all success* !' !> J he prices of homes wjll never be any lower, and the man j; jj who uses ordinary good common sense buys now. Bargains j! ;j everywhere. A few more of the Fourth and Emerald streets !; !| just finished and open for inspection. jj jj Make appointment with J| RETTEW & BUSHNELL ;j 1000 N. 3rd St. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE j; rtMMWWVWWWMWUVWMIWWWWWttiVWWWUMMWWi ! ' 1 ■■ '• •* FOR SALE—This beautiful bungalow is located two blocks north of Market street on Bowman avenue in Camp Hill, corner plot; 8 rooms, bath, gas, electricity; cement cellar, combination range, fire .place, furnace, front porch 12x30. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Building Ed out because their employers did not sirn the new wage scale. At present there are 18 men still out and doing picket duty. The contractors have not come to any agreement as stated in a morning paper. The Union does not represent builders who pay only 35 cents an hour. Some work in this city Is badly crippled because the contrac tors will not pay union prices. Those needing carpenters and paying 40 cents an hour have no trouble In getting help." FOR SALE OR FOR RENT 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING at 435 Market Street formerly occupied by the Aldine Motel; possession at once. Inquire at Dauphin Deposit Trust Co. U - / Rajuubrurg telegraph CITY PLANNERS PASS ON PLOTS Commission Called to Meet Monday to Consider Several Development Tracts Two more prospective realty devel opment tracls will be passed upon Monday at a meeting of the City Plan ning Commission which will be called for the pi rpose. One, the Lower Walton farm plot on the McCormick estate in Cumber land county, is far beyond the city lim its but the purpose in requesting the commission to consider the layout, is to map out. the proposed street and building lines in such a way as will lit In properly with Harrlsburg's bigger scheme of treatment in the years to | come. The other plot is a new section thai, the Kev. W. S. Harris proposes to de velop for more homes for Harrlsburg folks. The commission will also consider i ¥ i| What Another Resident Thinks of Bellevue Park || When asked to give his opinion of Bellevue Park, Mr. Hause wrote the following: j! THE natural beauty of Bellevue Park has long been conceded !> by every one who has been fortunate enough to see It during <[ the different seasons. Nothing: in or about Harrlsburg can i[ vie with It In this respect. In addition to the ever-changing seen- <[ fl!?* ery, and the prospect of increasing beauty, we have provided for jpFplenty of room. No crowding, no building up to your neighbor's liiMHHI 'j|'!ne, no unsightly buildings or fences, no smoke nuisance, no over -W head wires, and an absence of many other disadvantages. We have wH planned to preserve all the natural beauty and provide for its Increase. itti''M Now, what makes a residence section desirable is sure to make BMEiI JjM ■■ 1 lie ownership of property in that section a good investment. Witness ®WS.!P PMYI ■■P*' the Investment of some of the lot owners here, men of good business | sS*!S£< judgment putting thousands of dollars Into property In Bellevue. A ! • .>X . number of the residents own more lots'or land than they need, be- <| IfHt . lieving that valuations are hound to go up, and that in the near future. ; J I H| The natural growth of the city w ill lie loward the east and Reservoir ■j I Ji if || 5| I 111 jiM Bark and Bellevue Park will eventually he near the center of the city. 2S* 54 iISSUii Ms. I 111 , In no other suburban section near ilarrisburg can such attractive prop- SF & '*■••• er,,v 1,0 ,omu ' as at Bellevue and lhat fact is bound to make lots In that locality desirable as investments, as well as for residences. * To w h° arc interested in a home, or an investment, let || |H&Hp us send you particulars about Bellevue Park. _ Twenty-first and Market Sts. j> \ i ! HOME OF X. E. HAI'SG—BELLEVUE PARK Millei BrOtheFS <fe CO. r im-\ , His Dream of Independence \{ I ££* X A liy «" ' -^_- / HAVE YOU EVER DREAMED ABOUT I 4/W.' (/ a _ I W )/ A Home, Sweet Home I \ \ in the open air under the blue sky, away from the crowded city, I Jv* V the noise and dirt of an unwholesome neighborhood and still Idy fs&*i *«* in easy reach of your work, with practically all city con- I * veniences; a resting place after a hard day's work, refreshing and I v., strengthening for you and your family; a nice garden to raise I ■■■ ■ nourishing vegetables, delicious berries, and chickens for your I »' —* — L fresh eggs?—We know you have. I f EastHarrisburg Addition 1 f~{ 29th and Derry Streets \ | with its beautiful elevation, its delightful scenery, its natural I inducements offer you the I OPPORTUNITY 120 satisfied purchasers are singing praise about this un- I ■- \X paralleled sub-division. I " -» COME OUT SUNDAY \= Take a Paxtang or Hummelstown car; you won't regret the FW§)JL ride. A LOOK MEANS A LOT. Courteous salesmen on the I aS* 2# ground to show you around. For information or appointments I Mft f communication, II is understood, from | Warren H. Manning, the city park ex ! pert. , jWILL REMnDRI, BASKME XT OF SWAB BVILPIXU FOR BOWLING Work will be started in a few days by ; Harry 15. Hps* on the remodeling of the Swab building at Thirteenth and Mar i ket streets to provide for bowling alleys, etc.. In the basement. The job I will be hurried along as rapidly as pos- J sible by Contractor 15. N. Lebo. | The permit for the work was taken | out to-day and calls for general repairs land excavation beneath the sidewalk j for an extension to the basement. The improvement will cost SI,OOO. TO-DAY'S REALTY TRANSFERS | To-day's realty transfers included the | following: H. W. Wisler, Middlctown, Ito D. M. Selders, $1; George L. Eby, | half Interest In Susquehanna township j plot, to E. O. Brlnton, $1: Trustees East ! Steelton Church of God, property in | New Benton, to F. E. Kackler. $350; C. : E. Nonamaker, Mlddletown to Samuel i B. Uerr, $375; B. S. Behney, 2214 North Fourth street, to Charles A. Spot. $1 ; George W. Wolf, 142;! Liberty street, to 1 H. W. Hummer, $1: T. K. Weller, Twentieth, near Derry, to J. H. Lynch, sl. Diagram Showing Power Impulses of the Eights Artemas Ward, Jr., president of the i King Motor Car Co., has caused to b< MAY 13, 1016. copyrighted an Interesting; diagram that shows the even and continuous flow of power to the rear wheels of the eight cylinder automobile in com parison to the power impulses of the four and six cylinder motors as trans mitted to the rear wheels. The Idea which is quite unique has caused a big demand to be made on the King Motor Car Company for one of these diagrams which are being distributed by application to the King factory in Detroit. Worked out by I. D. Hocap, tech nical engineer ot the King Motor Car Company, whil« he was lecturing on the eight cylinder King chassis at the automobile shows the idea is Bimple and explains with a great, degree of thoroughness the evenness of power of tno eight cylinder motor. The diagram, which ts in the hands of the local King representative shows the power impulses from the four, six and eight cylinder motors as they would register on the outside of the tiro if that were practically possible to obtain such an illustration. It ex plains that the evenness of the power impulses of the eight cylinder moto car has no gaps to be bridged by mo mentum. no high and low power per iods, but a swift flowing stream of energy, easy on tires, mechanism and passengers. 13 CLASS SERMON BY GOV. BRUMBAUGH For Gettysburg College Com mencement Next Week Special to the reregrafft Gettysburg,' Pa., May 13.—Speakers for the college commencement in June have been announced by President William Anthony Granville and the men secured are of such prominence that It insures for the college one of the most notable commencements in the history of the institution. Gov ernor Martin G. Brumbaugh *.v ill preach the baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class on Sunday, June 4, and on commencement day, June 7, the addresses will be made by J. Hay Brown, chief justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and Isaac Rus llng Pennypacker, of Ardmore, author, Journalist and lecturer.