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10 TECH WINS PENN STATE MEET-CENTRAL BOYS SHOW FORM-STEELTON SOPHS FIRST ,Tech High Shooters Meet Rutherford Team Tomorrow Members of the Tech High Gun Club will hold another match to-mor row afternoon with the team repre senting the Philadelphia and Read- Ins: Y. M. <?. A. on tne latter grounds. The teams will shoot at 25 targets. Following the match between the two clubs Hempt and Wagner will •hoot off their tie for the silver medal Offered for the best score made in the Tech-Academv match held last Tues day. At that time the two tied with 85 targets. In the match with the railroaders the Maroon team will be made up of Captain Miller. Trulllnger. Sarvls, Choop. Hahn, Hempt, Wagner and ShaefTer. Ain't It The Truth? M J Sou used to fall in love with a new girl every six weeks: Ton used to hike out and hunt up a new job once in so often: But you've settled down now.&Yoa stick to things: IMECCA, for example f Ain't It The Truth? CIGARETTES Each batch of MECCA cigarettes from the cigarette machines is exam ined by a sharp eyed inspector Ibef ore being passed on to the packers. MECCA Quality demands infinite (care. 10i£5c 20a 10c US AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY MONDAY EVENING, x LETTERS'TRIPLE WINS FOR YORK Big Crowd Sees First Sunday Game at Shamokin; Old Time Swatfest Sptcuji to the Trltgrafk Shamokin. Pa.. May 16. The first Sunday game in the Pennsylvania State League was played here yester day. York won from the locals in a ninth inning rally, score 9 to T. The attendance was 2,100. Joe Letters' hit for three bases brought the victory in , the ninth. The score: Shamokin— AB. H. O. A. E. Murphy, If 5 1 0 0 0 McGuire. 3b 5 1 1 1 1 Path. If 2 0 3 0 0 McCabe. cf 5 3 2 2 2 Cash. 2b 5 3 2 2 2 Kooney. lb 4 s 15 0 0 Ebble, ss 4 1 0 3 1 Stull, e 3 0 4 2 0 Heine, p 4 0 0 3 0 Kelly, rf 2 1 0 0 0 Totals 39 12 27 11 4 York— AB. H. O. A. E. Good, cf 4 3 5 0 0 Letters. If 5 4 1 0 0 Fox. 2b 6 1 0 3 0 Clay, rf 4 1 3 0 0 Poole, ss 4 1 1 1 1 Bricker. lb 4 0 9 0 0 Kline. 3b 5 2 0 0 2 Foster, c 3 0 6 1 0 Walsh, p.. 1 0 0 0 0 Nicholson, p 4 1 2 0 0 Totals 40 13 27 S 3 York 2200201 0 2—9 Shamokin 00500020 o—7 Runs scored Murphy. McGuire. McCabe, Cash. 2. Rooney, Kelly, Good.. 3; Letters. 2: Clay. Poole. Kline, Nich olson. Earned runs—York, 4: Sha mokin. 4. Stolen bases McCabe. Cash. Good. Poole. Two-base hits —letters. Goods, Kline. Rooney. 2. Three-base hit* Letters. 2; Cloy, Cash. Double play—Cash to Rooney. Struck out—By Walsh. 3; by Heine. 3: by Nicholson. 4. Bases on balls— by Heine, 5; by Nicholson, 1. Umpire -—Walsh. Baseball Summary; Where Teams Play Today WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY Pennsylvania State Ix^ague Harrisburg at Lancaster. I.ebanon at Shamokin. York at Reading. National 1/eagiie Philadelphia at Cincinnati. New York at Chicago. Brooklyn at St. Louis. Boston at Pittsburgh. American I x\ag-ue St. Louis at Philadelphia. Chicago at Boston. Cleveland at New York. Detroit at Washington. WHERE THEY PLAT TO-MORROW Pennsylvania State I-eague Harrisburg at Lancaster. Lebanon at Shamokin. York at Reading. National I/e«gue Philadelphia at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at St. Louis. New York at Chicago. Boston at Pittsburgh. American Ijeajpie St. Louis at Philadelphia. Cleveland at New York. Chicago at Boston. Detroit at Washington. YESTERDAY'S RKSIT/TS Pennsylvania State l.eague York, 9; Shamokin. 7. Lebanon-Reading game, postponed.. Other clubs not scheduled. National I-eajnie Philadelphia. 4; Cincinnati, 3, (10 Innings). New York, 6: Chicago. 4. Brooklyn. 3; St. Louis. 2. Other clubs not scheduled. American l/cague No games scheduled. International league Newark. 7; Buffalo. 5. Montreal. 10; Providence. 4 (8 inn-; ings. called*. Other clubs not scheduled. New York Stat* I/oagne Albany, 4; Utica, 3. Elmira, 6; Scranton. 3. RESULTS OF SATURDAY'S GAMES ■ Pennsylvania State League Harrisburg, 6: Lancaster, 5. Reading. 5: Lebanon. 2. Shamokin. 7: York, 2. National I«tmie Philadelphia, 5: Cincinnati. 0. St. Louis. 2: Brooklyn, 1. Pittsburgh. 5; Boston, 3. Chicago-New York, postponed, rain. American league Philadelphia. 4: St. Louis, 3. Boston. 3: Chicago. 2, (10 innings.) Cleveland. 4: New York, 2. Washington, 3: Detroit, 2. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Pennsylvania State league W. L. Pet. Reading 4 0 1.000 Harrisburg 2 2 .500 York 2 3 .400 Shamokin 2 3 .400 I Lebanon 1 3 .250 National I«eaguc W. L. Pet. Brooklyn 12 6 .66 7 1 Boston 12 7 .632 Philadelphia 11 10 .524 Phlcago IS 12 .520 St. Louis 13 12 .520 Cincinnati 12 14 .462 I Pittsburgh 10 16 .385 New York 7 13 .350 American Ix-ague W. L. Pet. Cleveland 18 9 .667 'Washington 15 9 .625 New York 13 11 .542 Detroit 13 13 .500 Boston 13 13 .500 Chicago 12 16 .429 Philadelphia 9 15 .375 St. Louis 8 15 .3 48 Island Park Schedule Wednesday—Reading. Thursday—Reading. Games called at 3:15 p. m. A WHOI.ESOMB HMNER DRINK Hnmford'B Arid PKmpbalr A healtliy. invigorating snrl delirious tonic—more cooling and refreshing than [lemonade. —Advertisement. TECH CLEANS UP AT STATE COLLEGE Wins Permanently Wlii t e Trophy; New Track Records; Central Athletes Prominent Permanent possession of the J. G. | White loving cup valued at SBOO, an other silver loving cup for winning the relay race, seven gold medals, si* silver medals and one bronae medal ' comprised the trophies brought home from State College by the Tech High athletes, winners in track and fleld 'sports at that place. It was the an nual Pennsylvania State College inter scholastic meet. Not content to make a clean-up of the trophies the rapacious Maroon lads broke four records for the track. Harmon was the first to make a new record when he breasted the tape in the one-mile in the fast time of 4:42 1-5; the previous time was 4:44. Nc« Track Record In the next event Captain Dem oting ran the quarter-mile in 53 sec onds flat, breaking the track record, and setting a new mark for Tech athletes. In the two-mile event Sutch broke the record he made last year at State College when he nosed out a Johnstown man in 10:18. Last Satur day he raced around the track in 10:01 1-5. The final record to be broken was made by the Maroon relay team. Just to show the other teams that there are other fast men in the squad. Coach Peet used two new men in Davies and Gipple. While both are experienced, they had not run on the relay team before Saturday. Eyster. Davies. Gipple and Demming was the order in which they ran, and they defeated the field of entries in 3:41 S-5. All told Tech captured seven firsts, six seconds, one third and three fourths, for a total of 58 1-4 points. Central Good W inner Central was also in evidence taking four seconds, five thirds and one fourth. The Blue and Gray lads tallied 22 points and finished third in the final summary. Williamsport High with 20 entries came in second with 27**. The other high schools finished in this order: Altoona, 11; Johnstown. 10%; Greenshurg. 10; West Philadelphia, lo; Phillipsburg. 6; Bradford. 4: Eldersrldge Academy. 4; Renovo, 0: Tyrone. 0. The Summary Two-mile run Won by Oscar Sutch. Harrisburg. Tech; second, Gastrock, Harrisburg Tech; third. Rose. Harrisburg Central; fourth, Schneider, Williamsport. Time, 10:- 01 1-5. 220-yard dash—Won by Beck, Al toona: second, Evans, Harrisburg Tech; third, Moore, Harrisburg Cen tral; fourth. McClairn, Williams port. Time, 24 1-5. Half-mile run Won by White, Greenshurg: second. Beililer, Wil liamsport: third, Harris, Bradford: fourth. Sheppard. Williamsport. Time two minutes, nine seconds. 220-yard low hurdles Won by Barron, West Philadelphia; second, Kauffman. Harrisburg Central: third, Houtz, Harrisburg Central; fourth, Treadwell, Williamsport. Time, 27 3-5 seconds. 12-pound shot put Won by Har ris, Harrisburg Tech; second, McKay, Harrisburg Tech; third, Alwine, Greensburg; fourth. Waltz. Williams port. Distance. 40 feet 4 inches. Pole vault Won by Moore. Har risburg Tech; second, tie between Mutzabougli. Harrisburg Central, and Fisher. Williamsport ; lourth, Matliew, Johnstown. Height, 10 feet. Running high Jump. Won by Treadwell, Williamsport; secondn, Treadwell, Williamsport; second, Tech; fourth. Martz, Central. Height, 5 feet four Inches. Hammer throw Won by Palm. Phllipsburg; second, DifTenbach. Central; third. Hohnlin. Tech; fourth. Tech. Distance, 123 feet six inches. Broad Jump Won by Eyster, Tech; second. Ward, Williamsport; third Hall. Central: fourth, Miller, Tyrone. Distance. 20 feet. 5 inches. Discus throw Won by Curry, Johnstown; second, Houtz. Central; third. Wardrop, Elders Ridge; fourth. Davis. Phillipsburg. Distance 108 feet 8 inches. 100-yard dash Won by Beck, Al toona: second, Eyster. Tech; third, Moore, Central: fourth, Evans, Tech. Time. 10 3-5. 120-yard high hurdles Won by Barron, West Philadelphia High; second, Lloyd, Tech: third. Houtz. Central; fourth, Boyer, Tech. Time, 17 3-5. One-mile run Won by Harmon, Tech; second, Sones, Williamsport; third. White, Greensburg: fourth. Hare. Central. Time. 4:42 1-5. 440-yard dash Won by Demming, Tech; second. Sones. Williamsport; third. Harris. Bradford. Time, 53. . One-mile relay Won by Harris burg Tech: second. Williamsport; third, Central High school. Time, 8:41. Saturday College Scores Princeton. 6: Penn, 5. Holy Cross, 2: Yale, 1. Cornell. 1: Michigan. 0. Navy. 7; Johns Hopkins. 6. Union 7; New York Univ. 3. Army, 3: Buffalo. 2 (11 innings). Navy. 7; Johns Hopkins. 6. Penn State. 6; Carnegie Tech, 0. Columbia. 7: Fordham, 2. Colgate, 5; Vermont, 3. Exeter, 17; Harvard Fresh., 2. Dartmouth, 17; Williams. 8. Swarthmore. 6; Rutgers. 0. Dickinson. 2: I.ebanon Valley, 1. Bucknell. 4: Pittsburgh, 3. Lafayette. 5; Lehigh. 4 (16 inns.) Gettysburg. 3; Villanova. 0. Wesieyan, 12; Boston, 6. Syracuse, 7; Rochester. 1. Ohio State, 3; Purdue. 1. Penn Fresh, 2; Yale F., 0 (11 ins). Dartmouth. 17: Williams, 8. Brown. 4; Manhattan. 0. Princeton Fresh., 9; Mercersburg, 7. HATFIELI) HAS HIGH RUN In Saturday's practice shoot of the ' Harrisburg Sportsmen's Association. Hatfield broke 44 out of 50. The scores follow; Shot at. Broke Perkins . 1« IS IS 12 17 18 20—179 119 West lfi 18 IS 20 25 .. .. —125 98 White ... 12 19 16 14 16 16 ..—l5O 92 Hickok . 20 20 24 2" —IOO 84 Shoop ... 17 22 20 20 —IOO 79 RothrVk. 1.1 24 19 18 —IOO 76 Mrs. B'v'r 15 IS 20 22 —IOO 75 Hald'm'n. 15 15 14 18 —IOO 62 .Shank .. 18 22 20 75 60 Buck ... 17 18 16 —75 51 Steward. 24 23 —SO 47 Wal'ower 15 12 17 75 4 4 Hatfield. 21 23 5O 43 Wordcn . 23 20 5O 43 Dinger .. 22 19 5O 41 I Cleckner. 21 18 5O 39 Buck ... 7 14 14 —75 35 Schmeck. 14 25 14 _ A Want Amateur Scores Immediately After Game Managers of amateur and semi professional baseball teams are re quested to send full bax scores to the office of the Telegraph Imme diately after the games. Have scores in not 1 .ter than 6.30 p. m. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH HARRISBURG TEAM PLAYS LANCASTER Return Home For Games With Heading Wednesday and Thursday Weather permitting Harrisburg's i Pennsylvania State League team will play at tr>-dmy and to-mor -1 row. The Red Rose team has been 1 setting a pace for aH club*. Harris burg Is an old-time rival for Lan caster and unusual Interest is mani fested on the coming battles. Harris burg won from Lancaster in an eighth inning batting rally on Saturday, score 6 to 5. Jimmy Sheckard came to the bat for in the ninth and with h»s big stiok drove In two runs. It was a great pitchers' battle, each club having two runs up to the rally period. Heading Here. Wednesday The attraction at Island Park this week will be Reading, Wednesday and Thursday. The games scheduled for Friday and Saturday have been trans ferred to Shamokin, and the Cockill bunch will also play the first Sunday game May 21, on Shamokin field. For Monday and Tuesday, May 22-23, Shamokin will be the attraction at Island Park. While the Harrisburg team is away repairs will be made to the grand stand and bleachers. The seats in the grandstand will be given a thor ough cleaning. The scoreboard will also be put in shape. The Western Union Telegraph Company expects to run wires into the grounds to-day. Manager Cockill before leaving for Lancaster to-day said he was negotiat ing for several players. It was also expected that official notice would be received at noon regarding National Protection. Champion Agrees to Meet Fulton Special to Ike Tthgrnfh Chicago, May 18. Jess Willard, heavyweight champion of the world, has agreed to defend his title against Fred Fulton, of Rochester, Minn. Articles calling for a battle of ten rounds or more were signed by Tom Jones, representing Willard. and Mike Collins, of Hudson, Wis.. Fulton's manager late Saturday night. Bids were thrown open, and will not close until July 1. The battle is to take place Labor day before the club offering the best lntducements. According to the articles, Willard is to get a flat guarantee of $37,500, with a percentage privilege, and Fulton will take one-third of the gate re ceipts, provided they are large enough to pay Willards' guarantee and leave more than SSOOO additional for the promoter. Incidentally, this affair introduces a new fight promoter, D. W. Griffith, the movie magnate. He is the man who made the offer that brought the two big fellows together. It was said that his original bid was $50,000, but Tom Jones denied that. Mike Collins said he believed St. Paul eventually would get the fight, the competition is open and it may go to Milwaukee. Forney Grammar School Winner in Steelton Meet Takes All First Honors In the dual meet between Forney Grammar School of Harrisburg anil Steelton Grammar School, Forney won out, score 76V4 to 26 >4. The Har risburg athletes won all first place honors. The summaries follow: 50-yard dash Won by Philipelll, Forney; second, Aldinger, Forney; third. Behman, Steelton Central; fourth, Thorpe, Forney. Time, 6 sec onds. Relay race Won by Forney. 100-yard dash Won by Aldinger, Forney: second, Hoffsommer, Forney; third, Miller, Steelton; fourth, Harper, Forney. Time. 11 1-5 seconds. 220-yard dash Won by Aldinger, Forney: second. Strawbecker, Forney; third. Harper, Forney; fourth, Miller, Steelton. Time, 27 2-5 seconds. 120-yard low hurdles Tied for first. Noll of Steelton and Zimmerman of Forney; third, A. Zimmerman, For ney: fourth. Snyder, Forney. Time, 19 1-5 seconds. 440-yard dash Won by Philipelll, Forney: second, Hoffsommer, Forney; third. Miller, Steelton; fourth, A 1 Zim merman, Forney. Time, 59 4-5 ec onds. Baseball throw—Won by Aunsback, Forney; second. Page, Forney; third, Williamson, Steelton; fourth, Ans berry, Steelton. Distance, 241 feet 5 inches. i Standing broad Jump Won by _ i Thorpe, Forney; second. Day, Steel ton: third, Wharton, Forney, Fourth, _ | Kreider, Forney. Distance, 7 feet 6V4 J inches. Pole vault—Won by Robinson, For ney: second. DeVore. Steelton; third, Ditzel. Forney: fourth. Snyder, For ney. Height, 8 feet 1 Inch. 12-pound shot put Won by Phil lpelll. Forney: second, Behman, Steel ton: third. Page, Forney: rourth, N'oll, Steelton. Distance, 42 feet 4H inchesj Running broad Jump Won by I Thorpe. Forney; second. Miller, Steel ton: third. Hammond, Steelton: fourth, | Day, Steelton. Distance, 16 feet 7%i I inches. Saturday Amateur Scores Highspire. 10: Keener A. C., 4. I State Highway. 11: Country Club, 5. West End A. C., 20: Baker A. A., 6. Unglestown, 11; Jack A. C.. 8. Middletown, 11; Shlppensburg, 1. Belmont, 31; Hickok, A. C., 4. Hummelstown. 7: Enola C. C., 6. Rosewood A. C., 21: Midway, 6. E Stanley A. C., 11; Galahad A. C., 3. Newport, 1; Lewlstown, 0, (15 in s nings). Hershey. 14: Brelsford. 11. | 4 | St. Mary's 8; Middletown Ind.. B. Ij , llarrisburg Academy, 5; Yates, 3. ! Harris Park, 11; Hershey, 3. 4 New Cumberland Juniors, 6; Albion' ? A. C., 2. . Camp Curtin A. C., 15; Shamrock i \ I A. C„ 7. ■ . ! Son-grem; Toilet Cream Keeps the Skin boft and Velvety In Rough Weather. An Exquisite Toilet Prep aration, 25c. GOROAfI* DRUG STORES |« H. Third St, and P. R. H. Statloa < V- / ' HARRY M. HOFFMAN ! (Sacrosaor <o J. J Oftlibyl > UNDERTAKER *lO Xortb Ceroid Rtreft j Try Telegraph Want Ads ~ SOPHOMORES WIN INTERCLASS MEET Good Reeords Made in Steclton High School Events Satur day Afternoon | Good records were made in the Steelton high school lnterclass meet jat Steelton Saturday afternoon. The Sophomores won, with a total of 71 I points. Second honors went to the ! Seniors with 67H points: third Jun i lors, 80>4 points; fourth, Freshmen, 6. i Hooker, a Senior, had high individual | score with points. Dayhoff. a j Sophomore, made 17*4: Barber, a I Junior. 17%, and Wueschlnskl. fourth, I with 12 1 *. The summaries follow: [ 50-yard dash—Won by P. Hooker, I senior; second, tie between H. Sellers, senior, and H. Dayhoff, sophomore; j fourth, R. 73egler, sophomore. Time, 5 4-5 seconds. Half Mile Run—Won by H. Sellers, senior; second. P. Wuenschinski. sopho more; third, J. Barber, Junior. Time, 2.13 2-5. 100-yard dash—Won by P. Hocker, I senior; second. H. Sellers, senior; third, R. Ziegler, sophomore; fourth, H. Day hoff. sophomore. Time. 10 3-5 seconds. 1 120-yard low hurdles—Won by H. Dayhoff, sophomore; second, tie be tween O. Grove, junior, J. Hocker, senior, and I* Coleman, sophomore. Time, 16 4-5 seconds. Mile run—Won by J. Barber, junior; 'second. P. Wuenschinski, sophomore; third. H. Snydam, freshman: fourth. W. Wuenschinski. freshman. Time, 5.40. 220-yard dash—Won by H. Sellers, senior: second. P. Hocker, senior; third, J. Turano, senior; fourth. R- Ziegler. sophomore. Time, 24 1-5 seconds. Two mile run—Won by P. Wuenschin ski. sophomore; second, P. Metzgar, junior: third. J. Avery, senior: fourth. F. Francis, sophomore. Time, 12.16. 4 40-yard dash—Won by H. Sellers, senior; second. J. Turano, senior; third, P. Hocker, senior; fourth. R. Ziegler, sophomore. Time. 56 4-5 seconds. lnterclass relay, run Friday—Won by sophomore; second, seniors; third. Juniors: fourth, freshmen. Standing broad jump—Won by O. Grove, junior: second, L Coleman, sophomore; third, J. Barber, junior; fourth, H. Dayhoff, sophomore. Dis tance 8 feet 4 3-8 Inches. Pole vault—first, tie between G. Porr, sophomore, and L. Coleman, sopho more; third, tie between O. Grove, junior, and D. Wren, sophomore. Dis tane. 9 feet. Hammer throw, held Friday—Won by Jerome Kkenrode, Junior; second, J. Avery, senior; third, H. Levltz, sopho more; fourth, D. Morrett, sophomore. Running broad jump—Won by P. Hocker. senior; second, J. Coleman, sophomore; third, J. Barber, junior; fourth, H. Dayhoff, sophomore. Dis tance. IS feet. 11% inches. Putting 12-pound shot—Won by Avery, senior: second, DayhofT, sopho more; third. Ziegler. sophomore: fourth. Morrett, sophomore. Distance 37 feet, 2% inches. High Jump—Won by Wren, sopho more; second, tie between Porr, sopho more; Morrett, sophomore, and Hocker, senior. Height, 5 feet, 1 inch. Throwing discus—Won by Avery, senior; second, Dayhoff, sophomore; third, McCauley, freshman; fourth. Barber, Junior. Distance, 97 feet. Tell-Tale Note Says Simonds Has Been Kissed New York. May 15.—Frank Simonds, Columbia's football captain, boasted in his class statistics that he never had been kissed. "Barnard," however, says he was. The evidence took the form of a vio let-scented note that dropped from the malls Into the hands of the editor of The Senior Book yesterday. That In dividual read it carefully, frowned, then rushed out upon the campus and per mitted students to read this para graph: "Dear Editor: "I take It upon my self as a personal duty to inform you that Frank Simonds has participated in an OBCulatory pastime. Accept this letter as truth, because it comeg from WESTPORT 2 '/i IN. THE CORRECT C O TAWAY S HAPC* follars POLITICAL ADVERTISING FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN, THE LEGISLATURE Augustas Wildman wm w ■ I favor an amendment of the law ap propriating: one per cent, of the foreign Insurance fund, so that It shall provide for two per cent, for the relief of firemen. I also favor an act. making It ob ligatory upon the part of the State, to expend all moneys collected for auto mobile licenses, to Improve and main tain the highways. 1 am unalterably opposed to the tax ing of fishermen. I will tank you for your vote and L influence. MAY 15, 1916. WELLY'S I' CORNER ' '*s ' Baseball fans nre warming tip to| the Pennsylvania State league game. | On Saturday Harrisburg hitters got busy with their sticks and pounded out a victory In tho eighth Inning. It [ was the revival of the old ball game j and the crowd went wild. Weather! conditions have not been favorable, and players are not showing their best form. If local supporters want baseball the way to get It is to patron ize the games. Eddie Rlckenbacher In an American Maxwell won the Metropolitan trophy I race at Sheepshead Bay Saturday. His time for 130 miles was 93 minutes and 31 seconds. Carl Limberg and his 1 mechanician, Palotti, In a Delage car were killed. This is the week for the big shoot | at Harrisburg and West , Falrvlew will be represented by a' large number of crack shots. At the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania State Sportsmen's Association Harris-1 burg will make a strong bid for the; big shoot next year. On Saturday at Cambridge, Yale | won the twenty-fifth annual track meet with its greatest rival. Harvard, score 63 to 40 2-3. The Princeton track team won from West Virginia, score 75 to 23. Mercersburg carried off honors in the Princeton Inter scholastic meet, scoring 69 points, against 48 for Hill School. Harrisburg's Motive Power base ball team lost to Philadelphia Satur day, score 6 to 4. The game was POLITICAL ADVERTISING JOSHUA W. SWARTZ FOR REPRESENTATIVE First Legislative District HARRISBURG, PA. : . , *« . J Subject to Decision of Republican Primaries Your Vote and Influence Will Be Appreciated Primary Election, TUESDAY, May 16,1916 I KING OSCAR j| 5c CIGAR \\ i; Has a character all <| its own, is mellow to if I the last puff, and j; j: 1 gives you that feeling ij i: of satisfaction that i; j should follow a good •: j: * smoke. ij j: Give yourself a real i| i| treat. « ; I John C. Herman & Co. J Harrisburg, Pa. < Try Telegraph Want Ads played at Philadelphia. The locals have won two and lost orte game. Trenton defeated New York, score 3 to 1. Meadows won from Wilmington, score 12 to 3, and Baltimore defeated Pottsvllie, sooro 6 to 4. Harriaburtc will play at home next Saturday with Trenton. As a fitting: climax to a college career with record-breaking perform ances. Captain Ted Meredith of the Pennsylvania University track team, running; his last race on Franklin Field, shattered the half-mtle record Saturday, in the Penn-Cornell dual meet. Meredith's time was 1 minute, 52 1-5 seconds, three-tenths of a sec ond less than his time in the Olympic games at Stockholm. Cornell won the meet, 83Vt to 33>*. Princeton won the Childs' cup race in the Henley regatta on the Schuyl kill river Saturday afternoon, time, seven minutes, flat. Navy was sec ond; Columbia, third, and Penn last. The collegiate race was an added feat ure. Prior to the Motive Power Depart ment game at Philadelphia on Satur day Mike Frlel's tug of war team losi to the Philadelphia team, champions of the Eastern division. The Harrisburg Track Athletic com mittee will meet to-night In the Calder building and completo arrangements for the annual State High school meet to be held on Municipal Field next Saturday. The entry list will be con sidered and drawing made for as many events as possible. POLITICAL ADVERTISING