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* , <*Y^'>fif k <K^T^>A#w^AffiAJiW>JUV>An^OAi^ [The Big Sale of Manufacturers' Surplus Stocks Continues All This Week] / f Deltox Grass Rugs ill @ Sale of Notions & Dressmakers' Needs 11 I ' new patterns for Liv^g.^D inin g. Bedroom and porch floorj M ' j|j|l At Big Savings; Begins Tomorrow Continues Four Days 1 tons, per dozen, *" ' ' ' &«■ I 9<- «nd ' 1 To-morrow, Wednesday, We Start in Our BARGAIN BASEMENT j = |_,_ ~5-£?d3 B!M i 5 _ S. Skirt * r *; pe *' dozen *« «_y«l. boit, of Blnji I • A Great Big FOUR-DAY SALE OF NEW 1916 Wash Dress Goods i -2F- IT "ZkErZ* a-^ra I r * ? ohnlk. ;, Vi-lb. box 14e Basting cotton. 600- | \ ___ f l»o each. r .vd. spool, 4<-| 8 for 100 I \ <.'*! **"" Sale Days Wednesda y> Thursday, Friday and Saturday ""•i ; ; J; B ;.i° a AT S- Sg»«£ 1 II TJBm ' Thousands Upon Thousands of Yards ,° h f e Newest Weaves j (j All Go on Sale at the Biggest Savings of the Year j a?fk .fj J | 11 Entire Purchase Grouped to Sell at Five Remarkable Low Prices and > M\ AA A 1 C ■ •' ft.'OSa Celluloid pair. B<-t .1 pair for 20c *» "It\ #f I fi Arranged on Five Tables For Convenient Choosing-Read Details Below i em £"*"" " v.,r,:." , ,.H i r';.'.'... « j 5 j I Pin Supporter*, ia%c aud I / \ / r 1 ■" v \ 10c Invisible hair nets. l . ,S T: _■ I | TABLE NO. 1 TABLE NO. 2 TABLE NO. 3 TABLE NO. 4 TABLE NO. 5 s for 10,. ' ported "1 .?">% 1 New Wash Goods New Wash Goods New Wash Goods New Wash Goods New Wash Goods HU sy 1 28 to 36 Inches Wide. Printed Voiles, Figured Organdie, 36 to 40 Inches Wide. Sport Stripes, pa 6Band 84-Vnch ronnd'ahoe lacers; Out-of-s?|h,t'snap fastener tape! 1 Printed Voiles Figured Voiles white, gray, bronze, black and per yard 20c Dress Ginghams, Striped Organdie, Printed Voiles, « ;ik „* ™• o j champagne oe iievoi snap fastener tape, per . I Figured.Plisse Crepes, Figured Organdie, Striped Organdie, Printed Checked Lawns, Woven Figured Lawn anlf'champ'S " h ° e . .'"""I "hook and'iye I 1 PrmtedTLr 83 ' Printed Crepe de China, Silk Gaberdine. Printed Silk Muslin, Sa 4 Jtdpelroiles. ' 1 1 Figured Madras Shirting, Plain Piques, Stripe Woven Tissue Satin Faced Voiles. 1 ( Woven Tissues.' Crispette Figured Lawn, For Skirts, lai^ s 2? a " d m3ny N ° VcUy We3VCS * \ Values to 15c. Values to 25c. Values to 29c. Values to 39c Values to 50c. WEDNESDAY SPECIAL SPECIAL WEDNESDAY ONLY | I . One Lot of Women's Bwis* Ribbed Men's Dress Shirts; Worth CQ. Your Q- A Your lA* A Your I*7 ~ A Your 01/» A Your A ZTSiT" 1 12*/ 2 C »M. . . W»C ( Choice y v/Yerd IV Yard Choice J. 0 V Yard Choice O V Yard Choice O l"v Yard wel^T' 118 Ma.iras S ami on per<aies; stripes and ! strinß, all sizes, summer weight. figured effects; soft and laundered * V-L_ FIRST FIjOOR. all sizes. FIRST FLOOR ( ii: ;i To-morrow a Prominent Manufacturer's Surplus Line ;i |2 Striking Women's & Misses' New Spring SoiU J* I!! i'SSITCSSSITSS | ) I HUNDREDS OF THIS SEASON'S SMARTEST NEW SPRING MODELS DIVIDED INTO TWO lij , BIG LOTS GO ON SALE TOMORROW AT TWO ASTOUNDING LOW PRICES i White Dresses f I \i HA «;n F° r Suits Worth From (tl OCA For Suits Worth From i| worth to $ 4 .00 A .w, ii |!» WTltlr V M M # *VIV Yf Jb Maker's Sample Line of the season's most popular new ! % ,|| Y J $15.00 to SIB.OO Y IL SIB.OO to $20.00 i!lif —~™— 1 J \J .V, IM\ |! or ginghams; lace and em- <;% I! # # # 1 \ \ \ |! ] | laces and embroideries. 8 and broidery trimmed * sizes '! K i|| Covering a Widely Varied Range of the Smartest Spring Modes in the Season's Most Favored Fabrics' \» VA \lij |j LO-year sizes (t| QC6t°l4' -i nn J || and Colors, Conceived, Designed and Finished Up to the Usual Superior Kaufman Standard— l M \\)Mi !| only years |i| )j| Men's Wear Serges, Shepherd Checks, Firie Wool Poplins—All Colors, All Sizes, All Styles. \ j)y l| J fij Four Big Lots of NEW SPRING COATS on Sale Wednesday at BIG SAVINGS VT I Extra Special One Lot of 100 LADIES' SILK O QCT 1 1|! _ , ,y, , . wr . i»«. I ' «' * BLOUSES. Actually worth up to $5.00, for .... S J;! Women s hfici IVlisses |™ *"7 f~ Women s and IVIISSGS (Ncf I Women s and Misses* A / \ I !> [ oddn and en<i» from our stock of n n e crepo de < uine, \ ff |[ *—« . t - _ / WIS I _ \|J / U / // \ I Georgette Cre pen, l.acr an«l Xet Blousen; all popular styles; one and two J ];> up to $9.00 Coats FortDt/e I J up to $lO Coats For. «J) | ,JU up to sls Coats For. J)U # | 0 A ;! 5 mV. ni^ l"? uot . n,lmUeH . o !.. eßeh . Htyt '. mnA C^l f i "I ■ \y ; I FIRST FI.OOH. s^l f 4 j j • __ P\ STRONG ECONOMIES IN BOYS' CLOTHING TO-MORROW i Another Remarkable Demonstration ot ( Noftolk \ « Norfßlk Suits: $3 89 > ( Nortolk su its; * 4 89 \ «Ek\ i I J9&, Kaufman Buying Power Oy2M Act»al sls, $lB s I I W m %. and SZO apnng Suits ror 6to 17 yoars; exceptional Rood, well tailored styles; a Nothing newer or more In do- 6 J «nll\ # £ lb ';T_. J ft? 11 • 9 II , 1 1 ~ C 1 T values, worth a great deal great big unusual value; 6to otning newer or moie V *W L/If\ C I ff/ fiC nauiman ijGlling Methods Wen on Sale 10-morrow more. 18 years. Bto 18 years. H 1 I air Tf r 77 i zn . ! ~9 /hi Ff ¥* Boys' Sport Boys' Khaki Boys' Straw and Boys' Blouse LJI J \ nflUllllflll V fllllC OlVlllg I W i Blouses Knickers Duck Hats Waists {pWju* C % The season's biggest chance to buy an all-wool Spring Suit <Pl£i«l«i 24c 49c 49c 19c f| 0 1 jrii&HTV rW ana t'oCKet, SZ./:d to Jpo.zo on the deal. | I.ater you will pay The best quality ever Nothing to beat these Mario with link roi- M B % 3 /t7T7< sit np . r ««(!-.n nmi %II u„ai »c i. .1, . «„ , ... a ..... ~ , , more for these same n offered at the price. values and styles. All 1 \ fe § » n A " npv "ml -»il Wool \elour Bu<t.«; I ineM All Wool SIB.OO Knglisli Homespun Suits and the blouses Sizes sto 17 years. new. ' ar ; open cuffs. H# a The Greatest a '-im wert Au Woo! B,ue Sor < rP S,B 0 ° Sult«, all go on salo at $12.75. All Size* and a perfect fit absolutely as- ' —i■ , * # K n. ii . sured to every man. Come if you want a bie value. 1 Straw Hat a D . c . c , ... , n ~ _ „ r . , _ 1 Values in Another Big Special Sale of Men s Pants Starts Tomorrow With Extra Big Values. £ \ tka PifiT f Khaki Outing I Men's Strong | Men's Worsted I Men's Worsted I Men's Sun-Proof * f P «" ts: Sa,C IT'" s r „YeTr!,v ntS I I'ants : Sale I PanU; Sa!e I-Hoe I B^T P^C I 1 SI.OO 900 I 99 <• I $1.49 I $1.95 I .$2.50 f CHURCH CENTENNIAL ENDS Blain, Pa., May 23. The Zlon J Lutheran Church centennial anniver sary celebration was concluded on Sunday evening. Friday evening: an! auto trip was taken by ministers and Bringing Up Father (H) ($) (0) (0) <0) By HOW DO YOU DO" THAT'S TRUE.- HE bAtD -VOO <JOT HE DID NOT - r f <blß! I MFAN -HE T" WSi* HE TRIED TO: [T*, EO TO,^ ' TUESDAY EVENING, I others to churches of the Blain and I Ickeshurg charges and a stop was! I made at Tressler's Orphans' Home at I Loysvllle and a visit to the grave at I Loysville of Father John William I ! Keim. At the services on Friday evening i the Rev. R. T. Vorberg, of Marietta, 0., and the Rev. J. W. Keener, Blain | Reformed minister, delivered ad i dresses. On Saturday morning the : Rev. J. C. Reigliard, present pastor of the Blain Church, gave an inter- HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH eating history of Blain Zion Lutheranj Church. The Rev. Robert Heim, a: recent graduate of Gettysburg Semi-1 nary, spoke on the "Reminiscences of j His Greatgrandfather" (John William I Heim, a pioneer preacher of Mifflin I | Juniata and Perry counties 100 years! J a go.) Funeral Services Held For Walter R. Miller Funeral services for Walter R. Mil- ; ler. who died Friday, were held at the . ; home of his parents. Postmaster and ! I Mrs. C. R. Miller, in Wormlfysburg this [afternoon. The Rev. S. E. Vance, pastor lof the Wormleysburg Church or God, I of which Mr. Miller was a member, and | the Rev. A. P. Stover, of Carlisle, a for- i I nier pastor of the Wormleysburg j 'charge, and the Rev. George B. Ren- MAY 23, 1916. ! shaw officiated. Burial wag mad© In I th 3 Camp Hill Cemetery. The nail bearers were: Arthur Miller, Parker ; Miller. Paul Kister, Roderick Bruce, [ Prank Nonemaker and John Muaser. ENGINE PI/ANT CI/hSKS Waynesboro, Pa., May 23. The | last carload of equipment has been ! shipped from the Quincy Kngine ; i Plant to Chambersburg, and the doors ! and windows of the shops were nailed up yesterday until such time as the i : company may dispose of them. FARMER COMMITS SUICIDE j Waynesboro, Pa., May 23.—Thomas W. Haldeman, aged 65, an Antrim towr.ship farmer, worth about $50,000 who recently moved from Greencasti® committed suicide by blowing off the top of his head with a shotgun. A TREK THAT IS ALMOST AN ORCHARD In Farm and Fireside is an account of a California fig tree whose annual crop at retail prices would average one hundred dollars. The tree is of ;the Mission variety. It was planted thirty years ago, is 4fi feet tall and jhas a spread of limbs reaching' 54 feet. |lt bears a ton or more of figs every } ear. 5