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12 DIXON'S GRAPHITE IN RACECARS All of the entrants In the Metropoli tan Trophy Kace at Sheepshead Bay used Dixon's Graphite Automobile Lubricants. And these men com prised what was probably the greatest field of famous drivers ever gathered together as participants in a big race. Most of them had won many trophies in big speed events at home and abroad during the past few years; most of them had used Dixon's Lubri cants before and knew their worth and dependability. Their continued willingness to pin their faith on Dix on's speaks volumes for the 100% brand of lubricants, but the constant repetition of Dixon triumphs will con vince those who are not "Dixon-lubrl cated" that they should be, and will strengthen the confidence that the overwhelming majority of the great racing drivers have In Dixon's. Their experience should serve as a signpost to all other classes of drivers and owners. RING PRESIDENT FOR PREPAREDNESS Artemas Ward, Jr., president of the King Motor Car Company, Detroit, has been selected as a member of the Na tional Committee of the American Defense Society. He has accepted the portfolio. The society has for its pur pose to aid in an aggressive propa ganda in various States for creating yearly Instruction soldiery for defen sive purposes only. The organization is absolutely unbiased politically. The ailvisory board consists of such well-knmvn men as Charles J. liona parte, Truman H. Newberry, Henry B. Joy, Theodore Itoosevelt, Perry Belmont and David Jayne Hill. r— \ "The Car oi No ltegrets" The King is the second oldest auto mobile in the United States; 1916 model sllsO 7-Passenger Touring . . $1350 Good Territory For Live Dealers King Car Sales Co. 80 S. CAMERON ST. FRANKLIN Ensminger Motor Co. Third & Cumberland Sta DISTIUItUTOHS *- * AUTO STORAGE— First class, fireproof garage open day and night. Hates reasonable. Auto Trans. Garage "The New Biltwel Six" wsl&Sv IHMA > r . fi- 22 $1065 Factory VELIE FEATURES * s a^out The New Biltwel Velie Six Wheelbase, lIS-im-h. It's about the car that created a sensation Kndless demountable rims. 11 a li r • 1 ca^'ln^rocr^.nch-bV'4h-inch' amon g the builders of sixes—the car with a «0 o h. p. unit power plant steady flow of SURPLUS energy, continuous, isnn!o h n. n "'wi! > h' automatic silent, supple, adequate to every road, every CO £h r^a C cuu b m re feed grade, every emergency—its body lines form- V-?fdmTcenVr an conl?oi rear m g graceful sweep of the true boat stream- One-man top and envelope,* 18 "'!!!- line—its capacity ample, five-passenger, with - """ ' every appointment for luxurious riding. Co. Rex Garage, 1917 N. Third St. F. H. WILLOUGHBY, Manager SATURDAY EVENING, MOTORCYCLE M In these fast-moving: times nothing changes so quickly as the art of making war. An American manufacturer has just made a contribution to defensive equipment in a motorcycle machine gun which Is likely to displace the galloping artillery horses in battles of the future. Under the eye of Ordnance Department officers the Hendee Manufactur ing Company of Springfield, Mass., builders of the Indian motorcycle, have been working since last Fall on a suitable carriage which would mount a ma chine gun. They have now perfected a type which is being put through field trials. With a crew of two men on the machine It will make forty miles an hour. The powerful motorcycle engine will also haul the outfit across rough country to reach what might be effective positions to serve the gun. One great advantage of the motorcycle machine gun is that it is com paratively small in size and can come very near to the enemy without being seen. It can hide behind trees bordering on a road and attack an advance guard and then get way quickly and safely. With the Indian combination, the gun carriage can be detached from the motorcycle in 30 seconds and wheeled into firing position, releasing the mo torcycle to go back to the main lines with a message or for reinforcements. The gun and operator are protected by a shield of armor plate. Army men who have participated in Its tests are more than satisfied with developments so far and are proceeding further to study its possibilities. VELIE SIXES ARE REPRESENTED Willoughby Assumes Agency For One of Best Known Con cerns in Country H. F. Willoughby, local distributor of Velie cars is busy demonsotrating j the new Velle Model 22—a six-cylinder j car of exceptional merit selling for 1 $1,065. When this new Velie was first announced the general question ad vanced was whether or not it would live up to the lofty standard of quality established by previous Velle cars, all of which have been much higher in price. A critical examination will dis clcse remarkable value even in this low-prlred Velle. A Velie-Continental motor with re movable cyllnderhead offers without doubt the best in power equipment. GOING I C-OINa !• GONE !lf wrewwr.iuiiT "'T-'rcftom* Save Your Hair With Newbro's Herpicide j Separate units are used in ignition, starting and lighting. The spark ad vance is automatic, removing the necessity and danger of a hand-con trolled lever. J A multiple disc clutch, three speed j selective transmission, floating rear I axle, rear gasoline tank with vacuum ! system, long, underslung springs, and an equipment complete in every sense I of the word leaves nothing to be de sired in chassis construction. The beautiful body finish in Velie Blue, real leather upholstery and 1 trimming throughout show the ex j perience gained by many years of I manufacturing. In performance the car is quiet, j powerful and supple in the extreme. The Velie car which is represented in this city by the Velie-Harrisburg Co., with headquarters at the Rex garage is made by one of the largest manu facturing organizations in the coun : try, the Velie Motor Vehicle Co., of ! Wolverine, 111. Millions are back of this concern which controls a num ber of the largest industries in the Mississippi Valley and has immense j distributing warehouses in all sections of the country. This company makes sixes only and are known as "Biitwell Sixes." The standing of the concern is so well-known that the slogan "The Name Insures the Quality," is a fea ture of all Velie publicity. A large six selling at $1,450 Is included in the ! line of cars. Several of these Velie cars ! have been sold since this new agency lias been established and for years ! others have been driven by well- I known people of Harrisburg. Mr. ! Willoughby, who is manager of the j Velie-Harrisburg Co., has been asso ciated with leading automobile distri butors of this city tor years and is a native of Harrisburg with an ac quaintance that covers a wide field. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 5293 A Known Motor IN the midst of extravagant claims for new theories and untried ideas, the Chandler motor stands free from any hint of experimentation. From coast to coast men know what this motor does, men know they can depend upon it, men know its service is enhanced by the fact that it is a proven mechanism, perfected through three years of conscientious refinement. And Chandler bodies, the new big seven-passenger touring car body, and the new four-passenger roadster, are the most beautiful motor car bodies of the year. Seven-Passenger Touring Car - $1295 Four-Passenger Roadster - • $1295 F. O. B. Cleveland, Ohio ANDREW REDMOND Distributors For Central Pennsylvania Third and Boyd Sts. HARRISBURG, PA. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO ~ ' - }| ' •#** • >* JH r Imagine the surprise and astonishment of a pretty stenographer in a Detroit office when a brand new Scrlpps-Booth poked its nose right through the office wall, rolled across the floor and came to a stop at her desk. The above picture gives a pretty good Idea of what was left of a freight car containing Sccrlpps-Booth roadsters which left the rails in the suburbs of D'etroit while enroute to San Francisco and plunged through the solid brick wall of a factory building. All the Scripps-rßooth cars but one clung to their moorings and were un damaged. This little roadster continued its tour of Inspection througli the factory when the freight car came to a halt, ran across the shop and started through the offices. BIG MILEAGE BY MAXWELL CARS Fuel Tests in This Country and Abroad Prove Low Gasoline Consumption \ RECENT MAX WEI. I, ECONOMY RECORDS In South Africa—Bl.3 miles on two ounces less than a gallon of petrol. In Irf)ndon, England—33.6 miles on a new mixture of oil and petrol. In Seattle. Washington—43 miles on a gallon of gasoline. In Detroit, Michigan—44 miles on a gallon of gasoline. In Oakland. California—4s.6 miles on a gallon of gasoline. V————— ———i✓ The attention of the automobile pub lic has been drawn at various times t its Spring to notable mileage per iormances of Maxwell cars. In view of the upward trend in the price of gasoline, a great deal of importance Is attached to the after-cost of automo biles and the officials of the Maxwell Motor Company take great pride in the records that have been made by their product. Above are listed some of the more remarkable of the series of economy marKs registered by Maxwells. These are taken from a greater list of econ omy records. Unsolicited testimonials to the high mileage records made by Maxwell cars are constantly coming to tha Maxwell offices at Detroit. The most encouraging feature of the jrua* U tlmt the lu*b«st nU«: age was obtained in the more recent tests. The California run was made on May 3. On that day, Ray McNa mara drove a stock Maxwell touring car from Oakland, California, to San Jose. The mileage obtained was 45.6 miles on a gallon of gasoline. This run was observed by newbpaper men and by officials DI the Lincoln Highway Asso ciation and the San Diego Fair. This run was a little better than the mark by the same driver in Michigan early in April, when he drove a stock car and made an even forty-four miles on a gallon. On that day, the weather conditions were unfavorable, the tem perature being close to freezing and a strong head wind prevailing most of the distance. Most of the economy tests abroad have been staged in mountainous coun try and have proved the endurance as well as the economy of Maxwell cars. The South African test was made around Table Mountain, which has two fairly steep gradients. KING WINS ECONOMY CONTEST Averaging 22.2 miles to a gallon of gasoline, a seven-passenger eight cylinder King under severe touring conditions won the stock car fuel economy contest held here. The King was entered at the last moment giving its entrants the Cole-Spokane Motor Company very little time for prepara tion. Included In the competition were the Hudson, Chalmers, Haynes, Oldsmobile, Overland, Chandler and Studebaker. ! INCREASES FOII READING MEN Increases ranging front $1.50 to $5 i per month will coinc to Philadelphia and Reading Railway telegraphers, | dispatchers and signalmen, effective June 1. Official announcement of a | readjustment of wages Is expected on Monday. The new wage scale is tho I result of several conference held be 'tweeu officials and telegraphers. MAY 27, 1916. I'RISOXKRS liHEAK .( MIL Special to the Telegraph Ltwistown, Pa., May 27. While the sheriff was at Harrisburg on Thursday morning to bring back Wil liam Dill and Mrs. Julia Guerrne, who eloped to that city, the most import ant jail delivery in years took place here. Lewis Lawson, alias Jackson, pickpocket, who hails from Pitts burgh: John Hurric, convicted of high way robbery and Thomas Armstrong, charged with larceny, who were left in the yard, used the old lumber of a corn crib to make a scaffold with which to scale the wall. ri'HOl.l) J'KOF. N'KAIUNG Philadelphia, May 27. The report! of the committee on inquiry named by th, American Association of Univer-1 sity Professors to investigate the casei of Prof. Scott Nearing and the failure! of the trustees of the University of! J Pennsylvania to reappoint him a mem j ber of the faculty of the Wharton j School was made public last night. jThe report upholds Nearing through-1 I out, and declares in as many words ' jthat their investigation brings them to; | one conclusion, that Nearing practical | ly was dismissed. —1 Chalmers . "3400" r. p. m. I» 1 The greatest acceleration car of the day. The I 1 car that sells on performance. The car that uses * <* only 18 per cent, of its power, leaving 62 to 80 per i cent, in reserve for the emergency pulls. i > 1 Call or phone for demonstration. Chalmers flOfl f. o. b. "30" Factory Keystone Motor Car C 0 .,! * 9 1019-1025 Market Street «t LOOK FOR F-W THIS SIGN £ Distributors for Exide Batteries, tile recognized best. EXCELSIOR AUTO CO. 1 ITII AMI MIiIiBERHV STS. H. 1,. M VIOIIS. Maimiifr licit NO Free Innpootlnn of Any Type llnttrry *■ / —H , vofMtAmtrkm |{ ENSMINGER MOTOR CO. TUIRD AND CITMBKKLAND STS. j Distributors. *m '•