Newspaper Page Text
Deaths IY Died, on June 9. 1916, ,^,'jL I*™ 1 *™ Jay. at his late residence. 313 Seneca street, aged 90 years, 3 months and Funeral Monday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from above address to which relatives and friends f re Private burial in Harrisburg Ceme tery. RAGUCH Walter Stephen trae lich, at Philadelphia, on June 9, 1916 at home. 1636 Beach street, aged 34 years, 3 months and 9 days. Funeral on Monday, at I P. M.. from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs H. S. Fraellch. The relatives and "fc'riends are invited to attend without further notice. API* Percy G. llapp died Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock, at his home, in Progress, aged 32 years. Funeral services Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late home, the Vie v. Mr. Mudge, of Pine Street Pres fciterian Church, officiating. Burial .V.ast Harrisburg Cemetery. Marietta papers, please copy. Lost and Found LOST Fox Terrier dog, brown and lute, bearing license No. 29. Return i Hi 4o Wallace street and receive re ard. LOST Lady's black leather hand is, containing $2.50, keys and KOld atch with initials D. S. Reward if •turned to Telegraph Office. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Machinists, boilermakers id helpers. Lancaster Iron Works, mcaster. Pa. WANTED Young man. High School ■aduate, with some knowledge of lokkeepmg, to do general work in flee. Address C., 4098, care of Tele aph. 1 WILL PAY any honest man up to 0 monthly for part of spare time. No •massing. No capital. Write to-day. jorhies, Uesk 155, Omaha, Nebr. WANTED An experienced butcher; so a man to work at stable; must ive good references. Apply to 226 nestnut street. W ANTED Laborers for brick plant at Milton, Pa. $2.25 per day. Apply ready for shipment to James P. Williams, Plaza Hotel, at 11 o'clock, Saturday morn ing. ANTED First-class Toolmakers, loathe and Turret Operators, Milling .Machine Hands and Floorman. High est wages paid, no trouble, eight hour shop. Best conditions. Replying by mail, state what experience and w hat class of work wanted. Apply Uriggs-Seabury Ordnance Company. Sharon, Pa. WANTED By a reliable coffee house, an experienced salesman for coffee and tea to to call on the grocery trade. None but an experienced man in this line need apply. Salary or commission. Address M. L, Post Office Box 3443, Philadel phia, Pa. WANTED First-class Pattern akers. Address, stating experience, >x A, 5099, care of Telegraph. WANTED Edge trimmers for wo t-n's, misses' and children's shoes. Ap y Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon reet, Harrisburg, Pa. PHILADELPHIA CORPORATION aul.s experienced men on Machining •ojectiles. Reply J. P. M., r. U. Box mi, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Reliable man in every junty of Pennsylvania to take agency our line and cover field for coming ason. Write to-day for terms and ipointment. High commissions paid full weekly. Complete outfit fur shed free. Work pleasant, profitable id permanent. Old established house, slerences. Brown Brothers Nurseries, ochester, N. Y. MEN—WOMEN can make $20.00 eekly writing names and addresses. > canvassing. Particulars for stamp. C. Smith, Little Rock, Ark. ' WANTED Young men, age IT to , for railroad ticket agents. Good pay. xperience not necessary. We prepare iu. Write for particulars. The Ticket jent's Institute. 427 Shearer Build g, Bay City, Mich. AGENTS Cooper made f314 last onlh, 3i)l last week selling "Kant itk" Raincoats. New proposition. We liver and collect. Sample coat Free. >mer .Mfg. Co., 529 Delco street, Day n, Ohio. WANTED—White boy ,not under 16; ance for advancement for right party, jply Room 6, 204 Market street. THORLEY BAKING CO. WANTS boy er 16 years of age. Apply Delaware id Wood streets. WANTED. AT ONCE Two or three lod automobile mechanics. Salary, 00.00 per month. Also want two or ree young men as helpers to learn the islness. Full course, $50.00. Apply -29 North Cameron street, Auto •ansportation School. WANTED First-class outside cut is on Ladies' shoes. Utz & Dunn Co., Canal street. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED 4O able-bodied en between 21 and 40 years of je for piece work. White or jlorerl. Apply in person to agent, 'irrishurg Transfer, Pennsyl inia Railroad Company, Division reet, Harrisburg, Pa. Suburban Lots Far Sale CAMP HILL N. W. Cor. Walnut and Moore 3ts„ 180x167 H ft., well located. 91400 Locust Av., Sec. E. Lots 61 and 52 —40x140 ft »000 Belvoir Ave.—Nos. 42 and 43—40 x 125 ft «400 Belvoir Ave.—Nos. 66 and 67—40 x 125 ft «050 Market St., near Rupp St.—loox3oo 't. (Lot No. 11) 91300 Hamilton Place Nos. 18, 19 and !o—4o, 45 and 50x147 ft., per front 'oot 910 Locust St., near Logan St.—4oxloo r» RIVERSIDE Fourth St., near Martina Alley— .'xl2B ft. (Sewer and water), 9102 ft WORMLEYSBURG Second St.. near Poplar 5t.—25x150 t.. (Eagt side) 93,10 Front and Walnut Sts.—soxlso ft., [sewer and sidewalks) 91750 Second St. between Walnut and Popular Sts., 100x150 ft 91000 MILLER BROTHERS&CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Street* SATURDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 10, 1916 SELL ITS HAT USED AUTO SELL IT! Help Wanted —Male WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn to become practical chauffeurs. We give our unlimited course for S6O. easy payments, and guarantee 30c per hour as scon as competent. We have 30 cars to overhaul during the Spring. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL. 26-17-I# North Cameron street. Help Wanted —Female WANTED—Experienced housekeeper. Good home and wages in small family. References required. Mrs. William Himes, Main street, West Pairview. WANTED Ten thoroughly experi enced operators on power machine*, also five experienced trimmers. Jen nings' Mfg. Co., 414-416 State street. WANTED Two girls or women one for cook and downstairs work and one for upstairs work and to assist with children. Good pay for competent help. No washing. Call 1911 Market street. Bell phone 382. UNDERWOOD CERTIFICATES again granted to a number of students, the result of our touch method and indi vidual instruction. Enroll for the sum mer. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. s2o to SSO per week. Railroad fare paid. Good rich Drug Company, jjept. 520, Omaha, Nebr. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework. Must sleep at home. Apply 2041 North Second street. W ANTED Loopers, ex perienced. Steady work and good pay. New Idea Hosiery Co., South Fourteenth street.' LADIES We pay 30c an hour for spare time. Home work. No canvassing. Send stamp. System, 82. Altoona, Pa. WANTED, AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators. Experience not nec essary. Blougli Manufacturing Co. WANTED A competent white wo man for general housework. Call 8 to 12 A. M. or 2 to 4 P. M„ Room 1, 14 South Market Square. SEVERAL ladies to travel, demon strate our goods and sell dealers. S2O to $lO weekly; we pay railroad fares. Experience unnecessary. Duchess Co., Dept. 166, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED Persons to color art pic tures at home; easy work; no experi ence; good pay: sample free. Wheeler Co., 337 Madison, Chicago. WOMEN WANTED —r Full time sal ary, $15.00, selling Guaranteed Hosiery to wearer; 25c an hour spare time: per manent; experience unnecessary. Wear proof Hosiery, Norristawn, Pa. WANTED Girls, experienced on power machines, to make baby shoes. Apply to Dauphin Shoe. Company, 320 Market street. Fourth Floor, over Hub. WANTED White woman to cook and wash in apartment near Maclay street; three in family. Address H., 5013, care of Telegraph. WANTED Reliable house wants refined woman of firm, but kindly dis position, who has had some experience as a nurse, yho would like a change of work. Address R., 5017, care of Tele graph. WANTED—General house girl, white preferred. Call Mrs. Paul G. Smith, 2432 North Second street, or phone 418 i. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street, HarrlsDurg, Pa. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. Agents Wanted AGENTS lf you want to earn more money send for our Catalog of repeat order articles. Particulars free. J. T. Truitt & Co., Heckienberg avenue, So. Hill, Va. AGENTS Make big profits selling our goods. Every call a sale. Send for free particulars. A. B. McCoy, Box 219 East Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS Call on best people. Fast seller netting' you $1.25 on every sale. ■Send for free particulars. Reliable Supply Co., 1226 West Broad, (Juaker town, Pa. HURRY! Sell GASO-TONIC, the mystery of motordom. Equals gaso line at 3c per gallon. Eliminates car bon. Dollar an hour profit. Sales guar anteed. Beware of imitators! GASO TONIC stands alone. Has no equal. Chemists battled at its composition. De tails free. The "White Mfg. Co., Dept. 40. Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS New proposition Just out; does away with extra tires on automo biles. Act quick. Particulars free. Monarch Specialty Co., Beavertown, Pa. SENSATIONAL GAS SAVER, saves S3O yearly; fits every gas range; won derful demonstration; costs 20c, sells 50c; agents getting rich. American Gas Reduction Co., Transportation Building, Chicago. GET your share of prosperity. For tunes now being made. Get in business for yourself with our help and factory privileges. At home, all or spare time. No canvassing; experience unnecessary. Write to-day for free book. Mail Order Success. Pease Manufacturing Co., Inc., Dept. C-27, 68 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS—Free Catalog and samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits, make $5 to $25 daily, no experience. World's greatest specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, 111. BIG PAY AND AUTOMOBILE FREE to agents placing, samples of new neces sity with automobile owners. No sell ing, collecting or delivering. Orolo Mfg. Co., Louisville, Kentucky. AGENTS WANTED Let us show you how to make $lO dally with a rapid selling household article. Consolidated Commerce Co., Fountain Square, Mil roy. Pa. AGENTS WANTED for article which no housewife can resist. Sells at al most every home. J. F. Spengler, Box 15, Swiss vale, Pa. Salesmen Wanted WANTED Salesmen to call on gro cers, general stores and confectioners In small country towns. 25 per cent, commission, J4O weekly drawing ac count. Crown Cider Company, 509 Chestnut street. St. Louls, Mo. Dept. "4." SALES MANAGER WANTED—Some thing new. Business necessity. Re tails $5 to SIOO. Enormous profits. No competition. Exclusive territory. Free samples. Sayers Co., 457, Wainwright, St. Louis. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big nay. Write for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest Office, Dept. 344 National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago, New York, San Francisco. Situations Wanted—Male WANTED Young, married man wishes position driving truck can fur nish best of reference; 12 years' experi ence. Address X.. 5019, care of Tele graph. WANTED A reliable white man want* work; houseman gardening preferred. Bob Walker, City, General Delivery. Situations Wanted—Male STENOGRAPHER Young man. quick and accurate, willing and indus trious. desires a position; two years' ex perience general of flee work; moderate salary; best of references. Address A. F.. care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man, 16 years old, desires any kind of light work; grammar school education. Call Bell phone 634R-1. WANTED Young man, 26, selling and clerical ability, aesires change of position. Address A., 4093, care of Tele graph. Situations Wanted —Female WANTED A colored girl would like work to assist with light house work. Address 28 Linden street. WANTED lntelligent young wo man, Normal graduate, wishes position as child's nurse, or instructor, during summer months. A 1 references, if nec 'essary. Address Miss Boyer, 1813 North Fifth street, City. Real Estate For Sale HAINTON ON Linglestown Road, 2%-story resi dence. View superb—twenty minutes' from Square. Good car service. Fine State road. Be wise. Don't build. Buy now. Quantity of land with building optional. Terms easy. Many fruit trees coming. For terms address Rev. J. Simpson Stansfield. Jersey Shore, Pa., or call Bell phone 2026, C. V. 589, City. FOR SALE 1943 Rudy street <1,200 946 South Twenty-first Btreek.. $2,000 JOHN C. ORR. 222 Mrrket Street. FOR SALE 533-634-635-536 Violet Street; 8-roomed frame dwellings; hot and cold water; enameled bath tubs; new ranges; same tenants for 9 years; small repair expense; two-thirds mort gage can remain at 6 per cent.; a 12 per cent, rental proposition; located near Sixth and Maclay streets. Any person desiring- to invest small amount of money to secure good income should see us about above. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. FOR SALE Two-story cottage at Paxtonia, in first-class condition. Lota of fruit trees on premises. Special price if sold before June 12. C. B. CARE, Care's Grocery, Linglestown. Descrip tion at St. James Hotel, 406 Market Street, Harrisburg. WHEN buying a property for your home, why not choose a good com munity? Look at 1612 Forster street— now vacant key at our office. A modern house in a most desirable loc tion. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. BUSINESS PROPERTIES WORTH BUYiwG No. 119 and 121 South Thir teenth Street between Market and Derry streets plot, 36x120. Buy this and watch it grow in value. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BOAS STREET HOUSE, brick, near Sixth street, $2,800. Cummings, 1020 Market street. BRICK FACTORY BUILDING —Also warehouse sites. Cummings, 1020 Mar ket street. FOR SALE Two lots on southeast corner of Twentieth and Swatara, 40x 100; 20-foot street in rear. Inquire of Irvin Johnson, 2111 Swatara street. Bell phone 1897 J. FOR SALE DESIRABLE FACTORY SITES All sizes and prices, whicn vary according to size and location. One bargain lot at $5,500, about seventy feet frontage, near Cameron and Market streets. Cummings Agency, 1020 Mar ket street. FOR SALE—Market St., No. 1857—At a bargain. S. Nineteenth St., No. 21.—2%-story brick. Seneca St., No. 610—2-story brick. Bellevue Park—Fine residence; price reasonable. H. C. BRANDT, 36 North Third Street. TWO HOUSES renting for sl2 .>a« h— -1340-1342 Vernon Street, lot, 50x115 feet' drive alley in rear. Price, $3,150. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE 2200 Block. Penn St s3,3ot> 1800 Block, Penn St 2,400 200 Block, Hamilton St 4,600 300 Block, S. Eleventh St., frame house with 107 feet frontage on Eleventh St 2,500 RETTEW & BUSHNELL, 1000 North Third Street, Insurance and Real Estate. FOR SALE Desirable Market Street residential property, 3-st.ory brick dwelling; all modern improvements, in cluding electric lights; front and rear porches; this Is an exceptionally attrac tive property for $3,700.00; immediate possession. Brinton-Packer Co., Sec ond and Walnut streets. CAMP HI Llj. Long Street; 1% squares from trolley line; new frame semi-bungalow; 6 rooms, bath and fur nace; front and rear porches; lot, .'iix 200. Price, $3,200.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE The Harrlsburg Rail ways Company will receive bids until Noon of June 16, 1916, for the sale of the four (4) frame buildings formerly used as dwelling houses, located on the property known as 1280, 1282, 1284 and 1286 South Cameron Street, Harrisburg. Certified check for ten (10 per cent.) puer cent, of amount of bid shall ac company bid, and the balance of pur chase price shall be paid by the suc cessful bidder before removing the buildings after possession is given. All building refuse shall be carted away by the purchaser. The buildings must be removed within thirty (30) days after possession is given the purchaser. The sidewalks are not to be removed or damaged. The checks of the unsuc cessful bidders will be mailed them. The Harrisburg Railways Company re serves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be performed under the direction of, and to the satisfaction of the Harris burg Railways Company. HARRISBURG RAILWAYS COMPANY. FOR SALE "Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid ! opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. THE NEW 3UNGALOW An entirely new type of Bungalow Houses now being built on Fifth street. This particular type of house has never beep built In this city and offers mr.ny ntw advantages In Bun galow architecture In Ideal House*. Semi-brick and KcMastone construction; slate roofs; til* porches (English); dust proof cellars, laundry, parquet floor*; new system of plumbing: scien tific lighting; using only solid brass and silver fixtures; quar tered oak and African Clrca slan walnut Sterling laminated flush doors (the finest made door In the world). Houses Fully Equipped Built Under Personal Supervision. Price. $5,600.00. MacWILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO.. Designers and Builders. 2105 N. 6th Street. Harrisburg. THIRD ST.. N.. 1401-1403 One of the finest corner locations in the city for apartment houses; frontage on Third of both house 43 feet, depth on Calder street 94 feet 8 inches; open on three streets. D. J. TITTLE, EMMA L. BECK, Executors. Apply 300 Calder Street. Real Estate For Rent BRICK FACTORY BUILDING, deslr able apartments; also one storeroom. Cummings, 1020 Market street. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT No. 1736 Herr St SIB.OU No. 2020 Kensington St 11.50 Fireproof Garage 4.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT Garage building, one half block from Market Square, 26 rt. 3 in. by 75 ft. Inquire RETTEW & BUSHNELL, FOR RENT Two small houses In Penbrook, with fair sized lot, for $8 each. Inspect these—get key at our ofiice. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR RENT Six-room cottage at Fort Hunter, Pa.; nice location; near Jiost office, store, steam cars and trol ey; good bathing and boatlug. F. H. Davis, Fort Hunter, Pa. Real Estate For Sale or Rent LARGE 2-story brick building, first floor storeroom and second floor hall; located corner of Rossmoyne and Her man avenues. Apply West Shore Real ty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Co. Building, Lemoyne, Pa.. Bell phone SI9S-J. Real Estate For Sale or Exchange SUMMERDALE 2%-story frame dwelling; seven rooms; all modern con veniences; furnace; electric light; mountain water in house; all kinds of fruit and berries; one acre of ground. Will sell or exchange for farm or larger property. Address, or apply, to S. J. Kroh, Summerdale, Pa. Farms FOR SALE 5 acres; one mile east of Mechanlcsburg on Trindle Road; 8 room frame dwelling; bath; steam heat; hardwood floors; large porches; 4 squares from trolley line; limestone soli. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. FARM REDUCED SI,OOO 9l acres, one-half mile from Dauphin, good buildings, level land, running water. In spect It. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. VAUGHN Very beautiful. healthful suburb along the "L" trolley; lots 100x175 feet; fertile ground, enough for vegetables and chickens; price only $169; easy pay ments; see these lots. C. B. CARE Care's Grocery. Llnglestown, Pa., or 409 Market stieet. FARM OF 100 ACRES 9O acres of farm land and 10 acres of woodland. Large hpuse of 9 rooms. Large stable and other necessary buildings. All In good repair. Price, $5,660. Inquire of "if or F. E. Coover, New Cum berland, Pa. Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Two modern apart ments, desirably located; front and rear porches; tile bath; liardwood floors; first and third floor; fireproof building; must be seen to be appreciated. Address C., 4099, care of Telegraph. OCEAN CITY, N. J. LOCKSLEY HALL furnished apart ments; directly on Ocean front; full ocean view from every room; also cot tages. Send for photos. C. A. Doe. Owner, 121 North Seventh street, Phila delphia. 1941 SIXTH ST., first floor; 2002 Fourth street, third floor. Also house 611 Harris street. Apply J. C. Mehring, 2439 Sixth street, or Mehring Drug Store, Fourth and Peffer streets. FURNISHED APARTMENTS From June 15 to September 15; 8 rooms and bath. Rent reasonable. Apply 1103 North Sixth. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS and office for a physician (first floor) five rooms and bath city steam heat. Particulars at office of Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and Court Streets. APARTMENT FOR RENT In Sixth Street Bank Building. Immediate pos session. Inquire Sixth Street Bank. Bell phone 1566. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Large, pleasant room; also three furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping at 222 North Third street. Apply 9 North Front street. Phone 1029 M. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond floor front rooms, facing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water, elec tric light in rooms; use of large bath room and Bell phone. FOR RENT Two or three unfur nished rooms, with hall, on second floor, with use of bath and porches, electric light and gas; young, married couple preferred; rent reasonable. 1106 South Cameron street. City. FOR RENT Suitable for gentle men; one room, stationary washstand. electric lighting; bath to every two rooms. References required. Apply 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished rooms, pleasant location, three squares north of Capitol; rent reason able. 427 Boas street, City. FOR RENT One nice, third floor front room, with four windows, and one second floor room, next to bath; use of phone. Call 40a Briggs street. FOR RENT Room, suitable for photographer. Excellent opening. No opposition. Rent reasonable. Apply to Krauss Bros., Mlddletown, Pa. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, 723 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Rooms for rent, with table board, at reasonable rates. Call 1002 North Sixth street, or Bell phone 4427 R. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; use of bath; hot and cold running water. Apply to 24 North Fifth street. FOR RENT Two large, light and airy second-Btory front rooms; use of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, singly or ensulte: all conveniences; phone, etc.; references required. Apply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Two rooms, nicely fur nished, second floor, one large; electric lights and telephone service. Apply 125 Pine street. Board and Rooms BOARDING AND ROOMS Can ac commodate a few more boarders; rea sonable rates, with the best the market affords. 123 South Second street. Rooms Wanted WANTED Airy room (with bal cony preferred), with or without board, electric lights, use of phone and bath. Address W.. 5020, care of Telegraph. For Sale —Miscellaneous FOR SALE A Scotch Collie dog, six months - old; playful around children; will sell cheap; party leaving city. Ap ply 2327 Logan street. 1,500 MAGAZINES, all standard edi tions, many like new, 2 for sc. 12 for 26c. Open evenine-s. Aurand's Book Store. 913 North Third street. WHITE enamel baby coach. Good condition. Cheap to quick buyer. Cost SSO when new. Also white wicker go cart, $lB when new. Must sell before June 30. Address 917 North Seven teenth. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Sale—Miscellaneous AT GABLE'S, 113. 115 and 117 South Second street. 6,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint, Acmo quality. All the full Itne of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. FOR •- Dlamona and Good rich Automobile. Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harness and Leather Goods made to order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings HARRIS BURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE Shavings. S vder Planing Mill, Eighteenth and Holly streets. BUILDING MATERIAL FOR SALE— Second-hand doors, sashes, joist*, etc.; also bricks for sale at reasonable prices. Call, write or phone. Connecti cut Wrecking Co., North and Poplar streets. Bell phone 787 J. ADGER BOOKS We sell the 25c edition at 10c, 3 for 25c. The 10c edi tion at sc. 6 for 26c. Open evenings. Aurand's Book Store. 913 North Third. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business »>fflce. » UNITED STATES ARMY hats, shoes lid coats. Bargain prices. All sizes best kind of material for worklngmen Money back if not satisfied. S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE Water motor In good condition, suitable for operating Pipe Organ or similar machinery. C. Syl vester Jackson, 402 Telegraph Buildinir. Bell rhnne 441. " FUR SALE, at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware, Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board. Compo-Board. Doors. Sash. Shutter*, Mouldings, PorCh Posts, Pumps, etc. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRIT ERS—Another shipment of those fine rebuilts. Attractive prices. Geo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust street, opposite Orpheum. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Desirable office In Telegraph Building, size 14x19. Inquire, Superintendent. Room 100. STORE ROOM FOR RENT—Suitable for piano store, confectionery, furniture or any other kind of a large store; rea- Bonable. Apply. 1101 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED, DRESSMAKING Mrs. Stonesifer, practical dressmaker, of Sev enth street, New Cumberland (next to Lbersole's milk depot), can accommod date a few more customers. Prices mod erate. Work guaranteed. WANTED Furnished apartment; reference given and required. State full particulars and rent desired. Address W. W. Phillips, Care of THE FAIRBm .xS COMPANY, Seventh and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. AUTOMOBILE WANTED I have a Piano or Player Piano to exchange on good auto. 315 Broad street. Business Opportunities RELIABLE Manufacturer wants cap able Business Man to open office and manage salesmen. Liberal contract. S2OO to S7OO capital necessary. Possi bilities unlimited. Expenses paid to Chicago if accepted. Manager, 1827 Lytton Building, Chicago. OIL! OIL! OIL! It Is dividing mil lions among thousands of small Inves tors monthly. Tremendous demand sends prices skyward. Oil producing regions throb with activity. Wells are piercing oil pools almost daily, making more millions for investors. Okla homa's Bald Hill region is one of the country's marvels. $12,000,000 monthly are taken from this State's oil fields. We own 80 arres in the heart of Bald Hill's wonderfully rich region. We don't sell stock. We want you to join us in co operative well drilling in our land. You share in all profits. We deed you land; you own it; cait lease, sell, or drill on it, but our co-operative wells are in part yours also. $5 starts you. Your wasted money monthly increases your holdings. Our co-operative plan is most beneficial and promising ever offered. Bank references, plats, full de tails free. Write quick for values In crease almost dally. Oklahoma Oil Wells Co.. 383 Stewart Building, Hous ton, Texas. RAISING HOGS the business that briners big, quick returns for small capi tal. Our Pennsylvania Ranches a mar velous success. Safe, Profitable. If you mean business, investigate at once. Box 112, vlneland, N. J. OIL SIO,OO invested with us has made others S3OO in less than six months. Let us send you our maga zine, "Profitable Investments," six months free, which tells how to make your money make you independent. The Hoffman Company, 407 Fannin street, Houston, Texas. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS ANY qantity of Ashes free. Team or Rail. Apply Lalance and Grosjean Mfg. Co., Division street, Harrlsburg, Pa. A PARTY WANTED with small capi tal. to invest in good nroney-making proposition, just patented June 15, 1915, either travel or locate permanently, I am here few days only. See me at once. P. A. Gardner, Inventor and Manufacturer, at Keller's Drug Store, 405 Market street. Factory, St. Louis, Mo. CIGAR STORK FOR SALE Up-to date fixtures, in fine condition. Full line of cigars and tobaccos. Mußt sell on account of owner leaving the city. Will be sold at a sacrifice. Address Box A, BODO, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE White Hill Garage, do ing fine business. Will sell quick buyer; Instalment payments; also several second-hand automobiles; one motorcycle. Reason for selling, taking wife away for her health. H. S. Fort ney, Camp Hill, Pa., Rural Route. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798 Lock port, N. V. FOR SALE Retail Slgar and Tobacco Store, well located and doing good business. Quick sale desired re gardless of price. J. E. Glpple. 1251 Market street. Business Personals CASH PAID for good cast-off Ladles' and Men's Clothing. Shoes, Furniture and Carpets. Please give description of goods. SEND POSTAL TO 636 HERR STREET. LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummeri' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low vrlces. COHEN & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers. 431 Market street, at subway. HEMSTITCHING FANCY AND PLAIN, done on short notice; 10 cents a yard up; colors a specialty. Information given free. MiDOWELL 105 A MARKET STREET. Business Personals CUT this out for luck; send birth date and 10c for wonderful horoscope of your entire life. Professor Raphael 499 Lexington avenue. New York. THE CENTRAL SHEET METAL WORKS, Harry H. Koenig, 816 Black berry avenue, Harrisburg, Pa. Cornices Skylights, Roofing and spouting. Job bing a specialty. Bell phone 1679 M. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers ot pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. W. H. Lathe, Manager, Fifth anu Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work handled—one eye always open. BELL PHONE 127 W. PAINTING In all Its branches, also paperhanging. Only first-class work done. Prices always right. A trial job will convince you that there Is a dif ference in painting. D. W. BIXLER 2130 SUSQUEHANNA STREET. Beli phone 4006 J. MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. RELIABLE LOCKSMITH SHOP Keys made. Locks. Electric Bells. Trunks and Suitcases repaired. Lawn mowers sharpened. 1305 Nortb Sixth street. Bell phone 3996. Money to Loan MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society, Room 7. Spooner Building. 9 North Market Square. READY MONEY for Individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet immediate necessities in amounts of sls to S3OO, at legal rates. Payments and time arranged to suit your convenience. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. = | Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, tor household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Poultry and Livestock FOR SALE S. C W. Leghorn Chicks, 1, 2 and 9 weeks old. J. Nelson Yost, corner Race and Water streets, Middletown, Pa. Musical $25 PHONOGRAPHS for STiT $?5 Phonographs for $lO. Now's your op portunity If you love good music. Come in—hear your favorite selection. 325 Market street. i DeRIVAS and HARRIS art case, slightly used piano. Good buy. Wm. | F. Troup & Son, 908 North Third street. i FOR SALE Small talking machine and records. Value, about sls. Address, giving your best offer. Box A, 5003. care of Telegraph Summer Resorts and Cottages IF you want a nice chicken and waffle dinner, Sundays, come to New port. only 30 miles from Harrisburg. A nice, pleasant run. Meal hours from j 12:15 to 1:30. Write or telephone. I Mingle House, Newport, Pa. FOp RENT Cottage at Mt. Gretna; six rooms and bath; all modern im provements; large porch; completely furnished; desirable location. Apply Mrs. Barbara Daugherty, 35 North Sev enteenth. SUMMER BOARDING AT DAUPHIN —Surrounded by beautiful mountain and river scenery. Location central. Rooms large and airy. Table strictly first-class; $7.00 per week. Mrs. J. E. Hickerneli. SEASHORE—FURNISHED WILDWOOD CREST, N. J.—Beautiful all white Moorish designed cottage, 12 j rooms; porches; ocean view; double : garage. Rent or sell, clear or subject to mortgage. Owner, 413 South Fiftieth street, Philadelphia. Automobiles FOR SALE Ford touring car; good condition l 1911 model. Can Be seen by calling 646 Reily street, City. WANTED Second-hand five-pas senger auto, in good shape. Will pay SIOO cash, balance SSO per month. Ad dress Box S, 5092, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Two Metz Roadsters, 1911 and 1915 models; one Ford Tour ing. new paint and U. S. tires; one Velie; convertible body, roadster and touring, single and double tops. All in good funning order. Phone, or call, for demonstration. Monn Bros., Seven teenth and Swatara streets. AUTOMOBILES SOLD at reasonable rates. No sales, no pay. KEYSTONE GARAGE. 912 North Third street. Bell ! phone 385-Jl. ! FOR SALE 1915 Maxwell Road ster; electric lighting and starter. Ad dress P. O. Box 393, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Stanley Steamer tour ing car, 5-passenger, good condition; one Rumley s IH-H.-P. gas engine; No. 7H Green bone cutter. Like new. Will demonstrate all. G. R. Bailey, R. F. D., No. 4, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. Bell phone | 3153J-2. • 1912 five-passenger Regal; good shape; new tires all around; big bar gain for quick buyer. 1912 five-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 condition; good upholstering; good top and tires; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CO.. 68 South Cameron St. Bell phone 4119 J. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car. why > not consign it or exchange it with us i for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 6 per cent. only. No storage charges if car is not sold. Auto Trans- ' portatlon Exchange Department. 26-28 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. Motorcycles and Bicycles FOR SALE Yale motorcycle, twin cylinder, rebuilt. A bargain at SIOO.OO. Cash or easy payments. Heagy Bros., 1200 North Thiid street. FOR SALE Harley-Davldson mo torcycle, 8-H.-P., twin cylinder, two speed. Re-enameled and rebuilt. Looks like new. Cash or easy payments, $150.00. Heagy Bros., 1200 North Third street. FOR SALE 1912 model Indian mo torcycle. with tandem and Prestolyte; twin cylinder; good running order. Cheap. Call Bell phone 3455 R. Legal Notices NOTICE To Bondholders of Penna. Milk Pro ducts Co.: NOTICE is hereby given that holders of Mortgage Bonds, numbers 213. 9, 27 211, 20. 12, 33, 26. 212. 11. 21. 32. 210, 22. 26, 31, 209, and 24, shall present tnem to the Union Trust Co. Pennsylvania, Harrisburg. Pa., Trustee, for payment. July 1, 1916, after which date Interest will cease on above mentioned bonds. PENNA. MILK PRODUCTS CO., Harrisburg, Penna. I TELEGRAPH WANT AD I 3E.LL I THAT AflTn_ Legal Notices PROPOSALS Office of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, Har risburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be recelv ed by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings at his oftlce in the State Capitol Building, Harrisburg Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday' June 13, 1916, for furnishing all ma terials and labor required In the recon struction of Launary Building and equipment, and Power House and equipment, damaged or destroyed by Are October 16, 1916, at the State Insti tution for Feeble-Minded of Western Pennsylvania, located at Polk, Venango County, Pennsylvania, as called for in the plans and specifications prepared under the direction of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildin-rs. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks may be obtained by prospective bidders on application to J. M. Murdoch M. D„ Superintendent, State Institution' Polk, Venango County, Pa., or to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. A certified check drawn to the order of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the sum of ten per cent. (10 per cent.) of the contract price must accom pany each proposal. Proposals and checks must be In scaled envelopes marked "Proposals for Rebuilding Laundry Building and Power House Polk. Pa." Separate proposals will be received for Laundry Building, Boiler and Power House. Laundry Machinery Power House Machinery, Plumbing Work. Heating and Ventilating Work and Electrical Work. SAMUEL B. RAMBO. Superintendent Public Grounds & Build ings. NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of Augustus W. Herr mann, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Harrisburg. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. E. Naomi Herrmann, executrix. In the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Samson J. Friendly et aI. vs. The Cumberland Valley Telephone Co. January Term, 1912 No. 118 ln Equity. NOTICE is hereby given that the final account of Henry M. Tracy, Receiver of Cumberland Valley Telephone Company, has been filed and that the same will bfe confirmed and the Receiver discharg ed on the 20th day of June. A. D. 19lfi, unless exceptions are filed thereto in the meantime. SIMPSON, BROWN & WILLIAMS, Attorneys for Solicitors. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate oi Sam uel K. Houck, late of the Borough of Royalton, Dauphin County, Pennsylva nlafl, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment arid those having claims or demands will make known the sama without delav to ANNA ELIZABETH HOUCK. Administratrix, Or Royalton, Pa. JAMES G. HATZ. Attorney. Calder Building, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, on the 24th day of July, A. D. 1910 by Wm. B. Bennett, Trustee; Augustus Lutz and A. H. Fralm, under the pro visions of an Act of the General As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, approved May 13, 1876, en titled, "An Act for the incorporation and regulations of banks and discount and deposit" and the supplements and amendments thereto, for a charter for an intended corporation to be called KEYSTONE BANK to be located In Harrisburg, Pa., f=r the purpose of car rying on the business of banking under the provisions of the Act aforesaid and the supplements and amendments thereto. The amount of the capital stock shall be fifty thousand dollars, to be divided into one thousand shares of the par value of fifty dollars each. SCOTT S. LEIBY, Solicitor. Harrisburg, Pa.. April 22. 1916. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COMMIS STONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS Harrisburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed by the Superlnteni ent of Public Grounds and Buildings until 2 o'clock. June 13. 1916, for furnishing all labor and material to lay new sewers from the main building on the State Arsenal Grounds, located at Eighteenth and Herr Streets. Harrisburg, Pa. Plans, specifications and bidding in formation may be obtained on applica tion to Samuel B. Rambo, Superinten dent. NOTICE TO BIDDERS BIDS for waste paper composed of printed book, bond, writing and ledger papers will be received by the Superin tendent of Public Printing and Binding at his office, in the Capitol, at 11 o'clock on Thursday, June 29, 1916, when bids will be opened anil awarded to the highest bidders. Bonds or certified checks in the sum of SI,OOO must ac company each hid. The contract will be awarded for one year from July 1, 1916, to July 1. 1917. A. NEVIN POMEROr, Supt. Public Printing. Hafrisburg, June 9, 1916. QIIBBER STAMnp If II SEALS & STENCILS I# fl MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ || II 130 LOCUSTS! HBG. PA. II i; Stock Transfer i; i; Ledger • j! ;! The Pennsylvania Stock '! '| Transfer Tax Law (act of Juno !' 'i 4, 1615) which Is now in ofTect, '! !] requires all corporations la th« !' !i State, no matter how large or '! i J how small they may be, to keep ! : 11 a Stock Transfer Ledger. We ■! i J are prepared to supply these |> 11 Ledgers promptly at * very ■[ Jl nominal price. $ ij The Telegraph ;i Printing Co. f Printing—Binding—Designing ] i Phofo Engraving "[ 5 lARBISBTJKG - . PA. } 19