Newspaper Page Text
8 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS MANHEIM ANNUAL FEAST OF ROSES Ceremony Will Bring Throngs to Services at Lancaster County Church Tomorrow RENTAL, ONE RED ROSE. Charles Collins Catches Eel.' Thirty-two Inches in Length in Chiques Creek Manheim, Pa.. June 10.—While fish ing in the Chiques creek the other evening Charles Collins landed an eel that weighed 2 % pounds and measured 32 inches In lengh.—The annual of Roses In Zlon Lutheran church will be held to-morrow with morning, aft ernoon and evening services. This annually brings thousands of people to the town.—Mr. and Mrs. Peter Spicer and children and Mrs. Anna Harrison and children of Lancaster, and Mrs. Laura Vogel of this place spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis near nere.—Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mason spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mason, at Rheems.—Mrs. Charles M. Skiles, son John and daughter liuth, of David City, Neb., are spending some time with her mother, Mrs. J. P. Swarr, and sisters, Mrs. A. S. Kaufman and Mrs. Chas. S. Witmyer.—Mr. and Mrs. Norrts Shibery of Homerville, Chester county, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stump.—Mr. and Mrs. Jainea'Pldler, of Robesonia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Herber. NUXATED IRON Increases eireogLh delicate, nervoua. KarlT i Till rundown people 2UO MI ■ T\l lUI per cent, in ten days ■III lEw in many instance*. B llAlJa I *IOO forfeit if It falls aa per full ex- I V'al «•] >} -»] £[7gj planatlon in large I A"J it m°i " n article aoon to ap pear in thi* paper. Ask your doctor or 1 iifei Merchants 1 I 4nßg| For Whom j As To Our fib Ability We will gladly furnish you with the list, but here's a £ good plan: Notice the clean- I est windows — WE "DID" THEM. Harrisburg Window I L Cleaning Co. OFFICE: —sos EAST ST. BeU Phone 3526 Try Telegraph Want Ads Never Mind How Strong Yeu Are— What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn —that win. "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "wages" and "salary" between youiand the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how yon CAN "make good" on a big job ? For 23 years the X. C. 8. have been showing men how to do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 409 students write of promoUona oiT salary Increases through I. C. 8. training. What the I, C'l are doing for these men thev can do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours rou work, or how limited your education—if you can read and write and are ambitious to learn the L C. 8. can train you In your own me. during your spare time, for a more Important and better-paying position. Mark and mall the attached coupon—lt wont obligate you In the least—and the I. C. 8. will show you how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their simple and —-r methods. It will cost you nothing to investigate—it may eost a life time of remorse if you don't Mark and Mail the Counoa NOW. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS* Box 1331. Scran ton, Pa. please explain without mow obligation to me how Z can qual ify for the position before which I mark X. Electrical Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Card Elec. Lighting Supt. Kefrigeratloa Engtaeer Advertising Electric Wlrercan Civil Engineer Salesmanship Tel. &■ Tel. Engineer Surveyor Teacher Architect Loco. Fireman St Bag, Enal'sh Branch** Architectural Draftsman Ilvtl Service Agriculture structural Engineer Hallway Mall Clerk Poultry Parmlu Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. A StenunFft. Coocreta .Construction Steno. * Typewriting Chemistry mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile RanaJag Name fit. and No. Citjf •••ItS'ltttMlMStfiMttStM • Bttttt Preheat Occupation SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 1916 ! CHAUTAUQUA AT MECHANICSBURG ' Summer Meeting to Be Held j For One Week Beginning July 14 SINGER BAND CONCERTS fFour Sunday Schools Will Unite in Picnic at Boiling Springs Park By Special Correjpondtnce Mechanicsburg. Pa., Juno 10. Four Mechanicsburg Sunday schools, the Presbyterian, Trinity Lutheran, Church of God and Methodist Episco pal, will unite in a picnic on Thursday, June 22. at Boiling Springs Park. Mrs. R. A. DeFrehn and Mr 3. L. *G. Firestine were entertained at the sum mer home, "Overview," of Mrs. Frank Sites, of Harrisburg. Mrs. Ellsworth Bltner was hostess for the closing ses sion of the Wpmen's Bible class of Mechanicsburg on Monday afternoon at her home near Shiremanstown. Af ter the lesson, refreshments were serv ed on the porch. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall Sharp were in Gettysburg this week attending the commence ment exercises of Gettysburg college. The Mechanicsburg Chautauqua will be held for one week beginning July 14 on the corner of South Market and Marble streets. Boyd L. Spahr and two young sons returned to their home at Philadelphia, after spendtng several days with the parents of the former, i Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Spahr. Mr. and |Mrs. Dent Weaver, of Harrisburg, were 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Strom-! i inger. Francis Edward Thomas left I for a visit to Philadelphia and Atlantic j City. Children's Day will be observ ed in a number of churches here to morrow and special programs of mu sic, readings and exercises will be given. The Aid Society of St. Mark's Lutheran Church held a meeting at the home of Mrs. E. E. Nailor on i Thursday evening. The Singer Band has arranged for a businessmen's con cert to be given this evening at var ious points on Main street. Dr. R. P. Long attended the reunion of his class at Dickinson College in Carlisle jon Tuesday. On Thursday evening j the Bible and Tract Society held a ! meeting at the home of Mrs. W. A. | Huber, West Main street.—The Ladles' i Auxiliary of the Singer Band will hold | a festival this evening. Mrs. David I Foose entertained the members of the | Trindle Spring Aid Society of the Luth leran Church at her home on Thursday I evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Swan ' ger and son, Elwood, are at their sum ! mer cottage at Williams Grove. Mrs. H. H. Mercer. Mrs. George Mercer. Mrs. Juiia. Hurst. Mrs. E. C. Gardner | and Mrs. J. H. Kuhns were guests of ; Mrs. Joseph Clouser in Shiremanstown, : on Monday. Miss Olive Taylor was a J Carlisle visitor this week. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured vith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was pre scribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two irjrredierts is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY k CO.. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall'a Family Pills for constipation. r ■ HEADQUARTERS FOR SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES MEMBERS OF 1916 GRADUATING CLASS OF MIFFLINTOWN HIGH SCHOOL hHbhHHHHHHhb hIHNMHHSBBR! , ' mm ' VS" * it'-"'"""T Mifflintown, Pa., June 10.—Members of the 1916 graduating class of the Mifflintown High School in the above group, are. left to right: Arlon Auker, Pearl Bachman, Lottie Cunningham, Charles Magill, Mary Junken. Merla Criswell, Alexander Vincent, Rhoda Kauffman, Ethel Keiser, Richard Nestler, Erma Hower, Elizabeth North and Clark McNeal. Personal News Items \l From Nearby Towns in \ Central Pennsylvania i Blnln.—Roy Gutshall, wife and three a sons, of Allentown, Pa., and Miss Ella ! Gutshall, of Rockford, 111., are visiting e their mother, Mrs. Annie Gutshall, at - Mount Pleasant.—Mrs. W. H. Woods and ; son, Gerald, of Sarlsota, Fla., are ~ f_uests of her parents. Mr. and } Irs. David Boyd.—Miss Belva Wentz, or Harrisburg visited her mother. Mrs. I t Harriet Went*.—The Rev. and Mrs. ! J. W. Keener aie on a visit to Reading. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lohr, Mr. and Mrs. ! c J. H. Owings, Mr. and Xlrs. Dean Ow- i lngs and baby, autoed here from Johns- j i town. Pa., to visit William Owings. He i, was also visited on Sunday by a motor ! < party from Harrisburg, consisting of K. 1 Owings. H. Titzel, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. ! ( Titzel and driver. Mrs. D. H. Sny- 1 ' der and baby went to Lewistown on a f visit. Miss Clarissa Greene, of Os- i ceola Mills, Pa., is the guest of Miss i, Ruth Knox. Dnlmatla.—Mr. and Mrs. James M. c \\ lest spent several days at Shamokin. Miss Annie Messner visited at Tower | City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wald, of I , Harrisburg, visited relatives here. —H Miss Fara Bingaman returned home I from Epping, North Dakota, where she spent about one year. Miss Delia Keabach spent Sunday at Bucknell I University, Lewisburg, the guest of i Miss Mary Bubb. James E. Lohr has returned home from Middletown. where | he was employed. Harry Balr, of I 1 Liverpool, was here on Wednesday. *' Mrs. John Youndt, of Sunbzury, spent I the week with relatives here. Mr. i and Mrs. Felix Seller, of Shamokin, . i visited at the home of H. A. Deibert. on I ■ Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bohner, i, of Elizabethville, visited the letter's I I mother, Mrs. Frank Dreibelbis. who Is i HI. Miss Myra High, of White Deer, i j visited at the home of her uncle, W. H, : | Hia-h. Miss Helen Bingaman visited j at Hickory Corners. i Halifax.—Misses Estella and Pauline | Lebo are spending some time at the I home of Jacob Sponsler at Luckno w. — j Cornelius Rettinger, of Lykens. spent ' I Sunday at the home of C. E. Wise.— I Ltllie Lebo and Gertrude Spooner spent I Sunday with friends at Harrisburg and | Steelton George Lebo and family spent Sunday at the home of Saint : Sheetz and family, near Waynesvllle.—-1 I Miss Emma Lebo snent Sunday at the ! home of Cornelius Enders .at Waynes- i j ville.—Mrs. Mary Cratzer and daughter. ! Mary, of Lvkens, snent Sunday at the ! home of Mr. and Mrs. William Swei- | gard.—Peter Bressler, of Duncannon. ! spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. L. T. Lebo. Mrs. Aaron Gipple, ' I of Linglestown, Jerry Jury and family | and Miss Kate Lebo, snent Sunday at ) the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lebo. ; —Mrs. Sonhia Hefflv and two children i i and Mrs Sarah Liddick, of Duncannon. § snent Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs Millard Kerstetter. Mr. and Mrs. James Bobbs. of Lebanon, spent sev- i eral days with his sister. Mrs. H. G. Frank. George Carr. of Penbrook, | spent Monday here. Mrs. Joseph Lv- I ter. of Philadelphia, and Mrs. John Kra mer. of Harrisburg. sricnt several days ' at the home of John Shepley.—The Rev. | •T. O. Beer and family are spending the week at Shipnensburg. Lawrence Eisenhower and familv. of Altoona, ' ipent several days at the home of his brother, J. H. Eisenhower. Mrs. ! Georsre Wolf and Miss Mary Grim, of Dauphin, spent Tuesday here. Mrs. I Isaac Ryan and daughter. Miss Ella Pvan spent Sunday with friends at Har- i risburg. Mr. ana Mrs. William Etz- 1 weller. of Penbrook. spent Sunday at Had Terriole Pains in Kidneys and Back. Dear Mr. Editor —l want to write yon about"Anuric." I was very sick, could j hardly be up; I was in bed most of the j time. Had terrible pains in my kidneya j and back, so much BO that I had to 1 scream sometimes when I was sitting : down and wanted to get up, the pain was so great. I had tried a well-known , kidney medicine but it didn't help me.' I heard of Dr. -Pierce's Anuric Tablets so I thought I would try them. I took only one box of the Tablets, and my back is now free from pain and I can work and take care of my family. I feel I cannot say enough for this medi cine. Sincerely, MRS. WM. KELLER. NOTE: This "Anuric" is adapted especially for kidney complaints and diseases arising from disorders-of the kidneys and bladder, such as backache, weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con gestion of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine and urinary troubles. The physicians and specialists at Dr. Pierce' 3 great Institu tion, at Buffalo, N. Y , have thoroughly tested this prescription and have been ,; with one accord successful in eradicat- I ing these troubles, and in most cases absolutely curing the diseased kidneys. Patients having onco used "Anuric" at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, have re peatedly sent back for more. Such a demand has been created that Dr. Pierce has decided to put "Anuric" in the drug stores of this country, in a ready-to-use form. _ If not obtainable send one dime by mail to Dr. Pierce for trial package or 50 cents for full treatment. D?. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a blood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver and stomach into vigorous action. It thus assists the body to make rich, red blood, which feeds the heart, nerves, brain and organs of the body- You feel clean, stiong uud strenuous. their former homes here. Mr. and J Mrs. George W. Bressler, of Norris- * town were guests of his brother, Ryan Bressler. Miss Ella Ilutter, of Har risburg, spent several days at the home of her mother. Mrs. Hannah Rutter. ; Misses Mary Swelgard and Elsie Hoff- i man spent several days at Plymouth ! and Wilkes-Barre.—Mrs. E. E. Fitting, j . who was stricken with paralysis sev- 1 eral weeks ago, is improving. Mrs. I t M. D. Lehr and son, George, and Mrs. , Anna Enders, of Lykens, visited town. ! 1 Elmer E. Dougherty spent Sunday | i with friends at Matamoras. C. F. > < Still, who is employed at Annvllle spent , the week end at home with his family. Bluntnndoii.—Professor Irvin Shortess, J of iserwick, and Miss Randells, of 1 Reedsville, spent several days with H. F. Frank and family. Edward Daw son, of Milton, transacted business here on Wednesday. James Rlegel, of Red Top, spent Sunday at D. H. Rieg- : el's. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Dleffenderfer, j of Williamsport, were visitors on Tues day at Elmer Shafffter's. Miss Twila j Hurlbert, of Beach Haven, is visiting at I s George Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1 [ Johnson, of Sunbury, are spending sev- , | eral days at the home of Myron Fair- 1 , child. NewvlHe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank I ' Landis, of Kansas, are visiting the for- ' mer's brother, Ellis Landis, at his 1 i home, in the .North End. Mr. and Mrs. 1 i Lew Fosnot, of Watsontown, spent sev- | . eral days here. Miss Elizabeth Mil ler, who has been teaching in the pub- : 1 lie schools of epring City, Pa., is spend ing her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mirs. C. M. Miller. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bloser, of Enola, , spent the week-end here. Ed. Bow man, principal of the schools at Ells- ' worth, fa., is spending his vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams and daughter, of Barnesboro, I Cambria county, spent the week-end | with Mr. and Mrs. Hewlett. Miss Sara 1 Oyler is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles i Margesson, in Jersey City. B. Levitz \ spent Sunday in Waynesboro, as the! guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Bentz. —Mrs. R. E. Shapley, daughter, Miss i Edith Shapley. and Miss Mildred Spang- I ler, of Mechanicsburg, spent several days with Mrs. M. E. Landis and daugli- j ! ter. Mr. and Mrs. William Gracey, of , New Cumberland, spent Sunday with J. , Shields Gracey. Miss Stella Early, of j Harrlsburg, spent several days with' I her aunts, the Miss Stewart. Mrs. I Guisepti Previtali, of New York City, I i spent the wek-end with Miss Belle Lun- i I fee. Miss Dorothy Adams and Miss : ilrene Wolf, of Adams county, spent 1 Sunday with the Misses Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stratford, of Mt. I Union, were guests of Miss Gertrude > Borst. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Over, of : Winchester, Va„ spent Sunday with the I former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Over. J. T. Swartz, of Philadelphia, , spent several days with his mother and 1 sons. here. Mrs. Charles Myers has returned from Wilkes-Barre, where she ; visited her brother, Levan Hoover. —-1 I Mrs. Belle McK. Swope spent several I days with friends in Easton, and while there attended an outing held by the I Civic Club, of Easton, at Delaware i Water Gap. Mrs. Frank Fallor and | sons, of Harrisburg. are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harlan. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelif an- j , nounce the birth of a son. Monday. June I 15. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham, j I who were niarired at Harrisburg on I i Thursday afternoon, spent Thursday night in Newville at the Hayes home, ,in Big Spring avenue. Mrs. Graham j was Miss lxiuisa Boyd, daughter of Mrs. | John Y. Boyd. ■ Plketown. Mr. and Mrs. George ' I Mumma and Miss Leah Wagner. of Fishing Creek Valley; Miss Helen Mover and Joseph Moyer, of Llnglestown I Route. No. 1, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mamma. Mrs. Ro- 1 sanna Shive, after spending several davs with Mr. and Mrs. Burtnett, at Harrisburg, returned home on Sunday. ' —An entertainment will be held in the j Mount Laurel Bethel on Sunday even- | ing. June 18. The Rev. Dr. C. H. For- i ney, of Harrisburg, is the guest of G. I i W. Fox. Marlin Ebersole spent sev- i eral days with Mr. and Mrs. George j ! Wade. Jr.. at Penbrook. Miss Rachel Shive, of near Manada Hill, spent sev- I eral days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shive. Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Wilt, of Linglestown Route, No. 1, visited Mrs. H. M. Wilt on Sunday. Roscoe Lannse, of near Manada Hill, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and ■ Mrs. John Lannse. Vnlon IJeponlt. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Miller, of Palmyra, were guests of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Landis, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Kaufman spent Sunday at Royal ton with their son, Harvey Kaufman.—■ Ray Stauffer. of Harrisburg. visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stauf fer. John Baker. Jr.. is spending some time at Fort Hunter with Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller. Mrs. Henry Miller en tertained as guests on Sunday her mother, Mrs. Jacob Spangler, and her brother, Edward Spangler, and his wife and daughter, of Palmyra. Miss Mln nine Poorman spent a day at Harris burg. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Soullard, of Lebanon, were entertained on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spotts. Mrs. Emma Hershey, of Ellzabethtown, after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Landis, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peiffer, daughter. Ruth Peiffer. and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker and Peter Kllnger spent Sunday at Tulpehocken. Berks county. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John L Shoop, spent Sunday at Paxtonia, vislt -1 ing Mrs. Shoop's uncle, David Hanshue, , who had his collarbone broken. Wlconlseo. Miss Eva Ralph, of Willlamstown, spent Tuesday evening . with Elma Keen. George Byerly spent Sunday at Reading. Elma 1 Schwalm, of Mulr, is visiting Esther i Botdorff. Olwyn Phillips and Mrs. i L Kranthoff have taken the teachers' examination at Ellzabethvllle. Mrs. Ed. Reese and children, of Kingston, aer spending the week with Mrs. Richard , Howells. Violet Prout is home after a week's visit to Mauch Chunk. lra i Bordner spent Tuesday at Mlllersburg. I —Mrs. Joseph Zelgler, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. Joslah Romberger, of Eltza -1 bethville. spent Tuesday with Charles Row and family. Mrs. Sara Klinger and son. John, attended the funeral of Mrs. John Zimmerman, of Dietrich, on Sunday. Postal Shower in Honor of Civil War Veteran By Special Correspondence Eliza bethville, Pa., June 10.—Miss ; Bertha Rutherford, of Laurelton, is the guest of Mrs. A. E. Grove. The Modern Woodmen of America held memorial services in Maple Grove Cemetery on Sunday evening. I. T. Buffington is placing a new boiler and engine to his planing mill. Mrs. Harry Troutman entertained her sis- j ter, Miss Amig, here this week. | Charles W. Lyter and family, of Leb anon, spent several days with his uncle, J. H. Lyter. Miss Anna Fet- j terhoff, of Halifax, spent several days ; at the home of Isaac Fetterhoff. —! Miss Beuluh I. Shutt, a teacher in the : Johnsonburg, Pa., public schools, is spending her summer vacation with her father.—Mrs. Chas. Sturm who had been visiting her parents here, left for her home at Lewistown on Wednes day. Forrest F. Forney spent Sat urday at Harrisburg. The local camp, P. O. S. of A., will hold memo rial service to-morrow evening. The Citizens' Band will accompany them. I Charles Keene, of Reading, has moved his family to East Broad street. He will open a cigar factory here. Misses Mollie and Edna Lenker spent several days at Millersburg and Kil- ; linger. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Helt j spent several days with their daugh- j ter, Mrs. Riegle, at Robesonia. —S. B. j Romberger, of Harrisburg, spent sev- j eral days with Mrs. Ella Klinger. —j Misses Percy Swab and Clair Hoke : left this week for South Bethlehem, j where they have secured employment. I —George Fetrow, of Halifax, spent Sunday with Joseph Sheesley. A. postal shower was accorded Dr. W. E. i Naylor, a Civil War veteran, on his seventy-flfth birthday, on Tuesday. Whole Tower City Family in Hospital With Typhoid By Special Correspondence Tower City, Pa., June 10.—Dr. G. D. j i Kiefer and family of Mt. Carmel en- I joyed a visit to relatives here. —Mrs. j Heilman, Mrs. Joe Kehler and daugh | ter, Mrs. Robert Sciirope, autoed to Lykens.—Miss Ruth Troutman return : ed to her home in Phoenix Park, after j a week's visit here. —Mrs. Charles Robson spent a day with her son at Wiconisco.—Miss Vera Cooper of Ly kens visited Miss EstherSeaver for sev eral days. Miss Vera Bressler and Mrs. William A. Kutz will spend the week-end at Myerstown.—Miss Ellen Messner will return to Harrisburg on Monday.—Wellington Schrope enter ' tained his parents from Valley View on Sunday.—On Sunday night the Lu i theran Church paid, oft the debt on ! the church and special services were held.—On Monday night the school directors of Tower City borough I elected teachers for the next term. Miss Margaret Powell was elected to ! fill the position of Miss Vera Bressler, who did not apply.—Mr. and Mrs. Wood visited their son at the Potts ville Hospital on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Fetterhoff and three children were taken to the Pottsville Hospital with typhoid fever. Lizzie, the 15-year-old \ daughter, died there on Monday. The | rest of the Fetterhoff family are in a I critical condition. The physicians say I the fever is due to poor drainage ati ■ their home. Discovery fffiM wf TEETH Tonight, if you will closely examine your teeth after fw&fi brushing them, you will make a surprising discovery. Wf\ Though you have been cleaning your teeth regularly. Tcu WJk \ find an accumulation of tartar on the enamel and bita of foodde \ posit hiding between the crevice#. Your dentifrice baa not been jfc N REALLY CLEANING! fie' nsJ\ Loss of teeth is usually due to one of two condition*— Pyorrhea /a or Decay—both of which ordinarily develop only in the mouth / / where germ-laden tartar is present. IT// CLEAN your teeth-REALLY CLEAN them I Semeco, a den r A tal specialist's formula will do it. Senreco embodies specially £jf /1 prepared, soluble granules unusually effective in / I cleaning away food deposits. Moreover, It is partic- Zs/ A daily destructive to the germ of Pyorrhea. p-j Go to your dealer today and get a tube of Senreco — ggfr keep your teeth REALLY CLEAN and protect your. self against Pyorrhea and decay. Bend 4c to Senreco 304 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio, for trial package. n "PREPAREDNESS" \(I M Ma Th§ tooth potto that RE+AJLLY CUBANS ji Dillsburg Woman Makes Sixth Trip to Hospital By Special Correspondence . Dillsburg, Pa.. June 10.—Samuel L. Donner, of Carlisle, has been elected , principal of the Dillsburg High School, the vacancy being caused by the resig nation of Prof. L. W. Bell, who was | elected principal of the Penbrook High School. Miss Isabelle Grove, of East Berlin, is spending several weeks at the home of Robert McClure. I —Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Deardorff vis- I ited Dr. J. H. Deardorff. of Mechan • lesburg. Mrs. Lydia Wolf and Miss Sara Baker visited friends at Mechan ; icsburg during the week. Mrs. i Lydia Wolf. Mrs. J. R. McClure and : Mrs. Lloyd Bentz spent Saturday even | ing at Harrisburg. Mrs. William McWllliams, who has been ill for sev , eral months, has gone to Harrisburg ! to visit her daughter. lrvin Grove, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with J. rt. McClure. ■ — Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Spahr, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Spahr. Miss Katharine Cocklin is ! spending the week with Harrisburg friends. Miss Maud Forry is visiting friends in New Cumberland. Miss Carrie Bushey, who had beon attend ing York Academy, has returned home for the summer. Mrs. Abraham i H'eiges spent several days the past j week with her son, Prof. Jesse Heiges, at Shippensburg. Miss Minnie. Baish spent Sunday with Harrisburg friends. [ —Mrs. George W. Davis was again I taken to the Harrisburg Hospital Wednesday, where she will be op erated on some time this week, this j being the sixth time she has been to the hospital. Thompsontown People on Visit to State College Thompsontown, Pa., June 10. Mr. land Mrs. Chares Colyer and children, of Burnham and Miss Edna Etka, of | Mifflin were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colyer. Mr. and j .Mrs. H. Brubaker were at, Mifflintown Monday. J. C. Tennis of New York is spending his vacation at the Tennis j home. Mrs. Steven Tasker of ! Philadelphia, was a recent guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. G. Haldeman. Mrs. Frank Birch of Philadelphia, spent the week-end with her mother, j Mrs. Joseph Wetzlor. - Miss Erie M. Henkles has returned home after i spending the winter at Alexandria, i She was accompanied by her sister, J Mrs. Robert Mickey, of Alexandria.— j Children's services will be held in the i Methodist church to-morrow evening. Moyer Meiser is home from Mercers j burg Academy, he was accompanied by Mr. Miller of Akron, O. The | following men from this place visited State College on Tuesday: W. R. Long, , 8. B. Hetrick, F. D. Gross, M. E. ; | ScMegel, Teuton Cox, the Rev. A. R. Garver, Ellis Garver, Walter Hos teller, H. C. Rowe, Dr. W. H. Haines, i! the Rev. D. B. Treibley, J. C. Tennis, ! Moyer Meiser, B. H. Branthoffer. Ira , IH. Sieber. Amos S. Stouffer, John | Allen, John Dorwart, Clias. Mc [ j Meen, Ira Loudenslager, W. B. Mere (Jl'h. George S. Lukens, Mr. and Mrs. i i Kurtz Leyder, and Mr. and Mrs. S. II P. Leyder. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. ■ Long and baby, of Port Royal were . j guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Yeigh •I Sunday. Mrs. J. Frank Patterson :of Mifflintown spent Friday with Mrs. D. H. Spotts. HOME WEDDING AT MILLERSTOWN Miss Eva \Vingert Bride of William Ames, of Wash ton, D. C. HOTEL DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. John Ward Given Reception in Honor of a Their Tenants Millerstown, Pa., June 10. Mrs. Robert Thompson of Huntingdon spent the week-end with her mother. Mrs. Maria Cochran. D. L. Farner left Saturday for Chambersburg to at tend the commencement of the Cham bersburg high school class of which Ills daughter, Miss Myra Farner. Is a member. Mrs. Anna Eckels return ed home Tuesday from Atlantic City and Philadelphia, where she had spent several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pines of Harrisburg are visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Cathcart of Philadelphia were guests of his brother, T. P. Cath cart, this week.—Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Mayer of Chajnbersburg spent the week-end with D. M. Rickabaugh and family. Holman Cathcart of State College, who spent several days with his parents, left on Tuesday for Okla homa. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Snyder and daughter of Harrisburg, automo biled to town and spent Sunday with W. D. Bollinger and family, Miss Mar garet Bollinger returned to Harris- ton with them Sunday evening. Miss Ada Myers of Thompsontown visited her sister. Mrs. C. F. Himes Sunday.—. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall spent the week-end at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. John Ward entertained at dinner Sunday at the National Hotel their tenants, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rinehart, Mr. and Mr*. George Heisey. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beacharm, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Relsinger, Misses Helen Rounsley, Nan Hough and Laura Goodllng and Rons De Lancey, Harry Heisey and John Meloy. Mrs. J. W. Weigel of Mount Holly Springs, was the guest of D. M. Rickabaugh and family on Monday. Mrs. Hoyt John son and daughter, Anna Lacey, of Washington, D. C„ are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Wingert. Mrs. J. C. Kipp spent the week-end at McAlllstersville with her son, Harry Kipp. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Wingert on Wed nesday morning at 9 o'clock when thetr daughter, Miss Eva Wingert and William Ames of Washington, D. C., were married by the Rev. C. F. Himes. They will live at Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pike, who have been visiting at the home of W. D. Bollinger returned to their home at Washington, D. C., on Thursday. PUITCURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorp tion treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality If requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no raoniy, but tell others of this off£r. Write to-day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, Notr« Dame, Ind. LOOK! ONLY ' 25 E. BLUMENSTEIN 14 South Court Street *■ See Youraelf Should Look VI A «3y If ree f rom faci*' ble- Y\ /\ 7 Jj mishes and with a A- dear, soft, pearly -1 white appearance that // will be the envy of your friends. {/ Gouraud's » Oriental Cream does this for you instantly. Its effect is so subtile that its use cannot be detected, i Non-greasy —6B years in use. S«nd 10c. for trial alia FERD. T. HOPKINS A. SON. New York Potato Bugs MILLIONS OF THEM Are Destroying Your Crops The leaves are the lungs of the J plant, while they are kept perfect | and in healthy condition they oon tinue to feed the tubers, keep the : plant growing a longer period and ! thus produce larger potatoes, more i of them and this means a larger crop. If the leaves are eaten or injured, the yielding possibilities of the plant is lessened and you cannot possibly obtain the big crop i that healthy plants will produce. SPRAY THEM WITH PYROX It kills the bugs and prevents blight and disease. It sticks to the plant like paint and will not wash oft. It is the one most satisfactory spray. Start spraying as soon as the plants are through the ground and spray every ten days to keep the new growth covered. Do not wait until the bugs come; have Pjrox there ready for their first meal —that will finish them. 1 lb. will make 5 gallons. 10 lbs.. 50 gallons, enough for an I acre. Prices, 1 lb., 25c; 5 lbs., $1.00; | 10 lbs., $1.75; 25 lbs., $4.00; 50 lbs.. $7.50; 100 lbs., $13.50; 300 lbs., $38.00. We also have Arsenate of Lead, Paris Green, Slug Shot. Bordeaux, and all Insecticides. Walter S. Schell QUALITY SEEDS 1307-1309 Market St., Harrisburg