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16 (t I V. \| »£)/aes, Pomeroy & Stewart Duty is one of the dearest things in life-all honor to our boys * who have so promptly responded to the country's call-Godspeed! Friday Specials Bring Their Usual Quota of Good Things For Thrifty Shoppers' No Friday Specials Stamped Goods Toilet Goods Trimmed Hats SI.OO Specials in the Special Announcement Silk Specials \ 25c colored border towels; ~^ c face powder, hridav Several dozen hats that Ca.i*Det Section c invite you to visit our <c?nri » • j Sent C. O. D. or Mail Stamped for embroidering. onl y. 15 ? were formerly $2.95, $3.95. Pattern Department, Friday rn ~s port stl 'P e cordu n.|v I** <54 FriHav nnlv a inn Printed cork linoleum, 60 , c . y ' ' ," u,i y roy white ground with tan ,p, n , Friday onlj, 1o? 10c Hexagon soap. Fri- ?4 " 9 ' • I "day only, »1.00 and 65c valucs . Friday on- and Saturday, June 23 and and helio stripe. 54 inches or fnone Urders 25c and 50c stamped pil- day only 15? D swSnd °^os?. y Kro S nt Cwart ' ly. sq. yd 3T? ~ Mrß . Alice r. Bellamy, special wide " Friday only, yd., Cill-J . . low tops, centers and bags ->^ c L.,..!,.. p■ I X ,t representative of the Pictorial 9i»? rilled. with enough cotton to work. -*c hair brushes. Fr,da> Inlaid linoleum SI.OO to Review Company of New York, $1 . 25 spor , stripe cordu . p-'j,,. rt _i„ 1 only, l.>? t \ $1.60 values. Friday only, Will be here to explain the many s ' -.1 , • .1, ~u i V rnday only ... lo? to ~o? Nainsr&r»lr Cnwnp. T„ ~,i ' u<u distinctive features of Pictorial roy; 2/ inches wide; white 50c Tergens talcum white "9* - vc * S«>? Review patterns which make ground with blue strine — L vee -?h™r F y .oor. ewart> and rose. Friday only. 39? Nainsook gowns, low Oil Cloth. 35c and 40c val- them superior to ail other pat- Friday only, yd .59* Misses White v , .. . _ neck, kimono sleeves, cm- Fridav onlv sci vd The patent' cutting and con- „ ' • _ _ . hand brushes. Friday broiderv edsje trims ticck " . * »>•>,* struction guides furnished only 89c plain colored cordu- Oxfords w . , Q , J x onl ' V 7f " and sleeves. Friday only. , , f ' . save ume? r tabo" C and material ro - vs ; Copenhagen, light $1.25 white duck oxfords Window Shades s?c baby toilet scts;whitc . 35* and mattings 50c and 75c and" "iSe's ties with white rubber soles. to SI.UO window pink and blue. Fridav onlv, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, values Fridav onlv vd pattern on the material to cut K ., ' • ~ , PVirfav nnlv QS* shades made of oil, cambric, " 29* L second Floor. values. rnaay oniy, vu.. . and how to assemble the parts wide. Friday only, yd., rriaay only, Tr ~ , ~ i t .5/? in completing the garment. Dives, pomeroy * Stewart. Duplex cambric* Fridav 5c toilet soap. Friday on- Short length of China street Floor. » — i! R -- 2SJ .. :... . 39? ,y ' Cake 3 * Muslin Drawers "Stings: 35c and 40c val- Z=========T » bET* Dives, Pomerov a Stewart, < 35c pink and blue puff Muslin drawers, cambric UCS ' |,r,day } ' yd " * Men's Union Suits Marv Jane " lr " ""'" nr - • ,day 0nly " • l9 * ruffle - hemstitched hem 00c cocoa mats. Friday SI.OO white nainsook ath- f r m . ;r ■" U7L . a d D p\reVt P FTo e o r ° y Ftont eWart ' trimmed. Indav only, lo? only letic l% ; on su j ts; s i CC vclcss; Embroideries White rumps _ >\ v Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Extra quality rubber stair knee length. Friday only. Cambric corset cover em- Misses' and children's Curtains v ■» treads, three patterns. f»9c broidery; 17 inches wide, as- SI.OO white duck Man- Jane $1.50 to $2.00 curtains. Basement Specials I : > 18x9 inch, ZOc values. Fri- n ""' So?'"'"'' fy' vd PaU "" S ' pumps leather soles. In- some slightly soded, ecru "Combinations dav onlv I.V V " ,8 » (la > onl > anfl white. Friday only, . '•"'c set ot six yellow mix n , . " All over cmbroiderv: 18 nair ing bowls. Fridav only, 42<k Drawer combinations,, is v 7 in.-li IV valine Fri- . N , . • Dives, Pomeroy <% Stewart, P air toe f r 1«\/ intli, rri Wn,v.on'o I !„• „ inches wide, neat patterns. l>; "- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 50c decorated china syrup Jace or embroidery trimmed. day only 13* Women S Union Friday only, yd 25* l Third hoor. pitchers with tray. Friday Regular and - Suits Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, TJ 7T~~Z "TTJ * onl >' values ' F"day only .. 95<S day only 10? 65c white cotton ribbed s " r " ac. S oo le 1» » Tnl» T; .a V | 9?c batll snravs. Frirlay Drawer combinations or \\"nnl nnrl- fibrf nip*- union suits: sleeveless; knee ' bnv Mark's font life lVlen 8 lUD 1 leS on i v sni , . _. ' length. Fridav only .. 42# \ _.c box Alack s toot lite. onlv envelope chemise, lace or 24x27 inches; value. - I inina Sr>*»rialit Fnda - V onl - v 17 * • 20c t " b . u,ar re , ver i2js J Ub 3 10c clothes line nron* 8 embroidery trimmed. Reg- Friday only 19* °,ves. Pomeroy *«ewart. Lining Specials Shoe Polish X 3oS feet Fridav onlv . . ular SI.OO and $1.50 values. Dives. Pomeroj Stewart. ' ' 3oc black satine; 36 inches , c ... J ' Fridav onlv 7,1f Third i-ioor. wide, rnday only, yd^ln^ _.X- package of \\ llltte- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 42c wash boards. Fridav * " D nv .) I T_; c, -I. -- f1 ,1 -3-1 mores tan and black shoe Mens store. nn i,. , m . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, _ DOys Union OUItS /.""C surf cloth; j3 inches ... . . - . l uiu\ Second Floor. w • i r- • • i i —~ _ polish. Friday only, .. lo£ ' Waists and Blouses - ; ° c white nainsook ath- xvu,e - Friday only, vd.,.».»* Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, t s Car " -^' l,nl i" / ... r . , ,• • letic Union suits, waist at- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, < - Men's White num skt'lets. Fndayonlv Strap Purses torn over full length . » A . > cars, i naa> oniv ~. -t-^c , Oxfords Wizard triangle floor oil sl-5 strap purses in black, sleeves. Friday only, .>0«" - • Women's Neckwear $1.50 white canvas blu- mops. Friday only ... 130 I w "^. reCn a " d navy " 'I Middy blouses, made of I [ stSSt n ?•loo^. t ' !W,l^, • J I Muslin I i Mj; n „ ,„ ffc , cinr .-. r . cher oxfords with white rub- Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart. "L. 0 " good quality jeans, all white ~ 7c 36 inch bleached muslin '. 5 " ' ber soles and heels. Fridav k Basement. ClothinfiT Markftrn or with navy or red collar f o »o • . 1 Fridav onlv, vd 5140 lors. 50c and 59c values. onlv 00 V , n 1 ITiarKer * an d cuffs. Fridav only. Boys Raincoats \ . Fridav onlv m v 10c pack given names for ; 0 rubberized rain 4c 7 ,nch unble ached D 9t,wart ' ru-lj TT I \ marking clothing. Fridav ,> "- U r UDDcrizecl rain muslin. Friday onlv. vd., Mussed neckwear in a v • 'ree, -ion.. r, Par . Children 8 Socks only Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, coats in tan and grey, milt- - o,A . large assortment of stvles, fancj' socks • assort- n u *■ ' ' 1 1 4 "A E* 'A I '— , . ' KuttOllS tO 1(S VParS Olllv DiVC-S, A* St^Wtrt, values up to 50c. Friday ; ICS 4 l ° 10 •™ : oniy - Basenient. only o<t Men 8 Garters Bone and fancy buttons. Boys' Office Coats to a customer. v Silk Windsor ties in many .'oc silk elastic pad garters, Dives, Pomeroy a Stewart, Fridav onlv, catd, strined office m. r, P 4 f „ p. _"% 1 1? *j 1 1 *'jr / a ?ill colore; FnHs v otilv Str6et Floor. and h I Pomeroy A* Stewart, | /%ff lifPftft colors. Friday only, an colors, rnaav only,V , coats; 14, 15 and 16-year Second Floor, Rear. motion LTess UOOOS Dives. Pomerov <• stewsrt. * r , ™ , w . LIrCSS shields sizes. Fridav onlv .. 150 c voiles; silk plaid. Fri street Mens 20c elastic satin >■ . ~ ~ „ . , /' n . . 1 V pad garters. Friday onlv Men's Hosiery onlv. \ 50c fibre silk hose; fancv r» $1.25 grey striped worsted 69c border voile; 44 inches Laces Dives, pomeroy a Stewart, clocked, black, grev and ass Cases r _ . c• • 1 trousers, sizes >3O to 42 wide. Friday only, yd., r . -r i 1 .., champagne. Friday onlv, 50c and 59c identification White Linen oUlting waist. Fridav only ... 9 5*- 35* .. Vf. cn ,. To '^° n ' 39> and pass cases. Friday on- 59c white linen suiting; 36 nlv „. P „ v . 25c "ce stripe voile; floral to 3 inches wide. 5c values. ! ; nc hes wide Fridav onlv Second Floor, Rear design; 36 inches wide. Fri- Fr,day only - Men's Canvas , tSSTHtr™ P . m ,„ y » Bl ._, yd!^... . Clunv shadow and \ alen- Gloves v '"" PP ' ' loni ' Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Mpn'« 25c madras shirting; ciennes laces. \ alues up to „ , rt . s street Floor, Rear. V ess.B white eround with colored 15c. Friday only, yd.,. .5* _ : l ens , c canvas gloves. Wr»m#»n'« Priffrm _ . $2.00 fancy vests, small striDes. Fridav onlv. vd.. Friday only, 4 pair for 2oti tt uiiicii » Jewelrv f \ sizes 34 and 15 nnlv Fri Ik+ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. 71 uc wen y n/i;. sizes. Ot ana O.i oni>. J ri- l.j* I streei Floor. Dive., Stewart. ttose $1.25 German silver gate wnite Vaooas day only 25? 50c gabardine; white fast black cotton top mesh bags. Friday onlv, SI.OO imported check pi- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. ground and neat black s hose; seamless. Friday on- que skirting; 44 inches wide. stripes. Fridav only, vd.. Silk Crepe (Women's Coat 1 ' y ** Guaranteed nickel alarm Friday only, yd .".Of , Silk Georgette crepe; 42 Diveß - l?"®r°?.i* teTI " Brt ' clocks. Friday only, . .69? $1.25 nainsook, 10yards to White Toweling , ?- 19 . seni '-made sport inche, wide; white, flesh and Sweaters I • ' 25c ro , e bcad! . a|| co!or , a piece. Friday only-piece. white to%vclmß . ~E d navy. Friday only, yd $7.50 and $5.00 white wool Friday only .? 19* »** border. Friday only,!llO* sUipes. Frhay eTch DI~. r. m . re ,» S 'Fridav yC oX Misses Hosiery | 50c gold filled La Vallier- !, „ . 9175 l street Floor. S2 98 and SH 9s 25c fast black silk lisle es. Friday only 39? v f . Remnants ot pongee pop hose - fine ribbed sizes 6 to / \ . lin, silk muslin and voile in it l II v Friday ony 39? T" 1 _ . Friday only, one third off. Umbrellas Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. 1 OWeIS Wash Goodfi . . / _ L Str(-et Floor - 50c solid gold top hat pins. , , ~ , r . . P? mf r°v,& Stewart. American taffeta umbrel- r* i j Tl Fridav onlv nair 15c rurkish towels. Pn- 20c woven tissue; neat » ' las for men and women; I j Colored Dress Gaoods I I on 'y» I I stripes; fast color. Friday I SI.OO grade, slight imperfec- 75c shepherd checks; Black DreSS Goods ) v D srreet PO FToor o . y F>ont ewart ' huck tovveh plain ° n,y ' yd 77r ,, w .. tions in the weaving. Fri- three sizes. Friday only, ~ , , Nl i/„a ~a k UIL 'if - 101/ ~. .. Women 8 White day only, 59? yd - 12*/ 3 c batiste; white wide. Friday only, yd.,69? day only, 10? grounds; colored stripes; 30 Piimpa 01..., 50c and 75c wool challies, 59, black mohair •42 inch Groceries inches wide. Friday only. *7 > 1 light grounds. Friday only, 5Vc black mohair, 42 inch- ~ 16 . sußar for 7Ke with SI.OO I I Street Floor, Rear. | Iyd I I . S I yd 25> es w,de - Fnday only, yd., worth Q f groceries, not inciud- v ' duck pumps with leather . 49? irter soap. \ 20c woven voiles; white soles and heels; broken sizes. Women's I 1-25 mixed suitings; 56 SI.OO black mohair; 44 in- SRr jar apple butter soe Sheets and grounds with colored stripes. Friday only 98? Handkerchiefs s£* ch " PillowCases f' »'fe<luck. oxford TT ... , " i°c bottle vinegar se y- S i „ () n • i < i_„„. , dress gingham; neat ties, some leather trimmed; t? "call wool serge; 38 in • . $1.25 black Panama; 56 g * na . ."!r p !"' sheeßhemStched Friday St - vl ' S ' Friday only, yd.. all have white rubber soles. kerchiefs. Fnda> only, 12 c hes wide; navv, green and inches wide. Friday only. 12c mayonnaise dressing .... «.• ■ "eel . lem. titcned. riday Friday only, n f nr ok -k , T- - j ' , , „j «i in 5c macaroni 4e Olllv 69? v J?. ** brOWn - Friday only, yd yd Sl.lO ..J * 25c poplin and corduroy; Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. : Handkerchiefs with white 55? $1 25 black serp-e •46 inrli- i> can ß corn sn c 85c 81 x9O inch bleached neat stripes rid figures. t street Moor, Rear. and colored initials. Friday sl<» Beach cloth; 56 inch- es wid.. Friday only, yd.. t V.V/.V.V.V.V V K sheets, hemstitched. Friday Friday only, yd * ' f onlv 6 for 25<k es w,de - rnday only, vd., J q R « >o cakea ivory soap 4ao only <9e , „ , » K 89(* ' 10 cakes Fels Naptha soap .. 42e 15c wash serge; cream IMon's Wa»K Skift. s Silk handkerchiefs with $1.25 serge; 46 inches Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, 10 cakea D., p.'ft'afsoap aTe 16c 45 x 36 inch bleached ground with black stripe, hemstitched colored bor- wide; plenty of navy. Fri- *■ Mr< "' t ' ' r '""' o°ne C can"coJn e be 8 ef RP '.'. .|j£! pillow cases, hemstitched. Friday only, yd 814? Blue chambray work ders; assorted colors, 15c dav onlv. vd 98<* ii !t B - R*"* 1 b . eari " .!'!"!!!!! -jno Friday only l.>? shirts, collar attached; sizes value. Friday 0n1y,...10? ' ' ... \ D v S lbl dHed pe?" }?c Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. e fS n 'd'e«Uii te 14 to 18. Friday only, 3 for SI.OO and $1.2.1 silk and Women 8 PumDS 2 lbs. barley 7r Basement. grOUlldS , tloral designs. D,v "' street°&ioor' t * wart ' wool scintilla. Fridav only, , it y Friday only, yd 6^? l vd ftrk* Ivory kid Colonial pumps, Sliced ham, lb. . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, , J * welted soles and leather R«<Jing bacon m 3 l'bVpiicM, 11,.. Bovs' Suits 12>5c crepe gingham; fan- Men s store. $1.50 cream serge; 56 in- Louis heels, $4.50 value. Reading lard, lb is, c y p' a 'ds and stripes. Fri- Ribbons ches wide; all wool. Friday Fridav onlv $2.95 2 »>s. Banquet coffee r,se $3.50 and $4.00 grey di- day only, yd '~ m ~ . . A D .. k ■ 1 a l onlv . yd 91.12 ' mjkshixe nisctrrrs agonal and plain grev wor- , c „ Corset specials Ribbons in taffeta, moire * Pumps and oxfords in gun Perfecto. „ delicious waf- sted suits, pinch-back Nor- F , P [/l Coutil corsets medium nf rolnrs r a tn a ? e - ra hf! $-00 navv serge ;56 inch- metal and patent colt. Su'nihin^'orbi 'waf 4 eT folk style, full lined trous- Friday only, yd GM bust, four supporters; regu of colors. .> to ? inches es wide. I"ridav onlv. vd.. broken sizes; $3..i0 value. ,h ers sizes Bto 16 years Fri- crenes neit fio-nrrc lar valtif i wide. Friday only. yd.. 15* #1.49 Friday only Sl.oo "ay on" .. * Sl.ij Frid« . D """' ssrw.?. 1 "*"' , Dlv '"-SfsruiS,?—"• _ D, st;;W,r,r«r""' ISS2.&.*-™* wKur 1 """•'ssss.f — / N * v / • «■ THURSDAY EVENING, HAJRRISBURG TELEGRAPH * \ TUNE 22 1016.