Newspaper Page Text
6 f . , • Additional News of Importance The Dives. Pomerov & Stewart II Additional News of Importance on Page 16 2 Z. on Page 16 Bargains in Laces: Low in Price Notion Specials-Importance of Little Things The Best Shoe News You've No Other Sale This Year Will Embrace as Save the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves"—this is true of the notion econ- * TV/I" T"\ Notable a List of Special Values omies for a good many dollars are represented in the aggregate savings of these little, but very im- -L\/v2a»vl 111 IVXdlljr Ct J JCxj Be linen Torchon laces: 1H to t Inches wide. Mill »r,d F.ctory P° rtanl thin K S ' The balance of the Jerauld stock of women's pumps and "•ri"? •; * 5c has been entered in the Mill and Factory Sale. The Linen Torchon laces. 2to 4 inches wide, values to X°c. Mill and 7c cards DeLong's safety pins, sizes 2, 2 4 and C- Half dozen shell hair pins. Mill A_ values are unusual Factory Sale Special, yard 5c 8. Mill and Factory Sale Price ** C Factory Sale Price, card values are unusual. Valenciennes laces; Ito 2 inches wide, values to 10c. Mill and 6 c cards Dogmars hooks and eyes. Mill 1 flr SaU Pri^'bo 1 ?" htt,r Plnß ' M 1" 8c 300 pairs women's pumps and 100 pairs women's pumps and ox- Factory Sale Special. yard 5c and Factory Sale Price, 4c; or 3 for 5c boxes wi?e hair pins' ' Mill'and t" oxfords, $3.50 and $6.00 values, fords, all small sizes, $4.00 value. Cotton Cluny laces and insertions; 1 to 2 % inches wide. Mill and 10c cards dress clasps. Mill and Q _ Factory Sale Price. 2 for Mill and Factory 0O AC MiU and Factory Jfc 1 fi ß * * Factory Sale Special, yard .' 5c Factory Sale Price oc Barrettes. Mill and Factory C r Sale Price Salp U^ r 'f :e p ♦ Filet laces and insertions; 1 to 2 Inches wide; assorted patterns; 25c clasps on brown and navy satin 1 Sale Price . . ••••••• _ _ 100 pairs women's russet sport Street Floor Front values to 10c. Mill and Factory Sale Special, yard 5c Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard ooc dressing combs, Mill and 25c oxfords $4 50 value Mill tfO 1 C » ti... rinnv 1.e.. an/1 i„„ Pt u n ,. _ . 15c card Prjinen s dress clasps. Mill "I Q _ Factory Sale Price ue. Mill IE MARY JANE PUMPS inen Cluny laces and insertions, 1!4 to . inches wide, assorted and Factory Sale Price 12« C Ben Hur hose supporters. Mill and C _ and Factory Sale Price.. ® _ , patterns. Mill and Factory Sale Special, yard 10c Mind's dress clasps. Mill and Factory C_ Factory Sale Price, pair OC 75 pairs women's patent colt and hisses and children s— -10c linen Cluny laces; \to 1% inches wide. Mill and Factorv Sale Sale Price OC 35c Sanitary Napkins, dozen in box. |C _ gun metal calf oxfords, made by aIzPK q un to 2 vni la"' Special, yard 7c * ice ' B 60-yard spool silk assorted colors. 25c Mill and Factory Sale Price, box L air( j & Schober Co., $6.00 value, and Factory Sale Price 9UC Oriental Lace Flouncings White ajld Ecru „ 800-yard Pennant'basting cotton so ' Mlll'imd 45- SI.OO leather cq. sL'is pMc. r "!°™....... $3.95 I :alf;"sizes B<4to 2. MUI qq •» & J s f¥' c °" s ' 45- -m-M S,® ««♦»»» «"<"«•• tarss. $1.50 to $3.50 values. Reduced to sl°oo Buttonhole l 'twi.f I 'vni'"' a V v°\ * C ' ° T ' dozen Factory Sale Price 79C pumps in can\as and nubuck, $3.50 kidskin oxford ties, stitched soles, $4.00 to $5.00 values. Reduced to $l5O ,f Mill and Factory 15c 50c bill fold and pass cases. Mill and IQ r and $4.00 values. Mill QC spring heels. Mill and 7C„ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor. ' d ° Zen ~ FaCtory Sale PriCe * nd FaCt ° ry Sal ° Pr «ce «•»!> Factory Sale Price /OC Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Front. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Rear. Silks and Black and Colored Dress Goods ' 10c SPECIAL 1 IS j II kI% A/A _ High grade, guaranteed wash I MMglS* r\ 111 f| | |\| "WAA ■ Mission finished, oak frame Contribute Their Quota of Good Things 1 _ Jl™ SHSS tional bargain at an exceptional ,-J f k, I KAm F* f the Harrisburg market. Enough Our stocks of dress fabrics have yielded many of their choicest weaves in preparing a showing prlce ' Basement yS&T I I*l |X| W Ih" / f ° r Wednesday ' . commensurate with the importance of this Mill and Factory Sale. In addition to these offerings have 'I L.V_ I 111 L Basement ' come special purchases and mill clearance, making it altogether the most notable list of styles and -r. ~ savings ever fas First One Hundred Customers in „.. J , ~ »1.00 black Mohair, 42 inches. Mill and OQ. , ,«»e. 89c the Basement To-morrow We Shall Offer , i: 1 ® sl ' oo $2.00 Hygeno Broom Action Carpet Sweepers For 98c seda and brown. 36 inches. Mill $1 19 COLORED DRESS GOODS ~ t/ O W vy a. va. kj WVy $1.25 sport stripe Faille, in natural ground with blue Factory Sale Price, yard . MlUan . d 25c ; This item represents one of the biggest values we have ever offered during the summer months in the in s^e P price, .^. i " " d . F ?°! ory . 98c na ®.®. c Factory 6 sa?e' h price 1 'vard °' 39c tere st of the housewife. hile we should like to be in position to offer these sweepers throughout the day, . *l," P ll ' n H° r waisu, • dresse 6 and 59c Mohair for bathing suits."M'ui and Q we will be compelled to discontinue their sale after one hundred have been disposed of. Factorv Sale Price vard 75c Factory Sale Price, yard 4SJC • 1 ••• |S C Items of Special Importance in the Housewares Section $1.60 fancy stripe taffeta for separate skirts and Factory Sale Price, yard . SSC T ? b Slike with one-lnch satin stripes *125 Serge. 47 inches: natT. myrtle, dark'" qq_ !n Vt* as w!* 11.15 el*ht-inch oval nickel plated casseroles. of »elf colors, 36 Inches. Mill and fiQ- brown. Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard "oC 40c to $2.65 plattera will be 20c to 91.83 TIT " mm! white lining; reduced to 83c Factory Sale Price, yard ... $1.25 silk and wool Poplin. 40 Inches. Oft 80c to $1.60 butters will be 40c to 75c $1.39 No. 10 large size galvanized wash boilers. ~.?. ,c V n< L n : 00 Wa-pk Habutai, 36 inches. Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard oSfC $2.76 custard CUDS will be *1.87 ood . Indies 98c Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard 52 . 0 0 Jersey Cloth, silk and wool. ifi 60c to 80c open vegetable dishes will be SOc to 40c N ,1 - 19 galvanized garbage cans, with deep cover BLACK DRESS GOODS Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard iM .**o 60c to 80c nappies will be 30c to 40c Regular $1:15 heavy , ~ Ift .... .. .. . _ J $6.00 to SB.OO semi-made skirts, in serge, 26 to 32 $3.00 a dozen bone plates will be, doz $1.50 Wear Fv<*r Aluminum A ~a i SnR J 50c black Diagonal Serge. Mill and inches. Mill and Factory £#) ACk 35c bowls will be 17c £-ver Aluminum oklll- plated holder, 40c \alue. Mill and Factory Sale Fa t c^ >r ?, S V e^ P L lce i. yard ; Sale Price, yard J6Z.4U SI.OO to $1.50 Ind. butters wili'be .50c" to 75c etts, like cut, in the Pr i C v; j / 22c 50c black Gabardine. 36 inches. Mill OQ _ Wool remnants at Half Price *3.20 oatmeals will be $1.60 Mill ar .rl OOC . 6 . clothwl " n « Props, 8 feet long; 50c value. Spe and Factory Sale Price, yard «S»C $1.85 dessert dishes will be 92c JVIUI and actor y iale . cJa l W • • V :•• •« 34c SI.OO black Gabardine. 41 inches. Mill CQ - LININGS $2.50 a doz. cups and saucers will be, each... 10c J . V' 4 ? Wear-Ever aluminum preserving kettles; and Factory Sale Price, yard OUC 25c and 35c black Satine. 36-inch: leneths ' if 25c handled glass hand lamps complete; special ' d T-« j j okV'« v! V ' , 69c $1.25 black Serge. 47 inches. Mill and QO to 4 yards. Mill and Factory Sale k = or Factory Sale Price, yard ifOC Surf Cloth, fast black, stripes and black Cft $2.00 footed glass punch bowls, 15 inches in 36-Diece decorated sets SI 98 Mrs Potts' $i Vs' 'nickel' nla'teA' 'h'iVWw' V-i'i i? ? $1.25 black Santoy, 41 inches. Mill and QQ _ Mill and Factory Sale Price vard 59c diameter and 14 Inches high. Mill and Factory " , « ecora ' e « «*ts $1.98 Mrs. Potts $1.25 nickel plated highly polished wa 1 mill ana factory special 100-plece gold decorated sets $7.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement! Corsets & Brassieres /\[K GI?VE/^ S n\ Specially Reduced in the • In Sstea Mill .and Factory Sale TTxv , \ Jjs& l lit [Tj [l=l An accumulation from regular PRjCf/ rJ~=f — r \ = { 5 7 / stock at prices promising unique ißQQjggQ_Bffa|Bß| 1 I kSI I ivfl h^f f s of,h^.rr,la h Attractions That Are IjU 7 % I I I I II choic. spe c ials o„ which Seld « m Equalled I II II 111 l 1 17l 111 |j II id e veSd tieS are limited ' are not Actual SI.OO Silk Gloves New Reductions in Men's I? I I pf # |jII pll Factory Sale Price ?! 85c I I UU -1 1/»T" |\| ATTTfI 4 I tory° C SaTe d price COrße !"'.. . M "!. a " d F 3sc . The season's best range of colors /""l _ -ITTT'II. j t f 111 X\j L\ vl> W i I $3.00 to SIO.OO corsets of fine quality in actual SI.OO long silk gloves; tan, ouits vjO Into rjiiect With I \ i| aaaaa: r^ y \iz k z ndlightblu %P c I Several Thousand Garments Reduced II tory Sale Price . j Choose at 59 C the ( mem nor ot the Sale in the Mill and Factory Sale ' \ | Dlves ' Pomeroy & Bt#wart - Second F1 - 75c and sV.oo' washable'chamoi ± ! i c ■ ' sette gloves in 16-button length; Our regular stock has been called on to supply X H :• {•:-•_.'.- l . J '■ - ; 1 natural colors. Mill and CQ. Q1 O - « I factory Sale price f±) 1-LU. U\J kJU-1 lO I f ■ V.Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. A • •. , M | tory Sale, for the reason that we could not buy as 1 ■ J'/.'-'-- Op6Clal cLvj M. I g OOC j shirts (quality and fastness of colors con- « H 1 sidered") as we have in our reserve department. \ f I U:.':o 00 T^iniriO* This announcement concerns a fine lot of suits that have _ \ f H ( ip • rvUUIII been selling at $12.50. Now the balance of the lot have been ; x P ect to fin< J unusua argains mle * 1 j | I Remarkable Values in DomeS Go For reduced to $8. 70 for the Mill and Factory Sale. \ \ and Factory Sale. | ■ Two-piece plain grey suits with belted back coat: plain I 11.00 negligee ahirta With French fold cults; aixeall I I fk / R(| blue serge and-two-piece pinch-backs. Sizes 34 to 42. 1 ; t ZTT. «9c ■ 11 OXIUCO tp I T> ) ETA O *J- 69c and 79c ne Sl'Kee shirts with laundered KA.p I Summer's most interesting Five beautiful designs from mod- XjOVS T84.0U OULTS SlXi F CUFTB ' MI " AND FACTORY 8416 PR,C ® 111 shoe bargains for men and els that were recently created; 22 . . 0 . A. $1.98 silk and linen negligee shirts with French 2 H women are scheduled for the inches in diameter; fitted for gas or Grey suits, in sizes Bto 17 years; p.nch-back style $4 50 | :: $1.29 I 1 ]■ opening of the Mill and Fac- electricity. A very exceptional of values direct from regular stock, at $3.20 if f ■ t ' v hpo-inninc to mnr- fering in the Basement. i SI.OO plaid madras and plain color negligee band f ■ tpry Deginning tO-mor- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Folor, Rear. * shirts; soft fold Mill and I B TOW $5.00 Walrus Grain Traveline a * Men's $3.00 oxford ties in tan calf, iJagS, ipo.;#© m i -w—i . i SI.OO woven madras and mercerised negligee stripe « H dull calf and patent colt; Goodyear aii i-otU-r ! shirt*. Mill and Factory Q H fom T,ne Sale price I H price ,1M ed * in frame and set-in lock; leather kJ kV X 1 Vlll vliv if H Men's $2.50 brown elkskln scout shoes. linitur and nnrlfMc • 17 ,„J ' I * IOO and * ll9 ®P° rt shirts, in novelty and allover f ■ Mill and Factory Sale Price $1.85 ,o • if P OCKe «, sizes ID, 1/ and T T -| -I . . • j j stripe designs. Mill and Factory i Men's $1.50 white canvas sport oxfords 18 inches. I A P(f A-1/J-T T V Artfl AVI 1 Sale Price '^ c I ■ with rubber soles and heels. Mill and upnoistery oection aotht * VI : \ IS| $ Emery and Eagle silk cloth and fibre | j!; calf and patent coltskin, with welted and With covers. SI.OO fringed couch covers. Mill 19c white Marquisette, S« in. ' • 1 % silk shirts. Mill and Factory AC « , L'. M stitched soles. Mill and Factory Sale T and Factory Sale oft. Mill and Factory 1 01/„- ~I I f Sale Price £ «; Price $1.50 La/ge size; regularly 98c. Mill Price 89c Sale Price, yard /2C ■ » Mi' "■ *i!' B0 KU S metalc * lf and black an( j factory Sale price 690 ' _ , a * , ... . 9 £: ■ kidskln shoes and oxfords; sizes 8H to _ _ v v $3.00 couch covers in Oriental pat- WINDOW AWNINGS - • ® negligee percale shirts with laundered > 2: IH4. Mlil and Factory Sale Price...®Bc Regular 50c size. Mill and Fac terns, plain edge. Mill and tfJO "TC Sizes 2% feet. 3 feet. 3H feet and 4 IY/\f « cuffs. Mill and Factory Sale Price, 41" 00 a S- WOMEN'S SHOES torV Sale price 35<S Factory Sale Price * feet; blue, tan and green— : « » Ssc; or 3 for S *. Women's $2.50 dull calf strap pumps; t> i rv j 75c English net curtains, white and SI.OO value. Mill and QQ ;| | 1 fi "■ '"O. 1 " Cuban heeis. Mill and KegUlar .OC Diamond splint ecru 2H vards ion* Mill p<n Factory Sale Price ■ ; » f Mens Amoskeag and dark blue chambray 2 »■ ""W Factory Bale Price .. ••••••■•• •• • baskets. Mill and Factory Sale . 59c F ,v,„"s"pr,o i e'''.' nd . $1.50 ; if I 1 ««. .i«,-r.„»,»j li00 I It 9 ph« ". is» Fancy cretonnes in many colorings, Odd sizes 39c and SOc window _ ; « fil K. Price. 35c; or 3 for 4 i Wl soles with rubber heels. Mill and Fac- „ _ i _ 39c to 50c %-alues. Mill and OC. shadjss in oil and cambric. 1A m'■ t I 3 Dives Pomerov A v »n'. St.,. 2 I »• t°ry Sale Prie* 85c 98c Shower Bath Sprays, 500 Factory Sale Price vard ZDC Mill and Factory Sale Price lUC "if I « Dues, Pomeroy & Stewart—Mens Store. M b ■■ Women s white $1.60 canvas sport ox- .... , . ~ , ~.V '"""" J Remnants of 25c to iir «Vrtm Z * I f 9 » "nk fords; white rubber soles and heels. Mill VV ith red rubber hose, nickel $1.25 to $1.50 cross-striped inadras W hite or wr? and printed etimine -, -Tl"' + J/,,M Price i" * 1 ; 25 spray with rubber protector. Spe curtalns. in cream grounds. no _ «m Faftnrv - 'w. «:\l 7y. Iff I l»ll rkl/! W t I i * 1 I I ' l W> Girls $1.50 white canvas lace boots; •i ; -i <ru . Mill and Factory Sale Price, pr. ga]e Pr!ce yarf] Isc \ % I I- ! J 1 W f I k I I white rubber soles and heels. Mill and Cial in the Mill and Factory Sale. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart-Third' Floor. TUESDAY EVENING, HARRI6BURG TELEGRAPH JUtV 11', 1916.