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Moormen gff IELL—IWI—UNITED IIARRISBURG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1010. FOUNDED 187J •f A Slogan of I j|i Make Bowman's Your Christmas Store | \ i P # L # December 25th Christmas Day and a sSaa®L | f^DDH 7 ' "hPl# '/ ' IWIPC S j(TS glance at your calendar will tell you that it is only SfKyk i Mrr ,i LilO J. Irfi'C'O \gjjj a short three weeks away. Jg | JFOK (Jit lldfCll In the cvcle of the seasons there comes a time ! j ! F"! It Have you begun your Christmas shopping? If 1 J | Our Children's Book Depart for repeating the well-worn but still needed plea I I J Have you decided upon the gifts for the little folks g § \\ ' to-SHOP EARLY." ( i i and big folks—the friends and relations? !&&§ 1; jM© partment. VmjUjL Of the soundness of the economic reasons and the 9 | A i. u *ll • i . i i , Books for tinv tote t\Wy£C - iPI fl> +L.fJ •J" erG " W V P rOVe , a eighty help to you and Will | . hooks for older boys and girls < ® mas trade into a few days of high-pressure activity, fl lessen trie or deciding what to give for spread before you *j ! jLJWA —picture books and storv there never could be a doubt. ® > 'M are hundreds of articles brought here for the express purpose of sup- I books all kinds here for \ \ As an appeal to those who would select their pur- I . plying Christmas wants. ft Casy choosln g- ."fflUfjk .] f I' , Bring your gift list with you and the chances are that before you | I the store to live through the holiday period without I 2 leave the store you will have checked off every item and your k 1 the sacrifice of vitality that they possess, the Shop- L Christmas shopping will be done before the big rush. * their Christmas shopping as* possible NOW—you will iZJ I'J Z? J '' not only be a public-spirited benefactor but you will ' * lxOllClCiy IJdgS Cltl(i <-" 1,1 f < serve your own best interests by avoiding Leather NoVeltlCS \f l/~*\ l~\ JA\ T the final rush -by choosing from better T Roomy leather bags for shopping J ( I I/I IS O —back bags great . B Happy t pientv of space—plenty of salespeople—and plenty of time to look presenting thousands of yards of the season's most desirable silks in black and ml indisturbed it you have to give the selection much thought. 04 . i „„ • ,i .i r - , . . f . M diiu CUI - don't be afraid to buv now. ifs the best time. Every- atless P rlces than the same Qualities can be bought for in a regular way to-day. / twTLIVc n onc U oLr S S e i o n f^ys hapPy hum °' acthity throu?hout Silks from the most reliable makers; absolutely f A Wonderful Doll Show [ AAftli 1 i con R res s of dolls to meet the fawcv and whim of c . _ • (07 - nC u 1 , lk I f l^, I Cot . ton , l>oplil i' all colors - 27-inch Brown Moire Silk. every child in every wa!k o f life. / Sale Pr.ce r VjJ I 1 I 1 Dolls ot every imaginable description, little dolls, shades. „ H jrv UTTa' '• big dolls, imported character dolls, art dolls—all here 36-inch Dress and Lining Silks. Sale Price 36-inch Pongee Silk —green atrine lor the I,ttle moth B e owM^^lß.Bement 8 ement f 27 "! nch Black an 4 White Check Taffeta. $1.37£ " inc J ar !" Green Taffeta/ — Sale Price I 27-inch Pongee Silk, navy, Copenhagen, green 36-inch Black and White Stripe Dress Taffeta. y - i r~\ 1 cc - stripe. 36-mch Taffeta purple with green check. Now For the Greatest Coat Sale I f 6 r„fh L,n[ng Sa,,ns - aua „d . _ . . . _ . f 36-inch Tsffcts —— lflvcndcr Bnd white checks of the Season For ' MS TTT 1 r t M? Sale Price %'- u Jp c. s - rip t s , ,• 36 .inch Taffeta - yellow, lavender and^gray ,1 firths/ W oaic trice 32-inch navy and white Stripe Messaline. L checks w onaertul values 89c 129-inch Fiorai w aS h snk S f or kimonos. , * 6tnch n' k> d • , - j j 1 , 3 ! 27-inch Surah Silk, blue and brown, two-toned. Sale Price f irh K in stnpes - Prices sharply reduced to lessen stocks 1/ . AS? \~A 24-inch Pink Messalines „ " J 36-inch Navy Striped Taffeta. There is a wide selection of coats for every £T \ S \ 24-inch Black and White Check Taffetas $2.29 1 Striped Messaline, in blue. occasion. Street coats, dinner coats, motor coats, / X— jo-incn 1 aneta m navy stripe. afternoon coats all smart coats. / j \ 24-inch White Bengaline Silk. THE BLACK SILKS You can well appreciate these unusual coat ■ fflplfiaßjEL / Sale Price i 24-inch Gray Bengaline Silk. 36-inch Satin Messaline lustrous finish, yard, JKty. value? when you know that they are from makers \\ aMWHwRm / 10.1. j 32-inch Striped Messalines. 36-inch Chiffon Dress Taffeta, excellent quality, yard, $1.19. of national reputation as originators and creators J v ' 2 [ 36-inch Floral Silk Poplins. 36-inch Peau de Soie ideal silk for durability, yard, $1.19! of fashions in women's and misses' outergarments mgpk.' \ / 36-inch Flowered Designs in Lining Satins. 44-inch Silk Poplin—a silk and wool in great demand, yd, $1.89. and when the prices are thus quoted— \\\ \Tk3M f 36-inch Pink Striped Dress Taffeta 40-inch Crepe Meteor pure silk; superior quality, yard', sl!c9i C a l_ p_* _ | 36-inch Blue Floral Taffeta 36-inch Gros De Londres silk and wool, yard, $1.59. s'-59.00. $35.00 /1 \ cq I 36 -i" ch Taf f eta -P ink with flowered designs. 40-inch Silk Crepede Chine - all silk, yard, $1.19. Choose from coats made trom wool plush, /\ \ \\ JpI.OSJ [ 36-inch Gray and White Taffeta 40-inch Black Silk Charmeuse—a silk seldom reduced,, yard, bohvia cloth, poplin, wool velour, diagonals and / \\ \\ ■HMaßnii 36-inch Gray and Lavender Stripe Taffeta. $2.39. „ fancy mixtures. /I \ \ v\ ,<.. BOWMAN S—Main Floor. The most stylish colors represented including \\ \ \v\ T"¥" T 1 cr:rr:zizf Wool Dress Goods Sale include bands of fur, plush, velvet fjh The one big dress goods sale that is supreme for the entire year of 1916. it's a Great Coat Occasion. Splendid variety—high grade fabrics every one. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. J Plain colors stunning checks and plaids—decidedly distinctive weaves a host of charminc [ IA/f)fyjPfl C AAlll+n'TW TZnn + C patterns—all representing the best and most stylish wool fabrics to be had. = ivmnair y BOOTS 1. / NOTE THE PRICES These military boots have the call, and Bowman's 1® . As compared with the condition of the dress goods market to-day the opportunity for economy Shoe Department always alert to show the new styles i® I „ . _., cc . . ... . c . . T~ T TTi ; : 7; f® \ Sale Price [ 56-mch Mixed Suitings. [ 52-inch Black and White Plaids - all wool, first has a remarkable showing in all the new colors. A \ 39c I ftiUch Black fr'dWhiw Checks. Sale Price j .These shoes were bought when leather was lower, Priee; 32 inch colored Stripe Mohair all colors. $1.19 j 56 _| All'woof Checks > Wo °' p- Ti • T\ \ \ 71. TZ T . S , 56-inch Mixed Suitings. "" ! Ihe price or leather has advanced from 45c to sl.lO ( 36-inch Wool Batistes and Serges many Sale Pric f . . a — Js Sale Price colors. d.-. 1 54 " mch All w ° ol Broadcloths —in green, a square foot. It takes but little figuring to prove fis A9X 1 32-inch Tan San Toy all wool. $1.69 I blue, brown, taupe, plum and rose. 77 TT • T zC i j nC u f 3 t?i w ° ol - f 56-inch Gray and Green Mixture all wool; that here is the opportunity to save money on 36-mch Colored Plaids. yard •L TTITT 77 j 7 J —7777. TT—r. Mf JJ-nch Black Batiste. Sale Prices 56-inch Gray Fancy Mixture; yard, $2.29. that are the laßt WOrd of Wmter Fashion. " Ce j hSc!: White Checks. On j 56-inch Mixtures; yard, 82 69. A D , , lfl . 57ic 36-inch Black Lining Satins. Coating* S6"nch Wool Velours, Jersey and Plush-in $5 00 ac k kidskin and tan calfskin. top laced boots of distinction. 36-inch Silk and Cotton Poplins all colors brown, green and black, yd., $3.19, m :00- t Sale Price! SS2SSSS BI wave top of finest black glaze an air of distinction and grace. qti 1 40-> n ch Black Melrose all wool. DRESS GOODS REMNANTS kidskin. At dQ nf| and d|lA flfl Grison's im- o7i"C 40-inch Black Batiste. A Few Picked at Random From a Huge Assortment At <fcg CQ— Brown and black Russia calf vIU.UU por ted French 56-inch Black and White Check all wool. yds. Red Serge, 44 inches, $1.19. ' bo ° tsof indescribable charm kidskin in gray, black and brown with wing r 44-inch Storm Serges green, blue, brown. '"sUk^dWM^PooUn * 7B * 4t A _ _ _ and style. tips and brogue foxings. Hand lasted and N 52-inch Fancy Woven Broadcloths—all wool 4V At <t7 AO-Dark tan and black calf lace sewn. —trrav hA " boots with extremely high and At (tlO 00~ Nut brown suede 9 " inch ,ace Sale Price- 40-inch Silk and Wool Poplins green, blue, Ivldl i^oS' moderately low- heels. boots with full Louis heels. 9 5 c brown. yd.. White Se ge, 54 inches, $3.09. M s 7 50 -C ° Pper brOWn> Havana brown. The very latest and made in the heart of the 46-inch All Wool Taupe Serge. 4 vd a * ebony kid and washable white Cityof New York. I 44-inch Navy Blue and Green Check Wool inch.., 92.51. BOWMAN'S— Mmin Floor. Fanama. "' KWIUM'MMa Ti'ta I AJiMm.. .i -..lti L ' MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 4, 1916. 3