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Your Gift to the Family A Victrola No gift you can give to the family could possibly bring as much genuine delight and entertainment as a Victrola. There's a Victrola here for you for we have every stj'le, price and wood finish. Easy Terms Style IV Victrola $15.00 6 Records (12 selections). 4.50 $10.50 $5.00 down; $2.00 a month. Style VI Victrola $25.00 6 Records (12 selections). 4.50 $29.50 $5.00 down; $3.00 a month. Style VIII Victrola $40.00 6 Records (12 selections). 4.50 $44.50 $5.00 down; $4.00 a month. Style IX Victrola $50.00 6 Records (12 selections). 4.50 $54.50 $5.00 down; $4.00 a month. KPTHERJ 312 MARKET STREET TURN NEW LIGHT ON THIRD STREET YULETIME NIGHTS Switching on of Service Ori ginally Planned For This Week; Holiday Time Work on the Installation of the new ornamental lighting system on North Third street from North to Calder is being pushed ahead as speedily as pos sible with a view to having the system ready for flashing into service during the evening shopping period before Christmas. Only a few more standards remain to be placed and these will be put in and connected with the conduits just as soon as the question of relocating pome other poles is determined. City Commissioner W. H. Lynch is ready to follow up the electric light company excavating gangs with his corps of as phalt men who will close the ditches. The flashing on of the new light sys tem had been planned as a part of Harrisburg's participation in the na tion-wide celebration of "America's Electrical Week," but failure of some of the materials to arrive on time pre vented the finishing of the job. News at a Glance Boston. Resolutions asking Presi dent Wilson to protest to England against "wholesale deportation to English munition works of Irish men and women," were passed by the Bos ton Council of the Friends of Irish Freedom. Washlugrton. New Jersey's auto mobile license laws, which raise rev enue for road maintenance by taxing motor cars, were sustained as consti tutional yesterday by the Supreme Court. Baltimore. Announcement of a new steamship line for Baltimore to run direct to South American ports lias been made by A. W. Thompson, vice-president of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The new company will expend $15,000,000 for steamers. Buffalo, S". Y. Further testimony as to John Edward Teiper's alleged contradictory stories in regard to the ownership of the revolver found near the spot where his mother and brother were murdered, was placed in the rec ord of his trial to-day by Henry J. Glrvin, chief of the detective bureau. Pnrln. —The death in Rome of Sir Francesco Paolo Tostl, composer and song writer, is announced in a dispatch to the Havas Agency. Among the pop- | ular songs composed by him are ] "Amoroi" "That Day," "Forever," ] "'Good-by and "At Vespers." Washington.—Another effort will be made during the "dry roundup," which begins here next Thursday, td commit President Wilson to national prohibi tion. It was learned that the anti liquor workers are planning to go to the White House some 300 strong Sat urday. Support will be asked at this time. New York.—The appointment of a committee of Ive, under the chair manship of Gejrge W. Perkins, to in vestigate the '.auses of the high cost of living and to recommend such legisla tion as may result in lower prices of food through economical distribution was announced by Governor Whitman. Washington. Pennsylvania women will flock to Washington Wednesday and Thursday to attend the National Convention Opposed to Woman Suff rage, which will be held here. This is the first national convention against votes for women ever held in this coun try. Scranton.—W. W. Scranton, president of the Gas and Water Company, and the leading citizen of this city, died at his home yesterday afternoon after an illness of nearly two years. He was born in Augusta, Ga„ seventy two years ago, but came here at the age of three years. Washington.—lnterstate Commerce Commission orders permitting rall PRICES ALL NEXT WEEK AT THE VICTORIA THEATER, THE STUPENDOUS PLAY RESERVED seats "PTVTT T7ATinM" - - - •IS& ,NCE ' S lata' SS 2-2 Few Boxes at sl-50 ONLY TWO SHOWS DAILY 2.15 F. M., 8.15 P. M.—SPECIAL ORCHESTRA I Seal Drug Store. I 1 ii J TUESDAY EVENING, Style X Victrola $75.00 6 Records (12 selections).. 1.50 879.50 $5.00 down; $5.00 a month. Style XI Victrola .SIOO.OO $6.00 worth of Records... 0.00 $106.00 $6.00 down; $6.00 a month. Style XIV Victrola $150.00 SB.OO worth of Records... 8.00 $158.00 SB.OO down; SS.OO a month. Style XVI Victrola $200.00 SIO.OO worth of Records.. 10.00 $210.00 SIO.OO down; SIO.OO a month. roads to give lower transcontinental freight rates to San Francisco, Oak land, Seattle and other ocean ports while denying them to the inland cities of Sacramento, Stockton, San Jose and Santa Clara, Cal., were sustained by the Supreme Court. I Amsterdam. The newspaper Les I Nouvelles says the Germans are be i ginning to reduce considerably their requirements as to the number of un employed to be deported from Bel j glum. Some are being sent back. Now York. Remedial measures in i the form of State legislation will be t considered at once by the committee of five appointed by Governor Whit man yesterday to investigate the I causes of the high cost of living. I/Oiidon, The passage of the home i army bill caused a panic throughout I Berlin last week when it was realized that women would be forced into the factories. Pittsburgh.—Upward of $16,000,000 will be availablp to industrial workers of the Pittsburgh district during the Christmas shopping season, according to announcement made here by the Philadelphia Industry Trade Commis sion. It has been estimated that 125,- 000 men are employed in and about the industrial plants in this district. Many men are making $lO or more a day in the plants. Slienßinloali.—Mrs. Charles Schlim mer, 56 years old, wife of Charles Sehlimmer, a prominent resident of Jackson's, dropped dead in the arms of her daughter, who was escorting her to a trolley. rittnhurKli.—Mormonism was assail ed, militarism attacked and universal peace urged at the second day's session of the annual meeting of the National Reform Association held jointly with the Christmas Citizenship Convention here. I.anadnle.—Crazed with religious ex citement, Miss Alverda Sturzebecker, 2S years old, a telephone operator of I.ansdale, was taken to the State In sane Asylum, at Norristown, yesterday. Her father, William Sturzebecker, ot I,ansdale, nurseryman. with tears streaming down his cheeks told the story of his daughter's mental break down, due, he declared, to constant at tendance at the Lansdale "Glory Barn," where Evangelist C. F. Weigle" is con ducting a revival campaign. I.anNdnle.—Although Evangelist Wei gle. preaching at the Lonsdale "Glory Barn," termed dancing church mem bers "decoy ducks of the devil," the Saturday night Dansdale Assembly dance established a new record for attendance. Miimioklii. Wilson Bressler shot his wife, injured his daughter Goldie and tried to kill Michael Dormer, a constable, yesterday. Mrs. Bressler is in a serious condition from a wound in the hip. New York. Charged with con spiracy to violate the customs laws by means of fraudulent manifests in the shipment of small arms and ammuni tion, Louis Gotting and Wencesloa Mont, partners in an exporting firm known as the Adic Company, were held in SIO,OOO bail by United States Com missioner Houghton yesterday. The defendants are charged with shipping arms and ammunition, billed as plumb ers' supplies and machinery. Washington, D. C„ Dec. 5. Captain J. A. Hughes and eight privates of the Thirty-first Company and two privates of the Thirty-second Companv of Unit ed States marines, were wounded in the fight November 29 and 30 at Macoris, Dominican Republic, between American forces and natives who resisted occu pation by the Americans, according to a dispatch to the Navy Department to day from Captain Harry Knapp, com manding the forces there. Eleven Do minicans were reported killed and six wounded. Prohibition Leader to Lecture Here Tomorrow Oliver W. Stewart, of Chicago, will speak this evening in the Fourth Street Christian Church under the auspices of the Flying Squadron Foundation. Mr. Stewart was the only prohibition member of the Forty third General Assembly of the State of Illinois. The lecture is to be free. Should Have Idea;*. Arthur E. Brown, headmaster of the Harrisburg Academy, addressed the men of the Derry Street United Brethren Bible class yesterday afternoon on "Ideals." He pointed out that every man should have some ideal toward which he is ; striving if he would meet with his greatest success. PENNSY TO BUILD LINE TO LEBANON FROM READING? Stimulus Given Steel ludustries Increase Need For New Outlet Lebanon, Pa.. Dec. 5. With the purchase by Charles M. Schwab of the Lebanon and Reading plants of the American Iron and Steel Manu facturing Company virtually assured by the action of minority stockholders in joining in the negotiations. Interest was revived here in the proposed ex tension of the Pennsylvania Railroad line through the Lebanon Valley from this city to Reading. The Pennsylvania Railroad has been doing a big business with the American Company over the lines of the Cornwall and Lebanon Company, which is a subsidiary connecting with the main line at Conewago, twenty two miles below this city. With the acquisition by the Bethle hem Steel Company of the American plants here and at Reading, in ad dition to that of the Lebanon twin furnaces and control of the Cornwall ore mines, it is considered certain that the Pennsylvania company is seeking entrance to the big South Bethlehem plants, and will also provide an east ern outlet from this citv by building the twenty-eight-mile line "from here to Reading, connecting there with its Schuylkill valley line. At present the Cornwall and Lebanon Railroad line extends well beyond the city's limits. I This Is the Birthday Anniversary of— -1 * CHRISTIAN NAUSS This Is the birthday anniversary of Christian Nauss, 419 North Second street, a plumbing contractor. Mr. Nauss is a prominent Mason. He was born and brought up in Harrisburg. and has a host of friends throughout the city. TWO MILLIONS FOR XMAS SHOPPING HERE [Continued From First Page] not include salaries in the business and mercantile district. Much of it is made up by the amounts to lie paid within the next two weeks by the Steelton plant of the Bethlehem' Steel Company, the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending works, the Central Iron and Steel Company, Harrisburg Foundry and Machine works, Elliott- Fisher Company, W. O. Hickok Manu facturing Company, Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Company, Blough Manufacturing Company, LaLance- Grosjean Manufacturing Company, Harrisburg Silk Mill. Smaller amounts will be paid by the employes' associations. Checks to shareholders in the Telegraph Em ployes' Asociation will be distributed to-morrow. Post office employes will receive their money from beneficiary associations within the next week. Checks from the association of work men of the LaLance-Grosjean Com pany, and the Pipe and Pipe Pending Works will be given out shortly be fore Christmas. Detective Windsor's Son's Auto Hits Crippled Boy A car driven by William L. Wind sor, son of Superintendent of Detect ives Windsor, running on the wrong side of Market street, last night, struck Curtis W. Chronister, a one-armed messenger boy. Instead of slopping to ascertain whether or not the man had been killed, the jar conctinued out Market street unmolested by a nearby policeman. ACUTE AHD CHRONIC RHEUMATISM Pnln CrM Qnlrkly When You Apply n l.lttlr MuKtnrlne—Worth Itn Wflnht in Gold You can put It on full strength, it will not burn or blister. Mustarine draws all the painful, stiffness, sore ness and swelling from Rheumatic joints and does it so surely and speedily it seems almost like magic, it never just drives the pain from one spot to another, but draws it right out of the body. Thousands use it for Neuralgia. Lum bago and Neuritis. Chest Colds, Coughs and Sore Throats are banished over night. Use it for Chilblains or Frosted Feet. Get a small box to-day and see how it relieves you. Druggists everywhere can supplv you but be sure you get the original Mus tarine in the yellow box—2u and 50 cents. Never sold In jars. Get it at Clark's Medicine Store. Mall orders filled. Begy Medicine Co., Rochester, N. Y.—Advertisement. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AvSJRICH'jI Continuing Our Wonderful Sale ========================== OR ================= Misses and Ladies Coats o ur sa i e which started i as t Friday broke all former records for which we wish to thank our customers for their generous response and appreciation. feel sure that we have made hundreds of new customers by offering the wonderful values we did. still have many wonderful coats in all the wanted shades and styles—fur trimmed plain full flare effects half belted effects shirred effects high waist line effects, etc. Se be sure to come in to-morrow as we know we can please you both as to style and price. 150—Coats—150 | About 65 Coats in zibeline, wool plush, some fur trimmed; some f trimmed with fine large full lined, others half JjM I iV % ur co^ar of skunk, opos lined* in nav black \[P ll\ nil! U| Y\ sum and natural raccoon; f I II \xjj) [I, \ 'i luff lined with fine quality brown, green and — \ I JJ} I j satins and peau de cygne; gundy; former prices $15.00, wide flare effects. These $16.50 and $18.50; your Coats were priced up to I 111 choice, at $42.50; your choice, at * I 100 Coats, Former Values up to $28.50 Extra Special—New Spring Model Skirts In all the wanted mate- 4 m* Made of fine quality velour check. rials and colors. Your I 111 I These Skirts would be choice at L| V choice $5 1 0.?r.0., 5 <F U nSl! dncsday ' at SOLDIERS' VOTES COST STATE $7,456 Bills Paid by the Common wealth; Scott and Waiting • Account It cost the State of Pennsylvania $7,456.60 for the expenses of sixteen cominisioners to take the votes of the national guardsmen at the election held last month. One commissioner has not yet filed his account. The commissioners were allowed 10 cents a mile for their trips to Harrisburg for instructions and supplies and for the trip to and from El Paso. The ex penses do not include the cost of print ing and other expenses. Justice E. A. Walling, elected to REGENT HEAR THE ORGAN WITH THE HUMAN VOICE TO-DAY OXLY HLANCHE SWEET AND THEODORE HOIIEHTS la "THE STORM" Added Attraction i BURTON HOLMES TRAVBI. PIC TIRES—(In Modern Athrnn), TO-MOHItOW AND THURSDAY I,F. NO HE ULRICH In n ntlrrlnK drama, "THE IXTHWIE" COMING—DEC. 11-12-13 "PURITY" Featuring; Audrey Munaon Admlaalom Ailulta 10ct Children Sc. ORPHEUM THURS. J w,""-," DEC. 7 HERK, KELLY A DAMSEL announce PACEMAKERS SPECIAL ATTRACTION LA BERGERE AND THE ALU-STAR ST. the full term of a Supreme Court jus tice, flle'l an accounting for $9,041.79 expended in his campaign. This sum represents his personal expenditures and does not include any of the con tributions to campaign committees in his interest. He gave the Erie county campaign committee $3,209.05; the Slepublican state committee $2,500, and the Democratic state committee SI,OOO. The Erie county Walling com mittee accounted for the contribution the Schuylkill itttia.EVt.J:3oToiQ;;KHo.mJ WANTED-A WIFE A Mimical Comedy with IS People. FOUR OTHER EXCELLENT KEITH ATTRACTIONS COMING THURSDAY Hello Honolulu! COLONIAL LAST TIMES TO-DAY □ mM □ WITH STEWART HOLMES in a new six-part Fox feature "HER DOUBLE LIFE" The atory of a woman'* deception allowing Mian Kara In the icrcateat emotional role ahe ever portrayed. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "American Aristocracy" A thrilling love romance filled with Falrbnnka "pep" nnd personality, "THE DAY AFTER" Two-reel Keyatone Comedy DECEMBER 5, 1916.' county Walling committee for $59.35. Congressman John R. K. Scott cer tified to expenditure of $2,105, with $811.67 unpaid. He received no con tributions and gave the Republican state committee SI,OOO. Mr. Scott paid *ooo to the Philadelphia Committee of Seventy for investigation of qualifica tions of voters and ?200 to a detective agency for the same purpose. Certifications of payment of noth'ing IO RP H E UJVI TO-MORROW, MATINEE AND NIGHT All Seats Matinee, 25c The Girl He Couldn't Buy / Night Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO SATURDAY, ZVEtfF DEC. 9 FIRST TIME HERE AT THESE PRICES Matinee balcwi 'JSC and noc Seats Thursday Night 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO r PEA/IVAL H or less than SSO were made by A. G. Graham, Washington candidate for Congress at large; Isaiah Scheeline, C. H. Ruhe, A. H. Kingsbury and F. D. McCue, Democratic electoral candi dates; O. O. Bean, Republican elector, accounted for S3OO. All counties except Delaware and Sullivan have filed their official re turns. 7