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I "The Different Kind I | " 1 | Why Your Christmas Jewelry Should Come From | | " The Different Kind " I I H CHRISTMAS is almost here, and your thoughts naturally turn to the gifts you intend to buy. "The Different Kind of a Jewelry Store" announces for j§ || this Christinas season the best selection of high grade jewelry we have ever had the pleasure of showing—a showing that would do credit to any large city M | store. p The thrifty, economy loving buyers have learned that ever since the establishment of our store high grade jewelry can be secured here at prices consid- |j fjj erably lower than elsewhere. | These Telegrams Tell the j | y> $12.50 $15.00 $25.00 $35.00 $45.00 it! CLASS OF SERVICE SVMBOL ILJf I" INI CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOL In t he selection of a diamond great care should be exercised—buy from a store whose reputation for selling M g| —°* y M *""" KIS fitar Vff? Jft A A 3 f ' ,OSM °* cnly the highest grades of jewelry and diamonds has been established—make your selection from our ereat stocks Pi c+= — D, r L< *" r rnsnTltT!i!o — D ' y -'— ?!!!? here everything is done on the "above board" plan; if the stone is slightly imperfect we will tell vou so. Nn mis- 111 |j| —Night mmmo. Nito — frOfflffl —Muht Mexnim Nitj — representation whatever. Our stock of diamonds provides a choice of any size gem from $4 to $550 00 ill iti Night Lettnr NL TO •. fr, Ninhl Ultr ML =f" II nona of thaso thrte tymbols 0 Stag H „ ftSkl" nj|,a ' lhe,B Ihres ymbols _ . .. _ __ ___ _ _ ... " t|H H I bW&WRAm ssaXttaaa: His or Her Watch From Harrsburg's Largest and Best Stocks s|s WlBltchracterlß inrtlcatod by the NEWCOMB CARLTON, PRESIDENT wlso Its character Is Indicated by tha ® © 1 W iwvrvo jji ymboi appearing after tn thgek. GEORGE w. E. ATKINS. vice-president BELVIDERE BROOKS, vice president Ymhoi apnoariiig after the check. \fj e i ]ave i on g a g Q earned the reputation for showing the most extensive assemblage of watches ever seen It| natfrflCßHil • in this city. Here for any kind of well-known watch—Hamiltons, Elgins, Walthams, Howards, Illinois, Rock §g RECEIVED AT "AnriiaßUHu I ford and others. Watch Bracelets are shown in scores of different styles—hundreds to select from. It is with a well-founded feeling of pride that we can offer such |j a large number of telegrams which we received on the occasion of i\ |j our opening, Every telegram speaks volumes concerning our re- M sponsibility and integrity. These are hut a few of the 68 received. iffc 7* H| nan, Q ' \j f i ( 1 N °* 217 Genuine jewel- J §jf PI Please accept our congratulations 011 | We take pleasure in sending j;ou our Hearty congratulations on the opening Jt/; -y I i I _Q n P| [■ ed Elgin movement watch 111 the splendid growth in your business that message of cheer and heartiest congratu- of your new store and our very best _.*■!■ Bjtft \ gk made a larger store necessary. This lations upon the opening of your en- wishes are conveyed to you for the pros- HLI * S ■ — i-al J *A %<A J Bjih3m latest style. Detach- ** ijt^ iff surely is evident you are giving one hun- iarged quarters. Your success is un- perity that is justly due you. We trust |M" /fl *1 1# able bracelet so that watch v„ 22R I*> nr Ifi =t= lis dred cents worth of value for every dol- doubtedly due to your square deal, hon- that the sale of our 1881 Rogers A 1 w\a.A /,„ I A • ijflj MS iar your customers spend. We wish you esty and fairness with all your customers, Brand and other goods of our manufac- a ] r-g/jßg may be worn as desired, eith- . ieweled Illinois its c;j increased sales of Hamiltons and all also in your buying the most depend- ture will increase in volume along with 7\*° T /•J • Sjttf er on _j n c hain fob or > J > _|_ good things. able merchandise from the most reliable your continued growth. ' ' "O.vpTr irold.filled navt* St" fcti Hamilton Watch Co. concerns. Wishing you future success. Win. A. Rogers, litd. bracelet, ' ats |t= we are very sincerely yours. No. 219 Elgin or Wal- Ijß /.. A. and X. Chain Co. Congratulations 011 your opening. n . tham 7-jewel, 20-year gold /h 4 /\/V fh A P - /V 1 ill Accept our heartiest congratulations Your big success further proves the old filled case, $6.75. %|j|| R||l VKI |a= and best wishes for your future success. Attention to your customers' interests adage that honesty is the best policy rl'f'i' V, 15-lewei SU 50 •U 11 IV_ 111 f •II ii i SI Your methods of supplying your custom- has made possible the expansion of your and it always pays to carry the best in eon nil solid gold case, • ' ~ =l= |fg ers with the highest quality of goods business. We congratulate you on your the market, as you have done in the past. if-jewei, 914.0U 3^ l|s which you have alwaj's done in our line progress and extend our best wishes for Ginsberg Bros. —^^ ill is bound to be to your advantage and as- continued success. ___ . =f= iti busfnesV 6 contlnuou3 * rowth of your icisenstadt Mfg. Co. Accept our heartlpst conpratulatlons „ THOUSANDS OF RINGS HERE TO SELECT FROM American Spectacle Co. ~ wlrmPS t congratuiatio ,n u t r he t C ®™ pl T"° n |" f p h * enlargement of |t| upon the opening of your new store. The ness and the necessity for enlarging your =t -4i We congratulate vou upon the lm . people of Harrisburg are also to be con- store is undoubtedly due to the high VWMmWP S! provements in vour establishment and fatulatefS in having In their midst a quality of the merchandise you are pur- ={= its unon vour increased facilities for serv- j ewelr >' store as complete and modern chasing for your custojners. "J" ing the public. Your fine selection of and*progressive Kn ' kCr C °' No. 235-Solid Gold N °' 236 S ° Ud G °' d .. ~ _ No. 225 - Solid Gold No . 23 4 - Solid Gold |j| SI high grade goods should be a revela- | h t . omrnercla ] wor id and are deserv- Ring genuine pink Rlngl B enulne dia- *"°- 221 —Solid Gold Pv i n& Amethyst, topaz Signet Ring, English =j= iii tion to Harrisburg and surely offers awL'f th "ronflXnce and resnpet of PVPFV We wish you the Increased prosperity V*",?' genuine p lnK Hing extra tine genu- " ,n *' ArnelnjsI ' lopaz linish, hand engraved, lH ill man \vormuTchiUl in B|B wish to give distinctive Christmas gifts. munlt We are glad to have a store of solu ? ( business methods and excellent , ' _ The Quocn (it> SiUer Co. t^ e t . harnclor r)f yours feature WW W auality of goods offered^ntit^^y { f|| Our congratulations on opening of your whu-h" s^nls'stav*" ° S th ° " ngS i Vour success proves the truth of the i //^ ||l enlarged store. The people of Harris- %mtn ,ne Whjic Wilc and Warner ° ,f ' <>*. "Quality Will Win." and we \\ Ml {[ \wITS( /// VV =l= burg should know that you carry our ' a e . | are pr()U(] to number you amonff those \ 'W. ■ tl'l ywFWily //f fxi\ -J'/'J WH'.-rk // stl HI line, which is considered the best in the of our customers who have always deter- /A \ / 'III II \t]\ /AvJP \Vv Kl ! : ' ]iTnJsrrT^'7/'" , '' , i!ll // W =l| ijg world. Our best wishes for future sue- We congratulate you upon your ex- mined only the very best goods of our (l-J ;jna iiiii'linlrl I J \\ p <l ' Michigan Optical Co. '' ' Mf*. Co. I" "' " U "'''vlttV Rosary Co. — V\ "i" | OPEN 1 J ft)OPEN I =j[ EVENINGS tSflGzs.tS f. EVENINGS Sterling Silver Deposit per set, 05c. | 206 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PA. Wu>MCGxh | !|| _m—_________J No. 227 —Basket, nickel-plated, $1.25 !j| iif,nHßßaßgßii&:gßßieaßßaßiisiiaiaßßßgßga3EEiiaisa:giEßßßßg \merican League Reduces Price For World's Series; Ask Draft Rule Changes • Chicago, Dec. 15.—Pr'eed of world's! series games in the American League j vere sharply reduced at the annual: neeting of the club owners last night. | :t was unanimously decided, at the 1 mggestion of President B. B. Johnson o charge only double the regular sea- j ion prices. The new scale will be fifty cents for; 3leacher seats, $1 for seats in the pavilion and $1.50 and $2 for grand Bringing Up Father (fl) (flj) Copyright, 1916, International News Service ($ (0) ]' i . ~i n \ ' . v s *— j | WHAT HAVE IVE FILUEO DIV • )05>T HOLD IT -s I* 4LAO T 0 SEE TOO- O —V! THERE \YOU THERE- Hcrr-VATER BOTTLE ' TOUR COAT ■ <v/ 11 1 C >. ToORE ALLOW ME TO PIN THIS <OEt> THE WATEft FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 15, 1916. stand seats. Box seats, however, will sell for $5. Heretofore $1 was usually the lowest price of admittance. The club owners decided to enforce strictly the rule prohibiting players from writing newspaper stories or permitting their names to be used in connection with them. Under a for mer rule the players if given the con sent of the club owners, could do newspaper writing on world's series games and other events, but it was decided to abolish the practice en tirely. H. H. Frazee and Hugh J. Ward, of New York, the owner of the Boston club, and James P. Dunn, of Chicago, purchaser of the Cleveland franchise, 1 were unanimously voted into the i league. A. T. Baum, president of the Pacific | Coast I.eague, was chairman of the committee representing Ihe three | Class A A leagues which sought to > have the draft rule eliminated. The I other members of the committee were j President Barrow, of the International l r.eague, and Thomas J. Hickey, presi-' dent-elect of the American Associa-! tion. ■WWII.I.I: HIGH AT CAMP HILL Camp Hill, Pa., Dec. 15.—Camp Hill High School basketball team, , after several strenuous practices un der the direction of "Mike" Yodcr of Harrisburg will oppose Annvllle High School on the local floor this evening. Play will lie called at 8 o'clock. The team has lost four games this season, but in the last game with York Coun ty Academy last week showed marked improvement pver the playing of the previous games. The probable line-up for to-night's combat will be: H. Arm strong, and Thomas, forward; F. Armstrong, center; Stevenson, guard; Nell, guard; Bowman, substitute. CHRISTMAS SWEETS It is not always easy to place one's finger upon good candy receipts when they are wanted. The pleasure which comes not only from giving but also i from receiving a box of homemade , candy would seem to warrant a larger ! exercise of home talent In this direc tion, especially at the Christmas sea son. Miss Pearl Mac Donald, In charge of i home economics extension at the i Pennsylvania State College, suggests receipts for marshmallows and pan oche as follows: MarslimaUows 2 cups sugar; Vfe cup boiling water; white of 1 egg; 2 tablespoonns Knox gelatine soaked In six tablespoons cold i water; vanilla. Boil syrup until it spins a thread when dropped from the tip of a spoon. Stir Into this the soft • ened gelatine and beat until entirely i dissolved. Remove from flame and ■ stir Into this the stiffly beaten white of an egg. Beat the mixture until cold and stiff. Add vanilla and pour Into a pan dusted with powdered sugar. When cold, cut and dip in powdered , sugar. Marshmallows dry quickly and should be kept in an airtight recep tacle. Panoclie 1 cup (packed) 'medium brown sugar V* cup cream; one-third cup chopped nut meats. Cook sugar and cream to soft ball. Cool and stir until i it begins to thicken. Add nuts and when it is too thick to pour easily, spread quickly on a buttered pan. OWNS ENGINE HE KAN Hutchinson, Kan., Dec. 15. —Almost a quarter of a century ago O. P. By ers, as an engineer on the Rock Is land, was using engine No. 496 on a run between Forth Worth, Texas, and Chickasha, Okla. My. Byers is now president of his own railway, the Anthony and North ern. He needed another locomotive, and found, to his satisfaction, that his old engine, No. 496, was out of com mission on the Rock Island. As a matter of sentiment largely, he dickered for and secured the locomo tive, has had it rebuilt, and it is now pulling wheat trains, as No. 4 on the A. and N. 7