Newspaper Page Text
JSjotvmcmZ BKLI,—IOOI—VMTKD HARHISBIIUi. THVHSDAY, DECBMBER 21, 1010. FOUNDED 1871 1 Men's Bathrobes 3 Waist Boxes Men s bathrobes with Shirtwaist boxes cover- : fli y^nrisimasuox Dargains S Dresser sets scarf jlj; jg • ] t I't W slippers to "latch -J ed w . th matt . ng _ brass j n . f 0 f c, .ft and pin cushion, white X scall " oped cdges w ~ £ Sr ° ratternS> ' | handles. Friday Sale, g QT tuC GfeOt Ft 1(1 Oil) | Friffy* lembroidery.!lembroidery.! $429 5 $2.49 Here s a budget of Holiday bargains news fresh from Harrisburg's best * 79 c ffi. 23 C now MAN s—>t-conii i icor i> umax. louit.i iu jgc Christmas Store. Tidings of timely economies —of saving opportunities open 4l BOWMAN's —second Floor v BOWMAN'S— second Floor W to every reader. , | Couch Covers | Table Covers f im P ortant you should be here to-morrow for the savings | "children's Books f Fancy Jars | f fig T d 10,r S - n~Jm f rrLtliugi! Vronz" 8 ' b£e! £ E,lt,re Store fl ' lU Httm th Shopping Enthusiasm f d ™VhSd£ f T . °' l> o , a *" 5 green and rose. Friday V; clinn in mnminrr Til • i i . lowered prices —to close Vjars and hair receivers. gm. Fr,day Sale, lllc j> . "®ase shop in the morning it you can so arrange there is less crowd- f-Friday Sale. * Friday Sale, pair, 1 Iqa A* * v then and won t you kindly take small packages with you. if: § M.89 | $4.98 9 STORE HOURS'TILL CHRISTMAS 9A.M.t09 P. M. I 19c and 39c A 89c § I'W BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor * BOWMAN'S—Second Floor ofc ———__—— —— _____ -ji ig; — .* BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S-Notion Dept. Jg 1 Toilet Goods § Rugs_ f Framed Pictures |Rugs | Hassocks £ Slippers £ Slippers | Slippers | -a -^° X frJ* a olki 3t 2* Axminster rugs, mot-2 Beautiful brown ands Crex and willow grass : j& Hassocks made of vel- ft „ . , 5 iv t u <1 , , * V r'i " '' f* H tied designs with fancy ft white and colored sub-5 rugs in green and brown, . . . , ® *^ en s and women's M omens, e com y M Japanese bath slippers f.ed oST 19^ er ' a # borders - size 27x54 f - iects ~ ' n ! ssi . on % a ™ es P lai " and figured centers; :J { ■ new oblone f felt slippers in red ' blue S Uppers in gray, rose and S made of straw ~ * n . in "f I T, , i V>- r rt • , in- j c 1 % size 16x20 inches. Fndav Bxlo and 9x12 tt. Fndav ** "gurea new, oblong M :S expensive gift. Friday IpoSSw*. 1 | Sale. S Sale, shape. Friday Sale, land gray. Friday Sale, 1 blue. Friday Sale, 9 Sale, ff $1,49 I 49c 154.98 and 49c | 59c 1 $1.25 1 25c i W. BQWMAN^~"M . ain . F '°° r :.a. .■. Bo^' AN "!T!.° Ur | h .. l ' R 'l WMA^^ oUrth . K '" O . r .. % _ DOXVMAX,S - FOUrt h Floor * ! BOV ? 1AN " S - FQUrt " FIOOr j BOWIC, S - M a,n floor. J BOWMAN'S Main Floor | BOWMA -Main Floor. J. f Baskets § Waste Baskets f Brassieres Sacques | Gowns Cups & Saucers & Women's &Women's |j. |i : Sewing baskets covered S Waste baskets covered Lace and embroidery |i : Fleece lined dressing W m en's. nightgowns ]> corated .dK Silk Stockings Underwear jft jy' with light and dark fi : ored silkoline Fridav w,t h hglit and dark color- vg. an( j square necks, open Jgjand black and white - *£; " a,nso °k, lace and em-' assorted pat- £ Women's thread silk M Women s bleached cot-* U, ' * &'■ d silkoline Fridav Sale * trout; sizes 34 to 46. Fri-If sizes 36 to 46. Fridav V bro J der y trimmings, low fi* terns just in time for stockings BOO pairs, in # ton fleece lined vests and® R" e ' M """ W' da J' Sale, Sale, ' # neck, short sleeves. Fri-SXmas gifts. Friday Sale, jL black, white and colors, -fr pants, regular and extra CQ _ 'Jf : on ' ® day Sale, s: W; double soles, high spliced Wi sizes. Friday Sale, .M f! 5 75c .# 49c : SI.OO ■ 25c y heels. Friday Sale, pair, V 25 -— .9. $ | % 1 I Men's Sweaters | Men's Neckwear g Men's House Coats g Men's | Men's | Boys' Bathrobes' " | Boys' Overcoats " | Bed"Spread's ' | f Men's heavy shaker coat vi : Assorted lot of men's Men's house coats in L° un gmg Robes \Traveling Bags u , , . • .... * Extra large size bed iß' .1* .1 n w i.- -i 11 , . ■ B 11 "Sf. £>oys batlirobes in as- ' Bovs chinchilla over- •3' . . sweaters, shawl collar ■ - a /y four-in-hand neckwear —.w blue brown °*rav and w y. ni_ i i jff' nm-tpH „ i , * . . . • snrcsrls heavv raised jr . , , ,#. anuj „ ~. M Black walrus grain2l solted colors and pat-coats in blue and gray, *1 S P' eaas neavy iaiscu* m navv, oxford and maroon. ends of higher priced K maroon regular and W ..J I ®",J g: lcat l, er bags, cut full and.4 terns made just like M belted and pinch backs; I : Marseilles patterns. Fri-| f Friday Sale, S lines, lriday Sale, . stout sizes. Friday Sale, ./* Vipni o-ift-"FriHnv Slather lined. Dads': sizes 6t016 J'• sizes 2 x / 2 to 16 years. Fri- $ 8 , av c-i --tAt in I ,C ft cenn I I Sale ' : j . year, Friday Sale, | day Sale, f day Sale, . f $4 - 50 f 25c I $5 - 00 I $9.39 I $6.50 i: $2.25 | $3.95 j! $3.75 1 BOWMAN'S- -.50....„ d Floor j; Floor . WMAN'S S,Floor. 1 Linen Pillow Cases Women ' s I Ribbons | Turkish Towels | Bed Spreads g White Batiste ' | Pillow and '' g f Linen toweling in the Linen pillow cases, size : S[ Neckwear A Beautiful ribbons £ Bleached lurk is h & £[ ~ , ft* Bolster Cases 1-1- • i , i4r . 1 ■ , W , # ft towels size in- Large double bed size • White mercerized ba- • , .. , , , : JC plain white with red and J 40x36 inches; hemstitch- J Lot of sample neckwear J most every width and J 1 . "• V crochet bed spreads - 5 tiste, 40-inch width, very *. . ; blue-# ft* blue borders - 16-inch %: ed - most desirable for $ com P r,sln ? a the new-# kind - loom ends at half # pU,k and bl " & several desiens choose f: sheer fine weave Fridav •* f 1 deS 'P| s f allt, P^' d P' l " * S T . t . , a - f , p-, c . ■ A cst de signs and kinds —*T t )r ice and I*** P r ;,i a „ borders; selected null U aesigns to cnoose w sneer nne weave, rriaay low and h o i ster cases,® width. I nday Sale, * gifts. I nday Sale, pair, * two ha]f price , ots Fri-* L le ' y W seconds. Friday Sale, #, from - Friday Sale, A Sale, yard, { made from best quality} fv i a •' (1 IP 4r day Sale, ' ' d-■ nn t n Si tubing. Bolsters each —Sf 14c I vi.lO oc and ft 22c S 39c -5 •hI.OO S IDC jfpillow cases, pair. Fri # BOWMAN'S—Secont'. Floor •. BOWMAN'S —Second Floor OUC :* Rn ,,,., , N , , £: & •. dav Sale CO w•• .. w .. w .. **.. _.. w „ . MV 11.. "S-M 3 (p KK.or &'• bo " MA * V —Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. B BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. ' BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. .? * 'Oi/C : 3? fßabv Blankets § Pillow Cases f. Blankets ' £\? S % O fr Kimono Fabrics Colored Petticoats'# Women's .5 Handbags Silk Bags Baby blankets in blue W \'erv fine quality hem- C: ' l ' aul blankets ar .. ft . S Ratlimhp*? & 5 land white and pink and S stitched pillow cases - 1 wo °' a p-s, Z e 72x84 in- ft 1 e ! n,atcrial g. , Heatherbloom petti-# i Women's black leather# A limited, quantity of# jE : white—fine gift for babv. W sizes 42x36 inches. Fridav © L ' K r assorted ''hies, 3 ari -\ t i'"'n ® flounce* 3 —''"pink A Women's good warm handbags fitted with coin 1 ; all-silk knitted draw- ft 1 Friday Sale ' i Sale, each, ' £ P'nks grays, browns. I<n-nos - 2/-,nch width ; all :* an d l ave nd er Fri-5 I)ath robcs in a wide va " P ursc and mirror. Friday 'fi \ s r 'g bags - assorted f - m Sale, j[ ;c\ S a " co ors - l'ridays 35C IC r *3 Sale, yard. :9 # ors. Friday Sale, Sf 5i " a y BOWMAN S-Second Floor 6 BOWMAN'S-Second Floor W P OWMAN"S-Second Floor * n 89 C $1.39 5 C jJ ; $2.00 MANb Second Floor BOW MAN Second Floor gf. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor BOWMAN'S—Third Floor |f. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor *' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor 4 rus^es Combs jf. Ivory Sets j Coat Hangers jj|| Double Roaster Casseroles "Si Carving Sets : js> fand Mirrors £ Lf .. % . I , r t ft ft % * TEC is a builder, not a J . B : combs to be sold at tt : 1 ine w hite i\ory sets —i R Fancy gift coat hang-® Aluminum ; roundl Fire-proof brown and 3 pieces, consisting of # model maker. It places*! f, , ,- r . hair V n rices Fridav S-il > 5 manicure 6 pieces '£^ rs niade ot various rib- style; consisting of two white crockery casserole,-steel, fork and knife; ft a boy on his own re •rr ]t* ai1 -* J: ?j£. very desirable for Xmas y. )Olls a , s 9 novel- pans, 10 inches in diarn-*9[ 10-inch diameter; nickel made of good quality 'S sources to a certain ex-)ff J 10r and gifts. Friday Sale ties. Inday Sale, #•' eter; side handles. Friday # plated brass receptacle. #' steel with silver plated tent and trains him along* medium size mirror. Fn- $ lUC, DUC S - S ft Sale, * Friday Sale, ft handles. Friday Sale, § mechanical lines. Friday! 98c i 59c I sß ' oo I 45c I 95c I 69c I $1.98 Imq 1 A> MAN ' N '" tlon MAN".-'—Main Flm.r 11' 'WMAN'S—Notion l>opt. S J. BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S -Basement. $2.90, $3.90 tt ft Ginghams j j Black Taffeta Silk j2l Messaline Storm Serge Velour Cloth Wool Checks S Broadcloth | 27-inch poplins in a full 1 27-inch dress ginghams J ; Fine blaek taffeta silk, I 36-inch messaline silk | All pure wool on. I jMf-'tSL' J* I 54-inch all-wool checks f We offer a quantity of I f rango of ,hc P o P u l ar col- } \. ■ inehes wide, rich lus- Jin a wide color range - $ serge, 50 inches wide, | sirablc co ,„ rs _ th e smart- 11" black and white -a S" STISSSEh*™ rich Borings. Fridav Sale, yd., £' varietv of patterns. Fri- # trous 'iuaht>. Friday Sale,# superb quality. Inday 2 hrm, heavy quality. Fri- if est fabric of the year. Fri- ft very elegant quality. Fri- 4 deep black purest wool 'f -2 .• day Sale, yd, • > ar '■ Sale, yard, # day Sale, yd, S day Sale, yard, ® day Sale, yard, • 50-inch width. Friday'! | I 12c 1 $1.19 I $1.19 I $1.19 f $2.98 1 $1.39 „ 'if '" F l°° r . BcnVMA N'S—: Main Floor jj' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Jj" BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMXN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. # LOCHIEL MOTHERS IN ENTERTAINMENT Dld-Fashioned Christmas Tree Tomorrow Evening With Gifts From Santa Claus The Mothers' Meeting of Lochiel, I *ith Mrs. William T. Scheffer, superin tendent, will have an old-fashioned Christmas celebration to-morrow even g in Calvary Chapel, South Cameron street, with music, readings and a aeautiful tree in cahrge of Santa Claus tnd his assistants. The Sunday schools of the Market THURSDAY EVENING, I Square Presbyterian Church have gen erously made this entertainment pos sible and for the first time in its nine , I years of existence the mothers will: | have thejr children with them at the party. Eighty-five mothers are on the list of membership and 115 children. First there will be a brief program with Mrs. Scheffer presiding and Mrs. Herman P. Miller leading the devo- i I ' ,on * l exercises. Greetings from the ! Sunday schools of Market Square will I be given by Judge McCarrell and Miss | Orth. A chorus of the mothers direct jed by Mrs. James Baker and Miss i n-lizabeth Baker will sing several Christmas numbers, and Miss Anna Margaret Miller will tell a fairy tale. Mrs. W. Stuart Barker will play a piano solo and accompany the chorus. The Mothers' Meeting, through Mrs. J. J. Zimmerman, will present a $5 gold piece to the building fund of Calvary Church, and Mrs. Echrlck, in the name of the members, will give a beautifully decorated tree to Calvary r _ I Church for its Christmas celebration j on Monday evening. The Rev. Frank , P. Mackenzie will make the opening ! : prayer, there will be a brief address by i the Rev. I)r. George Edward Hawes and the benediction will be pro- ; ; nounced by the Rev. George Snavely i j Rentz. Throughout the year at their weekly J meetings the mothers sew carpet rags I and take offerings for home and for- ; , eign missions, making a gift each year I to Mrs. Clarence N'ewton Piatt, of 1 Arizona, and Mrs. Henry C. V'elte, of India, two women of the mission field J .with whom most of this organization are personally acquainted. On the committee of arrangements for to-morrow evening's festivities are Mrs. W. T. Scheffer, Mrs. Morris Tay lor, Mrs. Anna Young, Mrs. Andrew Redmond, Jr., Mrs. Stoner, Mrs. Wil liam Myers and Mrs. Moltz. with Blair Taylor and William- S. Fortna as i Santa's assistants in distributing the candy and grifts. EARRISBURG TELEGRAPH R. H. THOMAS DIES AT MECHANICSBURG [Continued From First Page] I iate Rev. Edward H. Thomas, a de j scendant of the Aph Thomas family of ! Wales, and son of the late Robert H. Thomas, Sr., and Annette Kimmei Thomas. Both his father and grand father were editors and he followed the profession. He was identified with both the National Editorial Association and the State Editorial Association since their organization, being a mem ber of the executive hoard of the for mer and serving for a period of twenty-five years as secretary In the latter. Mr. Thomas was widely known as a witty after-dinner speaker and frequently acted as toastmaster at ban quets of the State Editorial Association. Mr. Thomas was also prominently known in connection with the State I Orange, of which his father was one of the founders. After his father's .death he continued the management of the Great Grangers' Interstate Pic nic at Williams Grove. He was a member of the Pennsylvania Society of New York. For many years he held the federal office of state statis tician, having succeeded his father. He was a member of the auxiliary board of trustees of the Harrisburg Hospital. Actively Interested in all nublic af fairs of the town, Mr Thomas was at one time a member of the school board and held other public offices. He was one of the promoters of the local Chautauqua, which has been a success ful organization ever since. He was a member of the Business Men's Eeague, serving as president for a number of years. Mr. Thomas was a thirty-second degree Mason and a member and officer of Eureka Lodge, No. 302, Free and Accepted Masona; the Washington —— I 111 DECEMBER 21, 1916. ' Camp, No. 164, Patriotic Order Sons I of Americu, ,and one of the charter members of Rescue Hook and Ladder i Company. He was a member of the ! Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Thomas Is survived by his wife, : Prances, a daughter of the late Ira D. Coover, and three children, as follows: | i Robert H. Thomas, 3d, now with the I Eighth Pennsylvania Infantry at Camp Stewart, El Paso, Texas; Edward Thomas and Mary Estelle, at home: I also his mother. Mrs. Robert ... Thomas, Sr., of Mcchanicsburg. and one sister, Mrs. J. Irvin Steel, and a niece, Miss Annette Thomas Steel. Owing to the absence of Robert j Thomas, 3d, with the National Guard. : no funeral arrangements will be made until his return. BIJACK AGAIN UNDER KNIFE Baltimore, Md., Dec. 21.—Jere S. | Black, a leading citizen and financier of York, Pa„ was operated upon again i at Johns Hopkins Hospital yesterday! by surgeons in an effort to check the | rupid decline that followed the tlrst operation performed some weeks ago He Is. reported to have rallied an<i to be in a satisfactory condition, ! t hough still seriously ill. SICK WIFE'S STORY SURPRISES HARRISBURG The following has surprised Har risburg: A business man's wife suf ; fered from dyspepsia and constlpa j tlon for years. Although she dieted | she was so bloated her clothes would j not fit. ONE SPOONFUL, buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-1-ka relieved her INSTANTLY. | Because Adler-l-ka empties BOTH I large and small intestines it relieves ANY CASE constipation, sour stom i ach or gas and prevents appendicitis. It has QUICKEST actlop of abything j we ever sold, H. C. Kennedy, druggist, |S 21 Market street. 3