Newspaper Page Text
6 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS ARMY INSTRUCTOR AT GETTYSBURG War Department Assigns Cap tain F. L. Graham to College as Prof, of Military Science FIRE COMPANY BANQUET Adams County School Teachers to Attend State Educational Meeting at Harrisburg Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 23. Mili tary training will start at Gettysburg: College at the opening of the institu tion after the Christmas vacation. Captain Frank Lee Graham, a retired United States army officer, has been assigned by the War Department as professor of military science and tac tics. - The fire company will hold their annual banquet the latter part of January, committees having been named to make preparations. —Many of the school teachers of Adams coun ty have enrolled for the meetings of the State Educational Association at Harrisburg between Christmas and New Years, some of the districts sending all of their teachers. —• Both of the Licensed saloons which were refused licenses at the court last January have again applied to the coming court and will make a big ef fort to have their houses reopened.— The school board has reconsidered its action taken some time ago when it granted the high school a vacation of only two days at Christmas and will give the entire week. The Gettys burg Woman's Christian Temperance Union has organized a new union in Mount Joy township, this county, with a membership of about twenty, and will push the work among the men in that locality in the interest of a dry Adams county. The local lodge of Eagles will play Santa Claus to the children and this evening will have a community tree at their house and give each child a box of candy and an orange. A Merry Yule Time oand through January's suo ws , April's flowers, June's sunshine, October's Indian summer and Decem ber's joys may yours be a Happy and Presperous New Year is the wish of Diener I - . N Mcltchcd! Packard Twin -; xes and J Packard silent chainless trucks are but two expressions of one high ideal B One—in their sure and Just as there is a Twin- Eg B ample power—and its fault- six model adapted to every | 1 less application to the work travel possibility of town " I | | Identical—in their ori- So you'll find a Packard §1 || II) gin—created by the largest chainless truck designed for Jf| B gj America—produced by the sturdy models—l ton to 6Vz ' I § B s ? me unhurried or g a niza- tons the only complete a tion—built to satisfy the line of worm-drive trucks 1 g I same exacting standards. in America. I S Alike —in quality—in Give a Packard traffic I ' economy—in efficiency— expert leave to help you § • 4 in their perfect balance solve your hauling prob- | 1 between cost and service, lem. Why not'phone now/ g 1 Ask the man who owns one |j! HI Packard Motor Car Co. of Philadelphia ||!|l|B| 101 Market Street, Harrisburg j|gj SAIURDAY EVENING, 906TAXABLES IN HUMMELSTOWN Property Valuation of $276,- 479.56 Shown in Report of Borough Assessor TOWN HAS 228 DOGS The Rev. Robert A. Bausch En tertains Harrisburg Ministers at National Hotel Ifummclstown, Pa.. Dec. 23.—The report of the borough assessor for Hummelstown shows 900 taxables, with the total amount of property re turns at $276,479.56. The number of dogs assessed are 22 8. of which 220 have been paid for.—The Rev. ltobert A. Bausch entertained the Reformed Ministerial Association of Harrisburg and vicinity at the National Hotel on Monday.—Reed Walmer, of Philadel phia, will spend Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Walmer.— Clarence A. Conrad spent Sunday with his mother at Washington. D. C.— Mrs. Ida Solomon, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her brother. H. Wells Buser, East Main street.—Pro fessor Thomas O. Mitman is spending the holiday vacation with his parents near Bethlehem.—Miss Irene Notter is spending Christmas with her parents in Jersey City, N. J.—Miss Beatrice Zeiters, a student in the National School of Oratory, Philadelphia, ar rived home Wednesday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zeiters.—Miss Katharine Rohrer, of Dubois, will spend the holi day vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Rohrer.—The Junior congregation of the Reformed Church will hold a special Christmas service to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'plock.— Miss Rebecca Sutcliffe, an attendant at the Deaf and Dumb Institute, New York city, will spend a part of the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sutcliffe.—Guy Fox, traveling salesman, Is spending MR. AND MRS. KORE KAUFFMAN AND THEIR SIXTEEN CHILDREN .'. "p-V ■ .. ■ ■ Marietta, Pa., Dec. 28.—Above are shown Mr. and Mrs. Kore Kauffman and their sixteen children. The couple recently celebrated their forty-fifth wedding anniversary, at which time the picture was taken. Mr. Kauffman is 68 and his wife is 62 years of age. He is a carpenter by trade and for the past twenty-eight years has been a justice of the peace. Among the sons are schoolteachers, employes in the Philadelphia mint, and clerks and carpenters. Mrs. Kauffman's mother died only a short time ago at the age of 90 years. The navies of the chil dren are: Jewry, Benoni, Sem, Charles, Chauney, James, Mrs. Elizabeth Lohr, Mrs. Eliaa Walker, Lemon, Mrs. Lillie Gindelsperger, Walter, Howard, Mrs. Minnie Baumgardner, Foster, Alfred and Miss Rebecca, the baby. The couple were born near Davidsville, Pa. the holiday season with his parents, , Mr. and Mrs. George Fox.—-Miss Mar jorie Nissley spent Saturday at iiar risburg.—Dr. and Mrs. J. lrvin Huff entertained a number of friends at a turkey dinner at their home Wednes day evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mensch, of the National Hotel, have as their guest their son Eugene, of Louisiana.—Misses Leta Alwein and Leta HHz spent Saturday at Harris burg.—-Margaret Mullin, of Shippens burg Normal School, is spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mullin.—Roy Bright bill, of Mercersburg Academy, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brightbill.—Paul Gingrich, of Mercersburg Academy, is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Mary Gingrich.—Arthur Holler, lof Lafayette College, is home for Christmas with his parents, Prothono tary and Mrs. Harry M. Holler. — Principal and Mrs. W. A. Geesey left last evening for their former homo in Altoonu, Pa., where they will spend the Christmas vacation, returning to Harisburg for the State Educational Association meeting on Wednesday.— Miss Grace Schaffner entertained the Young Ladles' Missionary Society of the Reformed Church at her home on Tuesday evening.—The Reformed choir will render .a Christmas can tata at the regular evening service on Sunday. Early morning service will be held in the church at ti o'clock Christmas morning. REVIVAL SERVICES END Falmouth, Pa., Dec. 23. Revival services closed on Sunday evening after three weeks duration. There were 7 conversions on Tuesday evening, Dec. 20. The Rev. Mr. Landis will begin a series of -meetings in Bainbridge M. E. Church. Miss Maude Coyle spent SZHXUBBtTRO rfSßfa TELEGRAPH! several days at Middietown. Mrs. Edward Gingrich and Miss Fixnnie Brinzer spent Sunday at Harrisburg. Thomas Couch lost a valuable horse by death from lockjaw. Misses Ella and Anna Couch spent Tuesday at Harrisburg. Mrs. Bier bower spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. Edward Gingrich. John E. Smith has been ill several days. Mrs. Bert Glen spent a day at Middietown. The Kev. George Landia of Dickinson College, Carlisle, and Victor Plex, of Seattle, Washing ton, spent Sunday with Thomas Couch and family. George "Walton was on a deer hunting trip and succeeded in shooting a line buck. Charles Smith and family of Harrisburg spent Sun day with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Horst. Many Visitors Spending Christmas at Dauphin Dauphin, Pa., Dec. 23. Mr. and Mrs. William Chauncey and Miss Marion Smith, of Alexandria. Va., and James Lewis Gross, a stuuent at Lehigh Uni versity. South Bethlehem , Pa., are spending the Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs. William Bell Gross. Herbert Foster, of Maine, Is spending several days at the Dauphin House. Miss Alice Minsker, a student at West Chester Normal School, returned home yesterday to spend the Christmas vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Minsker. Mr. and Mrs. William Bell Clark and son, William, Jr., of Philadelphia, are spending the Christ mas vacation with Dr. and Mrs. Wil liam P. Clark. Miss Carrie Elizabeth Gerbericli, a student at Miss Hart's School, Philadelphia, arrived home on Tuesday for the Christmas vacation. Miss Arne Shaffer, a nurse at the Penn sylvania Hospital, Philadelphia. Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer, during the holidays. Thomas R. Kinter is spendin- several weeks at Trenton, N. J.—Thomas Haw thorne, of New York" City, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne, for the holidays. Dr. and Mrs. Fay ette D. Kendrick, of St. l'aul, Minn., spent several days with Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Clark. Miss Rheda Eramert, of York Springs, Pa., spent several days with her sister, Miss Eleanor Emmert. —Miss Ethel B. Forney, of Harrisburg, was a recent guest of Miss Sarah Mar garet Hawthorne. Mrs. Bertha Trcd well, of Harrisburg, was the guest of Mrs. W. F. Reed, on Sunday. Miss Myrtle Balletts, of Hershey. was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Lyter. John Weaver, of Oklahoma, is visiting his brother, Harry Weaver, on the Trullinger Farm, Speeceville. Warren Wiest and fam ily, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at their cottage, at Stone Glen. Mr. and Mrs. John McNeely, of Harrisburg, were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Me- Neely. Chester Corkman, Andrew Hurly, Joseph Hurly and H. Enders, of Harrisburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Irvin, on Tuesday. Mrs. Noaml Herrman, of Harrisburg, is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf. Mrs. Jonas Shaulter, of Har risburg, spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Etta Kennedy. Mrs. Emma Bailey, of Harrisburg, was the guest of Mrs. Daniel Bordner, at Zions ville, on Tuesday. Miss Helen Louise Wallis, of Harrisburg, was a recent guest of Miss Sabra Clark. Students of New Bloomfield Are Home For Holidays Now Bloomfield, Pa., Dec. 23. —Stu- dents of New Bloomfield and vicinity are home from various schools* and colleges to spend Christmas vacations with relatives as follows: Paul Dar lington, student at Carnegie Tech, Pittsburgh: McClure Ramsey, Frank lin and Marshall, Lancaster; Miss Olive Garber, Miss Catherine A. Bern heisel and Kenneth Priceler, Shlp pensburg State Normal School; Miss Catherine Johnston and Miss Rosalie Barnett, Wilson College. William Anderson of Wilkinsburg, Pa., spent several days with his aunt, Mrs. Min nie Anderson. Mr. Anderson is a stu dent at Grove City College. Miss Grace Adams, Miss Rosalia Miller and Miss Edith Bernheisel, teachers at Camden, N. J., came home Friday evening for the holidays. Mrs. J. B. Jefford, Miss Helen and Pauline Nickel of Philadelphia and Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Piatt and son, Robert, of Pittsburgh are spending their Christ mas vacation with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Nickel here. Miss Marion Clark of Stubenville, 0., a student at Wilson. College is a guest of Miss Catherine Johnston in this place. Ralph L. Barnett Pruser on the steamboat Maricaps of Pittsburgh Navigation Co., is spending the Christmas vaca tion at his home here. Mrs. Emma McAllister left on Tuesday for Van dergrlft. Pa., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Bessie McAllister. L. E. Cupp and family returned here on Saturday. Mr. Cupp was a teacher in the New Cumberland schools and Is suffering from a nervous break down. Eugene Sanderson, a stu dent at Staunton Military College, Va., is visiting relatives here. William Conmerilk, of Mullan, Idaho, a fellow student', accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Spahn of Harrisburg were guests of William Grler on Sun day. Mrs. William Badln and son, William, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs. Badin's ff&rents here. CASTORIA For Infants and Children 'n Use For Over 30 Years il-vays bears ______ — *,natu e re at Work on Midland Railroad Shut Down For Holidays Berrysburg, Pa., Dec. 23. lt is reported that work on the Midland Railroad has been shut down at least till after the holidays. Miss Lena Hartman is spending the week at the home of Nathaniel Swab in Washing ton township. Harry Hartman and three of his chool chums of Harris burg, spent Thursday night with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hartman. Miss Helen Daniel has returned home. Miss Clara Lebo is spending some time at Harrisburg. Miss Harriet Weaver went to Phila delphia where she expects to spend the winter. Ladies' Matinee 500 Club Gives Party at Hershey IlerNhey, Pa., Dec. 23. The most attractive party of the holiday season was given by the Ladies' Matinee 500 Club at the Hershey Cafe on Wednes day evening. The community Christ mas tree services were held on Thurs day evening when the Rev. R. H. Tay lor, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, made the principal address. The Her shey band rendered several selections, and there were carols by the Young Women's Christian Association and by the children of the Hershey schools. The tree was made possible by the Mothers' Club. The Rev. Robert Mac- Gowan, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, has been secured as the speaker for the Sunday afternoon meeting in the Central Theater, Sun day, December 31. Dances were be gun in the Hershey Press building last Thursday evening, when over 200 dancers were in attendance. The ladies of the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church realized at their parcel post sale on Saturday. A big celebration, in which sixty boys took part, was held at the Industrial School on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zent meyer quietly celebrated their fifty sixth wedding anniversary at their home, in Park avenue, on Wednesday.— The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John I. Meek are home from a visit to Philadelphia. They have as their guest this week Miss Elizabeth Walbert, of Allentown. —Miss Mary Lehman, of Hagerstown, Md. t is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Wilson. —Mrs. J. B. Basehore, of Oakland, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Witman. Mrs. J. J. Rouch, of Har risburg, spent a week with her daugh ter, Mrs. L. H. Hawbecker.—Members to the number of twenty-three from the office force of the Chocolate Company were on a sleighing pafty to the Water Works Hotel. The senior, junior and sophomore classes of the high school were on sleighing partis this week. George Huss has returned from a week's visit to Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Meekins are spending] Christmas in New York City, the guests of their son, Lynn W. Meekins. "Santa Has the Grip/' Cantata by S. S. Scholars I.ykcns, Pa., Dec. 23.—About 40 members of the Transfiguration Bap tist Sunday school will present a can tata on Christmas night entitled "Santa Has the Grip," The cantata premises to be interesting from.start to finish. A silver ottering will be| lifted at the door. Miss Vera Cooper of Williamstown, spent some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hoepher and daughter, Arllne, of Harrisburg will spend Christmas with Mrs. Hoepher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey. The Rev. A. H. Soulliard spent some time at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Richard Ains berry at Wilkes-Barre. Vincent Longo of New York City, is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Longo. Mrs. Harry R. Bitterman is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Renner at .Lewisburg. Curtin Tur ner of Altoona, is spending some time with relatives here. Miss Leah Cooper of State College is spending the Christmas season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cooper. —Charles Latter is spending some time with his grandfather, eGorge Haerter at Har risburg. Thomas Hentz of Phila delphia is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harman Hentz. The first issue of the Glean er, the Lykens High School paper, will be distributed this week. Park Beadle spent some time with relatives at Harrisburg. Mrs. Gustavo Mar tin and family of Harrisburg, are spending some time with friends here. CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENTS Union Deposit, Pa., Dec. 23.—The Christmas entertainment of the Sun day school of the United Brethren church will bo held to-morrow even ing at 7 o'clock and that of the Luth eran and Reformed churches on Christmas evening at 7:15 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. William Kreiser of Rheenistown, spent. Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kreiser. Mrs. Emanuel Lentz after spend ing some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lenker near Hanover dale returned home. • Mrs. William Clemens of West Lebanon spent Wed nesday with her daughter, Mrs. B. Fausnacht. Miss Lucia Rambler of Reading Is spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Rambler. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Umberger of Hanoverdale, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitmoyer on .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kuhns and daughter Mrs. John Swope spent a day at Harrisburg. Frank Whitmoyer of Annville, visited his sister, Mrs. Abner Kellar on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Fackler entertained their son, Enos Fackler and family on Sun day. DECEMBER 23, 1916. ACCIDENT DAY AT DUNCANNON Several People Injured in Dif ferent Ways at Perry County Town WOMAN'S HIP BROKEN Town Enjoys Prosperous Year and Everybody Is Happy at Yuletide Dtincannon, Pa., Dec. 2 3.—Tuesday was a day of accidents here. William H. Hamilton. Jr., a roller at the Dun cannon , Iron and Steel Works, was accidentally struck with a sledge hammer by a fellow workman and re ceived a fractured arm. Timothy Mat lack, a laborer at the works, with a wrench was unloosening a burr on a coal car to drop the bottom when the wrench slipped and struck him on the forehead, cutting a deep gash. He was unconscious for several hours. Miss Hebecca Grier, an aged resident, fell down the stairs at her home in Rast Market street and fractured her hip.—with the wheels of the several industrial plants humming throughout the past year, this town is enjoying a prosperous Yuletide season. P. p. Duncan, cashier of the Duncannon Na tional Bank, is convalescing from an attack of pneumonia. —Register and Kecorder' Charles L. DePugh, of New BioomHeld, visited his son, Allen DePugh, and daughter, Mrs. D. I>. Kluck, during the week.—Candle light and- special services will be held In the Methodist Episcopal Church at 6 o clock Christmas morning. Mrs. Margaret Dressier and two daughters, Mrs. Harry FHddnser and Mrs Fran _ cis I'lickinger, and her little daugh ter, of Altoona, are spending several days here as the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Johnston. MeRRy G h "'stAS a Christmas with gifts galore; good things from absent friends; a m6rry gathering of those you'love and withal fond memories to treasure throughout all the New Year is the wish of STECKLEY'S a custom • but because u 18 heartfelt, wo wlsli yor Robinson's Dcorldnnt Store'* THIRD AND BROAD STREETS Wishy May your stocking be filled with the things you've longed for. WILDMAN'S, 1116-1118 North Third Street la the wish of this store to those who have helped us make this the big gest Christmas season of our history. BROWN & CO., 1217 North Third Street ■ Avoid Winters Rigofs^M^l Jnßn Enjoy the mellow, exhilarating climata of California. Hundreds of miles of mac tiT a dam motor roads, superb golf ■K broad ocean beaches and the sublime R j W JsaJl Sierras to keep you in the open amid flowers and synshine all the while. 1 California is but • short trip away—three ,'r U£M days from Chicago to either Loa Angeles ' JB ~ or San Francisco on the "train of double destination" — j P3B extra fare—and the daylight arrival at both ter . g|[|j l F4H l Aiß vninals avoida the Inconvenience of locating 7<< <r WWf * n Q Btrang ® city after dark. f rrr r Dmteriptlv* litmratur* fr* on recveat fa ?"■' R flPfcj. it. i'rr, i)i<.,i'ana. An. 'BE'I MASONIC LODGE AT MT. UNION New Body Organized in Bor ough With List of 27 Charter Members DONATION DAY FOR HOME * Seven Barrels of Vegetables, Jellies, Fruit and Clothing Given to Orphans Mount Union, Pa., Dec. 23.—Mount Limon has been granted a charter for a Masonic lodge with twentv-seven charter members.—Donation day t(fc J* 1 ® benefit of the orphans' home was held Wednesday, when seven barrels* of vegetables, jellies, canned fruit and® clothing were contributed.—The pow der plant has granted the men a vaca tion from Saturday to Tuesday.—Two hundred high school boys and girls MnL f* 1 ! 1 , up , a petltion be pre sented to the local school board re questing the building and furnishing 1 of a suitable structure for physical training and indoor games. Mabel „* r ': °£ Cedar Crest, while walking SH.iJ?- Pavement in front of the Beers building fell on the ice and broke her ~7\, t Presb yterian and Meth ™ ( eS y vlU hold Christmas entertainments to-morrow night Harold Culver, George Shaver. Gerald ~u H ®n s. Edward Longacre and Fred McClaln, students in Philadelphia, are home for the holidays.—Robert Bell of Bucknell, Is home.—Wilbur Landis and Nanny Gifford, attending State College, are home for -Christmas.—■ Miss Mary B. Fike has gone to Myeps ''ale.-—Margaret Emmert, of the high school English department, Is visiting at her home at York Spring's.— Super intendent W. P. Harley left to-day fop Ro.versford. Professor and Mrs. C. C. Smith have gone to Yorl?, Pa., to spend the holidays.—Professor W P Harley, C. C. Smith, H. W. Slothower and Margaret Emmert, of the high school, will attend the state teachers* meeting at Harrisburg next week.