Newspaper Page Text
A+WWWWWVWWVWWW WWW W W W <W W W W ▼ TTTTyy TVTTTTTTTr y^ T W_VJWJ*JW._W_W_WJW„W .!¥. fyvfTTVfvffffyffvyff?^f / ; "Waiting For a Good Job" and Ad?atisflns Fmr One Arc blffcrcnt in Resits; ► < - A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A. A JA-A-A-A- A-A~A A A A . A A A A A a -A-A-A-A-A-A' A A A A A A~ A - - ©eatfos | BOYD Died, on December 24, 1916. Mrs. D. Trueman Boyd. , . Funeral on Wednesday, at - OCIOCK, liom residence, 709 North Second street. Relatives and friends aie in vited to attend without further no tice. Interment private. HESS pn December 24, 1916. Nannie J. HesK ageu V 0 years, at lier resi dence, U2O Muench street. , , . Funeral Wednesday, at - o clock, ai the Fitth Street M. E. Cnurch. ser vices at the residence private, Imme diately preceding the public ser\ic.s. LEKt'H Died, on December 26, 1916, Harry B. Lercn. aged 32 years. _ Funeral on Thursday, at 10 o clock, froru residence, 3 South Sixteenth street. Funeral and intcrmeui pri vate. _________ HAND On Saturday. December 23, 1916, at the home ot her daughter, Mrs. vVUliain Corl, No. 1313 swatuia street, Mrs. Lydia Ann Hand, aged 80 years, 9 montns and 10 days. Funeral services will be iicid at the above asareas Wednesday afternoon, at o'clock. Kelatives and friends invited to attend without lurther no tice. . In Memoriam IN loving remembrance of our daugh ter, Edna Ruder, who entered into eter nal rest, December 26, 1915. Dearest daughter you have left us, And your loss we deeply feel. But it was God who ham berett us. He can all our sorrows heal. FROM HER FAMILY. Card of Thanks CARD OK APPRECIATION THE widow and chiluren ot the late Rev J G. Sands desire herewith to ex press their sincerest appreciation tor the manv tokens of sympathy and prac tical helpfulness by them received in the season of their bereavement. (Signed) MISS I*. MABEL SANDS* Lost ana Found LOST On Christmas, on South Fif teenth street, between Derry and swatara, or between Fifteenth and i Kittatinny on Derry, gold band brace- j let. Return to 905 North Nineteenth street. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Office boy, at once. Good wages. Apply at Harrisburg Foundry and Machine Works, Seventn and Cur tin streets. . GOOD PAY AND ADVANCEMENT in coal and metal mining. Many inspec tors 1. C. S. students. Prepare for ex amination. SURE, EASi nome-study method. John Mitchell indorses. In ternational Correspondence schools. -OL 'lelegraph Building. COLLECTORS Two wanted; good proposition to the right men, with chance of advancement. Address R., 4011, care of Telegraph. COLLECTORS Three wanted; good salaries for the right parties. Aduress ±v., 4570, care of 'lelegraph. WANTED, BAKER Good man, to work second hand; all daylight, staf fer's Bakery, 905 North Third street. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ried men under age of 3o; Citizens of United States, of good character and usuiiieratc habits, who cau speak, read I:d write the Englisn language. For information apply to Recrumng Ui llcfcr, Bergner iiidg., 3rd & Market. Sts., llaVrisbuig. WANTED Carpenters for concrete forms; good wages, steady work. Apply Master Mechanic's Office, Central iron steel Co. BOY WANTED For light delivery. Wages, $6.00 per weeK. Apply 1&38 North Sixth street. WINTER TERM AT YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE begins Wed nesday, January 3, 1917. Day and Nlgnt sessions. New departments, enlarged laculty. Individual Instruction. Ollice open evenings one week, betore term opens. SALESMEN WANTED —Those having newspaper or magazine experience preterred. Nothing but live wires need apply, sal ary guaranteed. . See jtlr. Beck, Room 203 Franklin Building, Federal square. LABORERS WANTED—Com mon and concrete laborers. Apply 11. Koppers Co., Bethle hem Steel Co., steelton, Pa. GOOD, strong, healthy boya, over IS. Apply Superintendent The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED 5O able-bodied men for piece work. Experienced truckers can earn $75 to S9O per month. Must be able to read and write. Apply in person only to agent of Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Division Street Transfer, P. R. K. Co., Harris burg, Pa. WANT Young men to learn auto mobile business, to become practical mechanics and chauffeurs. We give our students a chance to make money at the rate of 20c per hour between class hours. We guarantee to pay you 30c per hour as soon as competent. 160 iu cash roquired. Auto Transporta tion School, 27-20 North Cameron street. _____ Help Wanted —Female WANTED Girls 16 years and over, experienced and learn ers. Apply Harrisburg Silk Mill, Corner of North and Second streets. WANTED At small. country school, woman for kitchen work. Age from 30 to 40 preferred. Salary, $17.00 monthly. Write to Carson Long insti tute, New Bloom fie Id, Pa. WANTED Experienced binder on low shoes. Also woman or girl handy with needle for repairing. Steady work. Apply at once. Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Company, Vernon street. * WANTED A lady between the ago of 25 and 35, with J2.000, to take one half interest in one of the i>est-paying business places in Harrisburg. Answer and 1 will call and explain. Address 6416. care of Telegraph. A Country Mill Property For Sale 11 Miles North of York 23-barrel "Wolf" mill, two palm chopping stones, cider press and saw mill, water power—4-story stone building. 23 acres of land (four acres cultivated), dwelling, barn and outbuild ings. Looks to us like an opportunity if you're interested in milling. MILLER BROTHERS & CO., Member Harrlsfiurg Ileal Estate Hoard •TTTESDAY EVENING, Help Wanted —Female WANTED Either a girl or a mid dle-aged woman for general house work: no cooking. Apply 1913 North Second street. DRESSMAKING TAUGHT thoroughly from any pattern. Make dresses for yourself while learning.'Day and even ing classes. Mme. Henderson, 528 North street. CIGARMAKERS WANTED Steady work; good stock; good wages. Apply Central Cigar Co., 323 South Cameron Street. WANTED Shoe cutters for wo men's, misses' and children's shoes. Steady work. Apply harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Co., Vernon street. Har risburg, Pa. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Sober, industrious, edu cated married man desires position us > salesman, collector or office work. Ad dress A., 4573, care of Telegraph. WANTED By young, colored man. : position as chauffeur; nave had six years' experience; can furnish refer ences. Address 329 Cherry avenue. Situations Wanted—fremale WANTED An experienced, middle aged woman desires position to do gen eral housework in private family, Janu ary 1. Address A., 5546, care of Tele graph; Real Estate Fcr Sale 22 SOUTH EIGHTEENTH STREET for $2,200 is worth considering. Occu pied by owner. Inspect it. H. G. Ped low, 110 South Thirteenth street. 426 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET will be sold at a bargain. Now vacant. Make an appointment to see it. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. 624-626 CALDER STREET For sale at a cut price. What are they worth to 'you? Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR, SALE—Price greatly reduced on that Market street property. No. 1715; look it over if you are interested in it; ] lot, 20x170. Bell Realty Co., Bergner ' Building. VERY DESIRABLE Paxtang Avenue ! property; steam heated; all other mod ern improvements; hardwood floors on lirst story; lot, 45x150. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SEMI-BUNGALOW —New brick dwell ing for sale at $3,300; steam heat, gas and electric light in all rooms, combi nation range, cement porch front and rear; just completed; inspect it soon; excellent property at reasonable price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $2,450 WILL PURCHASE a 3-story brick dwelling on Kelly street; all im provements; lot, 22x100. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE N. Fifteenth Street, No. 617, a modern brick, steam-heated house with electric and gas lights, front and rear porches, side entrance and paved street. Tills Is an ideal home at a mod erate price. Terms easy. J. K. Uippie, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Desirable residence property, with modern improvements. 1839 Herr street. opposite State Arsenal. Inquire on premises. Sophia K. Barnes. 332 BROAD STREET BUSINESS PROPERTY, opposite Broad Street Mar ket Storeroom, 9 rooms, bath, steam heat and electricity. Lot, 20x131 to Sayford avenue. Room for garage. CIiAS. ADi ;K, 1002 North Third street. FOR SALE ll4 Washington street, corner River alley, two-and-one-half story l.ame; eight rooms and a bath; all conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets, Elkwood, two-and-one-han-story trame; eight rooms ai:a bath; all conveniences. The above properties will be sold at bargain. Apply Hceney & simiuuoj, New Cumberland. Real Estate For Rent EXCHANGE STABLE FOR SALE OR RENT On Fulton street. Farm lor rent or sale. House in Linglestown, acre ground, SIO.OO month. Possession immediately, inquire 2217 North Fif teenth street. FOR RENT 1463 Market street, S3O; ten rooms and bath; all improvements. Apply 1319 Market street. Bell phone 2930. FOR RENT New Jiree-story brick dwelling; all modern improvements, in cluding cemented cellar, gas, electricity, combination range, side and back yards; lruit trees; car service in front of house. Apply to C. P. CHAPMAN, cor ner Bridge and Tenth streets. New Cumberland, Pa. FOR RENT Seven-room dwelling, 1227 Wallace street; newly painted and papered; rent, sl2. Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT No. 807 N. Eighteenth St. $25.00 No. 511 Race St 12.00 No. 521 Race St 16.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. STOREROOMS FOR RENT No. 60 South Cameron Street. No. 60 South Cameron Street. Apply 88 South Cameron Street. i Real Estate Wanted WANTED House and lot in suburbs close to Harrisburg. Slate terms an<* size of lot. Address 4569, care of Tele graph. CASH FOR PROPERTY No commissions. Quick settlements. , See Chas. Adler, North Third street. For Sale—Miscellaneous CALKS—CALKS—CALKS For sale at Gable's, 111-117 South Sec ond street. Neverslip Can't Slip Rowe, Diamond Giant Crip, Green Bay, Always Sharp. FOR SALE Western, Electric port able pneumatic cleaner, nearly good as new. Will sell cheap. Address Post | Office Box 452, Harrisburg. JUST RECEIVED New lot of Brass Beds. sls Beds for $9.50. Special Bar gains in other Furniture, Carpets or stoves. It pays to see us first at 324 Reily. FOR SALE Pair of scales—one To ledo drum scale and one Jacobson scale. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. R. Aboff, Fifth and Kelker streets. REMOVAL SALE Everything in stock must be sold account of moving to our new location. 1315 North Third street. N. Brenner, 423 Walnut street. l'or Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE TO MERCHANTS 1917 CALENDARS 1917 GOOD ASSORTMENT. Samples at a Bargain. Suit able for all lines of business. Orders Promptly Filled. MYERS MFG. CO THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS. BELL PiIONE 1577 R. FOR SALE, at Gable'u, 111-117 South Second street, L,wr. Fence. Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, Compo-Boartf, Doors. Sash. Shutters, Mouldings. Porch Posts. Pumps, etc. FOR SALE 5O-IL-P. boiler and 2b- H.-P. engine. Will sell at reasonable price. Dillsburg Mfg. Co.. Dlllsburg, Pa. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS—AII makes bought, exchanged, sold, rented. Big shipment of like new. factory re built L. C. Smith's Just arriving. Geo. P. Tillot.sun, 211 Locust street. Oppo site Orplieu in. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Office, unexcelled loca tion ill heart of city. Inquire 300 Com monwealth Trust Co. Building. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Oiflce. DESK ROOM FOR RENT Goad lo cation. aear Post Office, ground floor. Inquire Typewriter Office. 211 Locust street. FOR RENT—Suitable for sec ond floor retail business, two en tire business floors, corner of Second and Walnut streets, above Rose's confectionery. Wide hall entrance on Second street, inquire at Keller's Drug | Store, 405 iviarket street. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or denust or general purposes. Light, heat and attend ance. Dr. John Oenalager, 711 ■North Third street. Apartments For Kent SO6 N. SECOND ST., (three blocks from Market square; first lioor front, hve rooms and bath, city steam heat (gas una electricity;, suitable tor homo and otuce, lor physician, ueimst or pro fessional mun—do. BHOi'ia- EKS .Si CO.. Locust and Court ate. SECOND ST., N„ 231 'Suavely Building," 7 rooms and bath; extra stor age loom, (electric una gas. city steam. SECOND ST., 17uC Five and six rooms with porch; most pieaeaut and open surroundings In city. Apartments Wanted WANTED Three to live rooms, fur nished. modern and reasonable. Address M., j545. care of Telegraph. Rooms For Rent TWO ROOMS (furnished) —and bath —steam heat central location—s3o. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and Court streets. ATTRACTIVE housekeeping rooms tor rent, furnished or unfurnistied; also bedroom, furnished or unlurmshed; good location. Apply 129 Walnut street. Phone 1029 M. FOR RENT Very desirable furnish ed rooms, singly or en suite; all con veniences; references required. Call 1015 North Front street. COMFORTABLY-FURNISHED third floor front room; well heated; also elec tric light and use of telephone; near central part of town; Christian family. Address A., 5548, care of Telegraph. TWO ROOMS Completely furnish ed for housekeeping; corner house; all improvements; gas range; separate en trance; hot water heat; very desirable; no children. 1238 Kittatinuy street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; steam heat; hot and cold water; use of bath; fur nished up-to-date. 21 .North Filth street. I'OR RENT Neatly furnished front room, three large windows, well heated jund modern conveniences. Apply lis , South street, near Front street. ' FOR RENT Furnished room facing : Capitol Park; stationary washstanu, [electric lights, city steam; use of large I bathroom and Bell phone. Apply 410 | North street. J MacDANIELS FAMILY APART ; MENTB Furnished complete for light housekeeping. Two large, cheerful, I light, warm rooms. Bath, gas, range, i private Ulster, kitchen cabinet. Bell ; phone 897J, or 1417 Market street. I TWO COMMUNICATING ROOMS, sec i ond floor front, one third floor front | bedroom, furnished for light liousekeep ; ing; all improvements; use of phone; three minutes' walk from Square. Call Bell phone 3694J-1. THREE nicely furnished rooms, with all conveniences, in private family, for rent at a reasonable price, for men only. Apply 1115 or 1113 Derry street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT City steam heat; use of Bell phone. Address <l9 North Sixth street. Rooms Wanted WANTED Two to three-rooms fur nished, modern apartment, with private bath; central location; references ex changed. Address IS., 5419, care of Tele graph. W anted —Miscellaneous WOULD like to have on hand about SI,OOO worth of good, second-hand fur niture. Highest cash prices paid for Furniture, stoves and Carpets. Bell i phone 33871t. 321 Roily street. Business Personals WE don't ouy rags, tout pay HIGHEST CASH PRICES for ladies, gentlemen's good CLOTHING AND SHOES. Also Furniture and Carpets. Send postal to 636 llerr street. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCT Trustee Bldg.—Ail kinds of detective work, handluu —one eye always upen. BELL I'HONE 435. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED ALL kinds of SAFETY RAZOR BLADES RESHARPENED, 25c doz., ex cept Star heavy, 15c; old style, 25c each. HENRY GILBERT 6, SONS, 218 Market street. LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices /n tne city. Call and be convinced. Also overcoats and ototo my, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. Cohen & Son. Un liable Pawnbiokers. <3l Murkat street, at subway. SPANGLER PLANING MILL CO. Mill work of all kinds. Estimates I cheerfully given. North Seventh i street FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine ! Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, Drug gist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, i Harrisburg. Telephone ordeis glveu I nrumot attention. 801 l HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH! Business Personals VACUUM CLEANERS New ma chines. FOR RENT. Ask Martin. Bell 4000 CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE— Bought at highest c .sh prices and sold reasonable. S. Kefkln, 407 Broad street. bell phone 2860. UPHOLSTERING— And furniture re pairing; mattreses renovated and cush ions of all kinds made. a. N. Cluck. 120-326 Woodbine street. Phone 1317 J. WE BUY Tin and Lead Foil, Lead Pipe, Brass, Copper and Scrapiron. Also Magazines, Books, Newspapers and Mix ed Paper. Highest Prices. HARRIB - JL'Nlv COMPANY, 026 West ave nue. Bell phone 4024 J. Wagon wIU call. LADIES' TAILORING Also remod eling and repairing; moderate charge*. H. L. Powell. 925 North Third street. Business Opportunities WANTED To meet reliable party who can invest $300.00 to $500.00 and take an active half interest with me in a first-class, paying business. Can easily clear $2,500.00 eqch per year. For personal interview address L., 4572, care of Telegraph. WHY PAY excessive rental and car fare when desirable new brick semi bungalows are offered at attractive prices on Jonestown Road, near Elev enth and Market streets. Six rooms, laundry, pantry and bath; wide porch, front and rear; combination coal and gas range; electric light and gas fix tures; stationary bookease. beautifully papered. Inspection by appointment. Write, or call, 26 Evergreen street. Bell phone 211. FOR SALE. RESTAURANT Will be sold at a bargain. Fully equipped. Automatic soda fountain. Near Square of Lemoyne. Address C. E. Ortmyer, Lemoyne, Pa. BARBER SHOP Three chair shop for sale; gas eater, sterilizer, cup* board and soap rack, cash register, elec tric massage machine, general sup plies; rent only sls per month; corner property; less than S3OO required. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. A MIDDLE-AGED MAN, with a couple thousand, would like to connect with some good business firm in busi ness. Nobody but strictly business men need apply. Can give best of references. Address M., 5547, care of Telegraph. ARE you looking for a good, safe, 6 per cent, investment? A well-estab lished local industry offers a splendid opportunity to local investors by offer ing for sale some of Its preferred stock. Kor particulars write R., 5515, care of Telegraph. ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding foi newspapers, experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syudicate, 793 Lock port. N. Y. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburtf, Ta. MONEY ADVANCED to housekeep ers at legal rates; business confiden tial. Profit Snaring Loan Society, Room 7, Spooner Buii/ting, 9 North Market fcquare. Hauling and Moving NATIONAL TRANSFER CO. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone 3029 J. Storage STORAGE —Private rooms for house hold goods in fireproof warehouse, $2 per month ana up. Lower storage rated In non-fireproof warehouse. HARRIS BURG STGRA'IE CO.. 437-445 South Second street. STORAGE in 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods in clean, private ! rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Diener, Jeweler, 408 Market St. STORAGE 4lB Broad street, house hold goods, Merchandise. Private rooms, Jl-$3. Wagons, 75 cents month. D. i Cooper & Co, 411 Broad street. Beth phones. I Musical FREE I will show any person the i factory way of polishing furniture free ; with every order for piano tuning at ; $1.50. Twenty-five years' experience. , Address Factory Tuner, 822 North Third ; street. ' Old Ones —VIOLINS—New Ones JUST received a large shipment of 1 old and new violins, representing every ; violin center of Europe; we have all ' makes and models; whether an amateur or professional, we guarantee to suit I you; if It's quality or tone and work manship you want, see us before buy ing elsewhere; all Instruments adjusted tree of charge for one year; we also . exchange and allow lull purchase price ion a higher grade instrument. Violins, I 'cellos and bows artistically and ! promptly repaired. Tone restoring a specialty. G. G. Glace, Violin Maker, j 604 Herr Street. ANGELUS PLAYER PIANO— FuII 88- j note; 12 rolls of music; bench, scarf j and two tunings free; special price, I $345, on easy payment plan. H. G. Day, ; 1515 Derry street. Out of the high rent ; district. Automobiles i ! REPUBLIC TIRES "Prodium Pro cess;" wonderful tensile strength; un even wear eliminated; reduced chipping and cutting. GOOD SERVICE TIRE CO., 1019 Market street. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign it to or exchange It with us for a better one. Our charges for selling are 5 per cent. only. No storage charges if car is not sold. AUTO TRANSPORTATION EXCHANGE DE PARTMENT, 27-29 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. FOR SALE 1914, seven-passenger Wmton touring car, in good condition. New cord tires £.ll arcuad. Miller Auto Co., 62 south Cameron. Bell phoae 4119. BARGAINS FOR DECEMBER ONLY 10 Per Cent. Discount. 30x3 Non-Skid $9.36 30x3% Non-Skid 12.06 33x4 Non-Skid 19.80 34x4 Non-Skid 20.1# Fold Radiator Covers 11.60 up 5 Gallons Lubricating Oil (the kind you use) 2.50 Anti-Freeze, per gallon 80 Alcohol 5 lbs. Cup Grease 49 REX GARAGE, "Where You Save Money." 1917 North Third Street. FOR SALE USED TIRES, sixes 30x3 to 37x5%. CRESCENT GARAGE. 232 South street. BUICK ROADSTER With brand new set of tires, In excellent condition. Built lor city and country use. Apply Miller Auto Co.. 68 South Cameron street. OUR 810 SALE OF AUTOS will come off December IS. Over 150 cars will be sold at a sacrifice. Including many dif ferent makes. Runabouts, touring cars and many others We sell cars on con signment. NO CHARGES FOR STOK AGE. AUTO TRANSPORTATION CO, North Cameron street. Motorcycles and Bicycles INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Also Thor and Ilarley-Davidson for sale cheap; Just been overhauled; a.ll twin cylinders and in good condition. C. H. Uliler, 1317 D*rry street. Legal Notices NOTICE THE annual meeting of The Tele graph Printing Co.. for the election of directors and transaction of other business that may properly come, be fore the meeting, will be held at the office of the company. 216 Federal Square, .Harrisburg, Pa., Monday, Janu ary 8, 1917. F. R. OYSTER, Secretary. NOTICE THE annual meeting of the members of the Dauphin County Mutual Fire In surance Company will be held at the office of the Secretary, corner Twenty ninth and Penn Streets, Penbrook. Pa., for the election of Seven Directors, on Monday, January 1, 1917, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. SAMUEL S. MILL.EIS, Secretary. December 12, 1916. HARRISBURG EIOIIT AND POWER COMPANY Harrisburg, Pa. THE Board of Directors has declared a regular quarterly dividend of one and one-half per cent. (1% per cent.) on the Preferred stock of this Company, pay able December 31. 1916, to stockholders of record December 20, 1916. Checks will be mailed. IL W. STONE. Treasurer. NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of Eleanor A. Anderson, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to tho undersigned residing in Mechanics burg, Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. MRS. ELIZABETH W. PROWELL, Administratrix, Mechanicsburg. Pa. In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No. 3290 ln the Matter of Joseph H. Benfer, Bankrupt. PUBEIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE THE undersigned Trustee will expose at public sale, in front of the Court House, Harrisburg, Pa., on TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1917, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M.. the following described real estate; All that certain lot or piece of land, situate in the City of Harrisburg. Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning at a point on tho south side of Sweetbrler avenue, now Zarker street, between Sixteenth and Seven teenth streets, at line of other prop erty, now or late, of Joseph Benfer; thence by the line of said property south 70 feet to the center of a 4-foot wide private alley; thence by the cen ter of said private alley west 80 feet to line of lot, now or formerly, of M. B. Tate, which line Is now at or near the center of a private alley extending from Cestnut street to Sweetbrier ave nue, now Zarker street, 2% feet of the property hereby conveyed having been dedicated to the use of said alley; thence by said line, formerly the lot of M. B. Tate, north 70 feet to Sweetbrler avenue, now Zarker street: and thence bv Zarker street east 80 feet to place of beginning. Having thereon erected six two-story brick houses, Nos. 1601 1603, 1605, 1607, 1609 and 1611 Zarker street. The above described real estate will be sold free and clear of all liens and incumbrances. TERMS —-10 per cent, on the day of sale; 15 per cent, upon the confirma tion of said sale by the Court, and the balance upon delivery of the deed there for. AL K. THOMAS. Trustee. OFFICE OF The Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings. State Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings until 2 o'clock P. M„ Tuesday, January 9, 1917, for fur nishing tho labor and materihJ required in installing two Electric Freight Ele vators in the new main building on the State Arsenal Grounds, located at Eigh teenth and Herr Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Each bidder must file with his proposal complete specifications of the equip ment he proposes to install. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. NOTICE THE Annual Meeting of the East Harrisburg Cemetery Co., for the elec tion of Six Directors, will be held at the office of the Company, at the Cemetery, on Tuesday, the 9th day of January, 1917, between the hours of 1 and 2 P. M. J. A. MILLEB, Secretary. Comm. of Pennsylvania Insurance Dept. Liquidation of the dissolved Scranton Fire Insurance Company (Dauphin Co. Common Pleas No. 57; 1913). ALL parties at interest are notified that a report on the aforementioned company is prepared and can be seen at the Department. A first distribution of 65 per cent, is awarded. Exceptions must be filed not later than December 27, 1916, after which the report (and exceptions, if any) will be filed in the Dauphin County Court. J. D. O'NEIL Insurance Commissioner. Harrisburg. Pa. Dec. 20, 1916. To Henry Ford, and all other Interested parties: TAKE NOTICE that the petition of William E. Graham and Henrietta J. 1 Corbln, owner of the premises or part thereof herein mentioned, filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, to No. 510 January Term, 1917, has been presented to said Court, aver ring that the legal presumption arislns from the lapse of time, exists of the payment of a certtln mortgage given by John Shaeffer to Henry Ford, condition ed for the payment of one hundred pounds in real gold specie or silver, lawful money of Pennsylvania, on the 15th day of April, 1796, and eighty pounds, like money, on the 15th day of April, 1797, dated January 28. 1795, and recorded in Mortgage Book "D," vol. 1, page 233, upon the premises now situ ate in the Third Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at a pin. the corner of Market and Third streets; thence along Market street 23 feet to Andrew Ream's ground; thence by the same 23 feet to a pin; thenc eastwardly 3 feet 3 inches to a pin; thence by said Ream's lot 176 feet to Blackberry alley; thence along said alley 26 feet 3 inches to Third street; and thence along Third street 210 feet to the beginning. That no payment of principal or in terest has been made within 21 years on account of said mortgage by the present owners, or so far as can be ascertained, bv their predecessors in title, and the Court has been asked for an order of service and publication by the Sheriff, which wore duly granted, requiring the said Henry Kord and all Interested parties to appear In Court on the Bth dav of January, 1917, at 10 o'clock A. M. Take notice, therefore, that applica tion will be made to the said Court on Monday, the Btli day of January, 1917, nt 10 o'clock A. M., if no person ap pears claiming to bo the owner of said mortgage, to decree and direct that satisfaction be entered upon the record of said mortgage. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. D. S. SEITZ. Attorney. December 12, 1916. Harrisburg. Pa.. Dec. 11, 1916. THE annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Harrisburg National Bank for the election of directors to serve during the year 1917, will be held at their banking house, Tuesday, January 9, 1917, between the hours of 10 and 12 A. M. WM. U GORGAS, Cashier. THE Annual Meeting of the Policy holders of The Millers Mutual Fire In surance Company will be held at the office of the Company, Rooms 403-404 sqd 405 Kunkle Building. Harrisburg, Pa., on Thursday, January 18, 1917, at 2 o'clock P. M„ to elect Directors to serve for the ensuing year and to transact any other business that tnay legally come before them. B. K. HUNTZTNGER, Secretary. DECEMBER 26., 1916. PRICES GENERALLY TAKE BIG DROP Trading Listless Because of Lack of Outside Interest; U. S. Steel Recedes New York, Dec. 26. Trading be came exceedingly listless after the first hour on the lack of outside in terest. A general dropping of prices occurred, Marines. Central Leather and U. S. Steel leading at recessions °l. Ito 21,4 points while Alcohol, Cru cible Steel and Mexican Petroleum yielded sympathetically. Offsetting features, including a five point gain In Ohio Gas and irregular advances in tho obscure specialties, attracted little attention. In the second hour the list hardened again, some stocks rising above initial levels on a larger volume of business, but before midday this was dissipated largely as a result of the recurrent weakness of marines. Bonds were firm. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square. HAr rishurg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York. Dec. 26. Open. Clos. Allis-Chalmers 27 28',2 American Beet Sugar ... 90 90 American Can' 46% 47% American C & F American Ice Securities . 30 30 V* America nLocomollve .. 76% 78 American Smelting .... 104% 105 American Sugar 110 " 110 Anaconda 83 83% Atchison 101 104% Baldwin Locomotive ... 59% 59 Baltimore & Ohio 84 84 Bethlehem Steel 500 500 Butte Copper 48% 47% California Petroleum ... 25% 25% Canadian Pacific 167 167 Central Leather 87 86% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 66% 66% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 91% 91% Chicago, R I and Pacific 34% '34 Chino Con Copper 54% 54% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 45 46 Consolidated Gas 133 133 Corn Products 24% 23% Crucible Steel 58 62 Crucible Steel pfd •. . . . 113% 113% Distilling Securities .... 30% 30% Erie 35% 35 General Electric Co .... 167 169% Goodrich BP 60% 61 Great Northern pfd .... 117% 117% Great Northern Ore subs 35% 36% Inspiration Copper 56% 58 Interboro-Metropolitan. . 17% 16% International Paper .... 45 48% Kennecott Copper 45% 45% Lackawanna Steel 83 84 Lehigh Valley 79% 79% Maxwell Motors 53% 52% Merc Mar Ctfs 26 23% Merc Mar Ctfs pfd .... 91 84% Mex Petroleum 96% 97% Miami Copper 38% 38% Midvale Steel 56% 61 | Missouri Pac 17% 17% National Lead 60 60% New York Central 104 103% NY N H and H 53% 54 New York Ont and West 29% 29% Norfolk and Western ... 135% 136 Northern Pacific 110 110% Pacific Mail 29% 21% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 56% 56% Pittsburgh Coal ctfs.... 40 39% Railway Steel Spg 59% 50 Ray Con Copper 27 26% Reading 104% 103% Republic Iron and Steel. 77% • 78 Southern Pacific 97% 97% Southern Ry 33 32% Studebaker 112 T4 112 Texas Oil 213 225% Union Pacific 148 147% U S I Alcohol 109% 112% U S Steel 107% 107% U S Steel pfd 119% 119% Utah Copper 101 103 Virginia-Carolina Chem. 42% 42% West Union Teelgraph.. 97 97 Westinghouse Mfg 56 56 Willys-Overland 37% 37% Wabash com 30% 30% Western Maryland .... 28% 29% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia, Dec. 26. Wheat "'Klier; No. 2, red. spot, and December, 1.71@1.74; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.69® Corn Market firmer; No. 2, yellow. $1.04 @1.05; No. 3, yellow, $1.03@1.04 • &°'A, y £!. low - *l-00@1.01; No. 6. yellow. 99c@51.00; southern, yellow, 98c@$1.01 Oats Market higher; No. 2, white 60@60%c; No. 3, white. 58@58%c. Bran The market is steady; city nulls, winter, per ton. 5..6.00, wcai ern winter, per ton. $26.60: soft, winter proton. $33.50; Spring, per ton, $31.50® Refined Sugars Market lower; powdered, 7.05 c; fine granulated, 6.95 c; confectioners' A, 6.85 c. Butter The market is steady; western, creamery, extras, 41 @ 42c; nearby prints, fancy, 44c. Eggs The market is sceady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, tree cases, $14.10 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $13.80 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases. $14.10 per case; do., firsts, free cass, $13.80 per case. Live Poultry—The market is steady; fowls, 17@19c; roosters. 13@14c; Spring chickens. 16@19c; broilers. 16@18c; ducks, I6@18c; geese, 15@18c; turkeys, 22<3>24c. • Dressed Poultry Quiet, but firm; fowls, fancy, 23@23%c; do., good to choice, 21%@22%c; do., small sizes, 16 @2lc: old roosters, 17c; roasting chick ens, western, 19@24c; broiling chickens, western, 18@25c; do., nearbv. 23®31c; Spring ducks, nearby. 20i)22c. rlo.. western, 18@20c; geese, nearby, 20@ 22c; do., western. 18@20c; turkeys, fancy, large, neapby, 31 @ 32c; do., west ern, fancy, largef 31c; do., western, fair to good, 27@29c; do., common, 22@25c. Potatoes The market is steadyi Pennsylvania, per bushel, $1.65@1.75; New York, per bushel, $1.75; Eastern einore. No. i, per ua> - rel, $2.60@2.76; do.. No. I, per barrel, $1.26@1.60: Norfolk. No. 1, per barrel, $2.60®2.76;: do. No. I. pet barrel, J1.26W1.50; Jersey, per basket. fcs<-®sl.oo Flour Th< market is quiet; winter, clear, $6.50®3.75; do., straights, $7.00@7.25; do., patents, $7.50©7.75; Spring, firsts. clear, $7.75@8.00; do., patents, $8.25@8.60; do., favorite brands, sß.soft) 9.00. Hay Steady, with a fair demnnd: new timothy, No. 1. large bales, $18.00; No. 1, small bales, $17.00@17.60; Legal Notices NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of Edmund J. Miller, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, havfng been granted to the, undersigned, residing In said city, all persons Indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claim? will present them for settlement. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY. Administrator of Estate of Edmund J. Miller, deceased. AT YOUR SERVICE FOR 2 1917 CALENDARS 1917 GOOD SELECTION. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MYERS MFG. CO. Third and Cumberland Streets BrII Phone J577-R. HARRISBURG, PA. No. 2, $14.50@15.50: No. 3. $11.00@13.00: sample, $8.00@10.06. <u-*.vv, iJ , n^^.'?X cr , nilxed - Light mixed. *; No. 1, do., J15.00@15.60: No. 2, do., $12.00 @13.0e. CHICAGO CATTLE ii^sn cas °: Dcc - 26. Cattle Receipts Native beef .-attic, $7.20 @ 11. < 5; western steers.s7.2s<3>lo.oo; stockers and feeders. $5.204j;8.15; cows ? E , h , e i£ erß " $4.2041)10.00; calves. (jr 11.70. sll *ep—Receipts, strong. Weth ers. $!i.00@10.00; lambs. J 11.25® 13.45. , Hogs Receipts, 46,000; strong. 5o to luc above yesterday's average. Built ?J™ a,eß i *lO 00010.40: light, $9.60® n < ixr Hl. J8.90W 10.55; heavy. SIO.OO rough, $10,004/110.15; pigs, $7.50 CHICAGO HOARD OF Chicago, 111., Dec. 26.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May, 1.68%; July, 1.35>1. Corn—May, 111 : July, 91H. Oats—May. 53%: July, 50%. Pork—January, 27.25; May, 26.92. Irfird—January, 16.97; May, 16 15. Ribs—January, 13.95; May, 11.10. Early Publication of Reply to Wilson's Note Causes Astonishment Washington, D. C., Dee. 2ti.—Officials liero are surprised that Germany's answer to President Wilson's peace note was given out in Berlin before it reached this country in official form. They pointed out that in sending his note President Wilson allowed two days between the time of i(s dispatch and making it public that it might first reach the German government. In the absence of an official reply formal comment was withheld at. the White House and the State Depart ment. The direct proposal for a con ference of delegates at a neutral place was regarded as a further step in Ger many's proposal, although officials considered it as having been definitely forecast in the first proffer. Such a formal offer has repeatedly been men tioned in authorized statements at the German embassy here, where the opinion freely has been expressed that. If delegates once could bo gathered around a table for the purpose of discussing peace the result surely will be an arrangement, of terms. The Berlin dispatches containing the eGrman reply were read by President. Wilson and Secretary with the greatest Interest. Some officials comparing the reply with President Wilson's note professed to see some conflict between the German state ment that the work of securing the future peace of the world should be delayed until the end of the present struggle, while others were of the opinion that it was not entirely out of harmony. President Wilson's purpose has re peatedly been expressed as making for the preventing of future wars as a part of the settlement of the present conflict, but admittedly that is a sub ject broad enough to allow of some variation when It comes to final con sideration. This afternoon the official text of the note had not been received at the State Department. Count von Bern storff, the German ambassador, had gone to New York and as far as could be learned the Germany ambassador's only information was the Associated I Press dispatches. • The unofficial text of Germany's re ply did not get before the Cabinet be cause the Tuesday meeting was sud denly abandoned a few minutes before the secretaries were due at the White House. Porto Rico Used as Basis of Supply For Revolutionary Powder For Santa Domingo Pan Juan, Porto lileo, Dec. 20.—(Cor respondence of the Associated Press).— Porto Rico has been used as a base of supply for revolutionary ammunition for Santo Domingo, in the belief ox United States officials here who recent ! ly discovered and confiscated a large quantity of revolver and rifle shells concealed in barrels of codfish and destined for the neighboring republic. GIFTS AT DISPENSARY Dr. C. R. Phillips, together with other j physicians and nurses at the State Tuberculosis Dispensary, in North Sec ond street, entertained 200 children, who are receiving treatment there, or whose parents are ill. A large Christ mas tree was decorated, and gifts were given to each child. Provisions and warm clothing were furnished to som of the families. Motion pictures were taken as the youngsters entered the dispensary and as they were leaving with their gifts. Similar entertainments were held in the other 116 dispen saries under State supervision. BOMII FOUND IN SNOW Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 26. A bomb was found near Governor Wil liam Spry's residence yesterday. It was uncovered by R. F. Neslen as he was BWgjiping a path through the snow between his own residence and that of the Governor. PHILADELPHIA MILLIONAIRE DIES Philadelphia. Dec. 26. Charles S. Walton, millionaire leather manfac turer, banker, philanthropist and religi ous worker, died at his home at St. Davids, near here, to-day. Death was due to apoplexy, he having become ill after eating Christmas dinner. Mr. Wal ton was 54 years old. 24 BELOW IN WEST Denver, Colo., Dec. 26. Low tem peratures were recorded in the Rocky Mountain region to-day. Modena, southern Utah, reported the lowest temperature 24 degrees below zero. It was 20 below at Cheyenne, Wyo. HIIBBER STAMQfI BfBJ SEALS A STENCILS U\ II"MFG.BYHBG.STENCItWORKS ■ |1 II 130 LOCUSTST. HBQ.PA. I# f^Sl r Above Sent j |/tm Upon t HomjumAMLWlfo Ml .unmet t., HarrUburg, Pa. Telephones—C. V. 612; Bell 34D8 New York Reading; Philadelphia Allfntonu Direct private wires connecting all offices and principal markets. 11