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JOHN DREW IN MAJOR PENDENNIS Thackeray's Novel Dramatized a Sparkling Comedy of Nineteenth Century John Drew in a somewhat unac customed role last evening played Major Pendennis to a full house at the Orpheum. John Drew was of course the center of attention, but a discriminating audience did not fail to appreciate the splendid acting of the strong cast that surrounded the eminent actor. Patterned after Wil liam Makepeace Thackeray's novel, Major Pendennis is a comedy of the early nineteenth century, portraying in young Arthur Pendennis the char acteristic gentlemen of the age, with a lively intellect and a high self-con ceit, but a sense of honor and a capa city for love. Arthur Pendennis was capably im personated by Brandon Tynan, who enacted a rather difficult character role to perfection. John O'Brien, as the Major's valet, filled an important niche in the development of the story, and Helen Menken as Blanche Amory, the much-singing daughter of wealth, would have delighted Thackeray's heart, had he been there last evening witness his characters in action. t2*ptain Jack Costigan, with ever-red dening nose and an "open" hand, was acted by Lester Lenegan, while Jane Huston took the part of Emily Foth erlngay, his ambitious daughter; the entire personnel of the cast, in short, was such as to maintain the high standard which one expects of John Drew's co-players. There were no weak points. John Drew was his old self, the aristocratic gentleman, with a commanding pres ence and an inevitable personality. "With little delay between the acts, and with an attractive atmosphere of old Knglish hovering about the stage, the play was carried through to a highly satisfactory conclusion. —MAX ROBERTSON. ORPHEUM Friday and Saturdav and Saturday matinee, January 5 and 6 AI. G. Field Greater Minstrels. MAJESTlC—Vaudeville. COLONIAL—"The Wharf Rat." REGENT—"Unprotected." VICTORIA—"Heart of the Hills." The Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels have always been foremost exponents of dancing styles and The Al. R. this season the pro- Field Dancers gram again has a va riety and scope all its own. Wherever fitting throughout the performance, an illustrative dancing number is introduced and all resources in the way of settings, lighting and costumes are utilized to make them ex ceptional. In addition to a large and competent chorus, there is associated with Johnny Dove a brilliant group of principals, among whom are: Joe MeCartv, Joe Ooffman, Eugene Deßell, Henri Neiser. Frankie Miller, William Wachsman. T. F. Hanley, Harry W. Young. Jim Oon roy, Carl Nixon, Garner Newton, John Healy and others. The Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels are at the. Orpheum Friday and Saturday and Saturday night. r "Busy Izzy," a big musical comedy, with George Sidney as the star come dian, is booked for ieor*e Sidney the Orpheum next in "Uimy I*/.y" Wednesday, matinee and night. This show is a standard attraction, and the lfllT edition is down to the very second as to jokes, songs, dances, rostumes, scenery and all appointments. George Sidney, one of the funniest comedians on the American stage, has a whole repertoire of new jokes and songs. This is the last opportunity patrons of the Majestic Theater will hsve of witnessing the splendid bill At the of vaudeville appearing there. .><- The Sylvester Family, con sisting of father, mother and four very clever children, is one of the most popular numbers on the bill, and their little offering entitled, "A Happy Evening At Home," is very entertain ing. Four other good Keith acts round out the vaudeville list. For the Mast half of the week "The Hoosier Girl," a scenic musical comedy "girl'' act, with nine people, will be the big feature. Grouped around this attraction are: Golet, Harris and Morey, a clever trio of men who scored such a tremendous hit here at the opening of the season; Jack Marley, singing and talking come dian; Dufty and Daisy, in a lively cycle and acrobatic act, and the Koban Japs, novel equilibrists. The story deals with the adventures of Hester Madgwick, daughter of on English baronet, "The Heart of the who is kidnaped as Hills" at Victoria a rhild and conse crated to the ser vice of a heathen god. Years later she is sent to Ix)ndon to recover a sacred rubv. Strangely enough, the search leads her to her own father's house. How blood proves thicker than water, and how, aided by a handsome young Englishman, Hester escapes the "traps and pitfallH prepared by an intriguing half-sister and agents of the Hindu clan, finally marrying the man she loves, makes an exciting storv of in finite charm. For to-morrow. "The Phantom Buc caneer," featuring Richard C. Travers and Gertrude Glover. To-day and to-morrow Blanche Sweet, with Theodore Roberts, will be presented in "Unpro "l.'niroteete<l,'' tected" at the Regent. At Regent Tn "Unprotected" Miss Sweet portrays the most striking and unusual character of her entire career—that of a beautiful young artist, leased with other convict laborers and sentenced to work in a turpentine camp. As an orphan girl, she goes to live with her uncle, who refuses to permit her to indulge in her artistic inclina tions. An accident befalls the old man, in which he is killed, and she is sen tenced to ten years in prison, and leased out to a private firm to work with the rlff-rafT of the Stato In one of the huge turpentine camps. How, as a young artist, she meets the son of the Gover nor—now he falls In love with her, and although she is convicted under a dif ferent name, finds her just as she Is about to fall into the clutches of the owner of tho camp—how the convicts rebel against the treatment—and how they are flnallv sav*>d from worse than a death by her plas for them to the Gov 'rnor, make a story absolutely unique in motion picture annals. "The Wharf Rat." the new Triangle play, featuring Mae Marsh, hooked for the Colonial Theater Mae Marsh at to-day and to-morrow the Colonial was written by Anita author of the popular stories in which Douglas Fair banks usually appears. Tt is a comedy drama with scenes and actions on the wharves of San Francisco, and tells of a little girl, who Is mistreated bv her step-parents nd runs away from home Disguised as a boy, she makes an at tractive picture In her efforts to save br grandfather from the consequences I of a crime he committed, but in doing \ sa. she nearlv loses her sweetheart. The added attraction of the program will b> a new two-reel Keystone comedv, called ''His Only Friend." Thirty minutes of fun and thrills. Friday and Saturday Thos H, Ine will present William Des mond and Dorothy Dalton in ''A Gamble In Souls." a powerful Btory presented in a clever manner. WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH "JANUARYS, 1917. {The Great Semi-Annual Clean Sweep Sale Now in Full Swing S EXTRA SPECIAL. I'XTIt 1 I Another Lot of Pic >g pposo ■mn y. igyi rj j?Women's Drawer j: Ml fMkaSSwMS SEMI-ANNUAL yi3£ I .??£. ffin CLEAN SWEEP SALE ffPl '' Jl • --ft* mill. £§! iCa^TlThis Store Opens at 8.30 A. M. and Closes at 5.30 P. M.s 1 ""'IST" of Thousands of the Newest 1 | fi Cownm, I I Of Girls' Good )\ I cJi W*- Prettiest Waists and Silk Blouses moom i Olipoil Warm Winter Coats { fc S„"' " ,,a „.„,^ emarkable Low Clean Sweep Sale ff!" 5 .. All Day Broom Sale . At Welcome Savings—2 to 14-year Sizes J 3 First Floor. WHITE WHITE Wonderful Values, Parents, and Wonderful Opportunities to pur- K # LAWN THESE SILK BLOUSES VOILE and Tlllll'efl d V chase a good, stylish, warm Winter Coat for your girl at a worth ' , # SI'KCIALN WAISTS, Worth up to d? 1 A A LAWN' * 11-A while saving. Plenty of styles, materials anil colors and sizes from | | Boys' Sweaters Wort V 75c ' $3.50. Special at 1 WAISTS. (BRING THIS WITH YOU) which to choose. I j f Worth to *3. For lor v WortU to 1.25, ~.. J ' , , / <fcl fiQ 9Q- A re Wonderful value*. for Mg\ A 04 . . „ EXTRA SPECIAL One Lot Of Girls' winter 1 V I I OJC All newest styles, in a wide va- _ _ MM 1 1 T" otrinST r*- • \\r- * r>r\ a t>o _ _ COATS J Good heavy rope riety of lovely new shades and QQ/, HMfl MllulS ll® Girls Winter COATS; "| C ■ stitch sweaters, in All sizes; made, black, made of Oi7t , lltisßljfSl'M/ 01 t TkT>/v A*rn .. . r in 1 Vl ITI Worth 8.5.00 , \ dark red only. All of lace and | KPnOHITQ Worth to $3.00, for.. V * %%J\J Sale Price I M sizes. embroidery Silk CreDe de Chinr Beautiful EttMKlflf lIIVVviTXVJ . (fr) Jf\ K Kirt Floor trimmed; tine r" uc v ' nlnc i styles; made KOTjrajHf 2to 14-year sizes, in a wide variety of O-M # L j white lawns. ~ Z neatly: trim- IW®WI®W .... w Georgette Crepe and med with lace EMW desirable materials, styles and colors. 2 to 9-year sizes. \ /EXTILi SPECIAL/N . or embroidery. JH > ' V I ( Women's WHITE Satin Strip Tub Silks. W "n* nr K §M B f Girls- Winter ' Girls' Winter A ' Girls' Winter 1 I jf Mercerized slzes from 36 to 42. Silk Blouses I If M MM M I COATS COATS COATS 5 Stockings worhtookc worth to nSO M WW Worth to S 1.00 Worth to *O.OO Worth to $0.50 \ # Worth JSc, For WOMEN'S SILK BLOUSES' for I Sale Price tf'o Sale Price J I 14 c , 69c Regular $3.50, $4, fOC7 Moq | || $2.89 I?- 6 ?,, $4.69 , W Splendid quality Lovely new an< l $4.50 Values, I Sold only to customers purchasing SI.OO 3to 1 4-year years. Splendid 2to 14-year g \ fast black only 2 y e^ 3 a^\ ri f Exquisite styles. In a lot of lovely A biff variety R worth of Merchandise Or Over. Only Ito a BlZes - BiK variety Of V KOod B stvies! S,ZOS hanjßom C r and all sizes. tivdy trim- shades of Crepe de Chine, Georgette ?L P^"J„ Bty I nwhrnier- nnnr snlH to rhiHrn of col or s and co lors and fab- fabrics, styles and f % , First Floor. med. Crepe, etc Sizes 36 to 4fi i shaaes. All ■ Customer, none SOlu to cniidren. styles. rics. colors. & £*■ - / v J / V \ J J W <E\THA SPECIAI. SPECIAI.'N ********—^^^ — ' 1 5 p e °Z"tll woo" Mix c ed Finest Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts For w mT.s" s & Are Gir ' ,!i ]? 1 worth soc, for Stockings 77 7 misses Pretty Dresses r | 37c rie ' n j7 Pr,M r/ y All in This Big Clean Sweep at Remarkable Low Prices I I One Lot Girls' Wash Dresses; |C ff auamy. fast color. i'£ Up to $9.00 Women's and Misses' Winter Coats, for OO V. Worth to 69c, % black sateen. All Come In all sizes. V**V/V *"5 * * * . # :jr *<*■ wonderful values. /xfel Up to $11.50 Women's and Misses' Winter Coats, for S7 SO h^s a ?zei 6 to n i4" C ( Second Floor. t ~r* t !■ loor. M* * " \ X years. ft J , /uV\A Up to $12.50 Women's and Misses' Winter Coats, for One Lot Girls' Wash Dresses; J 1 /RXTHA spEriALN f EXTHA SPECIAI.'N ,jj J\.\ 1 U ~ 7 M>ouU Worth to $1 50 rv O £ Women's Bath Boys' Blue Up to $14.50 Women's and- Misses' Winter Coats, for. $9.50 mmk I I for 93c > C ..„ I^°t^ e -n r Chambray | 7| to Women's and Misses' Winter Coats, for SILSO MW I I fast colors; assorted styles; sizes 15 % <lll £7 worth r.oo, i\\ Up to $20.00 Women's and Misses' Winter Coats, for <£l jX One Lot of GirIs'DRESSES; g *P *•" • Special for I \ " M* l VSgB Worth to 00 rt* "1 rv % l Made of good. 39 C / j \ Up to $25.00 Women's and Misses' Winter Coats, { or *pl o i/5 I C cioth. Assorted An '/ 1 I\Up to $27.50 Women's and Misses' Winter Coats, f0r.... ft OO A I I and ' heavy corduro's, in assor ed I m # colors and sizes. qJIO.UU colors; all good styles; sizes Bto 14 g c? L " 1 1 001- . , k | | Up to $16.00 Women's and Misses' Plush Coats, for $10.95 2r ,; " w„ m s S' A, '-1 U P '°^ 22 - 5 ° w ° me "' sa " d - • 518.50 WmWm\ Knit Underwear i I u° u .? e . D i, ess f es Lined Kid Up to $30.00 Women's and Misses' Plush Coats, for.. **iiPr Clean Sweep Special Is ( „i 7 , c „. jd Up to $20.00 Women's Extra Large Coats, for $14.50 I !l 55c Up to $25.00 Women's Extra Large Coats, for SIB.OO 10 1 % Sizes. First Floor w __ __ ' ' I and Pants; sizes to 42. M fiv——- rl - 11 Less -f / Price For HIEiS- Dresses Dresses Dresses UNION A TSj / I,EXTRA SPECIAI.V - I € Women's Men's Blue All3ll / WOUCISOIIIG tjllits Seasons Latest and Most Attractive Styles at for 0%/ C f # Kimonos Chambray Women's anil Misses' up to $15.00 t Women's and Misses' up to $22.50 Truly Remarkable Low Prices c eav T_ f,e ® llne(1 ribbed Union S J Wnr, Vo!r ,or 4 ,„ ? h i r 5 S '„ Wjrtish New SuUs, $ 6 .75 $10.75 Women's Wren's Misses* ~„„som e Vests and Pants, 1 | 49c speeln. tor' rM ' Wonien Vanil MM up to SIB.OO K<LeX an( , up to $25.00 a™ l MM Serge $4.95 $9.00 Worth 39c, QC C Made Of heavv , n Iluiulsomc Winter tfQ 7C High Grade Winter OIOTC Presses, for oiti to 10.00, for. .. v ( I As : 4jC Sul,s > f<)r PO./Oj SllhH foi . OIZ./O Women's and Misses' Mlk and V" ~v of °"i' li'H'st Evening, for £ Blzes.' '"" ,s un X) 1 j All of our Finest Suits in regular and extra large sizes; fIQ j"n Sor K* Drosses; Worth djc Pn Uie°Oean SAvee^' I ''' Flecee lined ribbed Vests and V S,n„ rioor. F.Ut Fiuur. worth up for $19.50 s;{ g| $6.50 *" $11.50 Pant " I | Read Th £ p ° n ffcr I f Yitt " A Clean Sweep of This Hundreds of Rare ("lean Sweep Sale Economies j illfl l■ ' " Season's Newest All Q|l I EXTRA I Wash Fabrics |% 111 ' I / 1 / ' - —______ W W W W blue; boxed; size 30x45 inches; M % 9 V tt I\/ W T 1 A ■ 11 T T ■ -jr m\W Clean Sweep OC„ A ¥ Utrht and dark neat figured K iis Wr 1 Wool, Actually Up to SPECIAL 51 u[ sls Values in Men'sm. 1= 1 ■fi Mw *1 TTTT^T/l^T*iT\ $2.25 Kood, heavy Kray Cotton w ' ( ' e special, 9c Sale Pric eCleanSweei 1()c |f IS I VTIWTIlI? OVKI? Blanket; Size C6XBO lnch; Clean yard 19c KemnantH of Figure'a Serpen- 7 JI YY ±ll i. JLfXV. p7cV . $1.79 mic to lEc Bleached Mus- Vr d C cXr;- 3 8le n ciar : d 12V2C J C| l l I PINCH BACKS BELT BACKS ENGLISH FFFFfTS ll.0 Lu Gray dotton Blu- Hn and Nainsooks; 36 inches 9c%Tk Nainsook,' 38 inches 1 J\\ 4 _ ULiLiM unviVQ bllULlOn LrrLVlO kets; size 72x80 inches; colored wide; very fine qualities; 1 f|_ W ide for underwear and 101/ S II Bui CONSERVATIVES,BLACKS,BLUES, MIXTURES, OXFORD GRAYS "•-- $1.95 oci.i. yru 10c .p* c ,.rvd 12V2C { f > tt " n< ;\ v wanted style inissliiß jour elioiee or any of the;n lor the small outlay noted 25c Fancy Table Oil Cloths 1 2 r*" 1 -! <2 P " M t alwive. l.very < oat Is new, decidedly well made and all woo'. A hotter offer or a ln-tter „. . ~ . '. , . . ' , , ' iL lengths, JS IQr K # ...j,, ... elMMiec to buy at a big saving Isn't to be found in all Harrisburg. llut don't delay, this Table Cloth Damask and Iya wide, in brown, green inches wide, special, yard.. % % I', " qulekly sell tlie wliol ■ lot of them—be on lutnd to-morro.v morning early for vours All sizes t> i and red; 191 / . l jc White I ajama Checks, 36 in. w J Noveltv Mixtnr s, ete. J ' ' Towels s , (ecial> yard iZ /2C ; ]O C 1 i I Rn,! °0 Men's $5 Heefer Coats; £3 Qc" Mens I'ANTS; Worth * 1 fie' Cloths, MxEs' I Jq'" c Bleached Cotton Twill S I Price 1 SI.OO Clcan Swcc P .. to $3.00, for' tM.JIO cerized; special, each 4SfC Toweling for kitchen use; C_ Sheets and Pillow Cases C 1 I Made of a heavy Frieze Cloth, Splendid values, well made of 35c' Cotton Tnhlo TlnrmcU 18 special, yard j # I I fabrtcs, ?n an Xt , r iles. good Str ° nK -Peclany well lined and come In good mixtures, casslmeres; all inches w ide; extra go?d patterns! „ and Bed Spreads f , - . V Raizes. Clean Sweep Sale OO 6c Turkish Wash Cloths; all 69c Muslin Bed Sheets; size 81x # ) m Price AJJC colored borders; A- 90; seam in center; ' 11 4 Big Clean Sweep Values in the Boys'Dept. r 8 ne inS e S : 'EST & ' pec,a1 ' each i I BOYS' 75c ODD BOYS' $5.00 LONG BOYS' $3.50 POLO Boys' $4 NORFOLK terns; clean Sweep og 25c Fancy Figured Voile; large l el^ x9 e ; c^ ches: 65c ' PANTS, OVFRfnATS OVERCOATS, SUITS a J , ' ,f 1Z J' f , P ° J Full'9<)x9o And Vo'xios fiieached I Clf AE? OVERCOATS, Ir\ A Mercerized Taltle from, special, 12 /2C Muslin Sheets; made of heavy mus- | 45c .152 19 Da r . handsome designs AQ C yard lA/2C | ln ; slightly Imperfect; OQ_ | (I Mr itio in Yram. $3.75 J, w„r, " and quality; special, yard... C Clean Sweep Sale Price 9C ( knlckej boc'ii- Hanfieomo Overcoats, Pinch Back Norfolk \ (I snM ~}l' N • Vmrw. 1 n brown, gray and blu Suits of good mixture GRUB BOXES—7Sc large size Grub yIQ . i CAlll) TAHLKS—S2.SO Mahogany Finish Card , II IMC, Hack model, ,n B—^—now fancy nuilarlal, 60 cotitw in this lot, Broken sizes. ' m __— MIKS ON Ills IIONEYMOOX lliixband of Two lty Su.l.l<ul> Slrlokm With Acute Indlirrxtlon Wilkes-Barru, J*a., Jan. B. While on liis honeymoon, John Barrett Burke, 43 years old, pf Ffttston, died suddenly ai llazleton Monday night. Burke anfl Miss Margaret MclTußh were married in Scranton last Saturday ,and soon afterward started on a wedding trip. Burke wax suddenly stricken with acute Indigestion. Medical aid was of no avail, and iwtb his bride of a few days at his bedside lie died at the homo of relatives. Burke wan a nephew of John E. Barrett, editor of the Scranton 1 Republican. I'RISOK NTRIPKS AUOI.INllKI) ! 1 Lancaster, ?%., § ; = Tfa jaoa^ of prison inspectors at their annual meeting abolished the striped garments foi; prisoners, substituting the bluish trrai; suits of the type worn by Eastern penitentiary prisoners, It was stated Wiftt tb werkiiiff ft prlvoMfa on tb public ronda of Manhetm township had been a thorough attccean In <>very re upec.t. Thin was the rtrat exprlment under the new law and by working on , roads prisoners earned a commutation of sentence of not more than ten days 1 ii month. i 5 WORKMAN lU'HMTOC Mylan Stanley, an employe of tha Bethlehem Steel Company, was badly; burned about the face and arms whll'- at work lost night. He was removed to the Harisburg Hospital