Newspaper Page Text
Pocket BCMOM2, Bottle* |l ' J A I—that1 —that the monoaceticaeldester of B HEAVY COUNTER I DRIVES LAUNCHED [Continued From First Page] along the main Sereth line between the mountains and the Danube in the vicinity of Fundeni. Russian troops in mass formation were thrown into a storm attack yesterday afternoon and evening after violent artillery preparation. Here too, the Teutonic j lines were reached, during the sec-! ond effort but could not be held by the ! attacking forces. Deadly Austro-; German curtain of fire broke up the main Russian attack, Berlin declares. ! Greek Situation Serious Elsewhere there has been little fighting, so far as the current official j statements reveal. There are signs of possible impending activities of an j important nature, however, along the: front in Macedonia. In this connec tion it attaches to news agency reports of the presence in Greece of General Von Falkenhayn, former chief of the German general staff and latterly in command of important forces in the! Rumanian campaign. He is said to have reached Larissa after having traveled in a submarine from Kavala. j A report sent from Saloniki by the , correspondent of a Paris agency says i the Greek government is in constant; communication with Berlin by means ! of a wireless plant hastily constructed ! at Larissa. Another report from a correspondent with General Sarrail's! army declares the entente forces in i Macedonia are to be augmented pre- ' liminary to an offensive which will I have for its object the cutting of the j Berlin-Constantinople railroad run-! ning through Serbia, Bulgaria and Turkey. Volunteers For Germany's Home Army Are Pouring Forh in Great Crowds Berlin, Jan. 15, via London, Jan. 16. —Volunteers for Germany's "home , army" are many in number and are volunteering so steadily and so fast that compulsion under the terms of the civil service law of November will The Quinine That Dees Mot Cause Nervousness or Ringing in Head Because of its Tonic and Laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness r ringing in the head. It removes the cause of Colds, Grip and headache. Used whenever Quinine is needed. —but remember there is Only One "Bromo Quinine" That is the Original Laxative Bromo Quinine This Signature on Every Box STVSS 25 c. t O* If you could realize the infinite care with which the good name of KING OSCAR 5c Cigar is guarded, your smoke troubles would be over. You would then know that here is an all-day, every-day smoke which is always of uniform high quality. They couldn't be better because they are made of the finest tobaccos that grow. JOHN C. HERMAN & CO., Makers THE Wm. PENN GARAGE NOW OPEN CORNER COtTItT AND CRANBERRY STREETS in the heart of the Hotel. Business and Residential Section STEAM HEATED CAPACITY. 100 CARS TUESDAY EVENING, not have to be resorted to in the near future and may never be necessary, according to Dr. Kurt Sorge, civil chief of staff in the war bureau. The vol ume of volunteering has come frankly as a pleasant surprise to the officials. The country has gradually realized that the war bureau intends to enroll civilian workers only by slow degrees so as to disturb legitimate business as little as possible. Women, though unaffected by the civil service law, have volunteered in droves and the bureau has even had to exert a strict check on the youthful population so large have been the num ber wanting to leave school In order to work in some way for the father land. Only a small percentage of vol unteers has been definitely accepted so far but the aggregate is already large enough to release several thousand soldiers weekly, who have been en gaged In interior garrison duty, bridge watching service and on posts. These soldiers have been sent into adminis tration districts close behind the front and in turn relieve many more thou sands for actual service on the battle line. To Reinforce Allied Army Preliminary to Effort to Cut R. R. to Constantinople London, Jan. 16. The allied army on the Saloniki front will be rein forced as a preliminary to an affort to cut the Berlin-Constantinople rail road, according to a dispatch from a British correspondent with General Sarrail's forces. The writer lays it down as the most urgent task of the Saloniki army to cut the railroad and shut off Germany from the supplies of foodstuffs and men which she is drawing from Asia minor. He describes Asiatic Turkey as a granary which Germany is develop ing on scientific lines which is also the home of 2,000,000 magnificent fighters who, he says, are being train ed and drilled under German instruc tion. Gen. Von Falkenhayn Is Landed in Greece by U-Boat London, Jan. 16.—The presence in Greece of General von Falkenhayn, former German chief of staff and of late In command of part of the forces engaged in the campaign against Ru mania, is reported in French official quarters at Saloniki, according to a Reuter dispatch from that point. Gen eral von Kalkenhayn is said to have embarked on a submarine at the Greek port of Kavala, now in the hands of the Germans, and to have landed at a point on the Greek coast, whence he made his way to Larissa. The absence of his name from the official Berlin war reports has been noted for some days. Previous messages from Saloniki said it was General von Falkenhausen, a member of the German military commission which went to Greece in 1915, who made the trip in the sub marine. PUBLIC COMFORT STATION REVIVIFIED [Continued From First Page] Riverside annexation question again, and discuss the plans at further meet ings. Roat Wanted on Three Charges In bringing up the discussion of the appointment of Abe Roat, Jr., to the city police force, a communication was read from James McOracken, clerk of the Green county court, show ing that Roat was still wanted there on three indictments, having "skip ped" his bail bond. Mayor Meals assured the other com missioners that he would not swear in Roat, until the appointee's record was cleared. He remarked that the sheriff of Green county had not communi cated with city police asking the Har rtsburg officials to detain Roat for the Green county authorities. $ 1,000 For Ambulance I -u time in the history of \ the city an ordinance was introduced authorizing the appropriation of $2,- I 000 to the Harrisburg hospital for the I maintenance of city ambulance serv ice during the year. This will not be finally arranged until approved by the board of managers of the Harris- I burg hospital. It will insure the best ambulance . service the city has had, as a physician ] will be sent out on each call. At the same time an ordinance was intro duced to appropriate annually $250 for the use of the Polyclinic hospital. Commissioner Gross Introduced ordinances for the payment of salaries j of 23 fire apparatus drivers, with an | annual salary of SB4O, an increase of ! $lO per month; and for the salary of the engineer for the park department at SI,OOO. Approve Appointment Council approved the appointment of the following officers bv Mayor Meals: Stewart C. Fouitz, 1629 Wall ace street, and Charles J. Davis, 1327 Green street, effective February 1. Both men have had military train- I ing, serving in the Spanish-American War. I City Solicitor John E. Fox, appoint ed last week, was sworn into office land his bonds approved. Council also j awarded the contract for printing the I report of the police department, to j the Aughinbaugh Press. Two bids were received, one from the Aughin- I baugh Company for $32, and one from the Pennsylvania Post, for $49.50. Fix Water Kates Commissioner Lynch at the request of the Department of Public Safety, introduced the ordinance fixing water rates for the year. These will re | main the same as last year with three exceptions in the rates to manufac turers. Owing to the increased cost I in pumping, the minimum rate allow ed will be 3 ',i per thousand gallons, : when the consumer uses more than ! 250,000 gallons. In explaining the ; elimination of the three lower rates, iof cents per gallon when more than 1,000,000 gallons were used; 2% cents for a maximum over 750,000, and 3 cents for a maximum of more than 500,000 gallons, it was said that the cost per gallon to pump the wa ter during 1916 was cents. Before the business session opened Mrs. Mae I. Lemon, owner of property lat Derryand Summit streets, appeared ; before Council with a petition that the city relinquish claim to five feet of a I sidewalk, fifteen feet wide, adjoining j her property, and a similar space j across the street adjoining the prop | erty of J. C. Shumberger. No action I was taken on the question. In making the request, Mrs. Lemon j referred to the action of Council in reducing the Market street entrance from Summit street, from 60 to 20 j feet, declaring that it had depreciated | the value of her property. Auto I'or City Scaler Council passed finally the ordinance ! authorizing advertisements for bids for an automobile for the use of Harry : D. Reel, city sealer of weights and measures. Slight changes were made in the ordinance authorizing the pur chase of additional motor driven fire apparatus and equipment, as it may be necessary to purchase a new steam fire engine for the Good Will Com pany. In the annual report for the Depart ment of Accounts and Finance, a cash balance was shown in the city treas urer's office, totaling $380,143.02. Cash on hand January 3, 1916 was $366,602.15; receipts during the year, $923,971.68; a total of $1,290,573.83. Expenditures were $910,430.81. The sources of revenue follow; * Cash balance, January 3, 1916, $366,602.15; city general fund, $601,- 895.09; water general fund, $185,- 324.93; sewer tappage fees, $5,962.86; street grading assessments, $4,919.73; street paving assessments, $79,943.25; water pipe assessments. $5,246.62; milk and meat licenses, $3,144.50; dog 'licenses, $830.50; fines and for ! feitures, $5,937.62; sinking fund earn- I ings, $2,571.50; gasoline and oil funds, ; $2,222.38; Front street opening, I $272.70; sinking fund transfers, $25,- | 700.00; total, $1,290,573.8.1. Expenditures were; j City general fund, $543,684.71; wa ter general fund, $83,824.50; street, j grading fund, $6,413.94; street paving j funds, $74,762.78; dog licenses, $293.50; third public improvement j loan, $403.05; fourth public improve- I ment loan. $55,963.12; sewer tappage I fund, $5,489.44; outstanding warrant fund, $449.62; special reserve fund, $10,878.32; maintaining prisoners, $2,- <>25.02; bonds redeemed, $119,700.00; ' gasoline and oil fund, $1,941.34; out jstanding interest fund $404.25; invest , ment Mulberry street bridge sinking fund, $5,600.00; total, $911,833.59; iless outstanding warrants, $1,402.78; i total, $910,430.81; to cash on hand, January 2, 1917, $380,143.02; total, t $1,290,573.83. ! During the year 27 accounts for ; street paving were closed making 246 that have been closed to date, and 175 I are still open. The total bonded debt j of the city is $1,570,379.36, and of the water department is $234,160. Most Dealers Trying to Give Honest Weight Reports City Sealer j In his annual report to Council, I Harry D. Reel, city sealer of weights and measures, announced that a total of 3,764 weights, scales, pumps and measures had been inspected during the year, 663 condemned and 3,101 ap proved and sealed. The totals furnished by City Sealer Reel are as follows: Ins. Seal'd Cond. Platform scales .... 52 44 8 Counter scales 104 158 3 Computing scales .. 191 138 53 Spring scales 130 87 43 Dry measures 1085 882 203 Liquid measures ... 728 643 85 / HARRISBITRG TELEGR APH : JBavmaM BELL—IO91—UNITED HARRISBVRQ, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1017. FOUNDED 1871 Now For Our Eagerly Looked-for Annual B of E Quality Bed Spreads The View-Point To us who are familiar with conditions, who are in daily contact with manufacturers, w]S have witnessed the rapid rise of prices —to us the values in this sale of bed spreads can seeH but little short of "wonderful"! M But what is your viewpoint? ■ Do you appreciate what a real opportunity this is? And is it I Hj| ! fr do you think to "pass up" the chance this sale presents? fl J 1 ; : 418 Spreads The Event For Two Days Only Wednesday, January 17th---Thursday, January 18® / Should any of these spreads be left over from this two-da]fl \ they will be advanced to the regular prices. | )|i N ! We nee d n ot expatiate in detail about this merchandise. ThodH -v BbH ) |||| have favored us in past sales are familiar with the superiority c| values. ''■ NOTE:—Some of these spreads are manufacturers rejected "firsts." I One can hardle detect the flaw or tiny spot usually it takes an expert to find the little trouble simply enos are manufacturers' rejected "firsts." V (Joldenrod Spreads medallion cen- Marseilles Spreads Monadnock Snowdrop Spreads a lineal IV , ter with heavy diamond honeycomb Mills Toilet Quilt —a genuine Mar- quilt, plain with bow knot dcsig* borders; size; 81x90; hemmed and seilles quilt, something very little man- 80x90. Annual Bed Spread . , , t '■ .. . ufactured to-day, but very good look- Sale laundered ready for immediate use. . ... ~ J c ° „ , ,-n a c a ,n £> Wlth new patterns. Size 74x90. Snowdrop Spreads full doH Annual Led spread $1.95 Annual Bed Spread $2 55 bed size, in floral patterns; size 80l Sale Sale * Annual Bed Spread May Queen Spreads - a very heavy Goldenrod Spreads -in rose and Sale *0.57^ crochet spread, \\o\en very finely, pansy patterns; twin bed size. Size _ Snowdrop Spreads a satin quilt, snow white bleaching; all-over and 72x90. Annual Bed Spread 7K in all " ovcr patterns, as well as mcdalJ center patterns; sizes 74x90. KIJO 9C Sale lion centers. Size 90x96. rn Annual Bed Spread Sale .. * BOWMANS —second Floor Annual Bed Spread Sale .. January Sale of Sheets and Pillow Cases Percale I Gives Big Savings to Housekeepers Remnant The great importance of this sale to housekeepers is clearly demonstrated by the active selling in this department daily. There Is possibly another reason, an important one, too —most everybody realizes that cot- All the wanted StripM ton prices will go higher. , , . . and designs in light aifl Here are the best sheets and pillow cases , . . , specially priced Bowman quality dark grounds; lcn £ th l Naumkeag Sheets made of one of the best qualities of sheeting;size 63x99inches;at $1.00; to 2 yards. WllilJ 81x90 inches, at $1.35; 81x99 inches, at $1.49; 90x90 inches at $1.49; 90x108 inches, at $1.69. t j le , r j agt pj ece '' Pillow cases and bolsters to match at reduced prices. Wamsutta Percale Sheets —size 72x99 inches, at $1.89 ; 81x90 inches, at $1.89 ; 81x99 inches, at $1.98. Wamsutta Scalloped Sheets and Pillow Cases at 10 per cent, off regular prices. Pequot Hemstitched Sheets, known as Cohasset sheets; 81x99 inches, at $1.23. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floof- The Sale of Attractive Prices on Undermuslins and Silk Wall Paper Undergarments A ' Bc of figured stripes Dainty undermuslins added to the splendid regular lines, making and all-over effects for bedf choosing most attractive. \ rooms with cut-out borders The fabrics are dependable as are the laces and embroideries. Ijgap / J to match. The varieties so large that all tastes and purses can easily be satis- )/ /JL. At "1 01/ if Koll —An as<- fied. sortmtfnt df Of special importance is our comprehensive display of genuine mm*■ ■ two-tone stripes in latest Philippine Underwear f<H] Dainty garments of luxury but very moderate in price the real j|J Jyj suitable for parlors, living hand work of Philippine women —equal to the French embroidery but at rooms and halls, with desir a far less cost owing to the custom laws —the French product admitted at ™ It able borders or binders to 60 per cent, duty and the Philippine free. match. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor ; j Excellent Showing of Clearing t Advanced Styles in Awav the MILLINERY j Women arc turning their attention to new hats—hav- ing grown tired of their winter models. ln this sale not a gin _ of to newTyks 1 ' * le P ieCe of fur nor a sin " Not a few to come and see but hundreds of beautiful ir has escaped hats in advanced styles for immediate wear—sport and the "mark-down." dress models in a wide diversity of styles. When such an oppoi> Price range s.'{.oo to $25.00 tunity comes to buy Very Special Sale of New Ribbon Hats good, reliable furs at a These smart new ribbon hats are particularly desirable reduction from at this time. Made of rows of narrow silk grosgrain prices that were origir ribbon in various bright colorings—set off with a soft nally less than usual, straw facing Genuine handmade and trimmed with isn't it worth while to bright straw ornaments—a beautiful hat for immediate invest? service— s3.9B. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor BOWMAN'S—Third Floor Oil & gasoline pumps 77 66 21 Weights 897 754 143 Yard measures 35 18 17 Miscellaneous 375 321 54 Total 3764 3101 663 Referring to gasoline pumps he re ported a big Improvement during the year, due; to the fact that the deal ers were Instructed to provide them selves with a standard measure of the capacity of the pump and then test their own pump from time to time, BO that If any error was found manufac turers could be notified at once and adjustments made. City Sealer Reel also spoke on the Increased interest of merchants in weight and measure laws and said that a majority of the dealers are trying to meet the requirements and be honest with consumers. During the year, ac cording to the report, convictions re sulted In each prosecution and fines JANUARY 16, 1917. totaling SIOO were Imposed, exclusive of costs. During the year City Sealer Reel visited the markets 250 times. Increas ing use of the public scales installed at the market houses Is reported, with the result that dealers have become more careful in transactions with con sumers. He also thanked Council for making an appropriation in the annual budget for the purchase of an automo bile for the city sealer's office. I.KCTLHK ON ADENOIDS A largely attended meeting of the Young Men'a Hebrew Association, In the association rooms was addressed by Dr. 8. Z. Shope. Dr Shope spoke principally on the subject of adenoids, their discov ery and how the morbid growth affects the mentality and health of maturing children. Sterioptlcan slides Illustrated the lecture. 3