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12 Automobile Starting ~ Sure with an — : -Ixfe Starting & Lighting O "\7"OCR auto | * y' X mobile ' is 111 uc h ' fpf harder to start In cold ill weather tlian in jfjj warm. Your battery Ehf# must bo in goo<l con - ■■ dition for satisfactory winter service. * j You can uatiurc yourseli I of a sure start every time J by equipping your car with WT an 4 r E.XIJ>c " Battery. Ml makes of auto mobile batteries re charged, repaired or replaeetl. Excelsior Auto Co. Elide Battery Service Station llth and Mulberry Sts. Bigger Better more Powerful \feUe lor 1917 Whether you represent a | large family or are looking for j a car for your individual use, j you'll find the model exactly suited to your needs among the j eight body styles lor 1917 and each model breathes with the Luxury and Good Breeding always found in Yelie. Velie-Harrisburg Co. Sixth and 11. F. Herr Sts. YYillougliby Bell Phoiic 271 -J. # \ For Rent or Sale FROM MAY 1. 1917 Warehouse on Paxton Street, now occupied by Bell Telephone Company; 15,000 square feet: sprinkler fire protection; sidings from Pennsylvania and Reading Railroads. Apply to Dauphin Deposit Trust Company Your Selling Story Your selling story, regard less of what you're selling can best be "put across" j by the use of pictures of I what you have to sell. ! Whether you're selling 1 machinery or household articles, tell your story i with pictures. Koslion !tlie photographer ! 1 8 Nortli Second St. KIIIIHIIIIIHIIHIiiniIIIHIIIIIHIIIHHt niIBBER STAMnrs Ull SEALS & STENCILS U\ ; [j " MFG.BYHBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ || , 11 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. V Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1917, International News Service • By McM FOR YOU F UITTLE ° E 4 U A f [ ' YAF JBEAU-TL-FUL E>-Y<OLUY- %5RIEH0?0 O HE <OT > WFRF BRINY- THAFR 'S <.-WRFE-. SATURDAY EVENING, PEACE RUMORS BASIS ! OF SELLING MOVE Shipping Stocks, Motors and Variety of Issues Re garded as War Shares Pressed For Sale at Extreme j Declines; Prominent Industrials and Equipments Lower New York. Jan. 27. Peace ru mors, originating in overnight ad vices from abroad, were made the basis of a moderate professional sell ing movement in to-day's brief ses sion. Shipping stocks, motors and a varie ty of is-sues more or less remotely re j garded as war shares were pressed for sale at extreme declines of - to almost j 4 points. United States Steel also yielded a point with other prominent i industrials and equipments. Kails were completely ignored, aside i fro ma three-point advance in Minne -1 apolis and St. Louis. Some of the prominent transportation stocks were I not quoted at all. Partial rallies, due ) to short covering, attended the later i dealings. The closing was 1 heavy, j Sales were estimated at 250,000 shares. Bonds were irregular. I / SEW YORK STOCKS _ Chandler Bros. A Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex- I changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1038 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, j furnish the following quotations: New York, Jan 27. Open. Clos. Allis Chalmers 28 28 Anier Beet Sugar 92 92 "i American Can r>o % 50 Am Car and Foundry Co 09 V- tiSH lAmerlxjco 76'". 75 Amer Smelting 107% 107 1 *! Anaconda 83 • 82 Ti 1 Legal Notices | PROPOSAL FOB BUILDING BIUDGE ; Office of Board of Commissioners of i Public Grounds and Buildings, State Capitol Building. Harrisburg. Pa. j SEABED PROPOSALS will be veceiv- ! ed by the Deputy Superintendent of i Public Grounds and Buildings ..t his i office. In the Capitol Building, Harris- i burg. Pa., until 2 o'clock P. M„ Tues day. February 13. 1917. for furnishing L ail labor and materials to build bridge ► over the Cowanesque River on the Lit k I tie Marsh Road near the village of I . Knoxvllle, Deertleld Township, Tioga t [County. Pa., as indicated fully in tiie Plans and specifications prepared by G A. l'link, Consulting Engineer for the Board of Commissioners of Public 1 Grounds and Buildings of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. Plans. Specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective i bidders by applying to the Deputy Su : perintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. Capitol Building. Harris- i j burg. Pa. Proposals must be marked "PROPO- i SAB KNOXYILBE BRIDGE." on out- 1 I side cover. JAMES C. PATTERSON' Deputy Superintendent. B. \V. MITCH EBB. I Secretary. NOTICE Betters of Administration ' on the Estate of Emma C. Deitrich, late of the Borough of Bykens. Duuphin : County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned having its | : office in the City of Harrisburg, all per- ! sons indebted to said Estate are re- ! quested to make immediate payment, 1 and those having claims will please present them for settlement. | COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY, i Administrator. i ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Solo mon G. Cohen, late of the City of Har risburg. County of Dauphin, and State [of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are re i quested to make payment, and those [having claims or demands will make known the same without delav. CBARA COHEN. Administratrix. 431 Market Street. Or Harrisburg. Pa. i JAMES G. lIATZ. ! Attorney. AUDITORS NOTICE 'j NOTICE is hereby given that the un •idersigned, who hart been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin! I County. Pa„ to audit the account of the i Harrisburg Trust Comoanv. Committee i of Bessie Johnson, a lunatic, and make I | distribution to those legallv entitled 1 l theretb, will sit for the purpose of his I I appointment, on the 16th day of Feb ruary. 1917, at 2 o'clock P. M„ at his offices in the Buss Building, No. 15 I North Second Street, Harrisburg. Pa.. I where and when all parties interested may attend and be heard, if they see fit. 1 MICHAEL E. STROP P. ! Auditor. Look a tThis i Real Estate Bargain >o. 1501 Herryhlll Street l>-room I brlek lioimr lmth lon nntl eold j water furnace porches xlile liuv ln<lo\ room for garage goil eorner for liumliicmn pnr|koieM. Conic to my office and let's swap 1 1 opinions as to its value, then we ;' | can get at the price. ( M. A. FOUGHT 272 XOHTII ST. R.D.PRATT Eyesight Specialist i FORMERBY at 807 N. THIRD STREET Removed to •, 26 N. Third St. i Schlclsncr Building Atchison lOti 1 106' ii Baldwin Locomotive ... 54 Vi 54 >4 Baltimore and Ohio 81% 81% Bethlehem Steel 445 440 j Butte Copper 50% 50 California Petroleum... 27 ><. 27 Ti Canadian Pacific 181% ll% Central Leather ....... 89' 2 88 7 j Chi Mil and St Paul.... HOVs 90' a Chino Con Copper 55 ti 55 Col Fuel and Iron 47% 47% 1 Corn Products 23% 23 % i Crucible Steel 63'.a 63'j 1 1 Distilling Securities .... 28' 27 U I Erie 32 % 31%! General Electric C 0.... 17lii 171 General Motors 120' i 119 I Great Northern Ore subs 36% 37% Inspiration Copper .... 57% 57% i Interboro-Met 15U. 15% I i Kennecott 45 46 >1 1 Lehigh Valley 77% 7s ■ I Maxwell Motors 54% 55 Merc Mar Ctfs 30% 30 Merc Mar Ctfs pfd 86 85% 1 I Mex Petroleum 102% 101%! Miami Copper 41% 4 2 New York Central 101% 101 NY N H and H 45 45 I New York Ont and West 27 27% Norfolk and Western... 137% 137% ; Northern Pacific 108% 108% I Pennsylvania Railroad.. 56% 57" Pressed Steel Car 82 81 ; Railway Steel Spg 52% 52% 1 Ray Con Copper 27 "6% Heading 101% 100% I Republic Iron and Steel. 79% 78*;! ! Southern Pacific 97i 973* ' ■ Southern Ry 3030& i ! ! Studebaker . 1071.. lOGiii | Texas Oil 1.;.. 229% -'3O r o°V A P l aci , fto , it S I Alcohol i"3i, 11 •>i> ;! H ® 5" bl ? er 58% 59 % <i L S Steel 114 11 ' j[: s * eel pm 120 % 120 % 1 Itah Copper 107 106% I Virginia-Carolina Chem. 44% 44%: ' est Union Telegraph.. 09 98 ~ 1 ! Westinghouse Mfg 53 \/ 531/ ! Willys-Overland S6 i* 36 Philadelphia produce Philadelphia. Jan. 27. Wheat Lower; No. 2, red. spot and January, I : 11.8901.92; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.87® ' — Market firm; No. 2. yellow f l ,-. 1 "-4® LHV4; No n, yellow. 1'.12 U vi n°* '. A e o low ' *Mo%©l.ll't; No. o. yellow. SI.OS i<y 1.09% ; Southern yellow. 11.11 ® 1.12. wuLiicro. i (S-? a S V S RsT. v arl^. et 1 r " 1; -• white, ' j67"£t6Bc; No. 3. white. 65'.. @66c i 1 Bran The market is 'firm;' c 1., .. ,10. p.r. t . "" winte- •>* fin . „< f 134 sVfiiN^Oo' 50 ® 37 ' o®' 0 ®' spli " B per foil, I Refined Sugars Market steadv: powdered. 6.soc; rin gi;iiiulalea u .ie j confectioners X. 6.0"e. I Butter The market is firm western, creamery, extras. 41 it [nearby prints, fancy, 45c. Eggrs The iuarket is firm: Pennsylvania und uiiit nearuy tfoi* j free cases. $12.60 per case; do., current receipts, tree cases, $12.30 per case; | western, extras, firsts, free cases, SlL'.tiO j per case; do., firsts, free cases. sl2 :!0 per case. I Live Poultry—The market is firm;, fowls, -o®22c; roosters. 154 i l6c: spring chickens, 19jJ22c; turkeys, 22®24c; 1 | ducks, 19®22c; geese, iyyi22c. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago. 111., Jan. 27. Cattle Re ceipts, 7On; steady. Native beef cattle $■.75011.90; western steers, $7.75® 10.00; stockers and feeders, cpws and lieifers, SS.OOiS 10.25; calves I 51 1.004 i 15.00. ' Sheep Receipts. 5,000; steadv. i \\ ethers, $9.75011.25; lambs. $11.75® I Hogs Receipts, 17,000; unsettled. jc above yesterday's average. Bulk of 1 sales, $11.35011.60: light. $1 l.lOfa 11.60- mixed, sll.lsra 11.70; heavv. sli 20ti j JLjO; rough. $11.20011.35; pigs. syl2s Motorcycles and Bicycles INDIAN MOTOKCYCBH Also Thor and Harley-Davidson for sale cheap )ust been overhauled; twin cylinders 1 ' | iiiid In good condition. C. H. Uhier j ; 31 7 Berry street. ' . Legal Notices NOTICE Betters Testamentary on ; the Estate of John A. Hall, late of ilar 1 risburg. Dauphin County. Pa„ deceased l< having been grunted to the undersigned l < residing in Harrisburg. all persons in- 1 debted to said Estate are requested to ! I make immediate payment, and those I having claims will present them for I settlement, to H ATT IE M. HALL, Executrix 1 R. S. CARE. ' j Attorney. NOTICE Letters of Administration li on. the Estate of Benjamin F. Schafter II late of Middle Paxton Township, Dau- ! I phin County, Pa., deceased, having ' ' been granted to the undersigned re- ! 1 siding in Middle Paxton Township. Dau- ; phin County, all persons indebted to! said Estate are requested to make inT- ' mediate payment, and those having t claims will present them for settlement- I ISAAC L SCHAFFER, \ Or to Administrator 1 FREDERICK M. OTT. |n Attorney-at-Law, 11 222 Market Street, Harrisburg. j NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of Margaret Schaffer late i of Middle Paxton Township, County, Pa., deceased, having been 0 granted to the undersigned residing in I Middle Paxton Township. Dauphin i $ County, all persons indebted to sa>d Es tate are. requested to make immediate 7 payment, and those having claims will present tiiem for settlement. i ISAAC L SCHAFFER, Or to Administrator r FREDERICK M. OTT, e Attorney-at-Law, 0 222 Market Street, Harrisburg. Use Telegraph Want Ads , HARIUSBURG TELEGRAPH ! POULTRY CULTURE AN IDEAL FIELD FOR WOMEN j RED LACE D CORNISH j Cornish fowls, while game-like in (Character, are classed as English fowls, because they were originated in 'Cornwall, Wales, about 60 years ago. j The original Cornish was produced by crossing Aseel (imported from In ! dia) with Derby Black Red Game of ' England and a later addition of Ma- I lay blood. This produced a large, i heavy, full-breasted chicken with | heavy things, yellow legs and skin, 'and which was esteemed for its table ; qualities both in the country of its I origin and later in other parts of ! Great Britain and in America. Its | originators gave it the name of Indian j Game; others called it Cornish Indian Game, and within a few years it has | become known as Cornish. either 1 Dark. White or Red Daced. The Whites are sports from the Most of the Farm Flocks Are Taken Care of by Women With Marked Success Poultrymen Will Do Well to Take Their Wives Into Partnership By Michael K. Boyer Poultry Editor of The Farm Journal. It has been demonstrated that from 50 to 100 hens l*ept by an energetic woman will yield a profit of $2 per bead, and there will still be plenty of egtrs and poultry left for the home demand. As a "pin-money" enter- I prise hens have no equal. ! On many of the farms, especially in the West, the poultry is given in I charge of the women of the house hold. It is work naturally adapted to women: it calls for patience and at tention, and at the same time kind ness and gentleness—traits that do ; not always dwell in the sterner sex. There is no event in connection with j poultry culture during the year, which | has not its interest for those who care for innocent creatures of the | farm yard—whether it is feeding the stock, gathering the eggs, hatching] out the chicks, or culliffg the flocks in the Fall to meet the capacity of the' winter quarters. They all have their charm, and excite the interest and i I sympathy of those who have a love 1 ! for the work. j Physiologists tell us that our Amer- ! i ican women lose health and beauty! earlier than (hey should, for want of i ! sufficient out-of-door air and exer- j ! else. Whether or not this is true, we I may be certain that the poultry busi ness has among its other benefits the t j i PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, Jan. 27.—Stocks closed I steady. General Asphalt 28 ' General Aephalt. Pfd 67 Lake Superior Corporation 19 U I Lehigh Navigation Si l ,., i Lehigh Valley 77 ; il Pennsylvania Railroad 67 Philadelphia Electric 33 T i Philadelphia Company .(1 Philadelphia Company, Pfd 37 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 32 I Reading 100', ! Storage Battery 66 Union Traction 46 | United Gas Improvement 90 ! United States Steel 113% York Railways H i York Railways, Pfd 37 j MJW YORK BANK STATEMENT ' New York, Jan. 27.—The statement of ! tiie actual condition of Clearing House ' Hanks and Trust Companies for the i week shows that they hold $191,383610 reserve in excess of legal requirements. ! This is a decrease of $11,089,020 froi.i. ! last wefk. The statement follows: . \etuiil Condition Ix>ans. discounts, etc., $3,473,979,000 ' increase, $32,037.000. Reserve in own vaults (B), $550,945,- 000; decrease. $15,490,000. Reserve in Federal Reserve Bank. ' $205,910,000: increase, $11,032,000. Reserve in, other depositories, $56,- j 752,000; increase. $21,000. Net demand deposits, $3,599,853,000; I increase, $36,013,000. Net time deposits. $167,546,000; in crease, $^',877,000. Circulalion, $28,745,000; increase, $92.- 000. ( B) Of which $484,826,000 is specie. Aggregate reserve, $831,607,000. Excess reserve. $191,383,610; decrease. $11,089,020. 11 dark variety crossed with White I Ascel, and the last. Red Laced, are of Yankee origin, using both the Dark 1 1 and White varieties with some in i fusion of White Georgia Games. 11 In color they are rich red, each feather edged with white. The main Itail feather in both sexes and the sickles in (he male should be solid . white. Legs, skin and beak are deep i: yellow and the fowls when dressed ,! are most inviting to the American ' i housewife. • J The Red Laced Cornish are a hardy ' i variety, strong and vigorous as • foragers and moderately good layer-? 11 —easily the best of all Cornish in this ! respect. They become broody, sit and i are Indifferent mothers. The chicks • are rugged and good hustlers, growing rapidly and to the best advantage i I when given free range. j —- , I virtue of sending the caretaker into j the pure outer air, and inciting a love 11 for natural beauty not found among I those whom no such duty tempts from the fireside. Take Women Into Partnership. 1 , It seems that woman is fitted by nature (o care for young animals; her i instincts teach her to understand I their wants. Consequently, when she becomes interested in any living crea ! ture neither time nor labor is spared • to promote its welfare. It can also jbe said that woman is much more 1 ingenious than man, and quicker in : devising new ways and means of doing •■things. ! $4,000,000 FIRE SWEEPS PITTSBURGH i [Continued From First l'ago] i j they were removed to hospitals. . i It appeared for a time as though the i fire would sweep the entire square, but ~ heavy fire walls, built in anticipation ,of such an eventuality, finally stayed i the progress of the ames which ate through the hundreds of tons of mer , j cliandise piled In the buildings. The fire is said to have started in | the J. G. McCrory and Company five : j and ten cent store soon after midnight,! but gave the firemen no concern until 1 shortly after four o'clock when It had j eaten its way into the Frank and I ; Seder store. A general alarm wasj (hen turned in, but the flames, hidden! I from view by dense clouds of smoke, I had made such progress Into thei | adjacent buildings that they were seen 1 Ito be doomed. Firemen were serious- I ly handicapped by the intense cold, it I having been necessary to carry hot j water front neighboring restaurants to j thaw street hydrants before streams] ! under pressure were available. The fire ate its way down Fifth ave- ! nue from Smithfield street toward; , Wood street, and breaking windows in j I buildings across Fifth avenue, drove' I scores of guests from their rooms in ! (i POULTRY TONIC 1 j" in the daily mash or teed of breed- i ! •>'. J ing birds means healthier birds andj fi ! * more vitality in the egg. It means" S i stronger chicks, better able to fight off chick B diseases. Conkey's Poultry Tonic should be is in every poultry house where chicks ire j§ hatched. In palls, $1.25; pkges. 25c, 50c. 8| , At Your Dealer. S3 ! I \ II Kose t \ Pullets, $2 each and four Cockerels | at $3 each. Selected stock, Barron i strain and a real bargain. Will I sell any number desired at above prices. GUY L. HECKERT Millersburg, Pa. v JANUARY 27, 1917. Successful Banking Successful banking means to us the suc cess of our customers as well as of our selves. Therefore, we handle the business en- * trusted to our care with the same efficient attention that we devote to our own affairs. The uniform satisfaction derived by our patrons is \ the best possible proof of JJ, the success of our service. l P Your account is cordially -'frrtjjfi ! Mi 3% PAID - f ' ™ Kjyo miu IfekJiMfiS * ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS CAPITAL AND SURPLUS .ill llf :"f|Elflji? J" *600,000.00 the Newell Hotel. The Park building, j principal losses, it is staled, will fall the oldest skyscraper in the city, also on t] lo F, U nk and Seder Company, the "'•' <"• >•• , i prises which owned and operated the Explosions Spread l-.nilM'rs opera house. At one time the tlames leaped across} The roof of the Grand Opera House Diamond street and damaged the i collapsed, carrying with it the walls Solomon department store and the lof an adjacent building and im- Harris Theater, but were soon ex-1 mediately afterward a number of ex tinguished. It then became evident ] plosions scattered burning embers in that if the firewall which formed the lal directions. west and south sides of the Grand i Captain John Snider, of one of tl.e Opera house would hold tl.e lire could : downtown engine companies, was be confined within bounds that would struck by a falling brick when the permit the saving of no less than half I walls of the Frank and Seder building the square. j collapsed and was seriously injured. The buildings were among the old-'Other liremen who were injured were est in tl.e business section with the; hurried lo a drugstore outside the flro exception of the Grand Opera House i -/.one where their injuries were dressed which was modern in every way. The Jby police surgeons. Make Your Hens Lay Now \ | | Y Strong laying hens are the money makers. Give if them uchance. Tone up the dormanlecß organs with \ /[ Dr. Hess Poultry PAN A CE A \ Get ready for real winter laying. No risk. If ' > 1/*®" / Pan-a-ce-a does not condition and put your hens in fine fCf—/ Ss wl r^4L> . ,/ laying trim and greatly increase the number of eggs, ** / simplyreturn theemptypackagestoyourdealerandiret J your money back. 1,' 2 1b5., 25e; 5 lbs., tiOc; 25-lb. pai1,52.50. jjf . Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer I r " i * li *" s bee. Sprinkle it on the hens, then add It to the dust S*'t J IIIRSmTII IHm I bath occasionally and your poultry will be free from lice. M J 1 lb., 25c; 3 lbs., BOc. Guaranteed. <fmTll For sale by all dealers in poultry supplies. Roup Use Or, Hems RoUp Rernedy^ mmmm AGARY - ... J . -J„ .A. ■ JW.T 1 .MN /ggpFORNIA■ f TUST as sure as winter I comes > those who love v<^pV / j •" the grer.t outdoors - |L find "their summer" in 11California. All the at tractions of all other J*"* "winter lands" are there y° urs to enjoy. Go , V Ilow an d by all means take the superb "Pacific -Limited" Provides through and di rect service to both Los Angeles and San Fran- T|'Py i fFfH[N - cisco. I )aylight departure I T II k T V 111 T { d frlZli ri'Jlllil daylight arrival is f I an appreciated feature. California literature and full information on request to ICIUN HARRISBORG AUTO SHOW FEB. 10-17