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4 TO SPEAK OJT CHINESE] Tn a lecture to be delivered by Dr. Edgar Shields, of Szechnan Province, China, at the Paxton Presbyterian Church next Sunday evening, an oppor tunity will be afforded to get a glimpse of the country of western China and Thibet, and of the every-day life and customs of the Inhabitants. Dr. Shields has been In this far-away and little known land for seven years, working under the Foreign Board of the Bap tist church as a medical missionary, and has unusual opportunities to ob serve and study the conditions and life of the people. The- lecture will be CLERK'S RECOVERY TONISHES HARRISBURG Harrlsburg people will marvel at •this clerk's recovery. His stomach ■was so bad he could eat very little. Everything fermented and soured. Had stomach cough. Doctor advised ■buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-l-kn. ONE SPOON FUL helped him INSTANTLY. Be cause Adler-i-ka empties BOTH large end small intestine it relieves ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas and prevents appendicitis. It has QUICKEST action of anything we ever sold. H. C. Kennedy, Druggist, 321 Market street. i Trimmed f I A TP P Sport and HA 1 anj Untrimmed * Ready-to-Wear Week-end shoppers are invited to inspect our extensive assemblage of . Early Spring Millinery from which you may choose something that will please both your taste and your purse. Tailored Hats in a wide range of the latest shapes, in Milan Hemp and Lisere Straw, trimmed in ribbon, ornaments and fancies. All wanted colors. In Untrimmed Hats, large, fashionable dress shapes in black and colors are to be found here at pleasing prices. Latest Novelties and Trimmings are also being shown. Lower-Than-Elsewhere Prices Prevail All Departments Are Ready to Serve You With New Spring Merchandise. Compare Quality and Prices and You Will Buy Here Dress Silks Laces Muslin Underwear Wool Dress Goods Novelty Trimmings Ladies'' and Children's Wash Dress Fabrics Embroideries ' j. os ] er y u/1 .. r J D'LL Ladies and Children s White Goad, Ribbons Ribbed Underwear Curtain Goods Notions and Supplies Men's Wear Art Needlework Household Goods Ready-to-Wear Goods SOUTTER'S f| 1° t° 25c Department Store \\imktTWLWtJJ Where Every Day Is Bargain Day Expreaa Typm Modernize Your Deliveries The day of horse and wagon deliveries The remaining twelve monthly time has passed. Wide awake merchants payments can practically be paid off are discarding them as fast as they can. yvith the extra earnings this motor . . wagon makes possible. The sale of your horse and wagon * . will probably net you enough money to . And when your last payment is made make the first payment required for 41118 cxtra P rofit goes into your pocket, immediate delivery of ah Overland Deliv- Call on us for further particulars, ery Wagon under the Guaranty Time Let us demonstrate and prove to you Payment Plan. the advantages of the Overland. The Overland-Harrisburg Co., Dist. <>Pen Ekenings 212 North Second Bt. Both Ftttne* } The Willys-Overland Company Tolado, Ohio "MU In U. S. A." ' 11 "" "" " THURSDAY EVENING, illustrated with a large number of lan tern slides. At present Dr. Shields is on furlough and is spending some o* his vacation at Lewistown, Pa.- MILLKHSTOWN A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Yohn on Sunday, March 4. Miss Lillle Nankivelle, of Steelton, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nanklvetle. Gilbert Rlckabaugh has returned homo from a visit with friends at Philadelphia and in Chester county. Mrs. O. K. White who has been vis iting her sister, Mrs. Jennie Byers. and other friends for the last month left for her home in Saji Diego, Cal. Tuscarora Castle. No. 289. Knights of Golden Eagles, will hold a bunquet on Friday evening. Supper will ge served at Hopple's restaurant. Mrs. C. C. Page and sister. Miss Daisy Walker, were visitors at New port this week. Miss Ethel Kounsley entertained the Camp Fire Girls, at her home on Tues day evening. Miss Myrtle Gearhart, who has been ill, is improving. The Rev. W. H. Dyer and the Rev. C. F. Himes attended license court in New Bloomfleld on Tuesday. Emory Fry is visiting friends at Philadelphia. Stars and Stripes to Fly From Steeple of Church Pittsburgh, March B.—Trinity Meth odist Episcopal Church, North Side, is to have the distinction of flying an American (lag from lu steeple. The dug will remain permanently on the steeple, which each night will Be bath ed In a flood of light. The church is so situated that the flag can be observed from nearly every point on the North. Side. The pastor believes his church will be the only house of worship in the country to have an American flag fly from its steeple. He declared displaying the flag had no reference to the crisis with Germany, the sole purpose being to create among all churchmen a deeper and more abiding love for the national emblem. Six-Footed Pig Uses All While Strolling Greenville, S. C.. March B..—C. W. Collins, of Sampson Mill, Greenville, is the owner of a pig that has four front feet, two on each front leg. The pie Is several months old. All the feet are made use of in walk ing, one foot being directly before the other. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH KNOX SAYS WILSON CAN ARM SHIPS Pennsylvania Senator Reviews Legal Aspects of Submarine Situation Washington, D. C„ March 8.—"I have not the slightest doubt that President Wilson has the power under the Constitution to arm American merchant ships for defensive pur poses," said Senator Philander C. Knox yesterday. "The government Is not rendered 'helpless and contemptible.' The President has ample authority to arm these merchant ships, and there need be no concern about the pirate laws of 1819 interfering. "If the President has the authority to supply arms to merchant ships as he himself said he has, and as I be lieve he has, Congress could enact no law that would curtail that authority. The constitutional right of the President cannot be infringed by a statute." This succinct statement of his views from a man who has served as Attor ney General under two Presidents, us Secretary of State under Taft and during five years of previous service in the United States Senate had a part in much important legislation seems to help clarify the situation. "The suggestion that the comman der-in-chief of the army and navy has not the authority under the Constitu tion to protect American ships and American lives appears to me to be unworthy of argument," he said. "There is no question about that au thority. The fact that Congress has enacted certain laws which appear to conflict with that grant of power may be brushed aside as unimportant. We know that Congress cannot limit the constitutional power of the President, and that is all we know. The Presi dent is entirely justified in proceed ing to arm the ships as he originally proposed." Senator Knox is in favor of the adoption of the cloture rule as agreed upon by the committee representing the Republican and Democratic cau cuses; the amendment to the new rule which prohibits amendments to a pending bill after cloture has been in voked appeals to him as fair and a proper means of preventing further filibustering after deciding to bring the main question to a vote. "I will support the ne\v rule," said Senator Knox. "I understand it has been agreed to by both Republicans and Democrats and there seems to be a very decided sentiment in favor of providing some way of closing debate in the Senate. This is the same rule as proposed by the Senate Rules Com mittee last Fall and I think it will commend itself to all Senators. I do not anticipate any filibuster against its adoption, since, with the entire summer before us, a filibuster would have a hard time surviving." HIST! OLD NICK SENT ME; HERE'S MY NECKTIE [ConUnucd From First I 'age ] proceeded forthwith to unllmber his tongue and spun this tale: Thirty Bachelor* "Thirty of us, bachelors all, took a few days oft from work in New York and went to Washington for the in auguration. While there the idea struck me that it would be mighty In teresting to prove that we could get back to New York on our own re sources in a given period of time. It was agreed that we turn over all our watches, rings and other valuables ex cept eighty-five cents apiece. Into safe hands, and start out by different routes, stopping off in each important town for financial re-enforcement and suste nance. In each town we were to visit one person whom we knew through a mutual friend but had never met. To him we would tell our story, leaving out everything that might give him knowledge as to who we were and what our connections. On Thursday morning at 10 o'clock we (four of us agreed to the stunt) should meet in New York at a given place and the one who had the most' money In his clothes would be the win ner and the one with the least amount of money must treat the crowd to a big blow-out. Gets Much Fan Out of It "Baltimore was my first stop and York my second.- At the latter place a middle-aged lawyer received my mes sage through his stenographer, who told him that I WHS just there on a social call. Busy as he was, he received me cordially and after learning the game sent his assistant out to rummage in the cash drawer. I nave missed sev eral meals but the fun of watching the effect of the series of unusual visits on the one man in each city upon whom we call Is an intensely interesting study in psychology." A piece of pie a la mode warmed the stranger to greater confidences and It leaked out that the four who were on their way to New YorK were two staff men on the New York Tribune, one minister and one bond salesman. Har vard, Williams, Kenyon. and were the four universities represented. All four are preparedness advocates, the minister having attended the naval cruise for civilians last summer and the other three being lieutenants in the Reserve Officers' Corps of the United States Army. One is a former football captain, Williams 1914, another a for mer editor on the Harvard Crimson, and all full .ot the novelty of the ad venture and delighted with the recep tion given wherever they happened to land. York County Cases are Appealed For Pardon Application was tiled to-day for par don of four of the Italians convict ed In York county a few years ago on the chargo of C rowing explosives,* writing blaakhand letters and Intimi dation and the case will be heard on March 21. The men are Joe Catalano, Domlnick Campanello, Salvatore Di Stefano and Joseph Campanello, the latter rejoicing in the alias of Lew Dumb. It is contended that the sen tences of 5 to 10 years were excessive in view of the circumstances of the case. Another York case filed to-day was in behalf of a pardon for Stewart Chilson, wh oheld up William Mur phy and his mother near Williams' Grove as they were returning from Harrlsburg markets and took 155. He claims that his sentence of Ave to eight years, dating from August 18, 1916, was too great and that he has been a tnodel prisoner. Ship Builders Agree on Daniels' Plan to Get New U.S. Navy Under Way By Associated Press Washington, March 8. American ship builders engaged on government work entered Into an agreement with Secretary Daniels yesterday to accept new contracts at a flat rate of ten per cent, net profit, and pledged co operation to the fullest extent of their ability in rushing to completion the ua.v*' construction program. OCAPair of Men's Tress* Pants OOV In a Great Two-Day Sale T T n S5i; ,y A Rare Offer The Best Trouser Don't Miss It if V rr~i z ~~~~—~ J I I opportunity which no man in need '@}| / / / I of an extra pair of Trousers can afford IT j / / J to pass up. Every pair of these Pants I are well m ade, of pood, serviceable, 1/ I dressy material and offered'to-morrow, If / Friday and Saturday far under price. fflHwl ml 152.50 Pants For.. $1.69 n l m t I s 2-75 Pants For.. $1.95 $3.50 Pants For .. $2.49 X ' 1 $1 QC For Men's *1 CQ For Men's On Sfllp PANTS; *P 1 •o*7 PANTS; VII Ijaic Worth to $2.75. Worth to $2.50. '|* |A For work or dress. I W(") I fJi Fine cheviots, cassi- Made of good worsted * v meres, made extra strong cassimeres; all neat mix in a big assortment of tures with protected A_| u desirable patterns; all pockets and belt loops; UniY sizes 32 to 42. all sizes 32 to 42. Tomorrow, Friday i $2.49 s3°' s0 MENS PANTS: Worth to and Saturday <-— u These are wonderful values; made of fine worsteds and cassimeres; stripes, checks and mixtures; all handsomely tailored; all sizes, 32 to 42. FIVE-MINUTE TALKS ©ls. jr-i*. iIURTY. Richard D. Kathrens, of Kansas City, is known as one of the most virile writers in the West. Some time ago he created quite a sensation on "Let's Civilize Marriage Laws." He is deeply interested in the Chinese problem and in speaking on the questions involved says: "Measured by a military yardstick, China seems to be somewhat out classed by her Christian rivals, but let's have another look at China: Its statesmen and scholars have ever stood at the forefront with the great est of the earth. Much of our Western wisdom is but the borrowed and re vamped learning of olu China. Our much preached, but little practiced. Golden Rule —the very soul of moral life—came to us from Confucian sources. "And take another look at China, my munition-boosting friends; let me point you a perspective of this won derful nation that evidently has never come within rangre of your observa tion. For more than 4,000 years China has preserved her geographical integ rity practically unchanged, and with out a gun! Three Generations of Women The young women of this genera tion, their mothers and grandmothers have proved from actual experience that Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound overcomes the suffering caused by female ills and restores them to a healthy condition. This famous medicine contains no nar cotics or habit-forming drugs—but is made from medicinal roots and herbs, nature's remedy for disease. If you are suffering from any form of female ills. It will pay you to give it a trial. CHILD SCALDED WHEN VAPORIZING LAMP BOILS OVER Mother of Babe Oat of Room Uut m Few Minute*. "Baby died this morning. Had been suffering from croup—Vapor Lamp out fit was obtained and used for several hours in an effort to relieve Its suffer ings. While the mother was absent from the. room but for a few minutes, the outfit boiled over and scalding hot water poured over the infant." The above news item appeared in a Rochester, N. Y.. paper of recent date. Had the mother known of a preparation called "Forkola," one of the famous Ba corn specialties, the child's sufferings might easily have been relieved with out any danger whatever. Mothers are strongly advised to get a supply from any first-class druggist. Keep it handy for Croup and Croupy Coughs, Whoop ing Coughs and all Throat and Chest ailments that the little ones are so sub ject to. Doctors prescribe and hospitals use Bacorn's Famous "Forkola," while every druggist in the country guaran tees it. Oet a Jar to-day. H. C, Ken nedy can supply you.—Adv, MARCH 8, 1917. Offers Self, 21 Children to Wilson For War Duty Clearfield, Pa., March B.—Theodore Roosevelt, who offered himwelf and four sons to his county in the event of war, does not compete with William Albright, 05 years old, a prominent farmer of Boggs township, this county. Mr. Boggs has fourteen sons and himself for army services, he says, and seven daughters for the Red Cross. He has offered their services and his own to President Wilson in case of war. A fifteenth son was killed in an automobile accident at Dubois last fall. The mother of the children is aged 65 years. The Albright home is eight miles from Clearfield. The oldest child is 40 years old. Altoona Violin Has Been Through Three U. S. Wars Altoona, March 8. —The imminence of war between the United States and Germany has resulted in William Kay lor, a street sweeper, placing on ex hibition his violin with a real war rec ord. The instrument was made by Jac ques Bocquay, 1n Paris, in 1776, and was carried by Kaylor's grandfather in General Washington's army during the Revolutionary war. Kaylor's fath er with him in the war of 1812, and a brother played it through the Mexican war. William Kaylor en listed in Governor Curtln's famous re serve corps, and when he marched South the violin went with him. HOME RULE FOR PART OF ERIV London, March B.—During a bitter debate in the house of commons late yesterday Premier Lloyd George de clared' the government is willing to give immediate home rule to the parts of Ireland demanding it. At the same time he insisted that no attempt will be made to force home rule on Ulster. ■■U!iila^ilgliilalii!B!ii!alii!aNila!itla[ii[alMlaNilalii!aliilalii!alii!a'iiTat<|lalMaiii'i'ii!aliil( l iiia l M'aliilc'- "A Different Kind of a Jewelry Store" Madam— 1 Get a 35 pc. Chest of Rogers Silverware By Joining Our 500 - $25 Club I We have just received a quantity of the cele- IB brated Rogers silverware in beautiful hardwood iji chests. Each chest contains 12 Tea Spoons, 6 p Medium Forks, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Berry Spoon, 6 ip • Hollow Handle Knives, 6 Table Spoons, 1 Sugar ip i Shell, 1 Gravy Ladle and 1 Cold Meat Fork—of- |J| I fered at the very special price of $25.00 to mem- |j§ | hers of the club. Have you seen the Watches, Watch Bracelets and |j| I Diamond Rings we are now selling on this cliib plan? §j| i Club will soon close, so act quickly if you want to make |^| j a real saving. jj Payments are made on a progressive plan and date "j* from February 10. On Plan A, payments begin at 30c |t| and increase 10c a week until full amount is paid. On ||| Plan B, payments begin at $2.20 and decrease 10c per |j| week. Every good, reliable person is eligible to membership. |J| Join Today—Well Save You Money 206 Market | m| ,jj Pronounced Dead, He Comes Back to Life Memphis, Tcnn., March B.—After having been pronounced dead at a hospital where he had been rushed after being overcome by smoke and fire, Captain Thomas Meredith's body was turned over to an undertaker. The undertaker put the body in the "black room" of his parlors. An attendant thought he observed a spark of life while preparations for embalming were being made. A pul motor was applied and the dead rn;:- tain "came back to life." How to Be Rid of # Disgusting Dandruff The only way to get rid of disgust ing, untidy dandruff is to correct Its cause. Shampooing merely cleanses the scalp for a few days then tho scales form again as thick as ever. To destroy the dandruff germ and get rid of the dandruff for good, part the hair and apply a little of the gen uine Parisian Sage directly on the bare scalp and rub It in with the fin ger tips until absorbed. You will sure ly be-aniazed at the result of even one application, for your hair and scalp will look and feel 100 per cent, better. Only a few days' massage with Pa risian Sage should be needed to de stroy the germs that cause the dan druff to form. The scalp becomes healthy, the hair will grow better and show more life and vitality and you should no longer be troubled by dan druff. Faded, dull or lifeless hair is quickly restored to beauty by this simple process, which is absolutely harmless and will not stain the hair or make it greasy. Parisian Sage can be obtained from H, C. Kennedy and druggists every where. It is not expensive.