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12 Steelton News Items GRIP EPIDEMIC AT HIGH POINT Xearly 2,(K)0 Cases Reported to Borough Health Authorities E. It. Butler, borough health offi cer in an interview with a reporter this morning expressed his opinion that the epidemic has apparently reached its height, and while deaths are occurring the number of new cases reported is apparently decreas ing. With the many precautions taken by the people continued, and the continuation of the good work being done at the Emergency Hos pital and by the Red Cross, the Boy Scouts and the many individual vol unteers he believes the epidemic will soon abate. Up to lute last, niglit there were 1.863 cases reported. Although there were live deal lis at the Emergency Hospital lust night and this morn ing, there were fully as muny or more patients discharged as cured, and many patients throughout the borough were pronounced as being out of danger or entirely cured. Although many have gladly re sponded to the call for volunteers at lite Emergency Hospital, there is still need for more men to act. as assistants in the good work being done there. | Famous Old Recipe | for Cough Syrup ® Kmllt nnd cheaply made at home, tint it) lirala tlirin uit for quick results. Thousands of housewives have found that they ran save two-thirds of the money usually spent for rough prep arations. hy using this well-known old recipe for' making cough svrup at home. It is simple ami cheap but it r eally has no equal for prompt results. It takes right hold of a rough and gives immediate relief, usually stopping an ordinary rough in 24 hours or less. Get "(y ounees of Pines from nny druggist, pour it into a pint bottle, and add plain granulated sugar syrup to make a full pint. If you prefer, use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, it. tastes pood, keeps perfectly, and lasts a family a long time. It's truly astonishing how quickly ■it acts, penetrating through every air passage of the throat and lungs—loos ens and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals the membranes, and gradually 3>ut surely the annoying throat tickle and dreaded eongh disappear entirely. Nothing better for bronchitis, spasmo dic croup, whooping cough or bronchial asthma. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, known the world over for its healing effect on the membranea. Avoid disappointment, bv asking your druggist for "2'k ounces of Pinex" with full directions and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co.. Ft. Wayne, Ind. SPANISH INFLUENZA-WHAT IT IS AND HOW II SHOULD BE TREATED Nothing New—Simply The Old Grip, or la Grippe That Was Epidemic in 1889-90, Only Then It Came From Russia by Way of France and This Time by Way of Spain. Go to Bed and Stay Quiet —Take A Laxative—Eat Plenty of Nourishing Food—Keep Up Your Strength Nature Is The Only "Cure". ALWAYS CALL A DOCTOR \<> OCCASION FOR PANIC Spanish influenza, which appeared in Spain in May, has all the appear ance of Rrip or la grippe, which has swept over the world in numerous epidemics as far back as history runs. Hippocrates refers to an epi demic in 412 11. C. which is regarded by many to have been influenza. Kvery century has had its attacks, lieginning with 1831, this country has had live epidemics, the last In 1889-90. There is no occasion for panic— influenza ilseif lias a very low per centage of fatalities—not over one death out of every four hundred cases, according to the N. C. Hoard of Health. The chief danger lies in complications arising, attacking prin cipally, patients in a run down con dition—those who don't go to bed soon enough, or those who get up too early. THE SYMPTOMS Grippe, or influenza as it is now trilled, usually begins with a chill followed by aching, feverishness and sometimes nuusea and dizziness, and a general feeling of weakness und depression. The temperature is from 100 to 104, and the fever usually lasts from three to Ave days. The germs attack the mucuous mem brane, or lining of the air passages —nose, throat and bronchia! tubes —there is usually a hard cougli, especially bad at night, often times a sore throat or tonsilitis, and fre quently all the appearances of a severe head cold. THE TREATMENT Go to lied at the flrst symptoms, not only for your own sake but to avoid spreading the disease to others—lake a purgative, eat plenty of nourshing food, remain perfectly quiet and don't worry. Quinine, asprin or Dover's Powder, etc., may be administered by the physician's directions to relieve the aching. Hut there Is no cure or specific for iriflunza —'he disease must run Its course. Nature will throw off the attack If only you keep up your strength, The chief danger lies In the complications which may arise. Influenza so weakens the tiodtiy resistance that there is dan ger of pneumonia or bronchttls de veloping, snd sometimes Inflamma tion of the middle ear, or heart affections. For these reasons, it Is vary Important that the patient remain in bed until his strength returns—stay In bed at least two days or more after the fever has left you, or If you are over 50 or not strong, stay In bed four days or more, according to the severity of the attack. TUESDAY EVENING, Need Many Women to Make Pneumonia Jackets The EmergonCy Hospital last night sent forth a call for pneumo nia Jackets and tho Stoelton Hed Cross chapter as usual was giud to respond. The work wus put In charge of Mrs. R. E. Whipple at the hjome school in Walnut street. About fifty women were working there last night, and a score or more this morning. More Jackets are to be made, and Mrs. AVhlpple will be glad lo have women assist In the work. In this work only women can be used who have not had Influenza in their own homes. New Regulations at Emergency Hospital Captain Batley has to-day issued the following new regulations for the Emergency Hospital, and asks that all physicians and all other workers in the epidemic bear them in mind: The Emergency Hospital will re ceive only diagnosed cases. Patients whose cases have been diagnosed will be received at the hos pital for treatment, but the inform ation concerning them must Include: name, age, full address: name of at tending physician, religion of pa tient, and name of nearest relatives or persons to be notified should oc casion demand. ! All cases in boarding or lodging houses must be reported to the hos ! pital authorities Immediately. UNDERTAKER ILL D. Frank Knoderer, of the under j taking firm of Dunkel and Knoderer, | was taken ill this morning with a slight attack of influenza, the prob able result of overwork. The work j of the firm is being conducted by | his partner and assistants, j . Charles Smith, of 22 North Fourth j street, watchmaker for the Ideal | Jewelry Company, has been declar ed out of danger and rapidly on the j road to recovery. i ROHRER FAMILY RECOVERING Mrs. Ruth Rohrer, wife of Landis I Rohrer. the ice cream manufacturer | of South Second street, who was ill : for the last several weeks, has fully j recovered. The whole Rohrer farn j ily had been stricken with influenza. | All are now fully recovered. PATROLMAN ILL John Winn, of the borough police ! force, was taken ill last night with 'an attack of influenza. Policeman | Demiter Kajjanic who was ill for some time with influenza reported on duty last night. FATHER THOMPSON RECOVERED The Rev. James C. Thompson, rector of St. James' Catholic Church who was ill for the last several days with a heavy cold has recovered. Although j several of the Sisters of Mercy of St. I James' parish are already doing ex [cellent work at the Emergency Hos pital, Father Thompson too has vol unteered his services. EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS In order to stimulate the lining of the air passages to throw oft the grippe germs, to aid In loosening the phlegm and keeping the air pass ages open, thus making the breath ing easier, Tick's Vapoßub will be found effective: Hot. wet towels should be applied over tho throat, chest and back between the shoulder blades to open the pores. Then Vapoßub should be rubbed in over the parts until the skin is red ? n ,hickly and cover with two thicknesses of hot flannel cloths Leave ilie clothing loose around the neck as the heat of the body liber ates the ingredients in the from of \upors. These vapors, inhaled with n , !lth 'v. L ' arry the medication directly to the parts affected. At the same time, Vapoßub is absorbed thru and stimulates the skin at tracting the blood to the surface and thus aids in relieving the con gestion within. HOW TO AVOID THE DISEASE Evidence seems to prove that this is a germ disease, spread principally by human contact, chiefly thru coughing, sneezing or spitting So avoid persons having rolds—which rtHnkfn avoidinK crowds -common dunking cups, roller towels, etc Keep up your bodily strength bv plenty of exercise in the open air and good food. Above all. keen from colds, as colds irritate the lin ing of the air passages and render them much better breeding places for the germs. Use Viok's Vapoßub at the very first sign of a cold. For a head '■old. melt a little Vapoßub in a spoon and inhale the vapors or better still, use Vapoßub in a ben zoin steam kettle. If this is not available, use an ordinary tea-kettle. Fill half-full of boiling water, put in half a teaspoon of Vapoßub from time to time —keep the kettle Just slowly boiling and inhale the steam arising. NOTE. Viek's Vapoßub is the discovery of a North Carolina drug gist, who found how to combine, in salve form, Menthol and Camphor with such volatile oils as Eucalyptus, Thyme, Cuhebs, etc.. so that "when the salve is applied to the body heat, these ingredients are liberated in the form of vapors. Vapoßub is comparatively new In New York State and New England and a few Western States where it Is just now being Introduced, but In other sections of the country It Is the standard home remedy In more than a million homes for all forms of cold troubles. Over six million Jars were sold last year. It Is particularly recommended for children's croup or colds, since It Is externally applied and therefore can be used as freely as desired without the slightest harmful effects. Vapo- Rub can be had in three alses at all druggists. f Clergymen Respond to Call For Volunteers In answer to the eall sent forth by those in Charge of the emergency hospital, practically every clergyman In Bteelton has responded! 'Their servlees Were eagerly accepted and they were put to work immediately! Lnst night the Itev.' J, K, Hoffman, of the United Evangelical Church, was on duty; to-day the Rev. G. H, Hogelketi ,o( the Presbyterian Church, and -tho HeV, William C. Hellman, rector of Trinity Episcopal Parish, wero on duty, while to night's work will bo done by the Rev. H. A. Sawyer, of the Methodist Church. Mr, W, E. Chick, safety engineer of the steel plant, who Is overseer of the hospital, oxpreaSed his appreciation of the autlon of the clergy of town, and said ho sin cerely hoped their action would be followed by other men, there being sore need for morn help. Delirious Influenza Victim at Large A rumor, apparently well founded, but which has not been authenti cated, has it that last night. Luke Zelich, In a derlllum of Influenza, escaped from his boardlnghouse in South Front street and is still at large. Zelich is about 28 years old, something over six feet In height, has black hair and black moustache. When he left the boardinghouse he was without shoes or stockings and had but litt'e other clothing. It Is not known where he is or what di rection he to'ok. If apprehended or seen, the police force would appre ciate being notified. KITS BAGS FOR THE BOROUGH DRAFTEES The Red Cross of Steelton has prepared a large number of kit bags for,the draftees who leave Steelton Friday. The kit bags can be se cured by the draftees from Mrs. H. Alden by calling at her residence, 401 Pine street, on Thursday after 10 o'clock in the morning. , RETURN'S FROM MOTOR TRIP H. L. Sellers, proprietor of the Strand Theater, with Mrs. Sellers and sister-in-law. Miss Teressa Nauss, returned last night from a motor trip to Hubbard, Ohio, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Quimby, for mer residents of Steelton. RETURNS FROM PHILADELPHIA Russel J. Blakeslee, manager of the Woolworth 5-and-10-Cent Store, has just returned from the bedside of his brother in Philadelphia, who is seriously stricken with Influenza. Though his brother was thought to i be dying, he is slowly improving. WILLIAM B. FRYE PROMOTED William B. Frye, who left Steel ton some months ago as a sergeant of the One Hundred Eighth Machine Gun Battallion, has received his commission as a lieutenant of the | same battalion, according to a cable gram received by his father, Alonzy Frye, ofSouth Second street. Lieu tenant Frye attended an officers' training camp in France. The Rev. A. K. Weir Leaves For Philadelphia The Rev. A. K. Weir, for the past four years pastor of Centenary Unit ed Brethren Church, loft Steelton this morning with his family to take up his new work in Philadelphia. The Rev. Mr. Weir's work in Steel ton was remarkable and speaks well for him. Not only was the church debt practically wiped out, but the. number of members was almost doubled. The women of the church presented ■ Mrs. Weir with a fine dinner set as a farewell gift. His successor at Centenary Church will be the Rev. Joseph Daugherty, formerly of the Sixth Street Church, Harrisburg. MR. AND MRS. BEIDEL RECOVER Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beidel, both of whom were ill for a few days with serious attacks of influenza, have fully recovered. Mr. Beidel who is a prominent barber and a member of the borough school board, was out of the house for the first time to-day since his illness. SIDNEY HEN DEM SON Sidney Henderson, aged 27, died to day at 589 South Second strept. No funeral arrangements have been made. BASILICA DAVIT/, Basilka Davitz died to-day at 246 Christian street. He was 6 years of age. and will be burled Wednesday at 4 p. m. at the Baldwin cemetery. DIHKO IMHfiARIC Mlsfco RurgarLs, aged 40 years, died yeßterday at the Emergency Hospital. Funeral services will be held at Un dertaker Wilt's chapel on Thursday, 10 a. m., and interment will be r.iade at Mt. Calvary cemetery. AMERICAN MEN UNO WOMEN IN FIGHTING TRIM They Keep To The Top Notch of Health The spirit of the times demands perfect health and nerves, and kcep ettfclency. UP t0 th ° hiß " est deree ♦ w 1 ?? T on and won icn have learned tnat It does not pay to allow health or nerves to run down and are quick to take advantage of Nature's great blood and nerve tonic, Phos phatcd Iron, the minute they feel they are slowing up. Whatever your work may be there IYL r S aBon w, ! y !* should continue = y : Y Ol- ! 1 should only use the ♦ ivoJo- 1 a T noi, ' lt , of your energy. It Is trying to work on your nerves and forcing yourself that wastes your strength, runs you down, gives you ona Se i„a® ( ?? "'kbts- loss of appetite and Indigestion, when you get up In the morning as tired as when you went to bed. . a '"anyone being; JL , health, poor blood, ! "® rves or the blues when lron will afford such prompt and permanent relief. — A, .L over the oountry men and wom £"J n y i e . r 1 y walk of life lay their F.OOO health, strength and nerves of I' 86 2 f Phosphated Irpn. i. _Tm b ! ood and nerve builder, and it will also put you on your feet, make you feel like a Mve one. It produces results that last, that's What counts, no "If's" about It. T® ~ nB" r * Physicians snd their patients getting the genuine Phos phated Tron we have put In cnpsules only. Do not take pills or tablets. Insist on cansules. G. A. Gorgas and leading druggists everywhere. HAIUUBBDRO UflfflU TELEGRAPH Wilhelm Is Last War Lord, Says Saxon Paper Paris, Oct, 18. ; In commenting on the German peace proposals the Volks Kelt ting of Leipslc, Saxeny, is quoted In a dispatch from Swltser land as saying! "'ln the minds of the German peo ple responsibility for the present sit uation centers more and more clearly each day on the person of the Em peror. "We see In William II t.he last Ger man military monarch. He must feel that he can no longer be what he has thought himself slnoe the first day of his reign— an Instrument sent by God and above all the chief of the most brilliant and best organized army. "Tho Emperor always has asked great, patriotic sacrifices from his sub jects. It Is how for him to show 'his spirit of sacrifice and to withdraw." MRS. ANNIIO LACOH Mrs. Annls Lacob, wife of 8. Wolffe Lacob, 563 North Hecond street, Bteelton, died at her home of pneumonia which developed compli cations, yesterday afternoon at 4.12 o'clock. She will be burled In Pro gress this evening at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Lacob had been 111 about a week. Bhe Is survived by her hus band, her mother. Mrs. Stine, of Bal timore, three sons, Hyman, Lewis, and Meyer, a daughter, Gertrude, two sisters, Mrs. Yoselowitz, of Franlt ford, North Carolina; Mrs. Lazarus, of Rhodesia, Africa, and two broth ers, Joe Stine and Jacob Stine, of Frankford, North Carolina. TAKEN ILL Edward L. Hoffman, of 15G Lin coln street, was taken seriously ill last evening with influenza. REV. H. H. RLll IN SI NBl RY The Rev. H. H. Rupp, pastor of the Reformed church was In Sunbury to-day officiating at the funeral of the son of Wilson Noll who died a few days ago at Hog Island. MRS. C. E. HENDERSON Mrs. C. E. Henderson, wife of Councilman Henderson, died yester day afternoon at her home on Swa tara street. Mrs Henderson had been ill or failing for many years. Fu neral arrangements have not as yet been made. ALBERT MATTHEWS Albert Matthews, aged 12, died of paralysis yesterday afternoon at the home of his parents, 255 Adams street. Funeral services will be held Friday. TERKA CATIC Terea Catlic, aged 34. died yester day afternoon at 531 South Third street. MRS. RACHEL ORWAN DIES Camp Hill, Pa., Oct. 15. —Mrs. Raachel Sieren Orwan died yester day at her home in Long street, aged 34 years. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Submarine Criminals Must Face Tribunal London, Oct. 15. Maximilian Harden, editor of Die Zukunft speak ing at a meeting in the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin said: "One thing we need not fear. The time is past when a treaty was a scrap of paper. The autocratic rule of certain persons is likewise a thing of the past. "In the sense of the conqueror it may be a bad peace. I say, how ever it is the best which for years was to be expected from this dis aster. "The submarine war was advised by men who will stand before a state tribunal." WM. STROMINGER BCRIED New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 15. Funeral services of William Strom inger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stromington, who died of Influenza were held at the home of his par ents in York county on Saturday. FATHER AND CHILDREN BURIE New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 15. The funeral of Jens Jensen and his little son, James, three years old, and Robert, eighteen moiAhs old, was held this morning. Burial was made at Mount Olivet Cemetery. CLARK A. lIIVEN DIES New Cumberland, Pa.. Oct. 15. Clark A. Diven died yesterday at nls home in Fourth street ufter an ill ness of five months. He was 41 years old and is survived by his wife and a daughter, Margaret Diven. Private funeral services will be held to-morrow afternoon. Burial at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. MARYSVILLE DOES WELL Marysville. Pa., Oct. 15.—Proud that she had 1 been the first town in Perry county to have her quota and over, Maarysvillc is now striving to double her amount which, no doubt, will be attained if the solici tors and buyers keep up their good work. THIRTY MORE NURSES FOR GRIP [Continued from First Page. 1 tight the influenza epidemic, a large number of the local physicians hav , Ing become victims of the disease and four senior students from Jeffer son Medical College have been sent 1 to Wililamstown. where all the phy sicians are 111. Physicians and army surgeons of New York have been sent to Chester, Northumberland, Monroe, Lehigh, Northumberland and Schuylkill coun ties. Members of the Reserve Militia are now acting as orderlies in em ergency hospitals, points reporting the opening of emergency stations to-day being Bristol, I'aoli, Nanti coke and Homestead, to which place General Beary shipped 75 Cots. The Red Cross to-day ran p truck load of drugs from Philadelphia to Potts vllle. Many druggists throughout the state are short of much needed supplies. Seventy-Nine Coses of Grip al the Harrisburg Hospital With seventy-nine cases of Spanish influenza at the hospital, and the amount of cases Increasing dally, the need of the convalescent hospital in the Open Air School at Fifth and Seneca streets becomes hourly more apparent. Four deaths were reported at the hospital as having occurred since yes terday afternoon. Thirty-three new cases were admitted during the af ternoon and last night. The dead are: David Martin. New Cumberland, died at 10.45. last nlfeltf. John Eillenberger, Hfd three years uled at 10 o'clock last night. His parents live at 2011 North Seventh street. . ' Harry Jones. Buchannon. Va., who Is employed at the Bethlehem Steel Works', at Steelton. He was aged 20. and died at 4.45 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Margaret Dostman. aged 42 or Fort Hunter, who died at 11.35 last night Harrisburg Trust Company Underwrites $100,00(1 in Bonds; Starkey Elected Wi Pi Starkey, general superinten dent of the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company, was to-day elected a director of the Harrisburg Trust Company to fill a vacancy oil the board of that important financial 111- | stltution, Mr, Starkey Is well and favorably known and is regarded as an expert in the steel trade, He is a prominent member of the Chamber of Commeree and In all public move ments has had an active part, George W, Belly, president of this trust company, announced at the j meeting this morning that he had of-I fered In behalf of the Institution to | underwrite *160,000 of the *1,000,000 of the deficiency of the Liberty Loan subscription. His letter on this mat- | ter was addressed to W. M. Ogehsby. i chairman of u special committee of the loan organisation, Restriction on Lights and Elevator Service Removed in New Order The restriction of the State Fuel Administration on the use of eleva tors and lights In office buildings was annulled by tho fuel administrator, announced this morning. It means that elevators now can stop at the second floor, make one floor runs, carry as many or as few passengers as happen to be on hand, and run at any time during the day or night. As many elevators as Is desired may be run In one building. The same Is true of the use of lights In office buildings after 6.50 at night. With a few exceptions, the lights in office buildings were taboo, but now they used without stint or limit. The concession was received by business and professional men with a great deal of satisfaction this morning, as it has worked consider able discomfort to the patrons and j tenants of office buildings. Sugar Sales Again Limited to Two Pounds Per Person Per Month Beginning to-day, householders will be unable to purchase sugar in more than two to five-pound lots, and at the rate of more than two pounds per person monthly. The usual al lowance of twenty-fl ve-pound pur chases for canning put poses will not be sold by grocers, it was announced by the Food Administration at Phila delphia through the Dauphin County Food Administration to-day. The grocers now are keeping lists of their customers' sugar purchases and will be given sugar purchase certificates for the amount of sugar their lists show is necessary, to sup ply their customers with two pounds of sugar per person monthly. SOCIAL POSTPONED Marysville, Pa., Oct. 15.—The Lib erty social which was to be held in the Trinity Reformed Church Wed nesdey evening has been postponed until the churches are reopened. SERGEANT WHITMYER ILL Marysville, Pa., Oct. 15.—Sergeant T. J. Whitmyer, while home on a furlough, contracted a serious case of influenza. His condition is im proving rapidly and he expects to return in a short time to Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C„ where he lias been stationed for the past three months. I YOUR HELP IS NEEDED I I FOR A FEW DAYS MORE I I If the public will continue to | I co-operate for a little longer, we 1 I will come through the CRISIS. | ;| While new absentees from our I 'I operating force still exceed the I I number returned to duty, an 1 I • improvement is looked for daily. I I ' Dpty to the community has 1 been clearly fixed by the City I Health Officer. Certain tele- I I phone users are apparently for- I I getful. If they too would help | by making only those calls that I are ABSOLUTELY necessary the | I sum total of the public's fine | I co-operation will have saved the 1 I most critical situation that your 1 I telephone service has ever faced. -i I THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY I I OF PENNSYLVANIA • M Camp Hill Grateful For Aid Rendered in Epidemic of Influenza Camp Hill, Pa.i Oct. 14,—The in fluenza epidemic In this section con tinues unabated, with tin Increased number of patients reported to-day, [The local physicians are overworked | and State physicians have been giv ing assistance, Most effective aid has beerl rendered by the emergency aid Dives, Pomeroi/ 3c Stewart Winter Hats w f I $lO.OO $12.00 $15.00 $16.50 War-time fashions have expressed themselves in these new Hats. Small, fur-trimmed models and large dress shapes of richest Velvet Panne, Hatter's Plush and Beaver, touched with fur, silver and gold brocades, ostrich and burnt fancies. Scores of charming variations cleverly featured in this early exposition of Winter Hats. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. Men's Educator Shoes Famed For Their Comfort and Quality Educator Shoes are made over one style of last, and that shape represents years of effort to produce a shoe that is perfect in its fit. There is a shapeliness, too, that makes for a dressy, neat style. Shown in black Kidskin, Gun Metal Calf and dark Russian Calf. Finest grade of oak leather soles, with broad heels $B.OO Men's U. Army Shoes of best grade of tan calf- heavy soles and cork sole to keep out dampness, skin—made on the Munson soft tip last, with oak $6.00 leather soles anfl steel nailed heels $6.50 Men's dark tan oil-finish Blucher Shoes, full toe Men's box Calf Blucher Shoes, wide toes, two last, two heavy oak leather soles $1.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. OCTOBER 15* 1918. of Camp Hill, the members of which | under the direction of Mrs ; Carl K. [Deen and Mrs, Frank Cook have , ibeen, taking iarge numbers of pneu monia jackets, quarts of beef tea and other dishes for Invalids) while others of , the members have been volunteering tis nurses and hßve been working day and night, Men of the emergency aid have volun teered as automobile drivers for tired physicians and have been do ing good work; Camp HIU snd vicin ity would have been in sore distress j,bu tfo rthe assistance offered by this organization, which has proved an .emergency aid in fact as well as Ijiame.- ItBGIfITRR DANNBR IMPROVF.t Physicians attending Register of 1 Wilis Roy C Danner. who Is suffer ing from pneumonia and is confined tt> his home at Nineteenth and North streets, reported to-day that his con dition has improved noticeably since i yesterday/