Newspaper Page Text
f? .f* <pt -ft - ***s• MfSf' ' A ,: -' " ~-- Ffe 'ft ' r"* "'-*?* v * ' '•" '' # ' uei iHuii sxzpiy 19 rT€siu€m rfiisonnuiist to 'jit- iuesaay , Dywp Against toe * u - j * s *r' --• ' . . |fk HARRISBURG" TELEGRAPH \ sfje ofar-2ntteper&cnl. XXXVTT No. 233 12 FACES fhe'post a'AsSure' 33 * HARRISBURG, FA., SAIL RDA\ EVENING, OCLOBER 19, 1918. ON, NEWSPAPKK " K3S olN two c cents HOME EDITION BELGIAN COAST NOW CLEARED OF ENEMY; WILSON ANSWERS AUSTRIAN PEACE NOTE FOCH DRIVES DEEP WEDGE INTO FOE'S NEWEST LINES; PATROLS REACH HOLLAND King Albert's Men Making Big Gains I in Great Drive ENTIRE FRONT MOVING AHEAD Whole Coast Now in Hands of Allies; Huns Trapped By Associated Press With the Allied Forces in Belgium, Oct. 19. —The towns, of Cliereng, Hasmv, Vred and! Cattelct have been captured by! the Allied forces. The entire Britilh and Belgian: front still was moving forward j this morning. The Belgians were! gaining steadily and the British J in the north advancing in the 1 face of considerable opposition,! occupied the Herseaux-Mous-j cron railway to the east and north of the .French liberated j towns of Turcoing.and Roubaix. I London, Oct. 19.—Allied j forces have captured the whole I of the Belgian coast, according) to information received by the! livening News. The Allied line! now extends from a position 011! the Dutch coast to the cast of Bruges and to the south of Cour trai. - British troops have entered thej Belgian town of Eecloo. accord-j ing to a dispatch from Sluis to | the Telegraaf. Six thousand! Germans have been shut in against the Dutch frontier. With the Allied Forces in Flanders, Oct. 19. French cavalry were reported to-night to have reached the outskirts of Ghent. There is 110 official con firmation. The infantry is pushing fast after the mounted forces. The reports indicate a con tinuation of the rapid Allied ad- j vatice in the Belgian coast sec tor. Foe Still Retiring German forces in Belgium still ! are retiring eastward toward a new defense line while the British, | l-'rench and Americans southeast of j I'ambrai are driving a wedge into; the German defenses north of the j Oise. Ghent, thirty-one miles northwest I of Brussels, the Belgian capital, is j reported to been reached by | French cavalry. Reports received in Holland are that the Germans have begun to remove their troops from I Brussels, evidence that the new de- ! fense line may be east of that city. All along the front in Belgium from the coast to east of Courtrai the allied troops are pushing for ward but somewhat more slowly than earlier in the week, except along the coast. German units are reported to lie holding out in the port of Zeebrugge with Bel gian troops on the canal running south from Zeebrugge to Bruges, it appears that these troops will lie cut 1 iff and either forced to surrender'or | tee to Holland. East of Lille and Douai the Brit sh are moving eastward toward | [Continued on Page 11.] THE WEATHER For Haiilxliorjj 11 nil vicinity! Fnlr, j . contiuucil cool to-night, with licnvy frost; So ml ay fair. For Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair, continued cool to-night, with heavy frost; Sunday fair; warmer In north portion; light, northeast winds. 1(1 ver The *u<|iiehnnnii river iintl nil lu triliutnrles wll continue to fall slowly. General ( auditions The nntiejcloiir, which was era- j tral over Ontario, Friday morn- i Ing, has overspread nearly all the eastern half of the Failed states, with Its crest over the ' I pper Sunqurhnnnn V alley, at- I tended liy a fall of 2to 18 dr- ! green In temprrature east of the Great l.akea and the Ohio river. | Temperature: 8 a. m., :l. \ 1(1 ver Btagci -I feet above lbw water mark. The President's Reply By Associated Press Tin- text of the note hamlctl to the Swedish minister follows: ••Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the seventh instant, in which yon transmit a communication of the Imperial and Koynl (internment of Austria-Hungary to the President. I am now instructed by the President to request you to he good enough through your government to convey to the Impe rial and Royal Government the following' reply: ••Tlie Persidcnt decms*it his duty to say to the Austro-Hungarian Government that lie cannot entertain the present suggestions of that government because of certain events of utmost importance, which, occurring since the delivery of his address of the eighth of January last, have necessarily altered the attitude and responsibility of the* Government of the United States. Among the fourteen terms of peace which the President formulated at that time, occurred the following: •••A—The people of Austro-Hungary, whose place among the nations we wish to see safeguarded and assured, should be accorded the freest opportunity of autonomous development.' "Since that sentence was written and uttered to the Congress of the United States, the Government of the United States lias rec ognized that a state of belligerency exists between the Czeeho-Slovaks and the German and the Austro-Hungarian empires, and that the Czeelio-S'ovak National Council Is a tie facto belligerent government clothed with properi authority to direct the military ami political alfars of the Czeeho-Slovaks. It has also recognized in the fullest manner the justice of the nationalistic aspirations of the Jugo-Slavs for freedom. ••The President is therefore, 110 longer at liberty to accept the mere •autonomy' of these peoples as a basis of peace, but Is obliged to Insist that tlicy ami not he shall be the judges of what action 011 the part of the Austro-Hungarian government will satisfy their aspirations and their conception of their rights and destiny as members of the family of nations. ••Accept, sir. the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. [Signed] "ROBERT LAXSIXG." AUSTRO-HUNGARY MUST ALLOW ITS PEOPLE TO RULE I President Answers Note of German Ally; Points to 10th Peace Enunciation t Washington; Oct. 19. President ■ Wilson has rejected the Austro-Hun garian government's offer to con , I elude an armistice and negotiate j peace on principles enunciated by I him and has given notice that more 1 1 autonomy for Austria's subject na ■ { tionalities is no longer acceptable, that they must have liberty. I The reply was made by Secretary Lansing yesterday through the Swe j dish minister In Washington. It ! calls attention to the tenth condition of peace enunciated by President Wilson on January 8, which says the people of Austria-Hungary should be accorded the freest opportunity of autonomous development. America Recognizes Belligerents The note calls attention to the rec ognition by the United States of the Czeeho-Slovaks national council as ] a defacto belligerent government and states that this country also has I recognized the justice of the na j tionalistic aspirations of the Jugo j Slavs for freedom. In announcing his reply. Secretary [Lansing also.made public the offi cial text of the Austro-Hungarian | note. It follows: "Legation of Sweden, Washington, i D. C., Oct. 7. 1918. "(Translation). I "Excellency: By order of my gov j ernment I have the honor conflden- I tiallv to transmit herewith to you j the following communication of the ' Imperial and Royal Government of j Austria-Hungary to the President of I the United States of America: Claims Defensive War j " 'The Austro-Hungarian monar chy. which has waged war always and solely as a defensive war and re peatedly given documentary evidence of its readiness to stop the shedding of blood and to arrive at a just and honorable peace, hereby addresses itself to His Lordship, the President of the United States of America, anil offers to conclude with him and his Allies an armistice on every front on I land, at sea and in the air. and to I enter immediately upon negotiations j rbr a peace for which the fourteen i points in the message of President j Wilson to Congress of January 8. ; 1918, and the four points contained 1 in President Wilson's address of Feb ; ruary 12, 1918, should serve as a l foundation and in which the view -1 points declared by President Wilson |in his address of September 27, | 1918, also will be taken into account.' "Be pleased to accept, etc. j (Signed) "W. A. F. EKENGREN. | "His Ecellency, Mr. Robert Lansing. "Secretary of State of the United States. . "Washington." Willis A. Lindsey Dies After a Short Illness ' Willis A. Lindsey. aged 40, of ! Carlisle, a compositor employed by j the Harrisburg Telegraph, (lied at 1 | o'clock this afternoon in the Car ! lisle Hospital, from uraemlc poison ing. Mr. Lindsey has been in the ern i ploy of the Telegraph for about* a j year, working in the "ad alley" and making friends of all his fellow ! workmen, among whom he was ree- I agnized as an expert compositor, lie is survived by his wife and two j daughters, Helen and Until. No fu neral urrangements have been made {yet. U.S. HAS SENT MORE THAN TWO MILLION TO WAR March Advised of Hun Retire ment From Entire Belgian Coast to Dutch Boundary By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 19.—More than two million American soldiers now • jhave gone overseas, General March itold the members of the Senate Mil ! itary Committee to-day at their War ! Department conference. ! While the conference was in pro jgress, General March was notified the Germans had evacuated the en tire Belgian coast up to the Holland j boundary and that it is now in pos session of the Allies. Retreat Wider and Faster | The German retirement from the j Belgian coast district, General 1 March added, is increasing in breadth and speed. The movement (to the rear, on the whole, he added, lis extremely rapid, as illustrated by jthe fact that the territory evacuated in four days totals more than 800 I square miles. | To the south in France, the gen eral said, renewed attacks by Anglo- American forces south of Douai have carried the allied line to the hastily-constructed German defense system which follows in a general way the Sensee canal and marshes. No attempt to cross this barrier lias | yet been reported. Allow Huns Xo Rest I The Hindenburg defense system now is entirely behind the allied ad vance and Marshal Foch is continu ing his pressure without giving the | enemy the slightest opportunity for 1 a rest. i General March did not attempt to j analyze the military situation on the I western front as a whole or to point 1 out objectives of the various attacks. jHe called attention to the fact that the German retirement starting last [week on a sixty-mile sector between | the Oise and the A/Vgonne, hud :spread during the week until it af ! feted ail except fifteen miles of the .250 miles front from the coast to jthe Meuse. Yankees Fight Way Forward While this retirement was in pro gress. he said, the American army j northwest of Verdun was fighting its way forward against stiff resistance. The 291h division (New Jersey. Dol jaware, Maryland and District of Co llumbia troops.) was identified as one [of those operating east of the Itjeuse. 140 YANKEE PLANES BOMB HUN CITIES Every Aviator Gels Safely Back to American Lines; Battle Planes Slioot Down Twelve Bodies Who Gel in Way of the Expedition By .-tssocialcii Cress Willi tlic American Army North west of Verdun. Oct. 19.—A1l the aviators who took part in the a II- Ameriean bombing expedition behind the German lines northwest of Ver dun yesterday nave been accounted for. One of the 140 airplunes tak ing part in the raid had been re ported missing, but it returned dur ing the night. .Latest reports froiu the different Either Way It Must be "Unconditional Surrender" ' " . -VM EVACUATION OF BRUSSELS BEGUN BY GERMAN ARMY British Patrols Have Pene trated to the Holland Frontier By Associated Press Amsterdam, Oct. 19.—The evacu ation of Brussels by the Germans al ready has been begun, according to M. Hein'ricli, an Activist Belgian deputy. The deputy is quoted thus by the correspondent of the Nieuws van den Dags at Rosendaal, on the Dutch frontier, who says the deputy himself has arrived at Brussels. The evacuation reports, it is declared, refer to the German troops and not to the civilian population of the city. Washington. Oct. 19.—British pa trols participating in the Allied ad vance in Belgium are reported to have reached the Holland frontier opposite Bruges, General March was informed in to-day's early dis patches. squadrons show that the scout planes in protecting the bombers brought i down twelve enemy machines. Ob servers report that excellent results were obtained at the various points bombed by the expeditions. While the bombing squadrons attacked the. towns and villages, two squadrons of pursuit planes, flying at low alti tudes, attacked enemy troops along I the roadways with small bombs and machine-gun flie. AUSTRIANS JOKE IN PEACE PLEA By Associated Press Amsterdam. Oct. 19.—Before Baron Burian, the Austro-Hun garian foreign minister, delivered his speech to the Hungarian dele gation on October 15, Couijt Michael Karolyi, the leader of the Hungarian independent party, ac cused the Austro-Hungarian min istry and the delegation of "being the sole cause of the monarchy's collapse and the pitiable plight in which Hungary finds herself," ac cording to the Berlin Zeitung an. Mittag. Premier Wekerle, in reply,' de clared: "We have done so much to bring about peace we have finally made ourselves a laughing stock." DAVID R. ELDER, ONE OF TWINS, IS Descendant of Famous 'Fight ing Parson' Buried in Family Plot Lineal descendant .of "Fighting Parson" Elder, famed in the French and Indian War, at Paxtpn cemetery yesterday the body of David R. Elder, 84, was laid to rest with solemn ser vice. Mr. Elder died in Pittsburgh, although his home was in Williams port. and his surviving twin brother, John Elder still lives at Derry and Twenty-fourth streets. The brothers were born April 27. 1834, at Ellerslie, the ancient home of the "Fighting Parson" on the Derry pike, and there they have many times celebrated their birthdays in a great company of relatives who heard again the Immortal narrative of the old Paxton Presbyterian Church and how the "Fighting Parson" de fended it from the Indians. The parents of the late David Elder [Continued on Page-11.J TWO ItIIMJS I*lolt MONTH WHhln<on, D. C., Oct. 19.—Restric tions on the use of sugar will be even n-.ore rigid during November and De cember than at present. The Food Administration announced last night that sugar allotments for household use will be held strictly to two pounds u person each month, and that the supply for manufacturers of soft drinks, ice cream and confections will be reduced sharply. QUARANTINE TO CLOSE ALL STORES ; AT 6.3OJONIGHT Crest of Influenza Epidemic Has Been Passed by Harrisburg That the epidemic of influenza pneumonia is stationary now with no increase or decrease in cases is the belief of Health Officer J. M. J. Rauniek. The death tool still reaches a high figure he said. At the local Bureau of Vital Statistics 25 deaths were reported since yesterday aft ernoon at 4 o'clock, five from pneu monia and 20 developing from in fluenza. The total number of deaths in the city from a'.! causes from Monday morning until noon to-day reached 146, of which the majority were caused by the epidemic. Tfie death I toll from all causes for the last two | weeks was 225. At the Emergency hospital, Fifth ! and Seneca streets, there are 107 | patients under treatment. Only two deaths from the disease have been I reported at Ihe hospital. This morn i ing the ambulance arrived at the ! building to bring Paul Porter, 4 2 i Balm street, there for treatment. He was dead before the automobile reached the hospital. Dr. Rauniek said to-day that the [Continued oil Page 11.] Belgians Sink Ships Carrying German Officers By Associated Press luindon. Oct. 19. —Refugees ar riving in Holland from Belgium re port that a number ot ships on iii'e Eecioo canal, carrying German offi cers and war material, were shot to pieces and sunk with all on ooard by Belgiun troops on Friday afternoon, says a dispatch from Amsterdam to the Exchange Tejegraph, The Gerniun troops, according to the refugees, ifrc retreating towurds Ghent and Antwerp. Week to Start Fair; Wet and Cooler at End Washington. Oct. 19.—North and Middle Atlantic States: Fair, with I rising temperature Monday and Tues day,: local ruins Wednesday and Thursday, cooler at end of week. LIBERTY'S CALL TO FIND CITY WAITING WITH LOAN QUOTAS District Ready to Flash Under the Closing Wire With Full Amount Uncle Sam Has Called For llarrisburg at 1.30 o'clock this af ternoon was within $175,000 of the, Liberty Loan goal. Dauphin county was within a simi lar distance of its Liberty Loan allot ment. The executive committee in charge of the campaign was greatly disap pointed at noon when an examina tion of reports up to that time show ed that the city's quota had not been reached, but from the nature of reports being received it is a cer tainty that the city will come through with colors tiying. Subscriptions to-day are pouring into the various receiving sources. "I have great hopes that Dauphin county will do as the city of Harris burg seems to be doing," said Chair man Jennings at noon. All of those towns which are behind their appot ments are working like beavers to day; and I think they will be more than successful." Figures showing the condition at noon are: llnrrishiirg quota .. $0,183,010 Bonds sold 5,958,010 To be sold 8175,000 The county figures arc: Quota Cor Dauphin county out side of city 82,597,000 Bonds sold 2,100,550 To be sold 8190,150 Chairman Donald McCormiek feels ( ) * i V V 'H 1 * 1 i ■ 'I The official teM of" President Wifso-- || ;1| i Sj; (- D, Mount Feasant. . , ... II C. MANS SEIZE 15.Q00 CIVILIANS ' I ! W h the British Forces in France—During thd last j;JmS fifteen dajr, of their occupation of Lile the' Germans took i J . ' " . . . r' away into capitivity 15,000 of the inhabitants of the'city. lyi . ; _i ■ MARRIAGE LICENSES Paul N. Klatter nnd Ellen I'. Merrymon, Metllmn Uobcrl tier roil, Buffalo. mtl Mloo I*. Rmfrj, C orfu. N. V.i Milton R. C itrvell nnri Vcrnn Hlllcr, llnrrUlnirtfi I riim lH Mioirprr anil erun M, A Ifootcr, >\ ironlscn. j* that Perry and Juniata counties will have made a good showing before Monday. Not Closed Yet The bond sales are not over, bj' any means. Subscriptions will be received in the city until October 2t, when llnal reports must be made to Philadelpliiau and Washington. The drive, however, stops to-night; and after to-day patriots must go to the banks to buy bonds. stiller Buys $ 1,000 Harry Miller of the Central Ho eti, 311 Market street, last night gave Peter Magaro and Andrew Red mond his subscription for $1,00(1 in bonds. "I am sorry folks have disunder stood my stand in this matter," said Mr. Miller. "I am as patriotic as any man in Harrisburg. 1 have bonds in all four issues of the Liberty Lou i. It is not true that I am worth about $60,000, nor do I own any part c f the property at 311 Market stre< . which belongs to tlie Detweiler es tate." Mr. Magaro who took Millet's subscription, sold the entire slo,Oi o [Continued on Page 8] VOLUNTEER MUSK 11.1, Mrs. Mercy Patterson, 1715 Apricot street, who voluntered for service in the influenza epidemic and was sent, to Williamstown on duty, is very seri ously ill. Her husband and daughter 'are also ill with the disease.