Newspaper Page Text
LANSING SWIFT TO BRAND FAKE PEACEREPORTS News Dispatch Sent Out by United Press Denounced as i the Most Colossal Fake Washington, Nov. B.—What la re garded tn officialdom here as the tnost colossal news fake ever per petrated upon the American people was the publication yesterday through a dispatch from the United Press that Germany had signed the terms of armistice laid down by Marshal Foch and that the war was ■ over. This news dispatch, sent from Paris, was utterly without founda tion of fact. Offictal denial of Its authenticity was made by Secretary; of State Lansing after he had taken ♦he trouble to cable to Paris about it. : The news organization's dispatch j on the ending of the war had the effect of startling the entire country. In every city the news spread, "the j war is over," and the country at! large took it to be authentic. The official denial of the accuracy j of the United Press report was made ' by the Secretary of State in the aft- j ernoon, immediately after having re- i ceived a dispatch from Paris. Fifth Avenue to Be Paved With Silver When Actors Work For United Drive New York. Nov. B.—Fifth avenue ! will be paved with silver, and, if the , silver runs out, with gold. Wheel- j barrows will be used when it comes • time to lift the pavement and take ! It away. Two great big banks are saving up the dollars and hope to have j enough. Although coppers don't count, the police will watch to see j that nobody steals anything, which j nobody will try to do. "Deteckatuffs" j will mingle freely with the crowds. | Glorious damosels, released from their golden bars, will incite the multitude. All this because George M. Cohan offhandedly remarked yesterday j morning that the Friars Club, whose abbot he is, would raise more money than would the Lambs,for the Unit ed War Work Fund Campaign. Some | tattle-tale carried this observation to William Collier, who is nothing if | he isn't a Lamb, and instantly Wil- i liam called up George. "George." said William, "did you I eay ?" "Sure I said it, Willie," said George, j Challcn *c Is Accepted Even by inference it must not be i suggested that Messrs. Collier and ' Cohan, both family men, ever gam ble. But five minutes after they : stopped telephoning they met in the I presence of a third person, who j couldn't possibly have been a stake- j holder, and In some unidentified way the Lambs and the Friars were j pledged to go out into Fifth ave nue during the War Work Week, ' the Lambs vowing they'd gather j more money than the Friars and the ' Friars mos' <han the Lambs. "Why, we if pave that old street with silver," snorted George M. ■ Cohan. "All right, your low gang can have one side of the avenue and ; we'll take the other, and see how we come out," agreed William Collier. R. H. Burnslde. shepherd of the Lambs, summoned every well known j actor and actress in New York to • assist the club. Through Fred Bloch Mr. Cohan signaled every Friar to 1 report at once. Mr. Bloch personal- j ly snared Joseph Caw'thorn and Ju- • lia Sanderson, and by nightfall hun- i dreds and hundreds of other players had signed up for one side or the j other. They are going to call Fifth ave- • nue the Silver Road to Berlin. Start- j ing north at Thirty-fourth street the j Friars in cowls on one side of the | street and the Lambs In lamb skins i and carrying shepherd's staffs will j solicit silver from all who pass, and j as fast as the coins are obtained, they ; will be laid along the curb. Silver j dollars being fairly scarce, the Bank ers Trust Company and the Harrl- j man National Bank have promised ; to grab all they can and put them j Into circulation. "Myriads of Broad's most beautl- 1 ful," raves the official announcer, i "are aligning themselves with the several stars they have chosen to win. Every plump, prim prostlyte of Manhattan's showhouses will ap pear in Fifth avenue- It is the most , unique, most bizarre, original staging j of New. York's theatrical talent ever ! used to further the best cause in j the' world." Banish Nervousness Put Vigor and Ambition into Run-Down, Tired Out People. If you feel tired, out of sorts, de- j spondent, mentally or physically de pressed, and lack the desire to ac- ; complish things, get a 50-cent box | of Wendell's Ambition Pills at H. C. Kennedy's today and take the first big step toward feeling better right i away. If you drink too much, smoke too | much, or are nervous because of j overwork of any kind, Wendell's I Ambition Pills will make you fee! i better in three days or money back j from H. C. Kennedy on the first box i purchased. For ail affections of the nervous j system constipation, loss of appe- i tite, lack of confidence, trembling, I kidney or liver complaints, sleep lessness, exhausted vitality or weak ness of any kind get a box of Wen dell's Ambition Pills today on the | plan. Fight Weakening Cough With a Health Builder j Nothing pulls down a weakened sys- i tem so much as a persistent cough. | In many similar cases ECKMAN'S j ALTERATIVE, a tonic and up-bulld- ; er, has been found to be most valu- ! able in stopping the cough, strength- j ening the lungs and helping to re- ! store health. Twenty years' success- i ful use. 80c and S!.."><> dottles at all : druggist* or manufacturer, postpaid, i ECKMAN LABORATORY Philadelphia FRIDAY EVENING, PARCEL MAY BE SENT TO WORKERS j Christmas Boxes For Y. M. C. ! A. and Red Cross May Be|Mailed Christmas parcels weighing not more than three pounds may now be sent to individuals serving In the ranks of the American Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., Knights of Columbus and other associations or persons con nected with the American Expe- I dition&ry Forces for whom arrange , inents for sending Chrlstmus gifts i have not heretofore been arranged. This is the substance of an order received at local headquarters of the Red, Cross In the basement of the Harrlsburg Public Library this morning. The order bears the sig nature of W. J. Barrows, Acting Third Assistant Postmaster General. The parcels may be mailed through the local chapter of the American Red Cross by the nearest relative In the United States of the proposed recipient. Two or more rel atives may Join in sending a Christ mas parcel but only one package may be sent to one individual. Outlining instructions for .sending the parcel, the official Post Office Department order continues: "Upon approval of such request, the Red Cross will furnish the sender a carton of the prescribed size (3 inches by 4 inches by 9 inches) in which to enclose the articles to be mailed. When filled, the carton must be returned unsealed and unwrapped to the nearest receiving station de signated by the Red Cross for inspec tion, wrapping, affixing of stamps, etc., under the supervision of the IJed Cross. The parcel must be left at the Red Cross receiving station which will affix thereto a certificate in the the form of a seal showing that the parcel has been inspected and passed and shall mail it on or before No vember 20, 1918, (except in Alaska, Hawaii and Porto Rico, where Christmas parcels will be accepted up to and including December 1. 1918). "Christmas parcels sent under the foregoing arrangement will be sub ject in all respects to the conditions governing the acceptance of similar parcels for members (officers, sol diers, etc.) of the American Expe ditionary Forces in Eurbpe as set forth in the instructions of this office. The parcels must be address ed substantially as follows: Christmas Box Department, Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, New Jersey. For Organization American Expeditionary Forces "Such parcels will be chargeable with postage at the fourth-class or parcel post zone rate be tween the place where mailed and Hoboken, N. J. "No individual postal export li cense is required in connection with the mailing of Christmas parcels, the I War Trade Board having amended! its General Export License No. Rac 43 to cover such parcels. "\t. J. BARROWS. '"Act'g Third Ass t. P. M. Gen." CUTEX PREPARATIONS Cutex Set 39c Cutex Set 98c Nail Files . . 15c, 25c, 35c FACE POWDERS Elmo Face Powder 23c Garden Allah Face Powder .. . 59c Flormye Face Powder $1.19 La Trefle Face Powder .... $1.19 Djer-Kiss Face Powder 57c La Blache Face Powder .... 39c Swansdown Face Powder ... 13c Flora Sweet Face Powder ... 55c Ven Dome (Mio) Face Powder, 98c Petalis Face Powder 49c Fascination Face Powder 49c Valeska Suratt Face Powder, ,43c Mary Garden Face Powder .. 79c Freeman's Face Powder 19c Pussywillow Face Powder ... 34c L-Ame. (LaMay) Face Powder, 23c L-Ame. (LaMay) Face Powder, 43c Hudnut Gardenia 83c Hudnut Sweet Orchid 83c TALCUM POWDERS Garden Allah Talcum 21c Mary Garden Talcum 48c Waltz Dream Talcum 23c Jess Talcum (Tins) 13c Jess Talcum (Jars) 21c Hudnut Talcum (Tins) 19c Hudnut Talcum (Jars) 43c Babcock Butterfly Talcum ... 22c Babcock Corylopsis Talcum .. 15c Babcock Violet Elice Talcum. .13c Palmolive Talcum 19c Djer-Kiss Talcum 35c SOAPS Cuticura Soap 19c Resinol Soap 19c Hobson's Soap ... 20c Packer's Tar Soap 18c Castile Soap 15c Colgate All-Round Soap, 3 for 25c Dr. Sayman's Soap 3 for 29c Life Buoy Soap 2 for 15c Jergen's Violet Glycerine, 3 for 25c Jergen's Geranium Bath, 3 for 25c SPECIAL Military Hair Brushes Per pair $1.48 PRESIDENT WILL ANNOUNCE WHEN PEACE IS MADE By dstociatrd Preis WASHINGTON', Nov. B.—The StlltClllL'llt wits llutlioiizcil lit tlio White House shortly after 10 o'clock tills morning Unit when ever word eame of the signing 'of an armistice in France, President Wilson himself would announce it Immediately. When this assurance wns given Uie Government linil not been ad vised whether the German armis tice delcgutlou hud reached Mar sluil Foch's headquarters behind the French lines, where they were expected about noon to-day, Furls time. Mary Pickford Is Sued For $138,000 Xew York. For services alleged to have been Instrumental in en abling Mrs. Gladys Mary Moore, bet ter known as Mary Pickford, to draw a salary of SIO,OOO a week for ( 104 weeks from June 24. 1916, from i the Pickford Film Corporation. Mrs. j Cora Carrington Wilkenlng. theat rical and literary agent, brought | suit before Supreme Court Justice |Delehanty and a Jury to recover j $138,000 In commissions from the | star. Mary Pickford's income for •the last two years from the film com- I pany, the lawyers for both sides : agreed, was $1,000,000. Mary took j the witness stand, but played to a i small house. | Mrs. Wilkening testified the de- I fendant expressed her inability to see I why Charlie Chaplin was getting a I higher salary than herself and agreed | to pay the plaintiff 10 per-cent, com mission if the latter was successful : in getting a better contract for her. She told of her visits to a Benjamin B. Hampton and of Hampton's offer |of $7,000 a week to Miss Pickford i with a 50 per cent, ownership in a corporation to be named after her. The contract was never consummated. I Thg witness said she brought, about ! a meeting later in her office between ; William Randolph Hearst, editor- I publisher, and the defendant, j After several other dickers with film magnates, Mrs. Wilkening de- I clared she was successful in negotl ! ations that resulted in Adolph Zuker i of the Famous Players Film Corpor -1 atlon signing a contract with Miss ! Pickfofd, whereby the latter was to i get SIO,OOO weekly, a bonus of $300,- ! 000 and $40,000 to recompense her for ! looking after scenarios for four ; weeks. | Miss Pickford denied all these ' statements. She admitted meeting I Mr. Hearst in the plaintiff's office, I but insisted that Mrs. Wilkening had i not introduced her to him. ; "I had met Mr. Hearst, before," 1 smiled Miss Pickford. '"but not in a business way. 1 danced with him." The actress explained that Mrs. Wilkening telephoned to her that Mr. Hearst was at her office and had a good offer to make. When she met Mr. Hearst he .spoke about the wea ther and "other things" until she said she asked him about the busi ness offer. She declared he express ed surprise, saying he had heard the socalled offer was to come from her. Nothing came of the meeting, i Miss Pickford segued relieved | when the court ordered adjuornment for ten minutes while the City Hall bell and countless sirens announced I the Austrian surrender. I After recess Miss Pickford explain ed that the Hampton negotiations were broken off because Hampton did i not have $50.1X00 to bind his option, and further because she had learned that he was marketing his contract with her. The case was adjourned until to morrow morning. DOLLS Kewpie Talcum filled 73c Kewpie Soap 8c CREAMS Pond's Vanishing Cream .... 30c Daggett & Ramsdell Cold Creeam, 33c Hudnut's Cold Cream 39c Palmolive Vanishing Cream..39c Palmolive Cold Cream 39c Sanitol Face Cream 19c Hudnut's Original Cerate ..... 45c Hudnut's Cucumber Cream .. 43c De Meridor Cream 33c Elcaya Cream 53c Ingram Milkweed Cream .... 73c TOOTH PREPARATIONS Pebeco Tooth Paste 36c Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c Colgate Tooth Paste 25c Sanitol Tooth Paste or Powder, 17c Talc-Pheno Tooth Paste or Pow der 18c Albodon Tooth Paste 16c Pyrodenta Tooth Paste 23c S. S. White Tooth Paste 17c Senreco Tooth Paste 18c Colgate Tooth Powder, 15c & 25c Graves' Tooth Powder or Paste, 16c Kal Pheno Tooth Powder ... 18c Euthymol Tooth Powder ... 18c Pyrrochide Tooth Powder .. 79c Lyon's Tooth Powder or Paste, 17c LIQUID CREAMS AND LOTIONS Oriental Cream $1.19 Orchard White 28c Dermaviva 33c Laird's Bloom Youth 55c FRECKLE CREAMS Stillman's Freckle Creeam ... 32c Othene Double Strength .... 73c Ken Klay Double Strength .. 79c ODOR DESTROYERS Mum ..." 19c Spiro Powder 19c Odor Gone 25c Flora Swept Deodorant .... 45c TOILET WATERS Pinaud's Lilac 79c Hudnut's Toilet Waters 79c Garden Allah Toilet Water .. 89c Garden Allah Toilet Water .. 45c HARRISBURO TELEGRAPH JEWS TO COMPARE CHANUKAH TO HUN % Eight-Day Festival Commem orating Historic Incidents Begins November 28 The festival of Chanukah, com i memoratlng the historic Incidents i related In the apocryphal Books of i the Maccabees, will be celebrated in j ull Jewish homes for eight days, be ; genning November 2 8. ] The festival embodies the elements ! of the presont world struggle, as the i heroic suffering of the Jews of that | day linds a modern parallel In the plight of the Belgian people. In . many a Jewish household the in famous Anttochus Epiplianes of the story will be compared to his suc cessor in spirit, the Inhuman, and now no less infamoiA Emperor of Germany, Wllhelm 11. Like his modern embodiment, the ancient tyrant of Syria found tho land of Israel a stumbling block in the pathway of his ambition for ter | ritoriul expansion. In order to de- j : stroy all vestiges of independence in : lJudea, this tyrant sought to crush! the Jewish religion and to set up his , pagan cult in its place. Then Judah! the Lion arose and with God's help ] smote the hosts of the Syrian and i rolled back tlie armies of oppression. The anniversary is therefore 1 | known as the Festival of Rededica- j tion (Chanukah). It Is a home fes- ] tlval and Is signalized by lighting I candles on each of the eight even- I ings In these troubled days the heart I of every Jew will go forth to the Bel- I gian sufferers and will find encour agement In the message of the festi val, which is addressed to Belgium j as well as to Israel and to all hu manity. SPURS BIG WAR FUND Washington, Nov. B.—Bituminous | coal production companies over the i country are called upon by J. H. I Wheelwright, president of the Na tional Coal Association to contribute! ! at least one-quarter of one per cent, [of their capital stock to the $170,- | 000,000 United Work Campaign j Fund, the nation-wide drive for I which begins Monday. YOU HAVE A MISERABLE COLD! 'Won't take long for Dr. King's New Discovery to relieve it : Chills, hot flushes, weepy eyes and nose, a cough steadily growing more i persistent, phlegm-clogged chest, ; heavy head —those conditions are ! quickly and pleasantly corrected I with Dr. King's New Discovery. | Cold, and coughs, most bronchial | troubles soon submit to this fifty ; year-old standby. Grownups and children both like it. Promotes comfort and rest. Get this relief from "cold" misery. Buy a bottle while you think of it. All druggists. ! Make Yours Bowels Grateful | Help them to function as they ought to. Aid them occasionally with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Cleanse the system of undermining impuri ties. Mild in action, reliable and comfortable. Your druggist has them. Cut-Rate Medicine Store 321 MARKET STREET This store opens at 9A. M. and closes at 9 P. M., excepting Saturday, opens, at 9 A. M., closes 10 P. M. $3.75 Horlick's Malted $3 Nestle's Food . . .-.52.67 Milk $2.79 $1 Vinol . . T 79c Hostetter's Bitters . . . .89c $1 Tanlac 79c Pinkham's Comp 81c $1 Wyeth's Sage and $1.25 Lash's Bitters . . .89c Sulphur 67c 4>! Sloan's Liniment .*.69 c $1 Hay's Hair Health .67c 75c Mellen's Food . . . .54c $1 Miles' Nervine 79c . j •RUBBER SPECIALS Hot Water j Hot Water Hot Water Bottle Bottle Bottle $1.48 73c $1.19 Fountain Fountain Fountain Syringe Syringe Syringe $1.48 89c $1.39 Combination Combination Combination Hot Water Hot Water Hot Water Bottle and Bottle and Bottle and Fountain Fountain Fountain Syringe Syringe Syringe $2.19 $1.49 $1.65 CIGAR SPECIALS The following Cigars,' 5 for 25£ Martagon _ _ C i nc ? General Knox CW lfolg ' 1 The followin g Pig" B - 3 { or 25^ Counsellor Sanchez and Haya "44" ' Oirard Don Abilo Cortez • Fir?t Quality El Verso SATURDAY SPECIALS, NOV. 9 KENNEDY'S CUT-RATE Soldier Votes in Some Confusion •_ Confused returns are being brought to the Stato Capitol by somo of the commissioners appointed to take the votes of soldiers and sailors and it will take days to unravel somo of the statements made in the books. Several books filed yesterday and to day fall to give the nanae of the camp where the votes were taken and the figures are jumbled, making endless possibilities where close con tests may be Involved. Less than half of tho commissioners have brought ire their returns. When H. L. Reinhold, of Ard more, who took the votes of the sol diers at League Island .Navy Yard, arrived, he presented just one book and reported the ballots had' been burned. His reason for this course was that "they used to do that way fifty-six years ago" when he was ac tive in election work. Deputy Sec retary of the Commonwealth George D. Thorn, promptly rose to the oc casion and finding out what had been done got a statement and will certify the figures on the book filed here to the Interested counties. Mr. Reinhold is advanced in years. It transpired to-day that when William M. Hargest, Deputy Attor ney General, who was a commission er to Fort Ogelthorpe. found that no one had been sent to Camp Forrest where there were many men, he or ganized a board there, too, and held an election. After the Grippe To regain your health and strength araln you must take a tonic, and for this purpose tlie Medical Profession is prescribing Iron, Nux Vomica, Gentian, Capsicum and Zinc Phos phide in some form. Many prepa rations containing Iron are very constipating, but this is overcome by the addition of Aloln in Chase's Blood and Nerve Tablets, which con tain all of the above tonic remedies. In these Tablets you have all that is good in tonic medicines without any harmful effects. They are safe and sure health builders and at this particular time it would be hard to overestimate their value. Weigh yourself before taking them and see what you gain in weight and strength. Nearly all druggists sell Chase's Blood and Nerve Tablets at sixty cents a box. Special ninety cents. AREMARKABLE NEW PAIN KILLER Womlerfnl 20h Century I.lnlment Stops Khriiiiintle mid All Other i'alna Surely anil Speedily. Those sharp, agonizing twinges are almost instantly relieved by the re markable new pain killer and rheu matic remedy, 20th Century Liniment. Just rub it on that's all. Acts like magic. No hot water bath needed You simply apply .it direct from the bottle. Its positive, quick action In all cases of Rheumatism, Lumbago. Neuralgia Backache, etc., prove 2oth Century' Liniment to be the sworn enemy of all pain. Takg a bottle home to-night. There's no need to nurse pain when you can get quick relief at the near est drug store. All druggists can sup ply you. Whitman May Seek a Recount in City New York, Nov. B.—Governor Whitman departed for Albany yes terday without admitting defeat. Be fore going to the railroad station he culled at Republican State Commit tee headquarters In West Thirty ninth street nnd instructed Repub lican State Chairman George A.' Glynn not to concede the election of EM I ' Wi H I Buy Yourself a Gift For 1 I the Living Room This J | Christmas j I ' • ' Jfik OZ big stocks of high fll : I'ffljj 1 oc^ers were never as l flJl Ik ft ! 111 bought months ago so §| I 111 iTm BSIS mm hßiß lff that you get the saving I | • P lil) adva " ta^ eS 8 l£j, Livingroom Furniture must not be confused with the ordinary = fe makes. It is made for lasting comfort as well as appearance, j H It is the kind you sink right down in and brings a smile of p satisfaction to.your face. jf Keep in line with Uncle Sam's request to do YOUR |j i SHOPPING EARLY. NOW while stocks are at their best | II is the time to BUY. p ||' Davenports SBO to S2OO ' Arm Chairs $35 to SBS / Arm Rockers $35 to SBS Fireside Chairs $37.50 to $55 = And of course then thereJare Windsor Chairs Comfort Rockers Arm Chair Tables Floor and Table Lamps i = p, Davenport Tables Spinet Desks ( S All of which will make ideal gifts H • for you to buy for yourself A Deposit Reserves Any Article for Later Delivery = 1 GOLDSMITH'S 1 m North Market Square i ' RAZOR BLADES 6 Ever Ready Blades 30c 7 Gem Glades 43c PATENT MEDICINES Listerine 75c $1.50 Gude's Pepto Mangan .. 98c $1 Quaker Herb Extract ... 71c 59c Mineral Oil 39c $1 Herpicide 79c $1 Empire Hair Regenerator .. 79c $1.50 Fellows' Syrup Hypo. .SI.OO $1 Wampole Cod Liver Extract, 60c 50c Phillips Milk Magnesia .. 33c $1 Bitre Phosphates 79c $1.20 Sal Hepatica 75c $1.20 Pinkham's Compound .. 81c $1 Lavoris 79c $1 Resinol Ointment 75c $1 Varnesis 79c $1.50 Scott's Emulsion 98c $1 S. S. S 70c $1.20 Bromo Selzer 75c Lysol 79c $1.50 Russell's Emulsion 98c $1 Danderine 73c PILLS AND TABLETS 100 5-grain Cascara Tablets .. 35c 100 Calomel Tablets 19c 25c Miles' Pain Pills 23c 100 A. B. & S. Tablets 19c 200 Bliss Native Herbs 69c 100 Coryza Tablets 33c 60c Doan's Kidney Pills .... 41c 25c Beecham's Pills 16c 50c Exlax 37c 25c Olive Tablets 17c 25c Schenck's Pills 17c 25c Pierce's Pills ..: 18c 50c Wendell Ambition Pills .. 39c 75c Marmola Tablets . 59c 50c Stuart's Calcium Wafers, 34c $1 DeWitt's Kidney Pills ...♦. 69c 25c Doan's Regulettes 21c OINTMENTS 25c Gingerole .'... 17c 25c Palmer's Skin Success .. 20c 50c Hobson's Ointment ...... 40c Vick's Salve 23c 50c Poslam 39c NOVEMBER 8, 1918. Alfred E. Smith until the official canVass has determined the result. Only. Ten Patients Left in Emergency Hospital Ten patients are now being treat ed at the Emergency Hospital which was opened at the Open Air School, Fifth and Seneca streets. As soon as they can be sent home the 'building will be thoroughly fumi gated and cleaned and will be used again for school sessions. All othftr public schools in the city will open on Monday, but It may be necessary to delay opening tho building now used for the hospital until later in the week. Two of the patients there now are In a serious condition and cannot be moved.. Four others may be sept home late in the afternoon. In the county districts many of the schools In the lower end opened this week, but a largo number of buildings in the upper end of the county are still closed. SAFETY RAZORS $5 Gillette Razor .$3.98 Gem Razor ....... 83c Every Ready Razor . .83c HOME NEEDS 10c Malena 7c Cinderella Soap Dye 8c Witch Hazel\(Pint) ........ 35c Energine 19c Putnam Dry Cleaner 21c Borax (Pound) 12c Boric Acid (Pound) 20c Rubber Gloves 48c Lux 13c; 2 for 25c Absorbent Cotton (Pound) .. 59c Bay Rum (Pint) 85c Ivory Soap 6c Formaldehyde Candles, 23c, 43c, 69c Park Davil American Mineral Oil, 59c King's Liver Salts 49c Saniflush 21c Colgate Mechanic Paste 15c Leibig's Beef, Iron & Wine .. 79c Eagle Brand Milk 23c CORN REMEDIES Black Flag 10c, 19c, 39c Pierce's Corn Plaster ... 10c, 19c Blue Jay Corn Plaster 18c Corn Fix ...." 19c Freezone 25c Ice Mint ■ 34c Tiz 19c Calocide Compound 21c Allen's Foot Ease 19c OZARK COFFEE 22c lb. Ice Caps 78c Bed-Pans .$1.48 7