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Cumberland Valley News MODERN HOTEL AT WAYNESBORO One Large Hostelry May Be Built to Take Place of Four Smaller Ones Waynesboro, Pa., July 9.—A new, modern, up-to-date hotel for Waynesboro Is the big thing thrown out of the box by the enforcement of wartime prohibition and the practical effacement of Waynes boro's four hotels. The Manufac turers' Association has taken the Initiative in the project and it is already makng rapid headway. A committee to be named by Presi dent J. Elmer Frantz will go over the available sites and report with a recommendation. A stock com pany will probably be the plan o( organizing the movement. The leading bankers and mer chants are strongly back of the as sociation. Several eligible sites are avail able, foremost of which are the three down-town hotels, Washing ton, Werner and Central. The Wer ner is being more generally dis cussed, as it has the largest front age and is right on a Centre Square corner. While the People's Bank recently bought the property for $50,000, for a new'bank home, it is believed that the hotel plan could be worked out in conjunction with the bank, as there is ample frontage for both. The hotel would be con ducted on the American plan, have a large assembly hall, dancing hall, grill and probably a roof garden. The idea would be to cater particu larly to Blue Ridge resort folks, as well as the tourists and traveling men. Mrs. George M. Wertz Hostess to Mite Society Median ioburg, Pa., July 9. —Mrs. George M. Wertz was hostess at her home in West Main street last evening for the Mite Society of Trin ity Lutheran Church, when a fes tival was held on the lawn follow ing an interesting program, which included; Vocal solo, Mrs. H. A. Smith; piano duet, Mrs. M. B. Ibach and daughter, Isabel tbach; piano trio. Miss Catherine Wertz, Miss Olivia Baum and Miss Frances Tate: vocal solo, Miss Claribel Gel ger; piano solo. Miss Esther Dorn bach; piano duet. Mrs. J. K. Robb and son, James Robb. A Victrola furnished the music outdoors while the festival was in progress. The entire affair, which was a pleasant social event, was arranged by the following committee; Mrs. H. Hall Sharp, chairman; Mrs. J. K. Robb, Mrs. Daniel Walters, Mrs. Ednor Lutz. Msr. Robert M. Mar tin, Miss Katharine Kunkle, Miss Martha Martin and Mrs. George M. Wertz. WOMAN BITTEN BY SNAKE Waynesboro, Pa„ July 9.—Mrs. John Gsell, of Germantown, near Waynesboro, experienced a painful sensation while selecting corn from a barrel in the cellar of her home for the purpose of feeding her chick ens. She felt a sting in her thumb and, upon ascending to the first floor, showed her hand to her hus band, who instantly recognized the wound as having been inflicted by a snake. A physician was at once called. Her sons made an investiga tion and discovered a copperhead snake of good size, which they soon put out of harm's way. Mrs. Gsell is still suffering severe pain, al though the bite may not prove seri ous. WELL-KNOWN COOK DIES Mercersburg. Pa., July 9.—Mrs. Sarah Filkill, a colored woman, died yesterday morning at her home In North Fayette street. Mrs. Filkill was a noted cook and was present at all social functions that occurred in this vicinity. She is survived by several sisters and brothers. SKULL FRACTURED Hagcrstown. Md., July 9.—Fred erick Rider, employed as a track man on the Western Maryland Rail road, while attempting to board an engine to ride to his work, fell off upon his head, sustaining a serious fracture of the skull. He was taken to the Washington County Hospital and is in a critical condition. jccMoj ! Number ! ! s s The Greatest Event of the Year I For Men and Boys Z Watch This* Space Every Day WEDNESDAY EVENING, NEW PLANT WILL OCCUPY 25 ACRES Work on Carlisle Industry Se cured by Chamber of Com merce Starts Today Carlisle, Pa., July 9.—Consider ably larger than was at first planned will be the first unit of the plant of C. H. Masland & Sons, of Philadel phia, which concern was secured for Carlisle through the efforts of the local Chamber of Commerce. Work began this morning under di rection of W. S. Van Asdlen, gen eral manager, of the J. S. Hogers Construction Company to which concern has been awarded the con tract for the work. The company is located on the former Carlisle fair grounds and on a plot of land imemdiately adjoin ing, the site comprising about twenty-five acres in all. The first building, for which workers began excavation to-day, is to be 500 by 210 feet and to cost close to $250,- 000 without equipment. More than 1,000,000 feet of lumber, 250,000 bricks and 3,000 cubic yards of ce ment will be needed in the work and a large force of men will be employed. Former fair buildings have been fitted up as temporary quarters and machinery will lie placed so that a force of trained operatives can be made ready to start immediately to work in the new plant. Rust Custs Prospects of Record Wheat Crop Carlisle. Pa., July 9. —Rust mak ing its apearance in certain sections has cut what promised to be a rec ord crop of wheat in the opinion of leading counjty farmers. With al most all wheat cut and the greater part in the barns ready for thresh ing a check up has been instituted. Some fgrmers estimate the shortage from earlier estimates at twenty-live per cent. The oats crop is exception ally large, however, it is stated and as there was considerably more acreage in wheat than usual the total from Cumberland County will be close to that of 19'1 S. DIES FROM INJURIES Waynesboro, Pa., July 9. —Charles Bonner, who was injured Monday morning when a revolving arm of a machine struck him on the head while at work at the Emerson- Brantingham shops, died yesterday afternoon at his home near Blub Rock. Death was due to hemor rhage of the brain. He had sus tained a fracture at the base of the brain. Mr. Bonner is survived by his wife and several children. MISS THERESA NIGH DIES Waynesboro, Pa., July 9.—Miss Theresa Nigh, one of the best known women in Waynesboro, died suddenly yesterday of congestion of the lungs at her home in Third street. She was 82 years of age. She was the last of her family. Her nearest of kin surviving are her two nephews, C. Walter Artz, of Balti more! and William Artz, of Hagers town, Md. CANDY STOLEN FROM CAR Ragcrstown, Md., July 9.—Charles Nichlas, of York County, Pa., is being held at police headquarters here for a hearing on the charge of breaking into a car on the Cumber land Valley Railroad yards here and taking some candy. Nicholas, ac cording to the officer who arrested him, confessed to taking the candy, but said he did not break any seals on the car. Bowman's Store Plans For Annual Outing Bowman and Company will hold its annual picnic to-morrow at Good Hope Mill. The entire day will be given over to the party, everyone leaving the store in motors at 7.45 a. m., and the last section pulling away from the grounds at 9 p. m. All mapner of games and novel sur pises are planned for the day and the contestants in the big feature, the cake contest, are gazing proudly to day upon the products of their skill, which present a most appetizing and seductive appearance in "one of the windows of the store. Everything is to be represented, from jazz to egg races. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad GRACE CHURCH TO HAVE SPLENDID NEW PIPE ORGAN Improvements to Cost $60,000 Arc Gotten Under Way Improvements to the extent of about $60,000 are being made to Grace Methodist Church, including the installation of one of the great est pipe organs in the United States. The official boutd placed its final approval on the plans last night and the work is now under way. The entire spaeo uglier the auditorium is belli-: 11uniformed into quarters for the i'ov and Girl Scouts, includ ing ap.i tir.ctPs for both with sep arate showers, lockers and full equipment, and rooms for club pur poses. A kitchen of fine white enamel finish, one of the best in the State, is to be a part of the base ment equipment. In addition, the whole church without and within D being put in first-class repair. The new organ and choir gallery will be placed In the front of the church, back of the pulpit. It is to be a memorial to com memorate the patriotism of the young men and women of the church and congregation that re sponded to the call of the country. A beautiful bronze tablet will be suitably placed containing all their names, After a great deal of care plans have been perfected for the new choir chancel which will be imme diately back of the pulpit and which will contain 46 seats The choir will be vested. It is expected that the work will be completed and the organ dedi cated cailv in October. Tt will have four manuals and two consols; one in the auditorium and one in the assembly room, Great Organ—Double diapason. 16 feet, 61 pipes; first open diapason, 8 feet, 61 pipes; second open dia pason, 8 (pedal extension), 8 feet, 61 pipes; Oiarabella flute, 8 feet, 61 pipes; vio lincello, 8 feet, 61 pipes; gemshorn, 8 feet, 61 pipes; octave, 4 feet, 61 pipes; harmonic flute, 4 feet, 61 pipes; trumpet, 8 feet. 61 pipes; echo flute, 8 feet, 73 notes; violc aetheria, 8 feet, 73 notes; fern flute, 4 feet, 73 notes—from antiphonal organ by du plex action. Swell Organ—Bourdon, 16 feet, 73 pipes; open diapason, 8 feet, 73 pipes; stopped flute, 8 feet, 73 pipes; viole d'orchcstrc, 8 feet. 73 pipes; viole celeste, 8 feet. 73 pipes; aeoline, 8 feet. 73 pipes; flauto traverso, 4 feet, 73 pipes; violina, 4 feel, 73 pipes; flautina, 2 feet, 61 pipes; con tra fagotta, 16 feet, 73 pipes; corno pean, 8 feet, 73 pipes; oboe, 8 feet, 73 pipes; vox humana, 8 feet, 61 pipes; tremole. Choir Organ Contra viole, 16 feet, 73 pipes; geigen principal, 8 feet, 73 pipes; dulciana, 8 feet 73 pipes; quintadena. 8 feet, 73 pipes concert flute, 8 feet, 73 pipes; flute celeste, 8 feet, 61 pipes; flute d'Arm our, 4 feet, 73 pipes; piccolo, 2 feet, 61 pipes; clarinet, 8 feet, 73 pipes- French horn, 8 feet, 73 pipes; harp'. rl notes; tremolo. Solo Organ Grand diapason. 8 reet, ,3 pipes; gross flute, 8 feet 73 Pipes; gamba, 8 feet, 73 pipes; gkm ba celeste, 8 feet, 61 pipes; flute uuverte, 4 feet, 73 pipes; harmonic tuba, 8 feet, 73 pipes; suxaphone, 8 feet, <3 pipes. Antiphonal Organ (at opposite end) —English diapason. 8 feet 61 pipes; eor do'Nuit, 8 feet, 61 pipes; antiphonal flute, 8 feet. 61 pipes; nitsau, 8 feet, 61 pipes; viole aetheria, 8 feet, 61 pipes; vox an gelica, 8 feet, 61 pipes; fern flute, 4 feet, 61 pipes; vox humana, 8 feet, 61 pipes; chimes. Pedal Organ (augmented) Re sultant bass, 32 feet, 32 notes; con tra Bourdon, 32 feet, 32 notes; open diapason, 16 feet, 32 notes; violene, 16 feet, 32 notes; second diapason (great), 16 feet, 32 notes; first bour don, 16 feet, 32 notes; second bour don, 16 feet, 32 notes; contra viole (from choir), 16 feet, 32 notes, ma jor fluate, 8 feet, 32 notes; flute dolce, 8 feet, 32 notes; trombone (great trumpet), 16 feet, 32 notes; fagotta (swell), 16 feet, 32 notes; antiphonal bourdon (extension), 16 feet, ,32 notes; violincello, 8 feet, 32 notes. Forest Development Permitted by Law Bills making important changes in the powers of the State Depart ment of Forestry were to-day ap proved by Governor Sproul. The Com mission in charge is given au thority to sell timber and minerals from State forests and to develop them. The name of the Commis sion is changed to the State Forest Commission and given authority to "appoint such scientific assistants and other employes" as may be nec essary to develop the forests and to make reports on results of in vestigations as well as to make con tracts for sale of minerals, etc., upon notice. The salary of the com missioner is advanced to $5,000 and the deputy to $3,600. Another bill gives the Commis sion authority to condemn land for forest reserves and establishes pro cedure. Plant Is Jammed With Deputies Fearing Trouble liy Associated Press. Chicago, July 9. —Five automobile loads of men presumably deputies, were taken into the Corn Products Refining Company plant at Argo, a southwestern suburb early to-day in anticipation of a repetition of the outbreak there yesterday in which two alleged strikers were shot and killed and a score of persons in jured. The plant employed 2,000 persons, principally foreigners. About half the number struck for recognition of the union, wages having been ad vanced recently. The trouble yes terday arose over a demonstration against a visiting nurse, who was leaving the plant. Guards ran to her rescue .and shots were fired Eater another similar outbreak oc curred. GESHMANS A 1110 UKI.AYKI) liy Associated Pres/. Purls, July 9. —Transportation dif ficulties have resulted in a further de ayl of the German Plenipotentiaries designated to come to Versailles for tliu oral discussions regarding execu tion of the reparations and other fea tures of the Peace Treaty which the Allied powers recently signified their willingness to enter Into. S "UNBURN Apply Vapoßub lightly—l* soothes jigf the tortured skin. YICKS vAmuslf MfOURJOPYCUARir -30r.60n>5p HABRISBURO OSfAflt TELEGKWPH THE GOLF BUG ff ~~~~~1 1 OROve TO IHC HOIC G* * rt.fHlll tiuri . i CAfti* MM WUM A* —y- IKOW' „,- ■ | ** 1 LOCKER ROOM. 5{ fjl &8 - U> %p P&S GAME PRESERVES TO BE OUTLINED Important Meeting of the State Game Commission Scheduled For Tomorrow semi sion. The policy ot the commission in regard to expansion of the pre serves, propagation during the next year and game protection will be outlined. It is probable that speedy action in regard to establishment of addi tional preserves will be taken as a number of available sites have been inspected by game protectors and surveys made. Until the passage of the new law the commission could only establish preserves on State for estry reservations or such lands as would be donated, which prevented anything being done in the western end of the State as there are no forest reserves of any size in that section. By the new law the com mission can use not over $50,000 a year of the State hunters' license money for purchase of lands and may allow mineral and similar rights to be reserved. There are abun dant funds in hand for the pur chases. The commission has offers of con siderable game to stock reserves and will consider them and also the plans for auxiliary reserves. Details to start —Advance details of units of the Pennsylvania Re serve Militia will begin to move to Mt. Gretna to-day in order to be in readiness for the making of the camp to-morrow. The details are to report for the erection of tents and handling of other equipment which is on the ground, having been sent from the State arsenal. The bri gade headquarters will be on the ground on Friday afternoon the camp will open Saturday fnorning. Grade Crossing Cases—Public Ser vice Commissioner Rilling set to-duy to hear the complaints against grade crossings in Northumberland county, two of which are on the Northum berland county, two of which are on the Northern Central. The mat ter will be argued later and deci sions rendered during the summer. General Trexler 'Here —General H. C. Trexler, of Allentown, was among visitors to the Capitol. Many Trees Set Gut—According to State Forestry officials in the neigh borhood of 4 4,000,000 young trees have been set out by the State For estry Department in the last fifteen years. This year may break the record. Cliulrniaii Maekey Here—Chair man Harry A. Mackey, of the State Compensation Hoard .was here on his way to Wtlkes-Barro to attend the Board meeting and hearing. Bridges Approved—The State Wa ter Supply Commission has approv ed the plans and issued permits for three bridges in York county, in cluding Muddy Creek, Fox Run and Conewago creek south brunch; four for Lackawanna county and one each for Jefferson, Montgomery and Arm strong counties while the city of Franklin was given authority to ex tend a culvert. Edmunds in I<ead. Franklin Spencer Edmunds, Philadelphia law yer, who was here a few days ago. IH the choice of tho City Club of Philadelphia for Mayor of that city. The club conducted u referendum vote among 20,000 members. Mi- Edmunds has frequently appeared hero In Htutc Department matters. At Scrunton. — Highway Commis sioner Lewis H. Sadler Is at Scrunton to-dnv inspecting road work and possibilities in that vicinity. Visited Birthplace. Governo' Sriroul spent part cf ye-terday a* his birthplace in eastern Lancastei county. It was his tlrst visit in aj long time. Examiners Honor Commissioner State bank examiners who were here yesterday for their first con ference with Commissioner of Bank ing' John S. Fisher adopted im portant resolutions in which sup port was pledged to the Commis sioner. The resolutions which were unanimously a,lopted referred to the new banking code as affording "a means for the comprehensive and effective supervision of the institu tions under the control of the De partment of Banking and give it the importance in the State Government I to which its scope and purpose en- I titles it. The Maximum of accom plisbmei\t can only be attained by unity of purpose, co-operation, fidel ity, and the utmcst efficiency. This reference was made to Com missioner Fisher: "The Commission er of Banking, Hon. John S. Fisher, has by the assembly of this con ference supplied an opportunity for a collective expression on the part of the office and field force of the department and we the said afflce and field force, hereby unanimously express our cordial confidence in our chief, Hon. John S. Fisher, pledge to him our loyal support and an nounce a determination to render earnest and faithful service in the work before us, to the end that the morule of the department may thus be promoted and that the re sults thus attained may supply the basis for both executive and public approval." Colors Presented by 305 th Engineers Colors carried in France by the 305 th regiment of engineers, formed of National army men from Blair, Cambria, Armstrong and Somerset i counties, were late yesterday form- I ally placed in the custody of the I State for display beside the flags of other Pennsylvania regiments in the great war. The National ensign, which is the first to be given to the Commonwealth by a unit of a divi sion outside of the Keystone divi sion, was handed over to adjutant General Frank D. Beary by Supreme Court Justice John W. Kephart, who is a Cambria countian, in an ad dress which outlined the work of the engineers and the battles in which they had taken part as a unit of the 80th division. The colors will be placed in the rotunda with those of other commands of the war. At the presentation were Lieu tenant Colonel .C. S. Kenny, Bethle hem: Lieutenant W. H. Denlinger, Patton; Sergeants Major Winters, Altoona( and Milholland, Johnstown; Sergeant Parrish, Altoona and Co. Theodore Burchfield, Altoona and Ex-Representative Alvtn Sherbine, Johnstown. The ceremony attracted much at tention at the Capitol. "Cafe Dansant" to Have Big Opening Bill Tonight Harrlsburg's "Cafe DansantH" will open tonight at Hotel Columbus. Decorators were busy to-day putting the big dance In shape. Ices, ice cream, soft drinks and light lunches will be served. Dancing will start at 8.30 and con tinue until 11.30. Music will be fur nished by a syncopated orchestra. To-morrow night Sourbler's Orches tra will play, and will be featured every Thursday night. A number of string musical attractions have been booked. AUSTRIAN AND JAP MINISTERS TO MEXICO ARK HKCAI.I.KD Mexico City, Tuesday. July B.—Ka nlu Von Kanya, who since February. 11H14. has been Austrian minister to Mexico, to-day paid his respect* to President Curran/.u und the Mexican foreign office boforo leaving for Vienna. Huron Fujltaro Otorl, Japanese min uter to Mexico, will leave this city to-morrow morning on the same train j with Igiiaclo HonTllas, Mexican ain bussador to the United Htutes, who la tolng to Washington. The Japanese! Ilplomat has been recalled to Japan | for some reason which has not been i announced. He will accompany tenor I , Lonllias ua far as the border. EJECT WOMAN FROM SEDITION HEARING IN N.Y. Berlha Mailly Refuses to Tes tify Concerning Alleged Activities By Associated Press. New York, July 9.—Bertha Mail ly, executive secretary of the Rand School of Social Society, was ejected from the hearing of the joint legis lative committee investigating se ditious activities in New York state, after she had refused to testify in response to a subpoena issued for her. s Shortly after the witness had been excluded. Attorney General Charles D. Newton announced that Supreme Court Justice Gavegan had issued an order directing the American So cialist Society and its subsidiaries to appear in court Thursday and show cause why they should not be restrained from exercising any of their corporate functions pending a hearing of an application for revoca tion of the American Socialist So ciety's charter. The application for revocation al leges that the society through its subsidiaries has conducted a care fully planned and deliberate attempt to teach a large portion of the people of this State and other States to hold the Government of the United States in contempt and contumely," that they have sought to "array one ' class against another" and "have ad- j voeated and encouraged the over- I throw of government by unlawful means." ASKS MORE COMPENSATION Washington. July 9. Congress was asked to-day by Secretary Dan- i iels for special legislation authoriz- I ing payment of increased compensa tion to heirs of four officers of the cutter Tampa, destroyed by a sub marine in the Bristol Channel last September. The higher pay due them for temporary promotions, which they had earned but had not received when the vessel was lost, cannot be paid because of a ruling of the comptroller of the treasury. (i A question !| I to | V. interest every , a \ smoker. See Thursday's Papers -NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR CIGARETTE —lt may even make you like your present cigarette better JULY 9, 1919. RAILROAD NEWS^ DIVISION HEAD IS REAL RAILROADER William Elmer, Superintend ent, Is Getting Together With His Employes Not long aince a news dispatch told of a railroad official leaving his private car and running an engine. This official had nothing on William Elmer, superintendent of the Phila delphia division. It has-been a fre quent occurrence with the local offi cial. There is little in railroading he cannot do. For some time there has been con siderable activity on the main line of the Pennsy on the part of offi cials, with a view to getting at the real causes for train delays. Re ports have shown defective engines, bud car equipment and other causes j for holding up trains. This has I given some information, but not all that )s needed. Takes Trips Over Rood In order to overlook no detail that might figure in the running of trains behind schedule time, Superinten dent Elmer for some time has been spending the best part of the duy on his division. One day you will see him in an cnginecab. Perhaps the same day he will be found on a cabin at the rear of a freight train. He is also some hiker, according to reports, and trains liuve been uatched from along the line, be tween stations and at points where delays arc likely to occur. He has talked with the flagmen and conduc tors; converses with enginemen and rtiemen; and there are times when he makes an entire trip from ter minal to terminal. Cn-opcrution Brings Results In the opinion of Superintendent Elmer, co-operation brings efficiency. He believes in meeting the men upon whom the responsibility of hand ling trains has been placed and get from them just what happens. He is out day and niglit and the re sults of this personal contact with men and trains has brought about a good record on the Philadelphia division. Train delays are growing less frequent daily. Repairs to en gines are looked after promptly. C oal is being saved and there is a remarkable showing in the economic handling of material, all of which, in the opinion of the Philadelphia division superintendent, is proving a factor in bringing satisfactory re sults. Railroad Notes Much interest is manifested in the weekly shoot <his evening at Lucknow, by members of the Motive ! Power Athletic Association Gun Club. Captain Daily has some crack shots in his lineup. Employes of the Reading system assigned to Safety First duties are installing a number of safety de vices at Lebanon and other points on the Hurrisburg division. , As a result of the heavy freight rush and scarcity of box cars, all cars are now being loaded to the fullest capacity. Bolgcr Beam, passenger engineer on tho Middle division of the Pennsy reports a bumper crop on his farm in Cumberland County. William Shipp employed at No. 1 enginehouse of the Pennsylvania railroad with his family spent the day in Philadelphia. Members'of the colored churches of this city and Steelton held a joint picnic to-day at Williams Grove. The special train over tho Cumber land Valley division this morning carried 14 carloads of joy seekers. 1 This is pay day for both Philadel phia and Middle division employes of the Pennsylvania railroad. The Philadelphia division employes re ceived their back pay, und there were a number of large checks dis tributed among the enginemen and I firemen. It is estimated that up wards of SIOO,OOO was paid out to- I day. j Through trains from the west were late to-day because of delays on the Pittsburgh division. Ten more firemen have been pro moted to engineers on the Middle division. William K. Drake, passenger en gineer on the Middle division of the Pennsylvania railroad is spending his'vacation at the Cove. He is put ting his time in fishing for bass. Oro Blizzard, freight engineer on the Middle division of the Pennsyl vania who was off dyty because of an injured hand, is again on his run to and from Altoona. 11 Tight Skirts Are Factor in Passenger Train Delays In the opinion of passenger train men on the Philadelphia and Read ing, and Pennsylvania railroadß, tight skirts on women passengers have been a factor in upsetting schedules. "They are worse than blizzards," said one brakeman yes terday. One official is responsible for the announcement that Bince the tight skirts have been in style the average train stop is seventeen seconds longer than when short and loose skirts were in vogue. Tight skirts are not so bad when the up-to-date coaches are running, but with many old-time cars in service, the steps are rather high, and it is a hard task getting a wo man aboard as there is no stool or porter. In getting oft a woman sometimes throws herself into the arms of a trainman. In, getting on a train the situation is said to be even wprse. Railway Express Employes Hear Grand Lodge Speaker The Brotherhood of Railway Ex- . press Employes met in the K. of P. Hall, Fourteenth and Howard streets. The National Expressmen's Association was amalgamated with the Brotherhood at the convention in Chicago, June 23-29, making it the_ strongest organization of express employes in the country. R. L. Jack son, representative of tho Grand Lodge of Chicago, addressed the meeting. Mr. Jackson was a very interesting talker and a large audi ence listened to his remarks. The next meeting will be on August 2 Standing of the Crews HARRISBIRG SIDE rliiinrielphtii Division. The 111 crew to go tirst after 4 o'clock. 101, 104, 112. 124, 109, 120, 103, 106, 117, and 116. Engineers for 111, 107, 104, 112, 1-4, 109, 106, 117. Firemen for 124. Brakemcn for 104, 112, 124, 120, 117, and 116. Engineers up: McDonald, Karr, Blankenhorn, Kope, Gazle, Brod aeher. Firemen up: Craley, Stever. Copp, Klmmtch, Fenstermacher, Netzley. Ramsey, Shiskoff, Vogelsong, ICintz, Webb. Brakemcn up: Kassner, Arndt, Har mon, Craver, Eickelberger, Lightner. J. W. Smith, Preston, Murphy, Mow ery, Hernston. Ynrd Board. —Engineers wanted for 6C, 23C. Firemen wanted for IC, 12C, 2, 15C, 35C. Engineers up: McCord, Snyder, My ers. Heffelman. Auman, Buftington, Miller, Essig, Watts. Firemen up: Holtzman, Rice, Rob erts, Burns, Houdeshet, Gardner, Rupley, Speesc, Miller, Biever. Troup, Dissinger, Young, Plank, G. K. Smith, | Shoemaker, Rothe, Spahr. Charles. EXOI.A SIDE Philadelphia Dlvljlon. The 232 crew to go tirst after 4.15 o'clock: 209, 241, 249, 228, 243, 202, 219, 206, 214, 225, 234, 233, 251, 240. Engineers for 241, 205. Firemen for 228, -34. Conductors for 217, 202, 214. 233. Brakemcn for 217. 228, 243, 219, 234. Conductors up: Gemperling, Shirk, Bryson, Miller. Brakemen up: Renshaw, Resseng er, Rudisill, Eshleman. Singer, Beers, Lee, Miller. Skiles, Geltz. PASSENGER SERVICE .Middle Division. —Engineers up: J. R. Brinser, A. C. Allen, A. J. Wag ner, J. H. Dltmer, W. C. Black, H. F. Groningcr. Engineers wanted for 15, 13. Firemen up: R. E. Look, S. H. Wright, E. J. Sheesley, G. F. Foust. Firemen for P-5, P-21, 5. Philadelphia Division. —- Engineers up: W. O. Buck, B. A. Kennedy, M. I'lenm, V. 0. Gibbons. Engineers wanted fbr P-38. Firemen up: J. M. White, H. Myers, F. H. Young, F. L. Floyd, B. W. John son. A. L. Floyd, J. N. Shindler, W. E. Autlhouse, M. G. Shaffner, B. P. Hus ton, J. S. Frankford. Firemen wanted for M-22, 98, 34. THE HEADING The 55 crew first to go after 2.15 o'clock: 71, 66, 5, 64, 69, 57. Engineers for 55, 69. Firemen for 64, 69. Conductors for none. Flagmen for none. Brakemen for 5. Engineers up: Ditlow, Hoffman, Kieener, Martin. Monroe. Merkle. Firemen up: Shover, Hoffman. Es llnger, Emerick, Eisley. Snyder, Fitz gerald, PeGroft. Conductors up: Sipes, Eshleman, Landis, Keifer. Flagmen up: Donmoyer, Zlnk, Schubauer, Strohm, AViley, ' Mosey, Linewcaver. Brakemen up: Specs.