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BOWLERS ARE SHOWING GREAT EARLY SEASON FORM-BASKETBALL SOON IN STYLE VOLLEYBALL PROMISES TO BECOME ONE OF LEADING ATHLETIC INDOOR GAMES Now that volleyball has secured a strong hold on Harrisburg, there is to be one of the greatest seasons in the history of this Indoor game. Through the efforts of the Zembo Pntrol team the public has been brought into this sport. Heretofore it was confined to gymnasiums and athletic clubs. Here is what John Swank, sports editor of the Lancas ter Intelligencer haa to say about this sport: "Volleyball has been benefited by the war possibly more than any other sport on the athletic calendar. He fore the late unpleasantness on the other side of the brine, which put Willy Hohenzollern in the discard, volleyball was thought of only as a girls game. Now it gives promise of becoming one of the greatest indoor, as well as outdoor sport. "Uncle Sam saw the virtues of the game and leagues were organized in the various army camps throughout the country. Even on the other side the game was played to a great ex tent. Volleyball always has been on the list of gymnasium sports, but was neven very popular with the grownups, the youngsters being the only ones who played it to any great extent. During the war, however, grownups took up the game and found it to their liking with the re sult that teams are now being or ganized in even - city in the United States. Harrisburg Volleyball Mad "Harrisburg has gone volleyball mad, and at least six or eight leagues have been formed. Lodges, clubs and other organizations have organ- Beck Is Looking Better in Penn State Lineup; Anxious to Defeat Penn State College. Pa., Oct. 28.—T0 de- | feat Penn on November 1 is the , aim of every Penn State football j player and coach, and with this ob- j ject in view, the work of the past j week has been harder than at any ; time during the season. It is fully i realized that Penn has a strong team ( his year and that they will be hard j •.o beat next Saturday, but every Penn ; State man is determined to do his j best to carry the Blue and White j to victory. The Dartmouth defeat was not un- | expected, for while it was believed ! that. Penn State had a fighting chance j to win, the coaches were not very j optimistic. The team play of the! Blue and Wliite eleven had not been , sufficiently developed at the time to ! comhat the machine-like play ins of j the big Green team. As was ex- | pected, Penn State's line proved no i match for Dartmouth's veteran ag gregation and as a result, the Blue and White backfield was given no chance to show anything. Several new men have been show ing up well of late, among them being Black, Bear and Bentz. Beck, the formere halfback, is at last be ginning to learn the fine points of | 'line play, and he may be the very man to bolster the line. MacKenzte, the red-haired center who has been on the sidelines with a bad knee for almost three weeks, is again back on the job and he will be a hard man to keep off the team. Rauch j and Osborn, two former centers, are | being tried as guards and their work) has also been improving. j 11. \ , SAND CLEAN, good River j Sand. v Free from dirt and | other harmful matter. May be used for any purpose where good sand is required. j % United Ice & Coal Co. Forster & Cowden Sts. HERE'S OUR ALL J "WEATHER" SHOE ' We can't stop winter storms, but here's a shoe that will keep your feet dry when you \ j have to be out in the slush and snow. It's not too heavy—its weather resisting j depends upon its splendid quality and spc i cial construction. Price SIO.OO. I ORNER'S BOOT SHOP |i |j ?4 North Third Street if I TUESDAY EVENING, ized teams and spirited contests are the result. Lancaster is at present only represented by one team, but the sport is one of the most popular on the calendar at the local L. M. C. A., and it is thought that other clubs and organizations will take up the game. "Those who are not familiar with the game are of the belief that the game requires no skill in the playing and that any person can play the game. True any person can play it the same as football, baseball and basketball and other sports, but to play it as it should be played re quires a great deal of practice. Like in all athletic games, a certain sys tem must bo used on the attack and defense to make a team strong. Teamwork is the main requirement for a successful volleyball team, and to gain this essential much practice is required. Individual Points Not Scored "Volleyball has one distinction from any other athletic game, in that it is impossible to tell which indi vidual scored the point. Mainly it is the opponent who scored the point lor the opposing team, because he fails to return tha ball. Points are counted, of course, but no individual gets the credit for scoring the point as in other athletic games. Another point in favor of volleyball is that young and old alilcb can play the game without fear of injury, as in other branches of athletics. It is, for this reason possibly that volleyball is fast coming to the front and ex ponents of the game claim it will be one of the major sports in the near future.' joe Choynski Explains What Real Kidney Punch Means to Ring Fighters San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 28. —''One | punch that the fighters of to-day do \ not know how to use is the kidney I punch." said the veteran Joe Choyn | ski. recently. "To us old timers it is amusing I to sit at a tight and hear remarks ' about the kidney punch when some i third rater reaches over the shoulder . of the man he is fighting and slams ! him with the open hand on the back. | Ad Wolgast. a world's champion, was i supposed to know how to use the i kidney punch. But even Wolgast did not use it properly. "The man who introduced the kid ney punch was Danny Needham, and | there's never been another man who j could use the punch as Danny could. I The kidney punch is a jab and not i a swing. And it doesn't land on a I man's back. It lands on the soft ! part of the side—just nboVe the belt. | One kidney punch or two, though j painful, will not he very effective. "Needham specialized on the punch j and sometimes landed it as often as ! a dozen times in a round. He'd keep using it until the other fellow's side was blood raw and he caved in. And all the time, remember, it was a jab, just a poke and a twist of the wrist and the sinking of the first a few inches into the soft flesh." Mt. Union Falls Down in Game With Clearfield Clearfield High had a real test of football on their home gridiron ! when they met and defeated the i husky Mount Union team. It was a ! lucky stab for Clearfield when Flea j gal in the last quarter caught a for | ward pass back of their goal line af- I ter Suders, one of the Mount Union ' ends, partly intercepted it. 1 The lineup and summary follows: CEEARFIEED. MOUNT UNION. I N. Norris, I.e. E. Suders. I.e. I Nelson, l.g. Vaughn, l.t. | Bird,4.g. Foster, l.g. | Ammerman, c. R. Suders,c. | Stevenson, r.g. Ix>ngaere, r.g. Wright, r.t. Ilriggs, r.t. Kurtz, r.e. Feduzzi, r.e. I Fleagal, q.b. Peters, q.b. Cox, l.h. h. Rosensteel, l.h.b. jB. Norris, r.h.b. Thompson, r.h.b. Bowes, f.b. Curry, f.b. Score by periods: Clearfield 0 0 0 7—7 I Mount Union 0 0 0 o—o I Touchdown, Clearfield, Fleagal. Goal from touchdown, Cox. Substi- I tutions, Mount Union, Stoianoff for I Foster, Gurlock for R. Suders, Drake | for Rosensteel, Hollenbaugh for Ger ! lock. Time of quarters, 10 minutes. Officials, Captain Crook, referee. Folger, umpire. Bell, timekeeper. Head linesman, Jerry Cooley. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—-Ad SNOODLES By Hungerford / 1 \ ( "fPftK HARDER L ) Right IF no<J couldn'T GET ANY / • \ I JOKIN nf\t\vv.iN * / It (Vtictc- PONT TAKE IT So ( m \ —- l Mtctc At fete ) [ HUH 5 / / T^v BIG BILL READY FOR LOCAL FANS Young Mahoncy Meets Sammy Sehiff at Steelton on Thursday TOUNG MAHONEY Joe Barrett, manager of the Olym pia A. C., of Steelton, announced last night that he had completed his en tire bill for his show Thursday night. In all there will be thirty rounds of boxing, a ten-round feature bout, and four six-round bouts. The fea ture bout is of great interest to lo cal sports, as Sammy Schiff, Harris burg's leading boxer, will meet Young Mahoney, the clever Balti more lightweight, who has won a great many friends in this city. This wili be Schtff's first start this year in a regular fight. Sammy has always volunteered his services will ingly for patriotic purposes, and he has kept in great condition in that way. The Baltimorean has improv ed greatly during the past year. The special bout of six rounds is be tween the two best bantans ever paired in this section. Kid Rich- I mond, from .the same stable as Ma lioney, and boxing partner to Kid Williams, will meet Lancaster's pride, Jackie Parkes, the stable mate of Tim Droney. Young Lehman, the local wrestler, will make his initial appearance as a fighter against Laurence King, the former overseas soldier. "Red" Singer, the pride of Dauphin, will meet Chester Rowan, of Steelton, ; while two other Steelton boys, Ivory ' Kshelman and Gordi Carchadi, will ' open the show. • Kid Williams, the Baltimore Tiger, who proved several weeks ago, be fore Barrett's club, that there is a reason for the world's champion, Pete Herman, to refuse him another match, will come to Steelton with Mahoney and Richmond, to act as their advisers. Volleyball Practice Starts 1 Tonight For Local Elks Elks who have taken up volley ' ball will meet this week for a try | out of candidates. A court will be arranged on the second floor of tiie I Elks' Club and arrangements will jbe made to have dally practice. A good coach will be secured as there , ure a number of star players in Har risburg lodge, and it is expected that within the next two weeks the Elks' team will be ready for business. ; Games will be arranged with Lan- I caster and other Elk teams, with the j local police, Zembo Patrol, and I Businessmen's teams front the local ! "Y." All candidates ure requested j to report to-night at 8 o'clock sharp for first practice. MIDDMTTOWX MAKES KICK Middletown football team was handed a raw deal from Belmont Jr. team of Harrisburg. Middletown ! went to the expense of advertising ! the field in good condition, selling tickets and had a big crowd on the field and was ready to play. Then word was received from Harrisburg that they would not be down. We don't think we had a square deal. This was to be our first game at home. We played two games away from home—Mt. Joy and Highsplre —and lost both,'but we'were count ing on getting even. I understand we are not the only ones they dis appointed this way. Mr. Davies should at least let the team who he is going to play know in time, so they could get another game. We would like to hear from some team who will not disappoint us for next Saturday, as we have an open date. CLARENCE WEIRICH, , phone Rescue Hose Co., 123 Brown street. Middletown, Pa. (Sports on Opposite Page) HARRISBURG TEIJEGRXFH P. R. R. WOMEN TO PLAY CAGE GAME Candidates Out Last Night; Two Meetings Each Week, Starting Next Tuesday Members of the Pennsylvania Railroad Women Employes' Club have started practice for indoor sports. Basketball candidates were out last night at the Motive Power athletic room. Seventh and Boyd streets. Indications point to a strong team for games with other teams. It is also planned to arrange a series of club contests there being sufficient candidates to assure from four to six good teams. All athletics will be under the direction of Mrs. Annie Maas, supervisor of women employes. Meetings will be held Tuesday and Thursday nights. Candidates Out I.nst Niglit All candidates are requested to re port Tuesday night November 4, as there will be no meeting Thursday night of this week. The following reported for practice last night: Stella Metzgar, Ruby Wall, a former Central High School player: Bernlce Mathias, a former High School play er: Margaret Miller, Katherine Bom gardner, Anna - Roth, Katherine Drumheiser, Jennie Branca, Sarah Beck, Ruth Laverty, Mildred Har per, Eleanor Weaver, Bertha Hagen toglcr, Sara McLaughlin, Mae Shoop, Mary Greek, Mary Bechtel, Mae Stevick and Anna E. Emanuel, the latter also a former High School player. There are several other young women working in the Motive Power Department whom the manager is anxious to secure for the basketball team. They include Maude Mathias, a former Columbia player; Mary Rote and Helen Hote, both former Central High School players. St. Mary's C. C. Team Loses at Lancaster St. Mary's C. C. team of Steelton lost Sunday's game at Lancaster, the St Joseph team winning by a score of 72 to 7. Two men were injured In the game. Paul Tousen, of the Steelton squad, received a dislocated hip dur ing one of the plays and was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital,, where, at a late hour last night, his condi tion was reported as being very fav orable. In the same game, Crees, of the St. Joseph team, suffered two broken lingers and injured his knee. Tony McColte, of 18 High street, Steelton, who died at the Harrisburg Hospital yesterday afternoon, was also a member of the St. Mary's I team although he did not play in last Sunday's game. The lineup: ST. MARY'S ST. JOSEPH Selway L. E Hutschion Marsieo L. T Buckius Bonklin ..... L. G Herts Bonklin C Kirchner Klochner R. G Schlager Verance R. T. ... Blackeimer Dundoruss .. R. E Hagner Bartels Q. B Sturtz Gibb R. H Forbergcr Krasby R. H Yeager Resher F. B Shay Touchdown Yeager, 2; Shay; Gibb. Field goal Schlager. Ref eree Malllnger, F. and M. Um pire Korb. Timekeeper Kloss. Head linesman Lammer. Substitutes St. Mary: Cowfen for Selway, Wilcomer for Bonklin. St. Joseph: Crees for Hutschion, Gittschig for Kirchner, Flick for Hagner. Next Saturday, the St. Mary's eleven will play the Bethany A. C., at York. The St. Mary's players will practice on Friday night. Marysville Boosters Meet Tonight to Talk Baseball Marysville, Pa., Oct 28.—The I Marysville Baseball Association of the Dauphin-Perry League will meet this evening at 8 o'clock in the Mu uncipal building for the purpose of reorganization. An entire new corps of officers will be selected. It is not expected that a field manager will be elected for some time. The present association, organized at the beginning of this year, has been most successful in conducting the affairs of a Marysville team. Every bill has been met, grounds have been rented for the approach ing season and a comfortable bal ance remains in the treasury. Preliminary plans are now being made for the 19 20 season. Arrange ments are now being made to pur chase new uniforms for the entire team for the season. The contract will not be let. however, until the early months of next year. FIGHT BLEACHERS COLLAPSE Montreal, Oct. 28. Collapse of temporary bleachers on the stage of a theater here brought a boxing bout between Eugene Brosseau, former Canadian amateur welter weight champion, and Johnny How ard, of New York, to a sudden close in the eighth round of a ten-round match and probably saved Howard from a knockout. The stage was left in darkness as the electric wires supplying it were carried away in the collapse. No one was injured. MILLERSBURG WANTS GAMES Millersburg, Oct. 28. The Mil lersburg High School football team have an open date for Saturday, November 1 and would like to ar range a game for that date with an out-of-town team whose average weight is 130 to 135 po.unds. The games to be played at MUlersburg. CAGE GAMES TO START SATURDAY Manager Gordon Ford Is Pick ing His Team This Week For First Battle BENNY KLINE Basketball will get a start Satur day night The Harrisburg Inde pendents will meet the St. Elizabeth five. Manager Gordon Ford is hav ing a daily practice this week in order to be able to pick a team for the first battle. That the local line up will be strong is not doubted. What puzzles Manager Ford is what :?SS jpfl . •' !§SllS\ 1 i A-.,.,-. MEI M Hk MJSS WiMfri B MB B you'll find toppy red begs, Mmm| By HaßMi fjggßl HwglF n tidy red tins, handsome B Wjjl m ftl |||| sppßl ||§ pound and half / classy, AB IB BBmlb IB SKBSSV H VL M crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top that _ a 0 m 0 keeps Prince Albert in such the national joy smoke condition. ** Copyright 1919 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Ceb ROLLING your own cigarettes with tossed into a cigarette—and, so easy to Prince Albert is just about as joy'us roll! And, you just take to it like you a sideline as you ever carried'around in been doing it since away back! You ■ your grip! For, take it at any angle, see, P. A. is crimp cut and a cinch to Wl --jgm you never got such quality, flavor, fra- handle! It stays put — and you don't grance and coolness in a makin's ciga- lose a lot when you start to hug rette in your life as every "P. A. home- the paper arcund the tobacco! _„ ' ..7. ' , . .... You'll like Prince Albert in a jimmy Talk about a birth-day hand out with j as muc h as y OU do j n a home SSlBp bells on! You ve got em breaking le d cigarette, too! You know P. A. I ® W right for you when you slip a tidy red fa the tobacco that has led three men to §■ flßfi K tln or £ . Albert sm oke pipes where one was smoked Wfmm fflßßm and a flock of papers into your pocket! fee/bre Yes sir> Prince Albert hlazed g gj M It s some company. wa y And, me-o-my, what a wad Prince Albert puts new smokenotions of smokesport will ripple your way under your bonnet! It's so delightful every time you fill up! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. players to pick. 1-Ie will always have , at his call good men. This year will find Benny Kline, ] who was one of the Rosewood chant- | pions in 1916-17. Manager Ford re quested Kline to join the squad of ' candidates prior to the night of the opening workout of the Indpendents several weeks ago, and in the prac- i tices that have been held since that tintg Kline has been showing excel lent form. He is a rather fast player, and "follows the ball" continually, but his floor work is good, and he is by no means a bad shot. It is prob able that he will be played at guard should he get in the opening tilt. Kline recently organized an ama teur live with the intention of get ting a schedule of out-of-town games during the winter. This will be car ried through, despite his connections with the Independents, and he will play with the amateur organization on nights other' than Saturdays' or holidays. Daily practices are to be conduct ed durini; the coming week for the contest with the St. Elizabeth quin- I tet next Saturday night. The Phila delphlans are said to be a trifle stronger than they were last year, and if this is the case the contest I should be a good one. ■ Steelton Star Looms Up as Star For Lebanon Valley: AiuwiUc, Pa., Oct. 2 8. —Although I tired out by their long trip to Clarks burg, W. Va., and by the strenuous game ■which they had there with West Virginia Wesleyan, Lebanon Valley's football men are more than ever eager for scrimmage and prac tice that they might redeem their West Virginia defeat by conquering the Johns Hopkins eleven when they meet them at Baltimore next Satur day. Their zeal for a workout last night, however, got them nothing!, for rain interfered with the sched uled workout. Despite his injuries Homan play ed a wonderful game, hitting the Wesleyan line with remarkable vigor until he was compelled to quit the game in the last quarter when he sprained his ankle. However, the star of the game for Lebanon Val ley was easily Beyman, the Steel ton boy who has been performing . stellar work at left tackle ever since t he Joined the team., Beyman is per- OCTOBER 28, 1919. haps the huskiest man on the team and he put up a remarkable game on the offensive and defen sive. Another player who received much applause and favorable com ment front spectators and followers f ' Take A Beautiful Flight and Have A Bird's-eye View of HARRISBURG, DAUPHIN, STEELTON, MIDDLE TOWN AND NEW CUMBERLAND IN OUR CANA DIAN CURTIS AEROPLANE, IT IS GREAT. AVIATOR DIEHL AT YOUR SERVICE. $15.09 Per Flight Attention—to young men or women who want to be come aviators or expert mechanics: We advise you to en roll now. Our unlimited course, SIOO includes automo biles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Auto & Aeroplane Mechanical School Harrisburg Airdrome, 14th and Sycamore Sts. ■ ') of the opposing team was Clemens, who was substituted for Moore at quarterback during the last quar ter and who exhibited unusual lead ership and spirit in the short tima he played. 15