Newspaper Page Text
COAL BARONS HOT : Birmingham Players Easy Vic tims for the Leaders SLOWLY PLAYED CONTEST Twelve Hit* Made Off Campbell, and This Tells the Story of the De feat—Brown Used the 8tick Well. SOUTHER.: LEAGUE STANDING. Won. Lost. Pc. Jfaahvtlls . 59 23 .720 Now Orleans .. 54 80 .643 Little Rock . 54 34 .614 Atlanta . 41 42 .494 Memphis . 39 45 . 464 Ihreveport .. 84 61 .400 Chattanooga . 34 51 .400 Birmingham . 24 62 . 279 Q.'MES YESTERDAY. Nashville 9, Birmingham 1. Shreveport 10—3, New Orleans 8—4. Chattanooga 10—1, Atlanta 1. Memphis 7, Little Rock 0. GAM US TODAY. Birmingham at Nashville. New Orleans at Shreveport. Chattanooga at Atlanta. Memphis at Little Rock. Nashville. August 12. — (Special) — For the second time Birmingham got In bad today and the team was defeated by a •core of 9 to 1. The Coal Barons never had a chance to win and while the score was 1 to 0 In favor of the visitors in the early stages of the game, bad ball playing combined with errors made Nashville an easy winner. The game was a slowly played affair, the Fishermen having the best of the argument from start to finish. In so far as the actual playing of the game Is concerned, the detailed score shows as follows: Nashville— AB R BH PO A E Kennedy, 2b.5 114 10 Wiseman, rf.5 0 1 2 0 0 Hill, ct .5 0 2 1 0 0 Knoll, If .4 0 1 0 0 0 Cargo, 3b .4 112 3 0 Bussey, lb .3 2 1 12 0 0 Lowney. ss.3 3 3 2 5 0 Fisher, c .2 11110 From, p.4 110 3 0 Totals .35 9 12 24 13 0 Birmingham-— AB R BH PO A E Lawler, 2 b. 4 0 0 4 4 1 Leidy, rf .4 0 2 2 0 0 W. Smith, 1 f. 4 0 0 3 0 1 Cavender, If.4 0 1 1 0 0 Brown, c.. 4 0 2 1 0 0 Hutton, lb .4 0 1 10 1 0 Deisel. 3b. 2 0 0 1 0 0 Reizt, s s .4 12 2 11 Campbell, p ....4 0 0 0 6 0 Totals .34 1 8 24 11 3 Score by Innings: Nashville .0 0004203 *— 9 Birmingham .0 01 00000 0— 1 Summary—Earned runs—Nashville 3, Birmingham 1. Two-base hits—Kennedy. Three-base hits—Brown. Base on Balls— By From. Delsel. Hit by pitched ball—By Campbell, Knoll, Lowney. Struck Out— By From. Lawler. Left on bases—Nash vllel 5. Birmingham fi. First on errors— Nashville 3. Double plays—Bussey, unas sisted. Lowney to Kennedy to Bussey. Time of gome, 1:55. Umpire Keefe. SOUTHERN LEAGUE GAMES. Memphis, 7; Little Rock, 0. Little Rock. August 12.—Memphis decid ed to play at the last moment and Weyh Ing shut Little Rock out with but two hits, both made In the last two innings. Skopec retired In the third Inning after four runs had been made and Alemange kept down further scoring. The Chtck asaws In uniform witnessed the game from a box and were ready to play an exhibition game with Little Rock had Memphis refused to play. Acting Man ager Breitenstein said he was acting on his own responsibility in playing today. There will be a double-header tomorrow', to play ofT a game postponed from the last series. St. Vraln was In the grand stand In citizen s clothes. Acting Presi dent William Kanavaugh witnessed the game. Attendance 10UO. Umpire Kelley. Score: R.H.E. Little Rock.0 00000000—0 2 2 Memphis .1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0*- 7 9 1 Batteries — Skopec, Allemange and Lynch: Weyhlng and Armstrong. Shreveport, 10-3; New Orleans, 8-4. Shreveport. August 12.—Shreveport and New Orleans broke even In a double header today. Stanley was taken out In the fourth and succeeded by Voltz who was hit hard. French was too much for the locals in the second. Score: First game— R.H.E. New Orleans .0 01021000—4 7 0 Shreveport .0 0622001 *—10 10 3 Batteries—Stanley, Voltz and Abbott; Childs am! McGuire. Second game— R.H.E. New Orleans.0 03000050—8 IS S Shreveport .100010010—3 S 4 Batteries— French and Abbott; Clausen •nd McGuire. Chattanooga, 10-1; Atlanta, 9-1. Atlanta. August 12—Chattanooga and Atlanta played a double-header today. In the first game Chattanooga won at the end of ten Innings. The second game was called at the end of the fifth Inning on Account of darkness with the score) tied. Attendance 1500. Score: First game— R.H.E. Atlanta .3 001140000—9 10 5 Chattanooga .. ..1 0 2 0 0 3 1 0 2 1—10 17 3 Batteries—Baker. Henley and Hurlburt; Hopkins. Bruner ar.d Roth. Second game— R.H.E. Atlanta .0 0 1 0 0— 1 2 1 Chattanooga .10000—1 7 3 Batteries—Her.ley and Hurlburt; Bruner and Roth. EWING DENOUNCES AB POWELL. Invites Him to an Issue In the Courts or on the Battlefield. Memphis. August 12. — (Special.) — The baseball fight between the warring fac tions In the Southern League has waxed ■o warm that Attorney Caruthers Ewing, who has conducted the case of the Mem phis club against the Southern League has openly addressed a letter in which he denounces Abner Powell, the New Or leans manager, in libelous terms. NATIONAL LEAGUE. St. Louis, 12; Philadelphia, 9. Philadelphia. August 12.—St. Louis de feated Philadelphia In a ten-inning game “The Largest Store South of the Ohio.” LOVEMAN, JOSEPH & LOEB. Store Briefs. Been waiting for the "Speckled Bird?” She’slithere—now watch her soar; a covey of 500 to start with. Price I.I0> ft ft • Porcelain lined cap fruit jars are selling here at our regular prices, but our regular prices are a fifth to a fourth less than most stores charge. Pints, 50c the dozen. Quarts, 60c the dozen. Two quarts, 75o the dozen. ft ft ft Do not forget the special selling of rugs in the Carpet Department of Smyrna, Axminster and Wilton rugs. The saving is nbout one fifth. ft ft ft It is not too late to buy a parasol, and the special prices here are about a third less than they were. ft ft ft 49c silk sale continues. There I are a half dozen different style silks in the lot—some worth £1.50, ft ft ft The special sale in table linen continues—the star bargain in the lot is a table cloth 2\ yards long, 63 inches wide, for $1.00. ft ft ft Did you ever remember semi porcelain selling cheaper than in the present sa'e? Every sort of dish that you need in housekeeping at a saving price. ft ft ft Two special lots of boys’ waists marked 35c; 50c is what they brought when they first came in a month back. ft ft ft Jelly glasses at 30c a dozen. ft ft ft If you have not gone away yet, come in and get the things that you need at about a fourth iess than they were when going away time began. The Special Selling of Our Regular Stock of Shoes at Reduced Prices Continues. Nearly every shoe in stock is reduced in price. That is, all the Oxfords are reduced. In leathers there are Ideal Patent Vici, Black Vici, Tan Russia Calf, Matt Kidd. There are some lace and some button Oxfords in this lot. They are all the style heels and toes that have been fashionable this summer. Nearlv every size and width. The £5.00 Russia Calf Colonials are 1,45. The £$.00 Vici Kid lace and button Oxfords are 1.95. The £$.50 Black Vici Kid Oxfords are 2.50. The £4.00 Ideal Patent Oxfords are 2,95. The £5.00 Black Vici Kid Oxfords are 3.45. A Big Crowd Came for Wash Fabrics. The special selling of Swisses, French Figured Dimities. Batiste and Lawns ar 9c brought a big crowd. So did imi tation Foulards, Mercerized Chambrays, Irish Dimities and Egyptian Tissues and Striped Linens at |5c. The Special Sale of Dinner Sets Continues. Undoubtedly you are buying furniture for your house this fall—what about your dinner set? Here is a big variety from a $4.75, 54-piece dinner set at $4.10 up to a $75.00,125 piece Haviland Set at $68.75. If you want to know more about these sets before you come, turn back to Monday s paper—but you may come on our word that the ten differ ent style sets in this sale are all bargains. Six Special Lots of Toilet Sets. If the lot was not unusually large we would sell all the first two or three days of the sale but there is enough tor ten days’ good selling. The detail of these sets we told of Monday. The saving we here retell. The regular as well as the special prices. Regular $2.50 Sets now 1.95 Regular $3.75 Sets now 3.00 Regular $5.00 Sets now 4.20 Regular $8.00 Sets now 6.00 Regular $11.50 Sets now 9.75 Regular $18.50 Sets now 15.00 which was chiefly remarkable for the heavy hitting by the visitors. Attendance 2913. Score: R.H.E. St. Louis .0 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 3 3-12 19 1 Philadelphia .3 201010200-9 13 2 Batteries: Yerkes. Currie. O'Neil and Ryan; Duggleby, Fraser, Douglass and Dooln. Brooklyn, 5; Chicago, 4. Brooklyn, August 12.—The first game of the Chicago-Brooklyn series resulted In a win for Brooklyn. Four errors and two hits enabled the visitors to score three runs in the fifth inning. Up to that time Kitson had held them to one hit. Brook lyn found Menefee in the first three in- | nings for seven hits and three runs. At tendance 2300. Score* R.H.E. C hicago .0 00031090-4 8 1 Brooklyn .0 2200001 *- 6 11 4 Batteries: Menefee and Kling; Kitson and Farrell. New York, 3; Cincinnati, 2. New York. August 12.—New York scored the winning run In the ninth on Lauder’s two-bagger, an attempted sacrifice by Smith and »\ safe hit over second base. Attendance 2600. Score: R.H.E. Cincinnati .0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0— 2 8 2 New York .0 0020000 1— 3 8 0 Batteries: Poole and Bergen; Cronin and Bresrahan. Boston, 11; Pittsburg, 0. Boston, August 12. — Doheny's errors, with timely hitting, gave the home team seven runs in the fourth inning. Pittin j ger was a mystery. Attendance 2500. 1 See re: R.H.E. I Boston .1 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 *—11 7 2 j Pittsburg .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (V— 0 6 6 I Batteries: Pittinger and Moran; Doheny j ara Smith. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland, 6; Baltimore, 3. Cleveland, August 12.—Cleveland de feated Baltimore easily today, making ten victories out of the last twelve games. Moore pitched a strong game and was finely supported. Attendance 2,645. Score: R. H. E. Cleveland .10202010 *— 6 12 1 Baltimore .0 0020100 0— 3 6 4 Bateries—Moore and Bemis; Butler and Robinson. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION, Louisville, 8; Kansns City, 6. Indianapolis, 4; Milwaukee, 11. Columbus 2; Minneapolis, 6. Toledo, 1; St. Paul, 8. OTHER GAMES. Anniston, 16; Ensley 2. Anniston, August 12.—(Special.)—The Ensley team did better work all around in the game here today. The feature of the game was the heavy batting of Brandt who got the first clean home run ever knocked on the local diamond. Hill for the visitors pitched good ball until the third inning when he became wild and eight runs were made on him. Two errors were made In this inning. Blue and Sorber of the Birmingham league team will Join the Ensley team tomorrow. Score: R.H.E. Anniston .0 0800401 8—16 13 4 Ensley .0 10100000—2 6 6 Batteries—Wilcox and Leighton; Hill, Hamaker and Swain. Umpire Wallis. CITY LEAGUE. On Saturday the Tennessee Co. will play the Athletics at West End park. The Republics will play the L. & X. R. R. at City League park. The Moore and Handley will play the Frisco* at Kingston. Mr. Venable, Mr. Yergason and Mr. Perkins will be the umpires for these games. For the games at West End and City League parks, each team will have out Its sponsor and maids of honor to the sponsor. All ladles are admitted free to these games. Coronation Choir Will Make Tour. London, August 12—The choir which sang at the coronation of the king in Westminster Abbey last Saturday sailed today from Liverpool to make a tour of the United States and Canada. ON THE RACE TRACK At Saratoga. Saratoga. N. Y.f August 12.-Roxane today ran a mile in the very fast time of 1:38 3-5. establishing a new track record for the distance. Roxane was an even money favorite and after the er ratic King Hanover had showed the way for six furlongs strode to the front and stalling off Cameron’s vigorous chal lenge won by a length. Delagoa won the Seneca stakes for three year olds, leading from start to finish, winning all out by a length from Clonmel. The fa vorite. Lady Holvrod, was out run from the start. Lady Sterling was favorite for the mile selling but did not figure in the contest at all, Loone and Fonsoluca fighting it out to the finish. The western mare Clorila made an ex hibition of the field that opposed her in the handicap at six furlongs, winning by five lengths from Sister Jennie. Weather clear and pleasant; track fast. First race, selling, two year olds, five and a half furlongs—John A. Scott, 112 (Bullman) 12 to 1 won; Athelana, 110 (Odom) 13 to 5 second: Allan, 109 (Lyne) 8 to 5 third. Time 1:07 3-5. Second race, handicap, mile—Roxane, 107 (Redfern) even won; Cameron. 114 (Lyne) 6 to 2 second; The Amazon. 95 (H. Michael) 6 to 1 third. Time 1:38 3-5. Third race, the Seneca stakes, selling, six furlongs—Delegoa, 108 (Shaw) 18 to 5 won; Clonmel. 106 (T. Burns) 5 to 1 second; Anak. 107 (Bullman) 5 to 1 third. , Time 1:13 3-5. Fourth race, selling, mile—Loone. 101 (T. Jackson) 20 to 1 won; Fonsoluca. 91 (Redfern) 10 to 1 second; Five Nations, 94 (Shea) 8 to 1 third. Time 1:40. Fifth race, handicap, six furlongs— Clorlta. 118 (T. Burns) 5 to 2 won; Sister Jennie. 110 (L. Jackson) 6 to 1 second; Daly. 117 (Brennan) 12 to 1 third. Time 1:13 4-5. Sixth race, mile—T Know. 105 (Wonder ly) 5 to 1 won; Valley Forge. 107 (Red fern) 5 to 2 second; Lillian, 110 (Odom) 20 to 1 third. Time 1:41 1-5. At Chicago. Chicago. August 12.—T. Meade. the light weight jockey for S. C. Hildreth, was seriously injured by a fall in the first race at Harlem today and is now in the Garfield Park sar^tarlum suffering from a possible fracture of the skull and a broken collar bone. Three of the four teen starters went down In a bad mix-up at the half-mile post. Meade had the mount on Senor and was the first to fall while trying to get through too small an opening. Back of Meade was Licorice, with Tommy Knight up, and he fell over Senor. Goody Two Shoes, with Helgerson up, fell over the first tw'o and the three boys and horses were mixed up in endless confusion. Knight and Helgerson were fortunate enough to escape injury, but Meade was trampled on by the horses and Is in a serious condition. The race was won by King s Lady, the favorite. One second choice and four outsiders in the betting won the other events. The weather was cloudy, track improved. First race, flvo furlongs—King's Lady 107 (Coburn), 13 to 10, won; Galba 105 ' (Birkenruth), 8 to 1, second; Mnxette 100 (Ransch). 15 to 2, third. Time; 1:014-5. Second race, six furlongs—Elsie L. 98 (Ransch). 13 to 5, won; Burnie Bunton 109 (Coburn), 13 to 10, second; Nickey D. 114 (Mathews).15 to 2. third. Time: 1:13 3-5. Third race, mile and seventy yards— Little Scout 101 (Coburn), 0 to 1, won: Hoodwink 101 (Ransch), M to 1, second; Pon Mot 106 (J. Woods), 11 to 10. third. Time: 1:45 2-5. Fourth race, mile and seventy yards— Felix Bard 100 (Battiste), 10 to 1, won; John Bright 107 (Coburn). 13 to 20. sec ond; Louisville 98 (J. Hicks), 4 to 1, third. Time: 1:44 3-5. Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs— Linguist 97 (J. Hieks), 2 to 1, won; Mi rance 94 (W. Waldo). 10 to 1, second; Fltz Brillar 97 (Battiste), 8 to 5, third. Time: 1:07 3-5. Sixth race, mile and three-sixteenths— Artenn 108 (Birkenruth), 2 to 1. wfon; CallbAn 105 (Buchanan), 4 to 1, second; Ultruda 97 (Adkins), 15 to 1, third. Time: 2:00 3-5. At St. Louis. St. Louis, August 12.—Doctor Kier, Guiderock. Mabel Winn and Hucena were the winning favorites at Delmar today. The other events going to Found ling, a well played second choice and St. Vitus, a long shot. First race, five furlongs, selling—Dr. Keir, 109 (Dale), 8 to 5, won: Action, 10« (T. Dean). 6 to 1, second; Jean Gravier, 106 (J. O’Connor), 5 to 2, third. Time, 1:03*. Second race, seven furlongs, selling— Guiderock, 109. T. O Brlen), 5 to z, won. Loud Hazel. 100 (Gisborne), 3 to 1, sec ond; Tulare, 109 (T. Walsh), 20 to 1, third. Time, 1:29. Third race, five furlongs, selling—St. Vitus, 109 (Scully), 10 to 1, won; Will Shellv, 112 (Dale). 7 to 5, second; Doc Mayer, 106 (T. Walsh), 3 to 1, third. Tima, 1:03. Fourth race, six furlongs, purse—Mabel Winn, 110, (J. Miller), 13 to 20, won; Kiss Quick, 93 (Scully), 17 to 1, second; Wlede man, 90 (C. Bonnor), 40 to 1, third. Time, 1:16. Fifth race, mile and three sixteenths— Hucena, 88 (C. Bonnor), 6 to 5, won; Morris Volmer, 103 (Morse), 10 to 1, sec ond; Cherished. 103 Bridewell), 8 to 6, third. Time, 2:02%. Sixth race, mile and seventy yards, selling—Foundling, 102 (Sayers), 3 to 1, won; Orris, 106 (C. Bonnor), 7 to 10, sec ond: Optimo, 98 (Scully), 4 to 1, third. Time, 1:47. Grand Circuit Trotters. New York. August 12.—The second day of the Grand Circuit meeting at Brighton Beach track had an excellent card. The weather was bright and cool, but a high wind prevented fast time. The manage ment announced that owing to The Ab bott’s lameness the $10,000 match between the ex-champion and Lord Derby was de clared off. In its place on Thursday Prince Alert, 2:00%, and Anaconda. 2:01%, will compete for a purse of $5000 to beat the world's pacing record, and Dan Patch 2:00%. will go a mile against time to heat the world's time record held by Star Pointer of 1:59%. The opening race of the day was the 2:24 trot which had a field of eleven. The bay gelding. Tiverton, was a hot favorite at $50 to $70 for the field and won. The vic tory was never in doubt. The Metropolitan. $5000 for the 2:20 pace also had a hot favorite in the bay stallion, Direct Hal, who has won every race he has started In this season. The field was a strong one and the betting was wild, heavy and sensational in the extreme, one plunger laying $30,000 to $22,000 in the pools on the favorite, whose price was steady at $100 to $75. Miss Willamont drew the pole but as soon as the word was given Greenline, with a splendid burst of speed, took the lead and got the pole with Elder One second, and the favorite, who got the worst of the start, third. In the back stretch Direct Hal tried to get to the front, but was interfered with by Elder One and a foul occurred. Greenline led Into the stretch, when Geers came with one of his well known finishes and won by half a length. Elder One was dis placed for the foul. In the second heat, the battle was Again between Greenline and the favorite from start to finish and in the third the favorite won easily, Greenline breaking so badly on the top turn that he was distanced. The 2:18 class for trotters was on the novelty plan. In which each heat is prac tically a race as the winner of the first and second heals retire after each heat, the balance compfting for the third. First money goes to the winner of the fastest heat. Prince of Orange in the Geers stable was the favorite and took two heats. In the horse review, three-year-old pacing stake, the bay filly Ecstatic had a walkover, Lorabie Bell, her competitor, being drawn. aTcard. I beg to inform the public that 1 have recently sold my interest in and all stock and accounts of the Damon Lee Livery Company to A. A. Gambill and associates. I trust that all my friends and former palrons will con tinue to patronize my successors, who havo acquired all my interests and good will. Mr. F. H. Gafford, who is now man ager, is thoroughly conversant with the business and will do his utmost to please his patrons. Respectfully, J. F. DUSENBERRY. Nice Offices for rent. Office building 2017 First Avenue. Malone Real Estate and In surance Co Excelsior Steam Laundry DOES. EXQUISITE WOR> GEORGE A. BUNN A SON. Allt bccood Avenue. Fhone Zu “The Largest Store South of the Ohio.” LOVEMAN, JOSEPH & LOEB. Any Child Can Figure Out the Saving of the August Furniture SaJe. Generally you will save a third, in some instances a fifth—on an average about one-fourth. Just what a little money will do in the August Furniture Sale is shown by “Cousin Lou” at the black board] Flere are some of the things that you make the saving nearly as she figures it. The August Selling of Ch&irs. HEAVY MAHOGANY FINISH polish rocker, extra large, cobbler seat, fancy embossed top, comfort able arms, price $4.75—August Sale Price 3.75. EXTRA HIGH BACK Rocker with high comfortable arms, with pearl inlaid top, cobbler seat, pol ish finish, price $8,00—August Sale yrice 6.00. EXTRA LARGE SIZE golden finish rocker, fancy embossed top, arms braced with extra steel rods, saddle seat, price $2.50—August Sale Price 1.65. EXTRA LARGE SIZE, durable mahogany finish, polish rocker, with fancy embossed top, very comfortable arms, cobbler seat, price $7.50—August Sale Price 5.00. QUARTER SAWED golden oak rocker, polish finish, high, com fortable back, fancy embossed top, cobbler seat, price $5.00—Au gust Sale Price 3.75. HIGH BACK rocker, with a pretty fancy embossed top, golden finish, price $1.65—August Sale Price 1.19. COBBLER SEAT rocker, made with fancy embossed top, high arms, finished in golden or imita tion mahogany, price $2.25—A» gust Sale Price 1.65. EXTRA HIGH BACK COB BLER SEAT rocker, with a broad fancy embossed top, extra heavy golden finish, price $2.25—August Sale Price 1.65. STRONG WOOD SEAT rocker, high, easy back, fancy embossed top, broad arms, finished in gold en or imitation mahogany, price $2,00—August Sale Price 1.25. MAHOGANY finish polish rock er, with a high broad back, very comfortable arms, inlaid back with tapestry upholstered seat, price $4.75—August Sale Price 3.75. The August Selling of Toilet Tables. BIRD’S EYE MAPLE Toilet Ta ble, size 24x30, with 19x24 French beveled pattern mirror; regular price $19.50. August Furniture Sale Price, 14.50. BIRD'S EYE MAPLE Toilet Ta ble, size 35x20, full swell front, carved feet, handsomely carved top, with 20x24 oval mirror; regu lar price $21.50. August Furniture Sale Price, 13.50. MAHOGANY Toilet Table, size 48x22, fancy shape front, nicely carved, with a large 36x30 French beveled pattern mirror, polish fin ish; regular price $66.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 45.00. The August Selling of Chiffoniers. MAHOGANY FINISH Chiffon ier, 38x22, 20x24 French bevel pat tern mirror, double swell front, carved cast brass trimming, five large drawers, polish finish; regu lar price $34.50. August Furniture Sale Price, 29.50. MAHOGANY FINISH Chiffon ier, 42x19, 16x18 French bevel pat tern mirror, five drawers and hat box, fancy shape, front cast brass trimmings, carved, polish finish; regular price $38.00. August Fur niture Sale Price, 32.00. QUARTER SAWED OAK Chif fonier, 42x20, with 16x28 French bevel pattern mirror, 5 drawers and hat box, full double swell front, carved, solid cast brass trimmings, polish finish; regular price $36.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 30.00. MAHOGANY FINISH Chiffon ier, 38x20, 16x26 French bevel pat tern mirror, five drawers and hat box, full swell front, carved, pol ish finish; regular price $39.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 32.00 QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Chiffonier, 41*19, 28x16 French bevel pattern miror, five drawers and hat box, carved, fancy shape front, polish finish; regu lar price 840.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 35.00. MAHOGANY FINISH Chiffon ier, 42x20, with 16x18 French bevel pattern mirror, five drawers and hat box, full double swell front, carved, polish finish; regular price 836.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 30.00. The August Selling of Bedroom Suits. FANCY MAHOGANY Suit, with spindles in head and footboard of the bed carved, dresser 23x46 inch top, 24x30 French bevel pat tern plate mirror, full swell front, solid cast brass trimmings, wash stand to match; regular price 3 pieces $150.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 120.00. MAHOGANY Bed Room Suit, bedstead roll head and foot, dress er 15x23-inch top, carved feet, 24x 30 French bevel plate mirror, chif fonier 36x23 tou, 16x32 French bevel mirror, solid cast brass trim mings; regular price of the three pieces $145.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 110.00. QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, very heavy, dresser 24x50 top, 28x40 oval French bevel mirror, wash stand 20x40 top, full swell fronts, carved claw feet; regular price of the 3 pieces complete. $133.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 105.00. MAHOGANY Bed Room Suit, carved, 23x50 dresser top. 36x40 French bevel pattern mirror, full swell front, wash stand 40x20 top. full swell front, 20x28 French bevel pattern mirror; regular price of the 3 pieces complete, $155 .00. August Furniture Sale Price, 100.00. MAHOGANY Bed Room Suit, very heavily carved, dresser 63x25 top, 35x41 French level pattern mirror,full swell front carved claw feet. Wash stand 42x21, full swell front, carved foot, solid cast brass handles, all polish finish; regular price $175.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 135.00. QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Bedroom suit, heavily carved with heavy roll on head and foot board, dresser 50x24-inch top, 30x40 French bevel pattern plate mirror, heavy roll top wash stand 28x30, carved feet, solid cast brass trimmings, polish finish; regular price $110.00. August Fur niture Sale Price, 95.00. QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, very heavy roll, footboard carved, low base dresser 24x46 top, 30x40 French bevel pattern plate mirror. Wash stand 36x20, trimmed with solid cast brass trimmings, polish fin ish, three p'eees; regular price $90.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 75.00. BIRDS EYE MAPLE Bedroom Suit, carved, 52x25 top dresser, 42x32 French bevel pattern mir ror. Chiffonier 40x21 top, 30x24 French bevel pattern plate mirror, fancy shape front and ends, carved claw feet, solid cast brass trim mings. three pieces; regular price $240.00. August Furniture Sale Price. 195.00. QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, extra large and heavily carved dresser, 52x25 top, 36x40 French bevel pattern mirror, washstand 41x22 top, fancy shape fronts, carved feet; regular price $175.00. August Furniture Sale Price 150.00. MAHOGANY Bedroom Suit, ex tra heavy, 25x50-lnch top dresser, 30x40 French bevel pattern mir ror, washstand 38x22 top, fancy shape front, solid cast brass trim mings, three pieces; regular price $135.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 110.00. QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, carved, 22x43 top dressr, 60x36 French bevel mirror, washstand 37x19, full swell front, carved feet; regular price of the three pieces $87.50. August Furniture Sale Price, 75. MAHOGANY Bedroom Suit, heavily carved, 48x23 top dresser, 34x28 French bevel pattern mir ror, fancy shape front, carved feet, solid cast brass trimmings, polish finish, washstand 38x20 to match, regular price of the three pieces $100.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 85.00. BIRD'S EYE MAPLE Bedroom Suit, carved, 44x23 top dresser, 28x34 French bevel pattern mir ror, full swell front, washstand 34x19 top, full swell front, solid cast brass trimmings, polish fin ish; regular price $65.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 67.00. MAHOGANY Bedroom Suit, bed has a roll head and footboard, carved, dresser 47x22 top, 28x34 French bevel mirror washstand 38x18 top, full swell fronts, solid cast brass trimmings, polish fin ish; regular price $78.50. August Furniture Sale Price, 65.00. QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, bed carved head and footboard, 47x22 top dresser, 28x34 French bevel pat tern mirror, washstand 33x18 top, swell fronts, cast brass trimmings, polish finish; regular price three pieces $75,00. August Furiture Sale Price, 57.00. QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, bed heavily carved head and footboard, dress er 50x24 top, 30x26 French bevel pattern plate mirror, washstand 33x19 full swell front solid cast brass trimmings, polish finish; regular price three pieces $100.00. August Furniture Sa.e Price, 82.50 QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, bed elaborate ly carved head and footboard, dresser low base 50x24 top, 36x40 inches French bevel plate mir ror, washstand 38x20 top, 30x16 French bevel mirror, fancy shape fronts, cast brass trimmings, pol ish finish; regular price of three pieces $150.00. August Furniture Sale Price, • .00. QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, oed heavy roll on head and footboard, low base dresser 50x24 inches top, 36x40 French bevel mirror, washstand 39x20 top, full swell fronts, carved, cast brass trimmings, polish fin ish; regular price of three pieces $125.00. August Furniture Sale Price. 105.00. GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, bed ha3 roll on footboard, low base dresser 48x23 top, 30x40 French bevel mirror, washstand 3bx2i top, 14x24 French bevel plate mirror, with double swell fronts, carved, polish finish, cast brass handles, regular price $75.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 65.00 QUARTER SAWED GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, bed carved on head and footboard, dresser 42x22 top, 24x30 French bevel mir ror, washstand 34x20 top, full swell fronts, cast brass trimmings, polish finish; regular price $42.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 36.00 GOLDEN OAK Bedroom Suit, bed carved head and footboard, dresser 42x20 top, 24x30 French bevel pattern mirror, washstand 84x18 top, fancy shape fronts, solid cast brass nandles, polish fin ish; regular price $40.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 34.00. MAHOGANY Bedroom Suit, bed stead carved, dresser 64x25-inch top 82x44 French bevel pattern plate mirror, shape front, chif fonier 25x40, carved, 24x30 French bevel pattern plate mirror, toilet table 24x40, carved, with 24x30 French bevel pattern plate mirror, polish finish; regular price of four pieces $600.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 400.00. MAHOGANY four-post Bedroom Suit, carved and twisted posts, consisting of bedstead, dresser 24x46-inch top, 24x40 French bevel plate mirror, shape front, trimmed with brass knobs, washstand; reg ular price of three pieces $195.00. August Furniture Sale Price, 165.00. MAHOGANY four-post Bedroom Suit, carved, high four-drawer dresser 24x45 inch top, 22x32 French bevel mirror, cast brass trimmings, washstand, dull finish; regular price $100.00. August Fur niture Sale Price, 85.00. CIRCASSIAN WALNUT Suit, consists of carved bed, dresser 46x24-inch top, fancy front, 32x38 French bevel oval mirror, chiffon ier, 36x22-inch top, carved, 20x24 oval mirror, fancy shape front, toilet table, 42x22, fancy shape front, 26x31 French bevel oval mir, washstand 22x36-inch top, carved fancy shape front, bedroom table 24x36, carved fancy shape, suit trimmed in oxidized copper. Six pieces complete; regular price $321.76. August Furniture Sale Price, 272.50. The August Selling of Chin? Closets. QUARTER SAWED and pol ished golden oak China Closet, 48 inches wide, Sheraton design, full swell ends, very dainty and pret ty, regular price $18.50—August Furniture Sale Price 13.00. MAHOGANIZED China Closet, Rococo design, has large pattern bevel plate French mirror in top, full swell ends and shape doors, 48 inches wide, regular price $42.50—August Furniture Sale Price 27.50. $32.50 China Closets, 25.00. $25.00 China Closets 20.00. $28.00 China Closets 25.00. . $50.00 China Closets 40.00.