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DEWBERRY STATE ADOPTED SCHOOL BOOKS. STANDARD 1904 DIARIES & SONS Ya.wma.iv Erbe Filing Systems. ' Booksellers ©. Stationers. 2029 Second Avenue. NEWS ITEMS OF THE DAY l\ THRIVING PRATT CITY Pratt City, September 10.—(Special.)— A. J. Monfee, Sr., one of the pioneer cit izens of the Birmingham district, died here today at 11 o'clock at the home of his son, A. J. Monfee, on East Highlands. Mr. Monfee was a sufferer from cancer of the throat for many months, and all medical skill had failed to relieve him. He was 74 years of age and removed to this district twenty-five years ago from Ohio. A. J. Monfee, Jr., is master me chanic in the shops of the Birmingham Southern railway, where the deceased had been an employe up to the time when he was taken ill. The remains will be car ried to Montgomery for interment tomor row morning at 8:33 o’clock, and all friends wishing to view the corpse will be allowed to do so at the union station in the morning. The Knights of Honor will tender an en tertainment to their friends next Fri day night. An interesting programme has been arranged for the occasion and re freshments will be served. Company No. 1 of the Pratt City fire department is arranging to give a grand barbecue at the grove on Southside next Monday, September 14. Refreshments will be served. The following programme is being arranged for the day: Address, Dr. R. F. Lovelady. Wheelbarrow race, members of the fire department. Address. Chief D. G. Richards. Game of quoits, members of the fire department. Address, captain of No. l. Tug of war, married members of com pany No. 1 against the unmarried. Mock trial, members of the Are depart ment for refusing liquid refreshments when thirsty. Counsel for the prosecu tion, Harry Gammel; counsel for the de fense. Sam Foley. Baseball, members of the Are depart ment. ' All are invited to attend. The Pratt City school board has placed 5K-—---— Asthma Can Be Cured The statement of Mr. J. F. Homan, 20 E. Adams St., Chicago, proves that the worst cases of Asthma in the world are not only relieved, but are readily cured by Dr. Schiffmann’s Asthma Cure. He says: “Asthma kept me in terrible mis ery for ten years until I used your Asthma Cure. After the first trial I was a changed man. I went to sleep that night and awoke next day much relieved and I have gotten entirely over the Asth ma. It is now nine years since I was cured.” Sold by all druggists at 50c and $1.00. Send 2c stamp to Dr. K. Schiffmann, Box 894 St. Paul, Minn., for a free trial package. $1470 CINCINNATI and Return VIA Queen & Crescent Route ACCOUNT CINCINNATI FALL FESTIVAL Tickets on sale September 6-7, inclusive; good returning Septem ber 15. an order for three dozen new desks for the high school building. Black Creek Association of Haymakers. No. 26V6. will entertain the Red Men at a ‘ fodder-pulling” in Pratt City next Satur day night. Haymakers of Ensley, Wylam and Avondale will be in attendance in the regulation dress of the association. The revival at the First Methodist church continues, with much interest be ing manifested, several new additions having been made to the church. Dr. Slaughter is preaching some strong and forcible sermons. Last night a party of Pratt city young people took a very delightful trolley ride out to East Lake. In the party were Miss Ridgeway, Miss Beulah and Miss Nora Young, Dr. W. L. Jones, T. F. Bland and Mr. Lewis. Mrs. H. M. Taylor left this morning for Mt. Pinson, where she will visit her daughter. Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Dan Sullivan will entertain a few friends tonight In honor of her cousin. Miss McNamara, who will leave next week to attend school at Montevallo. Miss Rosa Lee McKlnny. who has been ill for some time, is better. C. D. Comstock, one of Pratt City’s leading attorneys, w-ho has been In Hous ton. Tex., on legal business, Is expected home tomorrow. SCOTTSBORO. Jury Fails to Find Indictments for Lynchers. Scottsboro, September 10.—(Special.)— The grand jury for the fall term has ad journed after finding' seventy-seven true bills. They made the following report to the judge: To the Hon. James A. Bilbro, Judge of the Circuit Court of Jackson county: The grand jury of said county for the fall term of 1903 having rendered the services required of them by your honor, to the best of their ability, submit this as their final report: We fully appreciated your honor’s very able and forceful charge to us on the lynching which cast a dark shadow on our county and have spared no pains in thoroughly investigating same. We have examined closely all witnesses who, we had reason to believe, knew anything about the crime, or could give us infor mation as to the perpetrators of the deed, but have failed to secure evidence suffi cient to justify indictment against the offenders of the law. The handsome country home of P. W. Keith was destroyed by fire Tuesday night. Cause of fire unknown. Value S5000; no insurance. YOUNG LADY KILLED. Miss Mamie Simmons of Demopolis Thrown Out of Buggy. Demopolis, September 10.—(Special.)—A sad accident happened today at Jefferson, near this city. It appears that Miss Mamie Simmons and Miss MIttle Simmons, sisters of Neely Simmons of this city, were out driving a young horse, when the horse became frightened at something and ran away. Miss Mamie Simmons Jumped out of the buggy. In doing so she struck her head against the root of a tree and was killed almost Instantly. Miss Simmons Is well known in this city, having graduated from the High schorl here, and Is very popular. MAGNETIC POLE FOUND. Explanation of Disturbances That Have Rendered Navigation Difficult Stanford University, Cal., September 10.—Samuel Jackson Barnett, assist ant professor of physics, has returned to the university, after several months spent in survey work along the AlaBkan coast. The party made a special investiga tion of the peculiar magnetic disturb ances which have made navigation dif ficult in certain localities. Near Skag uay these disturbances are very se vere, the deflection of the needle being so great that the compass is rendered almost useless. It was found that this strange slate of affairs was due to the abundance of magnetic rock, almost a perfect magnetic pole being found near Skaguay. FALL OPENING! Wednesday, Sept. 16, Of the Celebrated Hart, Schaffner O Marx Fine Tailored Glothes The public is cordially invited to call and inspect the largest and superior line of FINE CLOTHING ever shown in Birmingham. M. WEIL & BRO. 1915*1917 First Avenue, SOLE AGENTS. SALE OF $00,100 BONDS IS CLOSED Ensley City Council Holds an Adjourned Meeting MAY HAVE INFERIOR COURT Bill Has Passed Senate and Is Now Be fore the House of the State Legis lature—News In the Steel City. Ensley, September 10.—(Special.)—The adjourned meeting from last Thursday night of the Ensley city council was held tonight at the city hall with Mayor Scott in the chair and seven of the aldermen present. The sales of SH0.000 worth of city bonds that has been under negotiation for some time, was closed. The bonds are taken by a firm in Baltimore at par. They bear 6 per cent interest. Ensley is soon to have an laferiar court. The bill to establish the court has al ready passed the senate and is now with the house committee and it is believed will be put on the house calendar in three or four days. There sems to be no doubt of its passage. The bill provides for the appointing of a judge and clerk of the court, which will, in all probability, be elected by the senate ns soon as the bill becomes a law. Joe C. Aloia, the proprietor of the Union barber shop on Avenue E, is Installing some new hot and cold baths, and making other elaborate improvements. The oaths will be formally opened to the public tomorrow. The Steel City lodge No. 8 of the Junior Order of American Mechanics will meet tonight in Nolan's hall and initiate four candidates into their order. Social and Personal. M'ss Nettie Wlgglnton entertained at Flinch at her home in Wylam last even ing. Among the guests were: Miss Dovey McCarum, Miss Jessie Wlgglnton, Miss Mattie and Miss Lizzie Stafford. Will Elliott returned last night from a trip to England, Ireland and Scotland. Byrant King and John Meadows have returned from a pleasure trip to Ohio and Kentucky. Cyrus Leek returned last night to his home In Pittsburg after a two weeks' visit to his family. City Treasurer Gip Fonville returned last night from a visit to Jasper. J. H. Eubank Is spending the day In Birmingham. Miss Ethel Tennant entertained last night at Flinch. Refreshments were served and all report a delightful time. Among the guests present were: Miss Mary Evans and Mr. G. J. Jones, Miss Emma Blair and Mr. W. T. Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. George Tennant. Mrs. W. A. Hardin Is visiting friends today In Pratt City. Mrs. John Crawford, who has been quite ill with typhoid fever, is much improved and will soon be able to be out again. Mrs. George Byron returned last night from Asheville.N. C., where she has been spending a portion of the summer. BESSEMER. Citizens Elated Over the Favorable Re port of the Blackburn Bill. Bessemer, September 10.—(Special.)— Bessemer people are very much elated that the bill introduced by Representative Blackburn In the house to require the tax assessor to open offices in Bessemer, has been reported favorably by the house committee. W. A. McWorter, a well known Insur ance man of this place, has filed suit against the Fidelity Mutual Life Insur ance company and C. B. Jennings, state agent for this company, for twenty thous and dollars damages for illegal imprison ment. McWorter, who was local agent for the company here, was arrested by the company on charge of embezzlement, but on proving his innocence he was re leased. Social and Personal. The regular weekly prayer meeting of the First Methodist church last night was largely attended. The pastor. Dr. J. J,. Brittain led the meeting In a very In teresting manner. A targe party of young people from Bessemer attended the tent meeting last night that is now In progress at Jones boro. Tonight at 8:16 o'clock at their tent, the Salvation Army had a presentation of colors to the Bessemer corps. Tomor row night Staff Captain Beriman will lecture on "The Past. Present and Fu ture." There Is special programme of music arranged for the occasion. Joseph Nicholas of Providence la regis tered at the Grand. T. C. Herring of Birmingham Is In town. R. F. Smith, the newly elected presi dent of the First National bank that will be opened In Bessemer on October I, left today for Florida, his old home. He. will return with his family about the first of the month and they will make Bessemer their future home. E. C. Elter and J. K. Elter are stopping at the Grand. Ernest Denttl, formerly steward of the Grand hotel, spent a few hours In the city today. A very enjoyable dance was tendered the young people of the neighborhood last night by Mr. and Mrs. Stevens at their home on Nineteenth str-jot. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wells and little daugh ter, Mabel, left today for Huntsville to spend several days with friends at their old home. C. P. Jackson, a prominent railroad man of Montgomery, Is In the city today vlBltlng his brother, Judge William Jack son. E. C. Freeman of Rome. Ga., Is spend ing a few days with his father, C. W. Freeman, proprietor of the Grand hotel. Miss Cuma Ratcliff of Brookwood Is ex pected to arrive In the city Saturday to spend a month with friends. Claud Chafln spent yesterday In Bir mingham. Miss Lucy Carson is visiting Mrs. H. H. Burkhart, who Is quite 111. Guy Whctan, chief clerk of the Grand, spent yesterday In Birmingham calling on friends. Miss Nannie Camathan will spend the winter In Bessemer the guest of Miss Nannie Temple and Miss'Catherine God frey. E. Brown of Ensley was In town a tew hours today. "SOMETHING NEW.” Charlie’s Transfer Co. will store your furniture free; will move your piano, office fixtures, safe and machinery. Call on them. 2329 and 2331 First avenue. Both phones 322. C. C. Flemming, Mgr. KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES PROMPTLY CURED A 8am;:!e Bott'c Sent FREE By M*H. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the *Teat kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in promptly curing kindney, bladder and uric acid troubles, rheumatism and pain in the back. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the ex traordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is not recommended for j everything, but if you have kidney, liver, j bladder or uric acid trouble you will find j It just the remedy you need. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In flfty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this great kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, and a book that tells all about it and its great cures, both sent absolutely free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer Co., Blnghampton. N. Y. When writing, be sure to mention that you read this generous offer In the Birmingham Daily Age-Herald. Don't make any mis take, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghampton, N. Y;, on every bottle. ! HUNTSVILLE Cotton Crop Will Be Smaller Than Ex pected—Other News. Huntsville, September 10— (Special.)— Complaint is being made In all parts of the Tennessee valley that the cotton crop will not prove to be as large as It was estimated earlier in the season. The plants are better than they have been in several years but they bear but little fruit. Fine stalks that should have forty or fifty bolls are found with only ten or twelve bolls. The planters account for this condition by the rains of the early season followed by warm weather and a dry spell of several weeks. Madison county's third bale of cotton was sold here yesterday afternoon for eleven cents. The first bale of cotton In the seed was brought here yesterday and sold at four cents a pound. Preparations are being made at the Dallas mills for the resumption of the regular six day week runs, which wili begin when cotton can be procured. The mill cut a day off each week during the summer. Because of the likelihood that a new judicial circuit, Including Madison coun ty, will be created, Senator R. E. Spragins has introduced in the senate a bill repealing an act of 1885 creating the office of county solicitor. The office will not be necessary If the new circuit Is created, as the circuit solicitor will have ample time to attend to all business in each of the counties of the circuit. FLORENCE Aged Citizen Dead—Franchise Granted to Telephone Company. Florence, September 10.—(Special.)— William Hill, a highly esteemed citizen of East Florence, died Monday of a conges tive chill. In the sixtieth year of his age. His death was unexpected, his Illness being only of a few hours duration. He leaves a wife, one soil and a daughter, Mrs. Tom Anderson of East Florence. The city council, at a special session held Tuesday afternoon, granted a fran chise to the Staunton Telephone com pany to erect poles and run wires on the streets of this city. The line begins In Savannah, Tenn., and runs through Waterloo, In this county. It has been completed as far as Waterloo. HIGHPRAISE FOR PROF. SAVAGE HE IS ONE OF THE LEADING EDU CATORS OF THE SOUTH—HIS STUDENTS TAKE HIGH RANK AT THE UNIVERSITIES. The Montgomery Journal has the fol lowing to say of Prof. John Savage, who will come to this city to open a school for boys: “The many friends and old pupils of Prof. John Savage will be sorry to learn of his approaching departure from this city for Birmingham. “Mr. Savage's father, who was also a teacher, moved to this city from Lowndes county in '68 or o9, and the family have been residents of Montgomery for nearly half a century. “Prof. Savage Is an accomplished teach- | er. a successful school manager and a ripe scholar. He received his education at ' Washington and Lee university, having entered that Institution when the illustri ous Lee was Its president. “For the past ten years Mr. Sa\age has conducted a private school In this city where he has prepared many young men for college and for business. Before that he had been connected with city schools, having been principal first of the Moulton Street school and afterwards of the Cap itol Hill school. “In 1890 he received from the University of Alabama the honorary degree of mas ter of arts. His school Is an auxiliary to the State university and also to the Polytechnic institute at Auburn, and his students enter the Freshman class of those institutions without examination. • * • Mrs. Winslow's 8oothing Syrup, the best remedy for DIARRHOEA- Sold iiy druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and aak for "Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” and take no other kind. Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEEXiilNU. with PERFECT SUCCESS. It HUUixiEa ,he CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, AL LAYS all PAIN. CURES WIND LOHU. and Is twenty-five rent* a boitia. CITY TAX NOTICE. September 2, 1903. In accordance with amended section 332 of the rlty code, notice la hereby given that real and personal taxes for the year 1903 are now due and taxpayers are noti fied to appear at my office and pay their taxes. Said taxes will he delinquent on the 15th day of October next, and will draw Interest at 8 per cent from said date. J. T, GAHRETSON, Tax Collector. 9-2-4-8-U-15-18-21-23 We can save you from 20 to 30 per cent on your paint bill Birmingham Paint Mills. ASHE8 FREE to anyone who will haul them away. Power house, Powell and 19th streets. B, R. L* & P* Co. E. Brewer Be Company will handle sohool books and sohool supplies at Woodlawn 1 GADSDEN PLANT STARTS UP AGAIN WORK RESUMED IN FOUNDRY DE PARTMENT OF CAR COMPANY. COAL MINING IS ON A BOOM. OTHER NEWS. Gadsden, September JO.—(Special.)—The local plant of the Southern Car and Foundry company resumed operations Monday morning in the foundry depart ment after an enforced idleness of some six weeks, caused by throwing all the plants of the company Into bankruptcy. The sheriff of this county received an order Sunday night from the court of Judge Jones commanding him to release all the property of the company in this city and same was turned over to Harry Montgomery, local manager here, and the plant was started tip Monday morning with a good force of men on the order of castings for the Louisville and Nashville road. A casting was made the same afternoon. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Mont gomery paid off all the men who were due wages when the plant was closed down under attachments, and a large amount of cash was distributed. The receivers for the Southern Car and Foundry company have closed a rontract with the Queen and Crescent system for repairs on six hundred freight cars and the entire order will be filled by the Gadsden plant. Every department of the Gadsden plant will be opened at once and some two hundred men will be given em ployment as fast as they can be secured. Already several of the cars on this order have reached the shops. The center of the coal mining In this county Is very likely to be In the Bristow Cove section where the veins run from three feet and nine Inches to over four feet of thickness. Ven Zandt, Baugh. Henderson. Knox and Boyd all have splendid coal lands and they are all min ing them with good success. The Boyd coal mines at Sligo will be ready to ship coal this week, as the mines are being worked and the tipple Is ready for load ing. Never before has this section seen such activity as is now being experienced. New mines are heing opened on every side and fortunately for the promoter- nil are finding good seams and have plenty of orders. For the first time In the history of the city Gadsden has absolutely free schools. The fall session opened Monday with the largest attendance ever known and the two large school rooms for the use of the white children are crowded almost to suffocation. The whites enrolled 640 and the negroes 380. Chief White and his officers raided one of the dance halls on Broad street Monday night and arrested twenty-one of the de votees of a dance that Is said to be worse than the hoochee-cochee. John Stull, col ored, Is the head of (he dancing hall. It is said to be one of the worst ever raided in this city. They all plead guilty before Mayor Campbell and were fined !5 each. The hall was closed and the license re voked. Stull was absent from the city at the time of the raid but iie will be arrested when he returns. Chief White has Issued an edict that all n=grs dance halls and boarding houses on Broad street and In the business section, must be closed. All dives of every class are to be suppressed at once. The Altana Mirror has been soid by J. L. Meeks to George B. HouUr. The latter retires from the newspaper field of Attalla with no regrets, as the easiness men do not and will not support a first class paper. Mr. Holder is an old news paper man and It Is to be hoped that the people will give him loyal support. W. H. Barnes, one of the leading busi ness men of this city has made the state ment that he has decided to build a four stor.v hotel on the corner of Chsslnut tnd Third streets. Mr. Barnes ownts the lot on the southwest corner. Tho site is near the heart of the city. Mr. Baines is now working on the plans and tho building will be modern in eve-y respect. Watson Whitt, age fourteen, an orphan, was cut and seriously hurt by Newt Stewart, at Mountalnsboro. Stewart Is 19 years old and from wliat can be learn ed was the aggressor. It Is very probable that Gadsden will have another Incorporated suburb. Tho particular section, which, it is proposed, to take In lies Just outside ,.f :he city on Tuscaloosa road and up to the foot of the mountain. When the last scncol census was taken It develop id lhat sev eral hundred people were Just on the out side. Recently many working people hues purchased lots and have built homes n the neighborhood. They desire protec tion either from Gadsden or a corporation of their own. There aro at least one hundred and fifty tax payers in the dis trict. John Beard was arrested last night on a warrent charging him with grand lar ceny. It is alleged that he took $25 from John Kirby while the latter was Intoxi cated. The two men came from Lees burg several days ago. The officers of this city have been «... quested to look for Henry Stokely who Is alleged to have stolen about forty dollars from a boss carpenter In Attalla Tues day. He was given work on some build ing in Attalla and stole the money fi ym his employer. DR8. DOZIER & CO’S ] MEDICO-SURGICAL INSTITUTE, (Jor. 1st av<B. tc 2lBt St. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, Dr. O. T. Dozlar. Ur. Byron Dozlorw I A strictly high-class Institute for tt* rcientlflc treatment of all Chronic, Ner jvows. Blood, Skin, Rectal. Female and Oenlto-Urtnary diseases, Deformities, Tu mors, Stiff Joints, Cancer. Lai pan, Mallgw ■nant Ulcers, Rheumatism, Tuberculosis land Consumption. t Hemorrhoids, Varicocele. Hernia and Venereal disease* of every name, nature, orm and character are also treated, end A legal guarantee of cure will be given In •very case. Our equipment, consisting of wall Igtocked preacriptlon department, X-Ray, [Violet Ray, Static and Gal vano-Faradlo apparatus. Super-Heated Air. Arc Light Cabinet, Eureka Ifebullser and Osone In fralation for nose, throat and lungs, and a thoroughly equipped Surgical Depart ment. modern and up-to-date in every particular, give us a prestige over all Competitors In Alabama in our special line of praotlo* CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, i Conciliation ui anamination fr*e. Tirmi llb,ral and confidence* h.ld I* ▼tol*t*. ORloa hour, I a. m. to I p. m. Sunday*, ■ a n. to 1 p. m. a few of many endorsements FROM THE PRESS. Ttl* Birmingham Ledger: Dra. Dialer a 0*. art without doubt the boat known ri*laU*ti tn th* aoutb. and their f*m, Ru, entirely to th«|r greet eklll. The Birmingham New*: Both Dr*. O T- and Byon Dealer art reliable and *z aarleneed phyalolana and aurfwna wh Jeaerve the grant auecatm which kaa been and la thalra. I Age-Herald: Dr. Uoalar'a long atwndtn* And approved abttittea entitle him to the Brood distinction at ■ landing at U, head ft hi* prefnaalMa School "I I Contest. $5.00 to the Boy or Girl under 16 years of age writing the live words, COX’S LITTLE WONDER, SHOES the greatest number of times on a postal card, and to the NEXT NEAREST a pair of LITTLE WONDER SHOES. Contest Closes Wednesday, September 16th, 6. P. M. Write on one side only the five words, COX'S UTTLE WONDER SCHOOL SHOES and sign your name and address plainly, and mail to COX’S SHOE CO., 1918 SECOND AVENUE. Cox's little Wonder School Shoes are made oi the best WEARING LEATHER OBTAINABLE, having sole leather counters, solid leather Inner and outer soles, steel circlets in heels, patent and sole leather tips, and the best duck linings—and WARRANTED FOR GOOD SERVICE IF PROPERLY TREATED. Give them a trial. Your shoe bill will be less. □Shoe Co. i Superior f OOtWe&r Dining Room Elegance * Every Article a Bargain! This store is now full to overflowing with the latest and most artistic creations of the world’s bestfurniture production. The stock is matchless in variety; unequaled in beauty; un precedented in bargain opportunities. We give you cash prices with the privilege of small weekly or monthly payments. Why not open a “charge” account? COOPER FUTURE CO, 2020 &. 2022 THIRD AVENUE. f l&Mr, I fl! areAwmBmmFromMBestLsWFNENTSjm I H Are Pecommemded For their Purttyamd I | miOLESOMEJVESS. I ■ You CAN HAVE THEM EVERYWHERE. I H tdeChrishan Moerihn Brewing Co. 8 ® _CINCINNATI‘OHIO. JM T. W. 0’Byrne, Wholesale Dealer BIRMINGHAM BOILER WORKS MANUFACTURERS AND BUiLDERs OF FURNACES, STAND PIPES, CHIMNEY'S, TANKS And Eonere or all kinds, built ey the Latest Improved rlydraulio and Pn'umatlc Machinery. Repair Work a Specialty. TELEPHONE 1133. WORHO AND OFFICE: 24th St, and Powell Avenue, bouth Side. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA. “OLD DOMINION" Portland Cemon , “BREITENBURGER HERCULES" German Portland Cement, and all High-Grade Fire Bricka. W* can mike immediate uenveries on Fire brick. -THE POT CALLED THE KETTLE BLACK.” ^ECAUSE THE HOUSEWIFE DIDN’T USE SAPOLIO