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The Leading and Representative Business College of the South. Climbing the Ladder of Success Is a comparatively easy task when one 1.- "boosted" by a business tsaining, the like of Which this col lege gives. The fact that one is a graduate of this college is in Itself a boost. ■ Catalogue Free On Request. i. BIRMINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE, WILLARD J. WHEELER, Preset. Potter Building. BjRMINGHAM. TRUSTS ATTACKED. The General Assembly of Virginia Meets at Richmond. __ w Richmond, November 10.—The general Assembly met here in adjourned session today. An attack on the trests marked the opening of the session. Senator Barksdale presented a Dili which provides that any corporation which shall enter into any agreement or contract to fix the price or to control or limit the pro duct of any article of manufacture or merchandise or product of agriculture shall be deemed guilty of a conspiracy to defraud. It defines monopoly in sweeping terms and provides heavy pen alties therefor. NOT FA*VORED. Porte’s Note Answered By Austrian and Russian Ambassadors. Constantinople, November 10.—The am bassadors of Austria and Russia today personally communicated to Tewflk Pasha, the foreign minister, the reply of the governments to the porte's answer of November 3, to the recent note of the two powers on the subject of reforms in Macedonia, receiving unfavorably some of the points of the project. Austria and Russia now announce that ithey renew the recommendations con tained in their memorandum October 22. BROUGHT TO THE EARTH. 1 Prof. E. C. Pickering has for many {yeans been engaged in photographing the (heavenly bodies. He has a collection on glass of more than thirty thousand plates. Dr. Burkhart, who has searched the hiden recesses of man and discov ered the causes of the most destroying Hrliseases, has given to afflicted mankind bis famous Vegetable Compound, which cures Rheumatism, Catarrh and all Dis eases of the Blood. It banishes se creted poisons and fertilizes the blood with the new substance. Cures Consti pation. Kidney and Diver Troubles, Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Indi gestion and all Diseases of the Stomach. A 30 days’ treatment can be obtained from any druggists for 25c; a six months’ guaranteed treatment for $1.00. You can not afford to miss this opportunity of being restored to health for such a small sum. Monthly tickets to Ensley and Bessemer sold on first iaod last day of each month. B. R L. & P. Co. YE SOCIETY FOLK DEBUTANTES amd BRIDES Pictures made by MORTON Cor. 19th St, and 2nd Ave. THis work is artistic and stylish in pose and finish. Bell Phone 1071. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE In amoui.ts (Mim <250 to <10,000 upon terms to suitttc.rowers and at lowest market rates. Alabama Trust and Savings Company, 2007 First Avenue. NORTH BIRMINGHAM LAND CO. 2007 First A\enn, kin. ngham, Ala. Manufacturing iit:i and town lots Tot sale. Fifteen minutes' rids of cantor rf city. _;_ "NORTH m RM I N(3 H AM One new 4-room cottage and hall; good well; convenient to manufactur ing plant. Terms. C. M. GREET! & CO., Both phones. 7th ave. and car line. BIRMINGHAM LOAN GO 116 N. TWENTIETH 8T. The oldest, most reliable loan oftics is the city. Money loaned on watches, dia monds. Jewelry, guns and pistols, bar gains la unredeemed pledges, busineaj strictly contldenllal. Old gold and euv«. bought. Ki. WAbU. Prop. AGE-HERALDCRECHE FUND AROUSES MUCH INTEREST The Creche fund received a number of additional donations yesterday, and great interest is being taken In, Boxes marked for the “Creche Fund” have been placed at the Southern ck>h and the) Ath letic club. Those who heard that yreche boxes had been sent to the clubs ap proved of the Idea and felt that many of Birmingham’s philanthropic club men would be glad to contribute to the Creche fund. Little envelopes, marked for the “Creche Fund," reached the department of The Age-Herald throughout the day. They told that the work of the Creche is too well known to need any emphasis on the part of any one, and that the ap peal for the Creche is being promptly an swered. No one ever contributes to the Creche without saying something about its beautiful work. The contributions came from generoqs hearts and people felt that it was a privilege to give to such a charity. While the promoters of the fund are greatly encouraged over the interest shown, still the fund should grow twice as fast and hundreds could contribute $1, if they wijl only give a moment's thought to the little friendless waifs for whom the fund is being raised. The Creche, which is maintaining twen I ty-five children at present, nineteen of ; whom are in t||<- public schools, is with out funds to carry on its work. There are hundreds of people who should be glad to assist in this work to give their money to an organized charity that is working along the only economical plan in relation to true philanthropy. The Creche is making itself responsible for the waifs of Birmingham, the little out casts who are sent to the Mercy flome. You have seen them sometimes darting through the alleys, the little urchins whose environment is that of the street. Every one who has ever come in con tact with the street waif wonders why the innocent must suffer. The Creche is doing what it can to improve the condi tion of these little waifs that are the product of a greut city. They must be cared for. They cannot be allowed to starve, to shiver in the alleyways. They are poor, ignorant, friendless. They are such wretched little creatures. These are ! the “problems'" that the Creche has on : its heart. The society department of the | Age-Herald, which started the Creche j Fund, will be glad to receive additional 1 contributions. The smallest amount will ] assist the Creche in its work and noc j more than $1 is asked. Contributions ! may be left at the Age-Herald office, ad- j dressed to the society editor, and marked | for the Creche Fund. Send your contributions today to the Creche Fund. Previously acknowledged: W. K. Terry .$ 1 Klotz & Goldman. 2 Earle, Terrell & Co. 2 Solomon & Levi. 2 j Morris Adler . 1 Cash (six contributors). *i T. o. Smith . I C. O. Locke. 1 A. W. Smith . 1 W. H. Manly. 1 Mrs. S. D. Weakley.$ l Mrs. Frank II. Lathrop. L Mrs. William Hardie. 1 Mrs. Charles Hugh Cothran. 1 Mrs. E. G. Stevens. 1 Mrs. \\\ P. Pinckard. 1 Mrs. Oscar E. Smith. 1 Mrs. J. M. McQueen. 1 Mrs. C. S. Simmons. 1 Primary class, Southside Baptist church. 1 Cash. 1 < ’ash.f.. 5 Cash.2oo Cash.50c (’ash.60c Cash .10c ('ash .10c Received yesterday: Mrs. Henry Hiden .$ 1 Mrs. R. S. Monger .1 Mrs. John Cartwright .1 Mrs. T. O. Smith .1 Mrs, Frank Nelson .I Mrs. A. J. Riddle .1 Mtb. J. Asa Brooks .....5 Mr. Charles H. Caldwell .1 Mr. N. W. Trimble .2 Mrs. J. D. Fox .1 Mrs. Pearson's Luncheon in Honor of Mrs. Quincy Ewing. Mrs. Robert H. Peason gave a buffet lunch yesterday, from 12 to 2 o’clock, iti compliment to Mrs. Quincy Ewing, the charming wife of the new rector of the Church of the Advent, the occasion being characterized with the hospitality distin guishing all the entertainments of this brilliant and popular hostess. The house was never more beautiful, the Immense recfption hall, the long drawing rooms, together witli the dining room and libra ry being thrown together. The decora tions were in yellow, the table In the dining room having its low decorations in gorgeous yellow chrysanthemums and the candelabra being ornamented with yellow shades. A delicious hot buffet luncheon was served here, while In the lac—:—:--—-—— AN UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE. Mas It ever been your unhappy lot to be told by your physician that you must go to a hospital and submit to an operation? If so. you remember with what dread and shrinking you watted the day when you must endure the knife. The present day surgeon appears to be possessed by a mania for operating, espe cially in cases of hemorrhoids or piles, and while the greater number of the profession do not recommend this “last resort" un less they honestly believe It necessary, the fact remains that much needless operating Is done, and the patient put to much ex pense and suffering for what? To obtain a possible temporary relief; these words are used advisedly, because in nine eases out of ten the aftUetion returns and the patient is just where he started from. Oft«-ntimes he could be cured much more simply and easily by the use of such a remedy as flu* ^Pyramid Pile Cure; this has come to be recognized as the best reined \ on the market for the pain ful disease named,‘and the druggists now sell more of It than all other pile remedies combined. The wi tter personally knows people who were afflicted with the worst form of bleeding and protruding piles and who were permanently cured by the use of Pyramid Pile Cure. In every one of these cases the attending physician had assured the sufferer that only by nti operation could he rid himself of the disease; so much for the infallibility of the doctors. This remedy, which is sold by all drug gists at the low price of lifty rents, is In suppository form, is applied directly to the parts affected. * and performs ifs work quietly and painlessly. The Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall. Mic h., will mail free to any address a hook telling all about piles 'or hemorrhoids, their cause and cure. A suggestion is offered that if the reader If afflicted, or knows anyone who is. this book be sent for, as it will be found inval ' uable. Mantels, Tiles, Grates. Syd Smith Hardware Co. breakfast room ices were served. In the library the coffee table was presided over by Mrs. Willis J. Milner, Mrs. William B. Leedy and Mrs. Addison G. Smith. Miss Leedy and Miss Annie Roberts served punch in the hall. Mrs. Pearson was a regal figure in a Parisian gown of gray crepe de chine and lace, one of the handsomest gowns of the winter. Mrs. Ewing was greatly admired in a gown of white voile and. Irish lace. Mrs. Frederick Northrup Rix was beautiful in a smart gown of blue and white. Miss Rix of Hot Springs and Miss Short of Boston, who werd in the receiving line, wore beautiful white toilettes, Miss Rix wearing touches of yellow. Among the others in the drawing room were Mrs. T. G. Bush, Mrs. Alexander Tracy London, Mrs. Robert Jemison, Mrs. Joseph F. Johnston, the entire re ceiving party including Miss Hard, Mrs. John London, Mrs. Rufus N. Rhodes, Mrs. David Roberts, Mrs. Cabaniss, Mrs. Joseph McLeflter. Mrs. P. B. Clarke. Mrs. E. ft. Ellerbe, Mrs. A. H. Benners, Mrs. J. J. Banks. Mrs. T. II. Molton. Mrs. Lov- j ell, Mrs. B. M. Starks. Mrs. Cartwright. | Mrs. A. G. Smith. Mrs. C. P. Randall, j Mrs. Frederick Jackson. Mrs. R. S. Monger, Mrs. W. P. Pinckard, Mrs. E. M. Tutwller, Mrs. W. J. Milner, Mrs. J. W. Canty Johnson, Mrs. C. O. Locke, Mrs. E. I*. Riggs. Mrs. A. O. Lane, Mrs. James Brown. Mrs. T. O. Smith, Mrs. Thomas Ward, Mrs. C. P. Orr, Mrs. Sterling Lanier. Mrs. W. A. WaLker, Mrs. B. F. Moore, Miss Hopkins anil Mrs. Chalifoux. Three hundred and fifty invitations were issued, the guests including the mar ried frinds of the hostess. A number of beautiful toilettes were wofn by the indies in the receiving party, and the ladies call ing were in their smartest gowns, the weather sufficiently cool for the elegant carriage wraps completing the winter’s toilettes. Bachelors Entertain At Buffett Supper. Mr. Kxum and Mr. Ramsay entertained at a buffet supper last evening at their i Highland avenue residence in compliment 1 to the Misses Sharpe and Mr. Lynn and Mr. Shook, the guests including the mem bers of the wedding party and the party of Nashville guests who arrived in Bir mingham yesterday afternoon in Col. Shook's private car. The guests went first to the Church of the Advent, where a rehearsal was held. The home of the bachelors was beau tifully decorated, a delicious hot buffet supper being served. The table hao tor its center piece a low decoration in pink and white chrysanthemums, the decora tions and the menu being elaboiaie. While many brilliant toasts were drunk in honor of the occasion the one most memorable was that when earl* guest drank to the happiness of the brides-to-be from a large cut glass boot, following in this a pretty foreign custom. Mrs. William Mudd Jordan gave a luncheon yesterday in compliment to her sisters. Miss Ethel Sharpe and Miss Car rie Sharpe. Mrs. Arthur Eastwood ot Ohio, who was Miss Lutie Sharpe, com pleting the family of beautiful Wufuen. Mrs. Lynn and Miss Lynn of Pittsourg were among the guests at the luncheon and the ladies in the Nashville party. The double wedding of Miss Ethel Sharpe and Mr. Albert M. Lynn and Miss Carrie Sharpe and Mr. Pascal G. Shook will take place this evening at 7 o'clock at the Church of the Advent. The Rev. Dr. J. T. Beard will perform the cere mony. Several hundred invitations hav ing been Issued to the church. Meeting of Hospital Bazaar Committees. A meeting of the various bazaar com mittees was held yesterday afternoon and the reports made by the different chairmen point to a brilliant bazaar. Mrs. T. Ii. Molton, general chairman, presided and Mrs. J. T. Harwell was made secretary pro tern. The first report was made by the com mittee on location. No definite location for holding the bazaar has been decided upon and upon motion of Mrs. J. C. Henley it was decided to ask for space in the City Hall. Mrs. Joseph Stern, chairman of the ad vertising committee reported that she had collected seventy dollars and she re quested that each chairman of every com mittee send her a list of their respective committee before November 20. Her ad dress is 1913 Sixth avenue. Mrs. Super made a splendid report of the Christmas tree committee, which is the special work of the St. Mary s Hill man Hospital chapter. Mrs. Weil said there was a great deal of enthusiasm in her committee and re ported a number of contributions. Mrs. C. S. Simmons said that her candy committees had all the contribu tions they w’ould need for the bazaar. Mrs. Lazarus, Mrs. Harwell, Mrs. Hun ger, Mrs. Henley and Mis. Vance said their committees were doing splendid work. Mrs. George R. Ward. Mrs. E. H. Shall, Mrs. .1. K. Brockman, Mrs. H. C. Shropshire and Mrs. Holt made encour aging reports about the House Beautiful. Mrs. Baker said her class in embroid ery was doing a great deal of wfork for the bazaar. Mrs. Parker outlined the entertainments to be given during the bazaar. Notes and Personals. Mr. and Mrs. John K. McDonald of Eufaula have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Leila Henry, to Mr. Samuel Pointer Bradley of Bir mingham, the wedding to lake place on Tuesday afternoon, November 24. at 3 o’clock, at their home on College Hill. * • • Mrs. Alice Smith has returned from Mobile. • * • Mr, and Mrs. Sol Haas are at home with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston for the winter. • » • Mrs Birch and Miss Kate Birch will leave Sunday for New York to spend the winter. • • • • The Tuesday Whist club will meet with Mrs. William Pittman Redd this after noon at 2:30 o’clock. * * * Mrs. Henry Fowlkes will entertain the Nineteenth Century club this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. W. S. Brown. • • • Mr* and Mis. John Rostick Ransom BIRMINGHAM’S LEADING CLOAK, SUIT AND WAIST HOUSE. Ira Women’s Garments. Coats, Suits and Skirts—newest models-—at prices which hardly bespeak their worth. DATS OF OPPORTUNITIES AT THE "FASHION STORE." TaiIor=nade Suits—Of Fine Cheviot, Russian Biouse Coats, double shoulder cape, flare <3>jO.OO Skirt. Regularly $35.00. Coats off Fine Kersey—Half flitted back, deep shoulder cape, Military Velvet Collar, new , Pouch Sleeve—heavy Satin lined. Regularly $22.50. Pedestrienne Skirts—Of Fine Lymansville Cheviot, Kilt ® -_ ed Yoke, strapped all around, wide <47110.00 flare, in brown, navy and black. Regularly $12.98. Waists Vinnor-te j Poplin—White Washable Material, very nob " q by style, famous “Knickerbocker” made. Regularly $2.50. Specials In Children’s Dresses At 25 per cent less than pressnt values. To close a large sample line, containing all sizes, all grades, but the very latest models. Holiday Goods Received Every Day. ns>os rrsirn 9 PEQI/ ^ ad Ave. r CtlCll <X DCllIX ad Ave~ | Build a Home to Suit yoursein We will sell you a lot In AVONDALE or KINGSTON and furnish building ma terial for Its improvement on like easy payments, viz.: 1200.00 full size lot, $15.00 cash, balance $3.00 per month. $200.00 building material, $15.00 cash, balance $3.00 per month. $300.00 full size lot. $22.50 cash, balance $4.50 per month $300.00 building material. $22.60 cash, balance $4.50 per month. $500.00 full size lot. $37.50 cash, balance $7.^ > per month. $500.00 building material, $37.50 cash, balance $7.60 per month. We have $200.00 lots In both localities for COLORED PEOPLE to whom we give the same liberal terms. Apply to RICHARD RANDOLPH, President, Avenue E and Sixteenth street, lephone 153. King Land & improvement company ELEGANT OFFICES FOR RENT BIRMINGHAM REALTY CO. 117 IS. 21st St. BIRMINGHAM BOILER WORKS MANUi- ACTURERS AND BUILDER. 0»~ FURNACES, STAND PIPBS, CHIJIN8YS, TANKS Ana toners ot ml Kinas, built / the Latest IrnproveJ nyurauiic am; pn'umatic Machinery. Repair Work a Specialty. TELEPHONE 1133. WORK' AND Or-F.CE: 24th bL. and Powcil Aocnue, touih Side. e!HMI'».,HAM. ALA have Issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Kate Morgan, to Mr. Richard Thornton Wilson, on the even ing of TuedUay, November 24, at S i o'clock, at the West End Methodist I church, Nashville, Tenn. The ceremony will be followed by a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ransom, 800 West End avenue. • • • Miss Carrie Berry arrived last night from Eufaula and is the guest of Mrs. Charles O. Locke, who will entertain at dancing in compliment to Miss Berry and Miss Nixon on Tuesday evening. The in vitations include the younger social set. Much Be-Tunnelled New York. From Collier's Weekly. * The narrowness of the island on which I Little Old New York is built, and into | which is packed during the working hours of each day, a population drawn , from a radius of fifty miles, makes its traffic problem the most difficult of any city of the world. Surface and elevated lines are destined to be thrown across the city like a net; its sub-cuticle to be honey combed with tunnels. The great subway which is now being completed up the backbone of Manhattan, will be at once congested. Added facilities wllk but create demand. Two railway tunnels are already in pro cess of construction under the North river from the New Jersey shore. Others are proposed. One of the tunnels will pass under the city and the East river, and thence to Long Island; the city is already building its own tunnel from the Battery to Brooklyn. A second subway is proposed from Forty-second street south, on Broadway, and other streets, to the Battery, while a third will proba bly extend northward from Forty-second street under Lexington avenue to the Bronx. Transverse tunnels are contem plated connecting the various longitud inal lines at One Hundred and Tenth street and at Thirty-second street. 'I o supplement the underground lines, addi tional tracks are now being planned on each of the four north-and-south ele vated lines with Ingeniously calculated systems for handling most expeditiously the various sorts of crowds—the far-com ing suburbanite and Harlem sort, the con gested shopping crowd. EXCURSION RATES To Selma, Alabama, and Return Via Southern Railway. Account fall festival Selma, Ala.. No vember 16th-21st, Southern railway will sell round trip tickets from Birmingham. Talladega, Meridian. Mobile and interme diate points to Selma, rate one fare plus 25 cents. Tickets on sale November 15th tlst; limited November 22nd. Rate from Birmingham. $:i.15. For further informa tion apply pasesnge office. Morris building, telephone 017. J. C. Lusk, District Passen ger Agent. ll-$-14t 'We make all kinds of cuts. Ths Age-lleraId Eifgrnving Oo. Stoves for sale. Syd Smith Hardware Co. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! For the next two weeks we will deliver Coke in lots of five tons or over at $3.50 per ton. B’ham Ry, Lt. & P . C Schilllnger’s Ho:-Brau. SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED—First class salesmen for city and other cities and towns in state and states tributary, for high grade proposi tion, with big pay. Address Sales Man ager, No. 30»5 New York Life building, Kansas City, Mo. ll-112t-wod-su _ PERSONAL. FASHIONABLE dressmaking at 1200 Third ave. Wool and silk dresses made. Prices from $N to $15. Satisfaction guar anteed. ll-10-3t ^ STRmYED. STRAED or Stolen—From Vinesville Ala., on Bessemer and Birmingham car line, November 5, 1903, 1 black horse 12 yfears old, weight about 1200 pounds, 10 hands high, end of right ear cut off; white spot in face; very gentle; in good order. Lib eral reward. H. G. Seif, Trussville, Ala. 11-11-H-wed-fri-sat su MONEY TO LEND.^ MONEY furnished salaried people with out •ecurity; easy payments. Southern Discount Co.. 302 Cnallfoux. 4-11-tf .ML 1— T--— -—” MltCtLl.AKtwUfc. ANY^TtagjT? ThitMs Arthur Collins’ la test; ‘‘it's swell business"; we want you to hear this song especially; come in; send for Edison November list of gold moulded records. The Ray Co., 2027 2nd ave., with Braudes, the jeweler. I CAN sell your business no matter where it Is. Call or write me. I have buyers with the cash. Suite 412, First National Bank building. CONST I PATTON”AND“' INDIGESTION are had habits; one bottle of Pbospho cures; the most elegant and dainty med icine made. Sold by Adams and Parker. 10-21-wed-1 mo. CREDIT to reliable parties! Diamond! and watches. Jewelry, silverware and clocks, on small weekly or monthly pay ments; lowest prices; best quality; goods guaranteed; will ball if desired. J. Lowlnsohn. 1921 2nd avenue. 7-12-tf SIGNS lor sale cheap; suitable for real estate ads. Hermltag?. 216 North 20th street. 4-14-tf FINIS E. PERKINS, Dentist, Now located in Rooms 510-511, First National Bank Building. Telephone 353, Bell. Excelsior Steam Laundry OOE3 ,u EXQUISITE WORK •COROE A. BUNN A BON. MV Bocond Avenu*. 'Phoiw MS AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH COMPANY Main Office With Western Union Tele graph Company. REL.ALLE MESSENGERS Furnished ter any purpose. Notes and Packages promptly dellverad, ’tones 19, Either Company. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL ED. &. WILLIAMS MmW Ail mnub o. uib. Age Henna rravmg Department, ONE CENT A WORD. MATES—lc. a word a day; ®o taken for less than 2Be for Or»t in sertion. Cash must accompany e^ery order. _ $25,000 Per Month to Loan by THE ALABAMA HOME to Build Homes. Borrower* given valuable option* of re paying roan at the eno of 1. 2 or 3 year*. Apply to W. V. M. ROBERTSON, V009 First Ave. General Manager. LAND TITLES, Abstracts of Title, Certificate* of Tltla# Title* Guaranteed. A GENERAL TITLE BUSINESS. Insure your title as you would your bouse. BIRMINGHAM TITLE AND GUAR ANTY CO. CAPITAL $100,000. Our records Include Jefferson and Sbeiby counties. J. K. BROCKMAN, General Manager. 225 Twenty-first 8t., Birmingham. Ala. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate loans made on Improved property In qity limits of Birmingham from $600 up. High class real estate mortgages for sale, large or small amounts. A specialty of making real estate mort gage investments frr clients. TURNER R. WEAKLEY. Attorney. 6 Watts Building. "_ WANTED. WANTED-Customer* for snow cases. | Iron sates and Carrara ^alntr. Alabama ! Grocery Co. 1-1-tf WANTED—Scrap iron. Write’J. P. Wel le r, Birmingham, Ala. 10-17-tf Edison Novem her Records just in. They are as “fine as silk;” many,new features In this lot; send your order early. They are going fast. The Ray Co., 2027 2nd ave. __ HELP WANTED. WANTED—A good stenographer in every town In Alabama to Increase their in come without Interfering with present duties. For particulars address Bus iness, care Age-Herald. 10-29-tf JACK Tar March. Sousa's latest. This is one of the new Edison November rec ords; this is a wonderful band record; send for latest list. The Ray Co., 2027 2nd ave., with Brandes, the jeweler. HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED—A first-class soil pipe machin ist. The H. Wetter Mfg. Co., South Pittsburg, Tenn. ll-6-7t WANTED—\Ielper" in paint shop. Mont gomer Carriage Works Co., Montgomery, Ala. _ _ WANTED—For U. S. army; able bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Eng lish. For information apply to recruit ing officer, 7% North 20lh st., Birming ham. Ala. 10-7-wed-fri-mon-to-12-31 MAN with references for commercial traveler, to call on merchants ami agents; experience not required; salary, $24 per week, with expenses advanced. National, 328 Dearborn street, Chicago. ll-7-7t HELPER WANTED—For sign painting. Hermitage, 25th street and 2nd avenue. Room 4. 10-13-tf WANTED—An up-to-date colored barber; good salary to right party; give full particulars. Address Barbers, care Age Herald. ll-8-4t BY The Sycamore Tree, song from “Rog ers Bros. In London,’ ’another Edison November record that has made a big hit; come and hear it. The Ray Co.. 202< 2nd ave., with Brandes, the jeweler. BOARDERS WANTED. TWO gentlemen or couple can secure board, with home comforts, private family; references required. People's phone 734, or call 2230 8' t ave. 10-14-tf WANTED—A couple to occupy with board a large, elegantly furnished front room, southern exposure. References required. Address Mrs. Lucy Miles, 2906 Highland ave.. Beeler station. ELEGANT *rooms with’board.” 600 N.~1Sth street. ll-ll-3t FURNISHED rooms with table board; bath accomodations; electric lights, phone service; rooms furnace heated. Apply to 1103 12th ave.. south. ll-ll-3t WANTED—Occupants for handsomely furnished front room with board; mod ern conveniences. 422 North Twentieth St. ll-10-6t BOARD ER SWA NT ED—First cl a ss table board; with or without rooms; hot and cold baths. 707 N. 19th street. ll-6-7t FOR SALE. FOR RALE—Second hand typewriter, good as new, cheap. Call Bell phone 292. ( FOR SA LE—Grocery store with good fresh stock; one of the best cash stands in the city; only $600.00 if sold at once. 412 First National Bank building. F5R SALE—10.000 feet I-tnch pipe, also 30 tons 20-pounds steel relay rails, all in good condition. Write J. P. Weller, Birmingham. Ala. 10-17-tf FOR SA LE— Exhibition graphuphone com plete; largo collection.of concert records: will sell at a sacrifice. Call Bell phone 292. FOR SALE—At Laron. Ala., a large com plete brick plant, now In operation: capacity 40 thousand dally. Mrs. Eliza A. Orendorff. 11-7-tf ion SALE—Saloon. Cheap rent and good stand. Address "A Good Thldg.” care Age-Herald._ 11-5-7* ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Large well furnished room. 2012 5th avenue. Phone 1919. 10-28-tt FOR-RENT—One up to date furnished room. 2109 Hth ave., north. 11-11-34 FOR RENT—To one or two genllement. furnished room with all conveniences on South Highlands. Address S. H.. care Age-Herald. _ ELEGANT room for rent; new brick house; everything new and up-to-date In every respect. 2426 oth ave. ll-10-2t FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms; hot and cold bnth; price moderate. Ap ply 2212 4th ave. 11-lQ-tf FOR RENT—Furnished room. 618 North N'neteeenth st. Bath. Telephone. ll-10-2t FOFMRENT—Two large furnished or un furnished connecting rooms; young men preferred; references given and re quired. 615 North 22nd street. People’s phone 1915. ll-8-3t-su-tu-we LOST. __ LOST^Near^corner of 12th ave. and 12th street, south, pearl and diamond sun burst. Liberal reward if returned to 19121* Morris ave. .1 l-K>-2t BUSINESS OPPORTU NITIES. ~ 'wanted—To seTfTnteresf'lnTarge“dry goods and grocery store in Alabama City. Ala., a town of 3500 people; 13,000. 000 steel plant under construction, will employ 4000 men when In operation. A bargain for the right party. Address William I Walker. Alabama City, Ala. 11-11-24. t'NDER A Panama, coon song by Billy Murray; ‘'Billy’s" songs are all good; we invite you to come and hear all of the Edison November records: send for catalogue. The Ray Co., 2027 2nd ave., with Rrandea, the jeweler. ONE CENT A WORD. RATES—Jc. a word a day; no ad taken (or less than 26c (or first In sertion. Cash must accompany every order. * E. N. Cullom. J. H. Taylor, Smith Cullom. President. Manager. Bra 4k Treaa Alabama Abstract Company tom First Avenue. EXAMINERS OF LAND TITLES This company offers: FIRST—Thorough examination of your title. SECOND—Absolute guarantee. THIRD—Saving In time and expense. The oldest title company to the city. REAL ESTATE^_ We have sold the block it property ad vertised last week, and now offer the large lot on Second avenue and 29th street. It has 165 feet frontage on main line of Louisville and Nashville railroad. 190 feet on Central of Georgia railroad, and 110 feet on the Frisco system. * Suitable for Industrial plant or for warehouse-purposes. Can b- bought at a bargain. Bell phone 384. ditOW n BROS. & CO. FOR SALE. $2500—5-room modern cottage; North 21M street. $1400—Beautiful North $lst street lot. $6000—671 feet fronting Idlewll'd car line. $4000—193x170; corner Avenue K and Mont gomery street. $37% Per Foot—Lovely South 13th street lots. $2750—Elegant West End home. $5500—11-acre tract; Improved; only 2 miles. $11,000—Fine investment: pays $1440. $40 Per Foot—Sycamore street lot. $2500— Avenue F corner, 100x190. $45,000—Fine large business corner. FOR RENT. $25—6-room cottage; Avenue 1. between 22nd and 23rd. $35—5-room house; 14th, between Ave nues J and K. $40—7-room house; 1G08 Cth avenue. $65—Large 5th avenue house. $40—S rooms, new and modern. 2311 12th avenue. $100—Large house: corner G and 21st. Several stores and other houses for rent. M’CONNELL <51 CARTWRIGHT. Both phones 46. 220 North 21st SL A bUU I ii nlUn LAIN L) riUlVlfc, WfT offer for short time only special in ducement, if you will prepare yourself for prompt trading. This Is a home, built for that purpose. The lot cannot be surpassed for beauty, it is elevated. Has nice bath; all convenienecea; a mod ern cottage1 home. It is near 20th street, easy walking distance. See us about this attractive proposition. The price ia right. JONES-BARNETT CO.. 120 Twenty-first street. FOR SALE. $$00—One-half chsh balance 12 months; lot 50x100 with 10 feet to main alley; haa tw’o three-room houses and well of good water Avenue C. near 12th st. Here js a fine little. investment. $1500—72%x 100 feet. 14th street, near 5th avenue. Can be improved and will pay good interest. $600—Lot 25x210 feet, fronting on 1st avenue, also on Morris avenue near 10th street. Put a house on each front and will bring good rent. 100x140 feet with two neat five and six room cottages# and two rooms on rear. Avenue E, near 20th st. Call for price and terms. $3250—Good corner, 100x100. with threo houses now renting for $36.00 and paid promptly; room for another house, Ave nue E and 14th street. Fine corner. 7 and 6 room houses, lot 50x190 feet, 7th avenue and 26th street, $6250. SMITH 6. STILLMAN. 2004% First Arena*. FOR SALE. 8-room, modern, 19th street, south, be tween 12th and 13th aves; under good rental. 6-room house, large lot, all in good shape; on car line; Woodlawn. 8-rooms, 11th ave. south, between 15th ami 16th streets; well rented; price is right. 8- room brick residence; 8th ave. north, near 16th street; modern; liberal terms. 9- rooms, modern; nice lot near Richmond place; good terms and price. 3 splendid lots on St. Charles ave.; very reasonable prices. FOR RENT. Office. ground flftor, First National Rank -building. | Several rice stores and homes: well lo eated; call on us* we take pleasur* »n showing and naming nric«i. UNDERWRITERS REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL CO. Both phones, 613. 2017 1st Ave. NEW BARGAINS FOR SALE. ! $2500—Neat 6-room cottage on 25th street, near Eth avenue; this home Is In fine lo cation; is modern in every way, and Is leased for *25 per month; If you want a bargain, see this. $200—50-foot lot near Cain station, Avon dale. $8500—50x190; West 20th street: splendid home of 9 rooms, with frontage both am the park and 19th street; small cash payment. $7800—5-room cottage: bath, city water,, etc.: Johnston station, Woodlawn; $25C cash, balance long time. S. E. THOMPSON & CO.. Phone 24. 223 21st Street FOR SALE. $3850—Residence, Humbolt avenue. $2500—Lot Ave. J and 16th street. $4600—Lot 11th ave.. south. *5750—Residence. Avenue K. $4500—Residence, 11th ave.. south. $5730—Residence 12th ave., south. 3900—75 x240, 12th ave. and 23rd street. J5000— Residence, 13th avenue, south. $2500—Lot 16th ave. near south 30th street $1500—Lot 13th avenue, south. $4200—Residence, 13th street south. $6000—Residence 13th street, south. $3150—Cor. residence, 15th street. $4200—Residence. South 17th street. $2500—Vacant lot on Highlands. $5000—Residence. 12th street, south. $1650—Cor. lot 10th avenue, south. 13150—100 ft lot Sycamore street W. B. LEEDY A CO„ Phones 42. 112 North 21st St FOR SALE? 8-room house, good condition; 11th ave. south, nesr 16th street; will give good terms; immediate possession. $1300—Nice new 4-room cottage and bath; rented. $20 per month; must be sold at once. CHICHESTER A ANCEY. 118 21st Street Tel ones (01