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suras Of GOAT CAUSES LAW SUIT Mobile Woman Files Complaint Asking $5000 Damages JOINT OWNERS ARE SUED In the Papers Filed Mrs. Busch Claims That She Was Mischievously At tacked in September and She Still Suffers Therefrom. Mobile, December 26.—(Special.)—Still smarting from the effects of the spirited charge of a masculine goat. Mrs. Eliza beth Busch of this city, has filed suit in the circuit court for $5,000 against Henry, Frank, Charles, George and Lafayette Busch, alleged owners of the said An gora. The bill of complaint sets up the inter esting fact that on a certain day in Sep- , tember the plaintiff in question while j strolling along Michigan avenue was vi- ! eiously, mischievously and with malice . aforethought attacked in an unbecoming manner by the said goat, which answers to the name of William. While the various counts of the com plaint do not definitely establish the po sition of the goat in making the charge, npr the provocation, this is probably due to the alarm of the plaintiff as set forth in the papers filed. A Beast of Burden. The goat, whose location can not now’ be established, is said to have been valuable as a beast of burden in that he pulled a cart up and down the street to the great delectation of his owners, and bis only failing was a propensity to butt in in an uncalled for and impolite manner. In the action of law, Mrs. Busch does not relate the past history of William, but reports from the be-leged territory indi cate that the said goat has butted in on many occasions, and the list of easualths resulting therefrom is lengthy. i nc uompiami. The first count of the suit filed by Mrs. Busch is as follows. "Plaintiff claims of the defendants the sum of five thousand dollars for that be fore and nt the time of the damage and injury to the plaintiff hereinafter men tioned. the said defendants wrongfully kept a certain goat, they well knowing that the said goat was of a mischievous nature and was used and accustomed to attack mankind and that it was danger ous and improper to allow said goat to be nt large and unconflned. which said goat while the defendants kept the same as aforesaid heretofore and at and before the comenclng of tills suit, to-wit: the twen ty-fifth day of September. 1903. did attack, lacerate and inlure the said plaintiff, whereby the sold plaintiff became and was greatly terrified and alarmed, and became and wits sick. sore. lame, disor dered and isahled. and so remained and continued for a long time, to-wit: from the day and year last mentioned to the time of the comtnencemtn of this suit: whereby and in consequence of the alarm and fright and injury occasioned by the said goat so attacking, wounding, lacer ating and injuring her as aforesaid, the plaintiff has been greatly injured in her health and Is unable to perform her cus tomary labors and has been put to great expense in and about the curing of salt) injury and Is permanently injured physi cally and has suffered great mental pain, anxiety and anguish, to her great dam age as aforesaid.” BOY HURT AT PRATTVILLE. Other News of Interest from the Coun ty Seat of Autauga. Prattville, December 2fi. (Special.)—The only Christmas casualty hoard of. so far, in this town occurred yesterday, and Wil liam Bateman and I,ley« Spelgner, both about thirteen or fourteen years of age. were hurt. They, with several other boys, were loading and tiring a toy can non. It was unexpectedly discharged, or burst, and the two boys, who were near est it. n celved very painful burns, and it may be serious. The\ were both burn ed in the face and on the legs, their faces being black with powder burns. J. N, Northington, who resides near this place, in thin county, had Urn misfor tune last night to lose his smokehouse and its contents by fir« . He had recently killed ten hogs, and his smokehouse was therefore well stored with meat, besides the canned fruit, jellies, etc. The Rev. ,1. W. Shores attended the celebration of the Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday school, yesterday. He had been a member of the Methodist con ference for fifty-four years, and out of , that time lie had attended every annual conference of that church, except one. . There is hardly another preacher in the Alabama conference who can say they have attended as many conferences. Be ing a member of the conference fifty-four years and attending fifty-three meetings of the annual conferences, is a record to be proud of. All the Sunday schools In town celebrated the day by dispensing small presents to each and every member of the respective schools. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. The best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by druggists tn every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup.' 'and take no other kind Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS, it SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and Is twenty-five cents a bottle. WINTER TOURIST RATES To Principal Points In Florida, Nassau and Cuba. Southern railway will have on sale dally until April 30, round trip winter excursion tickets to principal resorts In Florida, Nassau and Cuba, at greatly redueed rates. Final limit May 31. 1904. Through Pullman sleeping car Birmingham to Jacksonville. Write for booklet entitled ! • Winter Homes tn Summer Lands." For reacrvatlon. detailed Information. ' etc., apply passenger office Morris hotei ; building. Telephone 617. J. C. LUSK. 11-26-tf District Passenger Agent Horn .seekers’ Excursions. On the llrst and third Tuesday of each month the Frisco - .-stem ofTers very low I rates, both one way and round trip from : Birmingham to all points In Texas. Okla homa and Indian Terri! iry. For particu lars apply to or address L. B. Washing ton. cll.v passenger agent. Frisco system, Birmingham. Ala. We make all knit of cuts. The Age-Hera Id I'nt-ii* • ing On. $5.00 REWARD. Stolen last night from in : front of Age-Herald office, a : Columbia Bycicle, No. 371. I Return to Alvis Pruitt, Age- i ■“^••ald and receive reward. | Women s Suits Women s Coats Women s Furs Children s Coats Women's Suits, Coats, Furs and Chil dren’s Jackets, Twenty-Five Per Cent Off. The Reasons And the Results. We reasoned it out this way. A reduc tion sale must inevitably come at time— ■ probably in. February—maybe later. Such sales are necessary. They are safety values by which the surpluses must escape. They help us keep the stocks healthy, apple-pie and ship-shape. Well, why not jump in and do the thing at once ? Why not give the buyers nearly a full season to wear and ap preciate the bargains ? What’s the sense of waiting ? Action immediately followed the thoughts. Today is December 28th. It is the heart of mid-winter. Here are end of-the-season prices on Women’s Tailored Suits, Women’s Coats, Women’s Furs and Children’s jackets. That’s all. These are the facts in a thimble. In the beginning, let us say we are sincere. All that follows in this announcement was written conscien tiously and should be read the same way. j Women who read and come will find the richest bargain ever offered in Birmingham. WOMEN’S Tailored Suits, Coats, Furs, Children’s Coats. The good, reliable Saks kind. Simplest to the richest styles. The stocks in their entirety. Prices have hit the tobog gan. We know it smacks off sensationalism, yellowism, and all that, however, we cannot refrain from employing the only word in Mother English that expresses what has happened to the j jnces They’ve been “SLAUGHTERED,” literally, verily slaughtered. It’s an old and oft told tale: Feb. 1st is reckoning day. We would rather inventory money than merchandise. There are thirty days ahead in which to do the work to transform Coats into Cash. Suits into Simoleons, Furs into Farthings. Help! Will you help us? It’s a straight out business proposition. Will you buy the choicest wearing apparel in all the world at next to nothing prices ? The news is too good! Twenty-five per cent, oft! Yes, that is an abused and hackneyed phrase, appearing in the advertisements of some stores it is void and empty. However, when it occurs in a Saks announcement it fairly bristles with meaning and money saving. Twenty-five per cent off. The reductions are real and actual. Think of it. A suit that was labeled $30.00 yesterday is yours tomorrow at $22.50, or a fur or a coat. And better than that, the bargains come right at the zenith of the wearing season. And best of all, the garment was plucked rare, ripe and full blown from this season’s vineyard. Every style is freshly coined and follows the lines of dominant vogue of today. Nothing lacking, nothing missing to make this an unpar alleled bargain event of the year. All in all, there is $50,000 Worth of Merchandise to be Sold at $37,500. The Price Story Follows: I—^\m miimm rourrw.M ■».> -■ -. ta a nr 111 ■-ibiii— iiimi— w The Suits Twenty-Five Off. Peblum coated Suits, Newmarkets, Louis XIV, Walking Runabouts, and others that \ have enjoyed a popular run this winter. The assortments have been Idled and freshened by garments that arrived as late as Christmas week. The stock as it stands represents the choicest and select, the creme de la creme. The reduced prices embrace every suit within the walls—not a single reservation. The styles are lire-new and fashion-right. Many are American copies of the great Parisian successes. The fabric variety spreads over the whole of Weavedom. j In a word, the complete stock of the famous Saks Ladies’ and Miss s’ Suits at wonderfully i! reduced rates. Here is a table of prices : ($10.00 Suits at $ 7.50 12.50 Suits at 9.38 15.50 Suits at 11.25 18.00 Suits at 13.50 wumciis 20.00 Suits at 15.00 J 25.00 Suits at 19.75 I 30.00 Suits at 22.50 I 40.00 Suits at 30.00 \ 60.00 Suits at 45.00 The Coats. Twenty-Five Off. Women’s Coats, Silk Coats and Jackets. Knowing women have told us that this stock surpasses any in town. We bought heavily and we sold heavily, but now we are paying the pen alty that is attached to doing a large business. According to the calendar you’ve yet three stormy, bitter cold months to wear these outer garments, beside the whole of next winter. You mav buy them tomorrow for less than they cost us on Broadway, New York. Saying that the values are phenomenal and remarkable is stat ing facts mildly and calmly. included are the military coats—so eminently stvlish, popular, serviceable, jaunty box jackets and very elaborate silk coats. Here’s the as cending scale of descended prices : / $ 5.00 Coats at $ 2.75 | 6.00 Coats at 3.50 l 7.50 Coats at 5.63 i 10.00 Coats at 7.50 Women’s 12.50 Coats at 9.38 j 15.00 Coats at 11.25 / 20.00 Coats at 18.00 25.00 Coats at 19.75 \ 30.00 Coats at 22.50 Children's Jackets Twenty-Five Off. Children’s Coats and Jackets. The garments are the veriest miniatures of the styles for mothers. Nowhere else is there such an assem blage of Lilliputian garments. Made properly, carefully and painstakingly. There’s service stitched into every seam, and wear woven in with every thread. Take them and pay 25 per cent. less. Jackets for the budding Miss, and coats for the wee tots. If you paid us full price you would not desire better assortments to choose from. The mothers who love to dress their children may now indulge the passion at a nominal outlay. $ 2.00 Coats at $ 1.50 3.00 Coats at 2.25 4.00 Coats at 3.00 5.00 Coats at 2.75 6.00 Jackets “ 3.50 7.50 Jackets “ 5.63 8.50 Jackets “ 6.23 10.00 Jackets “ 7.50 12.50 Jackets “ 9.38 15.00 Jackets “ 11.25 Our Magnificent Furs, Finest in Birmingham, Reduced Twenty=Five Per Cent Off on Furs! No need to say more. Every woman in the realm knows that the value of Furs is as fixed and intrinsic as the value of gold. Getting them at reduced rates is like buying a coin of this Republic at under=par-prices. MINK SKINS, Baum Martens, Fox, Seal, Isabella Fox, Grey Fox and Hudson Bay Sable, made into scarf sets, muffs, boas and pelerines. It is the finest collection ever brought to Birmingham. Do you realize the opportunity? Such an occasion in Furs happens once, never twice in a lifetime. Every piece is ticketed at the full price; make your choice and pay three=fourths of the marked price. We use this form of selling them to show that the reductions are real and bona fide. Louis vSaks Clothier to the Whole Family. Louis vSaks Clothier to the Whole Family. Louis vSaks Clothier to the Whole Family.