Newspaper Page Text
IE GENT A WORD. KATES—lc. a word a day; no ad taken for less than 26c for first In fertion. Cash must acranipaoy ever? order. _ $25,000 Per Month to Loan by THE ALABAMA HOME to Build homes. Borroxvrrs given valuable option* *'f paying loan at the er • of l. 2 or 8 year* Apply to W. V. M. KOBEItTBON, ?009 First Ave. General Manager. LAND TITLES, Abstracts of Title. Certificates of Title, Titles Guaranteed. A GENERAL TITLE BUSINESS. Insure your title as you would your house. BIRMINGHAM TITLE AND 'GUAR ANTY CO. CAPITAL $100,000. Our records include Jefferson and Ebeiliy counties. J. K. BROCKMAN. General Manager 225 Twenty-first St.. Birmingham. Ala. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate loans made on improved property in city limits of Birmingham from $500 up High class real estate mortgages for sale, large or small amounts. A specialty of making real estate mort gage Investments for clients TURNER R WEAKLEY. Attorney, 5 Watts Building. MONEY TO LOAN At low rates upon improved business nr.d residence properly. No delays. STEINER BROS. Everyone Should Own Hieir HOMES. Bo your own landlord and apply your r»nt towards paying for a home. If you own a lot we will build you a house on plans to suit upon terms equal to paying re n * If you do not own a lot we will furnish one and build on plans to suit on terms About equal to paying rent, after a small payment is made. one cm afford to pay rent to others when such opportunities are offered. CONTRACTS FOR ALL CLASSES OF BUILDING FINANCED. Birmingham Building and Improvement Co. General Contractors and Builders. Rooms 14 and 23, Office bldg . 201DV6 First Avenue. Bel! Phone 764. WA.4TED. I CAN sell your real estate or business, no matter where it is. Call or write Miller. 412-14 First National Bank build ing, Birmingham. Ala. WANTED—Custom its for show cases, iron safes and Carrara pains. Alabama Grocery Company. 1-1-tf WANTED^-Everyone to try our fine cleaning, dyeing, repairing and altering of ladles' and gents’ clotl.i g: gloves and feathers cleaned. Gluck’s Dye Works, 1X16 3rd avenue. Bell phone 2372. WANTED'—You to know wo sell watches, rings and chains on small payments and' easy terms. Southern Jewelry Supply company, 413 Chalifoux building. WANTED—To rent a magic lantern tak ing 314-inch slides. Address, stating terms. J. E. G.. care Age-11 era Id. WE CAN furnish reliable help on short notlee or secure permanent situations. People's Employment Bureu corner 3d and ISth street. Bell phone 286; People's 263. WANTED—You to start the new year i lght by purchasing a new Singer Sew ing Machine. Wo have one or two bar gains nrightly defaced, 7-drawer drop in; ui RingVrs. If you need a machine, now ts the time to buy to catch a bar gain. The Singer Manufacturing com pany. "07 North 20th street. WANTED—Scrap iron. Write J. P. Wel ler. BirrrIngham. Ala. _10-17-tf SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED—Position as stenographer by young man who has been living in an other city. Anxious to bogifl work at once. Stenographer, care Age-Herald. 12-20-3t_ SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED—'Traveling salesman for Ala bama ; no technical knowledge, but act ive, all round hustler; established, well rated house. F. B. Jennings, Sales Manager. Detroit. Mich. CIGAR salesmen want'd; experience un necessary; good pay. Emanuel Co., Station “J.” Now York. 12-6-4t-sun WANTED—Salesman to sell Oklahoma town property; steady work; good pay. Address F. D. Fuller. Mgr.. 30 Monroe 12-20-it-su-tu-thu-su SPECIALTY SALESMAN Two excep tionally good positions open for 1904 with.large established Cleveland house. Salesmanship, energy and business abil ity will make position permanent. Gen eral mercantile trade. High commis sion contract with $iir» weekly advance while traveling. \V. K Uodgman & Co., &o-‘m; Prospect st.. Cleveland, O. WANTED—Capable salesman to cover Alabama with staple line. High com missions with advance of $100.00 month ly Permanent position to right man. .less Ti. Smith Co.. Detroit. Mich. SALESMAN WANT E lT~ .\ I ost pro t Ft a 1 Flo staple; side line; no samples; salesmen now making *100 to $;5(X) week on side; best proposition ever offered for live man; write quick for territory. Holland White Lead company, Chicago. WANTED Traveling salesmen on com mission to carry one tray ol' shots: ready sellers year round: state exper ience, reference and territory covered; address Specialty Shoe Makers, Balti more. Md. SALESMEN WANTED-By well-rated concern; popular staple: new men aver aged $:•(* weekly this fall; season now opening and liberal datings; no samples necessary; exclusive or side line. Mgr. Lander. ol0 Pine, St. Louis. SALESMEN WANTED Stocking season just opened: liberal datings: exclusive or side line; no samples to carry; exper ience unnecessary: six months harvest for good men. Kinloeh Paint Co.. St. Louis. WANTED—Experienced spe.-laity sales man with A No. 1 references: first-class staple line, on liberal terms; highest commissions. J. W. Breen, h*s Walnut St.. St. Louis, Mo. SALESMAN for 19n4: staph line: high commission contract; expense money advanced business getters: plan insures large sales. Box fos. St. Louis. Mo. WANTED—Whip salesman on commis sion or salary. If they have establish'd trHde: must have No. 1 references; best line in the world. Under wood Whip Co., Sidney, Ohio. SIGNS for sa.'e cheap. *u liable for «a estate ads. Henuiiag ?, 21ti North «XKn street ONE CENT A WORD. HATES—lc. a word a day; no ad taken for leas than 25c for Hrst tn sertlon. Cash must accompany everv order. lONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE in amou..ts from $250 to $10,000 upoD terms to tult borrowers and at lowesi market rates. Alabama Trust and Savings Company, 9007 First Avenue. H E LP WAN TED—FEMALE. WANTED—Eight white chambermaid*. 3 white or colored scrub women; good wages; railroad fare one way. Previous experience not necessary. Addrafs Great Southern Hotel. Gulfport, Mis®. 12-23-rit SIS per week and expenses to a hustler to distribute sampb : tiul collect for Mfgr. In Alabama; expenses advanced; saiarv paid weekly. Advertising Dept., Star Bldg., Chicago. FOR SALEJ^Ons gn tore, one *!#•• trie sign, one printing press, one res taurant—good stand, c heap rent Mill'r, 412-14 First National Hank building, Bir in Ingham. WANTED—Young lady nr young man to do bookkeeping and be generally useful. Address M. K. Adams, care Age-Herald. W ANTED—Tadics to do piecework at iheir homes; we furnish nil materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly; send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. WANTED—At once, n young lady to help in store. Cincinnati Steam Dye Works, 413 North 20th street. I .A PIES - Most profitable home work; $0 j to $l'i weekly; material free; no can I vassing; steady work; send stamped en ! velope. Surety Co., Chicago. HELP WANT tlJ — m A Lb. WANTED Faithful person t«» travel | for will established bouse In a few' j countries, railing on retail merchants ami agents T,ocal territory. Salary $20 a week in cash and expenses ad vanced. Position permanent. Business successful ami rushing. Mention refer • nee and inclose self-addressed en velope. Standard House, 334 Dearborn st, Chicago. 12-20-21-26-27-1-2-4-9-11 WANTED—Men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, advertising mat ter. tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Na tional Advertising Bureau, Chicago. DETECT!VES—Every locality, good sal ary. experience unnecessary. Interna tional Detective agency, Milwaukee, : wtb WANTED A man who knows the city to I take orders for tablr cutlery. Coll and j get samples to work with. Room 413 Chttiifoux building. | WANTED—For f’hambless «Sr Sulmcrs’ United Shows, black face copied I an to j do song and da m e double in afterpiece; can place good amateur. J. R. Cham bliss. 2510 Avenue J. FOR SALE—One of the best paying ho i tels in the city; steam heat, electric ! lights and gas; well furnished, every thing new; good stand; long lease and i cheap rent; get the price. Call or write Miller. 412-14 First National Bank build ! Ing. Birmingham. Ala. wanted Men and women i" raise j mushooms in cellars and barns; spare time; good pay. send addressed envelope i for year’s contract. Combined Growers, I Temple Court, N. Y. WANTED—Bookkeeper, assistant: must ! l>e quick, neat, and have knowledge of city; good position to right man; refer ences and bond required. Address P. E. IT., care Age-Herald. 12-27-2t AGENTS WANTED. WANTED—Organizers. Cur certificates are the acme of Insurance protection, paying accident, sick, death, old age benefits. Valuable renewal contracts for energetic workers. Modern Work man of the World. Warder building, Washington, D. C. 8-23-sun-tf GREATEST' discovery of the age. Big gest seller on top of earth. 200.000 sold. Agent's profit. 400 per cent. Territory; sample 20c. Particulars by return. Rock Chemical Co., Denver, Col. rj-13~2t-su-13-27 UANffiSD biganiters to represent"""old established fraternal society, paying no ch nt, sick, death and endowment benefits; big salaries paid good pro ducers. Write American Fraternity. Washington, i>. O. f>-1t WANTED—Organizers. Our certificates are the acme of Insurance protection, paying accident, sick, death, old age benefits. Valuable renewal contracts for energetic workers. Modern Work man of the World, Warder building. Washington. 1). C. 8-2-tf-sun WANTED- Agents to sell an article to to revolutionise domestic ironing: one agent sold 40 in 10 days, clearing $100; one sells another; don’t delay. Jubilee iron Co., 1506 Jackson st., Omaha. Neb. WANTED- Local ivprescntaive; every town; salary and commission; whole or spare time; money or experience not re quired: no canvassing. Walter N. Bar ry. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED—Resident agent to handle line of union-made overalls: also salesman to take samples on road as side line. Address Kaufman, Flonacher & Cahn, New Orleans, La. $35 A WEEK AND EXPENSES to nun with rigs to introduce our1 Poultry Goods. The Orwon Co., Dc*pt. 40. Par sons. Kan. WE start you soiling Diamonds: don’t fail getting liberal offer for new year; $5 daily, sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N. Y. STOLEN. STOLEN—A new Columbia bicycle. No. 371. from the front of the Age-Herald office. $’> reward if returned to Alvis Pruitt, care Age-Herald office. No ques. tions asked. 12-24-tf LOST. LOST- Between 4th avenue. 21th street and the Jefferson theatre, gold badge with initials K. L . and on back U. L. Jones; finder kindly return to office at Ford Marx store. PATENTS. pXTlON^S^ProtecTvour Ideas. NcT"aTh?v^ once, no fee. C* saltation free. Rstab ilsbed ISM. Milo R Stevens & Co.. 812 lltb street. Washington. ll-S-20t su PATENTS--*Write for terms for the best ami cheapest patent to tin* nearest of fice of Chattanooga Patent Agency, Bir mingham. Ala.. Ehattnnooga. Teen., or Washington. P. ('._12-27-4t-su BOARDERS WANTED. ROOM and hoard for two young men In private family; South Highlands; all modern conveniences, including furnace in at. Address M. M. L., care Age-Her ald. ONE CENT A WORD. KATES—lc. a word a day; no a<l taken for less than 25e for Crst tn aertlon. Cash must accompany every order. FOR SALE; - on SALE—10.000 feet 1-lnch pipe; also 30 tons 30-pound steel relay rails, all In good condition. Write J. P. Weller. Birmingham. Ala. io-17-tf FOR SALE—One-third interest In a busi ness for $500; pays salary of $75 per month; best of reference given and re quired; this is a good clean business, and with a merchant of this city. Miller, 412-14 First National Bank build* Ing. ___ FOR SA LK- A few summer home real dence lots at DeSoto Springs. Shades Mountain, 4 miles east of South High lands; several high-grade mineral springs, consisting of mixed minerals, chalybeate and white sulphur waters. Apply at once, as only a fev lots will be sold. P. Byrne. 1909% 1st %ve. 12-8-stin-4t FOR flAT.K-- Onf”i"-bnrsf power “engine and holler on skids. F. W. Davis, Bir mingham. Ala. frOR SALE—Lots 14. 15. 10. northeast eor ner Avenue F and 15th street, facing car line; this piece of property has been held at $4000; we make a special price of $2000 if sold at once. Miller, 412-11 First National Bank building. FOR SALE—200.000 June bud Elberta peach trees. Write us for prices. Chat tanooga Nurseries, Chattanooga. Tenn. 14-16*4t-wd-su for-’sat E—One large”” warehouse nt 1723 First avenue. Apply Alabama Grocery Company. 1801 First avenue. 12-22-0t-tu-wcd-thu-sat-su FOR”s.\LE—At Laron. Ala., a large com plete brick plant, now in operation; capacity 40 thousand daily. Mrs. Eliza A. OrendorfT. 11-7-tf FOR RENT. • ysitfaHrOPeupAjV’.s VRycs shr an an pa FOR RENT—New 3-rot.m cottages, with front and rear porches; 8.30 per month; _water free. Macke, 2113 3d five. 12-23-tf ROOMS FOR RENT. Fob RENT—Furnished room for one or two gentlemen. All conveniences; walk ing- distance from city. 2030 Humboldt nue. 11 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. CIS North 19th street. 12-22-7t For RENT—Two rooms, furnish'd and [ lip to date In every way; one up and I one downstairs. 2109 6th avenue. I 12-27-2t-sun-tu FOR RENT -Two large, clean rooms for I light housekeeping or one furnished ' ; room. Apply 2504 Oth avenue; People's ! phone 1975. FOP RENT CHEAP A furnished front, room in a cottage with small family; no ; children. 810 21st street, north. Ft.>R KENT -Nice room iu private home; house with all modern improvements. | Call at 413 Chalifoux building. FDR RENT 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2231 4tli avenue. FDi: RENT Large front room; hot and Quid bath; young men >r married couple Without children. 608 North 20th street. Apply room 1 Watts building. FOR RENT-1 or 2 lovely furnished foums in private family; furnace heat, tth -trie lights and hath; terms reason able. Apply 717 North 23iil street or Hell phone 1292. FOR RENT-Three large connecting rooms unfurnished; first floor: gas and Water: references exchanged. Phone 301; 3121 Humboldt avenue. ELEGANT room for rent; new brick House; everything new and up-to-date In every respect. 2426 5th ave. F0& RENT- Desirable room In comfort I able brick house; hot and cold hath. Apply at 700 West 20 st. 12-27-2t FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room; all conveniences; private family; no other roomers; very close in: $10 per month to single gentlemen; references required. Appiy 1617 5th a venue. PERSONAL. LADIES! Cmch'-ster's Engnsn Penny royal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c., stamps, foi particulars. “Relief for Ladles.” In let ter by return mail. Ask your druggist, t. hlcln ster Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. | t'n, 7-2-!5flt-th-s\i-tu YOUNG widow, age 28* with $10, ( lady, 20. $60,000; lady. 2-5. $15,000; blonde. 18. cash and beautiful farm; 1 seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Address Mrs. W., 697 Fulton st., Chi cago. 111. 8-23-sun-tf CORRESPOND < »U M CRR Sample il lustrated paper. 6 cents; paper and prl* vate list, 10 cents. Describe yourself. National Alliance. Grand Rapids, Mich. 5-3-su-if YOUNG widow, age 28, with $10,000; lady, 20, $50,000; lady. 25. $15,000; blonde. 18, cash aMd beautiful farm; 1 seek honor able husband for these. Confidential. Address Mrs. \V., 697 Fulton St., Chi cago, 111. 8-23-sun-tf WEAK MEN—Our improved Vacuum Developer permanently cures sexual weakness, varicocele, stricture, en larges shrunken organs: sealed particu lars. Charles Manufacturing Co.. Char les building. Denver. Col. 12-13-lt-su LADIES—When In need, send for free trial of our never-failing remedy; relief sure and quick. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 12-20-St-su SISTERS in despair; speedy relief; ab normal suppression any cause; write for remedy; safe. sure. Dr. Martha Walker Co., 163 State, Chicago. MARKi v•: t \ free to ii1 P y when married. New plan; send no money. For particulars addess H. A. Horton. Dept. 103. Telconsha. Mich. BICYCLE FREE- On January 1 we will present free a fine $10 bicycle to some one ot our patrons: a ticket with every 25c purchase : remember, we are closing out the remainder of the bix stock of fine Imported English razors, pocket knives. silver-plated knives and forks, etc., we bought several months ago from the Moore & Handley fire: we sell at 25c on the dollar to close them out quick. Birmingham Gun and Key Co., 1906 3rd avenue. LADIES IN will send copy of old physicians guarantee non- in jurious prescription, positively war ranted to relieve ttio most obstinate ob structions. monthly Irregularities, etc., and one "Woman’s Safeguard," for 25 cents to help pay postage ami advertis ing; address in confidence. Mrs. P. C. Parker, Box 711, St. Louis, Mo. RETIRED BESINESS MAN—In prime of life. wo#th $60,000. desires immediately good home-loving wife. Address Mr. Andre. 291 Clinton St.. Chicago. VERY WEALTHY AND ATTRACTIVE AMERICAN LADY—Wants honest, and Industrious husband. Address Miss Lowe, K5 Hudson nve., Chicago. MADAME ROBERTSON. Clairvoyant, palmist, will tell you what changes, success in business. love and domestic affairs, in 19»M. for 50 cents till the first 1114 South 19 st. _ BUSINESS CHANCES. 100 LOTS FREE—First 100 applicants sending stamp will receive deed of a lot. size 25x100 feet, to advertise Westmin ister Park suburb New York. Twentieth Century Realty Co., 0 Wall St., N. Y. 12-»5-4t-su WANTED—At once, good live men to en gage in the best paying business In Birmingham district; no fake proposition but good money if you will work six days a week selling Singer Sewing Ma chines. Apply or address the Singer Manufacturing company, 307 North 20th street. ONE CENT A WORD. CATES—lc. a word a day; qo au. taken for less than 25c for first In serf ion. Cash must accompany ever? order. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED—Party with $600 to join reliable party In best paying business in city. For interview, address W. S., care Age Herald. Manager—One of the largest rerial food manufacturers in the United States, lo cated at Battle Creek, Mich., highest bank and commercial references finds it necessary to open a branch office in Birmingham and we*want a capable man who can come well recommended to fill the position of local manager. Salary $1500 per year and percentage of business done; our manager should make at least $3000 per year in this ter ritory; must invest $2000 in accordance with our co-operative plan of doing business. Address Manager, Drawer It, Battl.* < Y. . k. Mich. CORPORATION controlling old establish ed business, desires services of energetic and experienced business man, capable of earning $2500 per anpum. to take management of branch office; unques tionable references required. Address Auditor. Box 536. Madison, Wisconsin. 100 LOTS FREE—First 100 applicants sending stamp will receive d* * d of a lot. size 25x100 feet, to advertise West minster Park, suburb of New York. 20th Century Realty Co., 6 Wall street. New York. 12-27-St-su GREAT opportunity offered; $1000 for $150, $100 for $15; for particular.-, write Amer ican Oil and Coal Co., Seattle, Wn. _MONEY TO LEND. MONEY furnished salaried people with out security; easy payments. Southern Discount Co.. 802 Cnallfoux. 4-13-tf MONEY loaned on real estate, from $100 up. City Loan and Banking Co.. 106 N. 21st st._ 12-15-lm MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—The agency of some reliable mines handling the best steam and do mestic coal on commission or salary. Henry A. Arms, of Arms Coal & Coke Co., 926 Erato st., New Orleans, La. _ __ 12-20-5t-su wed EX P H RT Accor XT A NT—Bootes of~cor porations op .id and closed. Accounts verified and statements rendered. S. II. Brigham, 423 N. J9th st. B II telephone _2430.__12-23-7t CREDIT to niikbie parties. Huntumila and watches. Jewelry, silverware and clocks, on small weekly or monthly pay ments; lowest prices; best quality; goods guaranteed; will call if desired. J. Lowlrisohn 1921 2nd avenue. 7-12-tf WANTED—1000 derbys and soft ha 1 clean and reshape into latest styles by expert batters. Gluck's Dye Works. IMG 3rd avenue. Bell phone 2372. COTTON TS KING -New’ Orleans and New York markets booming; the great est opportunities for making money in recent years is now offered in cotton speculation; T handle accounts on mar gin. giving them personal attention; write me for letter on cotton and meth od of doing business. William J. Ed wards, 308 Ilennen Bldg., New Orleans, La. ___ BOARD WANTED. FOR SALE CHEAP. Beautiful home on Seventh avenue, be tween 22d and 23d streets, 9 rooms and modern in every respect. Get the price. One of the most modern homes on 11th ave. Special low price and terms. Two-story brick residence at a bargain in Pratt City. 5-room house, plastered and papered; on caj| line; small cash payment, bal ance terms. One lot three blocks from city hall In Enslcy; cheap, and terms. 4i> acres land; 4 miles from East Lake; a snap; get the price. Some of the best and centrally located property In the city of Cullman. Ala. One residence in Chicago on tho North Highland must be sold. Plenty of farm and timber land at prices that will make you buy. One small coal mine; output 100 tons per day; with nil equipments and In op eration; a dissatisfied partner wants to Hell; you can buy the whole at a bargain. Call or write MILLER. 412-14 First National Bank Building, Birmingham. Ala. FOR RENT. $25.00—603 South 27th street; six rooms and bath. $80.00—Three-story brick store, Morris avenue. FOR SALE. $4000.00— Beautiful corner lot, 100x140, 10th avenue, south. $2650 0(1— Desirable cottage?, six rooms, lot 50x167, 13th ave., south, near 15th street. $4750.00—S-room house; large lot; 30th street, south, near Highland avenue. $1500.00—Desirable house, 291S Juniper avenue. $4200.00—Six-room eottng". close In, 4th avenue, north, lot 50x140. $8500.00—Modern ll-room house, 24th street, north, corner lot. 95x100. $14.000.00-No. 2181 Highland avenue, corner lot 100x190. $3150.00— Large corner lot, Aevenue J and Elm street. JOHN G. SMITH & COMPANY. No. 212 North 21st street. Both 'phones No. 49. 1SSS. Established 18S5 S. BETHEA CO., Real Estate and Fire Insurance, 2027 Third ave. $2250—5 good lots, near new electric car bar. Terms easy. $3000—Corner lot. 100x240. on belt railroad. $3800—Corner lot. 112x200 on 14th avenue, south. $875—60x120 on Avenue 1. We represent four first-class fire Insur ance companies and solicit your business If you have a house to let or desire to rent a house call on us. S. BETHEA & CO. 11-1-su-tu-thr-tf FOR SALE. $3830—Residence, llumbolt avenue. $2500—Lot Ave. J and ltith street $1300—Lot lllh ave., south. $5750—Residence, Avenue IC $4500—Residence, 11th ave., south. $5750—Residence 12th ave.. south. 3900—75x240. 12th ave. and 23rd street $5000—Residence. 13th avenue, south. $2500—Lot 161 h ave. near south 20th street $1500—Lot 13th avenue, south. $1200—Residence. 13th street, south. $0000—Residence 13th street south. $3150—Cor. residence. 15th street. $121*4- Residence. South I7th street $2500—Vacant lot on Highlands. $5000— Residence. 12th street, south. $1650—Cor. lot 19th avenue, south. $3150—190 ft. lot Sycamore street. W. B. LEEDY & CO. Phones 42. 112 North 21st St ATTENTION. Having: secured tenants for our busi ness houses and residences, we deslr*' to add to our list. Those having vacant houses or wishing to place their prop orty in hands r* agents, w*» would he glad to have them write or call to see tis. We are well prepared to look after all kinds of real estate and insurance. CHICHESTER & YANCEY, '"“lephone 606. 1J8 21st SL ONE CENT A WORD. KATES—lc. a word a day; no ad taken for less than 25e for first In* sertlon. Cash must accompany every order. REAL ESTATE. NEW BARGAINS FOR SALE. $75 each—Lots 50x140 ; 2 blocks north of Oceola station, near South Ensley car line; $15 cash, balance monthly. $200—50 feet near Cain station; In Avon dale; near East Lake car line. $1500— Corner 23d st. and 10th ave., south; 4- room cottage. $1500—$100 cash, $20 per month; 2 lots and 5- room cottage; Kingston. ' $000—75x140; op 20th st., North Birming ham car line; this Is lot worth $1000; good neighborhood; can give terms. S. E. THOMPSON & CO. Phone 24. 223 21st Street FOR SALE. ~ $1600—Good 6-room cottage and lot 100x140 at Lakevicw; $600 cash, balance one and two years. Secure this home and stop paying rent. $2750—Fine corner 100x145, ave F and loth st; good location for store and tenement houses. $3000—11000 cash, balance one and two years; good G-room cottage and lot 50x190; Sth ave. near 24th st. $525—25x200 feet; 1st ave, near 10th st. $500—$loo cash, balance $15 per month; lot 50x135, 18th st. near 15th ave. north. $725—Lot 50x100 and 10x40. with two small houses; ave C. near 12th st. FOR RENT. $20.00—New' G-room house. 2417 8th ave. $25.00—6 rooms. 530 S. 26th st, newly pa pered and in good repair. $20.00—8 rooms, 1608 ave C. $15 00—4 rooms, 2214 ave G. $35 00—Store, 114 N. 18th st. $22 50—Stores, ISth st and 4tli ave. SMITH & STILLMAN. •iou-4*^ First a .>nu<. FOR SALE. Nice corner lot near Sycamore at.. lOOx 107. Just the lot for a beautiful home. An elegant eight-room brick residence on 8th ave., north. Modern In every way. Modern eight-room residence on 12th ave., S., lot 50x190. Also vacant lot n 12th ave., 165x100. A modern, well improved six-room cot lage at Woodlawn. with lot 00x235, on car Hr j and at a bargain. Cali on us for prides and terras. We can please you In both. FOR RENT. 24th st. and 10th ave. N., 7 rooms_$20.00 4317 5th ave.. Avondale,4 6 rooms_30.00 Rooms over 1908-10 Ave D.. each_ 3.00 2215 Arlington ave., 8 rooms. 45.00 2225 Arlington ave., 7 rooms.35.(JO 2915 Juniper ave.. 7 rooms. 35.00 C23 S. 26th st., 6 rooms...20.00 STORES AND OFFICES. Warehouse on Ave. A. extending to R. R.$ 75.00 Stores on 1st ave. and 17th st. 35.00 Ground floor office First Nat. Bnk. Bldg. 75.00 Three-story double store on 3rd ave. and 19th st., each. 175.00 Cor. 16th st. and 2nd ave. 70.00 All kinds of insurance. Loans negotiated. Those having property for sale or for rent will do well to list it with us. as we have facilities lor finding good customers. UNDERWRITERS R E A L ESTmTE AND RENTAL CO. Both phones, 613. 2017 1st Ave. FOR SALE. $2650—Cor. F & 15 st. 100x145; bargain. $2500—6-r. new cottage; modern; rents $25. $3250—Elegant 6-r. house, N. Highlands. $1500—Cor. 23 & Magnolia ave.; Improved. $1500—Lovely home; N. B'ham; 21 ave.; 75x140. $2."00—Good home; fronts car Fulton Sta.; large lot. $2200—Cor. store and 6-r. dwelling; Wood lawn. $3000—Choice Sycamore st. lot, 75 ft $5150—Good Ave. K home: fine condition. Handsome business block; pays 10 per cent. FOR RENT. $12.50—Lovely N. B'ham 6-r. cottage. $15—Pretty West End 5-r. cottage. $20—5 rooms: new: 924 N. 24 st. $65—14 rooms; elegant; 2530 5th ave. $6.50— New 3-r. cottages for colored peo ple. M’CONNELL & CARTWP IGHT, Phones 46. 220 N. 21st St. FOR SALE. We cfTpr the corner of Avenue B and Twenty-first street; 140 feet on Twenty first street. Just one-half block from the Seaboard Air Line. This is one of the best vacant corners on the Southside and can be bought at a bargain. BROWN BROS. & CO. Bell ’phone 384. Woodward Bldg E. N. Cullom, J. II. Taylor, Smith Cullom. President. Manager. Bee. & Treat. Alabama Abstract Company 2007 First Avenua. EXAMINERS [OF LAND TITLES This company offers; ;TRST—Thorough examination of your tills. SECOND—a bsolute guamntea. THIRD—Saving in time and expense The oldest title company in tho city. ~ BIRMINGHAM LOAN GO v.„ JJI 116 N. TWENTIETH ST. The oldest, most reliable loan office la ihe city Money loaned on watches, dia monds. Jewelry, guns and pistols. Bar gains in unredeemed pledges. Business strictly confidential. Old gold and silver bought hi WALD. Prop. RECEIVER'S SALE. I. 1. Gardner, et als., vs. Montevallo Coal and Railway company.—In Circuit Court of United States, for Southern Division of Northern District of Alabama.—In Equity. Under and by virtue of a decre of sale made in the above entituled cause by the Honorable Thomas Q. Jones, judge of said court. November 6, 1903. I will pro cede to sell on Monday. January 25. 1904, within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, in front of the postofflee building, in the city of Birmingham. Jefferson coun ty. Alabama, to the highest, best and last ladder for cash, all the property belonging to said defendant. Montevallo Coal and Railway company, consisting of four hun dred and forty (440) acres of coal lands. In fee simple. “Montevallo Seam.” on which there is on opening slope 700 feet, with tramway, rails and necessary ad juncts for drainage, ventilation, etc.; also thirty (30) acres of right of way to South . rn railway from mine, with equipment for railway, one and one-half miles In length laid with 25 and 35 pound rail; also all machinery, tools. Implements, supplies and fixtures of every kind and description for j the equipment of said mine; also all bulld j ings. one Hall Iron safe, and office flx i tur» s which said property !s situated? in I Shelby county. Alabama; and also all ac counts. claims, choses In action and other property of every kind and description belonging to said company, a more par ticular description of all of which will be found in reports of referee herein, filed in said court on October 31. 1993. ALEX A N D E R ST E R N F ELD. Receiver Montifallo Coal and Railway C'*un,in\\ 12-30-1 t-su / I Can Sell Your Rea.1 Estag. or Business No Matter Where It Is. Do you want to sell your real estate? Do you want to sell it quickly and with the least pcssible expense? Do you want to sell your business? Do you want to sell without publicity? If these are your wants, I can fill them. I have been filling these wants for the people in every section of t country. The results are that I am building up the largest real estate broker: business in the south. My connections are large, and I have good men closing deals out of t, city. I have testimonials from people for whom I have made uick deals. My ability and facilities for selling any kind of real estate or busine; in any part of the country—proof that will convince if you will write o call. No matter what kind of property or business you have, whether it is worth $1,000 or $100,000 or in what state located. If you will send me description, with the lowest cash price, I will tell you how and why I can quickly tu^n it into cash. If you want to buy any kind of property or business in any part of the country, call on or write me. I am spending money in advertising for the purpose of bringing the people who want to buy in communication with tht ones that want to sell, I will guarante to promptly fill your require ments and save you some money at the same time. Cali or write MILLER, Suite 412-14 First National Bank Bldg., Birmingham, Ala.. ———1i—^n—■amw ihwiwb—rarfii— ■■■■■■mini, u ■■B—wawi BUILD A HOME TO SHIT YOURSELF! K'lher in AVONDALE or KINGSTON, choice resident suburbs of Birming- I ham; will sel! you a lot 50x140 feet, within two blocks of electric car lines, for I $300.00, $4.50 cash. $4.50 per month. » When you make 10 payments will ad\ance $300 CO building material for its I improvement, payments then $9.00 per month. t Or when you make 30 payments will build you a home, to cost not exceeding H $600 00. according to your plans, payments then $18.00 per month. | We have $200.00 lots in both localities for colored people, to whom we give (| the same liberal terms. ra Apply to RICHARD RANDOLPH, President, Avenue E and Sixteenth H street. Telephone 158. KING LAND & IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. I ' W—n—————■—■——matmaKsammamm—n—mi—uncMaino waatw——— I F'OR SALE | A BARGAIN—Brand new, modern, 8-room residence. ,■ Ideally located. Beautiful lot. Easy terms. K I BIRMINGHAM REALTY CO. 117 IS. 21st St. nc*a» MMKUMHHeantflL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Board of Revenue. The Age-Herald Is authorized to an nounce John T. lteed as a candidate for board of revenue, subject to action of democratic primary. I hereby announce myself a candldata for re-election to the Board of Revenue, subject to the action of the Democratic party. J. K. P. LAIRD. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Board of Revenue, subject to ths action of the democratic primary. D. A. HELM1CH. For Tax Collector. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector of Jefferson county, subject to the action of the d^mn^ratlo party. P. B. BOWERS. The Age-Herald Is authorized to an nounce George B. Tarrant of North Bir mingham candidate for Tax Collector of Jefferson county. Subject to the action of the democratic party. For Solicitor. T hereby announce myseif a candidate for Solicitor for Jefferson county, subject to the action of the democratic party. WILLIAM IC. TERRY. The Age-TTerald Is authorized to an nounce that H. P. Heflin is a candidate for re-election as solicitor for Jefferson county, subject to the action of the dem ocratic primary. For Solicitor Tenth Judicial Circuit. The Age-Herald is authorized to an nounce Frank Cahalan a candidate for Solicitor of the Tenth Judicial Circuit, subject to the action of the democratic primary. The Age-TTerald Is authorized to an nounce John McQueen a candidate for solicitor of the Tenth judicial circuit, subject to the action of the democratic primary. For Probate Judge. The Age-Herald is authorized to an nounce J. P. Stiles a candidate for re election as Judge of Probate of Jefferson county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. 11-6- tf (kalola) Crystallized Mineral Water. A combination of Crystals, containing the medicinal properties of the waters of 1 four Noted Mineral Springs. Guaranteed to cu e Indigestion, Dys* 1 pepsia, Stomach, 1 iver, Kidney and Uiadder troubles, and to build up the nerve centres. ••Take Kalola t^tys. and I cat anything you waul.” A teaspoonful dissolved in a glass of water makes a delightful and inexpensive ; morning aperient. 1 For sale at Drug Stores. j KJLOLA COMPANY. SAVANNAH. GA 1 Birminotiam OptiGal Parlors DR. JAMES SHARP (Graduate). : Scientific Optician and Eye Specialist. Eyes tested free. Improved testa. A | i trial solicited. 2C28 First Ave. Blrmtftffhu n. Ala. ^ Knows One That Hasn’t. | h>om the Chicago Tribune. “The Hawville Clarion.” remarks the I Hickory Ridge Missourian, “wants to i know “if microbes ever suffer from brain j 'fag.' We can answer the question in I part, anyhow. The microbe that edits the Hawville Clarion never •suffers from it. He hasn't any brains to be fagged. Wo are always glad to be able to shed In formation for the benefit of the ignor . jnt * THE TALE OF A HABIT. j| The Saci Plight of One Afflicted Wi' ‘ Mental Dyspepsia. ^ Pro mthe New' York Evening Post. Sot A Habit, a Reading Habit, sat glaring a pile of books and magazines. He vv. »t weary of reading, and he wanted some > thing to read. He had mental dyspepsia but he needed food. All was wrong with# everything. And when everything goes* wrong, the everything of the tangibles world, the contagion spreals, and no oill escapes. H “What do you think of this?” he askr ■ himself, picking up a copy of "The ViolcV Opera Hat.’’ “A book of unexceeded cleverness.,” a^r* publisher’s announcement inside confi dently and modestly admitted. He muttered softly: “That is why I don't like it. I am tired of cleverness, tired of the reiterated admission in fore words, notices, and reviews, as well as S from the covers of magazines that books V and stories are clever. Scintillating wit. ■ excoriating epigram -epigram— epigram! I I have grown to dread bright sayings. The H clever stories, the he-and-she tales, and I those psychological vivisections of female character, and the made-photograhpic pic ture-? of men, have wearied me. I do not like tobasco for soup; chutney for fish, flesh, and good, red herring; olives eter nally for vegetables; a salad that is all mustard; pickles for dessert, and Worces tershire for my drink. ”1 am weary of literary spice served on picklelilly. I long for bread and butter, books; potatoes and beef books: even a newspaper boiled dinner. Striving after cleverness has became a literary disease. It rasps and Addles on my nerves like a single sound monotonously repeated. The epigrams drip on my weakening brain like the spattering drops on the head of a Chi naman's victim. The » pigramaphone—the pnlarrn mn nhone!" He paused in weariness. Then he con tinued as he gazed on the smart blue and yellow cover, with symbolic design in red and gold, of "The Black Doormat" 0,000, ooo published before it was printed., for ten seconds the largest selling book of the week); at the smart magenta and green cover of "The East Wind" (a magazine of scintillations); 113.000 copies printed this month, and at tile smart camel drab and honey-yellow lithographed cover of the "Weekly-Stltch-in-the-Side" (devoted to clevorntssi. a larger circulation than the combined circulation of all other publica tions. itself included; "More epigrams, more cleverness; more smartness; more bubbles; more sparkles; more predigested witticism: more waggery for young and old, and more humorous, incisive phil osophy of life." | lie picked up the ' Stitch." ran through It hastily to see that nil the servants, MJeks. Rubes. Dagoes, Jews. Hams anil acrobatic illustrations were present, and then he began to read: "Agraham John son, the w U-known bootblack, at the corner of Wall street and Riverside drive, tells the following good story concerning President Roosevelt.” There was the sound of tearing paper, and a pile of scraps found their way to the wastebasket. It was the "Stitch." price 10 cents. The Habit was angry, for lie muttered: "Does that man do nothing but put in his time performing tricks that are worth space rates? This is the six teenth-thousandth that 1 have read this week." "The Black Doormat" was opened wear ily. "Blue Mud was holding holiday. Three-Toed Charlie, in a tit of abstraction, had taken a wife. It was Cling Stone Pete's wife, and that meant trouble. A crowd of men stood before the Yellow Hen saloon-" The book crashed through the window and from the street there arose a terrible shriek. The Habit turned pale, and in his exoit, nil-lit hurriedly took out a note book and Jotted down his name and ad dress. But evidently the blow has been sitfilclent. for there was nothing but silence now. So the Habit resumed his thinking. "if we could only lie taught not to lie clever, not to be bright. If we \ could only forget how to read: It I had Cadmus here. Id throttle him!" And he picked up a publisher's cata logue. the most readable of all literature, ami was soon busy and happy marking oil’ the books that he wished to buy. Wo aiako the uesi •. in town. Ags Herald En.srnving Company.