OCR Interpretation

The Birmingham age-herald. [volume] (Birmingham, Ala.) 1902-1950, December 26, 1912, Image 4

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E. W. BARRETT.'... . Editor
Entered at the Birmingham, Ala.,
postoffice as second class matter under
act of Congress March 3, 1879.
Daily and Sunday Age-Herald.... fS.OO
Daily and Sunday, per month.... .70
Daily and Sunday, three months.. 2.00
Sunday Age-lierald. 2*06
Weekly Age-Herald, per annum., .80
Subscription payable in advance.
£. E. Morgan and W. G. Wharton arg
the only authorised traveling represent
atives of The Age-Herald in Us circu
lation department.
No communication will be published
without its author's name. Rejected
manuscript will not be returned unless
■tamps are enclosed for that purpose.
Remittances can bo made at current
rate of exchange. Tho Age-Ueruld will
not be responsible for money sent
through the mails. Address,
Birmingham, Ala.
Washington bureau. 207 Hibbs build
European bureau, 6 Henrietta street,
Covent Garden, London.
Eastern business office. Rooms \S to
80, inclusive, Tribune building, *«w
Tork city; w’estern business office.
Tribune building. Chicago. The ft*. C.
Beckwith Special Agency, agent* for
eign advertising.
Hell <|»rlv«<c exchange connecting al
department*), No. 41H)0.
lie tin* strangled
III* language In hi* tear*.
—King Henry \ 111.
Babes? of the Future
Maj. Leonard Darwin, president of
the Eugenics society of Great Britain, j
explains in the New York Times the j
objects of that organization.
The main aim of the eugenist is j
directed toward the unborn with a |
view of securing more favorable social j
customs and kinder legislation—any- (
thing looking to a betterment of the j
environment of mankind. Ihe study i
of heredity and the increase of re-!
sponsibility in connection with all j
matters pertaining to human parent- |
hood are particularly within the scope !
of the society.
The free selection of normal mates i
in marriage must go on'. Still the fit"
should not mate with the unfit, and
this study, too, should go on. The ,
unfit in body should not mate at all
because of the possibility that they
may pass on their defects to future
The educational campaign of the
society aims to arouse the moral
sense of every individual, hoping in
that way to shut out the unfit who
would pass on some grievous mental j
or bodily defect to a portion at least |
of their progeny.
On the economic side the society
pdvocates lighter taxes and larger
pay, especially in the cases of large
families, and in England a reform in
the poor law is desired so as not to
encourage reproduction on the part
of degenerate paupers.
It is very plain that the eugenics
have an ample programme, and a very
useful one, and any gains that they
may accomplish will certainly be j
helpful to the race and to all other ;
races—to all mankind, in a word.
Water Powers of Alabama
In discussing our water powers the
Mobile Register suggests that the j
people of this state should reserve
for themselves these natural privi
leges. It wants "some sort of con
trol” of riparian owners to that end.
The truth is, state control is out
of the question because Section 213
of the constitution absolutely forbids
any expenditure on that account, and
helter-skelter improvements by ripa
rian owners would be a farce.
The present federal administration
desires a new dam act that would
permit it to go into the hydro-electric
business by wholesale and retail. An
act of this nature fitting: the entire
country would be complex, and is not
in sight. The latest dam act was
passed by the Fifty-first Congress.
It is a pretty broad measure, and it
authorizes the Secretary of War to
make charges when a dam is author
ized by Congress in a navigable
Stream that is fed from a forested
watershed of the United States. This
applies to the Coosa and Tennessee
rivers, for they are fed from the Ap
palachian reserve. The present dam
act is probably as good an act as Con
gress will soon pass.
The situation then is this: Either
tiie rivers are to be improved by the
federal government, as is the case in
the ’Bigbee and Warrior rivers, or
else private interests must co-operate
with the federal government under
the dam act, as is being done in the
Every tub must stand on its own
bottom. The ’Bigbee and the Warrior
are improved by the general govern
ment because the coal and iron of
Alabama’s mineral district needs an
outlet. The Coosa is being improved
and power developed by the Interstate
Power company at Lock 12 and by
the Coosa River Electric company %it
Lock 3. This is being done under
special acts of Cong re.'- and the dam
act because the opening of the Coosa
would cost $10,000,000, and ihe gov
ernment does not think such an outlay
would at present be justified. It has
a bimilar opinion concerning the Mis
sissippi and other rivers, and a dam
is being erected by corporate money
•t Keokuk in the Mississippi which is
to furnish St. Louis with hydro-elec
tric power.
To sum the matter up, the quick
road to power development and river
improvement is along the lines that
the Register condemns, namely, the
application of private or corporate
capital under special acts of Congress
and the dam act which is really a
pretty sound general law. Year#
would go by if we should attempt to
follow the Register’s advice, and
years also would go by if we wait for
a dam act that would put the gen
eral government into the hydro-elec
tric business. So long as no dam can
be erected, for example, in the Coosa
without a special act of Congress, no
great danger of monopoly on the part
of English or other capital need be
l'earcd, for Congress in general and
Alabama’s 10 representatives and two
senators in particular represent the
people of Alabama.
Steel Corporation Wages
There have been many indications
that business would continue active
next year; that the stability of the
metals trade for another 12 months
was assured, and as we approach the
new year the outlook for general pros*
perity is decidedly bright.
One of the most striking evidences
of the optimistic feeling in the in
dustrial world was the announcement
made by Chairman E. H. Gary of the
Steel corporation that that corpora
tion was planning an adjustment of
wages which would result in material
increases, particularly with respect to
the wages paid common labor.
Wages throughout the country have
been advanced steadily during the
past 10 years and in this district, taken
altogether, they are today at the top
notch. Unskilled lobar hereabouts was
never paid anything like the wages
paid at the present time but, in view
of Chairman Gary’s statement, it is
reasonable to think that the Tennes
see company as well as other large
subsidiaries of' the corporation will
make further advances in certain
classes of labor. It was stated at the
New York headquarters of the Steel
corporation that not less than 30,000
laborers would be benefited by the
new scales to be worked out.
The announcement was made at an
opportune time. The statement was
given out on Tuesday and appeared in
the Associated Press papers of Christ
mas morning. It was not only a wel
come Christmas gift to thousands but
it was of great significance in a busi
ness way. It showed that the Steel
corporation felt sure of good times
ahead no matter what might be the
outcome of the suit for a dissolution
of the so-called trust. The country at
large is optimistic and with the pro
nounced optimism of the men at the
head of the Steel corporation the new
year should start out with exception
al buoyancy.
Professor Taft of Yale'University
President Taft’s decision to accept
the Kent professorship of law at Yale
university involving a residence in
New Haven and a practical retire
ment from the practice of law and
from politics is well received through
out the country. He will not at any
rate have to appear before judges he
had appointed and altogether his dig
nity as an ex-Fresident will be better
maintained at New Haven than it
would be in Cincinnati or New York.
No retiring ex-President ever made
a better choice, although Mr. Cleve
land acted in almost a similar man
ner when he wefit to Princeton. Mr.
| Taft proposes, however, to impress
upon the young men who go to Yale
his views of the fundamental princi
ples of the American constitution and
the American system. He is a good
deal of a standpatter, and no doubt
he will combat all of the later reform
ideas. He will have an excellent op
j portunity to present his views, and
the papers will certainly sec that
those views are carried throughout
the country, lie will have all the pub
licity that he can reasonably ask for.
Any ex-Prcsident can secure a hear
ing at any time and on any subject.
Undoing the Pacific Merger
The supreme court has been asked
1 to name the manner of disposing of
j the 46 per cent of Southern Pacific
stock which the Union Pacific owns.
The Union Pacific directors propose
to sell it to their own stockholders.
The Attorney General objects to this
on the ground that control of the
Southern Pacific would not in that
way be changed.
The Union Pacific naturally de
sires to have a voice in Southern
Pacific affairs until it can secure a
| transfer of the Central Pacific to
! itself on reasonable terms. The Cen
tral Pacific runs from San Francisco
to Ogden, where it meets the Union
i Pacific.
Altogether the problem is difficult,
j The Union Pacific needs the Central
Pacific and when it lias secured that
road it has no further need perhaps
of .stock in (he Southern Pacific. The
untangling of the Pacific roads is
much more difficult than was the
case when the Northern Securities
company was dissolved. No one will
perhaps suffer los-cs, for the wav out
of the merger is now in the hands of
the supreme court.
New York had a white Christmas, and
its 00 foot tree in Madison Square stood
in the heaviest snowfall of the winter.
Hoses of burning coke placed in various
parts of the park lessened the chilliness
of Christmas Eve.
Speaker Clark told the President-elect
that the sooner the extra session was
started the better. Mr. Underwood will
confer with Governor Wilson this week,
and he, too, will advocate an earlier day
than April 15.
Two federal detectives caused the
ariest of three men In connection with
the train hold up at Boyles. The three
suspects are lodged in jail, and possibly
| that mysterious event will b'e unraveled.
Now that Christinas is over and panics
abolished and Congress In a friendly
mood, a long spell of peace and quiet will
reign until March 1, when the names of
the new cabinet will be announced.
Governor Wilson’s Christmas turkey
weighed 43 pounds. It came from Ken
tucky. It was the best one out of 600
raised by South Trimble, chief clerk of
the house of representatives.
After April 13 whistling and cane swing
ing will be barred on the streets of Berlin,
and not more than three persons can walk
abreast on the sidewalks of that thor
oughly governed city.
The date of the calling of an extra ses
sion of the legislature is a burning ques
tion in Alabama which will not "down.’'
There is a widespread impression that It
is inevitable.
The big lake locks at Sault Ste. Marie
will be closed this week. Ice is forming
rapidly in St. Mary's passage, and navi
gation Is carried on with the greatest dif
Messrs. Taft and Wilson have simply
swapped places. Mr. Taft is to become a
college professor and Mr. Wilson is to be- j
come President and a maker of history. '
Mexico may remind us that there are
train bandits on this side of the line
also, but still she will not be so un
gracious* as to attempt to intervene.
Anna Held and her husband, Ziegfield,
have been separated 13 njonths, and they
have concluded to remarry. This Is a
sensible way to settle such troubles.
When Mr. Taft settles down In New
Haven he will have to ride over King
Mellen’s road and become accustomed to
his peculiar methods.
A bank president has been chosen as
chairman of the inauguration committee.
All democrats look alike to the new ad
Arsene Pujo, the head of the money
trust investigating committee, is handi
capped by nomenclature with a foreign
The Turks have not even a sentimental
appreciation of Christmas, and they will
do nothing to hasten peace on that day.
The President-elect, alas, has been
i caught wearing a turndown collar with
! evening clothes. This is shameful!
The present of a diamond scarf pin yes
terday to father vras an intimation to him
to cut off his heavy whiskers.
Turkey can get peace In her stockings
and that is certainly a good gift In her
present condition.
Tama Jim Wilson refuses to resign. He
proposes to stick to his Job to the latest
possible minute.
Birmingham's biggest gift this year
should be a million dollar postoffice on
a full block.
Baseball fans do not hibernate. They
sit around a hot stove and play the games
over again.
Congress is doing more lnvestgating
than law making. Both are, however,
- **%
And now the health officers say Christ
mas presents should first be sterilized.
The President-elect will stock up his
cabinet on time for the spring trade.
Maurice Baring in the January Metropol
The way (o tell people's fortunes is to
have one list of characteristics and to
use It for every one without the slightest
variation. It Is bound to succeed. For
instance, supposing Falstaff and Hamlet
had their fortunes told by the same sooth
I raver. I imagine he would have told
[Hamlet's character as follows:
You are not so fortunate as you seem.
I You have a great deal of sense, but more
sense than knowledge. You can give ad
miruble advice to other people. Your
judgment is excellent as regards others,
but bad as regards yourself. You never
value 'our own good advice. You are
j fond of your fripmls. Yon prefer talk to
■ action. You suffer from indecision. You
arc fond of the stage. You are witty,
amiable and well educated, but you like
coarse jokes. You are superstitious and
believe in ghosts. You can make people
laugh. You often pretend to be more fool
ish than you aro. At other times you will
surprise people by your power of apt
repartee Your bane will be your in
I clinatlon to fat, which will hamper you In
lighting. You are unsuccessful as a sol
dier. but unrivaled as a companion and
philosopher. Y'ou will mix in high so
elety, have friends at court. Y'ou will
come off badly in personal encounter and
youi final enemy will be a king.”
Now imagine him saying exactly the
same thing to Falstaff. Doesn't it fit him
just us well .’ Can't you imagine Falstaff
si,; ing: "lie has lilt me oft to a T;'' and
Hamlet murmuring: "My prophetic soul!”
l.i fact, i believe fortune telling, after
that of medicine, to be ttie finest pro
fession in the norld, and the easiest.
KKFI.Bt.T10.NS or \ IMl'llELOR
I'rom the Xetv York I’ress.
Nobody lies stu b poor judgment as to
call au heiress an old maid.
A sure "wav for a man to hate to earn
Iv talarj is to marry it.
Ono thine that makes government rueh
a grand success Is Hon a man ran talk
a by tit his political principles all year and
not tote for them election du>.
A girl can want to marry any man it
s e only gc,. enough warnings from her
family against him.
IVhen a woman can get 10 cents a week
out of her husband it’s a sigu site will |
pretend it's flo a day.
(io«d Order on Chrlntnia* Et»
"Everyone who had occasion to bo on
the streets in the business district Tues
day night remarked the good order on the
part of boys and men," said a man about
! tewn. "Heretofore Christmas Eve had
been ushered in with a great deal of
rowdyism. The din of the tin horns had
for years marred the pleasure of thou
sands of people, but on the Christmas
Eve just past so admirable was the po
lice regulations that the noisy horn was
conspicuous by its absence.
"In other years, many drunken men
were staggering through the streets and
rudely jostling the people who were sober.
I did not see half a dozen men Tuesday
night who seemed to be under the influ
ence of liquor, and they were not noisy.
"It was certainly a sane Christmas Eve,
and it is hoped that the authorities will
see to it that all Christmas Eves to come
will be characterized by the same good
Buckwheat t ake Symposia**!
Quite a discussion has/been going on
in the columns of the New York Bun
recently anent buckwheat cakes—the way
to make them properly and the difference
in the buckwheat habit between now and
other days.
One of the latest contributions appeared
in Monday’s Sun. It is written by an
old citizen who was born and reared in
one of the upstate counties. The writer
says in part:
"My recollection goes back to the 40’s,
when the use of buckwheat was universal;
it was one of the staple articles of food.
The-improved methods of milling were un
known In those days, and the buck
wheats of the ancients as compared to
the present day were about the ratio of I
proof whisky to sweetened south wind.
The buckwheat of the ancients was cer- (
tairily a strong man's food, and as far as j
the youngsters were concerned I can |
.speak emphatically. The old milling failed
to eliminate an irritant that had very ;
disastrous effects upon the system, and •
after a winter of riotous eating the con
sequences were an eruption on the skin.
‘‘And that was not the worst. The rem
edy was worse than the disease. That
consisted of a largfs wooden spoon, an
earthen bowl of goodly dimensions filled !
with sulphur and molasses. This was
generally administered by the mother
of the family just before bedtime, and if
any of the larger children proved refrac-,
tory they had to take it later with a
leather slipper accompaniment by the
hand of paterfamilias.
"It was good medicine and did ttie bus
iness all right, and I often wonder what
the young cubs of the present day would
do under like circumstances.
"They were good old times alter all,
and after the sausage was all gone we
used to get a gravy made out of fat salt
pork fried with a mixture of cream.
That was good, too. But how times have
changed! Who would dare go into a res
taurant and order buckwheat cakes and
salt pork gravy today? I would like
some more than I can tell.
"Buckwheat flour was the staple in
those times. And when the time came for
the crop to mature you would often hear
the query; ‘How does your buckwheat
fill?' as the farmers met at the village
store to do their week’s trading. As soon
as the crop was threshed there was no
time lost in getting it to the mill. The old
griddle was brought out and was in con
stant use until the following spring, and in
some houses they kept it hot all the year
Beautiful ChrlMtnifin MunIc
It is said that the joyous Christmas
music In all the churches that held ser
vices yesterday was particularly well
rendered. Especially brilliant numbers
were heard in most of the Episcopal and
Catholic churches.
"The music at St. Paul’s was the best
I have heard there in many years," said
a layman. "The choir wTas well trained
and the mass was full of beautiful mel
ody, and the famous Christmas hymn,
'Adefcte Fideles,’ was suns with devo
tional spirit and was wonderfully uplift
"Among the instrumentalists assisting
in addition to Mrs. Colgan, the organ
ist, were Oliver Challfoux, violin; Joseph
Memoli, violin, and Philip Memoli, Jr.,
oboe. Just before solemn high mass the
choir sang the^Adeste Fideles' and the
oboist played a prelude which was fitting
ly reminiscent of the shepherd wltn his
plaintive reed. In the mass the oboist
rplayed se’ver&l interludes and obligatos
with moving effect.
"1 am glad to hear that the Christmas
music, at St. Paul's will be repeated next
Sunday at high mass."
Southern*™ and the Cabinet
“Mr. Cleveland In both of Ills adminis
trations had two thorough southerners in
Ids cabinet and one from a border state
that was called southern before the war
because slave holding was lawful, and I
suppose that Mr. Wilson will have at
least two full Hedged southerners in his
cabinet,” said an old democrat.
“In Mr. Cleveland’s first administration
were Gen. L. Q. C. I^amar, afterward an
associate justice, and A. H. Garland—
both ex-Confederates. Mr. Bayard of
Delaware, which was counted in the solid
South, was Secretary of State, in his sec
ond administration Mr. Cleveland had Col.
Hilary A. Herbert of Alabama and Hoke
Smith of Georgia. Mr. Carlyle, the Sec
retary of the Treasury, was from Ken
tucky which, like Delaware, was counted
in the solid south, although Mr. Car
lyle was a Union man during the war.
“Josephus Daniels of North Carolina is
said to be slated for Postmaster General
in Mr. Wilson’s cabinet. Henry D. Clay
ton, presei/t chairman of the judiciary
committee in the House of Representa
tives, is spoken of for the office of At
torney General, and 'I hope to see him ap
pointed. Underwood would make an ideal
Secretary of the Treasury, but it seems to
j be thought by many democrats that he
! will be so much needed in the House as
chairman of the ways and means com
j mittee that he would not consider an in
vitation to a place in the cabinet.”
luntigurnt ion Crowd
‘‘There will be a bumper crowd in Wash
ington to witness Woodrow Wilson’s in
auguration,” said J. E. Hudson of tile
District of Columbia.
j Railroad men tell me that every line
j entering the national capital is preparing
to haul more passengers than ever before
for a similar occasion, and the hotels are
! making preparations for unprecedented
I throngs, in the south many men I hav e
f met tell me they will be in Washington
cm March It is safe to say that the
I south will furnish 20 per cent of the en
tire crowd."
Early Mardi Ciraa
"No"' that Christmas is over, the r.ext
| holiday accompanied by merry maoJng
I will be JNJardi Gras, which comes earlier in.
I 1013 than usual-February i," said a pro
| lessional man. "That will be the earliest
M&rdi Gras in many years, and 1L will
I not come so early again in many yea's
* to come. M&rdi Gras as every one
knows is the day before Aah Wednesday,
and Ash Wednesday like the important
movable feasts observed by the liturgical
churches depends upon Easter. In 1913
Easter Sunday falls on March 23. Easter
Is always the first Sunday after the
full moon which happens upon op next
after the 21st of March; and if thee
moon 'fulls' upon a Sunday Easter is
the Sunday after.”
From the,New York World.
The dandy of France, Chevalier Andre
de FoUQUleres, who has come hero with
a king’s outfit of clothes, with oOGO slides
to illustrate his lectures, with 1000 compli
ments for America and with the purpose
of teaching the dances of the past and
present, had a hard passage through the
customs alter he landed yesterday morn-*
ing from l>a. Provence.
The chevalier had a letter of introduc
tion from the American ambassador in
laris to the United States government
besides 40)0 letters of introduction to as
many persons here. Miss Elizabeth Mar
tdry, who ha^T^aranged for the cheva
lier's coming, thought to have his 33
trunks passed without opening, but all
her plans -went wrong.
The chevalier is handsome and man
ly; stands about 5 feet 8 inches and
weighs 150 pounds. He is young, and his
complexion is colored by exercise In tne
open. He wore a green soft hat and a
gray chincilla overcoat with a pair of
tiny blue and green tassels hanging from
a side pocket. The tassels were attached
to an invisible string, w'hich perhaps was
fastened to his trunk keys. His shift was
white, with narrow violet stripes. He
wore a four-in-hand black scarf, with u.
starfish diamond in it, two-thirds down
the tie. His trousers were blue, with s^
black tape running down the seam. He
had buff spats and black shoes.
When the inspectors insisted his trunks*
must be opened the chevalier threwr up
the cover of each. Two dozen roses wTere
They are gifts from the Princess de
Lucinge, the Countess de Mons and the
Countess Ciery, among others, to ladies
in America,” said the chevalier s press
a^nt. a young French woman. They will
be given away through Mrs. Cornelius
Vanderbilt. See! There is a box for Miss
Aline Morgan‘s shoes.”
It is an ordinary square wooden box,
with a leather case inside, lined witii
green silk.
Now was all of the best dresser’s waid
robe displayed. Frock coats and blue
gray troi^sei^, morning coats in dark blue
velvet, all tints of shirts and other linen,
hosiery like the rainbow, haberdasherv
and underwear.
The customs inspector helped with thG
trunks and placed carefully in one 0“
them a box about a foot square. The
chevalier shut the lid. A muffled shriel:
of terror followed by a wail of anguish i
issued from somewhere.
"Where is iny cat? Where is my cat?” 1
exclaimed Mrs. Walter E. Fazende of New
Orleans, who stood near.
“Madam, you are too excitable,” ad
monished the chevalier. “Pray be calm.’
“Oh, my Angora, my Angora, my An
gora!” repeated Mrs. Fazende. “It was
in a petite box, with a grating on onei
side!” N
The inspector opened a trunk and there
was the cat in the chevalier’s fine rai
“It has been the great object of my life
to come to America,’' said the lecturei.
America is a necessary part of one’s ed
ucation. American examples have made
history. In America one learns self con
“We in the old world are the past. You
are the present and the future. My lec
tures deal with literary and scientific
subjects, ‘Persian Fetes in Paris,’ ‘Old
Paris,’ ‘Historic Chateaux of France,’
’Oriental Scenes,’ ‘Egypt’ and ‘Spain.*
‘ The American woman, w ith her beauty
and talent, can take her place graceful
ly in any country in the world. She 1j
without price as a helpmeet to her hus
band politically and socially.”
This tribute paid, the chevalier said.
‘T ani a poet. I have written ‘P.oses
d’Automne’ in honor of Mrs. Vander
bilt. The music for it was composed by
Mrs. Pierre Parezzo. It is to be sung
while waltzing.”
Finally de Fouquieres got away and
went to the St. Regis, where Mrs. Cor
nelius Vanderbilt’s motor car was await
ing him. It took him to her Long Island
home, where I10 gave an impromptu lec
ture in the afternoon.
From “Mountaineering Mishaps” In the
January Wide World Magazine.
Mountains might easily be compared
with women. They are as infinite in va
riety, they attract, they repel, they take
savage delight in coldly repulsing the ad
vances of their admirers. Yet neverthe
less the appeal or them both Is as eternal
and as omnipotent as any spell the gods
have cast ov^r men. Further, a man has
only to learn that a woman Is dangerous
to find a delightfully elusive fascination in
her. It is a like charm in the conquest
of inaccessible peaks which sets the blood
of the climber astir, which acts as a Circe
like spell In augmenting the death roll
of the mountains. You may prove this
from any history of Alpine casualties.
Each grim tragedy of the mountains
whets the appetite of an ever Increasing
army of adventurous spirits. Mont Blanc,
monarch of the European giants, can be
taken as an illuminating example of this
durlous trait In human nature. Each fresh
accident on Mont Blae serves only to en
gender the ‘‘call of the mountains” in
greater hosts of climbers. To such people
new casualties advertise but one fact:
the mountain has won the tussle with
some poor fellow or other, and they set
their teeth determinedly, and vow that
a like fate shall not overtake them. As
a rule it doesn't. Yet their excessive
caution against one wily enemy blinds
them to others of greater danger. Some
of these climbers' stories are chronicled
in stone behind the white church at
Chamonix. There you may see a grove
of bleached crosses. They speak elo
quently of the battle betewen man and
Inexorable nature.
From the Philadelphia Ledger. >
Hammond Smith, ihe Dickifison Col
lege freshman, who was branded across
the forehead with acid by hazers a few
weeks ago, has recovered entirely from
the effects of his experience.
•Smith was taken to the hospital with
the void “Freeh'* burned into his skin.
It was believed impossible to remove the
Stains of the caustic without scarring his
fa^-e permanently.
JIc was treated by a process called by
i the physicians "desiccation."
This process is made possible b> the
| use of an electric needle attached to a
high frequency coll. Sq great is the heat
derived from the needle that the old
and scarred skin is burned entirely oft’
and In iUs piace the new and healthy
cuticle or underskin is driven into a- new
growth, which comes to the surface un
der the powerful violet rays of the static
| machine and heals as though there had
never been a scar there.
From the New York World.
IF you wish to know ‘'Who’s Who” In
college land write to the United States
commissioner of education, Philan
der P. Claxton, for a copy or the report
of a secret investigation of "all the col
leges and universities of this land,” made
for him by Dr. Kendric C. Babcock, for
merly president of the University'of Ari
zona, and now, according to the com
missioner, “a specialist in higher educa
tion.” But you’ll not get a copy unless
you hanpen to have a stronger "pull”
than has the ordinary .citizen.
A reporter for the World who applied
for one was politely informed that “only
200 copies” were struck off and these had
been distributed “long ago among the
deans of the graduating colleges.”
The next best thing to be had at the
government’s bureau was an elaborate ex
planation by Commissioner Claxton cover
ing 12 printed pages, bound in pamphlet
form, in the government bindery.
Commissioner Claxton says that a great
mistake lias been made; that the govern
ment bureau was not sitting in judgment,
but was only trying to raise the standard
for the bachelors' degrees. He regrets the
distribution into classes, intimating that
that part of the report was “unfortunate.”
But this apology has only partially
soothed a whole lot of college presidents,
who are attributing the findings to
“cheek, arrogance, trust education meth
ods" and bigotry.
Of course those who are angry are the
heads of those colleges and universities
which have not been placed by Dr. Bab
cock in the first class.
However, the World did get one of the
“only 300 copies” of the private report,
and, accordingly, is able to give its
readers a list of the colleges that are
first class and those that are not—accord
ing to the opinion of Dr. Babrock. In
general, excepting the Catholic university
at Washington, not one college or univer
sity in the United^ States conducted un
der Catholic auspices was able to stand
Dr. Babcock's test. Georgetown, one of
tiie oldest Catholic institutions of learning
in the country; Boston college, Ford ham,
Holy Cross, Creighton university and
others conducted by the Jesuits were
rated In grades below the first. In that
report also Chancellor Day's Syracuse
university was knocked out of the first
class, but when the chancellor demanded,
"Who's Babcock?" Syracuse was speedily
shifted to the first class. Day says that
a lot of colleges and universities have
been treated unjustly and that he will be
fount! fighting, with the heads of those
institutions, for a square deal. The Col
lege of the City of New York, New York
university, Manhattan college (under the
auspices of the Christian Brothers), the
University of Rochester, Wells college,
the University of Pittsburg (Carnegie’s
foundation), Sheffield Scientific school
(under the mothering care of Yale) are
some of the institutions that have been
relegated to second place. A lot more
have been put back third or fourth.
Here is the list of the institutions in the
first and second classes, the total for those
of the first and the most familiar of those
of the second:
First Class—Amherst, Barnard, Beloit,
Eowdoin, Brown, Bryn Mawr, University
of California, Catholic^ University 01
America, University of Chicago, Colgate,
University of Colorado, Columbia, Cornell,
Dartmouth, Goucher, Urinnell, Hamilton,
Harvard, Haverford, University of Il
linois, Indiana university, Slate University
j of Iowa, Johns Hopkins, University of
! Kansas, Knox, Lafayette, Boland Stan
ford, Lake Forest, Lehigh, M. i. T.,
University of Michigan, University of
Minnesota, University of Missouri, Mt.
Holyoke, University of Nebraska, North
western, Oberlin, Ohio State, University
oi' Pennsylvania, Princeton, Perdue, Rad
cliffe, Rensselaer, Smith, Stevens insti
tute, University of Texas, Tufts, Uni
versity of Vermont, Vanderbilt, Vassal-,
University of Virginia, University of
Washington, Washington university,
Wellesley, Wesleyan, Western Reserve,
Williams, University of Wisconsin, Vale,
except Sheffield school.
Second Class—Adelphi, University of
Alabama. Allegheny, Armour Institute of
Technology, Bates, Boston college, Bos
ton university* Buchtel, University of Cin
cinnati, Clark college, Colby, De Pauw
university, Fordham university, Franklin
and Marshall, Georgetown, Hobart, Holy
Cross, Kenyon college, Manhattan, Uni
versity of Maine, M. A. C. Science, Med
I dlclpury, New Hampshire State, College
I of the City^of New York, New York uni
l varsity, .Pennsylvania State (science and
enginereing), University of Pittsburg, re
cent degrees; University of Rochester,
Rutgers, St. Francis Xavier’s, Sheffield
Scientific, Swarthmore, Syracuse, Trinity
college, Union, Wells college, Worcester
Polytechnic institute.
In this list Syracuse university is in
the second class, but owing to Chancellor
Day's protest it will be labeled "Al."
Though Dr. Babcock has divided educa
tional institutions into four classes, the
main interest, naturally, is in the line
drawn between the first and second
'i he first class he defines as follows:
"Institutions whose graduates would or
dinarily be able to take masters’ de
grees at any of the large graduate schools
hi one year after receiving their bach
elors’ degrees, without doing more than
the amount of work regularly prescribed
for such higher degrees." There are 09 in
this class.
In the second class there are lt>l institu
tions, which he defines thus: •’institutions
whose graduates would probably require
for masters’ degrees in one of the strong
graduate schools somewhat more than
one year's regular graduate work. Per
haps one or two extra courses would sup
ply the deficiency. From the colleges
which have a star before them, brilliant
students with brilliant undergraduate rec
ords, could probably be admitted protoa
ttonally and might do the work required
for the master’s degree within the pre
scribed time."
From the Boston Transcript.
PRESIDENT TAFT’S recommenda- I
tion that members of the cabinet j
be given seats 1n either branch of
Congress, with the right to speak but !
not to vote, which he launched at a din
ner at the Lotos club, New York, several
weeks ago, he renewed in a message to
Congress yesterday. The difference in
the form of presentation may make ail
the difference between action and in
action. An after-dinner speech is an
after-dinner speech. It may preclude tho
formal presentation of an idea, or it
may be but a feeler put out to ascertain
the expediency of further proceedings.
A message to Congress is official and :
never can be disavowed, it is the ex- j
ecutive’s constitutional way for inviting
the attention of the national lawmakers !
to a project that commends ftielf to
his judgment. Today Congress has not \
before it a speech of which it need not.1
take cognizance, but a message to which
it must give consideration, even if that
consideration does not go beyond the
generalities of debate. The distinction be- |
tween speech and message is obvious to j
Congress, and should be obvious to the!
country, which would be greatly bene- i
flfted by the adoption of President Taft’s
To clear the public mind of a misap
prehension it is liable to fall into, it
cannot be too emphatically said that the
President does argue for the tinroduc
tion of “ministerial responsibility.” To
introduce that would require the amend
ment of the constitution which prohibits
anyone holding an office under the
United States being a member of either
house of Congress. The cabinet mem
bers, given simply seats, would not be
divorced from their positions as council
ors of the President. He could dispense
with their services whene,ver he chose.
He could change the personnel of the
cabinet at his pleasure. His constitu
tional powers would be in nowise abridg
ed by the change. The benefit of the
innovation would be wholy to Congress,
and incidentally it would relieve the
President of much tiresome routine in
volved in the existing no-systeVi in the
relations of the law makers and the
heads of the executive departments. The
benefit would accrue to Congress in two
ways. In the first place it would save
a great deni of time. An inquiry which
now follows the departmental circuitous
course, going from official to official,
“noted’* and "memorandumed’’ ad libi
tum in its progress, could be answered in
five minutes were the appropriate cab
inet member present. Many such in
quiries emanate from Congress in the
course of a session. Some of them are
important, others are trivial, but the
process is always time-consuming. Delay
affords plenty of opportunities for repre
sentatives or senators to evolve their
own interpretations and expound them
on the floor. Confusion And misunder
standing come easily. Before the quiz
zed cabinet officer can reply he may
find himself ’ pilloried in debate” with
little prospect that his reply, however
satisfactory, will unpillory him. The re
lations of Congress to the cabinet are
now chronically strained, and become
painfully acute when the administration
is of one party and the House or Sen
ate of the other. The opposition is a pi
to regard, or to protend that it regards,
the President’s advisers as bad men who
have not been found out. If the cabined
members and the law makers were
brought into daily contact In the dis
charge of duties, a common good un
derstanding would in all probability re
sult that would make for mutual recog
nition of honesty of intention being peiv
fectly consistent with a difference in po
litical views.
A second benefit to Congress
arise from the superior informs.
the cabinet on the departmental func
tions of our government. Every member
of the cabinet Is more or less a special
ist. Few congressmen are specialists.
They know- polities pretty well, but of
administration they know little. Their
Ignorance of special Important services
as accidentally revealed is something
wonderful. A veteran senator, who free
ly discussed details of naval administra
tion, had' to admit, when .cornered, that
he had never been on board a warship
in his lire. Another senator, not quite
so venerable but equally unprepared,
asked from his place, the army bill be
ing before the Senate, what a sergeant
was—and what waa the meaning of the
term "non-commlssloned officer.” Quite
recently a well-known member of# the
House, in a public speech, said tho au
thorized strength of the present regular
army was 25,COO men, although the law
of 1002 placed the minimum at 64,000 and.
the maximum at 100,000. Such Illustra
tions of the Ignorance of congressmen
arc not so astonishing as they at first
sight appear, when one reflects that they
are apt at best to get but a smattering
knowledge of many branches of the pub
lic service. They legislate in consequence
in a mist which would be dissipated,
were the department heads on the spot
ready to explain the meaning of tech
nicalities unfamiliar to a perfectly well
intentioned legislator.
Maurice Baring in the January Metropol
The first thing to do when you reach
Ceylon is to eat a mango. Will it be as
good as you are told it is? Tes, It la
bel ter. First you think it’s an apricot,
and then you think it's a banana; no,
fresher—a peach, a strawberry; and then
comes a delicious sharp, fresh, aromatic
aftei taste, slightly tinged with turpen
tine. but not bitter. Then you get all
the taste at once and you know that the
mango is like nothing else but its own
incomparable self. It has all these dif
ferent tastes at once, simultaneously, la
this, it resembles tho beatific vision an
told of by St. Thomas Aquinas. The
point of the beatific; vision, says St. Thom
as, is its Infinite variety. So that those
who enjoy it have, at the same time, the
sensation that they aro looking at a per
lect landscape, hearing the sweetest
music, bathing in a cold pool on a hot
day, reaching the top of a mountain, gal
loping on grass on a horse that is going
very fast but Is not running away, float
ing over tree tops in a balloon; seeing
rarely good acting, eating perfect cheese,
drinking a rarely good cocktail, and any
other nice thing you can think of, all at
once. The point, therefore, of the taste of
the mango is its infinite variety.
From the New York Sun.
El Shamar was a builder
Of fame long years ago.
Ar Hamel was a poet
Of whom we little knew.
But once, a legend has It,
Shamar stood and smiled
Before a palace golden
Which he had reared and styled.
» ‘‘Ar Hamel, I’m a builder,
And you a singer—say,
You write a song: I'll wager
Your song first fades away!"
Ar Hamel wrote a love ?lncr;
A fragile thing it seemed
Beside tJio palace golden
That ift rhe sunshine gleamed.
But* when the lofty ralacc
Hard crumbled into dust.
And on the wind was <Ia4acing,
The plaything of each gust,
When Shamar long had vaulthed.
Forgotten was hfs name, -
When Hamel, happy hearted
Was known no more to fame.
Still in that land the love song
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