OCR Interpretation

The Birmingham age-herald. [volume] (Birmingham, Ala.) 1902-1950, February 28, 1913, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of Alabama Libraries, Tuscaloosa, AL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038485/1913-02-28/ed-1/seq-13/

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Outburst of Strength in the
Final Hour Lifts the List
Above Previous Close
New York, February 27.—Farther
progress upward was made by stocks
today, although the market did not
possess the sustained strength of yes
terday. Prices fluctuated Irregularly,
but the tendency was toward a. higher
level and an outburst of strength In
the final hour lifted the list well above
yesterday’s close. Galas among Im
portant stocks ran as high as 2 points
and among a score or more of special
ties to over 6 points.
While the improved tone in the last
two days doubtless has been due large
ly to short' covering, there were evi
dences today of a bettor demand for
the long account. Some investment buy
ing of standard dividend paying shares
was reported, although the current low
prices have awakened no comparative
public demand. ™
The improvement in all the principal
European markets this week is regard
ed as indicative of a belief that the
long period of strain is nearing its end.
A development to which significance
was attached was the Prussian gov
ernment's decision to place loans ag
gergating 3137,500,00.
Wide fluctuations in Can shares once
more made them conspicuous. The com
mon stock rose 4 points to 39after
having sold at 31’,i earlier in the week.
The ‘preferred gained 3 points/Both is
sues weakened later.
Two more western roads reported
gains in earnings for January. North
western's net increase is 31.197,000 and
Southern Pacific's 3175,0U0.
Tho bond market showed an increase
'in activity today with a higher range
of prices. Total sales, par value, 33,
1 13,000.
United Slates bonds were unchanged
on call.
U. S. ref. 2a. registered. 100%
V. S. ref. 2s, coupon. 3 00%
V. 9. 3s, registered . 103%
U. 3. 38, coupon .. 10*%
U. 9. 4s, registered . 113%
U. S. 4s, coupon . 113%
Central of Georgia 5s. 106%
Illinois Central 1st ref. 4s .... 9G%
Louisville & Nashville un. 4a -97%
Seaboard Air Line adj. 5s. 70%
Southern Railway 5s . 30a
Southern Railway gen. 4s . 78
Treasury Statement
Washington, February 27.—The condition
of the United States treasury at the be
ginning of business toduy was: Working
balance, *77,693,974; In banks and Philip
pine treasury. *44,297.938,; total of general
fund, *147,090,897; receipts yesterday, 52,279,
760- disbursements yesterday, *2,501,524;
surplus for fiscal year, *7,912,897, against
a deficit of *24,106,806 last year. Figures
for receipts and disbursements exclude
Panama canal and public debt transac
m New York Money
New Turk, February 27.—Prime mercan
tile paper. 5 per cent; sterling exchange
turn, with actual business it* bankers' bills
at *4.83.20 for 69 day bills and at *4.87.60
for demand; commercial bills, *1.82%. Bar
silver. 60c. Mexican dollars. tS%c. Gov
ernment bonds steady; railroad bonds
firm. Money on call steady, 2@3% per
cent; lowest, 3; ruling rate, 3; closing bid,
2, offered at 3%; time loans firm; 60 days*
4'.«1% per cent; 90 days, 4%®4%; six
mouths, 4%'gj
London Stock Market
London, February 27.—Money In strong
demand; discount rates easy; stock ex
change markets Arm and moderately
dearer. .Speculative issues eased down
lute and closed uclotv the best. American
securities opened steady and about un
changed. After a reaction renewed buying
hardened values. The close was Arm.
Consols for money and account, 74 ll-16d;
Illinois Central, 126; Louisville and Nash
ville, 133%; Sputhern Hallway, 26%. Bar
■liver weak. 27%d per ounce. Money, 4%
per cent. Discount rates, shert bills, 6 per
cent; three months' bills, 413-16 per cent.
Bullion Taken In
London. February 27.—Bullion amount
ingto £207,000 wua taken into the Bank of
England today and £520,000 was with
drawn for shipment to South America.
Bank of England Statement
London, February 27.—The weekly state
ment of the Bank of England shows the
following changes; Total reserve in
creased, £81,000; circulation decreased,
£80.000; bullion Increased, £624; other se
curities increased. £3,918.000; other depos
its Increased, £3,991,000; public deposits
ini reased. £9000; notes reserve increased,
£74,000; government securities decreased,
£1000. The proportion of the bank reserve
to liability this week was 41.01 per cent,
against 46.32 per cent last week.
Ban kof Kranch Statement
Paris, February 27.-The weekly state
ment of the Bank of France shows the fol
lowin'.: changes; Notes in circulation, In
creased 110,325,090 francs; treasury depos
it!,, Increased 83,250,000 francs; general de
posits. decreased 42.i50,U0<> francs; bills
discounted, Increased 197.173.000 francs;
advances, decreased 7,800,000 francs.
French Exchange
Paris, February 27.-Thrce per cent
rentes, Xsf 95c for the account; exchange
un London, 25C 24V4c for checks; private
rate of discount, u’ii per cent.
Herman Exchange
Berlin, February 27.—Exchange on Lon
dun, 2UIU 17;> for Checks; money fur the
settlement period, 5lIi@5V6 per cent; private
ruteof discount. 5%@59i per cent.
Metal Market
Netv York. February 27.—Copper
steady, standard' spot and Fcbruary
$H bid; March. April and May, $14@
14.50. Electrolytic, $15; lake, $15.25;
casting. $14.75. Tin easy; spot and Feb
ruary, $17.20@ 17.74; March. $47.25@
47.62; April. $ 46.70#47.25. I.ead firm.
$4.25# 4.65. .Spelter easy, [email protected].
Cooksou s antimony dull. Cookson, $9.25
@9.40. Iron steady. No. 1 northern, $18
@18.50: No. 2 northern, $17.50@18; No.
1 southern. [email protected]; No. 1 southern
soft, [email protected].
Copper exports this month, 25.522
tons. London copper steady; spot £64
5c; futures. £64 7s 6d. Local exchange
sales tin, 25 tons. London tin steady;
spot £216; futures, £210. London lead,
£16 6a 3d. London spelter, £24 15b. Iron,
State, County, City, School Improve
ment and Corporation Honda and!
Wurrauta. ,
Finance & Bond Co.
T02 American Trim! Bldg.
_bihmiahham, alab.am.a_
Hubbard Bros. & Co.
Cation Merchant*, Hanover Nauarc, \
V, Members New York Cotton fivj
dhangc, New Orleans Cotton Exchange
New York Produce Exchange. Asso
ciate Members Liverpool Cotton Asso
ciation. Orders solicited for the pur
chase and sale of Cotton and Cotton
Seed OU for future delivery. Special
ulieiuton and liberal terms given f^-|
consignments of spot cotton for de- i
livery. Correspondence Invite^
galea. High, Low. Close.
Amer. C. Rys, ! 77! 777! 7777 49
Amal. Cop. ....37400 69 67% 68%
(Amer. Agri. 51
Amer. B. S. 300 35% 35% 36%
Amer. Can ....36400 39% 37 37%
do pfd .6400 128% 124% 125%
A. C. & F.500 49"a 49 49%
Amer. Cot. Oil . 00 49 48% 48%
Amer. Ice Sec, . 800 23% 23% 23%
Amer. Lin. 100 9% 9% 9%
Amer. Loco. 200 35% 35% 35 ‘
A. S. & R.2200 69 68 % 69%’
do pfd . 100 103% 103% 103%
A- S. R.100 115% 115% 115%
Amer. T. * T. .tlOO 132 132 132
Amer. Tob. 300 248 248 247
Ana. Min. Co. . 1500 35% 35% 35%
Atchison .*.3000 101% 101% 101%
do pfd . 500 100 100 99%
| A. C. L. .125
B. & 0.1000 101% 100% 101%
Beth. Steel .... 900 30% 35% 36
B. R. T.4000 S9% 88% 89%
Can. Pac.4500 138% 231% 233%
Cen. Lentil. 1800 28% 27% 27%
C. & 0.1600 74% 73% 73%
Chi. G. W. 500 15 14% 14%
|C.. M. & St. P. .2300 109% 108% 109%
C. & N. W. 800 136 134 134%
C. F. & 1. 200 34% 34% 34%
Con. Gas .2700 131 128% 130
Corn Prod.2000 13% 13 13%
D. & H. . 300 160 ' 159% 159
D. & R. G. 19%
do pfd . 30
tils. Sec. 17S5
Eirie ..5000 27% 27% 27%
do 1st pfd ... 400 43% 43% 44
do 2d pfd . 34 %
Gen. Elec. 400 139 138% 137%
G. N. pfd...3000 126% 125% 12*%
G. N. Ore Ctfs. .1300 35% 35% 35%
111. Cen... .... 122
Inter.-Met.1900 16% 15% 16%
do pfd .5400 CO " 56% 60
Inter, liar. 200 108 107% 10S%
Pfd . 17%
Inter. Paper ...1200 1 1 % 11 11%
Inter. Pump ... 100 12% '12% 12%
K. C. ii . 500 24% 24% 24%
Laclede Gas .... 100 99% 99% 99%
Lehigh Val. ...7900 156% 154% 156-%
Sales. High. Low. Close,
L. ft Nr.lT0(Tl 33 132%~i33 %
Minn.. St. P. &
Bault Ste. M. . 300 135% 135 181%
M. , K. ft T. 300 25% 25% 25%
Mo. Pac.700 38% 37% 38%
Nal. Bis. 300 114% 114% 110%
Nat. Lead.. 50
Nat. Kys. of M.
1 -d pfd . 23
N. Y. C. 200 106% 106% 106%
N. Y.. O. ft W. . 300 30 30 30
N. * IV. 1000 107% 106% 107
Nor. Amtr. 7S
Nor. Pac.3200 116 % 114% 115%'
Pae. Mall . 600 H 26% 26
Pennsylvania ...5900 120% 119% 119%
Peo. Gas .110%
Pitts., C., C. &
St. Louis . 96%
Pitts. Coal _ 200 21% 21% 21%
P. S. C. 400 26% 26 26
P. P. C. .. 200 158 158 157%
Heading .55700 157% 155% 156%
K. I. ft S.-100 25 24% 25
do pfd . 100 85 85 85
R. I. Co.2100 22% 22%' 22%
do pfd .. 400 37% 37% 38%
St. I* ft San P.
2d pfd . 400 25% 25 24 %
S. A. L. 300 19% 19 18%
do pfd . 200 43% 43% 43%
Sloss-S. Steel
and Iron . 35
Sou. Pac.5000 101 100% 100%
Sou. Ry.1800 25% 25% 25%
do pfd . 500 79% 79 79%
Tenn. Cop.1900 38 36% 2.7
T. ft P. IS
Union Pac.34800 156% 154% 156
do pfd ..300 87 86% 87
U. S. Realty. 69
U. S. Rub.4900 63 61% 63%
U. S. Steel _57100 62% 61% 62%
do pfd . 700 108 107% 108
Utah flop.3600 57% 51% 52%
V. -C. Chem. 200 32% 32 32%
Wabash . "%
do pfd . 10
West. Md. 200 43 43 41 %
West. Union .... 300 68 67% 68
West. Elec. 100 69% 69% 69%
W. ft H E. 100 5% 5% 5%
Total sales for the day, 3S0,o00 shares.
Rate. Bid. Asked.
Ala. F. & 1.4 62 65
Amer. C. Rys.. pfd. 6 79 82
Amer. C. Rys. . 47 49
Amer. T. & S. Bank... ,8 195 209
Avondale Mills, com .8 123 130
Avondale Mills, pfd... S 100 105
Bessemer C. & I... 4 43 52
B'ham Baseball Asso... 175 200
B'liam, Ens. & B., pfd.. 6 46 51
B'ham. Ens. & B., com. 18 23
B'ham Realty Co.4 165
B’ham T. & S. 8 250 258
Cham, of Com., pfd.... 7 74 80
Com'l Bank & T. Co. 95 99
Coroy Land . 70 75
East Lake Land. 55 65
Elmwood Cem. Co.4 S7 95
Empire Imp., com. 8 SO 85
Empire Imp., pfd. 8 104 110
Ensley Land . 115 125
First National Bank .12 262 270
Five Rivers Oil . 24 86
Great Sou. Life ...'_ 10 13
Interstate Casualty .... 6 9
Interstate Fire. 7 10
Jeff. Co. S. Bank.10 163 175
Jefferson Fertilizer .. 8 116 125
'L., J. & L., com. 50 55
L. , J. & L„ pfd ..'7 99 102
M. & M. Bank . 8 133 140
N. B’ham Land . 15 22
Protective Life . 12 16
Prov. Oil & Gas. * 6
Realty Tr. Cp., com.... 110 125
Realty Tr. Co., pfd_ 8 700 110
Sou. States Flro . 6 7
Traders Nat. Bank ... 9 165 180
Rate. Bid. Asked.
Ala. State ref.. 1930... 4 98 102
Ala. State Renew, 1956. 3% 93 100
Ala. State Renew, 1956. 4 103 105
Ala. State Fair . 6 75 85
A mar. Cities Ry». 5 93 95
Bess. C. & X. 6 100 103
3'haru, Ensley & B.... 5 78 76
B. R., JU & P. 6 103 105
B. R., & P. 4* 89 91
B'ham Ice Factory.... 6 100 106
B'ham R. & E..6 103 105
B’ham Waterworks.... 6 92 94
B'ham Waterworks.... 6 109 113
City o£ Birmingham... a 100 104
City of Birmingham... 6 105 108
Continental Cin. 5 102 106
Country Club . 6 95 100
Jefferson County. 5 103 108
Jefferson County.6 105 110
Jefferson County. 4% 100 102
Milner Band Co.6 100 102
Nashville Railway .... 5 102 105
Pratt Consolidated ... 5 S3 88
Sloss I. & S.6 102 105
Sloss 1. & S.. 4ti 92 95
T. C. 1., gen. mtg.5 101 1U3
T. C. X., Tenn. dlv. 6 101 103
T. C. I., Ship Bldg.6 103 106
T. C. I., B’ham dlv.6 101 103
T. C. I., Cahaba dlv.... 6 103 107
Woodward, com. . 6 102 110
Cleveland warrants, 60s 19Vfcd 1° Lon
Wool Market
St. Louis, February 27.—Wool steady.
Medium grades combing and clothing.
23%@26c: light fine, 19®21c!; heavy
fine, .13® 18c; tub washed, 27 <g 36c.
Coffee Market
New Fork. February 27.—Coffee fu
tures opened steady at an advance of
4 to 8 points on higher European
cables and improved a few points dur
ing the middle of the day on covering
of shorts, reports of a slightly better
spot demand and a little trade buying.
Offerings were not nearly so aggres
sive as they have been recently and
business was comparatively quiet but
the market eased off a few points from
the best under realizing in the late
trading and closed barely steady at a
net again of from 3 to 8 points. Sales,
64,500. March, 12.15c.; April, 12.28c;
May, 12.41c; June, 12.47c; July, 12.53c;
August, 12.59c; September, 12.65c; Oc
tober, 12.58c; November, 12.53c; Decem
ber and January, 12.49c.
Spot steady; Rio 7s, 12r;»c; Santos
4s, 14'ic; mild dull; Cordova, 13® 17c
nominal: Hamburg up Va to 1 pfennig.
Havre one-halt' holiday; market closed
Va ® % franc up; Rio 150 reis higher
at 7 sx 225. Santos 4s unchanged; 7s,
50 reis up at 6 sx 650.
Brazilian port receipts, 1*1.000 against
22,000 last year. Jundiahy receipts 6000
against 7000 last year. Rio exchange
on London 1-S2d lower at 16 5-16d. To
day's Santos cables repotted 4s un
changed. Sao Paulo receipts 10,000
against 10,000 yesterday.
Live Stock Market
Chicago, February 27.—Hogs—Receipts,
33.000; unsettled; light, $8.16®$.40; mixed,
$8.10®8.83; heavy, $7.95®9.35; rough, $7.95®
8.10; pigs, $6.35®8.20; bulk of sales, $8.26®)
Cattle—Receipts, 5000; market firm;
beeves, $0.85® 9; Texas steers, $3.20®6;
Stockers, $6.15®$.10; cows and heifers, $;>.25
@7.60; calves, $7® 10.60.
Sheep—Receipts, 14,000: market firm;
heavy, $6@7,SO; yearlings, $6.75®7.So; na
tive lambs, $7.40®8.60.
Kansas City, February 27.-^Cattle—Re
ceipts, 3900, including 5<x> southerns;
steady; dressed beef and export steers,(
$8.16®9; fair to good, $7.50®8.10; southern
Steers, $'*.75®S; southern cows, $4.25®7.
Hogs—Receipts, 5800; market lower; bulk
of soles, $S.15®8.25; heavy, $8.10@£.26;
packers and butchers. [email protected]; light, $8.15
®S.30; pigs. $7.25®7.50.
SUeep—Receipts, 7500; market firm; Col
orado lambs, $7.90®*.25; yearlings. $t!50@
7.60; wethers, $5.50®6.50; ewes, $5®6.
St. Louis, February 27.—Cattle—Re
ceipts, 6200, including 1000 Texans; market
firm; choice to fine steers, $8.60®*; good to
choice steers, $7.50® 8.50; dressed and
butcher steers, $5.73® 7.50; Stockers, $5.26®
7.70; Texas steers. [email protected]; Texas cows
and heifers, [email protected].
Ifogs—Receipts, 10,300; market steady;
pigs and lights. $6.6o®6.45; mixed and
butchers, $8.26®8.45; good heavy, $8.3d@
Sheep—Receipts. 2000; market steady:
muttons, $5.50®$. 25; yearlings, $7®7.75;
lambs, [email protected].
I^uisville, February 27.—Cattle—Re
ceipts, 300; firm; range, $2®S.
Hogs—Receipts, 2000; market. 30c down
on hogs; pigs steady; range. [email protected].
Sheep—Receipts light; lambs, 71,fec uown;
sheep, 4c down.
Naval Stores
Savannah. February 77.—Turpentine;!
Steady, 42%e; sale?, 87; receipts, 102;
shipments. 663; stock. iS.092.
Rosin firm; sales, 465; receipts, 467;
shipments. 4674; stock, 118.303. Quote: A.
B, *6.2714; C. D, *6.40; E, 16.4214; F. *6.4.',;
G, $6.60; H, *6.63; I, $6.73; K, $7; M, *7.20;
N, 7.26; WO, *7.35: WW, $7.30.
Cott4»n Seed Oil
New York, February 27.—Cotton seed
oil was firm early today on covering of
shorts, support from refiners and with
the strength In larrl. Prices reacted
slightly near the close, however, under
realizing sales and absence of new busi
ness buying power. Closing prices were
2 to 6 points net higher. .Sales. 13,500
barrels. Prime crude. 5.29®5.26c; prime
bummer' yellow, [email protected] spot;* March,
6.36c; April, 6.34c; May. 6.35c; June, U.36c;
July. 6.42c; August, 6.44c; September.
6 45c; October, t*33c; prime winter yel
low, 6.45c; prime summer white, 6.40't*
6.80 c.
Pig Iron
IF .SM.OOgj4.iiU
2F . J3.50gl4.00
3F ., 13.U0®13.30
Gray Forge . 12.60®13.'M
IS . 14.00gi4.60
2S . g;14.00
I Mottled .- • • 13.50gl3.00
Local Cotton
Strict good middling.<—12%
Good middling .
Strict middling . 12
Middling . 11%
Strict low middling . 11%
I.ard, 12%c; compound, S;ic; dry salt
short ribs, 32.45c; bellies, 13.10c; ham
buttB, 16c; Boston butts, 14%c; pork loins,
15%c; spare ribs, 13c; breakfast bacon,
22®2'ic; smoked, b&cun, 16c; regular nam,
19c; skinned ham, 19c.
Fruits and Produce
Apples, fancy wlnesap, *4.75®5 per bbl;;
York and Imperial apples, 53.75 bbl.;
Florida oranges, 12.76®! per box; Cali
fornia oranges, 42.6u per box; Califor
nia lemons, 50 per box; Callfor
52.75Q3 per box; tangerines, 54.60
per box; Malaga grapes, in kegs,
5o.50g7.00; Cranberries, 52.76 box; per
barrel. *10. Italian chestnuts, 30c
per pound. J.hnes, *1 per Hundred.
Irish potatoes, 30Q€5c bn. Onions, red
globe, i?*c per lb. Danish cabbage, l%c
per lb. California celery, 90c per dozen,
47 per crate. Rutabagas, l%c per pound.
Lettuce, 51.50Q2.50 per crate.
Creamery Products <
Country uutter, 2c®26c; fresh creamery
butter, 59c; cheese, 19c, imported awns
cheese, 32c; German brick cheese, 2uc,
ltmburger cheese, 19c; imported roquefortj
37c; Neufchatel cheese, per dozen, 45c;
Pimento cheese, 40u; process butter, 30%c;
daisy cheese. 19c per pound.

Poultry and Efgs
Bens, 35®40c; live per pound, 14Q15c
large fryers, 14®15c; medium fryers, Uji
20c; small fryers, 22%®26c; a ucks, 30®40c.
guineas, 25c; roosters, 25c; geese, 60®70c;
live turkeys, 3S®20c; fresh eggs, case
candled, 19r; extra graded candled eggs
22c; Babbits. 52.26 per dozen.
Flour and Kreadstuffs -
Self raising flour. 56.15; Tennessee hour '
55.66; Indiana flour, 53.70; Oklahoma flour
55.33; Michigan flour, 56.65; bolted meal
per 96 lbs, 51 40; No. 2 corn, per bushel'
V6c; .pure w heat shorts, |31; pure wheat
bran, *23; C. S. hulls, per ton, 515; prime
C. S. meal, per ton, 531; C. a. feed meal
per ton, 536; N’o. 1 timothy bay. per
*22;. mixed alfalfa and Johnson grass'
per ‘ton, *20; corn chops, per 100 lb sack
*1.40; alfalfa nay, per ton, *26; Johnson
glass, per ton, *15; mixed feed, *31; oate,
52c bushel. —
Fish and Sea Foods
Bed snapper, 10c iu bbl. lots: lic in
small lots; groupers, «c; Spanish mack
erel, 15c; speckled sea trout, U%c; caip,
roughs, 6c; mullet, 6%e; sun perch ir
bream, 6%c: pompano. 20c; mixed fish.
3c in barrel lots; crockers. u%c; fresii
water perch, s%c.
Coffee and Sugar
Coffee—Arbuckles, *25.05 per hundred
pounds; Luzanue. 27c per pound. Sugar,
Standard granulated, 5%c per pound.
Montgomery Market
Montgomery, February 27.— (Special.)
Spot cotton was quoted In Montgomery
today as follows: Strict low middling,
11 Tic; middling, 12>sc; and strict mid- ;
dling, 12'4c.
Cleveland, February 27.—Jacob L. Goldj
man. bead of a local manufacturing com- i
pony, was found guilty in federal court !
today ot using the mails to defraud and |
wenetneed to serve five years In the !
Moundsrille, IV. Ya , prison. It was al- !
leged that Goldman advertised for a ]
young woman who was to help him work I
• "badger game’’ on prominent men. 1
Shutting Down of Export
Demand Responsible.
Nearly 1c Off
Chicago, February *27.—Shutting
down of export demand caused weak
ness today in wheat. The market closed
heavy at a decline of %*c to %@3ic
net. In corn the outcome was the
same as- la^st night to %c down and
for oats a drop of %@Hc.
Provisions wound up dearer by 7%
@10c to Sue. Bearish" sentiment ruled
the wheat market throughout the day.
Cables were decidedly disappointing to
the bull side and gave quotations a
I setback that became gradually worse
under free selling on all the hard
spots. Not only bad foreign inquiry
been halted by the previous day's ad
vance, but there were predictions of
more liberal shipments from Argen
tina. In addition reports came that the
crop outlook for Indian had greatly
improved in consequence ot rain while
as for the" United States winter wheat
i belt, the prospect was declared to be
I nearly ideal.
Assertions from the southwest that
country offerings of wheat were much
smaller seemed to attract no atention
although receipts at Kansas City
showed a notable falling off. It was
pointed out that total arrivals at pri
mary points were 711,000 bushels
against 274,000 a year ago. Clearances
of wheat and flour equalled 882,000
After a fair advance due to stormy
weather, corn reacted under free real
izing as -well as by aggressive short
selling brought about by the break in
wheat. Leading short s covered around
the top and then hying orders suddenly
Relative weakness in oats was ex
plained by some increase expected in
the movement from the farms.
Despite weakness in the hog market
speculative buying carried provisions
sharply higher. The purchasing was
based on gossip that the monthly
Saturday** wrould be bullish in regard
to the stocks on hand.
Future quotations were as follows:
Wlmat—" Open. J lig-li. Low. Close!
May .... . 9 3 % 9 3 % 92 % 9 3
July 91% 9is; 91% 91%
Sept 90% 90% 90 90
May 58% 53 *g 53% 53%
July .... 54% 51% 64% 54%
Sept .... 05% 05% 55% 55%
May . 34% 35% 34% 34%
July 34% 35% 34% 34%
Sept 34% ‘ 35 34% 34%
May .....19.85 20.20 19.85 20.20
July -19.82% 20.05 19.S0 20.05
May .10.67% 10.77% 10.07% 10.79%
July _10.72%. 10.80 10.70 10.80
Sept _10.80 10.85 10.77%. 10.82%.
May .10.57% 10.70 10.55 10.67%
July _10.60 10.67% 10,57% 10.67 %
Sept ....10.60 10.72% 10.60 10.70
St. Louis Grain
St. Louis, February 27.—Cash wheat
No. 2 red. $1.06% 1.09; No. 2 hard, 99
(h 92c; corn. No. 2, 49%(ft50c; No. 2
white, 51c; oats. No. 2, 33%fd33%e: No.
2 white. 35c. Close, wheat. May. 92He;
July, 89%c; corn, May. 52%r; July, 54c;
oats, May, 34 %c; July, 34 %c.
Kansas City Grain
Kansas City, February 27.—Cash
wheat, No. 2 hard, 86089%c; No. 3,
84 % 087c; No. 2 red, $101.06; No. ^
91c0$l.O2; corn. No. 2 mixed, 48% 0
49c; No. 2 white,* 49Vic; oats, No. 2
whit© 34034 Vi*c; No. 2 mixed, 82 %0
33c. Close, wheat. May, 87087 tyc: July,
85 Uc; May, 52%c; July, BSVgc; May,
St. Louis Produce
St. Louis, February 27.—Flour steady.
Hay lirmer; timothy, $11015; prairie, $90
13. Whisky, $1.40. Iron cotton ties, 98c.
Ragging, 10c. Hemp twine, 8c. Pork,
lard, dry salt meats and bacon unchanged.
Receipts: Flour 11,000; wheat, 78,000; corn,
84,000; oats, 88,000. Shipments; Flour, 12,
000; wheat, 93,000; oats, 73,000; corn, 07,000.
Liverpool Grain
Liverpool, February 27.—Wheat, spot,
steady; No. 1 Manitoba not quoted; No.
2, 7%s Cd; No. 3, 7s 5d; futures easy;
March, 7s 6*id; May, 7s 3%d; July, 7s 3%d.
Corn, spot steady; American mixed, new,
4s lid; American old, Gs; American old,
via Galveston, 5s 7%d; futures steady;
March, La Plata, 5s 5%d; March American
mixed, 4s 10* id.
Grain Receipts and Shipments
Kansas City, February 27.—Receipts:
Wheat, 16,000; corn, 14.000; oats, 17,000;
Shipments: Wheat, 79.000; coin, 28,000;
oats, 26,000.
New Orleans Kice Market
New Orleans, February 27.—Rice:
Steady, with rough sales exceeding those
of the clean cereal. Receipts: Rouga.
none; clean. 4414; millers, none. Sale:-.;
Rough Honduras, 330 at 404.51c; Japan,
13. at 3.60c; clean Honduras, 26 at. 3%o;
Japan. none. Quotations: Rough,
omitted; clean Honduras, 405%c; Japan,
Drs. Dozier & Dozier
USti TnntT'IInrt llrttl,
O. T. Doster, W. D.
Nervous, Blood,
villa, Pslvle sod
Ukroatc Diseases.
I Byron Duller, M.D.
Eye, Bur, *nae,
I n d T h r a n »
(Glnasea Filled.!
W# treat scientifically all chroma
nsrvodV blood, skin, genlto-urinary
and fomale diseases, also eaa
csr, scrofula, rhsumatlsm and all
moroid conditions or the heart,
lungs, ltrsr, kidneys, bladder and
pelvic organa.
ftALVA RS AN —“•00"
■cleatlfleally Administered
Established In Birmingham. April,
llvu. 'me best equipped medical
institute 111 Alabama. No charge for
consultation sail examination. We
furnish all medicines, and give to
our patients Iht beaefits to be de
rived from X-Kavs, Violet Rays,
Ruby Light Baths. Medicated Vapor
Baths, Nebulised Inhalations, and
everything we can make available
for the cure of disease.
Question list fur mau and woman
seni on reonee..
office Roars
•■■days, * a. at. to i p. as.
Weak tiers, 9 a. as. Is « p. as.
Evening Up of Mareh Com
mitments Feature
New York, February 27.—Evening up of
March commitments in advance of no
tices tomorrow, appeared to be the chief
trading feature In today’s cotton, market
and fluctuations were irregular, with the
close steady, net 2 points higher to 2
points lower.
The market opened steady at an advance
'of 4 to 7 points and sold 7 to 8 points net'
i higher during the first few minutes in |
response to relatively firm V.iverpooi !
cables and a more cheerful \ lew of the j
I European political situation. March con
i tiacts sold at 12.25 right after the call
and this advance seemed sufficient to
| attract considerable realizing. There was i
a good demand for^March from leading
i spot brokers who continued to sell May
j against it, but there was also some scat
I terinff liquidation through wire and com
| mission houses, and the whole market
eased off before the end of the first hour
| with prices selling a point or so under
last night’s closing figures during the
middle of the day. Offerings were well
taken on this setback, with much of the
demand attributed to a foreign or domes
tic trade Interest and later the market
formed up again to nearly the opening
prices on renewed covering and bullish
spot advices from New Orleans. This
rally was not fully sustained as there
was renewed realizing toward the close,
but near months were relatively firm,
and it seemed to be the impression around
the ring that March notices would he
stopped by one of the leading spot houses,
whether they should prove small or large.
Some time ago It anticipated that tlie
bulk of the local certifacated stock of
95.000 bales would be tendered on March,
but recent trading has somewhat modi
fied this opinion and there were some
today who did not anticipate that to- ,
morrow's notices would exceed 30,000 o.‘ i
possibly 50,000 bales.
•New York Cotton Futures
Open. High. liw. Cl.Bd.
January . 12.59 . 11.53
February .... 12.20 . 12.22
March . 12.24 13.27 12.18 12.21
April ... 12.13
May . 12.10 12.12 12,01 12.03
June . 12.05 12.02
July . 12.05 12.07 11.97 12.0!
August . 11.92 11.90 11.90 11.90
.September ... 11.03 . 11.00
October . 11.01 11.01 11.53 11.50
December ... 11.62 3 1.62 11.60 11.50
Port Cotton Movement
Galveston: Steady; middling, 12V. net
receipts, 9393; gross receipts. $>51; sales, |
1135; stocgU. 260,155; continent, 12,640; |
coastwise, 6410.
New Orleans: Firm; middling, 12 V;
net receipts, 3735; gross receipts, 3750;;
sales, 4005; stock, 119,838.
Mobile: Steady; middling, 12 2-16e; net
receipts, 278: gross receipts. 278; sales,
100; stock, 20,945; .coastwise, 54.
Savannah: Steady; middling. 12%c; net
receipts, 1084; gross receipts, 1094; sale?:,
1210; stock. 90,365; continent. 9341.
Charleston: Qpiet; middling. 12V; net
receipts, 63; gross receipts, 63; stock, 20,
Wilmington: Noniiiml; net receipts,
10S; gross receipts, 108; stock, 18,304.
Norfolk: Steady; middling, J2Uc; net
receipts, 621; gross receopts. 621; sales,
523; stock, 52,040; coastwise. 665.
Baltimore: Nominal; middling. 12 V;
Stock,, 9146.
New York: Quiet: middling, 12.60c;
! gr<xm receipts, 822; sales, 200; stock, 122,
Boston: Quiet; middling, 12.60c; net rc
ceints, Do; gross receipts, 732; stock, 21,
| Philadelphia: Steady; middling. 12.S5c
stock, 891.
Brunswick: Stock, 10.005.
j Texas City: Net receipts. 311; gross re
fcelpts, 25,733; coastwise, 253.
Aransas Pass: Htock, 1134,
Jacksonville: Stock, 1711.
Total today at all ports: Net, 15.051;
! Continent, 21.S84; stock. 774.383.
Consolidated at all ports; Nettf 110,377:
Great Britain. 14,182; France, J941; Con
tinent. 44.469; Japan. 2901.
Total since September 1 at all ports:
Net, 8,343,091; Great Britain. 2.874,086;
France. 891,457; continent. 2,639,931; Japan,.
[226,540; Mexico, 4700.
Interior Cotton Movement
Houston: Steady; middling. 12 9-10c; net
receipts. 49D2; gross receipts. 4952; ship
ments, 6188; sales, 192; stock, 140,554.
Augusta: Steady; middling, 12V; net
receipts, 366; gross receipts, 416; shipments,
400;.sales. 457; stock, 83,953.
Memphis: Quiet; • middling, 12V; net
receipts, 792; gross receipts. 1822; ship
ments. 2760; sales. 850; stock, 131,835.
St. Louts: Quiet; middling, % *e: net
receipts, 163; gross receipts, 571; ship
ments. 4S1; stock, 20,196.
Cincinnati: Net receipts, 711; gross re
ceipts. 744; shipments. 1383; stock. 27.872.
Little Hock: Quiet; middling, 12V; net
receipts. 93: gross receipts, 93; shipments,
827; stock, 89,600.
Total today: Net receipts, 7110; gross
receipts. 8601; shipments, 10,553; sales, 1499;
stock, 473,100.
New Orleans Cotton Market
New Orleans, February 27.-Spot cotton
til m, unchanged; middling, 12%e; spot
sales. 1375; to arrive, 2130. Low ordinary,
9lsc nominal; ordinary, 915-16c nominal;
good ordinary. 110-ldc; strict good ordi
nary, 11 13-I6c; low middling, 12 1-lCc; strict
low middling, 125*16c* nominal; strict mid
dling. 1211-lOc; good middling, 12V; strict
good middling. S 11-lCe; middling fair, 13V
nominal; middling fair to fair, 13V nomi
nal; fair, 14V nominal. Receipts, 3735,
‘stock, 119.830.
Liverpool Cotton Market
Liverpool, February 27.—Spot cotton, in
creased demand. Prices firm: middling fair
American, 7.42d; good middling, 7.0SU;
middling, 6.80d; low middling, 6.6Sd; good
ordinary, G.34d; ordinary, Gd. Hales 12,000
bales, including 1000 for speculation and
export and 11.400 American. Receipts, 10,
000 bales, including 9900 American. Fu
tures opened and dosed quiet ami firm.
February,'6.61 VL February-March, March
April, 6.60V; April-May. May-June, G.60d;
June-July, 6.58V3d; July-August, 6.65d;
August-September, 6.45V. Beptember
October, 6.51V; Oetober-November, 6.24d;
November-December," 6.21’gd; De ember
January, 6.20’id; January-February,
Dry (foods
New York. February 27.—The cotton
goods market ruled firm but quiet. Cor
poration dress goods have booked a largo
business for fall staples. Jobbers are
doing an active business in wash goods
Hubbard Bros. & Co.'s Letter
New York, February 27.—(Special.)-Eu
rope continues to buy cotton, absorbing
the short sales, which are made under
the Influence of tho prevailing pessimistic
views as to the value of all commodl- !
This buying has been continuous for;
the past fortnight and we hear of f.»w
ward engagements having been made by i
continental spinners for several years I
ahead. To us it seems as if it was the :
same actual trade demand due to the j
demand for cotton goods every where in
the world and until that fulls off t» nt
the spindles arc put on short time* or
the prospects for the crop yet to he plant- j
ed indicates a yield far in excess of j
lo, 000,000 bales, that cotton will command i
good prices.
The visible supply tills week w ill show'
another falling off. A better spot de
mand is reported from the southern mar ,
Our Service
Besides the absolute security afforded by its large capital
and surplus, this bank renders excellent personal service. Its
equipment is thoroughly modern, and it occupies over 7000 feet
ot ground floor space, thus enabling it to handle with comfort
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First National Bank of Birmingham
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Send for our free Bond Book.
American Finance & Bond Co.
7th Floor American Trust Bldg.
Advance of 1 to 3 Points in
Market—Weather Re
ports Unfavorable
Now Orleans, February 27.—The net
change in prices in the cotton market
as tlie result of today's trading; was
only an advance of 1 to 3 points. The
range was narrow during the entire
session, at the highest the trading
months Mere 6 to 8 points over yes
terday's close and at the lowest they
were 2 to 3 points under. Neither side
displayed any desire to enter opera
tions of any consequence, traders of all
sorts appearing to wish for more in
formation concerning the now crop.
The opening was steady ut a rise of
3 to 6 points on good cables and u poor
weather map. Sales of 12,000 bales on
the spot In Liverpool led to talk of a
revival in the spot demand, which was
encouraged by the increased trading in
this market, total sales in the spot
department for the day amounting to
400,0 bales at yesterday's quotation of
12t&c for middling. The high prices of
the day were made around the open
ing. Later in the morning they sagged
under tlie forecast of fair weather for
the western half of the belt and went
to the lowest levels of the day. From
noon on the market was steady on the
report from Washington that there
would be no anti-future legislation at
this session of Congress.
Weather reports were unfavorable.
Rainfall was heavy at many points in
the belt and some sections Mired in,
stating that it would be several days,
under the best of conditions before the
soil could dry out sufficiently to allow
work to go ahead. This discouraged
short selling.
New Orleans Cotton lulures
Open. High. Lowl i 'l.BJ
January . 11.59 r~T~ TT77T 11.53
March . 12.28 12.31 12.23 12.28
May . 12.32 1 2.35 12.25 12.28
July . 12.33 12.30 12.25 12.29
August . 12.12 . 12.00
September ... 11.77 . 11.74
October . 1 1.66 I 1.00 I 1.50 11.62
December ... 11.67 11.62 11.57 11.03
MO I 'I'll 1011 N II lll.U \ Y
We guarantee
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All Weak and Diseased Men,
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Dr. Travis Co.
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1*110X0 OO 417 NORTH 19th ST.
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M. JOB mniuo, “Tia
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Shortest Time to
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