BIRMINGHAM BOY WRITES FROM CAIRO, EGYPT Society and Gossip of Events to Come—Miss Elizabeth Bowie to Be a Hostess—Affairs Planned for Brides Elect—Personnel of Wedding Parties — Dr. E. M. Mason to Wed Miss Helen Steiner of Montgomery A letter from a Birmingham hoy who Is completing a tour of the world is an entertaining hit of news, especially when it is the result of the observation of so clever and alert a mentality as that of Hanson Ford. Air. Ford has been travel ing a year with his tutor, Air. Lang, pass ing the time in both study and observa tion. His letters have been interesting, especially to those who have had similar experiences, but the one received, written Jn Cairo, is a particularly interesting mis sive. He will bo home in about 10 days tc^^ond the summer with his parents, Air. and Airs. A. H. Ford. His last letter in part is as follows: “We have been in Cairo now for two days and will remain for two more and then go hack to Port Said for oilr ship. The last w'eek lia3 been a very busy one for us and we have covered a lot of In teresting and historical ground. We left Port Said for Jerusalem on the day after we left the Prtnce Ludwig in the late afternoon, arriving next morning early. These ships are very small on^s and not fitted up for comfortable travel. The first class Is the only desirable one for tourists to travel, hut we had second class tickets, so had to rough it.. It was a tough experience to say the least. We had two bunks in a cabin for four, and just across the hall .from us was an old lady w'ho was oick the whole night. That wasn’t very conducive to good sleep and the hard bunks finished it up. I enjoyed it, however, after it was over, for the op portunity it gave me of seeing the native life. All over the decks of the ship were Arabs, Egyptians and every race of peo ple in this part of the world, huddled to gether and wrapped up in their large cloaks and roses. It was certainly a pic ture to see them ai d very much In keep ing with the surroundings. After an un profitable night we landed in*Joppa, as it is in tlie Bible. From there wo went up to Jerusalem by train, arriving in the after noon. Our stay in Jerusalem is a very hard one to tell about. We saw so much and saw such a mixture of the real and legendary that it’s very difficult to give a good pictures of it. Anyway, we went to a good hotel and there managed to get a guide cheap, for it is absolutely itnpos eible to hunt out the places for yourself in these uncharted dark and winding streets. He took us around on walks dur ing the day we were there and for two drives, one out to Bethlehem and one to the Alount of Olives. In the city we saw the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre, which is beautiful in its way and very rich in jewels. wo nad all the places pointed out to us here, but the majority of them I nor no one else can believe. "I wish I could give you a clear and ac curate picture of the streets of Jerusalem. They are most interesting. Tn the olden times they' were f.l! arched o 'er and sonic of them are still so, with only a little light hole now anti then to let In light and air. They are lined on both sides with tiny' stalls, Vhlch constitute the stores and shops snd in these are sold all manner of articles from church incense to whisky. To walk down a street like this, rubbing shoulders w ith tlie half naked and dirty natives, three lines of such stores, under arches, up long flights of steps, past churches, dodging donkeys and even cam-, els now' and then, is certainly a treat and a privilege. Rut, like all other treats and privileges, should be seldom indulged in, if you respect your health and clothe*. The beggars are everywhere. 1 never saw so many in my' life. At every corner, on ev ery door step, everywhere you go. It is poor policy to give them anything, al though a look will suffice to convince you of their deplorable condition. If you give they follow up for more; if you don’t give, they follow for some. 1 got very tfred of seeing these wretched, even frightful, peo ple and was glad to see them no more' w hen I left. Another thing which is in-1 ♦ cresting to ^e, aUhough deplorable, Is | the religious fanaticism. There are five distinctly different religious sects. The Mohammedans, the Jews, the Romans, Greeks and Armenians. The last three! have each a chapel in the Church of tho Holy Sepulchre an l they hold service one after the other in their nwn chapel. When the one is holding its service it has to he guarded by Turkish soldiers in order to keep beautiful on the interior. But the thing which has interested us most is the university. It is many centuries old and the principal thing taught is the Koran, although arithmetic and grammar and those most practical things for making a living are also taught in a small way. The students, of which there are about 4000, come from all parts of Egypt and are of all ages. They are supported by the state, while there and sometimes remain all their lives in the hope of becoming learned men of Egypt, and thereby open to high offices in the state. The pro fessors are paid no salary, but are also supported oy ine suite, wnen we made I our visit we had to ppt on little slip pers (the students must be bare foot) and were conducted around by a guide. | We entered at prayer hour and saw them all at prayer and later at work j memorizing the Koran. All we could see was the general court yards and one of the huge study halls. It was a wonderful sight to see this huge room, crowded with men and boys (women are absolutely forbidden to enter), all hard at work on their study. I saw one lit tle fellow about 12 years old reciting to the master. He rattled it off for an hour or so, never making a mistake, maintaing a steady forward and back ward movement with bis body the whole time. The memory work of these people is astounding and it is small wonder they are such excellent linguists, r saw this very picture long ago in a Sunday school quarterly and it was very impressive. They also have prayers five times a day here, it being the fourth prayer we attended. How different this was from one of our uni versities. “This afternoon we took a ear ride out to the pyramids of Ghiieh and to the Sphinx. 1 have heard of these places and seen pictures of them nil my life and T could hardly realize t was really seeing them. It was a fine afternoon, a little cloudy and therefore fine and cool. The old pyramids were great. Huge, accurately sighted, piles of stone that have stood for some 5000 years. They were immense and were composed of very large blocks. I wasn't a bit disapointed in them. The Sphinx was also fine and made me feel more Ufce T am really in Egypt than any thing I have seen. Its origin is lost in the dawnless morning of time and it looks a little the worse for wear. The temple beside it didn't interest mo very much, as there is hardly anything left of it to see. I felt very much gratified by the visit, however, and am very glad I have seen them.” PERSONNEL OF THE ROBERTSON-LATADY The attendants have been chosen for the marriage of Miss Margaret Robertson and Mr. Francis Hatady, which will he brilliantly celebrated Wednesday evening. Juae 18. at the Church of the Advent and followed by a large reception at the home Special Values SHEFFIELD PLATE At four dollars each we are showing tlilN week Home extremely attractive values tu .Sheffield Plated Sandwich Platen lu very beautiful designs, worth *0.00 to *7.00. Also special low nrleen this week In chests of silver *15 to *400 Comports .5e to #60 Tea services ,.#s to *350 Casseroles .5c to *53 Meat platters ..#13 to #125 Gravy boats .. .#7.30 to *30 Water pitchers . (5 to *100 Bread trays .#3 to #33 Baskets .#5 to #100 Carving sets . #2.50 to #33 Vegetable dishes .to to #73 Chafing dishes ..#3 to #20 Sandwich plates.. *3 to #50 Mayonnaise sets..(5 to #18 Bowls, berry.5c to 50c Salt sets . *1 to *12 Salad bowls ....tile to She Coasters, dozen ..#3 to *18 Candlesticks . *2.50 to #24 Lemon dishes .*2 tu #0 HERZOG & THOMPSON 1907 THIRD AVENUE ALEXANDER GARBER, JR., AND EUGENE GARBER Two handsome Birmingham Boys, the sons of Colonel and Mrs. Alexander Garber , ANNE WALLER SMITH The beautiful little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smithy who, with her mother, will spend the summer in New Jersey of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. M. Robertson. Miss Robertson's maid of lionor will be .Miss Renee duPont of Wilmington, be!, anti her bridesmaids include Miss Martha T.atady, Miss Katie Taylor of Richmond, Va, Miss Anne Myers of Richmond, Miss Sarah Harrow of Savannah, Miss Augus ta Clark, Miss Lucy Finckard. Mrs. Joseph Mudd Walker, Mr. I.atady's sister, will he matron of honor, and the best man will he Mr. Robert Hemphill, Jr. Miss Robertson will be given In mar riage by her father. The groomsmen are to be Mr. W. W. Cator of Baltimore, Md., Mr. Pliares Coleman, Jr, Mr. Allen Krebs, Jr, Mr. Edgar A. Robertson, Mr. vf. V. Robertson, Jr, and Mr. Kenneth Underwood. The ushers will Include Mr. Edward Crawford, Mr. Robert McClure, Mr. Charles Terry. MR. AND MRS. LATADY TO GIVE A BUFFET SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. Albert Latady will enter tain the members of the Lataily-Robert son bridal party Tuesday evening after the rehearsal at their home. MISS DOROTHY EAVES HOSTS FOR VISITORS Miss Dorothy Eaves will entertain a few friends tomorrow evening quite in formally in compliment to her guests, Miss Vaden and Miss Cash. LULL-EAVES WEDDING PLANS v One of the most interesting nuptial in cidents of June Is the approaching mar riage of Miss Dorothy Eaves, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George Eaves, to Dr. Caliot Dull. The marriage will occur at St. Mary's-on-the-Highlands the evening of Wednesday, June 2, at 8:30 o’clock, and will ho witnessed by a large and fash ionable audience. The marriage ceremony will he pro nounced by the bride's father, and she will V»e given in marriage by her brother. Mr. Basil G. Eaves. The ushers will in clude Mr. F. W. Dull, Dr. Walter Scott. Dr. Norborne Page Cocke and Mr. James D. Davidson. The groomsmen whom Dr. Dull has asked to he with liini are Mr. Paul Sav age. Mr. J. C. Waite. Mr. B. K. Mo Mor ris. and Mr. Alfred C. Eaves, ihe bride's brother. His best man will be Dr. E. M. Mason. Miss Eaves will have two maids of hon or. Miss Nannie Vaden of Richmond, Va., and Miss Laurie Cash of Memphis. He. bridesmaids include Miss Leona K. Plos • ser, Miss Elohe Gordon Robinson ami •Miss Mary Eou Cobb. Tile two little flower girls are Miss Martha Mlnge and Miss Augusta Mason. The wedding will be preceded by a number of delightful hospitalities arranged by friends of "the bride and bridegroom. MISS MILLER AND MR. GUNSTER TO SING FOR MUSIC STUDY It was indicated several weeks ago In tile outline of plans arranged by the Music Study club that the meetings this winter will be unusually artistic and de N ON-RU STABLE SPIRILLA STAY Comfortable \ support, uncor Mseted freedom, fitted to your measure in your own home by our trained corsetiere-such is the service in (not «olo in otonco) Telephone or drop * card for coreetlere to call. SPIRELLA CORSET SHOP 10S« Glen ItI« Arena. Plionn Mala gW 4 I . _. ■ — lightful. It waa learned yesterday that a contract had been effected with two artists to appear Jointly with the club at the open meeting December 2. The music loving public generally, particularly mem bers of the Music Study, who will enjoy this delightful treat, will be delighted to know that Miss Christine Miller will re turn to Birmingham, and with Mr. Fred erick Gunster, the tenor, who is making Birmingham his home at present, present the open meeting for the Music Study club December 2. The plans for the details of this meet ing are tentative as yet. but it is proba ble that the musicale will be given at the Jefferson theatre following an after noon reception given by the club for Miss Miller. \ MR. W. M. V. ROBERTSON A HOST AT DINNER The Latady-Robertson bridal party and a few additional friends of Mr. W. V. M. Robertson, Jr., were his guests at dinner last night at the Country club. The table was handsomely decor ated with gladioli and sweet peas. These blossoms formed a mound in the center of the board and corsage bou quets for the ladies were fashioned of lilies of the valley and pink roses. The dinner cards wore liand-painted and represented brides in wedding at tire, bridesmaids, and cupids. The names they bore were Miss Margaret Robertson, Miss Renee du Pflnt of Wil mington, Del.. Miss Evelyn Glass, Miss Martha Latady, Miss. Katie Taylor of Richmond, Miss Anne Myers of Rich mond, Miss Lucy Pinckard, Miss Clara Lee Wftodson, Miss Helen Eubank, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. M. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Latady, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker, Mr. Francis Latady, Mr. Ken neth Underwood, Mr. W. W. Cator of Baltimore, Mr. Robert Hemphill, Mr. Zac Smith, Jr., Mr. Phares Coleman, Jr., Mr. Edward Crawford. Mr. Allen ' Krebs, Jr., Mr. Barton Fox, Jr., Mr. i E. A. Robertson, Mr. W. V. M. Robert- | son, Jr. MRS. LEEDY HOSTESS TO BRIDAL PARTY Mrs. W. B. I.eedy, Jr., will entertain the members of the Latady-Robertson bridal party this evening Informally at her home. JONES-BENTLEY Rev. and Mrs. O. P. Bentley of En terprise. announce the marriage of their daughter, Bernice, to Mr. James Ed win Jones on June 10, 1913. WHITAK ER-HICK MAN CARDS RECEIVED The following invitation has been received: “Mrs. Malinda Hickman requests the pleasure of your company at the mar riage of her daughter. Johnnie Mae, to Mr. William Orin Whitaker on the aft ernoon of June 25, 1913, at 109 North Pearl street, Birmingham.” DINNER DANCE AT UNIVERSITY CLUB The usual semi-monthly dinner dance at the University club will occur Thurs day evening. A BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR MISS DOROTHY BROWN At the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brown, little Miss Dorothy | Brown celebrated her fifth birthday yes i terday afternoon. Fifteen of her young friends in the neighborhood were Included in the party invited to take part in the pleasures of the afternoon. Music and games brightened the afternoon, and at its conclusion ices and cakes were served in the dinng room. jThe guests were: Vida Waddy, Merle Thomas. Edvard Stokes, William Dob bins, Hilda Waddy, Elizabeth Hall, Grib ble Waddy, Vincent Brown, Robert Stokes, Marion Waddy, Shields Mcllwain, Mildred Hood, Elford Thompson, Mary Josephine Thompson and Thelma Brown. MRS. ALEXANDERS PARTY ALMOST COMPLETED Mrs. Frank G. Alexander who will leavf July 10 for Cincinnati, Buffalo, Niagara Fails, Thousand Islands, Boston, New York, and Baltimore, will have about 35 people in her party from Birmingham, nnd other points. They will be absent thre4 or four weeks, returning home in August. SUBSCRIPTION DANCE GIVEN AT EAST LAKE A series of subscription dances prom ises to make the summer gay especially for the college set. At East Lake in the open air pavilion a dance will be given the evening of June 20, the checking list lor which may be found at the R. D. Burnett cigar store on Third avenue and Nineteenth street. The following have been asked to be Hiaperones: Mr. and Mrs. Robley Mun ger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Alexander, Dr. anu Mrs. B. D. Sibley, Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Sibley, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Chessman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. White, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McCormack and Mr. and Mrs. Berry Be ugh. GRADUATION EXERCISES OF GRADED UNION The graduation exercises of the Bir mingham Sunday School Graded union will be held Tuesday morning, June 17, at 11 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A. building. The exercises on this occasion are to be most interesting, as is the work (lone at all times by this splendid organization. The public is cordially invited. The fol lowing programme will be rendered: Hymn. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name." Prayer, Miss Lee McCrea. Wel come, Mrs. Hale V. Tarrant. Solo. Mrs. ° L. Stephenson. Address, Rev. Willis Clarke. Presentation of diplomas, Mrs. S. p. Moore. Duet, Mrs. Stephenson and Mr. Eastburn. Prayer. Mrs. S. p. Moore. DR. E. M. MASON TO WED MISS HELEN STEINER Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Steiner of Mont gomery. announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Dr. E. M. Mason of this city, the wedding to occur July 15 in Mont gomery. MRS. SIMMONS A HOSTESS FOR MISS LUCY COOPER Mrs. C. S. Simmons will entertain al. luncheon Wednesday at the Country club In compliment to Miss Lucy Bonner Cooper of Tennessee, the guest of Mrs. J. A. Woods. PLANS FOR THE SMITH-TRUSS WEDDING The marriage of Miss I.ucy Truss and Mr. Herbert Smith will be celebrated the afternoon of June 26 ht 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Martha Truss on Eighth avenue, north Invitations In the city have been sent to only the relatives and the closest friends of the young people, and the de I tails of the ceremony, while promising to be unusually Interesting and lovely, will be In keeping with the informality of ^ ■ -- 1 -■ ___ r*"1 ■ ■■■■■- " ■■ - - ■ - ■ - ■ __ ■ Birmingham’s Leading Cloak, Suit and Waist House In Our New Store at 1816 3d Avenue, Near 19th Exceptional • June Offerings Brisk Selling in Cool, Inviting Summer Apparel For Women and Misses. Suits for Women Going Away Exclusive Models at Tremendous Savings. $17.50, $19.95. $25.00, $27.50 Formerly $27.50 to $50.00. Ratine and Linen Suits Smartly Tailored Effects—All Clean and Fresh. $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00 Formerly $15.00 to $35.00. Dainty Summer Tub Dresses Ratines, Voiles, Lingeries, Lawns, Crepes and Novelties. ' $2.50, $2.95, $3.50, $4.50, $6.95 up to $12.50 ’ Formerly $3.95 to $17.50. Charming Waists, Blouses Reduced $1.25, $1.75, $2,25, $3.00, $3.50, $4.95 Formerly $1.75 to $7.50. j $1.50 White Pique Skirts value $2.00. 50c 16 button length Colored Sill* Gloves were J1.50. 95c Boys’ and Girls’ x Straw Hats were $1.50. the strictly limited company to witness It, Miss Truss will have as her matron of honor of Mrs. Ira Hood aiul as her maid fo honor. Miss Agnes Terrell. Eour little girls will he her ribbon bearers. They are Miss Frances Eberhart, Miss Ruth Eberhart, Miss Katherine Lynch and, Miss Cecile Green. Dr. T. V. Magruder will be Dr. Smith’s best man and he will have no other at tendants. MRS. HARDING BURKE HOSTESS AT BRIDGE In compliment to Miss Earlyne Rey- : r.olds’ guests, Miss Gladys Gunter and Miss Louise Gunter of Columbus, Miss., Mrs. Harding Burke entertained two ta bles of bridge players yesterday morn ing at her home on Lakeview avenue. Sweet peas composed the decoration for. the attractive party and the consolation trophy, silk hose, was drawn from clus ters of the blossoms. A boudoir cap was the other prize. A plate luncheon was served at the conclusion of the games. Tf.ose who played were Miss Earlyne Reynolds. Miss Louise Gunter, Miss Gladys Gunter, Miss Doris Moughon, Miss Mallie Moughon, Miss Mildred Bad ham, Miss Margaret Berry and the hos tess. MRS. S. J. COLE HOSTESS FOR MISS TRUSS Mrs. S. J. Cole will entertain Informally Thursday afternoon in compliment to Miss Lucy Truss. The hospitality will be lim ited to about 25 friends of the bride-elect and will be In the form of a sewing party. BASEBALL PARTY FOR MISS PATTERSON Miss Olive Patterson, whose marriage Is to be an event of tomorrow evening, was the Inspiration of a box party yesterday afternoon at Riekwood Field, given by Mrs. Raymond Brattaln. Mrs. Brattaln's guests Included Miss Patterson, Miss Stella Collins of Warrior, Miss Bessie Cooper, Miss Zoe Black, Mrs. Albert Finch, Miss Aphrey Barcflft. Miss Marylee Bell, Miss I.lzzie McDonald, and Mrs. Herbet Collins* MISS ELIZABETH BOWIE HOSTESS AT BUFFET SUPPER Miss Elizabeth Bowie will be hostess the evening of June 27 with a buffet supper In compliment to Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Marks. Her guests will In clude only the members of Mr. and Mrs. Martas' brldsl party and a few of her young married friends. GRIFFIN-HIBBLER CARDS ARE RECEIVED Cards have oten received In Birming ham to the marriage of Mies Laura Hlb bler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ed mund Hlbbler of Macon, Miss., to Mr. Daniel Booker Griffin, the wedding to oc cur Thursday, June 26, at the Church of the Nativity, Maoon. Enclosed cards state that they will be at home July 15 at New Jftigusta, Miss. The Invitations will be of Interest to a large circle of friends In Birmingham, where Miss Hlbbler was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Willis Clarke, last winter. CAMP GREENBRIER 1»ARTY The following party of Birmingham boys will accompany Mr. T. C. Young on his annual camping trip into the Alle gheny mountains of West Virginia: Brad ley Saunders, Fred Anderson. Julian Ca heen, William Shackelford. Gus Shackel ford, Ed Brandon, Frank Brandon, Rich ard Randolph, Gerry Cabanlss, Henry Chenoweth and Edmund McDavld. A number of others are contemplating the trip and will very probably join the party before they leave for Camp Greenbrier. The camp opens on June 28 and continues for eight weeks. On the return trip, Mr. Young will have the boys spend one day In Cincinnati and one also at Mammoth Cave, Ky. A delightful summer outing is anticipated. MRS. RUFUS N. RHODES ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON One of the Interesting pre-nuptial par ties planned for Miss Helen Thompson Is a luncheon to ue given Wednesday at the Country club by Mrs. Rufus N. Rhodes and to Include the bridesmaids and a few of Miss Thompson's Intimate friends. LUNCHEON PARTIES AT SOUTHERN CLUB An unusually large and Interesting com pany gathered at the Southern club for luncheon yesterday. The tables were gar nished with bright flowers—gladioli, car nations and sweet peas In red and white, and clustered with asparagus farns. mak ing attractive meeting placea for con genial groups. Mrs. Harold Sanson, Mrs. Charles O. Locke, Mlsa Elisabeth Locke and their guests sat at one of the tables, and Ht another were noted Mrs. A. H. Ford, Mrs. Frank Nelson, Mrs. J’ulian Gorham. Miss Luetta Gregg had at her table Misa Elizabeth Bowie and her guest, Miss Katherine Kearny of New Orleans, Miss Pleas Hobbs of Athens, Miss Myrtle Miles and Miss Ladle Lamkin. At another table were Mr. and Mrs. Phares Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard W. Massey. Mrs. Solon Jacobs and Mrs. Oscar Hundley had luncheon to gether. and there were a number of other Interesting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Joseph, the lat ter formerly Miss Selma Davis of i^vans-, vtlle, are making their home in Birming ham, where they are at present with Mr. Joseph’s mother and sister, Mrs. j. Joseph and Mrs. i. J. Tronstein, 1112 Cullom street. Mrs. Joseph will he at home to her friends Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. CHILD STUDY CLUB TO HOLD A MEETING A meeting of the Child Study club will be held Tuesday, June 17, at 3:30 o'clock In the library at the Central High school. The programme to be followed includes: Opening talk, Mrs. Jerre King, presi rent. "Mrs Grice and Her Letters,” Mrs. Max Stein. "A Discussion of the Mother’s Book,” Mrs. Hugh Stokes and Mrs. Peyton Eu banks. "What is Vacation?” Burr Blackburn. "The Character Development Book and Its Makers," Corinne Chisholm. "The Influence of Manual Training on Character,” Roy Dimmltt. Business session, adoption of consti tution, etc. "Our Work for Next Year," pro gramme committee. PARTIES PLANNED FOR MISS HELEN THOMPSON A number of parties are planned in com pliment to Miss Helen Thompson, whose marrlage-to Mr. Hettrlck will be an event of June 25. On Wednesday, June 18, Mrs. Rufus N. Rhodes will give a lawe luncheon at ths Country club In honor »f Miss Thompson and her attendants. On Friday, June 20, Mrs. R. H. Pearson (Continued on Pagt Thirty) Superfluous Hair Truths Investigate all Claims Claims are easily made but hard to prove. The success of De Miracle has not been attained 'by merely making claims but by fulfilling them, which Is proven by the fact that De Miracle Is the only depilatory that has ever been Indorsed by reputable physicians, surgeons, dermatologists. medical journals and prominent magasines. Only Depilatory of Proven Merit De Miracle has stood the teat of time, having? been sold for over eleven years, therefore It Is the only depilA tory of proven merit. Consequently, the only one you can use with abso lute safety. The mere fact that ques tionable depilatories are short-lived should alone be sufficient warning to avoid their use. MUrade Leaves No Tell-Tale Smell Tf you ase De Miracle it will be ink* possible for any curious person Mk know that you have Used a hair rgf mover because