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THE BIRMINGHAM AGE-HERALD VOLUME XXXNIII___BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1913 14 PAGES NUMBER 135 ALL IN READINESS OF SULZER TRIAL Governor Confers With His Counsel—No Trying of Defense PROSECUTION MAPS OUT PLAN OF ACTION Legal Technicalities Are Expected to Be Quickly Disposed Of—Taking of Testimony Expected to Begin Tomorrow Albany, N. Y., September 17.—The stage is set for the opening at noon tomorrow of the trial of the impeachment of Wil liam Sulzer, governor of New York, be fore the first high court of Impeachment ever convened in this state to pass upon charges filed against her chief executive. While Governor Sulzer conferred tonight with his counsel, members of the assem bly board of managers, who will act as prospecutors, discussed with their legal assistants methods of procedure on the morrow. Members of the court of ap peals and the senators who jointly com pose the high court also mapped out their plan of action. duizer comment, aays rrienas v Friends of the impeached executive re peated their assertions that he is in good spirits, confident of a verdict that will clear his name of the stigma cast upon it by the adoption of the articles of im peachment. They were no less certain that he had no thought of resigning and thus escaping the ordeal of what prom ises to be a# lengthy trial. On the other hand, his opponents were free in express ing the opinion that after the legal pre liminaries had been swept away and the taking of testimony had begun the gov ernor would surrender his office rattier than face cross-examination. * From the governor's camp came no inti mation of his defense. There were only surmises. These in ef fect were that his counsel first would at tack the validity of the Impeachment on the ground that the assembly had no au thority to adopt the articles while in ex traordinary session and that efforts would be made to prevent senators who served on the Frawley committee and those who may be called un to testify from sitting as judges. If the preliminary object id ns art* over ruled—and it is ihe general* opinion to night they will be—ii is understood that the governor will base iiis defense on the claim that w hatevpr he may have done prior to his inauguration last January none of his acts while executive consti tutes a high crime or a misdemeanor. Anticipates No Delay is strengthened by the assertion tonight of Chief Judge Edgar M. Cullen of the court of appeals, who will preside over the deliberations of the high court. "I anticipate no delay either In the opening or the course of the trial," he declared. "I expect we shall be able to ) decide the preliminary legal questions that may be raised within a few hours and pro ceed with the taking of testimony possibly on Friday morning." The procedure to be followed, order of voting and other details, Judge Cullen Fn , probably would be decided by a committee composed both of Judges of the court and senators. An important devel opment today was the announcement by Chairman Levy of the assembly managers that John 13. Stanchfleld had been added to the prosecutors' legal battery. Other attorneys who will aid in the prosecu tion are Alton B. Parker, Edgar T. Brack ett, Eugene I at mb Richards, Isidore J. K res el and Hiram Todd. According to present plans, as soon as the senate lias formally convened tomor , row a committee will notify the judges that the. senate is ready to take up tlie business of the court, and the judges will then go to the senate chamber. Chief Judge Cullen will preside. Ti. boaid of managers of the assembly Will then appear and present the articles of impeachment. At this point Governor ! Bulzer will lie called to present his an swer. This will be presented by his law- j (Continued on P«r« Two) > DANIELS CREATES ...... "** , m. .2 Object to Encourage En listed Men in Navy to Choose Trade Washington, September 17.—Seci^ ^ tary Daniels will extend to every ship * In the navy the system of instruction for apprentice seamen in common school study and advanced classes in certain technical branches which lie re cently established at naval training schools. Secretary Daniels said today ■ his object In establishing the floating * schools was to encourage every enlist ed man to choose some branch or trade to follow In the service which would fit him for civil life in case he did not re-enltst. "This system of Instruction,” said * Secretary Daniels, "ought to convince the people at large that service In the navy is not purely exclusively military; that the time of the enlisted men is not completely given up to occupations that unfU ttyem for civil purposes, but that the then are the gainers not only phys ically and mentally hut in many mat ters that affect their success in life. In other words, the new plan is cal culated to convince both the men and their next of kin that the navy is in troth a manual training school and . that service afloat ts an educational ^advaatafe to those who enlist." EUROPEAN SOVEREIGN HUNTING BEAR IN WEST PRINCE ALBERT OP MONACO The flrat relRnlnic Rnropenn ruler to vlalt the I nlted Staten. He la hunt inK hear in the neat and la »tire to net one. It la aaid that If the hunt la nuaueeeaafnl n tame hear will be thrown In hla nay. ...... I UNITED STATES TO MAKE NO MOVE IN MEXICAN SITUATION Next Step Will Probably Be Taken After Elections of October 26 HUERTA MESSAGE OF LITTLE IMPORTANCE United States Battleships Will Be Kept in Mexican Waters as Long as Deemed Necessary—Refu gees Tell Why They Left Washington, September 17.—So far as the Washington administration is concerned it became known tonight no move is contemplated in the Mexican situation at present. The elections of October l!t* now are awaited here with keen interest arid the next step in the policy of the United States is likely to make its appearance thereafter. Administration officials read long excerpts of General Huertas message to the Mexican congress published here today, hut no formal comment was made. It is understood that the admin istration does not attach much impor tance to the document, though there are passages in it which did not pass without careful notice. Huerta’s statement that "the tense ness of diplomatic relations" was "with tile government of the United States, although luckily not with that people," envoked little attention, as the same sentiment had been previously voiced by the Mexico City officials and the an swer from here was the enthusiastic encouragement which President Wilson received when lie addressed Congress and the speeches supporting him made by republicans and demociats in Con gress. Battleships Will Remain xu vpit'ieuiTH iu lilt* c-\pu auuii ui periods during which American war ships were authorized to remain in Mexican waters caused some discussion. Inasmuch as the ships are permitted to remain another month, or until after tlie general elections are held, no statement of policy in this connection is likely to be made until {hat time. Informally officials let it be known that tlie vessels would be kept in Mex ican waters indefinitely* if the United States deemed it necesasry for the pro tection of its nationals. Secretary Bryan sent a cablegram to John. Bind at Vera Cruz advising iiim of the government's view of the Huerta message, but the contents of the dis patch were not disclosed. Huerta's declaration also that he hoped to turn over the adinterim gov ernment to a successor, while not giv ing any direct information as to his in tention not to be a candidate, strength ened the belief here that he would not figure in the coming elections. These points may be the basis for the resump tion ol' negotiations but the United States does not intend to go forward with them unless the Mexican authori ties arc disposed to reopen -the par leys. Election Is In some quarters here there is a strong disposition to doubt whether there will be a constitutional election in Mexico on October 2t». Constitutionalist representa tives point out that with the election only about a month away, nobody knows who the candidates arc or what their plat forms will say. Should an election be held, the attitude the United States would take is doubtful. Recognition will under no circumstances be accorded Victoiiano Huerta. This is known from unquestioned sources. # Re ports that Huerta intended to secure the election of some friend who might unb (Coattaued oa Page Ft arte* a) CONFEDERATES NOT ALLOWED TO MARCH IN G. AJ. PARADE Despite Previous Invitation, General Order Is Invoked Barring Them BEERS EXPLAINS IN A STATEMENT Action Not Taken Because They Were Ex-Confederates, But on Account of Order Allowing Only G. A. R. Members in Parade I Chattanooga, September 17.—Bn force i ment of an order excluding women and | civilians from the forty-seventh annual ! Grand Army of the Republic parade today prevented the N. B. Forrest camp of Confederate Veterans, from participating in the pageant. Clad in their gray uni forms th? southerners were preparing to ; form in the line of inarch with Forsythe | post, No. 16, of Toledo, O., when the or- j j der was executed. An invitation to Join in the parade had ' been tendered to Col. D. T. Dickinson, j commander of the Forrest camp, by Col. Henry N. Hanson, commander of the For- j sythe post. As the Confederate veterans passed along the line of soldiers in blue j to the location of ?4ie Forsythe post they 1 were greeted with cheers by the Union \ veterans. Just when they were ready to ; take their places Colonel Hanson informed Colonel Dickinson that the commander of the department of Ohio, Col. W. R. War nock. had been instructed to bar every one from the parade exoept Union vet erans. Colonel Hanson expressed deep re (Conllnued on mage Eighth NO RESPONSE VET TO JAPANESE DEMANDS | Great Britain Would Not Countenance Military or Naval Action Toklo, September 17.—China's acceptance of Japan's demand in connection with the killing of several Japanese at Nanking Is confined thus far to minor points. No answer has been received to tlie demand for an apology for insults directed against the Japanese flag and uniform or to the demand for the dismissal of General Chang Hsun from the governorship of Ivlang-Hu province. Before presenting the demands the Japanese foreign offices sounded Great Britain regarding her attitude in event .of military action beins/taken and learned that Great Britain would view it with ap prehension. as such action would be likely to encourage the partition of China among tlie‘pow ers. The British govern ment promised its support to Japan diplomatically at Peklifis in the demand for-indemnity and an apology but refused to countenance military or naval action. Military circles are pressing tlie gov ernment to amend the demands so as to obtain, an extension of certain concessions and tlie right to establish a military bar racks a I Hankow. , Tlie premier is urging Prince Yamagata j and Prince Oyama. who are members of the council of marshals, to use their I influence to modify the militarist atti ' tude. SENATE IS RULED BY IN THE CLAYTON CASE Unwilling to Go on Record as Defying Wishes of the People in Selections ALABAMA IN VERY UNUSUAL POSITION State, According to Governor and Ad visers, Has Complied With the Law and Is Still Denied Representation By t. E. STEW ART Washington, September 17.—(Special.) Many states have gone for months with out the full representation, to which they were entitled under the constitution In the Senate. In moat such cases, however, the blame was entirely upon the state, and usually because a legislature was deadlocked over a senatorial choice. Ala bama occupies right now a unique posi tion. According to the governor of Ala bama, the state has complied with the law ahd named a senator to fill the va cancy existing from tlie state, and in this contention ,he ?s s upported by some very able lawyers. On the other hand, the Senate itself not officially, but through the expres sion of its individual members, admits that the question of the right of Repre sentative Clayton to his seat upon the credentials of ih° governor of his state is at least a deoatable one, but neverthe less they' have carefully refrained from settling the question, and in the meantime Alabama, through no fault of her own, so tar as precedent is concerned, stands without full representation. As a matter of fact, in the opinion of quite a number of senators and members of Congress the Senate is not going to be in a hurry to settle this question. They inay not settle it at this session. Intention of Amendment Most senators art of the opinion that the seventeenth amendment, without re gard to how .t may be interpreted, in tended to provide that after it went into effect every new member of the United States Senate should be elected by the people. But the most important part played In this matter is played by the people themselves, and so far the people have had no clmnce to express their views. The Individual members of the Senate all believe that it makes no differ ence what technicalities one may Invoke in rendering a decision as to the real meaning of the seventeenth amendment In ‘his connection, that the people them selves believe that the meaning of the law was that they would have a voice in *the election of all United States senators after the adoption of the amendment, and if the people believe thfs, that it would be the part of wisdom to decide it in that way. To decide in favor of seating Mr. Clay ton would establish a precedent for a suc cessor for every member of the United States Senate who was elected before the adoption of the amendment, provided he died, or resigned before the expiration of his term. The Senate on a point of law might come to the conclusion ‘that this was perfectly proper and within the meaning of the amendment and settle the question, as they are the sole judges, but they are not going to decide it that way for the very best of reasons, and that reason Is that they are firmly con vinced that while they might put this fn terpreation upon the question, the people do not and will not and the Senate is now answerable to the people. What People Would Think To decide that the governor had the right to appoint would be regarded by many people that the Senate was trying to withhold their vested rights, and to keep out of their hands as long as possi ble the privileges granted them by this amendment. The Senate does not want to create" such an impression, with even a minority of the people, and Inasmuch as the most of them believi any way that the success of Senator Johnston should be elected by the people of Alabama, or appointed with the consent of tlie legisla ture, if they reach a decision at all In the case, it will be adverse to Mr. Clayton. Only the popularity of Mr. Clayton and the strong contentions of Senator Bank head -have served tl delay the matter at all. otherwise it is quite likely that less consideration would have been shown. At presein there is not even a quorum of the Senate in Washington, and quite lik'ely there will not be for two or three weeks until the currency bill Is ready to be taken up In the upper House. Most of Them Are Away Senators In th“ meantime have taknn advantage of the lull and most of them are among their constituents. W hile at home doubtless they will begin the prac people of another state of their constitu ents. and they may begin on the Clayton case. It would be a brave—not to sa> careless—senator who would go on record with a campaign staring him in the face, as being opposed to giving the people all that they are entitled to under this amendment, even if it concerns only a neighboring state at this time, especiativ when it ifi Just as easy to Justify the other view of the question. Opponents of every candidate for re election to the Senate would point out that the senator had voted to deprive the eople of another state of their constitu tional rights, and whether this were true or not it certainly would have telling ef fect with quite a. number of people wrho look upon the question in the same light. For this reason there can be but little doubt but what the next senato#who rep resents Alabama in the upper House with Senator Bankhead, will be elected by the people. Mr. Clayton himself is a candi date for the place to whi^h he was ap pointed and declares that he is In the fight to stay, and that he has every as surance that he will win. 4 WHUE KW( KS Bit; 4 4 HOLE IN STEAMER 4 4 St. Johns, Nf.. September 17. 4 4 A collision with a whale caused* 4 4 such serious damage to the Dan- 4 4 ish steamer Vladimir Reitz that 4 4 the vessel had to put In here to- 4 4 day for repairs^ The accident to 4 4 the Vladimir occurred Monday 4 4 about 250 miles east of St. 4 4 Johns. The crew* say the whale 4 4 approached at terrific speed but 4 4 could not alter the ship's course 4 4 in time to prevent the impact. 4 4 The whale struck the Vladimir 4 4 l.eadon, knocking a four foot 4 4 hole in tiie bow and injuring or 4 * killing the whale. 4 I » . ,—4 MEXICANS STAMPEDE AT SOUND OF SHOTS DURING A CONCERT Women and Children Trampled in Wild Rush to Rscape When Music Calls for Fir ing at Puebla — Puebla, Mpx., September 17.—A score «»f women anti children were trampled, some of them being seriously hurt, in a ; anlc which occurred In the plaza yester day a.- a result nf pistol shots tired dur ing the celebration of independence day. The plaza was crowded with people who rame to listen to the music by a military I hand. The descriptive selection rendered | i squired the firing of shots to make it | realistic. Believing this to be a signal for an uprising <>f sonic sort, men in the crowd sprang up and shouted to the people, to save themselves. There was a rush and women and children w ho were seated ! on all sides were thrown ti the ground i and trodden under foot. The hand fran tically played in an effort t<» restore or oei. BURGLARS SECURED $200,000 DURING THE PAST SUMMER Residents on Millionaire Row, New York, Say Enormous Amount Has Been Secured by Thieves. Another House Looted New York, September 17.—Residents of Millionaires' Row on Seventy-ninth and Eightieth streets, just east of Cen tral park, estimated today that bur glaries during the summer had dost them $200,000. The latest robbery occurred yester day at the home of Mrs. Carl Wal lach. * Mrs. Wallach's son said thieves had taken silverware, jewelry*, furs and household goods worth $100,000. Several families learned of their losses for tho first time today, w’hen they reopened their houses after being absent during the summer vacation. The thieves entered the Wallach res idence through a skylight In the roof and cleaned out the house in a leis urely and painstaking manner. In one of the bedrooms they established a small smelting furnace in which they melted down the silverware to conven ient ingots. They left tile improvised furnace behind them. Among the lost valuables Mr. Wal lach catalogued furs worth $20,000, a [painting valued at $3500 and two chests I of silverw are. ARSON SQUAI) OF THE SUFFRAGETTES BUSY Attempt to Burn Historic Penhurst Place Is Frustrated—Great Indig nation Is Manifested Hondon, September 17.—A suffragette arson squad early today tried to burn Penhurst place, the historic fourteenth century country seat of Eord DeH’Isle and Dudley at Tunbridge, Kent. The inmates of the great mansion, awakened by the crackling of wood ami by clouds of smoke, found the frame work of several windows on fire. House hold employes succeeded in extinguishing the lire. Two women were observed fleeing across the terrace in front of the place and suf frage literature was scattered about the grounds. Great indignation prevails among the neighboring residents, as It is now certain that the mansion, hitherto Open to visit ors. will be closed tight. It contains \aluable portraits of the ancestors of the holder of the title, whose family name I Is Sidney. The mansion is a treasure house filled with antique tapestries. Many articles were left there by Queen Eliz abeth, who frequently occupied the house during her reign. .'.n art gallery contains some of the most valuable Vandykes and Holbeins in ‘.he Isle of Wight. 120,000 SOLDIERS IN PITCHED BATTLE Is Culmination of Grand Maneuvers of French Army—Engagement Wit nessed by Poincare (‘astel-Sarrasin. France, September 17.—A pitched battle in which 120,< >0 I men engaged was fought near here to day. and was witnessed by President Poincare. It was the closing event of the French army maneuvers. The Northern Blue army and the Southern Ked army had been fighting for seven days a series of preliminary mimic engage ments. Today brought Ihe main coni ingents face to face with a front extending 20 miles in the Glrone valley. Before day light cavalry, artillery and Infantry were stirring in preparation for Ihe de cisive battle, while aeroplanes were swarming over the respective positions on duty as scouts. President Poincare, with Eugene Et ienne. minister for war, observed the battle from a hill near this town. SCIENTISTS TALK I t Slips Are Attributed to Seams of Coal Under neath Rotting Birmingham, England, September 17. The Panama canal figured prominent ly In the proceedings of the British association, which closed today, in the economic section Prof. A. W Kiik aldy described the economic effects of the canal, while in the engineering sec tion Dr. Vaughan Cornish, distinguished for geographical research, discussed the land slips iti the canal, especially in Culebra cut. Dr. Cornish declared that these slips were due to seams of coal underneath rotting, which resulted in the- thrust ing up of the granite and th.- melting away of the banks. Tills evil was un foreseen by geologists and could be at tributed to the cutting away of the forests along the canal that formerly absorbed the moisture which now is penetrating the stratum underlying the canal. He said that nature would con tinue lo take this revenge until the forests were regrown, when the un derground flow would cease. In the discussion that followed Pro fessor Kirkaldy and Sir Oliver Lodge said that without biological research the canal would have been impossible it was only by the destruction of the microbe of malaria that white men i were provided to work there. What tire Americans rail the "Panama ditch" is now' as healthy, the* declared, as New’ York. This was a tremendous achieve ment. \ PRESIDENT HUERTA ! MUST CHANGE POLICY 1 - --Hi OSCAK J. HUAMl'T That (lie Mexican *it nation In loaded I with dynamite nml that (»eneral lluerta ; lauM the power to i>fploilr If Im indicated I In atatementa made l»jr Ournr .1. It nm Il f. a prominent MexIoJtn, who i liaa Juat returned to \ew 1 ork from I Mexico City. Should fJeneral Huerta. | Maid Mr. Ilranlff, determine to break I lila promine lie might bring about wueli a Mtnte of affair* that only an Inter national eonfllet would rally tlie public around tlie government again. SECOND APARTMENT OP PRIEST’S IS FOUND BY NEW YORK POLICE Believed That He Planned to Conceal Himself There After Crime SCHMIDT AND MURET ARE LINKED CLOSER Have Known Each Other Two Years. Federal Authorities Present War rants for Both on Counter feiting Charge New York, September 17.—That Hans Schmidt, the Jokyl-Hyde priest, whose double life was exposed Sunday, when he was arrested and confessed the mur der or Anna Aumuller, after killing the girl and dismembering her body in a Brad hurst avenue Hat, hired another apartment, in which ho presumably planned to conceal himself, was devel oped from police discoveries today. Evidence also was found linking closer and for u longer period than had been supposed the lives of Schmidt and his al leged counterfeiting partner, the unli censed dentist, Dr. Ernest Muret. The latter's papers, found in his office by official searchers, indicated he had left London for some offense committed while practicing medicine there, and had practiced in Chicago under tlie name of Dr. Arnold Held,” leaving that city and dropping the name of Held some time after July, 1909. Although Muret has claimed he met Schmidt only six months ago, evidence has appeared that they had business relations as long as two years ago, and that the dentist long hud know-1 edge of Schmidt’s counterfeiting experi ments. Whitman l akes Case in Hand District Attorney Whitman returned to the city today from a brief vacation and took the Schmidt investigation in hand. Coincident!}' the federal authorities stepped into the case with warrants for Schmidt and MurVt, charging that they had in their possessions Implements with which to make counterfeit money. The detectives still touring the neigh borhood in which Anna Aumuller was murdered, found today that three days after the crime a man resembling Schmidt hut giving another name rented an Eighth avenue apartment, for which, he paid a month’s rent. Two suitcases which were left there contained photographs of Miss Aumuller and Schmidt, as well as nu merous little feminine belongings, evi dently those of the murdered woman. Baby clothes made up and patiently em broidered and material lor many Other garments—enough for a complete outfit for an infant—were among the contents or the grips. Some of Schmidt’s things were there, too—clothing marked with | the name ’’Van Dyke,” one of Ills aliases; a false mustache and false goatee and numerous other articles. Schmidt may have Intended to remove all the bloody, telltale evidence from the Bradhurst avenue Hat to his newer quar ters, hut the discovery of Anna Aumul ler’s body and the consequent police search in the neighborhood where it wan soon found the girl was killed, spoiled his plans, the police believe .Several interesting discoveries resulted (Continued on rage Eleven) TODAY’S AGE-HERALD 1— Ail In readiness for opening of Sulzer trial. Semite ruled by amendment intent in Clayton ease. Currency bill will be passed by House today. Confederate? riot allowed t<* march with Federal veterans. Second apartment of priest’s found by police. I’nited States will make no move in Mexican situation. 2— Beseemer schools are;oyercrowded. 3— France Hoarding in expectation of making big loans. . Oil well being bored in Morgan. Anniston in need of more teuchels. •I—Editorial coin merit. o—First day fails to unravel mystery of Rutler killing. Opinions differ on Oliver's attitude in Hobson fight. Dameron secretary of Press club. Next campaign for city commissioner already under way. Marshall pleads guilty and get? 13 months. 6— Women’s page. 7— Sports. s Davis on stand in Ourganus trial. 9— ('time on Increase In Tuscaloosa 10— Alabama furnaces making fair sales. Eight governors <if Alabama. 11— Enormous growth ol foreign .trade aids democrats. 13— Markets. 14— England on verge of another big strike. CURRENCY BILL WILL BE PASSED BY BOUSE TODAY Detailed Consideration of Measure Completed Last Night NO CHANGES OF IMPORTANCE MADE Eleventh Hour Revolt Among Pcmo rrats Threatened to Reach Serious Proportions, But Leaders Re gain Control of Situation THE OAT IN CONOKKSS. SENATE. Not In session; meets tomorrow. Banking committee oor i wed hear ings on administration rency bill. Tariff conferees con .1 deliber ations. HOl'SE H* Continued diecueison currency bill for amendments. Recessed at 5:.*t0 p. m, to 3 p. m. Completed detailed consideration of ; administration currenc.** bill ami agreed to take final vote today. Adjourned at 11 p. m. to noon to day. Washington, September it ..-The admin istration currency bill will be passed by the House and sent to the Senate tomorrow. In order to * omplete the de tailed consideration of the measure and leave nothing hut the formal vote for tomorrow, the House sat tonight and concluded the voting on proposed amend ments. No material changes were' made in the bill. /\u eievenm nour rev on men me win of the caucus ami the I- adership of the currency committee spread among demo crats of the House tonight when the ad ministration currency hill was within the shadow5 of the final vote upon its passage. It threatened for a lime to reach serious proportions, but the party leaders finally , got the situation in hand again, i Chairman Glass of tlie committee and ! other leaders who sided with him were plainly worried and their predicament af forded unconcealed amusement to the re publicans and particularly to-Progressive Leader Murdock. The revolt lasted through many speeches on the democratic side, several from across the aisle and one vote on which more democrats de serted the committee than had left its standard on any of her mooted questions brought up before. Amendment Causes Trouble An amendment by Representative Less of Ohio, designed in maintain all legal money at a parity and insure the reten tion of tlic gold standard, caused, all the trouble. Some 'democrats professed to see In It a revival of the old issue of bi metallism and openly charged that tile committee in indorsing such amendment was offering a gratltuous insult to four fifths of the democratic party. That is sue, they pointed out, was settled 16 years ago. Representative Witherspoon of Missis sippi was the first to announce that with such an amendment tacked to the hill, he would bolt the caucus and vote against it. "I will never vote for It." he shouted, "for I am art honest man " "I challenge the right of the commit tee to bring in such an amendment as tills." saiil Representative Wingo. "Some body is playing politics and trying to humiliate four-fifths of tin* democratic party. It is useless; it is childish. "Mr Wilson and Mr. Bryan I talked with Mr. Bryan tonight—want this amend ment." « Representative Murray of Oklahoma de clared that it was an insult to democrats to indorse such an amendment. "I want to say now." he shouted, walking toward tiic democratic commlftee table "that the people of this country will not follow you to tlie polls next November on this « sue." Representative Sherley poured oil on the troubled waters only to have them stirred again a moment later by R *presentative Murdock. Mr. .S her ley said mat the amendment could do no harm and might do good, and that it was time for demo crats to forget what was behind and reckon with’ what was b* fore. Pay No Heed to Warning •‘The republicjuis are playing politics with you." was the taunt of Mr. Murdock. "They propose,to get a separate vote <m tlie amendment and die bid in tlie House and put you democrats on record. It s a trap that they are asking you to walk Into—If you want to walk irwo it go ahead." At the conclusion of Mr. Murdock’e < Continued on I’nge Klglif) Young Ladies Whom Me Saved From Drowning File Papers New Orleans, September IT. (Special. > Walter L. Howard of Birmingham. chief clerk of the circuit court, will have a | Carnegb* hero medal, if Hit* efforts of two young women \Vho owe their lives to him prevail. This is the sequel of the tragic ending to a boating trip to Horn Island a lew weeks ago. when RmMo I Raivre of New Orleans was drowned in tlie surf, and the young women had nar row escapes from death in a similar man ner. The young women were Miss Sadie Bur ketdod of New Orleans and Miss Birdie Meyerer of Baton Rouge. Mr. Howard boldly plunged into the roaring suit ami dragged the two young women, uncon scious, to the beach, where a physician and others In the p&rty worked tor an hour to resuscitate them. Mr. Howard was acclaimed hero by the excursionists at the time, and as soon as Miss Burkeniod returneckto New Orleans she began to investigate to as* i certain how she could have a Carnegie j hero medal awarded to her rescuer. She j gathered the rules applying to the matter, ! and this afternoon, with a number of wit i nesses to the heroic work, a proves verbal i was taken before a notar.\ public and the j document was forwarded to the office of the Carnegie fund in New York.