Newspaper Page Text
SCOOP keportek It's Old Stuff, But They're Still Pulling It By “HOP" [Gee >ts great to etJig Back among civilizep 1 PEOPLE. AGAIN - IT GIVES ONE ‘S.OCA A FEELING OF-1 SAFETY AND SECURITY/ TO Be IN LlC "" AT OLE NEW MORK -5 |THt |GuN Gt*NG itSiVS WAGON - ~mt tax • Gun Club 4aTx"wA5 abootIJ T6 SAY.WHEN ' J INTERRUPTED- * AS TAe l_A*T :VW ORt> »M m | CULTURED AW> ^ PEACEFUL- y REFINEMENT, I new York is l FURTHER SOUTH) \THAN Sadne^v *250,WO SX,Ai;ubd,*M”l 1 U 1—' tlj i\J Ll Loan Association Has a quarter of a million dollars to lend at once for building homes and for taking up mortgages on improved property in the Birmingham district. OFFICE 2026 FIRST AVENUE % .. ONE CENT A WORD BATES—One cent n word n day; no ad. taken for Icmm than i!I»e for first Inner tl?n. C>nIi nniwt niTiuininiiy order. ~~ WAMKD ~ SHAVING—10c at 1921 4th ave. 8-18-tf WE sharpen safety razor blades better than new, 26c dozen; send them parcel post. Robert Prowell Stove Co., Birmingham, Ala. 4-9-tf \v A N TED—() ne second-hand upright boiler; state price in first letter. O. Roegner, 1500 3d ave. N. 10-14-3t UL.UCKS dry CLEANING CO. Cleaning, pressing, repairing, altering, hats renovated and blocked 1713 3d Ave. Phono Main 2372. 1-8-tf-we-th- lr-mo .Wanted—Three first chair barbers to open a shop for themselves sit 1912 2d ave., next to Dinnehan’s Jewelry store; very low rent until trade is, established; this proposition is open to anyone with a legitimate business. Addr ss box 827, city, i 1 .-;;t WANTED TODAY. We want to arrange today, October hi, to get $1000 loan on $2500. cottage with two nice lots. Good security. Answer today. 1NGR A M R E A I /f Y CO., J3th Floor. Emp. Bldg. Phope 1197-M wAiNTEh- To know If you have trleu # Jtilox, tin* tasteless castor oil, the one the doctors always recommend because it is tasteless and effective. 8-30-3m *3U-tu-th J III v foi kimi .if me . part or whole stocks. P. O. Box 790; Phone 0041. [WE pack furniture and glassware. Hacks, vans, drays—night or day. Rhodes Transfer Co. Main 5525. Cheapest. 10-l6-7t W NTED To borrow from privat•• party $500 on second mortgage. Ad i dress B-56, core Age-Herald. 10-lG-3t WANTED—Tn exchange 3 sections or tndre sectional bookcases, golden oak tint all, for same in early English or mis sion. Call Main 157. vVA N TK1)—F KM A L K H E LP A GOOD home^good wages'for settled white woman who is not afraid of ^work. Phone 4106 Alain. 10-14-3t WANTED -Reliable girl to wrap par cels and make change; state refer ences and reply in own handwriting to A-55, care Age-Herald. 10-15-3t W.uNTEl)—A first class cook; refer ences required. Apply 3833 Crescent Road. Mountain Terrace. 10-l5-3t WANT ED^T WO'KXI’ ERIENCE1DIt ).\Y HANDS IN ALTERATION DEPART MENT; ALSO EXPERIENCED CASH-* IKK (All K E \ PROS WAJYiLD—MALL iiLLP WANTED—Young men" "for "railway news service; security required. 31S N. 20th. 8-12-tf f$V ANTED—Postoffice clerks, carriers, railway mail clerk, stenographers, de partmental clerks, $75 to $J5o monthly. Examinations in Birmingham soon. Write immediately Webster Institute, Dept. 363, Buffalo, N. Y. 10-3-lot WANTED—Boys for mesengers; good pay with opportunity learn telegraphy. Ap ply Manager Western Union. 10-ll-Yt \vANTED—Colored man to cook and lo general housework. Apply 1804 12th ave., south. 10-14-3t iWANTKD Competent diamond drill runners; none.hut experienced, steady men need apply. Address D-55, care Age-Herald. 10-15-3t UK *'■ barber; few weeks completes b; -our methods. Earn while learning; tools furnished; jobs waiting; big wages. Write for catalog. Moler Bar Y'bcr College, Atlanta, Ga. 30-15-171 ,WANTED*—Boy with wheel to deliver packages; must know city; good 'wages for a hustler. Guarantee bhoe Co. , 10-15-31 WANTED—NEAT, RELIABLE BOY WITH WHEEL TO WORK ON SAT URDAY ONLY. MUST KNOW THE CITY. ,\PPLY ADVERTISING DEPT., THE AGE-HERALD PUB. CO. 10-16-tf Sl'EN 17 OR over: Pay in the U. S'. Navy averages $4o per month. Promo tion 'iiosBibtc uj» to Chief Petty Officer at over 130 clear. Learn mechanical trade. Must prove you arc an Ameri can citizen. Complete information at Navy Recruiting Station, Pat ton-Pope Bldg., 3rd ave. and 20th si.. Birmingham, Ala. Kor free booklet "The Making of a Mun-u -Wai small," address, Bureau of Navigation! Box 192, Navy Department, \\ ashington, D. C. 9-18-ol-thu Y AXTLlJ Roy about 12 years old,* not going to school, to help in office. Apply Uriday morning. 1600 Empire Bldg. WANTED An experienced bookkeeper; give age, experience, references, sal ary expected. Address A-54, care Age /TiersId. 10-16-21 WANTJID PIuning mill machine help og»aod piounding man; must be first , . class in every respect. Write fully ex g- perienoe had in this line. State wages - wanted and whether married or: single. K. E. Jackson Lumber Co.. Uldervllie, Ala.10-16- it UKKNOXAL LAiMi&^?IrKr^e warn; "i j> o^TtTvel y*'guar^ an tee my great successful "Monthly" remedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal ca-e.s \ In three to five days; no harm, pain or interference with work; mail, $1.50. Double strength, $2.00. Dr. .Southington, M Long Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6-24-tf iau6L4A Iml,. .. ONE CENT A WORD RATES—One cent n wonl i» ilay; no ml. tuken for less than 25c for first Inser tl<»n. < null must wpoonipniiy order. ___J5^ANTED^SITUAtI^s3I3 WANTED—A position as bookkeeper’ for an established concern by ex perienced man, with a dependent wife and baby. A-l references and can furnish bond if required. Address _E-55. care Age-Herald. 10-15-2t A YOUNG lady stenographer, willing an<l capable, wants a position, or would consider any kind of office work. Address E-55, care Age-Her nl<>-__10-15- 3t V\ ANTED—Position by young lady sten ographer; two’ years’ experience in stenographic and general office work. A-l references. Call .Main G636-J. __10-lS-2t A FIRST ('LASS salesman and collector seeks situation in clothing, furniture or real estate business. Turnbull, 13£5 5th ave. 10-15-2t MAN, 38 years old, wants clerical posi tion ; lias 20 years’ experience as rail road agent; best city and railroad ref erence. Address C-55, care Age-Herald. 10-15-2t LADY pianist—excellent sight reader— wishes position, picture show or other work. References. Address Norma _Edwards, Daisy. Tenn. 10-16-3t F f i IN !-:i •, accomplished tyomah, middle aged, would like position as governess or companion: managing housekeeper. References exchanged. Address Ella Payne. Daisy. Tenn. 10-16-3t eaj Km stenographer wants a posi tion; 7 years' experience; best of ref erences furnished. Call Main 2949-J. 10-16-2t VOl NQ lady, who is ;i good typist apd lias some knoweldge of shorthand, wishes a position in an office at once. <’an furnish best of references. Phone it., Main 7570. 10-16-2t ST E X i)(; HA PH KR AND TYPEWRITE R —Just out of school, young man, 16, wants a place where he will get plenty of practice; wages no object. Call Main 2348-W. KM6-2t EXPERIENCED office man. shipping clerk and salesman open for position; A-l references; favor me with a per sonal interview. Address E-56, care Age-Herald.10-16-4t _FORJIENT^ KOR RENT Warehouse, 1 GlH^^Tst^TTveT; floor space 50 by 90 feet; electric ele vator; modern office and all conven iences; line location for transfer com pany # or small wholesale business; price to good tenant. $85 per month. Phone Main 4395 or call Room 515 Earley Bldg. 10-15-3t SM A RT APA RTM ENTS. Excellently located; all modern con veniences; prettily papered; nice baths; two bedrooms. Rental, $30. GIBSON INS. & REALTY CO., 312 N. 21st St. 2785 Main. «* KoR KENT—Eight-room, 2-storv. modern, brick residence, slate roof, immediate possession, in Norwood. See owner, 939 l Woodward Bldg, or phone Main 7685. _10-ll-2t-tu-th j KOI’R-ROOM furnished apartment with hath; one block Highland ave. Call Main 4356-W. 10-16-3t KOR RENT—-Good 4-room cottage, 328 Cotton ave., near 4th st., $12.50; 6-room cottage, not modern, 51517 Willow ave., i $12.50; neat cottage, bath and electricity, -*05 D, $16. H. D. Smith, 206 Hood bldg. !_ 10-16-2t THE AVALON—All outside rooms, fur nace heat; modern conveniences, moderate price; bath free. 2100 5th ave.5-26-tf OCTOBER la, 2 unfurnished rooms, lights^ water, gus connections, Jo month. 1016 N. 13th st. 10-12-5t FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen; steam heat and all modem conveniences. 505 N. 17th st., Apt. No. 1. 10-12-7t NICELY furnished upstairs room; heated bath room; hot baths at all hours. 2212 N. 4th ave. lo-13-tf For KENT Xh’EEY KEKNIMIED ROOMS. WITH ALL MODERN CON VENIENCES; HOT AND COLD WA TER; ALSO FURNACE HEAT, FOR ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN. AP PLY K14 6TH AVE.. N. 10-15-2t LARGE, nicely furnished connecting rooms, complete for light housekeeping, newly papered and painted, clean and cozy for winter; dishes, linen, gas stove, rent reasonable. 1121 Avenue C, Avon dple-10-12-5t-su-tu-thii-sat-su LIGHT housekeeping rooms connecting. furnished complete; private entrance, lirst floor, facing Capitol park. Clean, , pleasant; very close in, best neighbor hood. Reasonable. 7P> W. 2<*th st. TWO nice rooms for Ten t~ front” and back; convenient to two car lines. 2213 6th ave. 10-lti-tf IF anyone wishes a handsome front room, with or without elegant private bath, furnace heat, near Five Points,, phone Main 319. FOR RENT Tuiniru Court furnished room. Address C-fifj, care Age-Herald, or phone Main 2238. 10-15-2t AUTOMOBILES CALL 64 MAIN. * j Florence Hotel Taxicab Co., Cadillac cars, honest service; open day and night. J. G. FAHAY, MGR. MRS. C. C. HA PER. SEC. 10-10-9t , MAXWELL runabout, HDhorac power, j in excellent condition newly painted; equipped with top . and wind shield;( cheav H. S. Hill, ifullman Co. ONE CENT A WOOD RATES—Onr cent a word a day; no ad triken for le«» than 25«* for first inser f»«m. I'nnh mum ncfimipnny order, FOR SALE TAT/K'^vOfTiT'^VLAN''} [•IM'iHON: ~ Bell 100. 6-4-tf REAL ESTATE, sales, exchange^ loans on commission. J. M. Gibson, 409 Empire Bldg. 12-24-tf WE buy, sell, rent or exchange reai es tate. E. J. Burns Co. 406 American Trust Bldg. Phone 766. 10-4-tf WANTED—To buy and sell now and second hand furniture; we pay the highest prices for household goods, office furniture ahd leathers, or we will exchange old furniture for new; packing done on short notice. Ala bama Furniture Co., J. A. Keife, man ager, 2113 3d ave., N., opposite court house. 6-16-tf-su-thu WE buy and sell high class securities, stocks and bonds; outright or on com mission; finance propositions of merit and negotiate mortgage and collateral loans. M DAVID, MEYER, GOLDMAN & TERRY, -109 First Avenue. _ 3-3-sn-tu-th-tf FOR SALE—10-room house on 13th st. and 11th ave.; worth $7700, and some acreage, for $12,000 and $15,000 place. Will pay difference and assume mort gage. Address G-56, care Age-Herald. ONE CENT A WORD RATES—Onf cent n word n winy; no ad. taken for less than 25c for first Inser tion. C»wli mil*) Hccompmiy order. FOR SALE and springs for double bed. 2113 5th Ave., N. 10-4-tf WE will build you a home. Birmingham Building and Imp. Co., 414-15-16 American Trust Bldg. 1-16-tf FOR SALE—150 choice southern farms cheap; good lands, fine climate, healthy, white community. For list, address C. C. Brown, Ft. Payne. Ala. 10-12-tf. _WANTED-—BOARDERS LOVELY room with board, also reason able, meals. 1213 S. 21st st. Phone 7625-J. _ 10-12-10t KENNY HOUSE—Room and board, $5.50 J week. 2217 4th ave._10-14-10t COMFORTABLE room and good board for desirable young men or business women at 809 S. 20th st.; steam heat, convenient to car and within walking, distance of business section. Phone Main 7684-W. 10-15-61 FURNISHED room and hoard at Five Points, convenient to three car lines. Pl one Main 2366-W. 10-15-5t boarders wanted for large front room next to bath; elegantly furnished; lirst class hoard; ^mveniently located on South Highlands; gentlemen or couple. Address G-54, care Age-Herald. 10-12-3t-su-tu-th AKHIVA1. AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, BIRMINGHAM ine following schedule figures are published only as information, and are not guaranteed. _ HIUMlNOillAM TKIOII \AL STATION Southern Itailuay i>o. Arrive iroto— 11 Atlanta 5:20 am ! 12 Greenville 7 .40 pm j 15 Columbus 11:30 am ! 20 Mobile N :30 pm 23 Jacksonville 12:25 pm 2S Selma 15:25 am 20 New York 4:45 pm 25 New York 11:40 am 30 Atlanta 10:0* pin i>o. Depart to— I 11 Greenville 7:00 am 12 Atlanta 12:15 atu: 15 (.'olumous 4:05 pm 10 Mobile 5:45 am 24 Jacksonville 8:55 pm 27 Selma 8:45 pm 40 Atlanta 6:20 am 26 New York 5:50 pm 20 New YorkU:J0 am Uuwu A C'rtMcent Kmite A. (i. S. H. It. .\o. Arrive rroni — 1 Cincinnati lo ur, pui 2 New Orleans t. :07» uni ;> Cincinnati 10:15 ant 4 New Orleans U:u(i pm fi Chattanooga ll:38aiu 21 ( hiiftunnogu 0:00 pm 7 New lurk 10:20 pm C> Meridian 11:55 uni ' 12 Mi ridl'Mi 11 :;{0 |jU, j 5 Slueveport 6:20 am | No. Depart to— 1 Slir'pt & X. o. 10:10 pm 2 Cln. & X. Y. »>; 10 iiiUi 8 New Orleans 10:20 ami 4 Cincinnati ti;U5 pm 5 MorlcHnn 4:10 pm 0 Chattanooga 4:00 pm 7 New Orleans 10:25 pot 22 Chattanooga 5 :0.*>am 11 Shreveport 6 :20 am 8 New York 0:25 am i'riMco JjlneN I ao. Arrive from— 10a Kansas City .51) pm »10 > Kansas City 0:15 am 02a Winfield lo :1a cm 021 Memphis_5:40jpm .Ni». Depart ro— MW Kansas City 12:30 pm 104 Kansas City 10::;0 pm !)L*0 Winfield 4:18 pro J-r -Memphis 7 :UU a in Central of tia. Ry. rvo. Arrive from— 1 Savannah 10:10 run l> Jacksonville 12:05 pm 3 Savannah 11:55 nm No. Depart to— 2 Mncou T :00am 1U Jacksonville 4 .35 pn7 4 Savannah 3£0pm BIH MING HAM TBMMlA'Ai ITATiaS Seahoanl Air I Aim* Ity. No. Arrive rrom— Ner* York lM;|)upm II N*>'v York 12:15 pm 2.1 Atlanta 9 :'d(i pm No. Depart to— tl New York 8:00 ara 12 New York :00 pm 22 Atlanta B :30 am lllhiuiN Central lt>.‘ Ao. Arrive from — '■> t 'lilcagu_4 ; 15 |;fu | No. Depart to— 10 t'hintbo_12:1 ■*» pm 1,QIISMI,LK A ft ASHVU.LE STATIC! N I.. A ft. K. R. No. Arrive from— 1 Cincinnati 8:25 am 2 New Orleans 12:ll) pm 3 Cincinnati 3:25 pm 4 New Orleans 8:::7 pm *5 in cuttir 7:45 pm 7 Cincinnati 1U Muntfcumciy 7 :15 pm 12 .Munttfonieri lu:4" am * 1 ^ I »«»<■» mr 10 ;:,u am No. Depart to— 1 New ot leaiii S:.13am 2 Cincinnati 12.22 pin :» New Orleans .1 MO pm *6 Decatur 0:15 am 7 Monigomery 4 :o5 am 0 Cincinnati 12:01 nui 9 Montgomery n:20 urn II Montgomery 3:50 pm 14 Deeatur_4 :u0 pm ilirmiutfJiani MiuerulV No. ArrlvH from— :{'J Prnro .r»: 1,» pm 4s TmtculooAn 11 J"» .tin , A2 Blcciou 7 :2.r. pm - iJ.r» Auniston 1U : 4 0 hiii 47 Anniston (»:50 pin ! Tugculr.isn 0 :0.r. pm | No. Depart to— 33 l’raco 8:23 am ■II it loci mi ii;::o aui 40 Vlocinn 2:43 pm 4 4 Aimis.loii 3:40 pm 4i> A'uigion 8:30 am [III 'iUSCHloosg 7 ;00 a|» A* B. A: A. ->o. arrive irotn— 2:'. Manchester n :.".o am 25 ItiMimke (i:50 pm i'O. I 'rpart to— -■1 MnueliCHter 8:00 am 2« Konnnke 4::topm 1 ,a,n* raarKed 11,1,8 T) da,J> «^cePt Sunday. Other train# run dally. Central time. _FOR SALE FOR SALE—One complete Lamson parcel basket system, five Stations, at $10 per station; cost originally $65 per station; can be seen in opera tion at Guarantee Shoe Co., 1905 3d _svo._ 10-15-31 FOR BALE OR TRADE—Truck suitable for plumbing or other business where light, quick delivery is required. Part cash, balance monthly. Address B-85, Age-Herald. lQ-15-5t , GIVEN AWAY TODAY OR TOMORROW We have two lots we will sell fo*' less than The price of one. $750. Well located. THE G. H. STEVENSON R. E. CO.. Phone Bessemer 16V Bessemer, Ala. | __ __ 10-15-21 STRANGERS IN THE CITY Who want to rent, insure or buy property, or who want informa tion about our city, will find us willing and ready at all times to help them. MALONE-M‘CONN ELL CO.. 2024 Third Avenue. IT-91-01 FARM IN HIGH SCHOOL FARM. 160 acres, half of which is right in the town of Oakman (1500 people); three-quarters place level, 50 acres in cultivation; some good timber; 1500 assorted fruit treesj 6-room house, barns. Phone in house; four good springs, 20-acre pasture. De sirable farm right at town. Only $25 per acre. On terms. INGRAM REALTY CO.. 13th Floor. Emp. Bldg. Phone 1197-M WE will sell you a splendid lot on South side. near Highland avenue, for small cash payment, balance on long time, at 6 per cent (simple interest) and lend you the money at 6 per cent to build your house. CAN YOU BEAT IT? GILLESPY-WELLBORN R. E. & INS. COM PA NY. 2124 1st A vc. Phone 2955 Main. 10-1G-4t FOR SALE—One extra good young Jersey cow, heifer calf. VV. W. Dorse, 169 N. 51st st.. Woodlawn. TWO AND A HALF to forty acres, beau tiful suburban property, near Besse mer; springs, stations, good roads, beau tiful valley or upland, joins subdivision: sacrifice fqj* quick cash. See it. Own er. 821 American Trust Bldg. Main 5272. FOR SALK—At Neill’s stockyard, a car^ load of fine milch cows with young calves. Will exchange for fat. dry cows. 2323 Morris ave. Phone Main _ 464. 10-16-2t FOR SALE—Dalton adding machine, cost $325; good condition; will sell cheap. Address D-66, care Age-Herald. 10-16-2t FOR-SALE'OR~TRADE—Good delivery cat. just overhauled; tires in fine shape; will demonstrate. Address Y-54. care Age-Herald. 10-12-lt FOR SALE—No. 10 Remington type writer in splendid condition, raro bargain if sold immediately. Apply Massey Business college 16-5-tX _MONEY TO LEND TaTTk^uTtT~.\i,an .1 EffiSofC _Ground floor Steiner Bldg. 8-G-lf BEAL ESTATE loans lo suit you in / amount, terms and interest; can pay back monthly or yearly; will take second mortgage. John W. Prude, 106 N. 22d st. Bell phone 240. _ 10-16-tf WE negotiate personal loans secured by acceptable collateral. 036 First Natl. Bldg. 7-lS-tf WE loan money on good collateral and buy mortgage paper or real estate if offered at attractive prices. Helena Land Company, 201 Brown-Maix. _ S-ltf-tf I NEGOTIATE loans and sell real es tate. Jerome Tucker, 2u7 2lbt st. -___ 13-1 i-tf-e.x Mm REAL ESTATE LOANS—Long Ioa"ns on good farms in Alabama; nothing less tlian $1000 considered. , Birmingham Land and .Mortgage Co,. 30il First Na tional Bank Bldg. 10-ll-7t-eod FIRST MORTGAGE"LOANS Negotiated on city bus,ness and , ,t. and suburban residence property, i.nv rates and prompt attention: purchase money notes bought. JEM is ON REAL ESTATE & [NS. CO., 211 North 20th Street. ___3-23-tf-su-tu-thu MORTGAGE loans on city and'suburban pioperty. Ed S. Moore, H16 Brown Mnrx' 2-16-su-tu-thu-tf WE HAVE CLIENTS DESTHINv. MAKE LOANS IN AMOUNTS $2000 $3000, $4000. $3000. ; AND S PER CENT PROMPT ATTENTION TO APPLi-A ’HONS. JJCMIFON REAL KSTA'T. 1 AND INSURANCE CO 20TJI ST GROUND FLOOR FIRST NATIONAL, _UANK BLDG. 5-lS-su-tu-thu-tl j $600. $9 0, $1200 to loan for clients on im pi oved Birmingham real estate; prompt attention. H. D. Smith. 200 Huod bldg. __ 10-16-41 WANTED—HELP W’A^rldTi'oUapable men apd "womciT'oif'a lilieral commissi in to sell underwear, hosiery and sweaters of high class, di rect to tiic wearer. Apply or write 31 r. A. H. Putnam, 18 w. Peachtree st.. At Jnr.ta. On._ 10-7-6t-tu-thu WANTED—Experienced bottling machine operator; wiilte barbers, out of city Jolis; pantry woman, hotel work; house keeper for widower; white maid, attend sick person; working foreman for laun dry; registered dentist for branch of fice. Room 626 Chamber of Commerce lildg. _ __ KODAEb FILMS developed, 10c per roll. Prints 3c and 4c each. Prompt attention and »work the best Coveil Co.6-21-tf | MISCELLANEOUS j FREE DENTAL WORK at Birming ham Dental College; Avenue F and 20th street._9-30-tu-th-su-tf j HELENA LAND COMPANY, 201 Brown-Marx, Birmingham, Ala. i Please tell me how I can get 8 per cent on my savings with the best security an earth. Name ... Address ... ( RATES—One cent a word n day; no ad. taken for le«* than 25c for first inser t»»»n. Cash mint accompany order. LUbl, STRAYED OR MULKiN LOST—White Ostrich "'‘plume. Highland ave., near Mountain Terrace Junction. Return to 903 Cliff Road. Suitable re ward. 30-13-7t LOST-BY ONE OF OUR DELIVERY BOYS, A LADY’S NAVY BLUE SKIRT; WAS LOST BETWEEN HIGHLAND AVE. AND AVE. C\. ON 20TH ST. FINDER WJLL PLEASE RETURN TO US AND RECEIVE RE WARD. JXHTIS SAKS* CLOTHING CO. LOST—Tuesday, one gold locket, engraved J. B. R. monogram. Contains miniature picture. Phone Main 7409. Reward. LOST—Pair gold eyeglasses outside fail grounds getting out automobile. Reward if returned to 2213 5th ave,30-16-tf BUSINESS CHANCES i^AiTiiivrr^sftfTf^cw^aTP^wTtrr^Tiu^^^ lease, near courthouse in brick build ing; everything first class; consist ing of two chairs, one three-chair fixture, bath tub, one double floor lavatory, one wall lavatory, one small hot water heater, chairs, etc.; shop now' running: good business trade; we furnish everything for $20 per month; good opening for right party at a bargain and terms. Phone 182 Cuilman, Ala., John J. Buchanan. 10-15-71 ___ tAUlYl LAMIS FARMS ANYWHERE IN ALABAMA^ For Sale by Ingram realty company. Empire Bide. Phono Main 1197. 6-22-tf LEKAl, iNOllLES .Notice of Mortgage Sal** Notice is Hereby given that at 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, November 12, 1913, at the Third avenue front door of the courthouse in the city of Birming ham, Jefferson county, Alabama, there will be offered for sale at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash 20 shares of the capital stock of the Foley Fertilizer company of Foley, Ala., which shares are now held as collateral by tin* American Trust and Savings bank to secure an indebtedness past due and unpaid. 10-12-5^ Stockholders* Meeting Notice is hereby given thut the annual meeting of the stockholders of the North Birmingham Land company will be held at the office of the company in the city of Birmingham, Ala., on Thursday, Oc tober in. 1913, for the e’ection of directors and such other business as may he brought before the meeting. FRANK NELSON, JR., President. W. H. Ul'RAN, Secretary. lO-l-Ot-eod \U oyerule Our unu t'luut, tiukiug ENGRAVED GARDE EMBOSSED STATIONERY, LITHOGRAPHED STATIONERY BEST PRINTED STATIONERY ROBERTS & SON (Inc.) THE BIO ALABAMA HOUSE" 1812 Third Ave, PHONE MAIN S40I ..... — □ Oil CERTIFICATES fnrni.h « ! Rate, profitable and convenient invest ment. Backed by first mortgages and j free from taxes and worry. If6*s and i absolute safety appeals to you. write j for literature. SECURITY SAVINGS tad i LOAN CO.. BIRUINGHAII, ALA. III M . ! _ - Brandywine’s County Wins Third Prize $ Shelby county, which already furnishes Birmingham with some I of Its choicest fruits, berries and i vegetables, has been awarded third agricultural county exhibit ! - prize at the Alabama State Fair. ^ Tts climate is perfect and it is ; exceptionally well adapted to the cultivation of fruits and profit able garden vegetable**. There are 815 farms, ranging from 5 to 160 acres in Brandy* I wine, situated in the center of Shelby county. | The Chamber of Commerce, hi a recent statement, says the peo 5 pie of Birmingham pay over $2,000,000 per annum to other states for foodstuffs, jfj Brands'wine farms will supply [, a very/ large proportion of this amount in . the near future, and this fadt assures its destiny. AMERICAN! Finance & Bond Co. E | Seventh Floor ,\»n crlcun Trust I l!ull«l!ng ji FAIRFIELD “The Livest Spot On the Map” We commend FAIRFIELD to out-of-town visitors as the most desirable investment in the Bir mingham District for sums rang ing from S500 upward. Call at our city offices or at our offices in First Bank of Fairfield. 2II-N.20™ ST. GROUND FLOOR FIRST NATLBANK BLDG. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES AND MULES You can attend our Auction Sale next THURSDAY, OCTOBER Kith and see the Big Fair on the same day. We will sell one car of fresh Kentucky Horses and Mules, one ear Oklahoma farm Horses and Mares, broke and ready for work, and one car of Tennessee saddle Horses and Mares. Also a number of good second-hand and city-broke Horses and Mules. FIES & SONS. Second Ave. and Kith St. * FIFTEEN PER CENT IN VESTMENT 50x140 ON AVE. D NEAR 24th STREET $4000 OLIVER-SHEARER-ROE BUCK REALTY CO. 2025 Third Ave. Phoije 1682 A $9000 NORWOOD BRICK HOME For $6500 Here is a beautiful 2-story brick house on one of the prettiest lots in Norwood for only $6500. Anyone can tell in a glance* that this is a home for a man who wants architectural beauty com bined with modern conveniences. The house has 7 rooms, china closet, "but ler's pantry, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath: finished in oak and birch: the workmanship cannot be excelled. In fact, the closer you in spect this the more delighted you will be. The lot is full sized, elevated, nicel> terraced and sodded, fronts south and overlooks the city. This is the kind of home you expected to pay $9000 for. Price $6500, $750 cash, balance In easy payments. Geo. O. Mabry 4lQt First Ave. gbon* Main 2612. Live Stock Auction ' FRIDAY; OCTOBER 17th 11 a. m. Be sure to attend our Big Auction Sale of Horses and Mules Fri day. This will be an especially good time for you to buy—There will be bargains for all. In addition to the reg ular run of stock we will sell 15 Tennessee saddle horses. Commissions —Horses or mules selling for $50 or less, $2; selling for over $50, $3. ! Maxwell & Crouch j Mule Co. 1512-18 2d Avenue : Price Cut 1750 West End Bungalow I‘ay only $250* cash and the balance in easy payments and yon will get one of the best built and prettiest bungalows in the city. This one is brand new and modern, has 6 rooms, beautiful wood work. mantels and chandeliers; best plumbing; fronts south on large lot and on the car line. See this. Tf you don't say it is worth $3750, I will price Jt at $3000. It is a snap, all right* Geo. O. Mabry 2100 First Ave. Phone Main 2572 SAVE BY THE MONTH THE BEST WAY Take some of our Sav ings Stock, payable 5(K cents a share a month. You have a surplus fund before you know it. Withdrawals at an^ time. d 8 PER CENT INTEREST Jefferson County Building & Loan Association 113 K. 31.* St. Bltalii Aim.