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SCOOP THt CUB KEPORTEk Scoop Knew Snoop’s Sweet Tooth By “HOP” SNOOP HA5> INVITED ME TO COME OVER-AN ‘ MEET" HIS SISTERT >5 HE OOG-HT To FALL FOR. Tms NEW VAAT^ / AN1 I .SPENT PVY / LAST 3YTNEE ON I THIS TWO POUNDER. \ OP CANDY FOR WER VSO AS TO BE <N >RL5rHT AT ftJH’ START SY GOLLf VF IT / GEE- SUES GONE A^’ AINT SCOOP AN’X, / WEHTTO A MOVIE SHOW toroot to teCl sS but tF -m*Ti cAuoy you Nou will COMIN’- BROUGHT FOR- HER BUT^1 V’CAN LEAVE \XLLGWE\T/ NTp^HEFt- | J/'-YJfMNT CANDY f AH-ER- \X5 MY CAUNORY [ AN' IWl ' Happenin’ by YU’ HOUSE- an ’ YUOUGHT ILD SAY HEA_VjO - am in l A HURRY SO'll V <5 AY GrOOBYE l\\5N00P-SEEYUH \\TOH MORROW ^JjK S’U)NG-y Ijpi^ ^ rff _ ' © - n>V-(M-n HOW TO GET IT ALMOST FREE ,Clip out nml present one eoupon like the above, together with our j special price of PNv at | The Birmingham Age-Herald 1 COUPON QD SECURES r/\ AND J/OC THE Volume I Beautifully bound in rich Maroon—cover stamped in gold, artistic inlay design, with 16 iull-page portrait* of th* world's moat famous singers, and complst* dictionary of musical tartna. OUT-OF-TOWN READERS WILL ADD 10c EXTRA FOR POSTAGE “141? A PT Tbe *°n* book wlth ■ *oul 1 400 ofth« cong-treasurae |1LAi\ I of tha world In one voluma of 500 pages. Choaen by 20,005 masic lovers. Four years to complete the book. Bvery song a gam of melody. ONE CENT A RATES—One cent n word n days no ad. tnkeu for Iona than 25c for first Inacr . tl«»w. rwh Wimt m-cnmnwny order. _WANTED SHAVING 10c"at 1921 4th ave. ll-29-tt WE REPAIR all makes of stoves and ranges with experienced help. Call us. Phone, Main 3000. Robert Prowell Stove Co. Use our hardware. 2-10-tf WE PITY second hand clothes, shoes. Phone 15S!. 211*; Second. 1-20-tl PARKER TAXICAB CO.. 6-PASSKN GEK CARS, 12.09 PER HOUR. MAIN 434. 1-23-tl GLUCK S DRY CLEANING CO. Cleaning, pressing, repairing, altering, hats renovated and blocked. 1713 3d Ave. Phone Main 2372. 1-8-tf-we-th-fr-mo tVANTED—16000 j»i once; security first mortgage on Jefferson county real estate worth $20,000. Ingram Realty Co., Empire Bldg. Phone Main 1197. BAGS—We want to buy all kinds of second-hand burlap bags. Prices upon request. B. D. Roney & Co., Memphis. Tenn. 4-7?eod-2m tVANTED—Completed furnished home for summer months; • onvenient to car line; 10 o' 12 rooms. Must be in good neighborhood and have all modern con veniences. Address P. O. Box 895. ___ 4-29-2t-we-fri VVANTED—To borrow from private party 9300 for two years at 8 per cent on 45 *afcr*<? of land within 10 miles of Bir “Tnlngham and conservatively estimated to be xfcorth over $2*XM). Address S-lo, care Age-Herald. WANTED—People to know that we have a duplicate of Hot Springs, Ark., baths litre, $1; male and female attendants; baths $2 given in your home by either attendant in any part of city; skin beau titled and corns removed. Campbell's Spino-Sulpho Bath Sanitarium, 874*1 Main. 449 Hood Bldg. Elevator, 5-1-31 WANTED—A large tract of cut-over, or moderately timbered, good agricul tural land, well located for coloniza tion; 25,000 to 60,000 acres at reasonable ^price; Alabama, Georgia or Missis sippi. Owners only address with full particulars. Address T-19, care Age jjjfirftld. 5-l-2t-fr-su * SITUATION WANTED lady and demonstrator, willing to leave city: references. Address U-19, care |&ge-HeraId. 4-30-2t LADY stenographer of five years’ exper ience. fully competent, desires to change = position. Call Main 3877-W, between 12:20 and 1, or after 6:3o p. m. 4-30-3t |V ANTED—Situation at anything that la honest; have some office exper ience; good references. Address R-19, "pare Age-Herald. 4-30-2t WANTED—Situation by young man of 17; Avtll work at any tiling that is honest; Have some office experience. Address P. Eoien, 3819 4th ave., N._ _ 6-1-2t MlORED boy wants employment as ele itor boy; can furnish best of refer S\ 421 23d st.. 8. iLEJIELF^J s oushelman, must •ker. Apply Mont cleaning Co., Mont 4-29-31 i first class auto auto repalrment; iness; state expe es and wages ex City Garage. Tus 4-28-4t ily competent man Hoffman machine. Lst worker. Apply Dry Cleaning Co., 4-29-3t n at once on re § Guarantee Shoe L. 4-29-6t ited! Call ” Wood ith st. 4-30-8t n the oaxber trade; a; position open; alog. Birmingham Bingham. 2-2-tf-fri-eu-wed. 1 man to take tllng plant; must >w to carbonate ?ss at once, 8-19, ?w. utters. Apply 2119 _ JARDERS __ itTT'aVAv^Phoii*e j ONE CENT A WORE RATES—One cent a w«n» a ilayi no mi taken for leaa than 25c for first Inner tlon. I'mli mint ^rpnnipunv wHyi FOR KENT F^'^'B'K^F^FurrnHhei^ tain Terrace for the summer month.* 2-story, 8-room, brick house with a ^conveniences. Phone 6768-AY. 4-30--I FTRNTSHED apartment for sum me months, New York city, 5 rooms modern, elevator, shower hath, ga: electricity, telephone, uniformed at tendanls, day and night service, sub way express at door, surface cars a corner, 7 minutes' walk to “L," on block from Riverside drive, hig ground, good neighborhood, reason able. Address Terriberry, 354 Broadway, New York. __ 4-26-5t-su-wed-fri-su-ti FOR RENT. Xi.*f cottage In Fountain Heights_$22.6 Two pretty bungalows in Norwood. .$35.0 i 'Veil located Southside bungalow_$35.0 Two West End bungalow's, extra good .$30.( If you intend moving, by all means see our rental lists. They will help you select a home in any part of the city. We have the house you want at the price you ran afford. JEM ISON REAL ESTATE AND IN ST RANCE CO.. 21] North 20th Street. Phone Main 5280. FOR RENT—Beautiful office in new Jef ferson County Bank Bldg.; very reas onable; real estate man preferred Phone Main 1464. 5-1-3 FOR RENT—Apartment, .3 rooms, ha! kitchenette and hath, furnished or tin furnished. 902 S. 29th st.; best Sout Highlands section. Call Main 7682-J o Mr. Nesbitt, Main 7741. BUSINESS CHANCES CliANCKforgoodTloter man getTcbyea lease on new hotel; new DUllriing; pres ent lessee wishes to leave city: wouli gladly turn over lease to good man Address P-14. care Age-Herald. 4-lS-t STATE sales manager for Alabama I handle upto-date store fixtures: require about $2(10 cash. Address M-19, car Age-Hera Id. 4-30-6 MONEY Invested through our free serv ices is becoming very popular and satis factory; If yiftt wish to Invest a small o large amount, consult us; informatiot free, 309 American Trust Bldg. MONEY TO LEND fXQrw^f'Ai^rjEMiSosr' Main 100. 8-6-t: WB negotiate loana and aell real estate Can handle desirable farm loans Malone-McConnell Co., 2024 3d ava. __10-29-tl 1 BUY well secured notes and mortgages amounts $60 and up; also make loans J. W. Dukes, 425 Woodward Bldg. 3-1-1 REAL ESTATE loans to suit you U amount, terma and Jntarest; can pa] back monthly or yearly; will take seo ond mortgage. John W. Prude, 101 N 22d st. Bell phone 340. 10-16-t: MONEY TO LEND on real estate, amounts and time to suit Leonard* \Vll llams Co., 721 Woodward Bldg. 10-22-tl LOANS oi. Improved city and auburbar property. Birmingham Land anti Mortgage Co.. 306 First National Bank Bldg._ 4-18-tt WE are prepared to discount properly se cured purchase money paper, to nego tlate loans on real estate, and to furnlsl conservative Investments In such papei or other securities to persons who havt Idle funds. REALTY TRUST CO., 303 W. 20th SI. 3-9-mo-fr-t! REAL ESTATE LOANS MADfc PROMPTLY. SEE FRANK B. CLARK WITH EDWARD I.. MOORE R. E & INS. CO., 309 EMPIRE BLDG. PHONf MAIN 444. _ MONEY. I have money to loan in any amount See me today. JOHN H. BLANKS. “I Get Results." 2026 3rd ave. STOVE HEP AIRING STOVE and' range repairing; expert on gas stoves and ranges. Call Main 6626. 222 N. 22d at. 4-17-tf Y , \ ONE CENT A WORE RATES-—One cent a word n days no ni taken for Icnn than 2ftc for first laser tl«n». <n*ih numf appomnwny nnlfi FOR SALE .TALK WITH ALAS JEMISON. I 1003 Jeff- Co. Bank Bldg. 8-8-1 E. J. BURNSCO REAL ESTATE. PHONE 76«. 10-4-1 WE will build you a home. Blrmlnghar ! Building and Imp. Co.. 414-15-16 Amerl can Trust Bldg. 1-16-t 14 PER CENT. A first-class apartment house, with 4 sep arate apartments, fronting park, face smith and east, corner lot, on two ca lines, close in, on Southside, rentin, $1200. Price, $8500. ANGLIN-WHITE R. & I. CO.. Phone 1523. 2028 1st Ave. 4-2G-t —. A SACRIFICE Sometime ago 1 offered a piece of cen tral property at a sacrifice. Yoi didn’t get it—but a wise man did, am I offered him a thousand dollars fo his trade before he got the deed He was a wise* man—he knew hi: trade was wortli $5,000—and it is Now I have a customer who gets ai income of about $100 a month fron real estate worth aibout $75,000. Tha customer needs money and that cus tomer will sell a piece of close-i: _ property (it's half a block from prop erty worth $2,500 pier foot) at t I sacrifice price. And that custom?'! will take nearly half In trade—gooc income property unincumbered—bui the balance must be crash. I can’l tell you anything about this one or * the phone either. - GARLAND MOURNING With TARRANT REALTY CO. 1 t FOR SALE—One good safe and type r writer. Goodlander Milling Co.,»Phon? , Main 410. 5-1-31 I I !• KATES—One cent .. irord a «f»y* no niL - taken for leaa tlian 25c for flrat Inner 4 li'n_Ovh m»«« wi i'oniin'»T onlyr, _ FOR SALE_ j LUNCH room, best location, cheapest, f rent, good lease, doing fine, for sale; j very cheap; other business cause of j sale. 1724 3d ave. 4-28-3t-tu-thu-lri f 1 * WE are offering for sale, on South [ side, a 6-room, furnace-heated house on corner lot facing east: Is in good neighborhood and on good street; this is a strictly modern and up-to-date * home and cost $4750 hi 1913; owner is willing to lake $500 less than cost. ; All rooms are very light and pleas ant, and is a very attractive home. Call Main 2373. r _ _ $12oO~Ten acres at station, prettiest sub urban tract on market; stations conven ient; spring branch; fine for homes and lot subdivision; rich, lays well; will ar range terms. Write Owner. Box 845. | FOR 8ALB OR EXCHANGE—-Modern 10 \ room residence, South Highlands; small payment and other property; fine op portunity for quick deal. 628 Jefferson County Bank Bldg. i OWNER wants to sell beautiful West End home; also two homes, 16th ave., N.; will trade; negro rental property preferred. Main 1464. 1417 Jefferson County Bank Bldg. 5-1 -71 WANTED—To furnish our famous blue grass, Tennessee Jersey country butter by parcel post or express at 25c per pound and postage. G. E. Slater, War trace, Tenn. 5-l-4t-e >d ■ A BIG BARGAIN FOR SALE 50 BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS IN BEST PART OF BIRMINGHAM MUST SELL BY JUNE 1. SOMEBODY WILL MAKE MONEY ON THIS DEAL WHY NOT YOU* ACT QUICKLY. W. E. MARTIN, 405 (OLD) J EFFE RSON <70UNTY BANK. 4-30-lot ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OP PASSENGER TRAINS, BIRMINGHAM t The following schedule figures are published only as information, and are ’ TERMINAL STATION buutbcru ItMilwaajr 1 (s'*. Arrtf* lio«— . Mo. D«ui lo ll Atlanta } *• “ 11 Grew.lUa 1 :«• »■ I 11 Groooilllo UAtlwu 11:18 u • '1 .1 a“‘ 16 Columbuo 4 AO pn 10 Mobile 8:5(1 pm iu Mobile fe:4S am JX Jacksonville 11:95 pm 24 Jacksonville 4 00 pm l> Salma 10:93 am J7 Selma 4:10 pm 39 Atlanta 10:00 pm 48 Atlanta • :80 am K5 New York 11:50am 86 New York 8:50 pm j 29 New York 5:1.1pm 80 New YorkU :80 am Queen At Crescent Houte > A. G. S. H. H. Ke. Arrive from— Nr Depart te ll 1 Cincinnati 18 03 pm 1 Shr'pt A N. O. 10:13 pm 2 New Orleans C.10 am 2 Cln. A N. Y. <J:20 urn 8 Cincinnati 18:15 am 8 New Orleena 18:20 am 4 New Or lee*.; 0:00 pm 4 Cincinnati 8:05 pm 6 Chattanooga 11:38 am 6 Meridian 4:10 pm 11 C hattanooga 0:00 pm * rh-,« no n. 8 Meridian 11:55 am 8 Chattanooga 4.00 pm 18 Meridian 11:85 pm 12 Chattanooga 8:08 am Krlaee Uuea Ne. Arrive from— Me. Depart sa lt! Kansas Uti 8:88 pm 180 Kansas dtp 19:80 pm 103 Kansas CUp 0:15 am 104 Kansas Clip 10 JO pm >25 Amory 10:15 am B2ti Amory 3:25 pm *.)21 Memphis 5:55 pm B22 Memphis7 :00 m Centrist oi ua. Hp. No. Arrive from— No. Depart to— 1 Macon 10:10 pm 2 Macon T:00 am - 0 Jacksonville 18:05 pm 10 Jacksonville 4:85 pm 8 Ha-ni.nah 11:33 tm 4 Savannah 3 50 om Trains marked thus »•» run dally exoept Run day IHIIMIN laHAAl T IS K ill IIS Al. SfTATI4»3l SMbouru Air l.lne Hf. Vo. Arrive from— No. Depart to ri New York 10:00 pm 8 New York 7:15 am 11 New Y'ork 12:15 pm 12 .New York S’ :00 pm ! < Atlanta0.20 pm 22 AtlantaR\00 am lllluole Ontrnl ity. Ne. Arrive from— I No. Depart t#— 9 Cblcaon4:13 pm I U> thlcago_H:V« rm lOllbVILLli: A NA.MIVIIiMfi STATION L. A; S. II. H. No. Arrive from— No.. J lurt to— 1 Ctoclnnatl »:25 am 1 New 0 :00 am 2 New Orleans 12:10 am 2 Clnrlnmi*' 12:22 pm I Cincinnati 2 :25 pm j New Orleans 2:40 pm 4 Mew Orieana 2:37 pm *6 Decatur 6:15 am •6 Decatur T:4Gpm 7 Montgomery 4:05 am T Cincinnati 8:56 am 8 Cincinnati 12:01 am It Montgomery T :15 pm 0 Montgomery 6:20 am 12 Montgomery 10:45 am 11 MootRotaer* 2:5# im 15 Dco.-itur10 :30 am 14 Decatur4 :o» pm Ulrmluiglmm Mineral Ne. Arrive from— No. Depart to ft Praco 6:15 pm 83 Preco t :26 am r 4H Tuacaloaee 11:15 am 41 Uioctoa • :80 am 42 Bkoeton T :25 pm 48 Bloctoe t 45 pm 18 Annialoa It :40 am 44 Anniston 6:40 pm 47 Aonlaton 1:50 pm 4fl A-alatoo I -10 am .02 Tuscaloosa 5:30 pm 101 Tuscaloosa 7:00 am B. A A. Ne. Arrive from— No. Depart l* Manchester 11:50 am 24 Manchester 7:30 am [5 Itosnoke 6:50 pm jp Konnohe 4:00 pm other trains run dally, central time. _FOR SALE 13Vfc PER CENT . New brick Apartment house, within 200 feet of Highland ave., east of 20th st., 4 complete and separate apartments; ' renting for $2160. Price $16,000. Owner needs the money. ANGLIN-WHITE R. & T. CO.. , 2028 1st Ave. Phone 1523. ; 4-27-tf I $8000 YEARLY INCOME. IN FIVE YEARS WILL MAKE YOU INDEPENDENT: $800 INVESTED WILL SHOW THE ABOVE. WHAT BETTER? GROW S ATS CM A OR ANGES IN MOBIT.E COUNTY. THERE IS A FORTUNE FOR YOU. CAI.L OR WRITE S. E. W11.BOURNE. , ROOM 410 AMERICAN TRUST BLDG. PHONE MAIN 8030. CORNER* BRICK STORE—Two” stories* 5 rooms above ami dwelling; lot 66x140, , 4th avenue, north. This is neither of the skyscrapers or Tutwiler hotel, yet a bargain at $3750. Terms. 628 Jefferson County Bank Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL, little, 6-room bunga low on corner lot on Southside, fur nace heat and tile bath, strictly modern and up-to-date In every way. This is on a very pretty street and the surroundings are ideal, is near car line, 16 minutes from town; could not be Improved upon. Call Main 2373. FOR SALE—One of the handsomest homes in Norwood at a genuine bargain; lot high and dry, 60x190 feet, with 10 room house, thoroughly modern and practically new; you will want it if you see it. For particulars see W. B. Leedy Real Estate and insurance Co., 112 N. 21st st. Phone 42. 5-l-5t FOR SALE—One brand new duplicating typewriter and agency for same in Bir mingham district; 26 pounds of type goes with machine; can turn out 600 to 1000 form letters an hour, and match any typewriter ribbon; if you have $100 cash can put you into a very profit able business; should easily make $50 per week; other business prevents my handling. Address Box 102. Besse mer, Ala. 6-l-3t-fr-su»we FOR SALSr—Salvage paint sloek of Acme Taint Co., for sale In lots to suit your needs. Ask Mr. Watson, ] agent, 2121 3d ave. __FOR SALE_ FOR SALE—Owner leaving~city-'wiir-8ell upright piano and mahogany daven port. very cheaply. Both are in good ’ condition and have only be used a few months. Same can be seen at 721 N. 17th st. Phone Main _4-30-21 _LOST-STRAY ED—STOLEN ; LOST—One large, bay mule about 6 years old, weighing about 1150 pounds; reward If returned to E. E. Dodd, cor ner Ave. C and 24th st., Ensley. 4-24-tf j LOST—Certificates S-58785 and 8-69376, each for three shares of preferred stock of the Pnited States Steel cor poration; both in the name of Walter C. i Head. Return to Dr. W. C. Head, Johns, Ala. 4-24-9t-fr-su-wa LOST—Somewhere along 11th ave., from Sycamore st.. to Five Points or 1 between Five Points and corner of 19th ave. and 10th st., string of gold and amethyst beads; may have been lost on Lakeview car. Return to Ben Peebles. 938 S. 19th st., or phone Main 6900 ami receive reward. j ~ WANTED—HELP $75 month paid railway^postaT^cTerita Thousands appointments coming. Ap ply Franklin Institute, Dept. 3-M, Rochester, N. Y._ 4-26-lm-ex-tu-th WANTED—Head and side waiters, sum mer resort; short order grillroom cook; window trimmer-dress goods salesman; white gardener, summer ho- 1 tel, must milk; other openings. Room 626 Chamber Commerce Bldg. WANTED—FEMALE HELP WANTED—A capable woman presser for ladies’ fine dresses and other wear. . Must be good, fast worker. Apply Mont gomery French Dry Cleaning Co.. Mont- . gomery, Ala. 4-29-31 WANTED—First class colored chamber- , maid; good wages. 1C06 Beech at. PERSONAL ! LADIES—91000 reward; I positively guar antee my great successful "Monthly” « remedy; safely relieves some of the J longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases 1 In three to five days: no harm, pain or 1 Interference with work; mall, 91.50. 1 Double strength, $2. Dr. Southington, 38 Long Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 6-24-tf FARM LANDS J FARMS ANYWHERE IN'aEaSXma' , For Sals by c INGRAM REALTY COMPANY. Empire Bldg. Phone Main 1UT. «-«-«« 5 KODAKS 1 RLMTd^i^rTsrpSTSirTflStrss • and 4u each. Prompt attention and work the beat CoveU Co. HM j ( ONE CENT A WORE HATES—One cent «i woril n day: no ai taken for lean than lT»c for first timer tl«‘Q. mint Hl'l'OmiMinT OrilCI __ FOR RENT—ROOMS_ THE AVALON-All outside'rooms, fur nace heat; modern convenience* moderate pi ice; bath free. 2100 5t ave. 5-25-1 AT~THE SIR MilVGHAM HOTER "steaf heat, electric light, telephones and ai hotel service, $4 a week ami up; tran sient rates. $1 a day and up. The Blr mingham, 18th st. and 2d ave. 2-10-t TWO connecting furnished rooms fo light housekeeping, no childrer. JM 7th ave. 4-19-t NICELY furnished upstairs front room hot baths, elegant heated bathroom price reasonable 2212 4th ave.. N. 3-10-t FOR RENT—Nicely furnished, well kep rooms, dose in, modern conveniences summer rates. 2121 6th ave., N. Phon 3858 Main. 4-25-7 NICELY furniihed rooms, with or with out board; new management. 1920 6t ave., N. 4-26-31 CAPITOL PARK lXN-Large"room. fac ing 20th st.; lavatory, with or withou private bath. 4-26-8 NEW 21st St. Hotel, lit)\'z North 21st st. newly furnished, clean, cool rooms; ho and cold baths; rates, $8 to $20 pe month. 4-2G-30 LOVELY room, brick house, steam heat electric fans, shower bath, hot and coh running water, etc.; gentlemen only references required. Apply 604 20th st. N.__ 4-28-6 FOR RENT—Two or three front” room with private bath in best part o South Highland. Call phone Mail 4310-W._^ 4-28-5 TWO nicely furnished Toonis. 1615 10tl ave- 3. 4-28-6 ['LEAN, light, well furnished rooms; al conveniences; easy walking distance t< business section. Phone Main 8335-J. 52 N. 20th st. 4-29-5 FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms fo"; light housekeeping. Inquire 2114 Gtl ave. . 4-29-3 AOOMS FOR RENT—Single room ITol one gentleman, also large front bed room, every convenience, rent reason able. 2113 5th ave., north. 4-29-1 TWO completely furnished rooms fo light housekeeping, with private bati and kitchenette; also extra bedroom all conveniences; close in. Phone Mail 4475._ 4-3U-3 FOR RENT—Furnished room with bath private family, one or two gentlemen Phone 8446. 4-30-2 ?OR RENT—Large rooms, newly pa pered. furnished or unfurnished; home comforts. 1920 8th aye. 4-30-21 FOR RENT—Southslde, beautiful furnish ©d front room, adjoining bath; conveni ent to board, one block of three cai lines. Main 7387-J. 4-30-3' FURNISHED rooms FOR RENT. ’wo beautifully furnished rooms with al modern conveniences, upstairs; nice anc cool. «>np-half block from car line ir private borne; terms reasonable, no# N 29tb st- Phone Main 8100. ’WO front rooms in modern home, 1218 20tb * st. S. Main 6114-W. 1 2-81-tf-we-fr-sii •'OR RENT—In elegant Soutli Highlam residence oh* owner, one large, niceh furnisiied frOc’i ‘ room, opening on largi veranda, southern front; electric ligiits telephone, all windows and doori screened; hot atjd cold water in bath room convenient; convenient to cars and in easy walk ing distance to cen ter of city; will let to one or two ac ceptable gentlemen or to man and wife reference required. .Call at 2106 Hum boldt ave. _ 4-30-41 rHREE connecting rooms, furnisher complete for housekeepkjVS; all conven iences; also one front re-mi furnisiied 5305 First ave.. or Wood laws'll 499-W. __ ^ 5-1-31 'WO bed rooms furnished or unfurnished, near good board, (lose to Terminal walking distance of town, in nice tlai with private family; rent very reason able. Plume 7978- W. JICE, cool rooms, nicely furnisher/* de lightful location, all modern con veni' ences. walking distance to city. 1921 Ave H, Cullom Apartments. 5-1 »31 OR RENT—Three unfurnished room.\ hall, large closets, bath, water and light for $12.»0; one furnisiied front room reasonable. 4904 1st ave., Woodlawn. JELIGHTFUL. well furnished bedroom In first class private borne, privilege bath and sitting room, to gentlemen or couple; references: family out of efty for summer. Apply Friday or Saturday jrorning before 11:30 at 1529 lltli ave , S. tOOMS—Furnished or unfurnished* also housekeeping suites in St. Charles apartments. Fairfield; $5 month up; steam heat, hot water and light furnished. Mrs. H. S. Mac Naul. Box 484, Falrifeld. 5-l-3t-fr-sa-mo ^^qM^WANTED-.BOAHD_ VANTED—To rent or lease for one year, beginning September 15. 1914, two large! aunny rooms, suitable for studios must be between 20th and 30th sts., on or near Highland ave. Address A. I\ c 702 American Trust Bldg. 4-29-3t LEGAL NOTICES Will be paid for stray dogs dellv red at the city hall May l to May 9, nclusive. W. R. Kelly, Commissioner f Dog License. 4-30-61 50 Ceat* Reward ——— Will be paid for convicting evidence gainst any citizen of Birmingham, ila., owning a dog on which license as not been paid. This reward is ef ectlve on and after May 15, 1914, W. L Kelly,- Commlaioner o.' Dog License. 4 - 3 0 - 61 Notice to Contractors Sealed proposals will be received bv he undersigned until 3 o'clock p. ml. 'uesday, May 5, 1914, for the construe ion of certain grading, macadamizing, omhined curb atpd gutter and sidewalk avlng under Imp. Ord- Nos. 807-C and 08-C: also for the construction of cer ain sanitary sewers under Imp. Ord. fo. 811-C. Specifications may be ob iined and plans examined at this office, 'he right is reserved to reject any and 11 proposals. (Signed) JULIAN KENDRICK. City Engineer. ge-Herald, April 39, May 1 and 2. 19X4 •-..., .... I ONE CENT A WORD RAIES—Obp cent ■ nord n dayt no ««L - tnken for Icm.o thnn 2f,c for flrwt Inser : O'11 nin«) w»«»ompwitv order. _LEGAL NOTICES ■ Legal Notice ; Louisville and Nashville Railroad com 1 ?any vs. J. J. Simmons, et al.—In the f Chancery Court of Jefferson county, i Alabama. 1 In this cause it being made to appear . to the register by affidavit of J. \\\ . Crane, agent of the .complainant, that f the defendants, Will Dumas. Lonnie Du . mas and Nellie Dumas, Pearlie Dumas, g Walter Dumas and Luther Dumas. Bessie f Dumas and Otis Dumas, are each non-' residents of Alabama, and each reside in ; th<* county of Hill, state of Texas; and. • futther. that In the beher of said affiant r the defendants. Will Dumas, Lonnie t Dumas and Nellie Dumas, are over the ; age of 21 years, and that Pearlie Dumas, 3 Whiter Dumas and Luther Dumas are t over the age of 14 years and under the . age of 21 years, and that Bessie Dumas i and Otis Dumas are each under the age • of 14 years, and that neither of said minors has a legal guardian in the state ’ of Alabama, it is therefore, ordered by . the register that publication be made in 1 The Age-Herald, a newspaper published • in Jefferson county, Alabama, once a - week for four consecutive weeks, requir ing ilie said Will Dumas, Lonnie Dumas, ■ Nellie Dumas, Pearlie Dumas, Walter , Dumas. Luther Dumas. Bessie Dumas l and Otis Dumas to plead, answer or ; demur to the hill of complaint in this , cause by the 24th day of May, 1914. or in ; .10 days thereafter a decree pro confess*) j may be taken against the above named , adult defendants. ‘ Done at office this the 22d dav of April, 19! i. HENRY MORSCHHEIMER, 4-23-4t Register. i __ i CORPORATION RECORD ; MINUTE BOOKS STOCK CERTIFICATES SEAL PRESSES RUBBER STAMPS LITHOGRAPHING ROBERTS & SON <Inc.) ••THB BVG ALABAMA HAITSE" ROBERT W. EWING, Preat. 1812 3rd Ave. Phone Mnln 8461 FOR RENT sorrusiDE Location; Rooms. Price. 2205—Ave. F. 4 $15.00 1708—Ave G. 4 16.00 1108—14th st. 5 35.00 1 611—27th st. 3 J 7.50 920—1 1th st. 5 27.50 1 60S—-25th st. « 18.00 1801—11th ave. x 50.30 817—13th st. 8 31.50 2720—Hanover Circle . 8 50.00 : 826— 20tli st. 9 70.00 Ills—20 th st. 9 80.00 1920—Ave. T . 9 75.00 920—20th si. 9 100.1)0 1407—filth ave. 14 75.00 | NORTHS ILK I 105—5th ave. 4 15.00 1408 — 1 1th ave. 5 28.00 1500—1 I til ave. 6 28.00 110—25U) st. 7 33.50 . 2018—13th ave. 7 40.ft<) : 1330—30th st. 9 60.00 i i 704—20th st.. W. 11 63.00 j We have apartments of two, three and four rooms each for rent In the Rose- , wall apartments. < onsult. us about prices. • STORES 2.13—20th st., S. $60.00 2521—4th ave. 35.00 1031—13th st.. N. 40.00 1 2113-15—Morris ave. 100.00 I W. B. Leedy R. E. & Ins. Co. > 11? V. 21st St. Phone C. . — I Wheeler Hotel Eutaw, Ala. Good Service and Up-to £)ate in Every Respect, Furnished Apartments The Ridgely has a limited number of beautifully furnished apartments, which may he se- ! ?ured at reasonable prices. Bachelors and young married l people will find these especially desirable. We suggest that you > make an early application to avoid any possible disappoint ment in securing one. JEMISON Real Estate and Ins. Co. Ground Floor First National j Bank Building Phnne 5280 SEE THE U. C. V. REUNION AND Shriners’ Convention ON ONE TICKET VIA Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South QC Round Trip Jacksonville Reunion May 6, 7, 8 Shriners in Atlanta May 10, 11, 12, 13 ,hriners' Parade seven miles long. 25 Brass Bands, over two hundred housand people. Ill U. C. V, Tickets allow stop over at Atlanta ror all information call on MITCHELL COXWELL, D. P. A. :ITY TICKET OFFICE—Ground Floor ■mpire Building. Telephone Main 3057. i. H. HARDWICK, P. T. M„ Washington, 0. C. I. F. CARY, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. AMES FREEMAN, A. G. P. A., Birmingham, Ala. Beginning Young •’rom Judge. Mrs.-Qramerey—Do you think slie’a (ringing up her daughter right? Mrs. Park—Indeed she Is, my dear. She lave tlie little thing a stuffed bulldog to day with instead of a doll. aXTLANTA EXCURSION $5.i?5 Round Trip, April 26th to Hay 1st VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Lv. BirmingVi'am ... 6:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:50 p.m. 12:15m. Ar. Atlanta . ...12:40 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 9:25 p.m. 12 m. 6:30 a.m.