Newspaper Page Text
AT CLANTON MAY 23 Object Being, to Create Interest In Birniingham Montgomery Highway Montgomery, April 30.—(Special.)—For tire purpose of creating greater inter est In tire Birmingha in-Montgomery high way project, the executive committee ol the association has arranged for an im mense barbecue at Clanton on May 20, to which invitations will be issued to all persons interested in the new road. The barbecue will be pne of the first of the season and promises to be one ol the largest. Printed invitations will be sent to citizens of tire various counties through which the road passes, and H is expected that the attendance will be unusually large. An effort will be made to have all per sons go to Clanton in automobiles or some other vehicle, as it is one of the desires of the Birmlngham-^Iontgomei v Highway association that the proposed road shall b# traveled that day by all who attend the barbecue. VV. S. Keller, state highway engineer' and president of the association, has beer very active in the past few weeks in ai endeavor to ere*te larger interest an< enthusiasm In the project, and he feels confident that the success of the move ment Is assured. Much of the highway has already been built, and a part is now under construction. By the latter part 01 summer it is expected that plans wil have been made looking to the comple tion of the important highway. Society ' v, (Continued from I’Hge Slxi back to the candle light days of long ago. , Congenial guests from the various chap ters, Crrited Daughter* of the Confed eracy, called during the hours of -I U ii. The reception was informal and mosl enjoyable. Mrs. Leigh, who had the even ting before delighted her audience in her Vhlstorical lecture, was equally charming In her role as honor guest. historian of the Alabama division, Mrv Heigh has given Alabama an en viable reputation for greatness among the notable states of the union. Mrs. Heonard Hobart gracefully pre sented the daughters and veterans, wh< vvere received at "the door by Theresa Corey, member of the children's Cnitec Daughter's chapter. Officers of Yancey chapter assisted ii receiving and entertaining the guests. In the dining room light refreshment* in Confederate colors were served. Mis; Maebello Stollcnwerck. Mrs. C. c. Adams Mrs. Bostick and others presiding. Mrs. Heigh has returned to Montgom ery, leaving many new found friends. PICK WICK CLUB MEETS WITH MISS BROWN Miss Marian Brown entertained the members of the Pick Wick club last even ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamei Johnson in Wylam. Spring flowers were used to make tin home bright and attractive for the guest: 1 and games and refreshments were tin features of the affair. Those present were: Miss Ituth Russell Miss Sarah Murphy, Miss Gertrude New 5 bert, Miss Edna Crane, Miss Eliza John son, Miss Martha Hiddell. Miss Anni Kirkwood. Mfrss Jeanle Brawley, Mis Carrie Traynof, Miss Willie Wallace, Mis Savannah Dobbs, Miss Marian Browr Miss Marian Johnson, Miss Bessie Tray nor. Miss Agnes Conley, Miss Bess! I Moore, Miss Desma Dewberry. Miss An | nie Brown. Miss Mary Conley, Miss Mar tha Conley. Miss Emma Dourey, Mis Stewart Guthrie, Miss Hannah Ellis, Mis -,r»r^e Neill. Mr. Curtis Moore, Mi Brown. Mr. Frank Neill, Mr. Wi Marcus Russell. Mr. Mill! Harry Gardner, Mr. Alber Vs Guthrie, Mr. Mathcv " n. Mr. Earl Crane *n Jayne, Mi Ellis Mr Moxley 1 usk Miss Lora Mac .Ionian, Miss Mary Tuck. Miss Alice. Tow, Miss Elly Nolan, Miss Amelia Dobbs. Miss Claudia Mae. Lam bert, Miss Belle Park burst, Miss Mabel 15111s, Miss Belle Canterbury, Miss Myr tle Avery. Miss May Moxley, Mrs. Mall Marshall, Mrs. John .Sawyer, Miss Mattie Brodie. Miss Mary Reed, Miss Maggi** Stein. Mrs. A. Glasgow. Mr. Horace Moore, Mr. Russell Eubank, Mr Emmett Eubank. Mr. John Young, Mr. Neal Yoking Mr. John Barr. Mr. Ernest El lodge. Mr. John Fornior, Mr. Matt Pitts. Mr. Harold Rogers, Mr. Torn Glasgow, Mr George Ford, Mr. Will Gilmore. Mr. Clifford Stewart. Mr. Morris Stewart. Mr. Ren Moxley. Mr. Hugh Shivers, Mr. John Freeman, Mr. James Davidson, Mr. James Winster, Mr. Will Sargeant and others. THETA ALPHA BETA CLUB ENTERTAINED Miss Helen Edwards was a charm *ng hostess of yesterday afternoon at her home in West End, where she en tertained the members of the Theta Alpha Beta club. Pink Killarney roses and sweet peas «>f the same hue were used to decor ate the living and dining rooms, where Hie tables were arranged for the game, bridge. The guest prize was a dainty hand embroidered bag and the club prize was a pair of silk hose, the con solation being a pretty handkerchief. Delicious refreshments were served at the end of the game. Tiie visitors for the afternoon were: Mrs. Hubert Norwood, Mrs. Oscar Streit, Miss Hazel Boffitt. Mrs. Hold. Miss Julia Wilson. Miss Cecelia Mc Namara, Mias Helen Terrell. Miss Lois Wilson. Mrs. Frances Abbott, Miss Florence McConnell, Miss Robert Wil son The club members present were: Miss Edna Allison, Miss Mildred Wor rell. Mrs. Elmer Heinz, Miss Helen Edwards. Miss Francos Macon. Miss Carrie Papot, Miss Mary Claire Nor wood and Miss Vera Brent. MRS. HAYNIE HOSTESS LADIES* AUXILIARY Mrs. Will Haynle was hostess to the Ladies* Auxiliary No. 29t>. yesterday afternoon at her home In Avondale. The house was prettily decorated with roses and ferns arid the hours were delightfully spent with sewing and contests Eater a delicious ice course was served. Miss Valla McCool and Miss Violet Swoft assisted the hostess in receiving t lie guests. Invitations were sent to about 30 ladies. WEDNESDAY SOCIAL CLUB WITH MRS. ( ROY Mrs. Frank Croy was hostess at forty two yesterday afternoon at her home in West End, complimenting the Wednesday Afternoon Social club. Tables were arranged in the living room for the game, which was followed by a delightful two-course luncheon. Those enjoying this charming hospital ity were: Miss Adams, Miss Josephine, Mrs. W. J. Garrett. Mrs. Lily Milner, Mrs. Henry f. Barclay, Mrs. Eugene Ellis. Mrs. Sam fllippcn, Mrs. VV. (’. Gewin. Mrs. Gilliland. Mrs. Fed Hickman. Mrs. Vernon Holmes, Mrs. G. M. Hill, Mrs. Wallace .Johns, Mrs. C. Pike, Mrs. E. A. Lively. Mrs. Fred Orr, Mrs. John Simmons, Mrs. S. A. Townsend. Mrs. Jesse Walters. Mrs. C. W. Worrell. Mrs. Herman Whaley and Mrs. Will Boors. MEETING OF THl RSDAY AFTERNOON 42 CLUB Tiie members of the Thursday After noon Forty-two elufc were delightfully entertained yesterday by Mrs. J. M. Don aldson at her home in Ensley. After the regular meeting a delicious salad and ice course was served. Those participating were: Mrs. M. H. McDowell, Mrs. J. S. Hall. Mrs. J. M. Donaldson, i Mrs. Alexander Hood. Mrs. H. C*. Russell, ‘t Mrs. J. J. Walker, Mrs. C. VV. Sharpe, Mrs. F. O. Harris. MRS. MASSEY’S LUNCHEON FOR MRS. CRENSHAW 4 Complimenting Mrs. Jack Crenshaw, * who lias recently come to Woodlawn as a bride, Mrs. Alfred Massey, Jr., was „ hostess at a pretty luncheon yesterday. 4 Purple Iris and narcissi were used as . a central decoration for the exquisitely - appointed table and dainty hand painted ^ cards marked the following places: 4 Mrs. A. J. Massey, Mrs. R. P. Thomp son, Mrs. R. A. Clayton, Mrs. .T. E. Rob 1 inson. Mrs. John Tounds, Mrs. .Tack Cren 3 shuw and Mrs. Massey. * MRS. HADLEY HOSTESS ENSLEY HIGHLAND BRIDGE Complimenting tiie members of the Ens ley Highland Bridge club, Mrs. W. E. Hadley was hosiers at luncheon yester day at her home In Fairfield. BINS- ANDREWS WEDDING EMNIZED IN AVONDALE •narraige of Miss 1511a Andrews Burns Alan Dobbins was heau olemnissed last evening at 9 the Avondale Baptist church, 1. Bradley officiating, es of handsome ferns and ire tastily combined with i in decorating ti e church for ■don, and a beautiful musical le preceded the ceremony, a Kllarrt sang “The Sweetest ver Told.' e first strains of the wedding Miss Ethel McCool, who was maid, entered. Her dress was ite crop© with lace draperies and arried an armful of snowballs, •laid of honor. Miss Vara Moore -Hanna, Fla., followed. She wore satin with lace and pearl trim * and also carried the flowers n for the wedding, s Andrews entered with her fath !r. J. F. Andrews, and was met je altar by Mr. Dobbins and his man. Mr. Osa L Andrews. Miss Andrews made a lovely bride, her eos lurm- being of while crepe »b» chine with lace trimmings. Her veil was 'aught with orange blossoms ami she arri* t h shower bouquet of bride’s rose*, ami lilies of the valley. Mr. Wallace Gardner was prrooins inan and the ushers were Mr. Gtis An Jrews and Mr. Carey Hentley. An informal reception followed at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. ttl) Mrs. J. F. Andrews, and later Mr. Mid Mrs. Robbins left for a wedding I rip to Memphis. MRS. HAGGARD entertains HOSEKEEf’ERS* CLUB The Twentieth (Century Housekeepers club met yesterday afternoon in Fast Lake with Mrs. T. G. Haggard and Mrs. <\ Harris as joint hostesses. An interesting programme was given by Mrs. J. C. Dawson, Mrs. Haggard and Mrs. Harris. Light refreshments were served later in tlie afternoon. The members present were: Mrs. L. A. Keene. Mrs. .F. G. Dawson. Mrs. P. P. Burns. Mrs T. R. Eagles. Mrs. J. B. Hackett, Mrs. W. H. Haggard. Mrs. Har ris. Airs. W. N Griffin. Mrs. J. M. Shel burne, Mrs. Lula Baird. Miss Mary Mol* ton. Miss Hey wood Molton, Mrs. W. S. Molten. BURT-ROSEBERG ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Roseberg of East Lake announce the engagement of their daughter. Ida, to Mr. E. AV. Burt. Jr., the wedding to take place early in June. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Edgewood club will meet this aft ernoon with Mrs. Jere King. • • w The Amaranth club meets this after noon at 1220 Twelfth <vourt with Mrs. John King. Members arc to take the Fountain Heights car to Kelley sta tion. * * * From 11 a. m. to 9 p. m the ladies of Mr. Bryan's church will rerve hot din ners today and this evening in the church dining room. It Is hoped that a liberal patronage will be given by their friends. • • • The Study circle will meet this after noon with Mrs. R. W. Jenkins. Cliff Road. An election of officers will occur and a. full attendance is expected. • * • “Grandma in Grandma Land” will be presented at the Woodlawn city hall Friday evening for the benefit of the School Improvement association. • • • The Eleanor Hord club will entertain Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. A. Merrill In Woodlawn. * * * Under the auspices of the Robinson School Improvement association “Val ley Farm" will be given at the East Lake Casino Friday evening at 8:15, with Mrs. W. »S. Scott as director. The Alexander Stephens chapter of the U. D. O. will meet with Mrs. J. AA\ Beasley this afternoon in East La k e. . * * * i A oung Ladies Missionary so ciety of the First Presbyterian church of Ensley will meet Tuesday afternoon with Miss Marian Bowman. NOTES Mrs. G. B. Sanders of Roanoke is the guest of her sister, Mrs. AA\ F. Molten, in East Lake. * * * Mrs. J. A. Hendricks Is ill at her home in East Lake. • • • Mrs. I,. R. A'ines and little son of Ensley are visiting relatives in Tal lulah, La. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. O. McDonald of Fort Worth, Tex., are the guests of rela tives in Pratt City. • • * Mrs. Clarence Rowen of AA’oodward is visiting her mother, Mrs. George Bar ber, in Pratt City. • • • Mrs. Clarence Hooper of Virginia City is the guest of Mrs. John Griffin in Pratt City. • • « Mrs. Ben Loper of Pratt City is im proving after an operation at the South Highland infirmary. • • • Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hunter and lit tle daughter of Gallatin, Tex., are vis iting Mr. and Mrs. H. Craig in Boyles. • • • Mrs R. F. Batcher and son of Mont gomery are the guests of Mrs. G. Boatright in Boyles. 0 0 0 Mrs. O. W. Armstrong has returned to Boyles after a visit to relatives in Hopkinsville. Ivy. • • • Mi. and Mm. R. C. Pupa/, of Boy let have named their little son Robert Allan Pupa/.. * * « Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Perry have re turned to Ingienuok after a visit witl [relatives in Tennessee. • • * Miss Kate Rio* of Inglenook hai gone to stay a while with relatives if Nashville. * • • Mr. Doyle Snyder, who was severely injured last week, is in a critical con dition at the McAdory infirmary. • • i Mr. J. R. Cumberland of Huntsville i.« visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert Thomas in Prntt City. * • * Marion Smales is seriously ill at th« home of her grandmother, Mrs. M Sant my er, in Pratt City. • * » Mrs. A. L. Reid of Pratt City is res ously ill at tlie Ensley infirmary. * * * Mr. Frank Landman and Mr. Harrj Landman have returned to Huntsvilh trgaios I Friday and Saturday—Burger’s Shoe Department I $5.00 Ladies' Patent and Dull Kid $4.50 Ladies’ Patent or Dull Kid Co- H New York Pump, light turn sole, _ lonial Pumps, with Cuban or covered B1 new Louis XV heel, medium height. heels, light turn sole. Un- (P O £R H A season's winners. Un- (FQ QC i matchable price .. .. matchable price. tpO»«/9 |iU( Lot Nos. 2822, 2223, 2518. JH Ask for lot Numbers 2316-2609. .. .. $4.00 Indies’ Patent or DnlhKid turn $4.00 Ladies Patent welt sole, Cuban dOtl)- PTPf Tnrt ^ I or low heel, tailored bow Pumps. Un- ^ and *Uorod XS gSt ■ matchable OR \M S . S2.95 ■ SsTfor Lot Nos. 22^22irZ,y0 ^ ^ ^ M $3.50 Indies’ Patent or Gun Metal 2 &G6P Ladies’ French Bronze Kid, Patent J strap Sandals, Cuban heel and me- or Dull French Kid Colonial Pumps, W dium sole. Unmatchable fl*0 4C Vim witn tbe new Spanish Louis Heel, ■ price .... .. .. ..... •••<»'“•“*' the best makes the world can produce. H Ask for Lot. Nos. 2846-2621. a Unmatchable QP AA ■ $5.00 and $6.00 Ladies’ Eronse Kid nWoJf price. vw*vv H I tailored bow hand turn sole, new Ask for Lot Nos. 2303,2305,2037. H I Louis XV heel, unmatch- d* A A pT pitim a new one and one that fits right. H I able price.. . White Canvas, Rubber Sole and heel, Wk \ | Ask for Lot No. 2038. tl' Grosgrsin tailored bows. Pumps. Un ! I $3.00 Ladies’ Patent Baby Doll IIIIS matchable dll QC 4 i 1 Pump, hand turned Bole. (PQ QQ _ . price. H i I Unmatchable price.VOIP $4.00 Ladies’Black Satin welt or turn H J Ask for Lot No. 2338. UUIU sole, covered Cuban or Louis XV I | $3.50 Ladies’ White Canvas and Buck of ?.eel* Puinp9' 4.R 1 Skin welted sole, tailored Bow Pumps, ■* Unmatchable price .... tUOr t» ■ j either Cuban or Louis XV heels. _ $8.50 Ladies’ Black English Walking ■ I Unmatchable CfcO OR FflRtRTY Oxford- pPrin*beel* welted sole. Un- ^ 3 price. IOViWJ matchable (j*Q ART V 1 Ask for Lot Nos. 2005, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, - price.■ | 21. Ask for Lot. No. 2440. B I Our Orthopedic Department is now at your Bervice tf iron J j suffer from Bunioixs, Corns, Callouses or Flat Foot, from ■ I Fallen Arches. We can cure you. Free consultation. ■ after visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Land man in West End. * * * Mr. and Mrs. I. \V. Broughton have an their guests Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett of Chicago. * * • Mr. Lee Black welder has returned to West End after a stay of several days at Florence. • « • The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Passmore of West End is seriously ill. * • • Miss Norma Scebode has returned to her home in Cincinnati after visiting Mrs. F. J. Vann in West End. • • • Mrs. B. A. Murrelle 1s recovering from a recent operation at Talley’s Infirmary. « • # Mr. and Mrs. T L. Crenshaw have re turned from their wedding trip and are at home with Mrs. R. A. Clayton in Wood lawn. • • • Mrs. George Gordon Crawford and her, daughter have > * turned'?; from' NeW Or Mea’ns after a visit of several weeks as ■ the guests of Mrs. Crawford's parents, Colonel ii nd Mrs. Richardson. Mrs, Crawford was accompanied home by Mr. Crawford. • • • Mr. Harold Stallings of Woodlawn 1? ill at St. Vincent's hospital following an operation for appendicitis. • • ]Nlrs. Frederick \\\ Mark has returned from Cleveland other points after an ab sence of 10 days. SUMMERTRAINING FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL Sessions at Monleagle July 26 to Au gust 2 Will be I’nder Dr. Ham ill’s Direction Monteattle, Tenn., April 30.-(Special.) On the Cumberland mountains at Mont eagle will be held the annual summer training school of the Third International district, under the leadership of Dr. H. M. Ha mill. The school will hold eight days, from July 26 to August 2. It will 1 have a very strong faculty, consisting in part of Dr. and Mrs. Hamill, Miss Mauc Price, missionary superintendent of Kan sas, Miss Nannie Lee Frayser of Louis ville, Dr. Wilbur T. Chapman of Ne\N York, Mr. L*. P. Lea veil, secretary of tht Southern Baptist church, General Secre tary Marion Uwrance of Chicago, Mr. 12 K. French of Nashville, Prof. A. W. Ro per, the piajtlst of Chicago; Dr. (\ D Bulla, Gen. Bennett H. Young of Ken tucky. A one-fare-round-trip rate, will b< granted from all points on July 24 am 25. good to September 5. Dr/Hamill of Nashville will supply pro. grammes on request. Two special features for 1914 will be < ‘ Boy Scout Encampment,” under Mr French and Dr. Hamill, for the full weel of the school, with dally drill in Scou work, military discipline, dress parade bugle, drums and cannon. Also a ‘week end adult class rally’* for August 1 am £, with special low ticket rates on Jul; 31 and > August 1. The ••Junior Trafalni School” for boys and girls will he con ducted for the eight days by Mrs. Hamill ASKS REGIONAL COMMITTEE TO WAIT Baltimore, April 30.—Counsel for the regional reserve bank committee of Bal timore today addressed a letter to the reserve board requesting that it do noth ing further toward officially assisting in the organization of the bank at Rich mond until the Raltimoi# committee ap plication for review is heard and de cided. Attention is called to “the fact tha*. . the proposed bank at Richmond is using every effort to perfect an organization so that it will be most difficult for th# federal reserve hoard to effectively re view your decision.” WANTED—KOIR HIGH CLAMS MIDDLE AGED ME* FOR A FEW DAYS TO CALL ON III MINUS* MEN i OF HIRMINGHAM. FORMER MALE* • HEN OR IN*t RANGE SOLICITORS C PREFERRED. MI ST RE CITIZENS OF BIRMINGHAM. APPLY HOOfe 4 . LYON-TERRY BLDG. ■ the class o’clock tilly spent reshmcnts by y Elddcll, Mary •xi. Hazel Brown. Johnson. Annie i, Alice Glynn, Nora R FOR MISS IN ENSLEY ing Mian Agnes McDowell xt month. Mrs. John Mor ..ara. Howard Mussey will be Joint hostesses at a linen shower at the home of the former in Ensley, Fri afternoon. May 8. AND MRS. WRIGHT ISSUE CARDS The following cards have been re ived: Rev. and Mrs. Abner King Wright will be happy to receive their friends on Tuesday evening, May 5. from 8 »0 11 In celebration of the fifth annl y of their wedding, 1800 Ave G, Ensley. LLANEOUS SHOWER R MR. AND MRS. YOUNG and Mre. John Young were com ed with a miscellaneous shower enlng at the home of Mrs. Barah in Wylam by the members of inday school classes, luse was prettily decorated with is and ferns. The honor guests many dainty and useful gifts, ntests and light refreshments ed by the following guests: Davis, Mies Mary Guthrie, Edith SUlte, Miss ■ ' mi«: Some Furniture Selling for Today and Saturday That * Will Wink Out Entirely the Robert Strickland Salvage Stock of Furniture! It is sure DOOMED; and the salvage fire insurance adjusters’ PRICES MAKE IT SO. Now let me tell you something. YOU OOME on the RUN today or tomorrow and pick yours out. j IF YOU HAVEN’T all the money—pay what you can and then get up the balance by May 6. We must vacate the building by that date. Here are a few of the n$w knocked down M prices. Everything else reduced accordingly. - fe'f ■ ^ 75c Window One lot fine Iron Shades Beds at 19c $1.98 —_____ Solid brass $15 One big lot small Hall Tree solid oak $1 Tables $5.00 39c Children’s Chairs $13 solid oak Mis- 75C sion Rockers, $4.50 Dining Room leather seats, for Ohairs $5.00 | $1.50 All glass front Solid oak $27.50 China Closet, Dresser $24.50 value AA $8.00 "u " ' i One fine China Fine $25 Buffet Closet and Side ind Sideboard at board combined, $9.00 ^ Fine $42.00 ma- ^ * hogany beveled 6-hole blue steel French plate mir- range, worth $25, ror Hall Rack at $17.50 $9.98 One big lot fine Elegant $20 Ma $5 Rockers hogany Dressing QQ Table $7 PJA $15 Writing Table ^ 1 $5.00 Mattresses, dam — — . aged, at, each Feather Pillows, KA/* worth $2 per pair, DUC at, each ,QQa One very fine Ma hogany $75 Ward Den and Porch robe Furniture at any <M A AC old price. >'v vie/.eft# I . J,v , ■ j> I , , , il„ 1 . 1, 0 ■ . Wash Stands, Anything beats without mirrors nothing. One $100 Aa large, solid oak «D1*UU China Closet — ——- $25.00 4 Three Dressers, oak, without mir- Two $60 0ak Chif rora foniers, large sise $2.98 $18.85 * $15.00 Oak Dining ; jibo and $1.50 ^ Room Tables flpmberi $4.00 j 29c . 1 III I ' " M Ihe insurance company’s loss is your gain. You may never again have this opportunity, so act quickly. DON’T MISS THN PLAON : NOTION—We also have for sale in lots to suit purchasers, the salvage paint stock of Acme Paint Co. If you are going to do any painting "Ask Mr. Watson*” ' / The Robert Strickland Company’s I Temporary Quarters and Sale—2121 Third Avenue, Opposite IRA A. WATSON, Agent .' ■ ■ /' *